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    Arooo or Dare


    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
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    Posts : 102
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Fluffy
    Experience : 337.5

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    Private Arooo or Dare

    Post by Waterz 6th May 2018, 5:12 pm

    @"Quill Schorchwood", @Leila Vergious, @Pokomon, @Yuvon, @Leona Jarnefeldt

    Yet another party to go to. This one was a bit more private than the beach party was, but it should be no less fun. The air angel Poko was hosting a bit of a slumber party in her room. It was apparently a party of six. So far, since she became more active in the guild and didn't just manage the kitchen, she has gone on two missions, had a battle with astral calamari, welcomed one new guild member, and hit the beach party. It was kind of exhausting, but she made sure to use everyday to it's fullest. Her arm was healing slowly, but after her last mission, she was five away from cataclysm. She had to figure out some other way than just sitting in the kitchen for ninty five days and refusing to exit.

    Mizumi pulled the over-sized t-shirt over her form. The Fairy Tail emblem was bright red in the center of the white background. While, no it wasn't her guild, she liked wearing comfortable t-shirt to sleep in. Plus she did like the emblems of the guilds. They had a style to them not found in other emblems. You definitely did not find it in the fast food shoppes. Speaking of food....

    Under her window was a nice butcher block counter lined with different ingredients and most importantly a tray of cupcakes and a small wooden keg with her newest concoction. Honest Tea. A tea brewed for three days with melted-snow water constantly poured over the leaves of the Gladiolus and Bay's Breath. While it was brewed to try and make a curative drink to detoxify mages with magical sickness, she discovered that it made mages unable to speak lies for six seconds. With her bare feet stepping into her fuzzy bunny slippers (made from real fuzzy bunnies) she moved the tray of cupcakes and the keg to a cart that also had a rolled up blanket that appeared to be made of gold lion's fur and a white body pillow as long as her that was folded in half. She also had a couple spare shirts, J.I.C. Her twin bed was made up in a bright blue sheet, missing pillow right now. A simple nightstand sat next to it with a bacon shaped clock next to it. The blue walls of her room had pages of cookbooks wallpapering them.

    After putting on her glasses, because she wasn't going to wear contacts to a slumber party, she pushed the cart out and locked her door. Poko's room wasn't too far from her own. She made her way down the hall, just a couple doors down. A smile on her face suggested she had some plans already.

    Last edited by Waterz on 9th May 2018, 5:55 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : attempting to tag Leila)


    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 329
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 300

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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 6th May 2018, 5:39 pm

    Earlier that day Quill had gotten a invitation to something called a slumber party, he had not been invited to something called this nor did he ever get a invitation to anything so he read up a but on it. He then started on making some Macaroons, 10 of 5 different flavors 'Lemon, Banana, Strawberry, Cherry, and Pokolate, the pokolate being mixed with Milk, White, and dark chocolate. Once he was finished making a massive stockpile he iced them until the were needed. Quill has saw that a slumber party is a kind of sleep party where the guess and host play games and stay up until they all pass out, so once night hit he got into his PJ's which was a navy blue shirt with 'I am sleeping so F@#$ OFF' written on the back and told the girls about the slumber party which they all said they were going to do what they normally do. Once Quill got his Macaroons he went through the portal to where it is being held and ran into Mizumi.

    "Oh Mizumi, i brought some homemade Macaroons for the slumber party if that is okay with you. Also don't worry if you see another gate to Paradise open that is probably Theia my pet dragon."


    Arooo or Dare 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Pokomon 7th May 2018, 12:19 am

    Arooo or Dare Wallpaper-1467688

    Poko was hurriedly tidying up her room as fast as she could, using her magic to help her put some of the books back in the shelves she was otherwise too short to reach. As she looked around she sighed even after spending a full hour cleaning up it still looked incredibly messy, with several books scattered about with loose papers covered with her own research and notes. To anyone else the room probably looked like complete chaos, but to she had memorised where everything was located and to her it was well organised, although in her own special way. Well the room was about as clean as it was going to get the blonde finally decided, before finally putting down some mats of the ground she had borrowed from the guild supplies, that way everyone could sit or lay down without being too uncomfortable. She had tested each mat herself, ensuring maximum comfort before selecting them for tonight.

    Poko clapped her hands together as she smiled, excited, she had invited four of her closest friends from the guild, Leila, Quill, Yuvon and Mizumi as well as a fairly new guild member that she was hoping to grow closer to during tonight, Leona. She looked up to her clock, the guests should be arriving soon, she thought to herself, giving Zephyr a quick pet as he lay curled up on the bed, unmoved by her cleaning and enthusiasm for the coming evening. Poko wasn't much of a cook herself, so for snacks she had asked a couple others that she knew were great cooks to make a few munchies to share with everyone. As the clock ticked closer to the time, Poko's excitement started turning to worry, what if no one came? It was a terrible thought and one she tried to push out of her mind, however, unable to do so she started pacing back and forth in her room, watching the second hand tick on. Luckily her fears were not realised, instead she soon heard some mumbles from the other side of the door that lead to the hallway, voices she recognised. Relief and happiness overwhelmed her as she rushed towards the door, her eyes glowing a bright yellow.

    "QUILL! MIZI!" She squealed excitedly as she flung the door open, revealing her outfit to her friends, a onesie that was made to look like Zephyr. Poko attempted to hug both of them at once, ignoring the fact both of them were holding food, filled with far too much energy and she hadn't even had any sugary snacks yet. She'd then lead them with a huge grin on her face into her bedroom, a place that looked somewhat whimsical, filled with books, potions and flowers, not to mention a random small tree growing next to her bed by the window that she was using as part of her current studies. The bookshelves on the wall reached all the way to the ceiling, each one filled with an assortment of items and where there weren't shelves she had hung pictures, some drawings and others photos of things that interested her. Sitting down on her small bed she would gesture for the duo to sit down on the floor while leaving her door open till the other guests arrived.
    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3607
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 7th May 2018, 2:22 pm

    Leona's room was bare. She did not have much time to personalize it. She also did not have many items to decorate it with. In time many weapons and trophies would line the walls. The room would one day be a testament to its occupant's many adventures.

    In the meantime, her tan backpack sat on the bed. Today it would not be needed since she would be staying within the guild hall. She was going to meet with a few other guild members in Poko's room. The blonde had seen Poko in passing during her time on the beach, but the former stayed in the background. Today she would get a chance to connect with the others.

    Leona wore her usual white t-shirt and desert camouflage shorts. She really needed to get some more clothes. The shorts were special because they were a gift. Her mother and brother gave them to her just before she was exiled from the desert village she called home. While other outfits would come and go, the desert camouflage shorts were here to stay.

    Putting on her tan boots, Leona grabbed her beaten-up canteen full of water and closed her room door. She walked down the hallway until she found an open door. Inside were Quill, a blue-haired girl, and a blonde who was presumably Poko. All three faces were familiar, but she could only identify Quill with certainty. She knocked on the door.

    "Hey guys. I'm Leona Jarnefeldt." Leona introduced herself again. She noticed Quill bearing a tray of cookies and the blue-haired girl bearing a cart of some beverage. The blonde blushed in embarrassment. Was she supposed to bring something?

    "Sorry guys. I... I didn't bring anything." Leona admitted to the group with a red face.

    Lineage : Victor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 349
    Guild : Silver Woof
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,640

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Memory-Make
    Second Skill: Deep Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Third Skill: Antique Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)

    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Yuvon 8th May 2018, 8:28 am

    As if he had looked at the sun, Yuvon’s vision blurred back to reality when he exited Apocrypha. He didn’t occupy any specific room in the guild because of his lack of need for such. He already had a home filled with his books and knowledge, a safe place in constant synchronization with himself, a place of peace and tranquility. Anyone else who had been there - presumably only Poko by now - knew of its characteristic atmosphere, the color tone of the sky, the massive and loyal beasts tending to their duties and the vast distractions from boredom hidden in the pages beneath your feet and on the countless shelves. Books were everywhere - in fact, he had so many books stored that he didn’t bother making shelves for all of them. Most of the books manifested entire skyscrapers, walls, bridges over the magical liquid that looked like a dark-green sea beneath the surface and etc.

    But today was not just a day. It was late. He would have slept by now if he wasn’t invited to a slumber party held at his golden-haired guildmate’s bedroom, a perfect opportunity to learn more about the just as book-enthusiastic piece of Eden named Poko. As any other slumber party, one had to wear night gear for slumber - hence the name, duh - and Yuvon equipped a comfortable onesie in green, wavy colors, no boots, a bag of chips and his mask. Yes. His mask.

    About his mask… he knew very well of the deeds that people used to do in slumber parties. He kept fearing what would happen if he was to end in a grim situation involving a dare. Oof, maybe he should have taken off the mask just for tonight… but he couldn’t make himself do that so easily. He had done it once in front of Poko, but he was desperate to help her with her fear of canines - this was just giggles. Perhaps if he pretended like nothing, then he would make it out safe and sound…

    And thus, tentacles erupted and presented his arrival beside the group of Silver Wolves. He was about to greet, but the view of Poko’s books inside her room immediately grabbed his attention. “Oooooh, what a remarkable collection you have..!” he burst out in pure awe as he inspected the edges and pages of several books, “The Bee and the Barb, Aetherium Wars, Mickey is Lost, Joya’s Pet Guide - memorized, memorized, memorized, memorized, memorized!”


    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 329
    Guild : Silver Wolf
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    Experience : 300

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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 8th May 2018, 3:39 pm

    Quill looked at Yuvon being creepy yet again. "Yuvon you're being creepy again, anyway, hello Poko." Quill then bear hug Poko, crushing her a bit then letting her go. He then open up a small gate to Paradise and hands her a large box that says 'Poko's snack box', it was filled with all the sweets she like that Quill makes. Theia also came through the portal as well and was wearing a onesy that looked like her normal gold coat but was pillow soft," Oh Poko, this is Theia, my first ever dragon i ever rescued and is the most friendly out of the three, hope you don't mind if she joins us." Quill had already put down the tray of macaroons where the snacks were. He then picked up Theia and held her with her legs dangling while being held,"Really hope this turns out good, this is my first ever slumber party and the first party i have ever been invited to." Quill was happy that the party had people in it that he now can call friends.


    Arooo or Dare 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Fluffy
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Legacy of Orion
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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Waterz 8th May 2018, 5:45 pm

    A sudden hand chop came down to the back of the tendriled wonder as he was busy memorizing everything. It wasn't aimed to do actual damage, just grab his attentnion. "It's rather rude to ignore the hostess whiel you loudly 'memorize' everythign in a girl's room. She still had Poko around her body i the hug, haven stepped enough away from the cart of snacks and drinks to avoid a mess. Leona had introduced herself as well, and the currently bespectacled girl smiled to her. "Don't worry about Thing One or Thing Two here. They are mostly harmless." She just left out who Thing One and Two were amoung the three.

    Since she divulged her full name, she lifted a hand and motioned towards each one one by one. "The Blonde here is Poko Monstar. The creepy slender man is Yuvon Mu-myu. The man with the dragon is Quill Schorchwood. And I'm Mizumi Aiyama. Pleasure to meet you Leona Jarnefeldt. And don't worry about not bringing anything. Quill and I really like cooking."

    Afterwards she looked over everyone. They had some interesting choices for sleepwear. Quill's t-shirt was amusing. Poko of course had a cute onesie. Yuvon's wasn't as cute, but it definitely contrasted the mask. Leona looked ready to travel. Another t-shirt to sleep in, though her shorts contrasted Quills pj bottoms. As she walked in the cart after being lead in by Poko, her t-shirt slipped over her left shoulder. A small purple mark peeking out the top of the collar. Though that was the only thing shown when her shoulder was exposed. After all, she was the only one wearing a t-shirt as a dress.

    Her eyes went to the small golden dragon that felw in all cute and fluffy. Her cheeks flushed a bit as she moved over to the other side of the wall. She didn't want to scare off the little creature due to her lineage.



    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    Posts : 495
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 1

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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Pokomon 9th May 2018, 4:39 am

    Poko's eyes lit up as she noticed the fellow blonde girl arrive, "LEONA!" She squealed in delight, happy that she had chosen to join them as she waved in her direction. "Come in, come in!" the short girl would urge, gesturing for Leona to enter the room, "Don't worry, I didn't ask them to bring snacks, they did so on their own." Poko explained, about to sit back down as a dark tentacles suddenly formed from the floor, spewing upwards only to disperse and produce a masked man, wearing a similar outfit to herself, although, no where near as adorable in Poko's eyes. Regardless, she would run up to hug him, "Yuvon!" she'd giggle, before quickly releasing herself from him as she noticed him more interested in her books. Poko sighed to herself, but her smile said she found it hilarious. He was just your typical bookworm, well other than the tentacles, alternative dimension and ability to memorize anything he wished. The blonde girl almost envied him sometimes, his memory was a gift she wished she possessed.

    Everyone was nearly gathered, only one guest was missing, their beautiful silver haired guild master, Leila. Poko knew that she was often very busy and may not have the time to join, but she still hoped she'd make an appearance, even if it was for just a few minutes. They hadn't gotten to spend much time together since fighting off the slavers and she'd been hoping to catch up and let her know about her and Yuvon's discovery. She pushed the sad thought of not getting to speak to Leila out of her mind for now, she had other guests to attend to. "If everyone would like to take a seat," Poko coughed in Yuvon's direction, as most of the others already seemed to be paying attention, "I would like to officially welcome you to my first slumber party!" She announced with glee, she had even done some research on things that were done at sleep overs. Pillow fights, MASH, some whisper game she couldn't recall the name of. She had decided against considering spin the bottle, thinking it would be far too awkward for not only herself but also her guild mates. Instead she had decided on a game that left the field open for just about anything, "After much consideration, I have decided that we shall play..." She made a drumroll like sound by hitting the wood of her bed frame to build suspense before abruptly stopping to announce, "TRUTH OR DARE!"

    Poko cleared her throat preparing to speak again after carefully observing their reactions, "The rules are simple, you may pick anyone that hasn't gone in at least two turns, that person shall then be forced to either speak the truth or complete the dare, no exceptions.  Should you be caught lying or failing to complete the task, you shall instead be forced to undergo two of the other option. For example should you fail to complete the dare, you will instead be forced to answer TWO truths. Is this clear?" She would look around, making sure everyone acknowledged that they understood the system, it wasn't complicated, but she still had one more rule, "Lastly, the dares need to be able to be completed within the guild base, preferably within the room, but I thought I'd leave some room for everyone's imagination." She hoped she had explained everything well enough, she doubted people would go to extremes over a simple little slumber party game, but you never know with this weird bunch she called her friends.

    Poko paused waiting to hear their responses before pointing in the bluenette's direction, "So Mizi what will it be, truth or dare!?!" She laughed manically, trying to appear as evil as she could, however her small stature and zephyr onesie just had the opposite effect, making her seem ridiculously adorable. After Mizumi chose truth, Poko thought for a second before a smirk crept on her face, "What are 3 things about you that no one in this room knows?" she crossed her legs as she sat on her bed, waiting to hear her response. The Blonde thought her question was simple but it would force her friend to reveal some secrets to the group, the best kind of question for this kind of game, or so she had read.
    OOC: Mizumi Chose Truth.

    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Fluffy
    Experience : 337.5

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    First Skill: Legacy of Orion
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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Waterz 10th May 2018, 6:03 am

    As Poko had started her gathering speech and setting about the rules of the game, Mizumi was pouring some ice cold tea from the small keg and opening the tray to show 28 cupcakes. The red cups were made of thin paper, but super water tight. The lips of the cups were slightly rolled to allow easy placement of the lip and avoid drippage. When Poko paused, Mizi borught up her cup. "This drink here is Honest Tea. It has a magical property that prevents you from telling a lie for six seconds after you drink. It doesn't do anything bad, but if you need a bit of extra push to tell the truth, take a sip. It is also slightly sweetened with Magi-bee honey."

    With the 'intimidating' blonde targeting her first, she tucked the t-shirt bottom hem under ehr rear and sat against the wall. So she had to tell everyone three things about herself that no one else in this room knows? Well why not. Pretty easy start to this game. "Well lets go from simple to complicated. First bit of trivia is about my magic. I discovered I could summon my bow when I was hunted by a lion in my home region. The lion had already killed my father and was coming at me."

    She let that sit for a moment as she sipped her tea. The sweet yet slightly salty earthy flavor loosenedher tongue a bit for this next one she was going need to admit something a little dark and containing a number she didn't exactly know off the top of her head. She was hoping by trying to state a number the true number will be brought out. Her face went a bit more serious with a slight hint of regret in her eyes. But not enough that would suggest she lost sleep over it. "Before I joined this guild, I was a hunter. And It did not matter what animal I was tasked to hunt. Rabbits, boars, lions, humans. I have killed quite a few with a single arrow shot before, but my magic never improved."

    She sat there looking into her tea for a moment. The weight slowly drifting off of her. She knew this news would have made a couple of them at least uncomfortable maybe even sad. But she did have a plan for the order of this information. First lure them in with origin story, then shake them up with some dark info. Now to see how they react to a sudden shift in tone. "Third. To make money to study at the culinary academy, I had to..."

    And for the sake of our PG rating the camera zooms out and a soft musical score fills the air to drown out her speech. She mentions a few things involving males and mouths. Several instances of leather and chain. And a few more animal like growling. While we can't go into details here, those in the room get a full earful and ever sorid juicy detail.



    Lineage : Victor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 349
    Guild : Silver Woof
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 7,640

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Memory-Make
    Second Skill: Deep Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Third Skill: Antique Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)

    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Yuvon 10th May 2018, 6:13 am

    Fair enough, fair enough. He wasn’t directly permitted to just stick his nose in the books belonging to Poko, but… argh! AGRRGARGA! THESE BOOKS WERE BOOKS MADE FOR HIS EYES TO READ! THESE BOOKS WERE DESTINED TO BE READ AND REMEMBERED BY HIM! He had to get that out of his system before turning back to the hunter, an annoyed grin on his face behind the mask as he replied: “Y-Yes… of course, milady.” It was refreshing to see everyone in pyjamas and onesies, hugs and wonders too, and it was kind of funny as well. As if they all turned into cartoon figures in the vast and serious world of magic… he would make sure to remember this night. “I-I’m not being creepy, though, I’m just expanding my knowledge… hmpf.”

    Mizumi was the first target of the devil’s game, Truth or Dare. Woah…as if he would have taken his mask with him. He was destined by the lord of fate to remove it sometime, because… seriously, who other than Poko didn’t hold interest in what he hid behind the mask? He thought that he had caused too much attention to it in a discreet fashion, and all that worry boiled up at the moment. However, he soon took a twist on his memories as Mizumi told three things about herself… that none of her guildmates could’ve ever imagined…

    “. . .” He felt almost dull after the confession. Steam was erupting from the openings of his mask. He needed that tea, though, so he took a cup for himself as he tried not to focus on Mizumi. It was her turn to choose the target now, wasn’t it..?


    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 329
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 300

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    First Skill: Elemental equipment
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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 10th May 2018, 6:23 am

    Quill looked at Mizi as she explains why she joined the guild and how her magic festered in her, it was weird for him since this is his first party he was invited to. He had set up a sleeping area already, out of the way from the path to the snack area, he had sad down on a sleeping bag he had brought and Theia laid down near him. Yuvon had said something but Quill wasn't paying attention to him and didn't hear what he said, Quill then looked at Mizi and said,"So who is next this strange game we are playing?" He did find it strange why this is a game, though he is also the one that had never been invited to a party as a child or even came as a guess with his parents to a party.


    Arooo or Dare 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 102
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Fluffy
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Legacy of Orion
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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Waterz 11th May 2018, 6:29 am

    Mizumi watched everyone's reactions to her statements. It made her smile a little. It was quite a sight as Yuvon's reaction was obvious. She turned her head bringing her cup up to her lips. Before taking a sip she let out a hunter's call towards her new prey. A slight sing song drawn out exclamation. "Yuuuuuvooooon." She let it linger a bit in the air before locking eyes on Quiil. "What do you think Quill will select for his Truth or dare?"

    After hearing him say truth, she sipped her tea. She was definitly the type to draw out her prey and lure them into a unexpected lul before striking. "Quill, dear. Who here has the nicest butt?" A simple question that should get him a bit of some trouble. If nothing else it should get him looking at everyone's butt which should be playfully awkward enough for entertainment purposes. But her ultimate purpose was to make it so awkward, he decides to take two dares instead. Oh the nature and strategy in even the simplest games.


    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 329
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 300

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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 11th May 2018, 7:01 am

    Quill was asked the question truth or dare, he answered Truth and was given his question, when he got it he was a bit confused so he said,"Well, even though Zephyr are tided for cutest butt, i have to say Your butt is the best Mizi, the way your figure molds it to look so beautiful makes the best of men swoon over it and how round it is makes you think if it is plump enough to bounce stuff off of, what is in this tea?" Quill wasn't embarrass more like surprised he had said that but he couldn't take it back now because it has already been said. He then looked at Theia who had just stared at Mizi with so much hate right now that Quill had to pet her so she doesn't try to rip Mizi's throat out.


    Arooo or Dare 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Pokomon 11th May 2018, 7:11 am

    Poko was left in a little bit of shock after learning so much about Mizi, far more than she had anticipated, but at least she could understand where the bluenette was coming from now. Not everyone had clean pasts, she had just never imagined hers would be so terrifying, well at least the thought of going through all that was scary to the blonde. She was not one to judge someone for their past behaviour though, she was glad to call Mizi her friend, she might not be perfect but neither was she.

    As Quill was asked his question, Zephyr got up wriggling his butt to show off his purple guild mark upon his white furry behind for all to see, showing off in the hopes to make everyone laugh. Poko giggled giving her beloved companion a quick pet before listening for Quill's response, however, as he mentioned Mizi, she felt her stomach churn a bit inside, although she couldn't quite pick the feeling, she certainly didn't enjoy his answer, her eyes sparkling a bright green for a few seconds, her face contorting slightly as she pretended to be interested reading the spine of a nearby book in a shelf as she calmed herself down. Her eyes returned to their usual calm blue ones, and she forced herself to smile sweetly as she sat waiting for Quill to choose the next victim, she just hoped no one had noticed her losing control of her emotions.
    Quill Scorchwood
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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 13th May 2018, 8:39 am

    It was now Quill's turn in the line, he chose Yuvon to be his victim,"Yuvon, Truth or Dare." Quill's grinned from ear to ear when Yuvon chose day, Quill open a small portal to Paradise and had grabbed a glove then reached into it and took out a strange fruit that isn't native to Earthland or has ever been in it,"I dare you to eat this Inferno Jewel." The fruit is native to Quill's homeland and even though it looks good it burns the mouth of the consumer, only way to cool it down is to wait. Afterwards the consumer doesn't feel pain and can still taste everything normally. He then hands it to Yuvon and ways to laugh his butt off.


    Arooo or Dare 25mifd

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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Yuvon 16th May 2018, 7:50 am

    This was funny. Yuvon did not expect things as the typical pattern that often occurred whilst playing this game - although he was warned about the tea and its effects as they came apparent on Quill. To say something like that fearlessly for a brief moment was truly magical. “I… got to find out the recipe later,” he mumbled under his mask in excitement… wait… he had drunk it too. That would mean… oh shit… he’d better choose dare now, or he’d make a fool out of himself in some way.

    After having chosen dare, Quill picked up an Inferno Jewel. The name implied heat and scorch, and if Yuvon was supposed to eat that, then his throat would most likely burn forever. That was what the masked man could assume just by the name of that fruit. “Fair,” he replied and took the jewel. Discreetly turning around from everyone, he would lift the mask and devour the jewel wholesomely.

    Then he’d turn back again and speak: “Now, I’ve tried worse spices, but I assure you that I’ve taken it… I believe that I can feel the heat stinging like a thousand bees made of lava, but I’ve tried… I-I’ve tried… w-w-w-orse- oh, i-in Apocrypha’s-“ His mask suddenly began emitting a steam from every opening, and the golden layer heated up intensely - it almost looked like as if it was melting. Holding up a hand to keep the mask on, he had to endure this meltdown - but damn, did he underestimate this Inferno Jewel… memorized…

    He would then turn his half-melted mask at Poko. This situation called for it. "*Cough*... Truth or dare?" he coldly asked her. As the wind lady chose dare, Yuvon would think for a second before continuing: "Alright... since you like Apocrypha and its knowledge so much, why don't you give Apocrypha a big, lovely hug~" As he said that, a portal opened in the middle of the group as a calm collection of slimy, dark-green tentacles erupted - this was the personification of Apocrypha, a slimy, tentacle monster that held the memory and information of its domain all within its highly intelligent mind. And Poko had the task to give it a hug... huehue...



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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Pokomon 17th May 2018, 7:41 am

    "Eh." Poko blinked as she suddenly realised what he meant by embracing Apocrypha, instantly regretting her decision to brave the dare. However, she had made her choice and now she must deal with the consequences. Her face was filled with hesitation and her eyes a silvery-blue as she worried what it may be like, she had felt the tentacles wrap themselves around her before when she had traveled with Yuvon previously, but she had been too excited about visiting a new world to pay proper attention to them. Her eyes watched as they writhed around within the portal entrance, appearing much more slimy than she remembered. Tentatively the blonde approached them, taking a deep breath before closing her eyes tightly and taking the last step towards the nearest tentacle and wrapping her arms around it. It squirmed in her hand and it felt oddly moist as it brushed against her skin. She felt it touch her face slightly and instantly released the tentacle and took a step back. Poko wasn't exactly sure how she felt about it all, it wasn't terrible, some would definitely describe it as disgusting, although she wouldn't use that word precisely. Overall it was certainly a strange experience to say the least, honestly she was more curious than ever about how exactly the tentacles all worked, but she would hold off on her questions for now as she turned around with a bright smile and pointed towards Leona with her slime covered fingers. "Truth or Dare, newbie!"

    As she waited for the fellow blonde's response she noticed the slime on her hands and looked down at herself, "Ew..." was all she could say as she realised she was now coated in it from nearly head to toe. Then she was struck with a plan. Her eyes glowed a pale greenish-yellow as she strolled towards Yuvon with a devilish grin, "Thanks so much for an awesome dare, you deserve a hug too!" Poko beamed as she attempted to pounce at the masked male in front of her, hoping to rub off as much of the slime as possible onto her friend and off of herself, or at least make him pay for his crime! Upon Leona answering 'truth' Poko would force herself away from her masked friend and face the girl, attempting to contain her giggles. Being the newest member in the room, not many of them knew much about Leona so there were plenty of ideas swimming in Poko's head, till she came up with one that she thought would be perfect. "Leona, what is your biggest regret in your life so far?"

    Last edited by Pokomon on 17th May 2018, 6:58 pm; edited 2 times in total
    Leila Vergious
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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Leila Vergious 17th May 2018, 8:30 am

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    Truly, the world was an unforgiving place. Especially when requiring different paperworks and such. Just because one of her spirits went a little out of hand and destroyed a building she was not supposed to, the guild master was faced with a whole bunch of things to sign in order to not have to pay for the damage done. It seemed that this was one of the few things that her grand title of a Wizard Saint did not quite help with, which was truly saddening. But finally, she was done! At least for the time being, anyway. All of the letters were sent and paperwork taken care of.

    Letting her body fall from the chair in her room, she sprawled across the warm floor and sighed. Now that she finally had a moment for herself, she actually wasn’t quite sure what to do. It was easy to go an yet another adventure, but that would be rather long-lasting. And as far as she knew, there was not much short-term on the table either. Or at least that was what the silver-haired maiden thought for a good while. But then she recalled a little invitation she received from one of her guild members.

    Crawling her way back up onto her two legs, she started shuffling through the many papers on her table, some part of the guild paperwork while others her own notes on magical research and other similar things. And finally, she found the note. It was from Poko about some kind of party in her room? Well, it certainly sounded interesting, but looking at the clock, Leila’s expression turned into a defeated one. It was well past the time she was meant to arrive at, so they probably figured she wouldn’t be coming. But… was that really a good enough reason for her to not go at all?

    Mere moments later, she would leave her room and find herself in the ever-expanding hall of the upper floor. She was still impressed that she managed to configure the magical runes to create an actual impossible space to fit all of these rooms in. Walking a bit further, she would see the door to Poko’s room. But she would not enter. She realized that it was Poko who invited her, after all. Not wanting to scare the hell out of her member, she had to perform a little bit of shape-shifting again then.

    The wolf ears and tail would slowly dissipate into the air as her teeth became a bit less sharp, her claw-like nails turning more normal. Once the transformation completely, she realized just how tired she felt from her work. Hopefully this wouldn’t be too much hassle. And so she opened the door. “Good eve-” The first thing she saw was the person hosting this parting hugging some sort of slimy tentacle. Was she seeing right? Yeah, she definitely was. “Alright, do pardon my interruption.” She commented on it all and started slowly closing the door again, wondering if she perhaps should head off for an adventure after all.


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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 17th May 2018, 4:31 pm

    Quill had heard the door open, it was Leila coming in at the most untimely moment at the same time another portal to Paradise open and Ami came running out of it,"Hi Leila, uh hi Ami. So Leila, Poko invited you to?" As Quill is talking to his guild master Ami just sits next to him and lays her head onto Theia,"Oh forgot some of you haven't meet Ami, well this is Ami the Wolfkin i rescued a while back, she is a bit clingy to me for some reason." At this moment Ami is wearing a nightgown,"Well looks like she isn't going to leave anytime soon, Poko is it okay with you that she stay since it is your party."


    Arooo or Dare 25mifd

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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 18th May 2018, 11:50 am

    Leona listened to Poko's question. It was a tough one to answer, even without a sip of Mizumi's Honest Tea. What was Leona's biggest regret in her life so far? She took a swig of Honest Tea and took a deep breath. Things were about to get heavy.

    "My biggest regret? Leaving my family behind in Desierto." Leona answered truthfully. She did not need any fancy magic tea to make her give that answer. She did it just to assure the others she was not lying. She regretted leaving her family behind. This was where it was going to get heavy.

    "I was exiled from my home because I refused to have sex with the chief's son. He tried to... claim me as his bride without my consent. I verbally refused. Then I punched him in the face a few times. Well, about a dozen times." Leona admitted in all seriousness.

    "The regret comes in when I was exiled. My older brother's the apprentice to the village blacksmith and my mother's one of the scribes. They were too valuable to be forced out, so they're stuck there. The chief's son wanted to have us all killed, but the chief refused to go that far. Instead, the chief exiled me and I can't return to the village unless he rescinds the order." Leona told the group.

    "My family's stuck in the village and there's nothing I can do about it. They couldn't go with me even if they wanted to. I'm worried that the chief's son will go behind his father's back and have my family killed. All I can do is hope that they stay alive until my exile's rescinded." Leona summarized her regret.

    Hopefully that revelation was not too dark for what was supposed to be a festive atmosphere. No one could accuse Leona of lying. She had taken a swig of Honest Tea in front of everyone right before giving her answer. She had given them what they wanted. Now she would wait and see how the others reacted.

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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Waterz 18th May 2018, 12:44 pm

    D-rank || Silver Wolf|| N/A || N/A
    Mizumi could only smile when Quill complimented her with poetry. If it was his intention to embarass her with it, he was sorely mistaken. She knew she had it. "Well Quill. Maybe I'll come by your Paradise sometime and let you take a better look." She saw the look in the little dragon's eyes after the choice. The two women locked eye for a moment before the blunette gave the hyperblonde a smile and sipped her tea. Poko as well had an interesting look. She seemed...hurt? Was that a new eye color? Oh this would be interesting to investigate later. But on the Quill's challenge to Yuvon. Eat some fruit. HArdly a worth while...Mizumi couldn't hold back her laughter seeing Yuvon's learned expression as apparently this fruit was super spicy. Yuvon's mask seemed to be melting. Could this moment get anybetter? And now Poko had to hug a tentacle? She took it back. Now it couldn't get any...

    Leila then walks in and immediatly starts attempting to leave! Mizi scrambled to her feet and ran over tot eh door, preventing it from closing as she took her guild master's hand. SHe pulled her in and smile. "Welcome to truth or dare. Mind the tea and sit with me." Her smile was big and bright. The fun was only beginning. Truth or dare was the type of game that only got better as you went, and only endd once people started passing out. Hard to stay fun when you can't stay concious.
    ivyleaf33 of FTRP


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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 18th May 2018, 10:24 pm

    Quill was kinda shock at Leona answer, she was kinda in the same spot he is in with Luna though its more of a business then a ownership with Quill.,"Wow, thats, that is a bit messed up but just know if you want me to go to your homeplace. I will be gland to beat the living tart out of everyone there, like i have no problem beat the crud out of people for forcing a beautiful woman to be forced to do that kind of stuff, it makes me sick to even hear that there are people still out there that do that kind of stuff." While Quill was ranting about out beating the tar out of people, Ami had started to fall asleep, she had went back to Paradise because she just wanted to visit Quill for some reason. Theia had grabbed bunny in a oncy and curled up to go to sleep, Quill then waited to so who was the next victim in this strange game Poko had picked out.


    Arooo or Dare 25mifd

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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Yuvon 19th May 2018, 5:39 am

    Slimy. Now Poko’s onesie was a little tainted, wasn’t it? The slime that Apocrypha produced did look good on her, and Yuvon couldn’t but chuckle. It took a lot to hug it, but truth be told, Apocrypha wasn’t that bad - as a matter of fact, the tentacle had manners and all that. “Gihihi,” he let out mischievously, “Looks like you’d been swallowed by a snail-“ Although her next words would normally turn the tables, there was something highly different with how Yuvon interpreted the next moment…

    Covered in slime, she decided to share her ‘affection’ by pouncing at the librarian like a fangirl. “T-Too much s-slime…!” he protested during the ‘embalming’ - despite having been used to the slimy substance from Apocrypha, it was always much more irritating to get it smothered on you by another. Besides that, the way she rubbed on him… in the end, he would be found knocked out on the floor, slimy and utterly embarrassed to death.

    “H-Haaah… mischievous, little-”

    When Leona’s turn came, she was to tell her biggest regret in her life. Regrets were a pain to live with, especially for one who couldn’t exactly forget them. Then again, were regrets to be forgotten at all? Or were they meant to evolve you? Perhaps Leona wouldn’t find herself here if she hadn’t regretted anything… but it was still quite painful to hear about her story. Being exiled just because she wouldn’t spread her legs, it was just ridiculous. It related to Mizumi’s turn - a note that did infuriate the masked man inside. Hiding his disheartened feelings behind his mask, he was at least delighted that their pasts had brought them to a safe home called Silver Wolf.

    Speaking of wolf, was that Leila just now? Even from the corner of Yuvon’s holes in his mask, he could fathom a figure making its way in then immediately out again. From his perspective, he felt that she was up to something - it was only when Mizumi promptly pulled their Guildmaster in that Yuvon thought otherwise. Was she… embarrassed? Shy? Those feelings would have to be dealt with.

    “Ah, greetings, Leila,” he greeted her merrily, “Something tells me that you’ve had a long day… come on, take a seat and relax!”


    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

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    Private Re: Arooo or Dare

    Post by Leila Vergious 21st May 2018, 8:59 am

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    Whether Leila’s action of trying to leave because the moment she stepped in, something rather strange happened actually went across as comical or something else entirely clearly did not matter much. One of the party members was quick enough on the draw to get up and quickly grabbed one of the guild master’s hands. She was promptly greeted and learned that they were played Truth or Dare game. Oh joy. But honestly, she had no reason to forcefully break the contact and leave, so she simply just nodded. “Right, then, if you will have me.

    Following Mizumi, she looked around the room and mainly all the other participants. By the state of some, she could tell that the game already went for few rounds. Would she be able to do something in her current state? Well, that would probably soon show. Perhaps others would go easy on her, considering how their guild master currently looked like. Instead of the normal gear, she had a white button-up shirt along with a long black skirt, her silver hair in one long braid. A civil gear like that probably wasn’t too bad by itself, but paired with the dark skin beneath the girl’s eyes made her look at least a few years older than she actually was.

    Somewhat tired, she was kinda glad that she could just sit amids them all, right next to Mizumi, as the girl seemed to demand. Finding herself a comfortable position, she then just kinda started looking around at everyone else. Since she joined midway through this whole thing, she was kinda out of the loop, a lost sheep that was staring at the world in front of her as it moved along, hoping that from the next few actions of other people, she could figure everything out. But her presence also probably meant that she was part of the deadly game now, so there was also that.


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