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    Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)


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    Public Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Pokomon 8th April 2018, 12:40 am

    Poko felt her body tingle as she stepped through the portal from Paradise to the entrance of her guild hall. She looked at the oriental style building proudly, it was such a lovely place. While the ground was coated in a white blanket of snow, the area around the base had a warm feeling due to a magical barrier placed around it, to stop members from freezing. She waited for Quill to follow her through the portal, once had had, she closed it so no one could use it before offering her hand to Quill. Poko happily skipped past some of the local snow bunnies, that zephyr quite often enjoyed playing with and made her way inside. Once they entered the building they found themselves in the main hall, the ceiling and floor made of a dark wood, while the walls were decorated with various oriental paintings and artwork that Poko quite often enjoyed admiring. "So what do you want to do first?" Poko asked Quill with a large grin, "Would it be best to show you around first? We might see some of my guild mates while I give you a tour."
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 8th April 2018, 12:49 am

    Quill walked out the portal after Poko had left it, he then saw the guild hall, was smaller then he was expecting. He has to remember, guilds are nothing like Divisions, the building design was also strange to him because he has never seen this kind of design before and he has been to a lot of places with designs he hasn't seen before. He then heard Poko say something but he wasn't paying attention because he was at ah, but he then said,"Can we look around the guild hall i would like to see how the design looks like from the inside, haven't seen a design like this yet." Quill might be older then Poko but his mind wanders of like the mind of a child when it comes to finding something new and strange looking.


    Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW) 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 276
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,356

    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Yuudai 8th April 2018, 1:12 am

    Yuudai yawned as he emerged from the hot spring at the guild hall and he had shaken off to remove the water from his fur and his tails before he let himself air dry and put his Hakama pants back on and headed back to the guild hall. As he entered he heard voices but he could not see as he was taller then the door. He ducked down and got thru the doorway with ease before he rose again to his full height and as he saw the newcomers he blinked for a moment before he turned to someone taking orders for food.” grab me two cups of jasmine tea and three orders of pork dumplings” he said before the person nodded and went to put the order in.

    As he turned his attention back to the two Yuudai started to approach his nine fox tails moving behind him as his purple eyes stood out due to his pitch black fur. As he finally got to them it was made clear that he was gigantic as the two of them only came up to his waist and that was just bearly.” I’m guessing this is a newcomer” he said his voice was gruff but not rude as he crossed his arms and waited for an answer.


    Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW) GSvDExK
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
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    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Leila Vergious 8th April 2018, 3:24 pm

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    Stretching her limbs while yawning, Leila felt like she could just fall of her chair at fall asleep at any moment. She had currently been inside of her personal room in the guild hall of Silver Wolf, a room on the second floor that actually had windows that allowed her to see anything and everything that was happening in front of the building. Thanks to this little architectural choice, she was able to catch a glance of the portal forming in the corner of her eye. Not that she wouldn’t notice otherwise, she still felt the new magical energies enter this area. But seeing what was happening was also quite nice.

    From the portal hopped out someone she already knew, Poko, and them someone that was not familiar to her at all. Her friend, perhaps. Smiling to herself, the guild master quickly decided that she should probably welcome her newest member home while also greeting whoever it was that arrived with her. It was a basic courtesy, after all. Hopping from her comfy chair, she would wait until those two were inside and then simply… started sinking. Some of those abilities she had were certainly handy, like the one that just allowed her to warp through any organic material such as wood.

    Just like that, she managed to efficiently get to the lower floor and land right behind the duo, placing her own hands on her hips with a smile on her face. “Welcome home, Poko. Care to introduce me to your boyfriend?” She would joke around slightly when she noticed that the blond-haired girl was offering her companion a hand. But the smile quickly vanished as she spotted a certain someone heading close and remembered a little fact about her new member. “Oh dear….” Running up to Poko’s back, she would quickly wrap her hands around the younger girl and covered her eyes.


    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 8th April 2018, 10:35 pm

    Quill had heard a voice from behind, it startled him a bit but he saw it was a girl, she had asked Poko who he was but said 'boyfriend' for some reason. He then said," Hello miss my name if Quill Scorchwood of the StoneHeart family, may I ask who you might be?" Quill was in noblemen mode and only used it when greeting new people, he then notice a wolf person who toward over them who asked him if he was new. The girl had covered Poko's eyes so Quill knew he was a wolf person from this,"Hello, no I am not a new guild member I am just visiting with a friend of mine who is a guild member of yours, so where is the guild master I would like to meet her and see what kind of magic she uses."


    Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW) 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Pokomon 9th April 2018, 2:46 am

    Poko heard someone land behind her and Quill, she turned around to see a delightful site, none other than her guild master, Leila. Poko beamed up at her new friend and leader however when she mentioned the word ‘boyfriend’ Poko sighed and rolled her eyes, "Not you too…" Poko moaned exasperatedly, she already had enough teasing over having a male best friend from Shisa. She was about to introduce Quill but before she had the chance he was already introducing himself. Poko rolled her eyes at  him acting like a noble, she would never get used to him being so polite.  Poko was about to turn around as a pair of hands covered her eyes, leaving Poko feeling somewhat perplexed. From the scent of the hands she already deduced it was Leila, but why? Why would she suddenly feel the need to cover her eyes, was this some from of teasing she’d never received before. "What ar-" she was cut off again as she heard an incredibly deep voice she didn’t recognise speak about her being the newcomer, which was true enough, but it still didn’t make sense as to why Leila would need to blind her, unless...

    It suddenly clicked, Leila had mentioned there being one in the guild beforehand, so far Poko had been fortunate enough to avoid having the awkward meeting, but she knew deep down it was inevitable at some point. She heard Quill reply to the deep voice and giggled to herself, nearly forgetting that that it belonged to someone that would leave her unable to move, "Quill, they mean me, I'm still new and haven't met everyone yet..." She paused, "although... I-I'm a b-bit worried a-about this p-paticular m-meeting..." She stuttered squeakily as she began thinking about what he may actually look like. She'd never met a werewolf of any kind and was a little curious, but at the same time thankful for Leila's help. "I'm P-P-Poko a-and I'm v-very s-sorry i-if I've of-fended y-you b-but I-I'm p-petrified o-of d-dogs." She struggled in the squeakiest whisper in the direction she thought he was. She really wasn't trying to offend him, she just hopped he could see that. Poko' uneasiness vanished for a split second as she scoffed at Quill not knowing Leila was the guild master, but it returned again right after. The short blonde, shuffled back a bit, feeling a little safer against Leila.


    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 276
    Guild : Silver Wolf
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    Experience : 3,356

    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Yuudai 10th April 2018, 10:28 pm

    Yuudai just blinked as he saw his guild master quickly cover the girls eyes and he scoffed before he rolled his eyes. “master you know that’s not going to help she is going to see me sooner or later so why bother blocking her eyes” he said before he glanced at the man beside her.”if your wanting the guild master look to the one behind your friend” he explained before he approached the group before he set down cross legged in front of Poko before he glanced at Leila before he spoke at the girl hoping that the fact he was now around her height would ease her when she saw him.

    I am no offended but if you’re a member of this guild you need to get used to the sight of me since we might have to do missions together” he explained before he reached his hands out and gently touched leilas showing he wanted to remove them.”can you do me a favor newbie stomach your fear and look at me please. I will not bite” he said his tone was joking at then end as he moved to remove his guild masters hands and the look in his eyes asked the guild master to trust him


    Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW) GSvDExK
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1594
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,631,235

    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Leila Vergious 11th April 2018, 2:02 am

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    Leila might have actually felt the poor girl slightly shaking in her somewhat protective embrace. Truly, Poko had joined a guild that seemed to suit her, yet could bring her such torment. It made the silver-haired maiden feel rather bad for her, which was kinda why she was doing precisely what she was doing. Regardless, she would turn toward this newcomer for now while keeping the other girl’s gaze restricted while smiling. Quill Scorchwood was how he introduce himself, an interesting and unique sounding name. He as a person appeared pretty unique to her, actually.

    Good day, sir Scorchwood. My name is Leila Vergious, a Saint of Eden.” She had given him her official title given out by the magic council, but not the fact she was a guild master here. She already knew that one of the other people present would happily inform him of that in a bit more entertaining manner, and she was not disappointed as Poko did exactly that. Now the problem was revolving around the wolf in the room again. She would sigh softly as she felt her newest member lean back into her, most likely searching for some manner of comfort and security.

    She will have to get used to it, yes. But everyone has their own pace, so there is no need to be forcing her to jump the entire gap right now. ” That said, she wanted to give Poko a chance at this, so she would lean over to her ear and whisper. “Gonna uncover your eyes now, so keep them closed if you’re too scared to do this now.” And she did just like she said, moving her hands lower to pretty much hug the smaller girl from behind in hopes of providing that sense of protection she was looking for earlier instead.

    She would also wink at Yuudai and stick out her tongue a bit. “Worry not, I shall protect you against the big bad wolf~” She said so to entertain Poko as well as tease her furry guild mate a bit, all in a good spirit. And finally, there was still Quill who wished to see the guild master’s magic. Leila wasn’t entirely sure why he was so interested in that one part of her, but she was happy to oblige as numerous colorful flowers and roses suddenly started growing on her outfit and the hands that were embracing Poko. “You could say I’m a bit of a special nature mage.


    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 11th April 2018, 8:30 pm

    He was surprised that this lady was both the guild master and a saint, but he regain himself and said,"Well it is nice to meet you Saint of Eden, do feel welcome to ask Poko to take you to my home in Paradise, i'm sure the sprites will love to have you around. I do have to say this land is very strange, i haven't seen many wizards in a single kingdom such as this one from where i am from most mages are female and most only use their magic for day to day chores, what a waste of talent." He then took out Shard to explore a bit to see what this new area is like, he had sniffed around and when he got to Leila's leg he started to chew on it, Quill had quickly pulled him away before going in for another bite,"Very sorry, he might of smelled some crystal on you, do you wear anything that might contain any kind of crystal?"


    Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW) 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Beast Pride
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    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Pokomon 12th April 2018, 12:02 am

    Poko shook slightly, she knew it was inevitable, only a matter of time before she would meet him. If not now, it could be tomorrow. She took a deep breath, a futile attempt at calming herself. Leila's hands left her eyes, she wanted to shut them, to look away, but she forced herself to stare at the beast of a man before her, her eyes shining a strong silver. Poko felt her heart race a million miles a minute, her palms starting to sweat, every ounce of her wanted to curl up or run away, but she stopped herself from doing either. Instead she simply stood there, staring into his eyes, their colour reminding her of Zephyr's, which was surprisingly calming. After a minute or two, she managed to pull her eyes away from his and look over the rest of him, he looked for the most part as much as she had expected, a big, black, shaggy wolf. However, he had multiple tails, which she noticed were twitching behind him. Poko shut her eyes, trying to push the bad memories that kept her fear intact away, if she could just stop thinking about it, she might be able to deal with situations like this better. The blond girl opened her eyes again, a little calmer than before, but still mostly shaken to the core. She stared down at her feet as she offered her hand out to shake to the werewolf. "I-It's n-nice to m-meet y-you." She stuttered, still scared witless, waiting for him to respond. For now she would still find him scary, that she couldn't help, but she hoped that one day in the future she may be able to find herself relaxed around him, besides he seemed friendly enough.

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    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Yuvon 14th April 2018, 8:43 am

    Blood… he was smelling fresh, new blood around… one would wonder how Yuvon was so closely attuned to blood and the flesh of mortals like that. Well, worry not, he wasn’t a vampire nor was he any kind of cannibalistic entity. If one wanted to know more about it, then they would have to enter his own flesh and bones and search for the footprints marked by his ancestors. Not even he, the benevolent librarian, had gotten any further knowledge about this weird connection to blood and smells as the very reader of this text. However, it wouldn’t prevent him from trying his best - from DNA tests to errands in Apocrypha - in order to unveil the lost times of his family’s rule back in Mu. However, it had been so long ago that even the furthest libraries had no information about the country’s name itself! What a hell! What a torture! This was unfair!

    Oh well, if one was to be stuck digging for a specific knowledge that would take so long to find, then he would miss out on lots of other spicy pieces of wisdom. The masked wizard would make his way across the main hall with several stacks of books on his arms, but he still managed to smell and see the presence of many of his guildmates and other individuals too. “Hmh? A new identity, and a new person with their innate, unique composition of characteristics, beliefs, values and goals…?” he mumbled merrily as he approached the group. It was hidden behind his kraken mask, but he was smiling like never before.

    “*sniff sniff*… one, two… yes, the two of you,” he spoke up as he tried to keep his balance when turning his body to the left in order to look at them. The stack of books was in the way before. “Greetings! I'm Yuvon... Would you mind if I gained the knowledge of your names too? It would be upmost appreciated.”


    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 14th April 2018, 7:50 pm

    Quill looked back and saw someone greeting him, he said hi then turned to the guild leader and said,"Well I didn't just come in here just to say hello, I also cam in here to join your guild. I heard that it is a neutral guild and that its primary goals are research and artifact collecting, I would be a good addition to the guild because of my knowledge on some artifacts i have collected in my journey and i am willing to let you look at them if needed, but i have one thing to ask. This key is not to be used in research because i do not want my home to be destroyed by anyone." Quill showed Paradise's Key to the guild leader and then put it back. He then waited for the guild leaders to say something before saying anything else.


    Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW) 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
    Bank: Where all companion/pets can be found
    Magic Items:Paradise's Key, Forge Beetle

    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 276
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,356

    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Yuudai 15th April 2018, 11:38 pm

    Yuudai smirked a bit when she finally opened her eyes and he shook her hand before he patted her on the head.”there see that’s not so hard was it by the way I am known as Yuudai” he said before he stood back up and revealed his full height to the girl. As Yuvon approached he seemed to ask for the newcomers names in a strange way and Yuudai could only face palm.”Yuvon you know there is a less awkward way to ask for a name right?” he questioned. He was raised in the forest and even he knew how to ask for information or a name without sounding weird or awkward.

    At Quills request to join Yuudai blinked and looked down at his guild master. “well master what do you think if you want I can spar with him to test his combat skills?” he offered since he enjoyed fightning and the chance to face an new opponent was always something on his mind.”of course no magic allowed” he added to make it a fair fight.


    Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW) GSvDExK

    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
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    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Kalec 16th April 2018, 11:05 am

    Once again a half asleep Kalec came stumbling out of the kitchen with a sandwhich just dangling from his mouth. He let the door to the kitchen accidentally slam behind him. The sound reverberating off the walls in the guild hall. He cringed at the sound of it, slowly turning his head around to look to see if the door had damaged the frame. Thankfully it didn't or else that was coming out of his pocket. He slowly turned his attention to the small growing group of guildies that had been gathering. He didn't say anything as he thought maybe he could get away without any one noticing him. While he looked at the group, he slowly took another bite of his sandwhich and tried to slowly walk away. Maybe they won't notice me and I can just slowly creep away. He thought to himself as attempted to make his get away.

    There were several people that gathered around, that he didn't know. He also didn't want to communicate with them, he was tired and hungry and just wanted to go find a nice quite spot and take a nap.
    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1594
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 30
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    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,631,235

    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Leila Vergious 16th April 2018, 2:52 pm

    Leila Vergious  ❃  S-rank  ❃  Silver Wolf
    While poor Poko was shaking in her embrace, Leila was informed of some ‘Paradise’ that Quill spoke of. Considering the way he mentioned this world and later on revealed a special key that was rather similar to ones that could summon celestial spirits, the guild master figured out rather quickly that this must have been another world, similar to the Celestial realm. Or more likely, perhaps similar to the Gardens of Eden? Thinking about it, the name Paradise was basically the same as Eden, only in different languages so to speak. This was most interesting discovery to the girl.

    And she was quite eager to eventually visit this other world to see if it shared any similarities to her own Eden at all. If so, then perhaps there was even a chance that these two were more connected than they realized. But even if they were not, she was still looking forward to seeing this man around more. Though she was torn out of her thoughts by a small creature that wanted to turn one of her legs into its lunch. Looking down at it, Leila suddenly froze up. Was that… a young dragon? When Quill took the creature and asked if there was any crystal on her body, she looked back at him with literal sparks of excitement in her eyes.

    There should be no crystals on my body, but… is that a dragon?! If so, please introduce us! I apologize for the sudden request, but I hold a great respect for dragons and absolutely adore them!” There was a surprisingly genuine and childish happiness resonating from her voice. Shard… she wanted to get to know this little creature. And Quill as well, of course. When she heard that he wanted to join, yet another bolt of sudden happiness ran through her body, causing her to grin happily. “Ah, is that so? Then I happily welcome you to the guild!

    Not only that, two more people showed up as well. Yuvon, what passed for the local librarian, seemed to be interested in the two newer members as one could expect. His way of talking was about as unusual as ever, but diversity was certainly important. And then there was Kalec who seemingly wanted to sneak past them all unnoticed. Though Leila figured it was a good chance for everyone to introduce themselves, so she waved in his direction and shouted. “Hey, Kalec! We’ve got some new members here, want to introduce yourself?

    Naturally, she would not force him if he didn’t want to. But it was definitely a very good opportunity. Yuudai was also actively participating in the conversation while trying to assure Poko that everything was fine. Leila would only nervously smile at his proposal. “You do realize that your body gives you a somewhat unfair advantage in a fight without magic, right?” She commented teasingly while tightening her hold on Poko to try and calm her down a little bit. This place was becoming really lively all of a sudden… it was not a bad thing at all, the guild master thought and smiled widely.


    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

    Lineage : None
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    Guild : Silver Wolf
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    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 16th April 2018, 4:10 pm

    Quill looked at his now guild master then said,"Well Shard is a very special dragon, he is one of the few dragons born from the Mother, which is a massive dragon with mysterious powers. She is very beautiful and i think she would like you, but in terms of dragons, Paradise if full of many species from Dragons like drakes and wyverns. Not only that but my homeland also has even more species living it, so much that a gene had developed in some people that makes them look like dragons, we call them dragonborns. I also have a few more dragon friends but they stayed home today." Quill then let Shard rub against Leila, it was strange because he doesn't normally do that with anyone. He then heard someone say he wants to fight him with his bare hands and heard what Leila had said about he persons strength,"It is okay, I will fight you, my people developed great physical strength in our males because of our late magic start. Come on, lets brawl." Quill threw a punch, it missed and smashed into the wall leaving a fist size hole in it,"Oops, sorry, i will fix that when i am done with the sparring match."


    Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW) 25mifd

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    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Pokomon 16th April 2018, 10:57 pm

    After very tentatively shaking the werewolf's hand, he pet her on the head, causing her to shake just a little bit more, her breathing rate rapidly increasing. Once he removed his hand he told her his name, Yuudai, knowing his name did help Poko picture him as more human and less dog, however, once he stood up her fears were reinstated, the was twice her size and could probably crush her with ease if he tried. Honestly, his size alone probably would have normally intimidated her without him being part canine. She blinked a couple times and tried to slow her breathing down in an attempt to relax, for the most part she was at least able to look at him, although speaking right now was incredibly difficult as she found herself opening her mouth and no words coming out when trying to introduce herself to the one that called himself Yuvon. He was quite peculiar, but due to the current circumstances Poko was having trouble focusing on anything else other than the great beast of a man that was towering over her, "P-poko" was all she managed to squeak towards the masked man.

    She snapped out of her daze as Leila shouted from behind her in an attempt to get Kalec's attention. Poko recognised the name, and instantly turned to face him, it was the blue-haired male who she had previously been forced to work with during the big clean of the guild hall. Poko continued to look in his direction, her eyes still mostly silver with fear, but with flecks of yellow, reflecting her happiness to see him again. Poko would give him a half wave and little smile if he was to look in her direction, that was if he even noticed her tiny figure among all these giants she had for guild members.

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    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Kalec 17th April 2018, 9:14 am

    Kalec wasn't as stealthy as he thought himself to be. He was immediately caught by the guild master. He took another bite of his Cajun turkey sandwich and slowly walked over to the group giving him time to swallow the bite he just took. "Sure thing I enjoy making new friends." Kalec would say as he was looking at Leila. Suddenly his focus was shifted to the new guy who was wanting to join the guild. Kalec tilted his head a little bit when the man punched a hole into the wall. He stood there a bit confused on the matter.

    Suddenly out of the corner of his eye he caught a glimpse of someone waving. Turning his head to see who it was. He saw Poko. He walked over and stood a couple feet back from Leila,Poko and Quill. He noticed the little smile that she shot toward him. "Leave it to you to be in the middle of all this craziness." He would tease giving a slight chuckle. He noticed her silver and yellow flaked eyes. Kalec is always focused on her eyes, when he gets around her. He finds the way her eyes change color randomly to be very interesting. Kalec still has no clue what all the colors mean, he just knows they change randomly.

    "Hello everyone my name is Kalec Owens. You all can call me Kal, if you want. It's a pleasure to meet you all." He said as he bowed his head forwards. While his head was leaned down he turned and looked at Poko making a ridiculous stupid face, trying to make her laugh. He wasn't sure but something just seemed to be wrong with her. He stood upright fixing his posture. Taking another bite of his sandwich. He brought it up to his forehead and gave the group a quick salute with sandwich in hand.

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    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Yuvon 19th April 2018, 8:32 am

    Behind the mask, his eyes darted towards the key. A key is not to be used in research? Just what kind of key was it? Perhaps it was to unlock something marvelous that Yuvon had yet to discover - maybe it was a key to a hidden chest or some auric room or plane of existence. Either way, talking about the key grabbed his interest… he should ask Quill later about it.

    Now, Yuvon didn’t see himself as awkward - in fact, he took pride in his vast choice of words and sentence construction. He also found it hilarious that he could stick his tongue out behind the mask to the furred manbeast. Yuvon wasn’t that awkward… was he..?

    Kalec came rather discreetly to the group with a sandwich in his mouth. He was quickly called for as this getup was rather amusing and refreshing within the guild hall. The easy atmosphere made the masked librarian forget that he was holding a tower of books, in which he turned around after hearing Poko’s name. Poko… what a strange and interesting name. What a strange and interesting guildmate. He smiled softly behind the mask as he spoke: “Well, I better store these back in. Give me a moment-“ In the middle of his speech, tentacles came up from the floor and tangled around his body, slowly pulling him down in a very horror-like fashion. He paid no mind to it, letting the slimy limbs transport him to Apocrypha where he could store the books and come back.

    “Poko, huh… maybe I’ll write a book about you...!”



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    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Yuudai 19th April 2018, 9:35 pm

    Yuudai simply nodded at the girl and smirked a bit.”it is a pleasure to meet you Poko” he said before Kalec Also introduced himself and the were hybrid could only become slightly surprised that so many people were appearing today not only to join but just to interact. When Quill accepted his challenge even though the guild master had warned of his strength Yuudai grinned before he laughed a bit at the newcomers eagerness to enguage him even punching a hole In the wall by accident.”HA HA I like this one master he has some fire in him” he said as he looked at Quill and he quickly setteled into a Muay Thai stance.

    two rules before we start no crotch shots and do not touch my tails unless you want to be cursed” he explained since touching a kitsunes tails without permission was taboo and gave said fox every right to curse a person.” now lets start loser buys drinks!" he said loudly at the end before he suddenly shot forward and would aim to deliever a knee strink to Quills midsection that would no doubt send him rocking towards a wall and the lycan would follow aiming to keep up his assault.


    Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW) GSvDExK
    Quill Scorchwood
    Quill Scorchwood

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    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Quill Scorchwood 19th April 2018, 10:06 pm

    Quill's fist was still stuck in the wall when the giant wolf man or what ever he was, was explaining the rules," That is a bit hard because of your height but i fought bigger with my bare hands." once he got his hand out of the wall Yuudai had already launched a attack, he was short on time so a evaded the attack and would grappled the giant, slamming him down using his own weight. He would then pin him to the ground and slugging him in the face, this started to make him slowly go into his berserker fighting style but Quill held it back while in this fight. He then yelled,"DO YOU YIELD WOLF MAN." Was getting harder to stop himself, he started hitting harder and harder till one of them was bleeding in some form of injury.[/color]


    Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW) 25mifd

    Primary magic:Link
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    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Pokomon 19th April 2018, 10:11 pm

    Poko rolled her eyes at Kalec as he mentioned her being the centre of the craziness before turning away to watch the strange masked guild mate who called himself, Yuvon suddenly disappear into the ground as he was engrossed in tentacles. Just what the hell was that? It seemed every member in this guild was completely weird, even the ones that seemed somewhat normal had their quirks. Just as she began thinking about that the blonde girl glanced back towards Kalec as he bent down to pull a face in her direction, typical, the sight did cheer her up a little, making her lips twitch into a tiny smile. In her mind he was just a big immature idiot, but she sort of liked that about him, it made it fun to be around him.

    Poko had been so engrossed in Kalec's attempt to cheer her up and trying not to be terrified that she hadn't even realised that Yuudai had challenged Quill to a fight, the small girl barely had enough time to form a small burst of air that would push all those around them away from the two about to brawl. Sure some of them would probably crash into a few things but it was better than the alternative, getting caught between two fighting mages, even if they weren't using magic, Poko was well aware of Quill's natural strength and she had no doubts that Yuudai was just as strong, or perhaps even more so. "Sorry.." Poko apologised as she picked herself up, she herself had landed on her feet, only to slip over something wet on the floor, most likely someone's split drink. The blonde rubbed her lower bottom, it had taken the brunt of the fall and no doubt it would be bruised without treatment. Luckily she naturally healed at a quickened rate thanks to her magic so she didn't worry too much, instead she went to check her fellow guild mates, Kalec and Leila, to see if they were okay, treating them if necessary, eyes full of concern as they shone light blue with silver flecks.

    Poko glared over towards Quill, stupid men and their goddamn pride. Her fear kicked back in as her eyes lingered on Yuudai, she would really need to work on overcoming this stupid fear. It's not like she could help visualising her past whenever she saw or heard a canine, maybe there was a magic that could help at least ease it. Silver Wolf was all about magical research, perhaps she should search the library later, or ask Yuvon, he had been carrying a stack of books, but honestly, she wasn't sure where he had gone, he had just sort of vanished and who knew when he'd return? Poko sighed, she would have to most likely research it herself, if she could find a spell or even an item that could ease her terrors she would find the guild a much more relaxing place in the future, plus she might even finally get to meet Melon, who Leila had mentioned once before.

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    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Arghast 23rd April 2018, 12:48 am

    Arghast heard the roar asking for yield as he came into the Guild Hall. Upon entering the interior of the main hall he could see a giant of a wolf fighting ferociously with another member. Spying a hole in the wall he tensed slightly wondering if perhaps this fight would spill over the two already involved and become a hall wide brawl.... 'Hopefully not' Arghast thought. He didn't much like the idea of squaring off against either of the two.
    Looking around Arghast noticed a blue haired boy stood near to the Wolf who had greeted him when he first arrived as well as another female member he hadn't met yet.
    It seemed the brawl had already caused a mess as his gaze caught the sight of spilled drinks and turned over chairs and shifted tables surrounding the two.
    With arms folded he found a patch of wall with a good view and decided to see how this played out.
    It was then he saw.. Nine tails! Now I think I've seen just about everything. I wonder what his story is. It seems the other guy is avoiding those things like the Plague though.... I wonder if they're some sort of weapon?
    Still wondering this he kept his attention on the two.

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    Public Re: Say hello to my new family! (OPEN to SW)

    Post by Kalec 24th April 2018, 12:47 pm

    As Poko's wind magic knocked some of the group backwards. Kalec found himself sliding back 5ft. While trying to maintain his balance from the blast of wind magic, Kalec loosened his grip on his sandwich. To Kalec everything happened so fast that it all seemed to go in slow motion. He watched as his sandwich flew through the air smashing against the floor. "Nooo"he cried out as he watched the horror unfold.

    He corrected his stance as the magic faded. He noticed beyond the fight that someone he had never seen before walked into the guild hall. He tilted his head and walked over to his fellow guild mate. "Hey man, what's up.Enjoying the fight like the rest of us." He would ask Arghast as he propped himself up against the wall standing close to Arghast.

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