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    Cradle of Black and White


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Cradle of Black and White Empty Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Charlotte 3rd February 2018, 5:45 am

    The White Witch

    In the world of Dreams, Charlotte was not alone. During that one time of the day, she could indulge in endless company of characters she loved and adored. And in return, they would love and adore her. In her dreams, she had completely forgotten the burdens of real life. And so they would serve as her sanctuary, the one thing that kept her sane for all these years. Abandoned by her parents right after she was born, she was always alone. A tiny little human life, lying in the crib of an abandoned room. Abandoned house. She was not meant to survive without any care, but she did.

    Because someone made sure she would. The Observer. A mysterious figure wearing a black suit and w mask made out of goat’s skull. She never even learned his true name, but here he was. Taking care of the baby clad in white colors, making sure she would not starve and that she could grow into adulthood. Was this done of his own will? Or the will of the puppeteer… a question that she could never possibly find an answer to. But regardless, she was grateful. Grateful to be alive and well at this very moment. With a loud yawn, she would realize that yet another day came to a close.

    She remembered how her life changed when she was but eleven years old. 「Seth」 entered her life. A puppeteer that she belonged to. The way she saw it, humans of this world were nothing more than that. Puppets controlled by the puppeteers that remained in the True Realm. As such, she and everyone else had absolutely no free will. Some would find such story absolutely ridiculous. Others would succumb to it and lose all sense of self, their ego crumbling under the idea of their whole existence being controlled by someone else. But Charlotte did not mind it one bit. She was told she had no free will. And yet, she felt all the same.

    Nothing changed for her. If she had no free will, to begin with, then there was no point even thinking about it. After all, she knew not how it was to have free will. Or, if it was all a lie, how it was to not have free will. With no way to verify one or the other, there was truly nothing else left for her but to accept what she was told. And she was happy. Because she was alive and could now talk to her puppeteer at any moment. She was no longer alone even in the waking world. And as such, she would no longer spend all of her days sleeping away all her trouble.

    Instead, she would stay awake and aware of the reality that was around her. And with the invisible and untouchable stings attached to her, she would eventually start learning how to deal with it all. She would be told of her impressive lineage and the fact that she is quite special, even among the pathetic puppets. She was told that her story would be quite an impressive one, so she should prepare for it. For it would soon start. Those were four more years of her life where she learned how to live like a proper human being. And at the age of fifteen, it all began.

    「Seth」 would tell her to join a guild named Black Rose, one that resided in the very same town as she did. It was convenient, and the guild had a great variety of people to meet and work with. At the start, the girl was very timid and shy. She would rarely interact with others, and when she did, she would have great difficulties doing so. This went on for a while, but she started improving eventually. Now, she can talk even to complete strangers. And although she still stutters from time to time, she has come a long way from the beginning of her story.

    With all this progress made, it was only natural that the puppeteer would decide that another chapter of this story should be accessed. A part closely tied to the girl’s lineage. As she would enter her own room, all the walls painted in the same white as her hair, she would smile. There was a sole magcat lying on the floor, meowing loudly. With a faint giggle, the puppet would pick up the creature, feeling it’s soft and squishy skin on her palms and fingers. And with it by her side, she would slip beneath the thin covers of her bed and close her eyes. Goodnight, Charlotte.

    Her eyes opened again. It was not morning yet, but it was quite bright. It was not Earthland where she was, that much was for certain from moment one. She stood in the middle of a giant white room, one that was filled with countless bookcases that were filled with books, all colored in shades of gray. They would go as far as one’s eye could see and there would be nothing else around, nothing at all. Only shelves and bookcases filled to brim with books of all shapes, but only that one shade of color. This was quite unusual indeed, even for a dream of Charlotte.

    The girl also noticed that she did no longer have her pajamas on, but was dressed in the usual. It was less comfortable than what she fell asleep in, but that did not seem to matter in this dream. She felt so light that she might have as well been wearing nothing at all, to begin with. But while indulged in these observations, she suddenly felt a presence she did not know. Her body would quickly tense up as she started turning around slowly, her pure white eyes gently taking a peek at what was behind her. To her surprise, it was something she did not expect. It was… a boy?

    1 / 10 POSTS (989 WC)

    Last edited by Charlotte on 1st March 2018, 3:49 am; edited 3 times in total


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Mura Kensho 3rd February 2018, 8:42 am

    Things sure had gotten calmer ever since the shaman returned back to his normal day. The mad house where he had been for the last night was but another adventure now as he had clearly made his way out of it and all. Now that he felt the soft bedsheets in his house, the remains of the same night passed by like a blitz. All of a sudden, it was morning, and his day would unfold like always; Mura would, first of all, dodge the falling clock that kept falling onto his head in the mornings - he should begin repairing the bolt that held it up - and then he would aim for the kitchen. He made sure not to wake up his cousin and cousin-in-law nor Mai, but he gently picked up the ingredients required to make some nice buns.

    Kyuken and Zirconis came soaring towards him, the samurai ghost having an exhausted look on his face whilst the dragon was pouting. It took a while to explain Zirconis everything about the event, but the dragon spirit had certainly felt let down and couldn’t stop darting the two samurais with his jade-green eyes. “Morning, guys,” the shaman greeted calmly, making sure to form those buns properly; one of them was even formed as a flying squirrel for Mai. She would, most likely, recognize the yōkai of hers being ’bunified’ and the thought of that made him chuckle a little. But that wasn’t the only thing that he began thinking of whilst the two spirits behind him began chattering rather intensely, for some reason…

    His life had changed a lot since he moved to Fiore. If he thought precisely, then he was around the age of 12 when he got here - all by himself, mind you that. His father was still paying for the house, but he was mature enough to live on his own, and even though it would sound ridiculous in any ordinary parent’s eyes, Miki was well-aware of his decision. However, that wasn’t the hugest chance that Mura had ever felt, because despite changing countries like that, it felt more like a change that he lived on his own for so many years before. Then Alex came along, and with her came Taizen. And now his little niece, Mai, lived here too - they were like a huge family, which befitted any Midian. His father would smile by the very view…

    Having made breakfast for the entire gang, the boy decided to make his day and go to the guildhall. However, on his way to the guild, his body literally fainted in the midst of the street. All of a sudden, without any reason or apparent cause, his body was left blacked out, and the two spirits that accompanied him had disappeared…

    “… Wait, I know you,” were his next words. He found himself in where, what, white, bookshelves and… where was he, again?

    WC: 489



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
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    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Charlotte 3rd February 2018, 10:52 am

    The White Witch

    When witnessing something that is known to them, people do usually have a moment of realization. Charlotte did not have such thing even though she recognized the individual in front of her. So when the boy spoke out suddenly, she would get slightly startled and jump back. Though she also managed to trip over her own legs whilst at it and fall down onto her bottom, her hands covering her face defensively on instinct alone. It took her few moments to look through the gap her arms created in front of her and finally properly realize who was standing in front of her, a young and familiar face.

    Mr. Kensho…?” She was quite sure that it was him. A boy she met at least once in the past. The one time she recalled was on a battlefield with another member of the Fairy Tail guild. They were to drive back the advancing army of monsters and she was to serve as a support and healer for one of the teams. There was another man that showed later as well. But it seemed that only Mura Kensho was currently present in this space, for some strange reason. The girl would stare at him for a good bit before she would open up her mouth again, clearly wanting to say something.

    But she was just as quickly stopped by the sound of approaching footsteps. “I believe I can answer your questions. Ah, my bad. You’ve not asked them out loud yet, have you? My, my. Seems like even I am getting ahead of things these days, it must be contagious. Where am I right now? Why, it's Miss Charlotte’s Mind Library of course! Why am I here? No particular reason. You were just chosen to be here by Miss Charlotte’s puppeteer. How unlucky indeed. Must be fate.” A tall figure emerged from between the bookcases, his voice deep and quite manly. And judging by his words, someone important as well.

    Mr. Observer!” Charlotte recognized him right away as she hastily picked herself up and narrowed her body while looking at him. In front of them was a tall gentleman wearing a fancy black suit, a folded umbrella of the same color in his hand being used as a walking cane. His hair was sleek and short while his eyes were sharp and colored eerie gold. It was almost as if his gaze could pierce them without effort, leave them to bleed out on the floor. None of that happened, however. He simply walked forward some more and then remained stationary a safe distance away from them.

    He was The Observer. And unknown force in Charlotte’s life and one that made sure she had survived her early years. This man who’s look did not change one bit no matter how many years passed and that look of his that could see into souls with ease. Whatever he was, he clearly held great power. And his presence was both soothing and unsettling at the same time. But there was one detail that had the young White Witch very confused. Up until this point, she was the only one who could see him. But the way he spoke just now, it seemed as if he was addressing Mura Kensho as well. And thus, the boy must have been able to see him here, too.

    2 / 10 POSTS (559 WC)

    Last edited by Charlotte on 1st March 2018, 3:44 am; edited 1 time in total


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Mura Kensho 4th February 2018, 11:03 am

    Welp. One thing was for sure, it was her. Charlotte. The white-haired priestess who supported him and Sorano a while back at the large, monster-filled, world-wide mission. He could clearly confirm that given by her next reaction as she tripped over and fell flat on her bottom. He was all startled as well by the accident and quickly reached a hand out to, at the beginning, try and catch her and prevent her from falling, and now just to help her back up again. “Y-Yeah, it really is you, Charlotte… wait-“ he spoke confusingly, still not sure if this was her doing or if she had any connection to the sudden transmission.

    Someone quickly grabbed their attentions by the mere footsteps coming from the source of a suit-dressed male. His first words were blunt and almost comical, but he swiftly explained the situation before Mura had even asked out; apparently, this library-looking place was Charlotte’s mind. Or more specifically, her mind library… it didn’t make more sense than before, but it might’ve been somewhere inside her mind. Why was he here, again? It seemed to be random, but he mentioned that he was chosen by a puppeteer. What specific puppeteer? Also, fate was pulling a prank by now; what happened to his body back at Magnolia?

    He looked rather fancy, except his eyes. Those were sharp and darting, almost menacing. He felt very powerful at first glance, but the suit didn’t really match that dominating presence, which gave the fancy feeling as output.

    “… There must be some reason,” he commented. Being pulled here out of nowhere, he assumed that this puppeteer that the suited male talked about had its reasons to choose a Midian, Fairy Tail shaman out of everyone that he could reach. “… Where’s this puppeteer, now? At least, he or she could explain a little more…”

    WC: 799



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 18,700

    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Charlotte 8th February 2018, 9:34 am

    The White Witch

    The observer sneered as he suddenly started walking to the side, approaching one of the many lines o bookshelves that were packed to the brim with different books. “There is absolutely no need to be so confused, Mura Kensho. We are not in Miss Charlotte’s mind, but her Mind Library. That is something quite different. Why don’t you explain yourself, dear?” His golden eyes would redirect at the young White Witch for a moment as he grabbed one of the many books and opened it to peer at it’s content. When asked, the girl nearly jumped out of her skin from the sudden attention.

    T… that is… a Mind Library is not quite a place in one’s mind, despite the name. It is a realm that exists more within one’s soul than anywhere else. It is a place where all memories of the person are stored in forms of books like this.” A loud noise echoed through the library as the man suddenly closed the book he was holding. “Indeed. No matter which one of these books you would open, you would see and read a story from Miss Charlotte’s past. Be it pleasant, unpleasant, or even forgotten by her.

    In other words, they were in Charlotte’s memory made manifest. “Nothing is ‘random’, Mura Kensho. You were chosen my Miss Charlotte’s puppeteer. Of course, your own agreed to this. You ask where they are now, but what does that really matter? Puppeteers are beings above your comprehension. They live in the true realm and simply observe this world for entertainment, as well as create stories for it on their own from time to time. Oh, but perhaps I should stop talking about that now. Some people are sensitive about their ‘free will’, so I’d rather not break your mind on accident.

    Saying that last sentence out loud, he clearly mocked Mura at least a little bit. “Ah, and as for your body… well, I cannot actually answer that one right now. But I’d imagine someone saw it collapsing and took it to the nearest hospital, where you will surely wake once you leave this place.” He would smile at the both of them, his mouth wide and eerie with the expression. Charlotte would finally start looking around a little bit herself, eying her friend in this place for a little bit. “That’s strange… Seth doesn’t normally put other people into a situation like this.

    Today is quite special, it seems. After all, you don’t normally even visit this place on your own, do you?” It was true. Charlotte had many strange powers and abilities, but she wasn’t actually able to access her own Mind Library out of her own will, much like most living creatures. After all, it was a place that could easily interfere with the active memory of a person. It contained information that they might have already forgotten long ago and were not meant to remember. Even those who lost all of their memory could easily regain it if they had access to their Mind Library.

    In other words, it was like a personal archive for each individual being. “Then, was I called here in order to find something I’ve forgotten?” The Observer stared at her for few moments before he giggled. “Perhaps. It would be no fun if I spoiled the secret, however. But surely, if you were to merely search for something, then you wouldn’t need a help from another person?” With those words, Charlotte turned toward Mura again and approached him timidly. Mister Kensho, I apologize for this… I didn’t think my story would involve someone like this…
    3 / 10 POSTS (604 WC)

    Last edited by Charlotte on 1st March 2018, 3:44 am; edited 1 time in total


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2590
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    Cosmic Coins : 155
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    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Mura Kensho 9th February 2018, 10:40 am

    Huh… Mind Library, but not in her mind as in her brain? Oh well, he could assume that the soul held more secrets than just the force of life that pushed one’s limbs to work every day. A soul could also store feelings and experiences, and it happened to also store novels in form of written-down memories according to the strange man. Now that he thought about it, he was taking it quite too easy given that his body was separated from whatever form he had at the moment.

    He didn’t realize it until now, but he too was holding a book. Although, he didn’t have the selfish guts to check its content due to respect for Charlotte and her butler-like friend over there, so he simply held it up, checked its outer appearance and contour, then put it back on the shelf. Puppeteers… and this guy wouldn’t tell much about them, seemingly worried if Mura would be able to comprehend them at all. Well, that did disappoint him a little - if this puppeteer thing was true, then who was his puppeteer? He could only imagine someone ala a higher ancestor… someone like Pluto… it felt weird, as if the very god’s silhouette was behind him, holding the strings like a classic puppeteer, all in his imagination.

    Today sure was special, but every day was special for wizards, weren’t they? He guessed that this day was extra special, so he went with what the butler said. Charlotte had moved closer to Mura by then, appearing quite guilty for putting him in this situation. Even if it was her fault, he just couldn’t make himself scold or in any way put the fault on such a timid girl. “W-W-Well, it’s fine with me… you know, always here to aid,” he assured her with a clumsy chuckle, “I guess that I’ll be the one to stay support… so what exactly- uh, I’m not sure if I can ask this, but what exactly did you forget about?”

    WC: 1134



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Guild : Black Rose
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    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Charlotte 14th February 2018, 7:04 am

    The White Witch

    The Observer’s expression twisted somewhat all of a sudden as he looked over in Mura’s direction. “Oh dear, a butler..? I’d much prefer to be seen as a business man rather than a servant of another. A business man with very exquisite goods.” At the last part, he would chuckle menacingly and creepily. From his words, it was clear that he meant it seriously and that whatever his ‘business’ was, it was probably for the best to stay clear of it. “It would also appear that there is plenty of things you have yet to learn about souls, despite being able to see some of them.

    He would also direct at Mura before looking for another book. In that time, Charlotte would look to the side and cup her chin her the pale and slender fingers she possessed, thinking about what her new companion asked. What exactly did she forget about? That question in itself was rather stupid, as she would never be able to remember what she forgot about. But on the other hand, they were in a very special kind of situation, so just about anything could be possible. That said, the girl did not recall anything. “I don’t really know. I don’t even really feel as if I was forgetting something…

    As far as she was aware, her memory was just fine. There didn’t seem to be any gaps in her memories as far as she could tell and everything made sense to her one way or another. Though some of the sense was just a bit twisted in the way of Charlotte. Everything the girl was involved in seemed to have grown far more complex than it needed to sooner rather than later. “Maybe I’m not here to remember anything? This place is my Mind Library, but perhaps it could house more than just my memories. I wonder if there is any way to find out…
    4 / 10 posts (320 WC)


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2590
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Mura Kensho 17th February 2018, 1:52 pm

    Butler… huh. A business man? Mura had seen lots of business men back in his days at Midi, and none of them - not a single one - ever wore a suit like that one. Maybe it was culture shock for him? It could’ve been the case for him, but why even think about culture shock concerning a being like that one who had connections with so-called puppeteers of the mortal world? When thinking like that, Mura’s brain twisted a little… yeah, he was going to have a while letting that sink in if it was true.

    Did that mean that he had a puppeteer of his own? Who would that be other than Pluto himself? Mura had, a long time ago, realized and found out that he and his bloodline was connected to an Olympic figure and a deity among the elder Olympus who used to worship them... he had read about that after his trip to the Underworld, thus gaining knowledge about who Pluto was, how wicked he was compared to the other deities (then again, they had a lot going on between each other - perhaps so much that Pluto couldn’t exactly be called wicked compared to the rest) and how it might have affected him. Instinctively, he looked down on his own palm, sweating a little. Things looked rather obscure these days…

    The book from earlier that he read reminded him that he could read about her life. Maybe that was the purpose? “A way out… maybe through one of these books?” he suggested, patting on one of the many bookshelves around them, “They do hold your memories if I’m correct… maybe the key is something special that you do remember.”

    WC: 1419



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 18,700

    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Charlotte 18th February 2018, 9:12 am

    The White Witch

    Charlotte turned her meek gaze to the Observer who was standing some distance from them, then at the different books, and finally back at Mura. She tilted her head to the side slightly after what he said, closing her eyes as she frowned and moved her hand with an index finger extended over her chin. Clearly, she was trying to figure something out and hoping assuming such posture that many would associate with deep concentration would help somehow. Then again, maybe she was just distracting herself more than anything by having to focus on maintaining such pose in the first place.

    Finally, a sigh would escape from her as she opened her eyes again and looked at the boy in front of her. “These books do contain my whole life written down, yes. But they are also just that, books with my life written in them. Aside from that, they do not have any special magical powers at all.So reading them would only bring about the knowledge I already have. Actually, there is something… if we’re here rather than anywhere else, then there must be a purpose to it, right?” The observer would lean his back against one of the tall shelves as he looked into the distance.

    There was something else in this library, somewhere. A terrible dark that would color everything in the shades of ink. But where, they had to find. “I think that instead of trying to get out, we should maybe try to search for a way further in! Surely we wouldn’t have been brought here if there was no purpose to it. I can feel it. Something very familiar is here.” Though while she described this something as familiar, her body was notably shaking and sweat pouring from her forehead. She would look up at Mura again. “If it’s not much to ask… would you come with…?
    5 / 10 posts (313 WC)


    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2590
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Mura Kensho 20th February 2018, 11:00 am

    Huh… the books appeared key-less given by Charlotte’s words. And here he was stone set that the books had some way out of this random occasion, or that was the entire objective. However, they were both sent here for a purpose… maybe the purpose had to be fulfilled beforehand? It could be the case, in which he shouldn’t rush in getting back to his real body that was located who-knows-where. It was oddly quiet around his head thanks to the lack of Kyuken and Zirconis, but that too had a drawback; he couldn’t think much without having three separate minds to discuss any idea like he used to do. He actually wondered, obviously, where Kyuken and Zirconis were at the moment…

    And so, he looked over at Charlotte with a lowered gaze and a serious face when she said that something familiar was in here. He began trying to sense it - magic power and all - but nothing stood out more than anything else for him. Maybe she could feel it, and only she? It would make sense; it wasn’t his library, was it? “Something familiar… huh?” he spoke, suddenly noticing the nervous stature that Charlotte had entered, “H-Hey… uh, yeah, count on me..!” His voice was encouraging with intention behind as he went over to the White Mage and ruffled her hair like back then, trying to make her at ease again. “Don’t worry about the troubles; if you know the way, I’ll be right behind your back.”

    WC: 1669



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
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    Guild : Black Rose
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    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Charlotte 1st March 2018, 3:42 am

    The White Witch

    Reassurance was probably the one thing this young White Witch needed most in life. And she did not get it very often, so when she did, it made her rather happy. A genuine smile appeared on her face, before it would be brushed away momentarily as she prepared herself for the impact of Mura’s hand on her head. It was a gesture she was obviously not used to, so the fact he closed the distance and reached out his hand toward her scared her for a moment. But the fear of being hurt for an unknown reason quickly faded away, as her hair was ruffled instead, making the smile return.

    Thank you!” A voice much sweeter and kinder than before, the girl might have felt an actual euphoria for a moment. But the time for pleasantries was soon gone, as she started turning in circles where she stood in search of the right direction. It took a moment, but she eventually stopped and look dead ahead. A path between the many bookcases. And without a word, she started marching forward, hoping that the swordsman would indeed stay right behind her in case they would find something unpleasant. The Observer merely showcased his wide and creepy smile one last time before he would be left behind among the books.

    Despite this place appearing as a fairly standard room with many spaces for books, now that they walked, it actually appeared as if it continued off into infinity. But the further they walked, the darker the environment became. Until eventually, they came across some black pulsating growth, similar to mold, that started slowly adorning the floor and bookshelves around. It was obvious that whatever it was, it would grow greater the further they went in. But from where they stood, it was impossible to see the source of whatever this was. Charlotte stopped, her body momentarily frozen, as were her eyes open wide in shock and a fake smile pasted on her face. Now was the time when she could probably use some more moral support.
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    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Mura Kensho 10th March 2018, 1:05 pm

    Ah. She was still timid when it came to have patted her head, but Mura was lost in her adorableness to even notice that. His face clearly showed no signs of hurting the fluff-haired girl, and Kyuken was nowhere to be seen, so no generic trouble from that bastard would take place for now. That was good in its own way or two…

    The priestess would then move in circles for a moment, or rather turn her body around and look somewhere. Mura impulsively took a look around himself, but the bookshelves were dense and large in number. However, Charlotte began moving forward, and rather hurryingly, Mura followed troop. It would be annoying to get lost in the Mind Library now, and who knew what dangers laid ahead? Maybe the place was totally safe and all, Charlotte appeared very familiar with it… which begged the question; what exactly were they aiming for? Or was this one of those moments where his head and heart had to clear off any goal and purpose?

    At one point, a very apparent thing caught their attention. It was clear to see, yet the source was hard to focus on. It was some black concentration if he had to explain what his eyes saw, and he could instantly feel a change in Charlotte’s collected nature. Whatever that black, eerie ‘dot’ was, it sure pushed her nerves a lot. Was it dangerous? Maybe it was the goal of their search. It could be anything, actually, so Mura slowly laid an arm around Charlotte’s neck as he moved a bit forward to stand beside her, his eyes still focused on the black entity. “I don’t know what that thing is… but I won’t let it take your adorable smile away like this. Please, stay brave.”

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    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Charlotte 11th March 2018, 3:17 am

    The White Witch

    The young girl remained completely frozen even as she felt the boy’s hand on her body once more. It was a gesture of comfort, but what was ahead might have been more powerful than any gesture in the world. Charlotte’s smile would waver with nervosity and anxiety. While she could not see what was ahead of them, she got a fairly good idea. And she did not want to move one step closer. Oh god, she did not want to move forward. And so she started walking again, straight ahead toward the darkness, reminiscent of a puppet on strings. And as she walked, she would start nodding profusely, as if trying to desperately confirm what Mura said.

    The mold around them writhed, pulsating to the beat of the witch’s heart. And finally, they got close enough to see what was at the center of it all, the source of this inanimate darkness and a horrible feeling gathering in Charlotte’s stomach. It was a humanoid figure. However, it’s body was made out of the pulsating blackness, almost like muscles and pieces of flesh robbed of skin and subjected to constant electrical shocks. A horrid sight of what served as clothes for this mysterious creature. And it’s head, formed out of fleshy appendages with eyes looking into all different directions at once.

    A halo of angelic beauty swirled around the being’s head as it slowly, oh so slowly turned toward the due that came to this place. The look of its eyes pierced without mercy, making Charlotte, and probably Mura as well, feel so sick that they might have thrown up at any moment. How exactly could anyone identify this uncanny evil? Actually, the white witch knew precisely what this was. But her brain, it was in chaos just from looking at it. She could not put it into words. “I… it… ah… a..a…ahhh… dark… liiiiiiiiight-” She would grasp her head in her palms and fall to her knees. And then, the being replied.

    ┗▛▄▖▚┣ ▜▚┗┏┓ ▛▄▖┅┗▖. ┣┗┏▛▄▖▜┏┣ ▚ ▖▞┣┗▖

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    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Mura Kensho 29th March 2018, 5:21 am

    It really took a toll on Charlotte given by her expressions. A pure fright emitted from her despite her advancing movements towards the dark spot, but Mura couldn’t fathom this entity as much… well, he couldn’t fathom if it really was a black hole or something else. Was it magical? It appeared as something hostile, even, given its silence and lack of intent… Charlotte must’ve known what it was if she felt so frightened by it. She kept the same scared face up, backed by Mura’s nervous sweating, until the black around began to pull itself towards the center and reveal the contour of an actual being. The moment its features were shown just the slightest, a disgusting feeling enveloped the shaman like a sandstorm. It looked inhuman. Almost demonic, not a single sign of light and order in that living flesh gathering.

    It was worth vomiting over. He could feel it from the core of his stomach, the mere image of that thing causing his belly to shiver. It was almost worse on its head, the multiple, eye-looking orbs pointing out in all directions, even towards the two wizards. The only non-twisted thing on it was, probably, the halo that manifested atop its head, emitting out just some kind of light in the shadow of the entity’s nightmarish presence. It was only a moment later that Charlotte couldn’t take it anymore as she collapsed to her knees. It was a relief to look at her frightened face - compared to looking at the being itself, Mura would much rather look at Charlotte, and the scene proved a tiny bit refreshing - but he couldn’t enjoy the distraction for long as the being suddenly oozed a voice towards them… a voice unfathomable.

    He felt quite intimidated too, and his hand clenched around the hilt of his katana at all times. However, time was passing so slowly around him, and it was difficult to adapt to the situation like this…

    “…C-Charlotte-ch-chan… w-what are we looking for… again?”

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    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Charlotte 29th March 2018, 8:18 am

    The White Witch

    However they felt, there was also something else in this atmosphere. A feeling, or perhaps a hunch, that if one of them were to actually try and attack, it would not end well. And indeed, if Mura Kensho were to try and attack this being, he would find out that his weapon would do no damage to it at all. But there was no need to fight. It was not that kind of situation, even if it looked like that. The mass of black and red muscles started approaching them, its movement erratic and inorganic. But there was nothing actually hostile about it all.

    Charlotte was still holding her head, but her eyes rolled up to see the creature approach. And as it did, it would also lover to the ground. She heard Mura’s question, but did not answer… as if she were in a trance. Getting into a seemingly more relaxed position, she would place her hands onto the blackness-covered ground instead as she tried to narrow her body a bit more, watching how the godly formation got on her eye level. She was staring into all of those eyes as if she could see a different story in every single one of them.

    And finally, she would extend her hand forward. The mass would do same, showing a hand moving from the blackness, one that had a completely gray and cold skin. And in a heartbeat, their palms would connect. “Mar… Margery, the first White Witch. She… is the one we were supposed to find. Her.” What was in front of them was no monster. It was indeed Margery, the very first White Witch. The one who started Charlotte’s lineage. And the woman that tapped into a forbidden black magic in order to protect her people. A magic that eventually completely consumed her soul and made her look like this.

    Suddenly, Charlotte would leap forward and hug Margery the Black. As if she was no longer afraid at all. Strangely enough, the creature shivered and its movements slowed down, calm now. Even the atmosphere grew much warmer, the fear slowly disappearing. But there was something going on. As the young girl continued to embrace the mass of muscles and darkness, some of the black started staining her clothing, spreading across the pure white fabric at constantly increasing speed and not slowing down at all. Was it something bad going down?
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    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Mura Kensho 6th April 2018, 9:06 am

    Uh… things happened faster now. The thing, the thing approached them, right now… but after time, both he and Charlotte realized its rather calm approach and lack of hostility. It was almost like a snail; goofy - which was an understatement here - but not wishing any harm. Charlotte took her time adjusting her body to the calm atmosphere that was overshadowed by the very shadows that covered the ground and air near the creature, and after a bit of time, she had gathered courage to extend a hand. Apparently, this wasn’t an enemy despite the nature that she emitted… hmh… Margery?

    “Oh..?” he let out curiously as if all tension disappeared in the blink of an eye. She was named Margery, and according to Charlotte, she was the first White Witch just like her… and also the goal of this librarian journey. Perhaps Margery was related to Charlotte more than just through magic… he could see that by the way that she lost all fright and fear and simply hugged the fleshed lady. Family removed all kinds of norms and reasons… it reminded him of Frey when she accepted her mother’s role in this world and went to her side. Family… just like Mura’s. The Kensho family back in Midi… and the fallen Olympian who, despite their differences, watched over him without him even noticing or thinking about it…

    Tears of joy would suddenly flow out of Mura’s eyes. His smile hadn’t wavered the least, but it was such a beautiful sight. A love between relatives that exceeded looks, a love that put itself over fear, transcending everything normal nowadays… it was simply refreshing to see her embrace the White Witch so easily, happy and without a second thought. “Oh, you two…”

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    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Charlotte 7th April 2018, 2:38 am

    The White Witch

    Perhaps this scene really was heart-warming. However, the life of Charlotte was a cruel one. And her life was often seen as nothing more than a curse. Even right now, all of that had to run its course. As the young White Witch embraced the black mass, she would slowly start sinking into that ever-changing black body. She would be soon absorbed completely, Margery’s body starting to convulse rapidly, expanding and consuming everything. Even if Mura tried to run, he would be consumed by it as well soon enough. And then, the whole world turned pitch-black, endless and cold.

    ┣┗┏▛▄▖▜┏┣ ▚ ▖▞┣┗ - ━▖ ▖┓┫▞┣ ▚ ▛▄┅┗▖

    Charlotte is the girl that exists, yet does not exist. Her existence extends beyond the reality and all that we know. She is the one chosen by the puppeteers. She will not merely ascend, she will become absolute. One day. I thank you for your participation, puppet - designation ‘Mura Kensho’. You have done well in giving her the courage she required in order to elevate even higher above the meaningless existence. I have no reward for you, but I am sure you will go on living happily regardless, knowing that you helped the poor and helpless girl.

    The voice spoke to him out of nowhere, as she floated in the eternally dark, with no body and nothing to see. It was but few seconds of nothingness before the whole world would turn completely white. Then, the young swordsman would find himself standing in the center of the world. There were no walls, but all was pure white. The floor he was on, the skies, the distance… it was impossible to measure any manner of length at all. Was he in an enclosed room? Or perhaps somewhere outside? It was impossible to tell. But in the distance, there was a girl crying.

    She had a long and surprisingly fluffy white hair. She wore a black tight-fitting formal dress that was very much like the one that Margery seemed to have worn beneath that black liquid-like form. But it was not where the similarities ended, for the girl’s eyes were of bright golden color and a third eye opened on her forehead, all of them shedding tears. She also had a halo above her head, much like Margery herself and many flesh-like appendages behind her back, adorned with many, many beautiful eyes. Charlotte the White wept and muttered to herself quietly in a pained voice. It hurts… over and over again.

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    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Mura Kensho 16th April 2018, 11:35 am

    … He almost screamed out her name by the scene. Charlotte’s body was slowly, then rapidly sucked into the black entity, and when the shaman dashed forward to grab her and hopefully save her from whatever the blackness intended, he got absorbed just as quickly. Not even time to react - boom - and he was in a whole new world. The sky and ground wore the same texture, pitch-black and infinite. “… C-Charlotte?” he called out her name in hopes of getting a reply. However, a faint silence was his only guest until a new voice reached his ears.

    … What voice was it? Who was talking? He couldn’t find the source of the voice with his eyes, but it thanked him for his cooperation and for helping Charlotte. Although, it sure toxified life as the shaman knew it as if their normal lives weren’t as important as they thought. He had trouble finding peace in that idea, but his mind was quick to change subject when the world turned white once more. Just like before, the concept of dimensions was almost null - he felt as if his arm was right in front of his face when he stretched it out.

    And Charlotte… her cries reached him at last. He quickly ran to her rescue and to aid her in what she was grieving about, but even she had changed along with the dimension… she had the same fleshy curtains behind her as the black figure from before. A third eye had shown up on her forehead, and all her eyes were pouring tears…

    “U-Uhh… hey, hey, Charlotte,” he spoke softly as he approached her with open arms, “Please… I don’t think that she wanted to hurt you.” His arms couldn’t but wrap themselves around her neck, trying their best to comfort her. This was all he could do as he knew nothing of healing magic, and whether if Charlotte’s pain was physical or not… the Black Witch from before… had she merged with her? Maybe it was some kind of ritual?

    “Something’s… uhh, something weird is happening to you right now… but you must be strong, okay?”

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    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Charlotte 20th April 2018, 4:58 am

    The White Witch

    The girl cried, but for what reason? Mura Kensho asked, but did not receive his answer right away. Only more sobs were his reward for helping, at least until the girl finally regained some sense of self. Her own self, for this very moment in time. “It hurts… this world… hurts. Why is it so? I can see it all, it’s so painful.” She held her head in her firm, almost painful grasp. The eyes on the flesh connected to her, eyes forming on her black clothes, the golden eyes… they were all crying in unison, from what they saw, the saddening horrors.

    CI can see the whole world… why is everyone hurting others? Why are people harming themselves? Why, why, why?! It hurts so much… the world is in pain. The people are in pain. Why are they destroying themselves?!” This was the power she had gained. The most dominant magic of chaos forming inside of her being. The eyes of a god that allowed to the girl to see the entire world. No, they did not just allow her… they forced her to observe the most negative part of humanity, watch it without pause with all of her eyes.

    And she felt it all. The despair, pain, disgust. A living, waking nightmare. She could not handle it and the world around them started falling apart. The white world that they were now it, its structure an sense. The ground would start falling apart into small cubes, falling into oblivion. The walls and skies turning into white ash, fading away. Without a stable mind at its core, this place could no longer regain its structure. And if Mura were to turn around, he would see Margery standing tall right behind him. But she was human, rather than whatever she was before.

    And she was smiling at him, kindly. No words needed to be said. She would take care of the crying child who could not bear the weight of hate of the entire world alone. The hate directed at the White Witch, who turn to the forbidden black arts out of desperation. The true curse of Charlotte’s lineage brought about by this woman, who only wishes to protect her people. Somehow, Mura knew all of this, the information transferred to him directly by the woman. But all was fine now. The two of them were linked, they were one.

    And so, all had disappeared into pure white once more. And before long, Mura had probably awakened in the real world, wherever he was by this point. Of course, as they were only connected mentally until now, Charlotte was nowhere to be found. She was most likely somewhere completely else. And now, life was fairly different for her. With the Black Witch inside of her, the White Witch had finally ascended to the pedestal created for her. And what she would do with this power, only the puppeteer knew and were to control. But surely, all of this, it would turn out rather interesting.
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    Cradle of Black and White Empty Re: Cradle of Black and White

    Post by Mura Kensho 30th May 2018, 9:45 am

    Shit! Whatever damage she was suffering was most likely caused by all of this. Damn it, why couldn’t he prevent it from harming Charlotte like this? What was all this pain going to do with her? He remained listening to her helpless sobs, thinking and quenching his brain for any ideas that could turn the situation to a lighter side, but Charlotte’s words finally reached him. And the eyes… they began to merge with her. It was as if she was unifying herself with the entity.

    “H-Hey, this is too much for me to bear… Charlotte-chan, please-“ he spoke in utter worry. What was he going to say in order to make her feel better? He was more powerless in this realm than she was. Although, he knew of what Charlotte was mentioning - the pain of the entire world, all the harm, all transferring to her? No wonder that she was having so much trouble coming to her senses, she could’ve fainted any time now. The world around them began to dissolve as well, change form and color, until he found himself and Charlotte in a blank plane once more. A presence was behind him, and as he turned around to fathom this strange presence, he saw a human. A tall lady named Margery… wait, how’d he know of that name?

    … It all made a little more sense now. This was because of her lineage, wasn’t it? Mura felt like a fool for having interfered in such a thing, because he was a person who held bloodlines and lineages high and sacred. Although, he specifically knew of the pains of destiny brought to one by their very blood. He hoped in his heart that Charlotte could overcome the pain and blossom again - curse or not, wasn’t his own lineage considered a curse? Didn’t he overcome it through great effort? He couldn’t but hope the same for her… but it was her path to take. He had no part in her revelation…

    White. It was all white, and boom - he strung up from the bed and headbutted one of the doctors who were examining the constant muscle movements in his eyelids. “Ouch, ouch, ouch, ouch…” he let out in pain, “… Wait, Charlotte-“ He desperately looked around for her, but he was at the hospital in Magnolia given by the sign atop the doorway - back where he first fainted and entered whatever world he was at just before.

    Pain and agony, lineage, the unthinkable and worlds beyond his own… this world was too complicated…

    WC: 428 + 2853 = 3281



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