Fairy Tail RP

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    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 3222
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 9
    Age : 25
    Experience : 263,160

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Knight of Space
    Second Skill: Paladin's Armaments
    Third Skill:

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    Post by King Zenshin 23rd June 2017, 1:44 pm

    job info:

    While fighting old men and forest creatures was Zenshin's idea of a good time, every so often one must remember to keep their documentation up to date. Today was that day for Zenshin. A day free from fighting and facing his own mortality. A day free from the stressful encounters which so often plague the job’s bulletin board. Unfortunately, this was not Zenshin’s idea of a good time. He had needed to get his passport once before, back when Count Sparrow first opened Fiore’s borders. Was it Hargeon Town or was it Rose Garden? It has been so long since I first got this passport. I can’t even remember which office I even got it from. Actually, come to think of it, I think it was Hargeon Town. I remember meeting one of the restaurant owners in that line. Felicity, I think her name was he thought, reminiscing on those times.

    WC: 151

    Last edited by King Zenshin on 23rd June 2017, 1:58 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Missions Completed
    100 Year: 1
    10 Year: 1
    S-Ranked: 1
    A-Ranked: 4
    B-Ranked: 4
    D-Ranked: 3
    Event Experience: 57,562.5
    Dungeon Experience: 2,325
    Total Experience: 263,160

    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
    Secondary Magic / Paladin's Armaments
    History & Notebook | Bank
    Golden Lacrima | Expires 7/9/2019
    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 3222
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 9
    Age : 25
    Experience : 263,160

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Knight of Space
    Second Skill: Paladin's Armaments
    Third Skill:

    Proper Documentation [Private] Empty Re: Proper Documentation [Private]

    Post by King Zenshin 23rd June 2017, 1:44 pm

    Back when Zenshin had his ice magic – it felt like years. Well, it was years, though it also felt that way so it was good to know that Zenshin’s ability to recall time and estimate how much time had passed were working in sync. As a result from his inability to use magic in conjunction with the kafka-esque nightmare which was the Fioren bureaucracy, the former ice wizard had to get to the back of the line and find a way to pass the time. One such way, he figured, was remembering how the last time he waited in line went.

    WC: 102

    Last edited by King Zenshin on 23rd June 2017, 1:59 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Missions Completed
    100 Year: 1
    10 Year: 1
    S-Ranked: 1
    A-Ranked: 4
    B-Ranked: 4
    D-Ranked: 3
    Event Experience: 57,562.5
    Dungeon Experience: 2,325
    Total Experience: 263,160

    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
    Secondary Magic / Paladin's Armaments
    History & Notebook | Bank
    Golden Lacrima | Expires 7/9/2019
    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 3222
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 9
    Age : 25
    Experience : 263,160

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Knight of Space
    Second Skill: Paladin's Armaments
    Third Skill:

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    Post by King Zenshin 23rd June 2017, 1:45 pm

    A memory passed through his head in which he knelt to the ground and created ice snakes to essentially push out a large chunk of people out of the line… followed by his own laughter after the memory faded. Some people would be disappointed and shocked at a mage using their powers so irresponsibly and with such thoughtlessness – and they would be absolutely right to feel that way. The memory faded and he was left in line, holding his laughably expired passport in his hands and moving forward after some impolite citizens scolded him for daydreaming in the middle of a line.


    Last edited by King Zenshin on 23rd June 2017, 1:59 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Missions Completed
    100 Year: 1
    10 Year: 1
    S-Ranked: 1
    A-Ranked: 4
    B-Ranked: 4
    D-Ranked: 3
    Event Experience: 57,562.5
    Dungeon Experience: 2,325
    Total Experience: 263,160

    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
    Secondary Magic / Paladin's Armaments
    History & Notebook | Bank
    Golden Lacrima | Expires 7/9/2019
    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 3222
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 9
    Age : 25
    Experience : 263,160

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Knight of Space
    Second Skill: Paladin's Armaments
    Third Skill:

    Proper Documentation [Private] Empty Re: Proper Documentation [Private]

    Post by King Zenshin 23rd June 2017, 1:46 pm

    ”I am well aware that the line has moved, it’s not like you’re going to get there any faster by yelling” he said, his head turned ask right as it could be as he spoke. I wouldn’t have expected the residents of Rose Garden to be ruder than those of Hargeon Town, though I suppose I shouldn’t be making such a general assumption about the people of a very beautiful town solely on the fact that the town is beautiful he thought again, slowly inching forward as each citizen got their passport.

    Finally, he heard exactly what he was waiting for: ”Next!” He walked up to the booth and handed his passport to the clerk who took it and looked at the expiration date with widening eyes. ”Sir, do you realize how old this passport it? We have since updated a lot of the information we take in order to fill these out.” the clerk told him, which prompted Zenshin to only nod his head in response. ”Just tell me what you need to know” he said, to which he was only handed forms in response.


    Last edited by King Zenshin on 23rd June 2017, 1:59 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Missions Completed
    100 Year: 1
    10 Year: 1
    S-Ranked: 1
    A-Ranked: 4
    B-Ranked: 4
    D-Ranked: 3
    Event Experience: 57,562.5
    Dungeon Experience: 2,325
    Total Experience: 263,160

    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
    Secondary Magic / Paladin's Armaments
    History & Notebook | Bank
    Golden Lacrima | Expires 7/9/2019
    King Zenshin
    King Zenshin

    The judge

    The judge

    Moderator- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 6- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Neptune
    Position : None
    Posts : 3222
    Guild : N/A
    Cosmic Coins : 25
    Dungeon Tokens : 9
    Age : 25
    Experience : 263,160

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Knight of Space
    Second Skill: Paladin's Armaments
    Third Skill:

    Proper Documentation [Private] Empty Re: Proper Documentation [Private]

    Post by King Zenshin 23rd June 2017, 1:47 pm

    He then filled them out Zenshin Hitsumo, Married, Thirty, I have not committed a felony, well I least I’ve never been caught, Eclipse Soul is my previous guild, I am currently a member of Sabertooth. After dotting the t’s, crossing the i’s, and filling out a bit more information, he turned the paper into the clerk who, after checking and verifying that all the information was accurate, stamped him passport with an approval sticker. I’m sure grandma and grandpa will appreciate another visit. I wonder if they’ve moved from that village in Iceberg were his final thoughts as he made his way back to the guild hall.



    Missions Completed
    100 Year: 1
    10 Year: 1
    S-Ranked: 1
    A-Ranked: 4
    B-Ranked: 4
    D-Ranked: 3
    Event Experience: 57,562.5
    Dungeon Experience: 2,325
    Total Experience: 263,160

    Character / Vincent Gauss
    Primary Magic / Knight of Space
    Secondary Magic / Paladin's Armaments
    History & Notebook | Bank
    Golden Lacrima | Expires 7/9/2019

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 7:01 pm