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    A Fairy's Promise [Guild Event] [Open]


    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Guild : Fairy Tail
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    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
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    Public A Fairy's Promise [Guild Event] [Open]

    Post by Haru-senpai 23rd April 2017, 4:45 pm

    The people of Magnolia were literally recieving support from all over Fiore, even Ca-Elum a nation outside of Earthland had begun sending aid to the city due to the humanitarian crisis caused by Savage Skull; and the brutal murder of 2/3 of the cities population. The survivors however, and their relatives, were a hardy bunch and had seen their fare share of apocalypses.

    Now, cotton candy was being sold on the streets again; as houses were the first to be rebuilt with national aide and residences, although the major buildings such as Kardia Cathedral, the Hospital, and the Fairy Tail Guild Hall were still majorly fucked.

    Not to mention the loss of life being so high had put the attention smack on Magnolia from a political standpoint. Now, the streets were lined with flowers and memorials for the fallen during this time of grief. However, laughter could be heard here and there as people had never been so happy to see the hard working men and women, day and night sleeping on cranes outside of Kardia Cathedral and the Hospital. Not to mention South Gate Park was being replanted with a new set of gardens and trees.

    Two Fairy Tail mages had been called down to help, as the protectors of the town; when they were made a Dark Guild briefly under suspicion of harboring a child accused of murder they were chased out of town after Kanix had an outburst and actually attacked civilians with magic. Fairy Tail had stood for generations as part of the town, and the town part of it. The civilains being able to come and go into the Mage's Guild as they pleased. But when they left, town; scorned by all. They still rose to protect it during Magnolia's darkest hour. Appearing from nowhere as if by some miracle, they once again protected the people of Magnolia even though their Guild Hall lay in shambles. Ravaged and broken into by Rune Knights, raiders, curious civilians and looters alike. Still they protected this place, although at the time their Guild Hall was on another planet entirely. These actions, along with many others; led to the Magic Council seeing the folly of their ways and sanctioning Fairy Tail's return to Magnolia at the behest of not only civilians but mages at large. Fairy Tail this time however, would operate as an Independant Guild. Free of the Magic Council's influence, such was the deal agreed too. But they all knew and understood that Fairy Tail could never be classified as a truly dark Guild. But they would always do what was right, even if that meant breaking the law to do so. Which is why independent was settled upon.

    Two mages stood in front of a bunch of regular humans who were gathered outside of the old Fairy Tail Guild Hall, it was crumbling into pretty much nothingness. Bricks falling in on itself. The old bell tower was still there, but the bell was rusted as hell.

    "Well, we haven't been able to really move anything around. For some reason the bricks are magically like super heavy or something. We wonder if it's because the grounds of the old Guild are protected by magic." a guy in a group of others who frequently stared at Hera's boobs and hips were shown in front of Ezra, Hera, and Rose. Three mages of Fairy Tail one being an Exceed, but she still had her Fairy Tail logo on her left arm in bright white. Hera's being dark red on her right shoulder. She was here in front of the place where she'd spent  alot of her childhood. But boy was it run down and fucked up. She also was with Ezra, and despite her rack being wrapped up in fighting bandages for the other boys to oogle at, she couldn't help wondering what he thought about her sometimes. Thinking about they day they'd met in that river, he in his wolf form. She being the only one brave enough to approach him. Usually just a crazy tomboy with a sick body, she shook off these thoughts and decided to keep her usual self going around him instead of getting curious. Before figuring out just how tough he was deep down inside.

    "Well, maybe everythings extra heavy or something to non-Guild members...I hear only magic items can break the bricks or really move the stones around....." Hera said to herself, turning around and looking at the guild in all it's destroyed glory under the blue sky with white clouds and sunshine beaming down in the middle of spring. Sun glinting off of the destroyed fences and bell at the top of the old castle of the guild.

    The construction guys explained that they wanted to see if Hera, Ezra, and Rose had more luck. Since the stones and even the wood the guild was made off seemed to weigh a ton to them magically.

    "Wait if only magic can destroy or move the stuff the Guild is made out of....." Rose put a paw to her face in thought, swishing her tail briefly before snapping her fingers. "Hey, Hera remember when you said you wanted to see how tough Ezra was to prove that he was just a bitch ass pretty wolf and not a real alpha, now's your chance!" Rose sparkled as she snapped a bit, as Hera growled and blushed before turning to Ezra.

    "..........It's true, your supposed manliness has led me to the point where I want to see if you can back it up." she smirked and nudged Ezra before nodding to the guild grounds. Stepping onto them, she looked around the yard. Finding a stone that was the size of a car, she easily scooted it with her foot after raising it. The construction guys all went nuts, as they figured it out. Those with the guild crest of Fairy Tail could easily move or help them rebuild this place. Not to mention only magic construction equipment worked on the stuff. Even magical cement had to be used to hold the bricks of it together they said as they talked amongst one another in a huddle after watching what Hera did. "I was only joking before, we both know you can only bark at everyone but me!" she said putting a hand on her hip and raising a single finger.

    Crossing her arms under her chest, she began walking aimlessly and looking around the front lawn of Fairy Tail at all the wreckage and rubble they'd have to fix. She somehow wished she could just blow it all up and start from scratch here....Sorano might be mad about that though.

    Rose would be standing next to Ezra, and would nudge him with a paw to his ear as she floated up next to him.

    "You should threaten her. She likes being threatned." Rose said, closing her eyes and smiling for a second as she floated there with her white wings out. The Exceed of course had a plan. If they could bond over a fight here, and clear out the wreckage in the lawn it would be a win win.

    Last edited by Hera-senpai on 29th April 2017, 2:23 am; edited 4 times in total


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    A Fairy's Promise [Guild Event] [Open] Rose


    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

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    Public Re: A Fairy's Promise [Guild Event] [Open]

    Post by DOPPO 24th April 2017, 5:07 pm

    Rubble. Debris. Trash. The once glorious town of Magnolia, once a magnificent place filled with life and joy, now nothing but a heep of trash and a massive graveyard. The smell of dust in the air, the cloudy skies, the overwhelming color of gray, it was like some post-apocalyptic setting. Yet, so many smiles solidified with hardship and commitment had swept away the dreadful expressions of each man, woman, and child in this graveyard. It was as this place was not a sinkhole of Fairy Tail's past mistakes, a garden ready for things to grow inside of it. The people? It's soil. The wizards? Fertilizer. The new Magnolia Town? The ever beautiful flowers.

    A tall, masculine redhead would kick stones across the dirt paths as he and his pink haired and feline companions would down the trail. He remained silent the entire time, lost in thought. He wasn't as savvy as he thought he was about the history of Fairy Tail. About the devastation a once loving Master had brought upon a town just as powerful in love. He couldn't fathom the townspeople's outrage and distraught, but it left it even harder to swallow to see the townspeople welcome them back with such wide, open arms.

    Ezra ended up just trailing in front of Hera and Rose until they met a group of townspeople, there to inform them on the situation. One ear was tuned in and listening, and the other heard nothing. Just his thoughts and his mind lingering here and there and just out of this world. It was one thing to hear about Magnolia's devastation in words, and another thing to actually see it. Ezra began to brood, unable to feel any sort of joy with such a joyless situation.

    Quickly, Ezra had been brought back to the now by the hearty words of Rose. "..." Ezra said nothing, but his faced said it all. It was as if you could see his temper rising by the popping veins and the gritting teeth. He tended to get quite heated over the silliest things. Ezra pointed his finger at Hera, as if she were accusing her of something horrendous, "EH? What'cha say, punk?!"

    Ezra then groaned, calming his nerves, "This ain't a time to messing around,
    girly. We're here to construct, not deconstruct."

    Hera would soon then play with boulders like skipping stones at a stream. Ezra was speechless and looked more horrified than impressed.

    ...She's a monster. I'll be damned. He thought, carefully. The pink haired warrior would continue on about their previous conversation, and make a joke out of it. Rose, who also continued, followed up with a witty remark. "I don't have time to put that ugly little ass on the ground, where it belongs. If we tussled, I'd just let you win... I reckon." Ezra snickered, sneering down over Hera with his towering height.




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    Public Re: A Fairy's Promise [Guild Event] [Open]

    Post by Cecile 25th April 2017, 2:11 am

    With a sack thrown over her shoulder while holding on to it with one hand, Cecile stood before the east gate of Magnolia town. However, there wasn't barely any left of the gate. Instead was just a fragile arc like construction, that was barely holding its own. Supported by a few large wooden logs, and the few men that were working on reconstructing it. Either way, it still looked like as if it could fall apart any second now. It made Cecile second guess herself for a mere moment; maybe she should just turn around and go back from where she came from.
    That moment however was very brief, she knew she couldn't just turn around and walk away. Not after she had come all this way, she knew she could never forgive herself if she did, nor would it make her late father proud.

    'heh, the old crow would probably turn around in his grave tho' she spoke outloud when thinking of the man who had been absence most of her life. She only rekindled the contact between the two of them two years ago, before that she didn't even knew he existed. However in the short span they had spend time together he often did utter a profound dislike for the town Magnolia. Or more importantly, for the famous guild that once called this town its home; Fairy Tail.

    Cecile shook off her final thought and stepped firmly forwards through the gate, for which she still silently hoped for that it wouldn't come crashing down the moment she would set a step inside it. But when she appeared on the other side she was being greeted by a sight she couldn't even phantom before. Magnolia laid in ruins. Destruction was everywhere, in some cases even entire houses were gone. Leaving nothing but a frail frame work partially burned down. Streets were ripped open, as if hell itself clawed its way out of the underworld. However it wasn't the sight of pure malice and destuction that surprised her, but rather the people who were already working on restoring the town to its former glory.
    Despite the hell they all went through, the loss of family, friends and lovers, they still carried on. Hell some where even smiling as some of the kids were already playing back on the streets again. And they weren't alone, filling the streets and working on buildings were people of all sorts. Mages, construction workers, merchants, hell Cecile even saw the isiginia of Ca-Elum waving on some tents. It seemed that in a time of crisis the world had answered.

    'hey you, grab those bottles of water and bring them over to the Catherdral. They're running short!' Not a moment after Cecile had gawked had the buzzling activities of humanitarian aid, one of the helpers appeared. A slightly overweight man but with a serious look on his face. Someone who undoubtedly took their job serious. 'Wait!' uttered Cecile 'I'm here to look for Fairy Tail not to he-'
    Before she could even finish her sentence she was already cut short and a pack of water bottles was shoved into her hands with a grunting notion of 'just get to it!'


    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
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    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    Public Re: A Fairy's Promise [Guild Event] [Open]

    Post by Haru-senpai 25th April 2017, 9:16 am

    As Hera stood with her arms crossed, looking over the wreckage somberly she would hear behind her, that Ezra had finally let it click as to what she had said. With an innocent sweatdrop over her head, she remained turned around as he called out to her in frustration; his anger having boiled over.

    Whistling comically, she acted as if she couldn't hear him. As he stepped closer to her, she got fired up, her open belly look with her black and gold jacket was shown as the camera would pan up to her face. As she started to remove the jacket for a brawl, she pressed her impressive D size rack up against Ezra with a squish; as she halfway took off her jacket, her rack only wrapped up by fighting bandages.

    "If I finish taking this jacket off...." she got a surprised look on her face as Ezra said her booty belonged on the ground. Growling at one another at close range as she looked up to him, unaware of her current position, just thinking she was chest to chest with him. As several men began to stare; one of them cleared their throat as Hera looked over to them, Ezra still gritting down at her. "WHAT?!"

    As she yelled at the workers, they sweatdropped as one raised their hand. They'd come up with the solution of Hera enchanting them with magic to make them stronger. It just so happened that she could do that, as she turned from Ezra with a flick of her long pink braid which smacked him in the face on purpose as she moved it with her hand past him. Raising one hand toward the large group of about sixty people, Hera would begin to glow with a soft pink outline, unnaturally.

    A Dragon's roar was heard, as the breeze picked up in the lawn area of Fairy Tail. Pushing Hera's clothing, as well as Ezra's, and their hair around in the massive gusts that seemed to come from nowhere. The breeze would drift over the group of architects, and men as they glowed with the same soft pink unnatural light. Before it disappeared. At first, none of them seemed any different. But then one got brave and went to pick up a large boulder---which he did with one hand. It was the size of a car. The rest of the men hooted and hollered as the one holding the boulder above his head sparkled comically in all the attention.

    As the gossiped about how it was true, that Hera could use the magic of Dragons; she realized that they'd just used her to confirm if the rumors were true. Stamping her feet with a jiggle of her chest and sway of her braid, she growled under her breath at the men who now began work on the hall properly. Walking past her without so much as a thank you. She had half a mind to unleash Ezra on them.....although a Werewolf would not be something they would blow off....they would probably run off screaming. She chuckled at the thought.

    "Well...let's go already, looks like the Guild Hall's set. They're probably going to be cleaning before they're building so let's get away from here before they ask us to help wit that...." without thinking, she would grab Ezra's hand. "Let's go....to Kardia Cathedral." the two biggest buildings in Magnolia, towering even over the largest buildings. Were Fairy Tail, and the Cathedral of Kardia. On opposite ends of the town, they both rested on main street. So they literally just had to walk straight ahead for about six miles across town. They could already see the building up ahead.

    The smell of food, and bustling about, shouting, banging was heard. As people even relaxed on their rooftops they were working on with beers or lemonade, raising their glasses at the two Fairy Tail mages as they passed by. Hera waved at a few---and then at that moment realized she was holding Ezra's hand. She'd done it by habit, but now was completely infuriated at him for holding on so long.

    "Hey let GO!" she said yanking her hand away from him blushing. Her tomboy side furious with herself. As they approached the cathedral, Hera inspected her hand as if something had been wrong with her for holding someones hand like that. Maybe it was this town, she used to walk around it as a child holding her Dad and Mom's hand. Even Uncle Shuhei. Yes...it was a habit. Nothing to do with Ezra.

    When they got there, a preacher was giving a long speech out front as Hera looked around, noticing people were also carrying water into and out of the church. It was apparently being used as a rest area for the workers in town, and as a shelter for those who had lost their homes until their homes were built. On the inside Hera could see various cots, and bunk beds set up for temporary places to sleep.

    The preacher then noticed them, as he began to give praise to "those touched by God's light" basically mages, who had protected this town for generations. Saying that Fairy Tail would have a high place in the heavens when the time came. Several people thanked them, as they walked through the crowd as Hera shook hands with each of them if she could; blushing as they finally got through. Some of the girls there for prayer literally locked eyes onto Ezra and didn't move. When Hera spotted them, her head literally caught on fire briefly as she glared at them. But she only did this for two seconds; still...it was effective.

    Soon, she felt a mage amongst these crowds. Not she or Ezra though. Looking about, she saw a girl getting a bunch of water bottles in a case shoved into her hands as the girl protested aloud that she was looking for Fairy Tail.

    "Here we are." Hera called out to her, about forty feet away with a wave just in front of the entrance to the towering Church behind them. When she got closer, Hera would listen to her for awhile before figuring out that she was there to join the Guild. "Well....as an Ace of the Guild I can bestow the guild crest....but the crest may reject you, it only accepts those destined to be mages of Fairy Tail, like Ezra and I. Who both already have our marks...but here we go!" after asking her where she wanted the mark, several people gathered around to witness the spectacle of someone joining Fairy Tail, some of them had never seen it before.

    Holding out a hand, Hera would focus on her, as somewhere on her body; a shimmering light would appear and the ancient crest of Fairy Tail would sparkle for a moment, as if reading her spirit---and then settle on her in the color of her choosing.

    "W-wow, I guess you are in the right place." Hera said looking at her hand and then back to the new Fairy Tail logo on the young lady. "I'm Hera, this is Ezra, and this is Rose, she's an Exceed if you know what that is." she motioned up to Ezra and then down to Rose; who swished her tail and raised a paw at Cecile. Both Rose, and Ezra also sported guild crests, so it would be easy to see that Cecile had lucked up and come across three Fairy Tail wizards at once. "We're working on this town, rebuilding it after....a battle with Savage Skull." Hera sighed to herself. Thinking them too cowardly to face her head on, she shook off thoughts of the guild she hated most.

    "So, how does it feel to actually belong to a Guild? Although we're more like family." she smiled to Cecile, then asking her name, and where she was from.


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    A Fairy's Promise [Guild Event] [Open] Rose

    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

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    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Public Re: A Fairy's Promise [Guild Event] [Open]

    Post by Mura Kensho 25th April 2017, 9:51 am

    “*cough* So, shall we call it the end?” the shaman suggested to his spirit pals, “Besides, I’m pretty sure that they are already on it.” What he was talking about was the rebuilding of his Guildhall, the large building that meant so much more than just being a shelter. It was a treasured, even sacred foundation for Mura, a place where his soul had taken residence and so would for the rest of his days. However, now that it was the day of rebuilding it, why was he still stuck in his basement? The truth was that he’d advanced a little in his magic, and a few days after his return from the Haunted Guild, he developed a new spell of his. A spell that directly tapped into the powers of nature and unleash that specific power into the soul itself, manifesting an even stronger Spirit Bind. Truth be told even more, he actually developed this spell against a specific person that he wished to battle in the far future…

    Despite that today was the day of a worker and not a samurai, he couldn’t leave his weapons in the house. What if they got stolen? He surely didn’t want to risk a burglar taking his dear blades. “Kyuken, Zirconis, I’m going..!” he assured them as he exited through the door and leapt out into the light reflecting his headband. Magnolia was such a strange town; its strength was the strangest of all. Then again, calling it strange would give it a bad expression, so perhaps he was amazed by its power to move on. Whatever resided within his chest wouldn’t move on just yet, though, so perhaps it was a reminder. However, noticing a boy sitting on the edge of the road, he couldn’t but suddenly appear in front of the child. “Hello,” he greeted with a calm smile. Given by the texture on his soul, Mura could assume that he was in a bad shape, and perhaps not in such a great mood as well. His clothes, too, explained it all; he could assume that the latest festival of destruction was the reason behind. That was when he felt like helping out by asking: “… Uhm, are you okay?” A few seconds of awkward silence passed, “-I can shelter you if you need that.” The boy simply shook his head, before feeling like letting out a tear of grief. Mura couldn’t possibly guess what troubled him so much, but causing his reactions to be like that, it could’ve been anything that he never wanted to happen for himself. He quickly turned around and spotted an elder male approach the boy with a hand waving towards him, in which the shaman’s presence was gone. The boy just barely noticed his leave, but did too notice the small figure of a wooden swan on the ground right before his feet. The elder man asked his son about the boy that just stood there, in which he could barely answer properly and merely wondered over the gift…

    Mura’s thoughts were settling quite peacefully after that as he strived forward, although the appearance of a crowd nearby caught his focus. Kyuken and Zirconis had their mouths in an O-form by the notice as well; it was the spirits of Fairy Tail, Rose and Co. “Hoi, Ezra and Hera..!” the samurai ghost greeted. The fairly strong wind carried on a good perfume of the town and waved on Mura’s small, aesthetic cloak over his normal gear. Mura’s personal greet was that mere, calm smile of his, even to the girl that just presented in the area.



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    Public Re: A Fairy's Promise [Guild Event] [Open]

    Post by Cecile 25th April 2017, 1:31 pm

    Luckily Cecile was rescued from the manual labor by a rather strange pair. Definitely not any of the common workers all around them, no by the looks of it these two must be mages. They called out to her, or at least one of them did the moment they'd took notice of her, or rather why she was here for. And apparently it was them. 'Well this is rather easy' said Cecile to herself right before she wandered over after dropping the crate on the ground.

    Once she got closer she could take a good look at the two. One was a man, with blazing red hair on top of his head. He was a bit rugged in her opinion, but definitely easy on the eyes. The other one was the real mystery, a girl but never one she had encountered before. She was by far the most tomboyish girl she had ever met, everything she wore screamed that she wasn't the feminine type. Sure Cecile herself wasn't the girly type, but this was on a whole different level. Yet she was undoubtedly a woman, that much was clear when Cecile stared at the girl's rack. Cecile lost this one right from the start it seems.

    'oh hey' she responded 'I didn't expect I would find you guys so soon. Considering the state the town is in and all' Honestly Cecile expected that she had to turn of rocks and debris to find even the slightest hint of Fairy Tail. Yet here she was, standing with two of them it seems. 'It's good I found you guys so quickly, it means the faster I can get-'
    Before Cecile could continue she was cut off mid sentence once again, this time by the overly excited mage whose boss jiggled with excitement and happiness the moment she spoke. 'Wait crest? What are you talking about? I am not here to join Fairy...' responded Cecile, but it was already to late. Hera already had gotten hold of her hand and summoned forth an insignia which Cecile felt appearing on her upper left arm.
    It was a bright light, that even shined through her jacket it seems. However the form was clear, and unmistakable recognizable. It was the Fairy crest, the symbol of the most famous guild in Fiore. Fairy Tail.

    Cecile jumped back a bit and immediately took her jacket off so that she could threw it behind her, only so that she could gawk with an open mouth at the new symbol that had appeared on her brown skin. She couldn't believe it, how could it be that a girl such as her would be able to allowed to join a guild such like Fairy Tail. 'H-how.. I a Fairy? This can't be right?' she muttered while staring at the two mages and the cat with big eyes. Cecile could literally feel her father cringe in his grave right now. Her being a Fairy, it's good he was already dead, else he would probably die again.
    The female mage who had taken the lead in this entire ordeal continued by introducing herself and her exceed partner, which was just another surprise, as she uttered her own name it all suddenly clicked inside Cecile. A tomboyish fairy tail mage with flamboyant hair, having an exceed with her all the time. If she had to believe Sorcerers Magazine, she was one of the most famous mages around. But if she had to believe the Council issued newspapers, she was a pure menace. Either way a force to be reckoned with that fought on the side of good. '... I am Cecile'


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    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill: N/A

    Public Re: A Fairy's Promise [Guild Event] [Open]

    Post by ivyleaf33 25th April 2017, 5:30 pm

    Normally, she was very down to earth. Usually, she faced whatever problem that came at her, rationally, practically. But every now and then… every now and then… There came a problem that simply tugged on the part of her that was that moody teenager, feeling the weights of procrastination holding her down to the ground. This time, the problem took the form of a pile of ancient bricks and other miscellaneous materials, sitting smack-dab in the center of Magnolia. Since the Savage Skull attack on the once-peaceful town, the many structures that once made Magnolia a place of true festivity had become several lumps of rubble, that if looked at with a particularly artistic eye, might be seen as a piece of art. But such an eye would have to be quite extraordinary, the letter mage pondered as she stood calmly towards the side of the guild. She had looked forward to coming back, though such a thing she faced took away her confidence near immediately.

    Plopping down on the remains of one of her favorite benches, she slowly slipped into a very spaced out mind, simply trying to ignore the tremendous weight of all the repairing and all the working that would have to be done. But after only a moment of thought, the lithe brown form of Hoshi landed next to her on the crumpled wood, waving the wings that had been summoned with Aera in frantic movements. “Sorano! They’re starting to work on the guild hall right now! You can see Ezra and Hera up front over there, yeah?”

    Lifting her head, the Sorano in question looked over at the frontal area, and sure enough, Hera’s familiar voice was already booming through the once-bustling courtyard. The child’s paces soon brought her over to the fornt of the crumbling stone and brick, seeing that Hera was chatting eagerly to Ezra and another citizen of Magnolia. Ahh… so she wouldn’t be lazing around after all, huh? The pair were with another girl, and… was Hera putting a guild crest on her? The girl’s forehead creased in confusion and surprise. What a curious circumstance this was… And already, she could feel the presence of more and more Fairy Tail mages crowding in around them, all coming to work on the city. Right. They were here to work, weren’t they? Stepping up to the trio, Sorano nodded at each, Hera, Ezra, and the new woman. “Hello Hera, Ezra, Rose. Who’s this?” She tilted her head curiously towards Cecile, already inspecting her aura for any malicious intent.


    Ahhhh, so late of me xDD



    A Fairy's Promise [Guild Event] [Open] B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.


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    Public Re: A Fairy's Promise [Guild Event] [Open]

    Post by DOPPO 25th April 2017, 6:27 pm

    Sooner than Ezra had thought, the two hot tempered persons had quickly created a screaming match, which the workers would snicker at or observe in silence. It was actually Hera who had stopped first while Ezra had been fuming intensively in the background, cursing under his breath nasty things. He was quick to get angry, and even quicker to lose his temper. The hot tempered red head stood there with comical smoke emitting from his head while he gritted his teeth and flexed his hands in anger.

    Ezra was quick to calm down, though. He was no more that grumpy afterwards as he observed the doings of Hera. Just like her Father, she possessed a gift. A gift bestowed by dragons, no less. Course, Ezra had never seen one himself, but he never doubted their existence. It was impressive that such a tough girl existed but hasn't really lived up to her Father's name. But it was fine. She didn't need to be the living incarnate of her Father. She just needed to be whatever she damn well pleased.

    Ezra would wait patiently as Hera cast her spell, before she did something shocking. A smaller, soft hand wrapped around his darker, big ones. At first, he was speechless. He expected some sort of crushing pressure on contact, but it was gentle but rough enough to guide him wherever she pleased. Ezra's expression was one of surprise, but not distaste. His lips would open quietly, and words would roll off the tongue in his usual southern-esk tone, "I guess you're right. Though we should be a tad more supportive, huh? It is a big 'buildin." Ezra sighed, wondering just how far this building was.

    It was quite literally several miles from where they last were, and Ezra was damn near exhausted. He hadn't anticipated such a walk! He felt this sensation of lethargy, mainly because he wasn't mentally prepared. But he looked over to Hera, who seemed completely unfazed. His face went blank, Strength of a dragon, I tell 'ya.... he thought to himself. But most of the sickly sensations were wiped away when Hera had suddenly pulled away from him and yelled. Ezra went quiet, and then bursted into anger, "You're the one who grabbed me, girly!" Ezra began to fume again, like the hot head he was. His face was flushed a pinkish-red with irritation, but with other lingering feelings he couldn't really identify. He mostly brushed it off with his dominating rage. But it was quite refreshing to see her in such a "cute" state. He had never seen her act so immaturely. Not that he was any better. It was pleasing and eye-catching.

    After that confrontation, everything went smoothly. As usual, he calmed down, and fell silent as he fell into thought. Ezra habitually fiddled with his red hair, not even noticing the packs of women swooning over him. He ended brooding again, his grumpy expression said it all. He had trailed behind wherever Hera went without giving her his undivided attention. He had wondered just how sides to this fireball had to her. It was more out of curiosity than something else, which he had firmly denied.

    Before he knew it, a new girl had been hesitantly welcomed on the Fairy Tail board. Ezra was shocked himself, as he didn't realize that the procedure was so swift. Or maybe Hera was doing it all wrong. Maybe she was bad influence and a klutz, it was all plausible. Another familiar face had entered the scene as well. Mura, a respectable member of Fairy Tail. He didn't know him personally but knew him well enough to know his name. Ezra scoffed and turned his attention back to Hera and the girl.

    Ezra would glare and scowl at the woman, with his typical menacing speech, "Quit your bitching, lass. I ain't all about that, ya hear?" He stepped up to her, chest to chest, and scoffed down at her, "Treat it like an honor, new girl. Ya hear? We clear?"

    Like a dog growling at a newcomer, Ezra was kick to teach the girl her place, and was prepared to back it up with some brawn. Suddenly, a new but familiar voice entered the scene as well! It was Sorano, or as known to Ezra as Boss. She was Boss, The Boss, Big Boss (despite her size), Bad Boss. Didn't matter. She was boss. And like the boss she was, Ezra quickly turned to her. "This? This is just a water girl! No biggy! No scuff! I'm 'tellin ya, Boss! Ain't worth a jewel of 'er time!" Ezra flaunted, with his usual southern-esk speech. Of course, he didn't have an accent. But... his grammar was that of a southerner in some parts of Fiore. His vocabulary was wide and expansive... it just didn't click sometimes.

    "Didn't we come here to help out?" Ezra turned to Hera, "Gonna leave me to do all the work or are you gonna put those ugly hands to use,




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    Public Re: A Fairy's Promise [Guild Event] [Open]

    Post by Haru-senpai 26th April 2017, 6:56 pm

    Hera smiled at Cecile, but then her face turned worried. As a breeze seemed to blow, as her braid moved in the wind. As if by fate, Mura came walking up. The same age as Hera, the samurai walked up between them. So young to be dedicated to a weapon like that. But he was growing. He was taller than her even now by a little. A few of his familiar spirits whirled around her briefly, even Kyuken the ancient samurai spirit.

    Mura didn't say anything, just let out a smile like only he could as he joined the group---elbow resting on his sword calmly. As Kyuken seemed to vanish back into him. She never understood how he controlled spirits like that.....she'd have to ask him one day. Spirit Bind Magic truly was a mystery to her.

    Cecile as the guild mark began to shine and settle on her looked surprised, protested, and then blushed and showed a glimmer of excitement in her eye. Almost as if she was in disbelief that the guild crest choose to accept her. But Hera knew it the moment she saw her somehow. Not all mages were tough enough for Fairy Tail. But something said she was. When Ezra started cursing at Cecile, Rose looked shocked at him and crossed over to Cecile's side, floating up next to her as her white wings appeared in a small glowing flash on her back.

    "That's no way to talk to a lady!" she held up a paw as in a flash a longsword appeared in the hand of the floating Exceed. Smiling at Ezra in jest, the sword disappeared in a flash as Rose put her paws on her hips, floating mid-air bobbing up and down with Aera magic. Just then, a very strong magic power neared them as Hera looked over. Sorano walked right up to them, her own Exceed flying just behind her.

    She never, ever showed any emotion. Her face was just so stoic and focused all the time. If she made an expression, it usually was a plain or serious one. Although this girl was only 13 years old, she was the master of Fairy Tail. Sorano Granon. Her Solid Script and Letter Magic was beyond comprehension for normal people, and usually even Hera.

    "Oh, this is Cecile....it looks like the mark accepted her." Hera said, turning with her arms crossed. Leaning to the side. In her usual belly cut black and gold jacket, with white shorts on. Her head dipped as her long pink braid swayed a bit. She crossed her arms in thought for about twenty seconds before looking at Cecile. "Well...the crest is magical, it doesn't make mistakes. If you weren't meant to be in the Guild, no crest would've appeared when I held my hand out at you." she turned to Sorano, blushing a bit and remaining silent for awhile awaiting any orders if she gave any.

    Ezra then went on to say Cecile wasn't worth a jewel of Sorano's time because she was the boss which caused Hera to facepalm as Rose just yelled out "Ezra!" for what seemed like the 100th time in weeks. When he commented that they should all get to work, Hera would nod to herself.

    Putting a fist into a hand and smiling she would come up with a plan.

    "Alright well, we're mages. They're not....let's all use our support type spells to make these regular humans SUPER humans." she smiled. "My real magic's not much good at anything other than....well blowing things up, but I know little bit of Sky Dragon Magic too, and I'm pretty good at enchanting. I can make people fly, run really fast, and make em real strong, not to mention I can make it so they don't get tired!" she blushed a bit as she put her hands to the side and looked down. "Sorano, I'm sure with your Letter Magic you could pretty much just spell the word "BRICKS" or "STEEL" into the air with magic to make a bunch of stuff appear for the Ca-Elum guys." she would nod to the Guild Master, knowing that with her set of powers and magic, she'd be by far the best at building anything with the snap of her fingers.

    With a nod to everyone, Hera said that the Cathedral just behind them looked well in hand, as Ca-Elum smiths were already working on the roof and stained glass. The towering churches construction bangs and noise loud as heck in the area they were all standing in.

    "Well, we should probably split up right?" Rose said with a smile. "I'm staying with the master, at least I won't have to put up with Ezra's constant foul mouth and poor manners....." the cat vs dog battle between them continued as Rose smirked dignified, floating over to the master and Hoshi. Sorano now had two Exceeds floating around her. One of them a powerhouse ReQuip mage who might even be stronger than Hera.

    "Fine, I'll take Ezra with me. Someone's gotta keep an eye on this fool I swear..." she said the last bit under her breath as she tightened her arm cross just thinking about Ezra's damn mouth. His southern accent was charming as heck, but every other word was probably going to be a curse word. He was worse than Hera which was saying something. "Cecile, you should go with the Master and Mura." Hera said, to her with a long smile. "Well catch up later for some girl time....maybe you guys should start at Magnolia National Hospital....it was the best hospital in Fiore up until about a month ago when it got wrecked in that battle." with that, she would nod to Ezra.

    Realizing she was alone with him now, she would look over at him.

    "Let's do this! I think...I'm about to make someone fly, I can't wait to see their reaction hahahaha...." Hera's eyes would sparkle comically with an anime twinkle as she walked with Ezra through town.

    Back with Sorano, Rose would look over at her.

    "Well, you're the boss? What should we do? Hoshi and I can fly around town super fast and help deliver stuff maybe.....what do you think?" she said, bobbing up and down in the air, floating near the Guild Master, Mura, and Cecile with Hoshi, a smaller Exceed also floating nearby.


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    A Fairy's Promise [Guild Event] [Open] Rose


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    Public Re: A Fairy's Promise [Guild Event] [Open]

    Post by DOPPO 27th April 2017, 1:24 pm

    Ezra would stand there giving funny looks to Cecile as he prepared to get to work. It was almost a habit for him to become one of the most foul-mouthed, disrespectful people to those who are new to him. He wouldn't call it a good habit at all. But as one may get to know the redhead, they can soon realize the tough love he can give to another.

    Ezra began to fiddle with his blazing red hair as the group conversed. All, of course, were of unique nature. Mura, who seemingly had a lot to do with spirits, was a wizard of average caliber. Nothing out of the ordinary, but his relationship with his companions was quite the enigma. It was hard to even identify his companions as spirits, as Ezra was no expert. Ezra settled his lingering questions of Mura for the time being as he strayed his focus to Sorano, or as Ezra calls her, Boss. She was short and young. Very young. In her early or late teens from what Ezra could tell, it was hard to believe they were of equal power and even harder to believe she was Guildmaster! He had pondered her tale for quite the time.

    Then there was Cecile. Little to say about her besides she was good at distributing water and had an basic rack. Though her slightly darkened skin tone was appealing, as well with her messy, dark hair. It complimented her nicely but didn't do the trick for Ezra. She smelled decent.

    Finally, Hera. She was best known as Heero Reyold's daughter, since she hasn't really made a name for herself. Her bloodline was no mystery, as she had been gifted by the dragons. Not often you'd come across something like that. A scent so thick and heavy, but fruitful and peachy. It was delightful but mysterious.

    The redhead rolled his eyes and casually rubbed the back of his neck as Rose would scold him. "Back where I come from, there are no ladies. There's a man and a woman and I'll be damned if there's anything besides that! You spit on them, she'll spit on you!" Ezra would bicker back and forth with the Exceed as Hera would find herself drawn to Cecile's recruitment.

    Hera would then suggest a grand idea of supporting the workers. Ezra tuned in quietly while he comically twisted his pinky in his ear, almost bored. "While you guys have your fancy-smancy spells and whatnot, I'll use raw strength to get this town back its feet. Y'all could learn from hard work instead of magic, sometimes, ya know? It's magic that destroyed this town and it should be the hard working man's hand that fixes it!" Ezra lectured, "That's my part, anyway."

    The conversation would drift off into making groups. It was created in a flash, as Rose was put with Sorano, Cecile, and Mura, while Hera and Ezra would be working in a pair. Ezra scrunched his face up at Rose's comment, but before he could turn her into a Chinese buffet, Hera had gestured they'd go, and so did they.

    The two were alone now, and Ezra had been fuming most of the time. That is, until she had broken the ice.

    Ezra looked over to her and cracked a sly smile, "Oh yeah? I wouldn't call it the best of 'er ideas, girly. You did mention how savvy you were with blowing stuff up..." He snickered before leaning over the girl with his towering height, "Bet'cha the only reason 'er using magic is 'cause you don't have the manpower to move things 'erself! Heh,
    when I was a kid, you worked nail and tooth to get stuff done! Not flying magic and fire! Guess 'er Daddy spoiled 'ye, eh, girly?"



    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

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    Public Re: A Fairy's Promise [Guild Event] [Open]

    Post by Mura Kensho 28th April 2017, 8:56 am

    Sorano appeared just as Mura did, or a bit later. Now, the group had increased to what amount there was at the very moment. He didn’t bother counting because of the irrelevance in it, but the atmosphere was in place. Ezra was quite lively today, even fuming here and there which Mura noticed against his will. “U-Uhm, watch out for your… well, what comes out of your mouth, that is,” he spoke, originally intending to warn Ezra of the fuming that he might’ve already been totally aware of. Despite that, his accent was quite amazing, but Mura had trouble understanding a single word. He couldn’t really tell where Ezra really learned that kind of tongue at.

    While Rose scolded him, Mura took a quick glance over at the newcomer. The Guild Mark had, apparently, already got stuck into her own structural stigmata of magic prowess, a thing that concluded her place in Fairy Tail. However, noticing that the Guildmaster just showed up now made Mura think: … Wait, it can’t be. He switched his eyes towards Hera for a second, realizing that it was practically only the Guildmaster’s authority that reached far enough to have the honor of planting the Guild Mark on new family members. A small sweat drop trickled down as he felt quite rebuking. “Cecile…” he mumbled her name quietly to remember that for now, so that it would be just as valuable as all the other names that resided in his spirit.
    Anyway, it appeared that he wasn’t late for the work! Luckily, Hera promised to use her Sky Dragon Magic this time and temporarily unequip herself of the flames of the Fire Dragon Magic. He couldn’t really see any benefits of fire during a construction other than melting together iron bars, in which his magic sufficed.

    After groups were suggested, he replied: “Alright, but remember; he’s the responsible one, Hera.” Chuckling a bit, he hoped for her to understand that she was, in fact, under his watch and not the opposite, despite the reason behind her showing initiative to keep an eye on him. He then moved towards the National Hospital and watched over its damages from the Cathedral; the walls had leftovers of giant boulders of concrete from devastated houses that could’ve been blown up a mile away or two. In order to ease the work, he quickly clapped his hands together and let his magic do something with the troublesome rocks. They all started to turn into liquid that fell off the walls and left the holes open, ready to be filled out again. “Hmh… so, Cecile,” he spoke to the dark-skinned lady, “What about the water bottles? Where are you supposed to put them at? Perhaps we should do that first, then take care of the holes on the hospital…”



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    Public Re: A Fairy's Promise [Guild Event] [Open]

    Post by ivyleaf33 2nd May 2017, 10:03 pm

    Ahh, it felt good, seeing Fairy Tail back with their usual attitudes and cheerful demeanors. It was a sight that the girl was far more accustomed to than gloomy expressions and tired grumblings. While the constant bickering and badmouthing back and forth between members may seem obnoxious to some, it was like music to her ears. Even someone emotionless like her wasn’t completely unaffected by their contagious personalities. But she lifted her ears when the new girl was mentioned. “A…water girl?” By no means did Sorano ignore the sudden change in mood when she walked up, the feelings directed towards her. She found it rather unnatural, and almost a bit silly that everyone seemed to feel so confused and weirded out by her presence – and they treated her so formally and awkwardly at times, even people like Hera who were quite above her in terms of magic. While Ezra’s tone was a bit rude, she never really paid these things any mind, instead, she nodded cordially at the older, and turned to Hera, who proved the next tidbit of information.

    “Cecile, hm,” she pondered aloud. It was strange for an ace to give out guild marks, something she had always found odd with Hera, but if it took… A small frown of thinking would manifest in the teen’s face, and she touched the symbol curiously. For a moment, it would glow slightly, reacting at the touch of the guild master, proving its value. Huh. It seemed that she was a new member of the guild after all. The letter mage would reach out her hand, introducing herself as “Sorano Granon and Hoshi, it’s nice to meet you as the seventh guild master of Fairy Tail. Welcome.” She bowed down slightly, being a very polite person despite her age. But there wasn’t much time for chitchat right now! There was work to do, as Hera so kindly pointed out for the rest of the fairies. Listening to Hera’s plan, as well as Ezra’s gruff response, the guild master would make a few brief thoughts.

    It seemed logical enough, but… Wincing slightly at a sudden thought, Sorano gazed at how the the teams had been organized. How had it come to this… Ezra and Hera together? It was almost laughable how the more relaxed and less hot-headed members had been placed in one group, while the resident Master of Destruction and a rather snappish man who didn’t hold the best relationship with her was in a group. Not to mention Hera was sending Rose, one of the few rational people with her. “Here, I’ll send Hoshi with you then, it will be a good chance for her to have some bonding time with other members,” she suggested, ignoring the horrified expression on the shy feline’s face. Instead, she waved the tabby off to join the two, hoping that the presence of someone like the exceed would cause them to take more care in repairs.

    Then, she would drift off after Mura and Cecile, staying mostly out of the conversation. It wasn’t that she was shy or wished to be cold on purpose, but simply that she wished to observe the scene before finding a place to slide into the conversation. As usual, Mura’s display of his elemental abilities was quite impressive as the material melted down into water, freeing things up. “We should try to preserve materials as well, though, can’t risk running out, and it’ll save money,” was her only comment, not that a few slabs of broken concrete would change much. Then, she let herself follow Mura’s instruction, letting him show off his leadership skills this time around. “Here, I can start on the walls.” Writing a few experimental words, half-formed objects floated languidly beneath the springtime sun, and she played with the materials, structures, and piping on the inside before letting the new piece of wall slowly slot itself into place. This was going to take awhile.


    I thought I posted then looked back and I didn't. rip.



    A Fairy's Promise [Guild Event] [Open] B2WXv4aK_o
    sorano granon | solid script | aura manipulation | bank | armory
    i pretend i really liked it this way-- you see, my heart won't die, though i've really tried.

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