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    Tale of gods and puppets


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,700

    Tale of gods and puppets Empty Tale of gods and puppets

    Post by Charlotte 10th January 2017, 10:55 am

    It was a long way to Shirotsume for little Charlotte. She has never really been this far away from Rose Garden and everything around her was new. Why would she travel such a distance? It was quite simple really. Joining a guild was only one single step forward out of many. And this was another one of them, starting her little journey across Fiore. Land where she was born, yet she knew very little about. Most of her knowledge was siphoned from books, some of them less reliable than others. So Seth pushed her a tad, making her go on this journey. Some would probably question why was a young girl such as this travelling such distance completely alone, but the puppeteer would always be by her side, even if no one else could sense their presence. It was a shame, really! Charlotte wanted to introduce Seth to others many, many times in the past. After all, she was taking him as a very dear friend to her. Yet, not another living soul was allowed to see them for now. The puppeteer had their own plans though, ones that the girl did not know about herself. But that was story for another time, as she finally approached the small town with mountains all around. It sure was colder, and the girl did not waste any time with looking around!

    There was a lot to take in, but the biggest attraction, if one could call it that, was the church that was located in this place. Charlotte never really visited one and she wanted to fix that as soon as possible. She even came dressed for the occasion, leaving the usual sweater and skirt behind in the favor of much more elegant and much more dark outfit that was now adorning her small and slender body. The building was standing tall and rather visible too, so there was no problem with finding it at all. Thanks to some old habits, the girl cleaned her shoes before entering and then looked around the interior. It was mostly empty, but some praying souls could still be seen here and there, sitting undisturbed on the pews. Surely they were all praying to whatever god was actually worshiped across this land, Charlotte wasn't really sure. Her case was a little special, as god was term slightly warped for her. For now, she merely moved forward only to stop where the pews stopped, her gaze being quickly directed to the altar. And after a short and childish smile, she started waving at the object as if someone was standing there. Which obvious was not the case, as any sane person could see. The girl was simply waving at the altar, not paying any attention to the strange looks that she might have received while doing so.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Tale of gods and puppets Empty Re: Tale of gods and puppets

    Post by Sanguine 19th January 2017, 5:31 pm


    It felt so great to be back in Shirotsume for the first time in two years! More of two years to her, she was more upset with the idea that she wasn't gone for albeit a whole two days. Regardless, she loved that city and everyone in it more than anything else in the world. Despite everything everyone had ever done for her after leaving the city, she considered this place the birthplace of.. well everything to her. First being her life as a whole; values, morals, goals, friends, everything. Second had been the exposure of the outside world. Not outside the town, but more of everything outside of it. A wonder of whom she had become exposed to, the reasons and worries behind what she was, who she was, and what this exposure would do to her was boggling in it of itself, but she let it go and decided to just push the thoughts away for now and focus on the normal visit plan.

    Her magic covered her body, dressed her entirely the way she had been, her seated in the empty church was just the way she wanted it. A mindful reflection on her past actions, sins, and asking for forgiveness in the end. It was just what she needed to do, however the likelihood that her guild mistress would allow a small chapel to be built so she could pray without the need to leave the guild hall seemed a little excessive. With a small sigh, she exited her silent tranceful state of peace and prayer, content with the length of time she spent; 3 hours. Just from the crack of dawn, she felt it necessary to stay and remain here for what she considered it to be a more deserving "punishment" to her, than anything.

    Finally, her eyes opened to the dim lighting of the building, looking to her left as if she felt like she was being watched. Once she hadn't seen anything, her attention turned to the right where a girl would stand there, waving. She raised a brow in confusion, waving back gently before she stood to her feet and the creaking pew and gave a curtsy. "H-Hello there, miss. A-Are you new in town?" She stood still and waited, looking puzzled at the stranger.


    Tale of gods and puppets JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Curse of the White Witch
    Position : None
    Posts : 266
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 18,700

    Tale of gods and puppets Empty Re: Tale of gods and puppets

    Post by Charlotte 19th January 2017, 5:57 pm

    As one would expect, it wasn't long before someone approached the young girl that was waving at the altar in such strange enthusiastic manner. And  thankfully, it wasn't to kick her out either! Which was definitely a good thing, as something like that would probably to be expected if someone were to take actions like these in a place of holiness that this church was. Charlotte didn't waste much time before she would calm herself down, having her body remain in more stable position as she faced a newly appeared girl right in front of her. And the first sight of this crimson-haired maiden was, well... it was something rather strange. Something that made the pale-skinned child jump back a little. For one, her dresses somehow appeared like something you would usually not wear in a church to Charlotte and second, it was radiating with magical power that Seth quickly and effortlessly detected.

    Normally, the god-like being would inform it's puppet of those that stood right in front of her. But this time, they did not whisper a thing. Instead, they kept that little gained knowledge to themselves. The fact that this one possessed something rather unique... a power to slay those that would dare call themselves gods. An amusing though for sure, but it was definitely not time to test what a power like that could do just yet. Instead, the puppeteer left it's puppet to do whatever she wanted for once. And for that, Charlotte smiled warmly before replying to this girl that greeted her.

    "Yes ma'am! I heard that this place is quite amazing, so I finally put my hard-earned jewels to some use and traveled here, to see the church and everything else Shirotsume has to offer! It's really amazing, though I don't know what god is worshiped here... are you a sister?"

    The girl ask, curiosity adoring her big pupils as she stared at the girl in front of her in amazement. Yes, the first impression was not the best, but now Charlotte quickly warmed up to this lady dressed in black. And if she knew something about this place, well... she would not mind having a guide. Not to mention, she looked like she could be of similar age to the pale girl herself. Something quite rare these days, somehow. But that alone was a good enough reason to try and make friends or at least acquaintances.


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:17 pm