Fairy Tail RP

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    Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    Tale of the Tape [Event] Empty Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 21st June 2016, 4:44 pm

    Dovahkiin!  Dovahkiin!
    Everybody Duct Tape!
    I don't know, why it is,
    So I'm making it up!

    A new job was delivered to Anastasia as she was dropping off some supplies.  She had received a summons to the Ancient Ruins where there was a small village very close to the ruins; one that the group had originally passed during one of their jobs in this place.  The place was filled with bullet holes and holes in the ground thanks to the explosions that were carried out the last time they were there.  Team Four Star, most certainly, didn't leave that place better than it was when they were there.  Though, it really wasn't their fault.  

    The airship landed and Anastasia stepped out of the Cargo Hold where the cargo door descended, turning into a ramp.  Having Taliya and The Fire Moth by her side, Anastasia held her hair so the jetwash from the engines didn't blow hair into her face, disrupting what she was saying.  "Hey!  It looks like we're here.  The village elder wants to speak to us to give us our mission.  You guys ready?" Anastasia asked before her eyes fell upon the new girl, Jessi.  

    "Just stick with us and everything will be alright," she said with a re-assuring smile.  Along with the new girl, Nao and Almyra decided to join in in this fray.  Ashelia, however, was nowhere to be found; big surprise there.  "You too, Almy.  If things start getting too rough for you, let me or Taliya know and we'll get you to safety, alright?" she mentioned before nodding and stepping off of the ship, finding themselves in the middle of the town.  

    Eyes turned to look towards them.  These people looked extremely primitive with faces covered in dirt and wearing tribalistic clothing.  They all pointed at George, the airship, for a moment and their jaws dropped.  They seemed to be fixated on the flying machine; as if it was a god.  Noticing the strangeness of the locals, Ana turned towards Taliya for a moment.  "I think we should just keep going," she said with a sweat drop falling down her forehead.  

    "Eh heh.  Maybe, yeah.  Well, you know the elder's house is probably the biggest and most exquisite looking, so let's go," she said before Ana and Taliya lead the way through the village.  More and more people spilled out of the wood-work to gaze upon the airship.  The group made their way to what appeared to be a strange hut.  A man stood outside of the hut and nodded to the group.

    "Elder will see you, young heroes of Tape," the man said cryptically.  This caused Anastasia to bite her lower lip, resisting the need to laugh.  "Alright, thank you," she said before the stern-faced man's appearance changed slightly to that of a young child.  "Now I get to see the sky god!  Yay!" he said before waddling over to the ship and stared upwards in awe.  If it were to rain right now, all of the locals would have drowned themselves to death.  

    Opening the door to the hut, there was a lot of smoke.  Coughing, Anastasia swiped her hand in front of her to clear out a path for her to breathe, only for a chair to swing around with a strange blue colored man wearing a headdress filled with feathers and a hookuh in his hand.  "Hello, destined warriors of the Tape.  Your appearance has been foretold for many centuries," the creature said as it took a deep puff out of it's hookuh.  

    "Don't worry, I'm just vaping," the elder said.

    "We get it," Anastasia replied with a slight bit of annoyance in her voice.
    Duct Tape, Duct Tape, Duct Tape

    Feel free to add your own spin guys. Let's get creative :D
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


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    Tale of the Tape [Event] Empty Re: Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Post by Jessi 21st June 2016, 6:47 pm

    It had not been long now that Jessi had joined this group of people with some rather strange choices in magic; one in particular worried her more than she probably should be worried but for a little bit she would definitely put that behind her after she had caused that massive plush teddy bear to fall onto the one called Almy.

    As she ship landed amongst some rather... Awkward peoples, Jessi decided to ask the most... intelligent answer that likely no one had thought to ask as part of this group. “So….Who is responsible for nicknaming the ship…George?” At that moment Jessi noticed that some of this rather odd village peoples “They really seem to like your ship….” At that moment Jessi had a fantastic idea. Reaching out as if trying to touch something she would smirk and laugh heartily as a small blue aura would suddenly surround her hand and hundreds of plastic copies of “George” Would fall around the feet of the tribespeople.

    “Well that should keep that lot busy for…..a long time I guess” Jessi said with a smirk, this was basically the only amount of power she has shown any of the people who are with her, and this was in essence a simple parlor trick.

    Jessi continued to follow Ana into the room where the elder would be meeting them. “Wow…this stuff is pretty. Dense!” She said with a laugh as she let Ana speak with this rather odd elder who seemed to think that their group was some sort of heroes.


    Tale of the Tape [Event] G4kxChs
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Tale of the Tape [Event] Empty Re: Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Post by Almyra Bys 22nd June 2016, 4:11 pm

    Almyra was waiting for the ship to decend when she was suddenly assailed by a giant teddy bear. Despite the little time to react, she managed to catch the bear. She smiled at the soft plushie and gave it a loving squeeze.
    Tale of the Tape [Event] WFMYZ1D
    She put the bear down somewhere clean and safe as the ship touched down. She got up from where she was sitting and walked to the cargo bay to disembark, holding her doll in her hand. She had mostly recovered from her injuries at the hands of the Red Sand Bandits, though her left hand was still missing. The new girl that had joined the team made a bunch of plastic model of George for all the people who seemed fascinated with it. That was nice of her. She then asked who was responsible for the nickname. Almy hopped with glee as she answered. "I did! It's nice, isn't it?"

    She followed Ana into the elder's home, which was filled with... not smoke, but some sort of lemon-scented fog. Evidently the elder was into "vaping". And furthermore was actually some small creature, a rather cute one at that. Still, this was all rather strange. Apparently they were destined warriors of... Tape? Almy looked at her stub of a limb. She didn't feel like a warrior, but apparently she was. "Um... okay." She found a place to sit down and did so. The vapor rose, thankfully, so her sitting on the floor left her generally out of the overpowering lemon scent.


    Tale of the Tape [Event] 3MA5V3N
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    Tale of the Tape [Event] Empty Re: Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Post by Nao 23rd June 2016, 1:56 pm

    ”I never really get over the” a heaving sound would leave the water slayer’s mouth as he walked off of the ship. ”I don’t even know why this keeps happening to me besides being a dra-“ Another heave, and trying to keep the brine down inside his stomach… Because that’s what you get when one of you trades the whole facilities abilities so you can have dragon powers.

    Nao held onto the side of Charlie, using him as a crutch as he ascended towards the tribe people along with his team mates, and a new girl that had joined them for this one. She seemed to be some sort of summoner; summoning bears upon Almy, and even making hundreds or plastic versions of the ship for the people as if they needed souvenirs of the experience. He himself would just follow behind quietly, slowly recovering from the motion sickness, and trying not to bring up an ocean into the area.

    The tribe that they had met seemed to be primitive in almost every way, despite there being this history of magic in this world. And they were certainly not the first people to have flying ships so why were they so… far behind? He would keep pondering this as he trailed behind the group, watching the people stare in awe of the ship. He even watched the children move quickly past them as they all wanted to see what they had arrived on. Nao frowned a little bit as they continued on the path into the tent.

    The tent was filled with vapour from the strange creature that seemed to lead these people. He did begin to wonder about why these people were so far behind, but instead he knew he needed to attend the group’s needs of dealing with this vapour.

    Nao gave a small huff and a roll of his eyes, before using his powers of water manipulation to move the vapour high into the ceiling, and make it see itself out of the door. That way they would be able to actually talk to this creature about what this prophecy was without dying from second hand vape. While he would have to mostly concentrate on making sure this elder didn’t make them drown inside his own hut, he did have one question for the elder.

    ”How did you come across this prophecy? And how does it relate to us?” he said, pointing to himself. This group was more of a rag tag bunch of mages with all sorts of crazy powers, and Nao didn’t even think of himself to be anything special. There were literally dozens of him, after all. ”Actually what my biggest question is how did we even get in contact with you?” He turned to Ana for this one, still keeping the vapour high above them so that they could see each other.


    Profile Magic Bank
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Tale of the Tape [Event] Empty Re: Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 24th June 2016, 6:36 pm

    You Four are the Chosen
    Warriors of the Tape!
    You MUST save all 4 Rolls
    To Protect the World from Destruction!

    The elder took another deep puff from it's vaporizer, releasing a thick cloud of vapor towards the 4 plus pets. It smacked it's lips together for a moment and nodded it's head. "Well, you are all prophecized to have shown up here for thousands of years to fulfill a single purpose," the creature said as it took another deep puff of the vapes. It smacked it's lips together once more before turning to look towards the only male in this group.

    The creature burped in Nao's direction. "Well, to be fair, it was a self-fulfilling prophecy as my people sent her," it said as it pointed it's 'fin' at Anastasia. "a message," the elder said before Ana pulled out the note the elder was talking about. It was covered in duct tape. Ana shrugged her shoulders and put the note away. Upon looking back at the blue creature, a cloud of vapor was blown into her face with the smell of fish coming from it. This caused Ana to grow extremely dizzy for a moment before fighting through it and enduring.

    "Oh, right," the elder said for a moment before taking another puff. "You 4 have been recruited to find a legendary artifact of our people," the creature said before pulling out a stone relief that showed a strange roll of something upon it. "The Mythical Item called 'Duct Tape'," the creature said before taking another puff from it's vaporizer. It paused afterward and took the vaporizer apart only to pour more liquid inside of the vaporizer. Afterward, it took another couple of quick puffs before a look of satisfaction went across it's face.

    "You must look far and wide for the legendary artifact in order to repair the fissure in the world. Yes, this artifact must be used to hold the world together," the creature said before nodding it's head.

    "You can find the duct tape deep within the ancient ruins behind me. However, beware of the dangers that lay within as there is a creature so terrifying defending the artifact, that it may detour you from going in," the creature said before Anastasia jumped in.

    "So, let me get this straight. We need to find Duct Tape to heal the world?" Anastasia said simply.

    The creature took another deep breath inwards with a nod, releasing the white cloud back onto Ana's face. "Yes, pretty much. It is a band-aid for the world. However, you must dawdle as there are others trying to get the item as well. Creatures known as 'Tape Wraiths'. They are servants of the Dark Lord; Scotch that are sent to chase after the Duct Tape in order to get it's adhesive formula," the creature said once more before a loud sound of hissing could be heard from outside.

    "Sounds like the Tape Wraiths are here," the creature said once more and took another puff. It didn't seem all that bothered by it's presence.
    You guys can feel free to express what the Tape Wraiths look like if you want guys :D

    Feel free to add your own spin guys.  Let's get creative :D
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Tale of the Tape [Event] Empty Re: Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Post by Jessi 25th June 2016, 8:56 am

    Jessi had been standing outside when strange smell of Lemons and gross fishy breath, “Hmmmm” Jessi thought as the personification of the fourth wall appeared before her to converse, however no one could see him, unless they were also blessed and she hoped no one around her was. “Oh……you, Uhhhgggg what exactly do you want?” She asked it. All of the Tribespeople looked around her as if she was nuts but they didn’t care, they all now had idols to their new god George.

    “So you should go in there…..and …….. then you should….” The fourth wall said with a sideways smile. “What do you mean….. what is……..?” She asked but was handed a bottle of yellow liquid with a pine tree and a lemon on it. “Fine I’ll do it if it will keep you happy.” She said walking into the hut where the dense fog was emanating from.

    Once the fog dissipated from around the group she put the fourth walls plan into action. “And that’s the Power of Pine-Sol Baby!” she said brandishing the bottle of pine-sol and feeling rather foolish.

    At first she felt foolish but then she heard a laugh in her ear “I really hate you!” She yelled, but to whom? Sitting down she would listen to what the Chief had to say, something about Duct tape, however with that mentioned she heard that same annoying laugh again but tried to push it out. “Jessi Come on! Their holy artifact….its Duct tape! This must be a tribe of guys with a lot of broken things!” the fourth wall laughed in her ear causing her to grow more and more irritated. “If you don’t shut up your stupid…..wall hole face! Im going to shut it for you” She said in a pissed off tone…to something no one else could see.

    The elder seemed to pay her no mind as he mentioned what they had to do “OH! That’s an easy one Just give me a moment” she said with a grin as her hand suddenly disappears followed by her arm. “Ah I think I’ve got it!” She said as she would pull something out of the veil that holds all worlds together.

    “Who the heck is…Heero?” She asked handing everyone something from the stack of autographed pictures. “I doubt this Is what we are looking for”

    Pictures of Heero:

    She then quickly pocketed one of the photos.


    Tale of the Tape [Event] G4kxChs
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Tale of the Tape [Event] Empty Re: Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Post by Almyra Bys 25th June 2016, 2:56 pm

    Almyra yawned, sleepy as always as she sat and listened to the weird little vaping critter talk about fixing the world with duct tape. If it was some sort of super magical duct tape, maybe, but there was no evidence that the world would actually split apart since well... gravity was a thing. Still, why not go on a little adventure and help these people out to get their duct tape.

    She watched with mild interest as Jessi talked with things that weren't there and pulled objects out of nothing, this time an air freshener to cover the elder's fishy breath. There were others seeking this magical Duct Tape, though it seemed. Someone named Scotch. She wondered if they liked alcohol at all or if the name was just a normal name or from something else. Regardless, it was time to go it seemed, as the Tape Wraiths were already here. Almyra stood and left the hut to get some fresh air and see what these Tape Wraiths were.

    As she stepped outside, she felt something impact her back. It wasn't hard or painful, it just felt like someone gave her a pat on the back. She paused a moment and turned to see who it was, but there was no one there. It felt like something was stuck to her back, though. She reached behind her, feeling around on her back for the object, but was unable to get a grasp on it. Finding nothing, she shrugged it off and continued looking around for the tape wraiths when suddenly she felt an impact on her lower leg. She turned to see a small child kicking her. He wasn't very strong, so it didn't hurt.

    "Why are you kicking me?"
    "Because of the sign!"

    Sign? Oh dear. The wraith had taped a "Kick me!" sign onto her back. She tried and tried but couldn't reach it to get it off again, then flailed her arms in frustration as a few other children came up and started to kick her.

    Tale of the Tape [Event] Rzdna0W


    Tale of the Tape [Event] 3MA5V3N
    Button count: 1035
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    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
    Lineage : Clone of the First Clone
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    Age : 31
    Mentor : Nao (Primary) Gem of Time (Secondary)
    Experience : 49,325

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water Dragon Slayer (First Gen)
    Second Skill: Chronokinesis
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    Tale of the Tape [Event] Empty Re: Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Post by Nao 27th June 2016, 1:47 pm

    Self-fulfilling prophecies? Duct tape mythics? Was it a legendary item or a mythical item? This seer was very good at seeing what the rarity of an item was. Especially something one could easily go to the store and get for a couple hundred jewels. Heck they probably had a roll of it somewhere  in the ship now that he thought about it. Why didn’t they just grab that?

    The slayer didn’t get much chance to actually speak between Ana and the creature that was talking to them. He began to regret moving the vapour up as the smell of fish and other rotten meat came from inside the mouth of the creature. His mind was filled up with senses of nausea and the motion sickness was starting to return to him. He had to give up with controlling the vapour as he ran out of the hut, passing Jessi the other way as he found himself a bush to throw up in. Salty brine would begin to pour out of his mouth as he began to almost taste the fishy smell that the creature spouted out. It would cause him to be sick with even more brine before he had to try and belt up and stop it.

    His hearing only managed to catch a few words, about pine sol, and some kind of wraith creatures that were… he didn’t hear the last part of it. But he figured that they would be just fine. That was until he turned to see Almy getting kicked about by a bunch of kids, and while it seemed fun to them he had to make sure that they were all away from what was happening.

    ”Now kids, lets go inside the huts. If you go home we’ll show you in the side of our flying machine,” he said, pulling off the taped sign from Almy, before he nodded. ”See? There was no trouble at a-“ He paused as he realised that the duct tape was starting to ravel around his arm as if it was growing into a plant.

    Nao would start moving backwards more and more as it tried to entwine him, hoping it wouldn’t grab Almyra as well. It would soon begin to entangle his arms and bind his body as the other side began to spin into one of the wraiths.

    Wraith 2:

    Nao would jump back, falling over backwards as he couldn’t move his body to catch himself. He winced as he fell, turning it into a frown as he set his sights on the new being.

    ”Oh jokes on you now! I got you right were I wanted,” as he began to suck in some air, taking all the air and dihydrogen monoxide that was around the area, before launching a loud roar of bubbles at the wraith. It would knock it back slightly from the impact, yet it seemed the duct tape that it was made from didn’t seem to budge. ”W-waterproof?”

    He tried wriggling around on the floor as the wraith began to constrict the binds a little more. He could grab enough breath to make a second roar, and he couldn’t find anything to use against this wraith. He was a sitting duck!

    How am I supposed to fight something that it resistant to water? he thought to himself, as he began to feel his chest tighten, and his lungs beginning to cry for oxygen. His face was starting to turn bluer than the calmest seas he had ever laid his eyes on. He was certainly in peril here.


    Profile Magic Bank
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

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    Tale of the Tape [Event] Empty Re: Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 27th June 2016, 2:10 pm

    Kick Me!
    I'm vaping
    We get it

    And as soon as Ana had a chance to think of what to say to the elder next, Jessi broke into the hut holding a bottle of yellow liquid with the bottle bearing a pine-tree on it.  In a loud and boisterous manner, Jessi shouted And That's the Power of Pine-Sol, Baby!  Anastasia simply turned her head towards Jessi for a moment before it went back and forth with some invisible creature, expressing her hatred for it.  Anastasia and Taliya both blinked in disbelief and muddle.  "What exactly is going on, Ana?" Taliya asked before Anastasia shook her head, while keeping her eye on Jessi.  "I don't know, Taliya.  Just ignore it.  We'll understand," she said with a brief pause -- "some day."

    And then it appeared that Jessi's arms vanished into thin-air, causing Anastasia to stop breathing for a moment.  She didn't understand what the hell is happening.  Did Jessi just lose her arms all of a sudden and she was playing a cruel joke?  Nope, because her arms returned with pictures of Heero.  This caused Anastasia to grumble and scowl at Jessi.  She knew who Heero was from watching him show-off during the Priory Invasion at Magnolia Town.  "Don't worry about who Heero is.  You're better off not knowing," she mentioned before turning to look towards the Elder for a moment and nodded her head.  "We're going to go into the ruins to find the 'duct tape'.  We'll be back," she said as she walked out of the hut with Taliya quickly following her only to see children kicking Almyra.

    Fuming, Anastasia took a step forward before the kids were repelled for a brief moment and Nao removing the kick-me sign.  These wraiths, these tape-wraiths looked as small as the children.  If they weren't considered the 'enemy' they would kinda be adorable if not terrifying at the same time.  Ana stepped forward once more to continue to shoo the children away before turning her back to them and looked towards Almyra.  "Are you alright?  Those kids didn't bother you did they?" she asked her friend before feeling a pat on her back.  

    As if, on queue, the children ran up to Ana and started to kick her in the shins.  "What the hell?" she asked as she danced around a bit to avoid the little feet hitting her shins.  Taliya simply sat back and laughed before a horde of kids started to kick her as well.  "C'mon, you brats!" she said before the black-colored Tape Wraiths started to swarm around and kick Ana and Taliya in the shins as well.  

    Something was weird about these wraiths, they were wet, but they seemed to be kicking (literally).  She turned to look towards Nao for a moment with a shrug of her shoulders.  She felt another pat on the back before the kids started to grab at her chest.  In reflex, Ana covered herself before kicking the duct tape creatures hard enough to cause one to collapse into a heap.  One of the creatures fell to the ground and appeared flattened, as if the sticky sides on the inside pressed together.  The flattened wraith stood up and waddled away in a cartoony fashion.

    But this didn't stop the local children from kicking them.  "Stop.  Seriously!  I'm ging to spank you brats," she said as she continued to dance around, all the while holding her chest and swatting away grabby hands.
    You guys can feel free to express what the Tape Wraiths look like if you want guys :D

    Feel free to add your own spin guys.  Let's get creative :D
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


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    Tale of the Tape [Event] Empty Re: Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Post by Jessi 28th June 2016, 3:02 pm

    After she seemed to have interrupted everyone she felt the need to apologize, mainly to Ana, whom seemed to have been talking to the elder. “Ok first sorry if I interrupted anything due to that terrible prank he made me do. Second be aware that had I not actually done that prank bad things might of happened today” Jessi said adding a grim voice when she mentioned bad things. “Oh but don’t worry he is happy enough for now, especially with the little fellow whom just put something onto the girl outsides back” She said pointing towards the outside.

    Jessi quickly followed Ana outside where she heard yet another bit of laughter from the 4th wall, but it wasn’t aimed at her for once it was aimed at Almy who was getting kicked around. “Hey Don’t yell at the less fortunate! What if someone started kicking you!” she yelled loudly and the fourth wall went silent for a moment.

    “Fine I won’t off any help then!” The fourth wall said in the voice of a whiney child “Just watch out for that massive boulder!” he said with a snide laugh before going completely silent. Jessi suddenly turned a complete 360 “Wait…..What boulder?!” she yelled looking around for something that may resemble a boulder or could become a boulder.


    Tale of the Tape [Event] G4kxChs
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

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    Tale of the Tape [Event] Empty Re: Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Post by Almyra Bys 29th June 2016, 6:52 pm

    Ana it seemed was very concerned about the very threatening small children that were kicking Almy, though they stopped after Nao plucked the sign off of Almy's back. Almy smiled at Ana and nodded. The kids were rather annoying and rude, but they didn't hurt at all. She just didn't want to accidentally hurt any of them trying to get them away. She turned now to look at Nao, who was behind her after having pulled the sign from her back. He was talking to someone, saying he had them right where he wanted, only to be dismayed as something was apparently waterproofed.

    It seemed that her friend had gotten himself into a bit of a bind. He had fallen over as tape wound its way around him and started to constrict him. That was very bad. It seemed these tape wraiths were not only tricksters, but actually hostile and dangerous as well. Furthermore, they were waterproof, which was even worse news for Nao. Honestly though, he should have expected that from them. They are made from duct tape, after all, which is known for being waterproof. Still, that didn't matter now. Almy's friend needed help, and help him she would! She dove onto Nao, touching her hand to the tape as it radiated the green aura of her magic. The Hand of Change tore apart a section of the tape. The wraiths it seemed, were not made of tape, but instead simply controlled it since Almyra's magic continued to tear away at the tape binding Nao. Within a few seconds, it would be weak enough for him to tear it apart and move. It would continue to slowly disintegrate over time afterwards as well.

    Unfortunately, in Almyra's haste, she also accidentally hit Nao's shirt with the spell, causing it to begin breaking down as well, though she didn't notice this fact as she quickly turned to Ana and Taliyah, throwing a ball of energy at one of the wraiths.

    Spells used: Hand of Change, Shaken Foundations


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    Tale of the Tape [Event] Empty Re: Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Post by Nao 4th July 2016, 1:53 pm

    Nao began to feel the constrictions of the tape as the wraiths controlled the grip that it held onto him. It turned from being a harmless piece of tape into an anaconda made of tape, strangling the life from the water slayer slowly but surely. He would feel his lungs being to lose all their oxygen and his life flashing before his eyes. It was short, and brief for he only could remember waking up and meeting his pet gryphon out in the Phoenix Mountains. How he met his team, and how he got his magic was all a blur to him right now. He didn’t dare ask about where he got all this, he just kind of accepted it and moved on from there.
    It seemed Almyra would come to the recue, jumping onto his and touching the tape that was binding him, before turning to shot a ball of energy at another of the wraiths. He would begin to feel the bindings become lose as the chaotic energy would overpower the existence of the bandages. However it would come at a cost as he would see his shirt disappear slowly like it had been eaten by some kind of moths. And now he was a topless male in a group of all females, and for the first time since he could remember (which isn’t that far) he felt a little ashamed.
    ”Thanks, Almy,” he said meekly, before taking note of the hole in the duct tape. If he couldn’t get the tape itself, maybe the adhesive would come off with a splash of water on it.
    He would put his hands out, launching a blast of water into the hole where  the duct tape that bound him was. With enough pressure he would see it blast off the other side, hitting a rock which in turn would cause a small landslide, and reveal a large boulder that would head their way. On the plus side, however, the water began to dissolve the adhesive, and the duct tape wraith fell apart, leaving only wraith and no duct tape.
    ”Maybe these creatures just use these bandage to keep themselves visible?” he wasn’t entirely sure with the theory there as he moved of the way  of the boulder. As he landed on his back he felt something hit his back.
    ”Oh no not me to-“ he was suddenly swarmed by kids kicking him on the floor. ”Ow! Stop! Why are you listening to the sign?!” Kids never listened to signs, so why did they start now?
    He would turn ethereal with his water form, before resurfacing a few metres away from the action. He decided to quickly destroy the sign before it was grabbed by another tape wraith and used to cause more problems.

    Spells used: Super Soaker
    Liquid State


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    Tale of the Tape [Event] Empty Re: Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 4th July 2016, 5:57 pm

    Okay, okay.
    On to the Adventure

    "Damn all of this duct-tape!" Anastasia said as she was trying to kick away all of the kids. She didn't use any force, but used her feet as a means of pushing the children away. Turning to look towards Taliya, Ana pulled something off of her back only for the kids to go away. "Taliya! Is there something on my back?" Ana asked, however, she didn't get a response. All Taliya did was drool seeing Nao's shirt slowly decay to show off his body for a brief moment, only for him to turn into a liquidized form. Wiping her mouth, she turned and took the tape off of Ana's back, causing the kids to go away.

    Now they just had the annoying Tape Wraiths to deal with. Taliya saw one of the tape wraiths and punched at it, only for it to bounce back and stick to itself, forcing it down upon the ground, flailing about. She did this to the last remaining duct tape version; not knowing of the existence of the scotch tape version. Everything seemed to settle down for a moment before Ana sighed and collected herself. "Alright, let's go into the ruins so we can," Anastasia said for a moment before pausing. A giant ball of tape came from the ruins and simply rolled down the hill passed everyone. The massive boulder was taller than she was, rolling down hill. The locals seemed to move out of the way and cheered it on as if it was a daily occurence.

    "What the hell is wrong with this town?" Ana asked before turning to the group. A little grumble came out of her lips before she removed her uniform top, revealing her tight black shirt underneath and tossed it to Nao so he could wear it. Something about Nao topless was extremely distracting; not only for Taliya but for Anastasia as well. Holding her chest, still having not bought a decent pair of bras, she looked to the rest of the group.

    "Let's go inside of the cave and get this duct tape," she said before letting out an annoyed grumble. "I swear, if there is someone guarding that duct tape, I'm going to be pissed," she said before turning her shoulders and walking towards the mouth of the ruins with Taliya following her. The inside of the ruins were as they were the last time they all romped and stomped in there. Still full of bullet holes and still full of explosions. The strange part was, the last time they were here, they didn't see any signs of this Duct Tape of the Ages. But, the elder requested it and so the elder will receive.
    The Scotch Tape Wraith is still floating around, but I figured we'd make it a huge nuisance throughout the whole thing :D

    Feel free to add your own spin guys.  Let's get creative :D
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


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    Tale of the Tape [Event] Empty Re: Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Post by Jessi 5th July 2016, 7:01 pm

    Jessi had decided to have a little bit of exploration fun, but she had not listened to the fourth wall when it told her to watch out for some boulder and one simple misstep found her running from a large grey tape mass of silvery tape covered rock. “Who the heck put this thing here!” she yelled as she was the only one it seemed to be chasing, to the point that it seemed to have a sentience.

    “HELP!!!!” She yelled but everyone had already gone into the ruins following Ana. “THUD!” suddenly Jessi came flying in through the entrance of the ruins stuck to the boulder. “Hey….can I get some help I seem to be in a sticky situation. However unfortunately Ana and Taliya seemed to be drooling over Nao whom seemed to be topless and this did not seem to be helping Jessi get free of this ball of tape. “Ok jeeze I get it ok!”

    Turning her head to the side for a moment “Oh he is not going to like me doing this one bit” she said in a quiet tone referring to the fourth wall. In a brilliant flash Jessi’s eyes would begin glowing as a blue energy would begin forming inside of her mouth. “9:58 PM!!!!!” she roared out loudly as the blue energy rips forth from her mouth completely destroying the boulder and causing a strange blue aura to surround the area around her “I wouldn’t suggest coming over here you guys” She said as she took a turn to cool down from the immense toll of the energy blast.

    Little did she know that the blast had also effected the floor beneath her feet.

    (Just a little insight, 9:58pm was the exact time I wrote down the IRL time)


    Tale of the Tape [Event] G4kxChs
    Almyra Bys
    Almyra Bys

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    Tale of the Tape [Event] Empty Re: Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Post by Almyra Bys 8th July 2016, 10:11 pm

    With the wraiths seemingly gone, at least for now, the team had a chance to regroup. Anastasia lent Nao her coat. She and Taliyah seemed to be very distracted by seeing him shirtless. Ana held onto her chest afterwards, seemingly shy. Almy wasn't very sure as to why she was. Her shirt wasn't revealing or anything, just a bit tight. Still, she may have had her reasons. No need to worry about that now, it was time they got into the ruins and recover the duct tape. As soon as her friends began to make their way inside, Almyra quickly scurried on ahead, taking the lead.

    She wasn't sure why she always took the lead. She liked to though. Perhaps it was because she was the most durable of the group, and recognized that. Any enemies they may encounter would probably attack her first, and she would be able to withstand their assault as her allies fought them off. Was it risky for her? Sure, but she would rather be hurt than allow her friends to be.

    Moving into the ruins now, they encountered no hostility. They soon turned a corner to reach an antichamber. The sconces had lit torches and it was fairly clear inside. There, standing in the middle of the room, looking rather relaxed was a man, or at least one would assume to be a man. His features were obscured by a suit of armor, made entirely of duct tape. Upon seeing Almyra and the others, he spoke.

    "Ah, hello! You don't look to be a wraith, far from it! I am Silvere of Ductoria, an adherent of the Lord of Duct Tape. I have come to this great land, birthplace of Lord Duck to seek my very own roll."
    Almyra tilted her head in curiosity as the man spoke, blinking. The soft spoken, tape-clad knight continued to speak to the group. His voice was calm, gentle. He clearly meant them no harm.
    "Do you find that strange? Well you should! No need to hide your reaction. I get that look all the time!" He let out a jolly, friendly chuckle before continuing.

    "I have a proposition, if you have a moment. The way I see it, our fates appear to be intertwined. In a land brimming with wraiths, could that really be mere chance? So what do you say? Why not help one another on this journey? Take this." He said, handing them a ball of duct tape. "Us this to summon me, that we might engage in jolly cooperation! I will stay behind to gaze at the tape." He said, gesturing upward at a rather beautifully designed mural created on the ceiling, made entirely from duct tape of varying colors. "The tape is a wondrous substance. Like a magnificent father! If only I could be so grossly adhesive."

    Almyra took the ball of tape he offered. She didn't know how to use it to summon the knight, but she could probably figure it out if they needed to. Giving him a smile, she thanked him before turning to the others. "Well, I suppose we should keep looking."


    Tale of the Tape [Event] 3MA5V3N
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    Tale of the Tape [Event] Empty Re: Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Post by Nao 11th July 2016, 3:18 pm

    Nao would take the  uniform top, putting it on quickly as it only just about fit him. The smells of perfumes and other fluids would overtake his nostrils as his slayer senses would become overpowered. His face would wince a little before getting used to the smells near him. His eyes would dart around to make sure there were not anymore wraiths around him. He couldn’t see any, but of course ghosts were pretty good at being ghostly.
    Nao would follow into the ruins, feeling a sense of déjà vu being in here. He even recognised a few missing limbs and pasted blood from the last time they were dealing with this place. How did they not see or recognise the duct tape treasure that lay inside the ruins at all? This was a little perplexing seeing as if this was going to be some ancient legendary artefact item then why did they miss it?
    However it seemed someone had decided that since there were no longer anymore treasure hunters, that they could hermit inside the cave and become some kind of… knight of the duct tape? The tough cookie Almy had decided to take the lead to meet him. Nao would just keep an eye just in case anymore of those invisible wraiths would appear to them.
    His head also tilted as the man seemed to only join them via being summone by using some duct tape… yet.
    ”Hey… why are you looking for duct tape… when you have duct tape yourself?” Nao asked, before realising that it was probably a dumb question. ”Erm… I-I guess you have your reasons I suppose…” Couldn’t they just take this tape back? It’s all the same really.
    ”Yeah lets descend further into the depths,” he said, ”it may be best to start with the treasure room we came to last time.” Last time Team Four Star went to the ruins and picked up a bunch of cool legendary items. He would descend further towards the treasure room that they had been to before. He didn’t remember clearing it out, but who knew what had happened since the last time.
    (Sorry, a little tired >~<)


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    Tale of the Tape [Event] Empty Re: Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 14th July 2016, 4:07 pm

    Okay, okay.
    On to the Adventure

    And Tammy came rolling in on the ball of duct tape that Ana, Taliya, and the rest of the villagers avoided. Suddenly, the time was stated. Not the current time, but a seemingly random time. A look of annoyance came across Anastasia's face for a moment as Taliya inquired on what just happened. "Hell if I know, Taliya," she said as she simply walked away from the shenanigans of the ball of tape. Maybe things will make a bit more sense once they have entered the ruins just a bit more.

    Nope, even more non-sense came about in the form of a squatter wearing matte-silver armor. The man's voice was silky smooth and mentioned being from Ductoria. Everything began to feel like a terrible filler episode. Wraiths made of duct tape, something slapping a kick-me sign on people's backs causing children to kick them, a man wearing duct tape armor from Ductoria. Everything seemed a bit too strange. This almost feels like it came from Jessi's imagination and we are merely pawns in her sick and twisted fantasy. But alas, they were in the real world and what is unfurling before them is actually happening.

    And then Almyra was given the roll of tape to summon the man. At first, Ana would think that their journey was over now that Almyra had the roll of duct tape. But nooooo, that isn't the key item they were looking for. Of course, the treasure would be at the deepest level of the dungeon. After conversation with Silvere was completed, Ana attempted to speak with him once more, only to get silence.

    "Well, I suppose we should go further in. After you, Almyra," the same look of annoyance still present on her face. "Try to keep up, Jessi and keep your eyes open for any of those boulders, alright?"
    Dude, that Solaire reference was funny as hell XD

    Feel free to add your own spin guys.  Let's get creative :D
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    Tale of the Tape [Event] Empty Re: Tale of the Tape [Event]

    Post by Jessi 20th July 2016, 2:49 pm

    Jessi couldn’t help but notice that things in her presence seemed to always be rather wacky and just plain nonsensical around her. “Huh yes Fine as long as….” She was about to say she wanted no more duct tape shenanigans but then some guy wearing an almost duct tape like suit of armor.

    “Oh ok! WELL THEN! Who is this person!?” Jessi asked with a slight glowing still shining out of her mouth as the floor where she was standing a little bit ago had started to disintegrate. Jessi was at this point trying to behave as she was not wanting to fuck up anything else more than she likely did with that scream.

    (Sorry bad post drawing a blank with Silvere)


    Tale of the Tape [Event] G4kxChs

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