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    "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event)


    The Star Child

    The Star Child

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 39
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    "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event) Empty "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event)

    Post by Sybil 22nd June 2016, 5:55 pm

    Die A Hero, Or Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain

    Dark lashes fluttered into wakefulness. The first thing Famine identified was an all too familiar pounding in her head as if she'd somehow managed to take another X-ranked punch to the face. A hushed groan elicited from the mage and her back arched away from the cold wall she had somehow been sleeping against so she may sit up straight. The guild master moved in an attempt to rub her eyes with her palm only to realize both her hands were welded together. Azure hues glared down seeing that her wrists were bounded by several uncomfortable layers of...duct tape?

    Upon a further inspection of the dim cell Famine realized she was in company: Ahote, Jade, and some other stranger she had no urge to get to know. Wordlessly, she cursed whatever force for bringing her kin into this as well. Glowering eyes moved with the precision of lasers, fixing onto every corner and detail of the small enclosure. The room was complete with three high cobblestone walls and a barred,as well as locked, gate that led out into an even further unlit hall. From one of the ceiling corners within the room hung a small and honestly out dated lacrima screen, switched off. Meanwhile in the corridors center lay a small rectangular device: a tape recorder and smaller cassette which had the words ’play me’ written in a thick black pen across its front.

    “You’ve got to be kidding me.”

    These kinds of games were hardly her forté. Famine knew she could easily escape the bonds, and so, after scooting closer Ahote’s side, she began her attempt at escape rather than be baited by the bit of mysterious machinery in the cell. She stared at the tape interlocking for her hands for a good minute but sighed in frustration. Her magic wouldn’t come and she knew the damned half-plastic half-sticky substance had to be what the cause. Magic nullifying duct tape how damned ridiculous.

    This wouldn’t of been her first time in a pinch like this. Thanks to Heero and the council in Era Famine had learned to get cozy in a cage with magical restraints. Again, she immediately thought of the Era prison… but dismissed the idea just as quickly as it had appeared in her head. This place, it was far too different. What kind of idiot they were dealing with here?

    Famine would find out soon enough, the first course of action was figuring out how they would escape. She placed her conjoined hands to Ahote’s sleeve and made a hurried but gentle effort to roust the boy into consciousness all while her eyes flickered between both Jade and the stranger on the adjacent side of the room.

    @My Team
    NOTES: Let's get rolling, and do note that short replies are OKAY!


    Yuu Blitzkrieg
    Yuu Blitzkrieg



    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Halloween Social- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Cupcake Achievement- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
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    "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event) Empty Re: "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event)

    Post by Yuu Blitzkrieg 22nd June 2016, 7:36 pm



    Damn it, Jasmine
    Kyoden could feel his mind regaining consciousness but had yet witness the scene before him on the other side of his eyelids. He smirked as he felt his hands bound together by something. "Jasmine, what on earth were you up to last nigh--" Before finishing his drowsily uttered question, the slayer finally opened his eyes to see a scene much different then the bedroom he thought he was in. He immediately noticed that his entire body was completely sore (and not from Jasmine), and that he was leaned up against a stone wall which was freezing cold against his side. The slayer tried summoning a small amount of soul energy to burn through the cuffs before realizing that he was was unable to. He struggled in the restraints bounding his wrists in an attempt to remove them through brute force alone, but it was ultimately futile as they seemed to be very similar to the restraints used by the Rune Knights; Magic nullifying ones, designed specifically to hold down even the strongest mage.

    While pondering on how he could have possible ended up there, the violet haired man looked around and noticed three other people who seemed to be in a similar predicament; None of which he knew. The two younger ones were still passed out on the ground, most likely unaware of where they are, similar to Kyoden. The woman however, seemed to be wide awake already. "It's a relief to have a lovely lady to share this cell with. Who might you be?" Kyoden asked. While he was projecting little concern over what was happening, he was still on guard in the back of his mind for any immediate threat that might approach.

    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0

    Last edited by Forgotten on 15th July 2016, 3:09 pm; edited 1 time in total


    "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event) ZUTE2e7l_o

    Character | Magic | Bank
    Aiden Ainsley
    Aiden Ainsley

    The Shadow King

    The Shadow King

    Developer/GFX Artist- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- God Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event) Empty Re: "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event)

    Post by Aiden Ainsley 22nd June 2016, 10:09 pm

    Jade's eyes fluttered open as she let out a yawn. Her eyes opened gently now as she felt different. She was sure she had just been laying in her bed not even a moment ago, and now she was on the cold floor. She moved her body so that she was on her knees and quietly looked around the room to see that she was not alone. With her were Ahote, Famine, and a stranger that she hadn't yet met. She sighed a bit "I mean this isn't my first time in a place like this... a dungeon that is..." she said as she tried to use her hand to stand up, only to find that her hands were locked together by a forceful object.

    Looking down she laughed a bit "D-Duct Tape?!" she giggled more as she shook her head "Honestly, if you're going to bind me up then at least do it with a material that's hard to get of-" she tried to pull her hands to the side, attempting to break out of the tapes hold on her. After failing to break her eyes widened as she looked around. She saw Ahote who was still knocked out and used her knees to crawl over to him, her tied up hands pushing the floor. Her crimson eyes scanned the room again "Whoever did this... why the hell did they have to bring him into this..." she spoke in a deep, dark mutter as she closed her eyes.

    She decided while she waited for the young boy to wake up that she would go converse with the stranger and her mother who was her master. "Hiya!" she smiled sweetly "Quite the predicament we have here isn't it?" she seemed almost too happy at this point in time given the circumstances "I'm sure you can already tell but this isn't regular duct tape. It's like whoever made this tape mad wit so you need to use frogger X-Rank force to get out..." she spoke to the both of them, looking back and forth. Although she seemed happy she was actually very concerned about this situation and one could tell by the way her eyes darted back a forth, looking around the room for a way out every so often. Or by the way her thumbs where fidgeting with each other. Nevertheless she tried to keep up her little act of carelessness in order to not cause panic or worry to the other people in the room.

    Word Count: 398

    Last edited by Despair on 23rd June 2016, 12:24 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event) Empty Re: "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event)

    Post by Ahote 23rd June 2016, 11:57 am


    318 words for Everyone
    notes go here
    A cold, naked floor is what Ahote would lay on. Only greeted by chilly stone and even chillier atmosphere. Alone, the young raven haired boy had laid, or so it appeared, when in truth, Ahote had been accompanied by two familiar faces and one of unknown origin. The boy's reddish-brown eyes fluttered open, weak, and tired. It had appeared that the state of unconsciousness had impacted the seven year old the most, seeing as he was the last one to awaken from his slumber.

    Apparently, Famine had been hovered over him and was the first person he saw when he woke up, and said absolutely nothing, simply staring into the darkness with tired, worn eyes. ". . ."

    Slowly, Ahote had reluctantly lifted himself up from the cold ground, his neck and head sore from the discomfort of resting on such an uncomfortable terrain. He looked around, to his sides, behind him, all around. This place was certainly not familiar, and a sudden spike of anxiety and fear began to possess the boy, most obviously shown in the sudden widening of his eyes. "Mommy?... Big Sis?... Why is it so dark in here? I don't like dark places... dark places are scary..." He mumbled softly, but clearly spooked and uneasy about the situation, and the sudden appearance of duct-tape binding his wrists, much like handcuffs, did not help him at all.

    In fact, he tried to separate his bound wrists, but little to no avail. Even after knowing this, Ahote continued to try to unbind himself, slowly growing more and more anxious. "I don't like this, they're too tight.. they hurt... I don't like them, Mommy..." His face began to morph into something expressing much more worry and distaste, the young child seemingly to be in a much more spooked state that the others, not bothering to acknowledge the unfamiliar man who happened to be subtly confused not less than them.




    The Star Child

    The Star Child

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event) Empty Re: "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event)

    Post by Sybil 24th June 2016, 1:43 pm

    Die A Hero, Or Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain

    Famine heard the murmuring of an unfamiliar tone and therefore assumed he, the stranger, was awake. She paid little mind to the initial drowsy slur however the voice’s second choice of words caused her azure irises roll in their sockets, a gesture of annoyance. “Save it, Purple." the guild master grumbled through her clenched teeth as she attempted to tear the duct tape away from her wrists but to no avail. Now that Ahote had awoken, she quickly focused her attention back to the raven haired tyke sitting in front of her. She was aware he might be the quickest to panic. Famine forced Ahote a small smile, ruffling his dark bangs with her bound hands. “Hey, don’t be afraid when you do not have to. I’m going to get us out of this damned mess.” Famine hadn’t let the boy down yet and today surely wouldn't be the day she did.

    The mage crept to her feet, releasing a sigh which  blew a bit of her brunette bangs out of her eyes. She rubbed her temples individually so to suppress the growing headache but whenever the burning in her skull numbed Jade’s tone pierced the air, causing the migraine to flare. “Jade, shut your mouth. At least for a second....” Famine bit, glaring over her own shoulder, it was when she did so she identified the recorder still in the center of the cell. Of all things in this cell, stranger included, she liked this device the least. There was something generally off-kilter about it; like a painting hung slightly sideways.

    Unfortunately, Famine didn’t have the luxury of another option or at least for now… Moving away from Ahote she shuffled over and knelt by the device. Pale hands swept up the tape recorder and the cassette. After a bit of a struggle she managed to fit the disk inside and find one of the buttons.

    There was a flare of static from it’s speaker and as if on cue a sudden white light bleached the color out of everything in the room. Blinded eyes readjusting she squinted up wards to the now lit lacrima screen. There was a figure sitting in the center of the frame… though there was something off kilter about them too, severely off kilter about them. Where there was a face layers of the grey tape had been weaved, this seemed the same for the rest of the body too. What made this even more odd was that the tape-cocooned being still seemed very much alive.

    @My Team
    NOTES: Pardon any typos i only skimmed through once.


    Yuu Blitzkrieg
    Yuu Blitzkrieg



    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Halloween Social- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Cupcake Achievement- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
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    First Skill: Crash
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    "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event) Empty Re: "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event)

    Post by Yuu Blitzkrieg 25th June 2016, 8:25 pm



    Sorry if the quality is bad =v=
    Kyoden was still attempting to rid himself of his shackles with less and less hope of actually succeeding when the woman he had tried to strike up a conversation with responded in a rather dismissive tone. "Oh, so we're one of these, are we?", Kyoden responded under his breath with a slight chuckle. Before he could take any other action to assess his situation further, the slayer noticed that the other two individuals sharing the cell with him were beginning to regain their consciousness as well. He shifted rather uncomfortably when the older one spoke, as she seemed innocent enough, but there was something unsettling about the presence she carried; Like she was a bit too excited about what was happening. The younger one on the other hand, seemed extremely fearful of their predicament.

    Determined to figure out what was going on, the slayer shuffled to his feet without the slightest bit of grace thanks to his head hitting the ceiling upon standing. He cursed the cobblestone silently and began to follow somewhat closely behind the woman he had awoken next to while ducking his head ever so slightly in order to avoid further contact with the hard surface. The woman struggled to maneuver a strange looking tape into its recorder thanks to her binds, but after some trial and error managed to accomplish the task.

    Kyoden raised his hands up to the light as the screen roared to life, blinding him momentarily as his eyes struggled to quickly adjust. When they finally did, he saw the most peculiar thing yet; What looked like a tall bundle of duct tape, similar to what was binding him. However, around the center of the wrapping, he saw it slowly and rhythmically rise and fall, back and forth, in a breathing motion. Was this a living thing? He got his answer soon enough when it's voice could be heard through the tape recorder.

    "Rise and shine, mages. You're probably wondering where you are. Well, i'll tell you where you might be. You might be in the place that you die in; But that depends entirely on you and the decisions you make. I'm sure you've all already taken note of the magic sealing duct tape around your wrists. You should get used to it, as it's not coming off any time soon." The voice paused for a few moments, as if to build up the tension in the room even further.

    "We're going to play a game. The rules are simple. As you can see, there is an gate blocking your passage out of the room where you reside. The only way to open this gate is with a matching iron key. Where is this key, you ask? Well, it's closer than you may think. It is currently resting in the stomach of the one known as Famine. To escape, all you have to do is get it. Simple enough, right? Good luck. The game beings now."

    With that, the screen shut off and the recording ended. The slayer could almost feel the walls around him growing ever closer. He never really was the best with tight spaces; and the tension in the room reached its peak as he wondered what would happen next.

    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0

    Last edited by Forgotten on 15th July 2016, 3:09 pm; edited 1 time in total


    "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event) ZUTE2e7l_o

    Character | Magic | Bank
    Aiden Ainsley
    Aiden Ainsley

    The Shadow King

    The Shadow King

    Developer/GFX Artist- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Rising Star- God Slayer- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Reaper's Touch
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 23
    Experience : 587

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sunstorm Magic
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    "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event) Empty Re: "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event)

    Post by Aiden Ainsley 26th June 2016, 8:28 pm

    Jade looked at her guild master with a mean stare before sighing. The God Slayer made her way over to the small child who was frightened and sat next to him with a huff. She watched on with a curious eye on her mother figure as the lady made her way to a small object on the floor which she later noticed to be a tape recorder. The way her master struggled with getting the tape in made her chuckle a little bit with a mocking smirk on her face "Hey uh... do you need some-" she was cut off by the sudden flare of static. The next thing she knew there was a sudden light that erupted throughout the room. The light was bright enough to daze her at this point. As her eyes adjusted she took a look at an even more stranger thing. On the screen was a big ball of duct tape. Jade held in a laugh as she saw that it was in fact a person, a live one. She was getting bored watching the screen and was about to say something when suddenly it started to speak. She gently started to pet Ahote's hair in order to maybe ease him into comfort.

    Her eyebrow lifted slightly as the man spoke, shifting a little in her position as something about this person was a bit off. Almost too off. She shrugged it off however, still uneasy about the whole situation they were in and let the tape finish playing. The screen shut off with the mans final words and the room was left silent for a few moments. The tension grew and Jade felt her heart racing a bit; Not with fear, but with excitement instead. The young God looked around the room with a calm look on her face "A game huh?" she snickered a little "That's pretty messed up but I can't say I am excited to see how this plays out..." she muttered underneath her breath.

    The room fell silent again as she spoke her last words. Jade sat silently and looked around the room, pulling one last time to get the duct tape that bound her wrists together off. She sighed "Alright is no one going to play along?" she asked, looking around the room before getting into crawling position and dragged herself over to her master. Once there she looked Famine in her eyes "This will be no more than a few seconds." she said before sticking her finger into Famines mouth and down her throat, keeping it in there no matter how much the young master would have struggled. She would not take her hands out of the mouth until at last Famine threw it up.

    Word Count: 455



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    "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event) Empty Re: "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event)

    Post by Ahote 4th July 2016, 12:19 pm


    258 words for Everyone
    notes go here
    Ahote found it rather perplexing to comprehend what was happening. A large, large young man with alleged purple hair a rather brutish stature, would appear moving about, though Ahote couldn't process what exactly he was doing.

    But it was the gentle strokes of his elder sister's hands and the ruffle of his hair by the doing of his adoptive Mother that Ahote found some comfort in the situation, but only when his family were near him. If left unattended, the young boy was bound to burst into a spree of tears. As Jade would come bring him company, sitting down next to the boy and bringing him closure, he could tell that know one truly knew what was happening, especially Ahote.

    But in between sobs, he heard noise. Unfamiliar words weaved together in an even more unfamiliar voice. Ahote raised his head to the scene as his red eyes fluttered open, catching sight of the screen and the person on it.

    Few words went in and out of his mind, except a few. ”Die” and ”Game”. That was he could think about. A Death Game. Ahote curled up and tucked his head between his legs and held his head, trembling, sobbing quietly and whispering short nothings of panic.

    ”Please… I don’t want to be here. I don’t want Mama or Big Sis to die... “ Ahote continued to sob, lifting his head only when Jade left his side to tend to Famine. Ahote shook as she watched her begin to placed a hand in her mouth, horrified.



    The Star Child

    The Star Child

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Coming Storms- Guild Master- Dark Guild Ace- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Weapon of Apocalypse Wielder- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 39
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    First Skill: Star Child
    Second Skill: Arc of Time
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    "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event) Empty Re: "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event)

    Post by Sybil 13th July 2016, 10:49 pm

    Die A Hero, Or Live Long Enough To See Yourself Become The Villain

    The guild master simply narrowed her azure optics, unimpressed with the tape-wrapped man on the screen; the voice in the recorder… A key in her stomach? “...What kind of horror movie shi--” she began to complain. But before she could bother to finish Jade spoke, looked into her eyes and--

    Famine coughed, gagged and inevitably pulled away from Jade who had so generously lodged her fingers down her throat. She keeled over into the corner of the grungy cell only to hurl the most recent contents of her stomach. It  wasn’t a desirable site and she hoped that Ahote had been smart enough to advert his eyes. Famine was sure Jade had a sturdy stomach and would have no trouble keeping her guts, the stranger? Who knew? But Ahote was a little softer. Though the deed seemed to have been done she was still coughing on something that had come up as well until her wheezing wriggled it out of her throat and the acidic-tasting item onto her tongue.

    The mage promptly spit the key into her palm, a disgusted visage contorting her features as she wiped the thing clean against her clothed thigh.  “-Tch I think I’d rather have you cut me open.” she groaned, fixing her glare on Jade as she tossed the key in the girls direction.

    Her blue hues snapped in the direction of the little whimpering, a parental radar going off in her mind. She quickly made to smearing away any bile that may have remained at her lip. She knew a vomit-smelling mother probably wasn't the preferred mother of Ahote but it was all she had. “Take a look at that door, Jade.”

    That said she quickened her pace towards the sniffling Ahote. Though she couldn’t open her arms for a hug she’d try the next best thing. Gingerly, she bent to her knees and crouched down to Ahote’s level on the ground. A sympathetic frown touched her lips and she pulled her arms over the boy, draping them around him. She only proceed to press him to her, chin resting against his head. The mage murmured wordless shushes and tried her best to rub her bound palm against her back and calm his breaths. “Were not dying so easily.” she murmured these words confidently too the boy, fixing her eyes on the stranger behind him. Her stare darkened as if to intimidate and to warn him to keep away.

    @My Team
    NOTES: Mumsy is here


    Yuu Blitzkrieg
    Yuu Blitzkrieg



    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Halloween Social- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Cupcake Achievement- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Crash
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    Third Skill: TBD

    "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event) Empty Re: "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event)

    Post by Yuu Blitzkrieg 16th July 2016, 11:39 am



    The violet hue'd mage watched with a detached expression as the key which held their survival was forcibly ripped from the stomach of the one named Famine. A feeling of relief overcame him when he saw the bit of metal emerge, as had it not been for that, he himself would have almost certainly resorted to a... slightly less clean method. Before anything else occurred, Kyoden's vision flashed pure white for a mere fraction of a second, to which his instinctual reaction was to immediately rub his eyes. His surroundings were a bit different when he opened them again.

    The mage was standing totally upright, facing forward and staring into a totally stark white horizon that seemed to stretch on forever. There was no-one in his immediate vision. He could not sense a single soul. There was only an infinite whiteness that held nothing else; almost as if the world had been erased. most notable was the fact that his hands were no longer bound. But before taking any further action, the mage felt a strangely familiar presence behind him. He turned around to notice that the entire horizon at his back was a pitch black shadow, and at the edge of it there was a man sitting down in a small wooden chair with about half of his body stretching from the shadows into the light. Kyoden immediately noticed the man's imposing figure and violet locks draping over his face.

    "What is it you want?" Kyoden asked with a tone of slight annoyance and disappointment.

    "You know why I've summoned you here. There are no wandering souls anywhere nearby, and I've already begun fading."

    "I've noticed as well. But be patient, fool. I will procure what is needed soon enough."

    "Hm. I would hope so. Take care not to test my patience, however. I'm sure you don't want me taking over."

    The man did not move an inch and Kyoden turned his back to the figure once again, contemplating a few things in his mind. "Indeed I do not. I have work to be done to make sure that doesn't happen. Leave my presence at once."

    The silhouette merely grunted in agreement as the world flashed in an instance before Kyoden's eyes once again and he found himself back in the prison cell with the three strangers. He felt an emptiness in his chest and immediately knew that the silhouette was right. His eyes followed the cobblestone along the walls as he took in his surroundings in an attempt to orient himself again when his gaze met Famine's and he felt a slight chill run down his spine as she stared into him intently. There was something strange about her soul wavelength, though he couldn't figure out what it was.

    (OOC Summary: Kyoden has a conversation with his own soul in his mind where he is reminded that he must consume a soul sometime soon to avoid death before his soul takes over his body to complete the task in a less than satisfactory fashion.)
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    "Escape Games" (Duct Tape Event) ZUTE2e7l_o

    Character | Magic | Bank

      Current date/time is 27th July 2024, 2:27 am