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    Break the siege!

    Elaine West
    Elaine West

    Lineage : None
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    Break the siege! Empty Break the siege!

    Post by Elaine West 15th March 2016, 7:54 pm

    Elaine bounced on her heels excitedly, this was, in turn, her first quest. Her first mission in some fat off land of Fiore and she could not have been more psyched than she was right and this moment. Her feet clattering along the sand of the road she held a small bounce in each step she took. She also, in her right hand held a rolled up piece of parchment in her hand; quest info. This made everything so real. She had joined a guild, and now was on her first quest, with of course, her ever noble partner. This was also the first time she wore her armour, usually she opted for a casual dress or shorts and top in public. Yet, on a quest she opted for her semi-heavy duty armour that she wore with no specifics involved. Attached to her belt was her broad sword.

    She then came to a dead stop on the road, that was right, she had come with her partner, he almost slipped her mind in the slew of excitement. "Hey!" She called to her partner, assuming he was slightly behind her, "hurry up Azurius! We're almost to the village! Those people need our help!" She then pressed her hand behind her back and waited to see if her partner responded.


    Break the siege! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Azurius Tade 15th March 2016, 8:43 pm

    job info:

    Lineage Effect: Azurius gains 5,000 Jewel on top of normal Jewel

    zurius had recently met this rather interesting young lady back in Clover Town when she was looking for a guild. He didn't know why it was her specifically that he found, or why it is that he preferred her company over the other faces in the guild hall. All he knew is that she was highly energetic, beautiful and feminine, but also strong. He remembered her story, the way she was worshiped as royalty and had men bending over backwards to kiss her feet. Then, all of it was stripped away when she was found to be able to use magic. He found it strange that he'd taken to her so quickly, even knowing all her good traits. An argument could be made he wanted to be her friend because she said she was of higher stature at one point, but the counter would be that Azurius could instantly create endless money. An argument would be made that she's energetic and fun, but then what of Suriel... who was equally energetic and enjoyed messing with people just like Azurius. Then there was her beauty, both her heart and that smoking body of hers... and the retort that Azurius had seen many women, both more beautiful in the heart, and sexier looking... some a combination of both. Whichever the reason for their meeting, Azurius would find himself thankful to the creator for having lead him to her. While he didn't want her in a romantic sense, at least, that he knew of... he found himself wanting to protect her when she was defenseless, and reinforce her when she was weak. He wanted to be the best friend she never had aside from her mentor, and possibly one day have the same relationship as him and Aries.

    Lost in thought of the past few weeks, Azurius unintentionally slowed down only to be shocked back to reality by her telling him to hurry up. Azurius would speed up, clearing a good ten or twelve meter gap at a faster walking speed to catch up with her. "Hold up, I'm gonna find out what we're going into." he said calmly, pulling out a golden book and opening it. A map of the village would appear and show a bird's eye view of everything going on. There were enemies patrolling the outside, hostages on the inside of larger buildings, and some families held up in their own homes. Azurius's eyes narrowed on what seemed to be a school judging by the some twenty children inside. His golden eyes glowed intensely as he said "Sons 'a bitches..." with a gruff, enraged tone. Azurius's brow wrinkled as he began thinking... "You got any plans you wanna toss out?" he asked, wanting to get Elaine's before giving his own.

    WC: 462

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    template code:
    enemy roll:
    Elaine West
    Elaine West

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 195
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 487.5

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    First Skill: Re-Equip magic
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Elaine West 16th March 2016, 4:02 am

    Elaine stood there, a plan. Right. You couldn't just go in guns blazing as she had hoped. She hummed for a minute then nodded. Multiple enemies, hostages, they couldn't risk close range if they might hit someone, her broad sword was definitely out, so was the hammer. She took a step back to transform quickly, her Kings Bow in hand. "I can find a safe spot," she started to tell her partner, "from a distance, and cover you from up there. I'm a pretty good shot and..." She dropped off the rest of the sentence, in all honesty, she was actually worried that in the midst of the fight she would hurt someone who accidentally got in her way. She didn't want to risk that, or get in the way of Azurius either, "....and I have an ace up my sleeve in case anything goes wrong." She added maybe a bit to quickly. "What about you? Any plans??"

    She started to head towards the village, which wasn't to far from where they stood and if Azurius chose to follow her and tell her his part of the plan, she would gladly hear it. Most likely to have a more professional opinion under her belt.

    - https://www.windowssearch-exp.com/images/search?q=Dark+Assassin+Archer&view=detailv2&&id=AD829616C773940A37FC543CDBB328DE80EDA1B5&selectedIndex=6&ccid=uk4KQpU6&simid=608044984953275976&thid=OIP.Mba4e0a42953ae7508be8b3456e5f6072o0 - (new archer outfit & bow here)


    Break the siege! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Azurius Tade 17th March 2016, 12:07 am

    zurius's original plan was for her to stay back entirely and let him handle this one, but he knew humans had pride and that very thing pushed them to choose the more dangerous choices. Her idea, to use a bow and provide cover, was a happy medium in his mind and gave him some reprieve. "Your idea sounds good to me. The village has a lot of close quarters from what I saw, so a bow from inside wouldn't be wise. I'll make you something that can let you fly overhead, pick something, anything that can fly naturally." Azurius said calmly.

    Upon Elaine making her decision, Azurius would stretch out his hand with his fingers open and a magic circle would appear on the ground. The creature she chose would be created from nothing but the raw materials of the universe, appearing as it materialized from golden particles. However, this would only occur if Elaine chose something large enough for her to ride on. If she chose something too small, Azurius would simply state that she needed to think a bit bigger.

    WC: 183

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Elaine West
    Elaine West

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 195
    Guild : Lamia Scale
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    Experience : 487.5

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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Elaine West 17th March 2016, 9:40 am

    She nodded and thought for a second, "I.....honestly can't thing of an animal big enough honestly." She said sheepishly, "I'd say something silly like a dragon or a winged horse!" She joked and giggled slightly, "just send what ever you'd like to come get me, I'll find a building to scope out on and I'll cover you from there." She turned back toward the way of the village, bow in hand and arrows strapped on her back, "and don't be afraid to ask for help if you need it," she winked at him, in a half flirty and half joking matter. She hadn't meant it to come out like that, flirting definitely wasn't her forté. But she just tried to play it off instead of making the situation even worse.

    "J-just, let's get going!" She covered up quickly, "the village is right there." She pointed over the ridge of sand.


    Break the siege! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Azurius Tade 17th March 2016, 6:43 pm

    zurius felt uneasy about it... his dislike for the idea of letting Elaine get that close to the enemy made it so the flirt flew right over his head. A look of minor pain, mixed worth worry hit his face and he sped up, grabbing the hand that was pointed to the sand hill. He spun Elaine around and glared down on her with a serious, and firm expressions. "Swear to me that you'll be careful." he said in a low, harsh sounding tone as he was holding both her hands firmly and standing quite close. It was moments like this that Azurius completely forgot about humans and their small knicks. He'd forgotten that hand holding wasn't normal, and being as close as he was to her face normally was followed by rather passionate moments. A quick jerk would pull her in, Azurius sliding his arms along her waist and wrapping them around her. His cheek was pressed to hers, a single tear would fall where the connection in their faces was. "I've seen too many good friends die for one lifetime... so please promise me you'll be careful..." he would say in a softer, more disheartened voice. His arms would wrap slightly tighter around her, not to the point of suffocation or pain, but enough to show that he did care. Azurius disconnected the hug and moved forwards a few steps, padding of hooves on the ground would be heard as a pure white horse with massive angel wings moved behind them. "It's called a Pegasus by the way. She'll come when you need her, then go live her life when we're done." he said while walking up the sand hill.

    WC: 283

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
    Elaine West

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 195
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 487.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Re-Equip magic
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Elaine West 17th March 2016, 7:37 pm

    When he pulled her in she froze, he slipped his arms around her, pleading for her safe return. She found herself smiling, she wrapped her arms around him, returning the gesture. "Silly boy." She chided and shook her head, she pulled away, standing on her tip toes to do so, she ruffled his hair. "Of course I'll be safe. I promise, I'll come back all in one piece okay? So have faith. Have lots of faith." She smiled brightly at him. "And don't you go getting hurt on me either okay?" She gave his hand a tight squeeze, "I'd hate to lose my partner so soon."

    When he summoned he winged horse in front of her; which she was sure was not possible, she almost lost it. The creature was beautiful. She gasped and stepped forward, petting the creature lightly. She had owned a few horses back home, spent be majority of the day riding a white stallion and the other half of the day reading in her study. She gave herself a quick hop and easily mounted the horse as she had done so many times before. "She's amazing, so beautiful." She whispered, she wrapped her hands lightly around the creatures mane, shouldering her bow across her body. "Okay, I'll meet you down there then." She smiled and with that she took off.

    Flying above the village she saw it, the people, some being pushed to the ground, held up and others just plane terrified and hiding in alley ways, cracks and crevices. This made her furious. After circling the area unseen (hopefully) a few times, she settled for a tall building, slightly adjacent to where the main action was happening. Knocking an arrow in her bow she crouched down and waited for whatever Azurius wanted to do within the village itself


    Break the siege! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Experience : 2175

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    First Skill: Celestial Angel
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Azurius Tade 17th March 2016, 9:35 pm

    zurius let out a breath, rolling his shoulders back and letting his trench coat fall to the ground, revealing a pair of lever action shotguns at either side of his waist. 'She promised she won't die...' he thought to himself as he reached for them, walking up the sand. 'She promised she won't die...' he repeated in his head as the Pegasus took off with her on it. He stood on the sand hill overlooking the village biting his lower lip with a slight fear. Another deep breath as he said "Have faith... Elaine promised she wouldn't die." while wiping the last tear from his eye.

    A pair of large wings unfurled from his back, his expression changed to confidence. "No one will die!" he exclaimed before shooting off like a bullet from hell towards the school. It wasn't long before Azurius erupted through the window of the school, sending one of the weaker men flying across it and out the opposing window. He pulled the lever action on his weapons and swapped it to Slugs to avoid hurting the small children, pointing the barrels at two different men and blasting them. The men flew back unconscious and his the floor. A few men would come running around the streets at the sudden disturbance, perfect angles for Elaine if she saw them.

    WC: 223

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
    Elaine West

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 195
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 487.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Re-Equip magic
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Elaine West 18th March 2016, 4:02 am

    She smiled as all the weaker bandits ran out in front of her "like shooting fish in a barrel." She smirked and let an arrow fly. It made its way soaring through the sky and hit her target dead on, and just like that, she started to move more fluidly, knocking arrow after arrow, hitting every target while simultaneously watching her partner. While many of the weaker bandits had been knocked unconscious, Elaine switch armour, "okay, let's bring out something a bit heavier for the boss." She smirked as a magic circle appeared. She changed into heavy duty armour and got back on Pegasus, "come on, let's go help Azurius ok?" She smiled as the horse took off, circling a bit and flying low enough for Elaine to jump off. Now that some of the bad guys were gone people started to Flood to the streets to witness the commotion. "Get back inside!!" She ordered them, then sprinted to where ever Azurius was.

    She was stopped by another bandit, not so weak as the last few, he took a stab at her, nicking her side just enough to draw blood and she laughed. "You'll pay for that." She replied in a singsong voice, she knew that Azurius, wherever he was, would not be happy about this wound after he specifically told her not to get hurt. She hoped from where he was he didn't see that little slip up. Thoughts broken by another jab she countered it easily and became locked in battle.

    Heavy battle armour ( https://www.pinterest.com/pin/514536326155058548/ )


    Break the siege! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Azurius Tade 19th March 2016, 1:43 am

    zurius noted the amount of people around him getting taken down. The humans outside were all falling victim to a grand amount of arrows, keeping him from having to hurt them all. Only two men left standing in the room, weak minded ones that Azurius only needed to point his gun at to make them drop their weapons. They backed up with their hands in the air, hoping he wouldn't pull the trigger. Azurius gave a small head tilt in the direction of the door, telling them they can leave. One of the children had been wounded by the men, his arm deeply cut by one of their knives. He approached the boy, placing his weapon in their holsters and kneeling down before him. The child trembled, backing up slightly only to hit a wall. Azurius placed his hand on his head, causing the boy to tense up and begin shaking. A warm light enveloped him, the wound seeming to reverse itself in seconds and the boy's eyes flew wide open. Azurius took his hand from his head and gave a smile while standing back up and leaving.

    Azurius walked to the center of town, standing there next to a well where he would wait for the enemies to arrive, and fall. It was then that he'd noticed that Elaine wasn't firing arrows... but he knew for a face that more enemies were coming. "She won't die... she promised." he said again, reassuring himself.

    WC: 245

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    monster rolls:

    Elaine West
    Elaine West

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 195
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 487.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Re-Equip magic
    Second Skill: None
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Elaine West 19th March 2016, 9:13 am

    Finally she disarmed the bandit, but not without first taking a slice to the side, not fatal, but more of an inconvenience to her. The bandit was the one who should have been worried, beaten and bruised against the wall. She looked around for Azurius, when she saw the shooting off in the middle of the village she gulped, she was worried but she was sure he could handle himself. When she got to the centre of the village, many more bandits were there, closing in on a small group of people, a few of which had a few bruises, especially some of the younger boys, he hid their siblings behind them in an attempt to act brave. She grimaced and summoned a second sword.

    "Hey! Why don't you guys pick on someone else?" She shouted over to them, gaining the few of their attention. The all moved towards her and she held a cocky smirk. Though, in the inside, she was secretly hoping that Azurius was near by; support would be nice. She decided to switch out her two swords for two large curled knives, "let's go."


    Break the siege! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Azurius Tade 19th March 2016, 3:31 pm

    he crowd of enemies gathered, some bringing hostages with them in a sad attempt to make Azurius give up. He heard the sounds of fighting in the near distance, sensing Elaine's magical presence he was able to get a general idea of where she was. The Pegasus flew in, keeping its hooves low enough for Azurius to grab onto and avoid an incoming attack. He was dropped off near Elaine who was fighting some enemies that backed off  a good few meters. Azurius saw a red spot on her side of her dress and felt a minor burning sensation in his mind. 'Suriel... get these assholes off us.' he said using the telepathic bond between the two. Azurius grabbed Elaine by the wound and pulled her in, bending his arm to keep the hand on the wound. He placed one hand over the back of her heart as a barrage of meteors slammed down on the immediate enemies around them. Due to the close proximity, Elaine would have gotten hurt, but since Azurius pulled her even closer than his hormones would let him do and not feel strange, she wasn't harmed at all. Azurius was glowing a mild golden color, as he pulled away, the blood and cut on Elaine would be gone. The men around him that were attacking would also be unconscious with burning rocks strewn about. The rocks immediately cooled off, making them non-dangerous to the surrounding buildings and civillians. "Ready to finish this?" he asked confidenly, materializing a broad sword in his right hand and offering it to her. He knew she had one, but he assumed that having two would play to her strength. If she refused it, he would simply use the weapon. The broadsword was marble with golden accents, a truly beautiful weapon that contained angelic power to match.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
    Elaine West

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 195
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 487.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Re-Equip magic
    Second Skill: None
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Elaine West 19th March 2016, 4:03 pm

    She couldn't really understand what happened next, one minute she was poised to fight, the next Azurius had her in his arms, gripping her tightly as meteors, meteors! Came raining down around them, at the same time there was a slight burning at her waist looking over she saw Azurius taking care of the slice she had obtained earlier on. She hissed slightly at the pain of it closing up, "thank you, it was a small inconvnience on my part." She admitted. He then conjured up another broad sword, much like the one she already owned, but golden and marble, she picked it up, dissolving her two previous weapons; it was light, it fit in her hand perfectly. Her eyes gleamed as she smiled brightly up at him, "It's perfect. Thank you." she turned back to answer his question, "Let's, and let's make it interesting. Who've rounds up the most bandits wins." She smirked playfully and summoned her other sword from earlier on, "Loser has to pay for dinner."


    Break the siege! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Blessings of the Chosen
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    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Azurius Tade 19th March 2016, 8:31 pm

    zurius put on a smirk at Elaine's suggestion. 'Loser pays for dinner.' she said. Azurius dropped the two shotguns, letting them hit the floor and burst into light particles. He stretched out a hand and grabbed a handle that appeared out of light. "Holy..." he said as a warm light enveloped him. "...Destroyer." he finished as the light intensified and vanished, revealing him to be in an armour of pure white marble, and golden accents. Harder than diamond, light as a feather, and intimidating to look at. His golden eyes shone through the slots, and a pair of short swords materialized in his hands.

    Break the siege! 63BfrzJBreak the siege! AuOp0hj
    Break the siege! WhoKyjZ

    A pair of wings erupted from his back and he erupted off to the crowd, flipping his shortsword into a backwards grip Azurius slammed his armoured fist into an enemy while flipping over him. A push off the ground and his was high in the air, performing a back flip as he reverted the grip on his sword to a proper position. A single swing of the weapon upon landing and the blades each extended to six feet long, separating into several pieces and connected by thing fibers. A man tried charging him from the front, but flew back when Azurius brought up his foot and kicked him square in the sternum. Spinning around he brought one of his blades up at an angle, instantly cutting through the man's heart. However, Azurius wasn't allowed to kill humans, so instead of the strike slashing the man in two, it phased through the man entirely and knocked him unconscious. The parade of fighting around Azurius would continue, him being completely ignorant of what Elaine was doing on her end.

    WC: 285

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Elaine West
    Elaine West

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 195
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 487.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Re-Equip magic
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Elaine West 20th March 2016, 6:21 am

    Elaine knocked another one to the ground unconscious, "that makes 17 for me." she turned around to smirk and gloat at her partner only to see the mass of bandits lying around him, completely unconcious and bloody. She groaned and stomped her foot childishly, sliding both new swords into her belt with ease, "Awww common Az! That's not fair!!" she groaned while rolling her eyes. A bandit snuck up behind her, she whipped around drawing her sword to his neck with poise; his was located at the same spot. She made an annoyed sound before tripping the bandit on to his butt and knocking him unconcious, "make that 18, but I guess it doesn't really matter anymore." she threw her arms up and walked over to go meet her partner, who seemed to be handling himself just fine.


    Break the siege! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Legal Guild Ace- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 2175

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Angel
    Second Skill: Incoming...
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Azurius Tade 20th March 2016, 10:35 am

    zurius was holding a man by his throat when he suddenly heard "that makes 17 for me" out the corner of his ear. He released the man, allowing him to fall to the ground unconscious before turning to Elaine with his armour shining in the late afternoon light. A glow came about Azurius before the armour vanished, him looking around to note the amount of enemies on the ground. Not just around him, but also around Elaine. "Awww common Az! That's not fair!!" she said like a spoiled child, his heart felt like melting at how cute it was. She then announced her eighteenth enemy when a bonus fool tried to take her, only to be put down like a rabid animal. "I guess that means dinner's on me, not that I'm opposed to it." he said with a smile. To be honest, Azurius had taken down more than eighteen, but he didn't want Elaine picking up the bill. It wasn't out of stoicism, or sexism... the notion that the man always pays that is, but rather he wanted her to save her money so she can get the things she wanted in this world. That, and Azurius had an endless supply of gold to toss around so he didn't care to toss it when the times. came "We should let the leader know to grab some cuffs and get these guys off the streets. Once that's done we can finally head ho-" "PLEASE HELP!" a female voice hollered as she ran towards the two with a very young child in her hands. She tripped over a corpse, sending a small girl with blonde hair flying. Her eyes were closed, passed out most likely from being attacked. Azurius watched in slow motion as the child bounced on the floor, rolling to his feet. The woman reached out, tears in her eyes as blood spurted from her back revealing a knife to be the cause. "Please... save her." were her last words, her hand falling to the ground. A man stood at the other end of the street, smiling from ear to ear and laughing, mocking the two girls and bragging about having raped the older one, and thrown the child against a wall before bashing her skull into it multiple times.

    Azurius's magical presence began spiking, a golden aura manifesting around his body. "Elaine... take the girl to safety and make sure she isn't injured." he said, knowing for a fact that the child was already dead but that was of little consequence to him. "This one... I'm personally going to enjoy hurting." his voice was low, angry, and eager to fight this putrid scum of a man.

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    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Elaine West 20th March 2016, 11:16 am

    Elaine watched as the woman stumbled forward, tripping and sending her child flying through the air, Elaine slid by just in time to catch to young girl in her arms, sliding back and digging her heels into the earth. "Elaine....take the girl to safety and make sure she isn't injured." Azurus ordered her and she didn't dare say no, the tone of voice he held was terrifying, she stood up, pulling out a blanket from where she summoned her weapons and wrapped the child in it. She was still unconcious but Elaine nodded, "I will come back for you, you will not fight alone Azurius." She then turned her back to him then sprinted off through the village, stopping at a house filled with many more people.

    Placing her down inside she worked on cleaning the cuts of the young girl, and then she moved on to others who requested her help. She wasn't able to magically stop bleeding like Azurius, or heal things within seconds; but she worked all the same. Blood on her hands she worked stitching and cleaning. When she arrived to the last injured boy, it only to her a few seconds before she noticed blood gurgling from his mouth. She knew that this was a sign of near death, he had taken a knife to the side; no doubt protecting the young girl that stayed by his side. Elaine leaned in close to him, next to his ear, she whispered "Your fight is over, you have done well to protect your people. Now; sleep....." When she brought her head up his eyes were wide and cloudy, she shut them and gave a small nod to the young girl beside him, her eyes were watery as she wept beside him.

    Elaine then got up and out of the house, hands still bloody and went to join Azurius, granted if he actually needed it.


    Break the siege! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Azurius Tade 20th March 2016, 12:54 pm

    bellowing laugh was let out by the man, moments before a golden lance was shot through his lung. His eyes bulged and he looked down at the item, his hand trembling as he reached to it having never seen it thrown. Azurius stepped closer, materializing another two spears. "Do you know what makes an Angel truly horrifying? More so than a demon?" he asked as he moved forwards. "The weakest of us can kill ten thousand fully trained soldiers with ease. I'm among the most powerful of my kind, so where does that leave you?" he said twirling the spear. The man formed a massive magic circle, blasting a huge barrage of flamed out at Azurius's body, searing off his coat and shirt, as well as scorching his skin to a crisp. The man began bellowing before the attack was even finished, when it was, he saw something horrible... Azurius Tade's flesh was absolutely torched, but instead of him being dead, the skin immediately began repairing as he continued walking towards him. The spear he was twirling was thrown, slamming through the man's other lung and pinning him to the floor. "It's much to your fortune I can't kill you... but I can cut an artery, and let you bleed out..." Azurius said calmly, apathetically. He grabbed the man by his hair and pulled him to the ground, letting him scream in pain as the spears tore his lungs from the friction. Azurius made a dagger appear in his hand, giving a small cut on his jugular before getting up and walking away. The man clenched his gushing neck in vain and bled out before Azurius even made it ten meters.

    Azurius walked right past Elaine, into the house with the small girl wrapping in blankets. He kneeled down by her side, gently unraveling it and staring at her. His shirt was entirely gone revealing his bare torso, as well as a gash along his side. It was in the exact same location where Elaine was hit earlier, and on his arm was a massive gash just like the little boy had. Azurius lifted the child, cradling her in his arms as he began to glow golden with holy energy. The girl slowly opened her eyes and began coughing, gasping for air as a large bleeding hole appeared in Azurius's back, on the left side on the lung. He felt faint, the world growing dizzy as he took the small girl's pain on himself. The wound stopped bleeding, but the pain remained as Azure tightened his hug around the girl. Her eyes... her hair, her skin all looked like Elaine's, but he could tell they weren't related. The girl stopped her gasping, clever enough to know she had died, but not how she came back. She looked at Azurius who returned with a weak smile "Good... to see... you're..." he said, unable to start the next word before passing out, slumping over on his side but having enough strength to ensure the girl didn't get hurt.

    WC: 508

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.
    Elaine West
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Elaine West 20th March 2016, 2:33 pm

    She saw everything.

    She was sure he was dead within the moment he got engulfed by flames and a scream tore it's way through her throat, despair hit her like a truck she couldn't handle losing him. She couldn't handle losing another one. But then, nothing. He's skin started to repair itself as though it was just a a graze. She shuttered and her stomach churned, she had never seen this, this, thing. His real power. And she was scared. This was it, this was what he could do. Hell, she was sure that he could burn the entire country to the ground if he felt like it. There was a wishing noise and soon the bandit was on the floor, clutching his neck, blood splattering the wall as he choked on his own blood. She shuttered and was still. They weren't suppose to kill them. Deliver them to the Guard. That was all. They weren't suppose to die. She felt week in the knees when he passed her, not giving her a second glance. Giving one last look to the bloody mess on the floor, she walked after him, back into the house of people.

    There she watched him heal and bring others back to life. She also watched more wounds materialize on his body. A laceration where hers once was, a cut from the little girl he just healed. He wasn't healing them, he was taking their pain on his own body. "Azurius! Stop it!" She warned him, putting her hand on his shoulder, the little girl, Elaine had presumed dead, awoke. Elaine held back a sob. Azurius mumbled a few words to the young girl, before passing out. She only had a few seconds before she caught him. There was so much blood, from his sides and hands. He was exhausted, but she worked. She worked stitching and applying pressure. She worked bringing his fever down and placing a blanket under his head and over his body.

    When she was done she slumped back against the wall, hands still caked with blood she held her head in her hands, heavily breathing. "wake up.....please." She croaked, "I can't lose you too. You promised me! You promised!!" she shrieked, biting back another sob.


    Break the siege! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Azurius Tade 20th March 2016, 3:38 pm

    zurius sensed sadness around him, a shrill scream that was muffled out by the haze. There was something warm touching his hand, small, and not too strong. The small girl, the one that resembled Elaine in many ways was holding Azurius's one hand with both of hers. She knew her mother was dead, and she wanted to mourn for her, but she wanted to thank the person who saved her first. Azurius heard something... a promise, something he had promised? Soon the haze cleared more, he could identify it was Elaine' voice, she was crying. Azurius didn't understand why... he wasn't like her, he wasn't human... and this thing touching his hand, he could feel it leaning over him and staring down. Suddenly, a pressure on his chest came as the girl leaned over more, resting her full body with her ear over Azurius's heart. He felt a connection, a type of bond between them as though she was someone of importance to him. The girl's eyes shot open after hearing something thump inside, noticing that all the blood Azurius had spilled began turning into light particles. His hand, the one nearest Elaine, slowly slid over and touched her arm, guiding itself to her hand and wrapping around it. His voice came out weak, and pained and his eyes opened to reveal their golden glow had subsided. "Silly human..." he said with a small smile. "... It takes more to kill me... than the weight of man's pain..." he finished. The girl leaning on his chest shot up, staring at him and feeling herself smile despite having lost her mother a little bit ago. Her hands flew from his chest to around his neck, her entire being no bigger than his torso as she laid on him hugging Azurius. He reached his other hand, resting it on her back. "Are you... alright?" he asked, feeling her head nodding against his jaw. "What will you do now?" he asked, showing more concern for her than himself. The girl shook her head, not knowing the answer. Azurius coughed forcefully, his body still recovering from the wounds. "Got no family?" he asked, his dull golden eyes staring at the ceiling. The girl shook her head again. She felt Azurius getting up, and let go. He pulled himself to the wall, leaning against it and then moved the child to sit on his lap. "You... remind me of a very beautiful person... I know..." he said with a smile while holding her close. Her cheek pressed against his chest, she placed the hand on the far side from him on his chest while turning bright red. "See? You even react like her." he said while joking, a small bit of blood dripped from the corner of his mouth, turning to golden particles. The girl's eyes softened, a tear flowing down them as she got up and rested her head against Azurius's shoulder, both arms around the back of his neck. She whispered something in head ear, something inaudible to others in the room, many still mesmerized by the golden lights floating from the bloodied floor. "Is that so?" Azurius replied. The girl nodded. "Then I suppose I've got an obligation." he said leaning over, resting his head on Elaine's shoulder. "I'm gonna take a rest, if it's okay..." he said in a weak voice still, falling back asleep with his hand in hers, the other hand wrapped around the child. The girl let go of him and moved the arm, getting off him she said "I'm going to get the guard, umm... please keep daddy safe?" she requested politely before running off, her blonde hair flicking as she turned.

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    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Elaine West 20th March 2016, 3:53 pm

    When she heard his voice, her eyes flicked up, when she felt his hand around her's she tensed, grabbing it tightly. A sob forced its way out as she pulled a watery smile on to her face. "You're okay. You're okay." she sobbed, squeezing his hand tightly, the young girl who he had saved sat on his lap when he pulled himself up against the wall, Elaine carefully helping him. Warning him not to open any of the marks she she had cleaned and bandaged. Then the little girl said something strange when she got off his lap. She called him her father. At this, she opened her eyes wider.

    Did she miss something.

    She had to have missed something.

    Then Azurius fell asleep on her. Again. And the little girl skipped off like nothing happened. Leaving a very confused Elaine alone, surrounded by a slew of other people. She went to go unlock her hand from
    Azurius' and lie him down gently on the floor, so she could further inspect those who's injuries were not as severe. Lacerations, stitches and a few other things. Anything to keep her hands busy while waiting for the young girl to return and her partner to wake.


    Break the siege! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Azurius Tade 20th March 2016, 4:25 pm

    t was only a half hour before the little girl came back with the guardsmen. An hour after that, the people were all cleared from the room and taken onto carriages to get medical attention in the nearest village. Sunset had come when Azurius finally woke up again, looking down he saw the small girl curled up on his lap as though she had absolutely no fear of him. He lifted up his arm and rested it on her back that was facing Elaine, gently rubbing it up and down while giving off a small smile. He felt something against his hand, and remembered his first reaction was to reach out for someone to make sure he truly was still alive. He didn't remove his hand, only tilted his head back and let it rest on the walls. His eyes resumed their standard golden glow, his voice changed to a somewhat saddened one. "You saw me kill him didn't you?" he asked. "I'm sorry. I have a soft spot for children, I've always wanted to have one. So when he said all those things... I lost it." he told her. "I guess we should get back to Hargeon, I still owe you dinner." he added while slowly pulling his hand from hers.

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    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    Elaine West
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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Elaine West 20th March 2016, 4:49 pm

    "Ya. I saw you kill him. I have to admit. I was scared. Terrified even. I've never seen you look so mad, so out of it. It wasn't the first time I've seen death and probably won't be the last either. But you're safe, I'm safe and so is she." she nodded over to the girl, she was sure the image of blood and Azurius' kill would stick with her forever. She swallowed hard, she wasn't sure what to think. But there was one thing she knew, he was still him. Joking, laughing and smile. All the things she saw everyday. He was still him. That didn't change. But some times the reminder of his power scared her. She couldn't help it.

    She was sad when he pulled hand away from her's. She just wanted to stay like that a little while longer, for reassurance. "I-I'm not that hungry.....actually." She said, truthfully she wasn't sure she could stomach anything after watching everything, not to mention her bloody hands and armour. "Can we just, go home? I just.....can't." She murmured and got up, eyes locked with a window across the room, watching the setting sun.


    Break the siege! 137588058467
    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Azurius Tade 20th March 2016, 5:08 pm

    zurius got up, holding the small girl in his arms as Elaine got up. It had been a long day for her... Azurius hadn't considered the fact that Elaine was sensitive to this sort of thing. She said she's seen death before, but she'd also mentioned she'd never had an actual friend. The combination of the two, a friend dying that is, normally distraught anyone. He let out a small sigh, having realized what he did, without explaining it, was likely the cause of her lack of hunger. Azurius walked to a nearby chair, placing the girl down in it and moved back to Elaine. The last flicker of sunlight began leaving the room as he reached over and gently held her arm, turning her and moving himself in. He wrapped his arms around her just as before, placing and arm around her back and pressing her in firmly. "I'm so sorry." he said softly. "Understand, so long as we're a team, I will never die on you. At the same time, I'll never let you die on me." he stated, lowering his head and pressing his forehead to hers. "You'll never know how much you mean to me... more than all the gold I've ever created. You and my summons are equal in my heart, I wouldn't trade either of you for the world, and I'd destroy the world to get you back if I had to." he said in a softer voice. The act of touching foreheads was common among warriors, it was a connection of the mind that links them, made them brothers at arms. The pegasus landed down, stopping at the entrance to the building as Azurius released her. He rubbed the beasts snout saying "You've helped us a lot, now go. Live a full life, and never stop moving forward." he said. The winged horse turned around and began leaving, Azurius picked up the small girl and walked out to a carriage that was left behind for them. "Common Elaine, unless you feel like walking home!" he shouted playfully, flicking the reigns and making the carriage slowly move forward as a tease.

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    Break the siege! Empty Re: Break the siege!

    Post by Elaine West 20th March 2016, 5:21 pm

    She gripped his shirt tightly, burying her head in his chest. He wasn't dead. He wasn't going to die. He was okay. That's all she needed to know. That's all she wanted to know. He wasn't going to die on her. He told her that it was okay, and that he'd never leave her, this just made her hold him tighter. She want going to give him up either. She's fight through heaven and hell just to reach him. Even if he didn't know, she would.

    They parted and he walked out, little girl in his arms he mounted the carriage that was arranged for them. She sighed, it was all over. But she knew she would never forget this day, it would stay with her like a scar. He teased her from the front seat of the carriage and she laughed and nodded. "I'm coming! she shouted and hopped in the door next to the young girl. "Let's go home."


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