Fairy Tail RP

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    Gathering Point[Open]

    Mellow Valentine
    Mellow Valentine

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 45
    Guild : Guildless
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    Age : 29
    Experience : 25

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    Gathering Point[Open] Empty Gathering Point[Open]

    Post by Mellow Valentine 30th August 2015, 10:03 pm


    Talonia: The City of Wonder!

    Is what he'd always been told while youth still blessed him so. Maybe he got it wrong? Was something more along the lines of "The City of Townsville!" more appropriate? Yeah, that's what I figured as well. Moving on. The graceful, gentle stroke of wind brushed the straps of his masked and slipped through the cracks; wrapping it's cute little arms as tight as it possibly could around his nose. "Ahh..aah..AHH CHOO!" Probably the only chance someone would see him take off his mask, I mean what, did you think he was going to sneeze into his mask or something? That's absurd. "That's what I get for taking residence in a city next to a WATERFALL!" he'd often received odd stares after throwing his arms into the air and screaming at absolutely nothing, but you know what they say, y-- sorry.. I'll stop with the jokes now.

    What brought Mellow to Talonia  you ask? Well that's easy, all the cool kids(guildless mages) hung around here; he wasn't going to be the only one out of the loop now was he? OF COURSE HE WASN'T SILLY! Oh hey, speaking of Guildless..


    "Come on come all! I, Axel Spyker, of the famous Fairy Tail am recruiting for potential members-- join now and we'll let you meet the Guild Master!"

    Uh oh, it appears a bit of a troublesome soul has made his way into Talonia, he doesn't look to be that interested in talking either. Axel Spyker of  Random Dark Guild #1, notorious con-man and generally known thug. By using the front of being a "Fairy Tail" member, he tricks, mugs, kidnaps, and even kills people for profit. I'm so angry about this I'm angrily shaking my fists inside of the recording booth to show my discontent! What's this? It looks like Mellow's approaching him, and he's got his fist balled up, looks like things are about to get interesting!! "Hurry now before it's too late! Join Fairy Tail now"! Oh now that's not what we wanted at all! Giving the man known as Axel Spyker a fist bump, he stepped off the podium and slid his hands into his pockets and continued about his day...That was low down and dirty, Mellow. "What?" For shame.. "WHAT"?!

    What was Mellow out here to do? Nothing really. He wanted to get his foot in the door for something. If he was going to make a name for himself for [Insert Tragic Reason with Thoughtful Piano Score], then he'd have to start getting active. First things first, however. He had to make some friends. "HEY! ANYONE WANT TO MAKE FRIENDS WITH A FOX MAKSED WEIRDO"?!

    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Guild : Black Sails GM
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    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Gathering Point[Open] Empty Re: Gathering Point[Open]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 31st August 2015, 4:11 pm

    Chapter 6:
    Fly Me to the Moon

    Anastasia's Theme
    Let Me See What Spring is Like On...
    Jupiter and Mars...
    The sun was warm and the wind was brisk.  Turning her face to the wind, the blond let the air tickle her skin, blowing her long hair off of her back for a moment.  The feeling of elation was noticeable on her gentle face as she rode into town upon her large black-striped guardian.  She sat with both of her legs to one side due to a large guitar case occupying the opposite side of the creature, along with an air-horn gently flopping on the creature's side.  Gentle steps were taken by the creature as they made their way into town.  People's heads began to turn as Anastasia and Sasha made their way through the streets.  

    ~ People are staring, Anastasia. ~  spoke the creature directly into her head.  The creature was capable of telepathy with Anastasia and only Anastasia.  Everyone else may consider Anastasia crazy for appearing to have a 1-way conversation with the creature, but she doesn't particularly care about what other people think about her sanity.  That isn't any of her business to begin with.

    "I don't care, Sasha.  Let them stare," she said non-chalantly.  The people could be staring at her beauty or at the large creature she rode in on.  Regardless of that fact, Anastasia didn't care.  The presence of a large beast, standing at 4.5 feet at the shoulders, was enough to draw attention towards them let along her long flowing blond hair and her beautiful face.  

    Anastasia's reason for being in Talonia, in the first place, were for 2 main reasons.  Firstly, she came here to sample the music for inspiration.  Being that she's a songstress and requires songs to perform her magic, knowing different kinds of music and styles would greatly diversify her portfolio.  The other reason she's mainly here is to sample their technology.  Being a large technology buff, she also came here for inspiration on what to do for her future inventions.  She already created things with her weapons and the strange cat-eared items upon the top of her head and she wanted to create more and more.  To her, electronics are a type of art that go under-appreciated by the world.  

    A crier called out, calling for attention to the Fairy Tail guild.  Anastasia curled her lip a bit.  She was wearing her green outfit with the short shorts this time, so her guild emblem was easily covered.  She wasn't a very big fan of her guild an was considering a way to leave it.  She never felt more alone until she joined that guild.  Even when being near other people, she felt like a lonely island within an archipelago.  Anastasia simply tilted her head as she heard the spiel from the man talking about Fairy Tail.  While this piqued at her interest, she's also extremely cynical on the entire idea of guilds due to her experience with the Pegasus.

    Clearing her throat, she was about to say something until a man in a mask walked up and lifted his voice before she had the chance.  A brow was raised as the man spoke out, calling himself a weirdo.  Well, at least the man self-identifies as a weirdo, but maybe he has a valid reason for wearing a mask over his face.  Whether the mask was part of a fetish of his or to cover up his identity due to ghosts of his past; who knows the reason.  

    ~ What do you suppose is his deal? ~

    "I'm not quite sure, Sasha.  But he must be quite confident to introduce himself that way, hm?" she asked with a slight chuckle.  A response of a groan could be audibly heard by everyone, causing everyone in the crowd she was near to part from her due to the large beast she rode in on.  Anastasia cleared her throat once more before speaking up, now that everyone made space away from her and her beast of burden.

    "What benefit would Fairy Tail offer and what do they have that the Blue Pegasus doesn't?" she asked with great skepticism hanging off of her voice.  While she may consider joining Fairy Tail, if they don't have anything better to offer to her that she couldn't get from the negligent guild of the Blue Pegasus, then entertaining the idea would be a waste of her time.  Turning her head, she spoke to the man in the mask who just made his way up there.  "And what do you have to gain from joining a group that hasn't explicitly told you their goals, traditions, and perks?"
    OOC Notes:  Topic Joined! :D


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Mellow Valentine
    Mellow Valentine

    Lineage : None
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    Age : 29
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    Gathering Point[Open] Empty Re: Gathering Point[Open]

    Post by Mellow Valentine 31st August 2015, 5:29 pm

    Gathering Point[Open] Fotofl13
    "What benefit would Fairy Tail offer and what do they have that the Blue Pegasus doesn't?"

    [ Note: When reading the Narrator, think of the English narrator for Fairy Tail. ]

    It almost felt as if life had come to a screeching halt. For this brief moment, nothing were to exist but Mellow and his point of interest. Originally, he'd no intention of staying to hear the poor sap's botched speech for a guild he'd taken no part in-- that is, until she arrived. The heart began to march forward, left foot right foot. His lungs felt awakened, kick-started by some omnipotent force seeming dead set on jolting him back into reality. He hadn't been able to notice for that faint moment, but something changed in Mellow's plans. He, who, fiendishly fist-bumped the very man in question now. He, who ignores those in trouble! He, who-- "Alright man, I think we get it." Right..moving on then.

    He hadn't known it yet, but he'd finally found the one cure to his sickness, the band-aid to that little paper cut you still cry about because man if it doesn't sting! Yes, that's right, Mellow had discovered something interesting. Oh, and look at that, she was a blonde; the very thing Mellow couldn't stand. She's a beautiful little thing, isn't she? Cute, too. If only I were a few years younger.. "If you would please.. back to the story, man". Speaking of her, she appears to be looking your way!

    "And what do you have to gain from joining a group that hasn't explicitly told you their goals, traditions, and perks?"

    To be honest, Mellow had been a bit taken back. He knew blonde girls had a bit of flare to them but he'd always assumed that was something redheads were commonly known for. Either way, he couldn't help but chuckle lightly at her question. He knew it wasn't her fault, anyone could have seen it this way based on Mellow's actions. "No no" Mellow calmly shook his head from left to right, crossing his arms and hugging himself gently holding them in place "I think you've got this all wrong, Blondie". Approaching the man known as Axel Spyker, Axel took a few steps back as Mellow inched closer. "H-HEY! Who do you think you're touching?! Do you know who I am?! I am Axel Spy-"


    The crowd gave way to a gathered gasp, shocked by what they'd seen. "Look here". Grasped between Mellow's fingertips had been none other than a fake fairy tail sticker; one that can be bought at a store near you for a shocking low price of 10 jewels! Get one now! "See, this guy isn't from Fairy Tail. He's just one of your no-good darkies attempting to con his way into some free loot and nightly entertainment; a scumbag through and through". Stunned, Axel's eyes fell upon the gradually enraged crowd, their fists balling and blood lust erupting from within. "If anything, I was going to watch the show for a little longer-- thanks, Blondie".

    As the crowd went to work on Axel Spyker, Mellow approached the mysterious woman. It's about time you made a move, Mell-- "WOULD YOU SHUT UP"?! Alright alright, I'm just saying. Looking down at the female, he'd taken notice of her beauty but hadn't been too swayed by it. Due to his horrid past with Blondies, he always found himself jaded around them. "If I may retort" he smirked "I'll join just about anything so long as it's interesting; that's the name of the game after-all. If they manage to catch my attention by what they're saying, I'll tag along." His eyes narrowed from within "Besides, when it comes to guilds, I haven't found one yet that blew me away; I never intended on joining that craptastic borefest anyhow". As he shoved his hands in his pockets, he gave the girl an unamused expression from behind the mask. More than often people could seem to tell what face he was making, even if he wore a mask.

    "So, I take it you're in Blue Pegasus then? What's it like there?"

    Theme is Unknown from M.E Instrumental

    Mellow & Ana..oh god what have we done?
    Gisen Ceostra
    Gisen Ceostra

    Battle Bunny

    Battle Bunny

    Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
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    Third Skill: Ex-quip: Bunny Brigade

    Gathering Point[Open] Empty Re: Gathering Point[Open]

    Post by Gisen Ceostra 1st September 2015, 8:02 pm

    Gathering Point

    BGM Title
    Just another day~
    Sasha had been a little more reluctant to show herself around Talonia as of recently. The last time she had been here, she was in the middle of a war zone, and although she and the other mages that had been there to stop it all, she was more than happy to let that go for now. Things so far just from the look from the distance, the town had been all cleaned up and buildings being restored, so that was at least a good thing to know as of the moment. And as far as she could tell the people had safely returned to the town and seem to be doing rather well as well. Maybe some stronger mages had come by to populate the area just in case. Either way, as long as what had happened before could happen again, then she would be just fine with that.. as would probably the entire population that still makes up Talonia to this day.

    The Rune Knight came to this town not alone this time, fortunately for her mental comforting. A group of about 6 armor clad knights drove in behind her in marching synchrocy with one another. Granted she had come to dislike the idea of wanting to go a lot of places alone, there was more to bringing Knights with her for this occasion. She was told that of course being that guildless mags inhabit this town, she had come to here previously to do recruitments for the Knights she had represented, but this relates more to why she came back. Other guilds had come to circle around the place to recruit for their guilds as well. However there was news of a mage going around and proclaiming to be a recruiter for various guilds, including today.

    Tips had come in that he was out to get more people to fall for his lure and commit his various degrees of robbery. She gave the Knights a signal to continue as Sasha herself had slipped away from th group and into the back of the crowds. All 7 Knights (including Sasha) had come to pause as the fake had been exposed to the public and thus, they came to move in faster than they had planned to. "Halt! You're under arrest!" They decreed, standing tall behind the masked man and the fake Fairy Tail mage. The man hadn't said a word, but his facial expression had spoke for him. He took off as fast as he could and just as he got off the balcony, he skid to a stop.

    He stopped just before a very nonchalant positioned Sasha had stood with her left arm leaned against the wall, holding her up and leaving her guild crest to show to him. She giggled and gave him a wink as the other armor clad Knights ran up and surrounded him. One set his weapon and shield aside to cuff him and pull him up to his feet. "Hmm.. I need a manicure.. I don't give myself much attention as I ought to. Anyway, if you guys would like, feel free to escort him back to Era and I'll wrap up here. Take all the credit you like, I don't care much for glory." She looked over her nails and stood up, placing her hands on her hips as they saluted the raven haired girl and began to give him a walk of shame back through the crowd. "Now now folks, you all can go back to what you were doing before now. Nothing left to see."

    Sasha then looked to the person with the mask and blinked. She wondered a few things and had a need to talk to him while he still held that sticker in his hand. "Hey, you there with the mask. I need to speak to you." She called out to him and walked close to him, looking him over while she had wondered why he wore the mask.. and more so what he or she had come to look like behind it. "I'm Sasha Martin, of the Rune Knights.. and to my understanding you were the one who discovered his tattoo being fake. Mind telling me how you knew it was fake?" She questioned, not noticing the blonde girl nearby or anyone else that had failed to dissipate from the crowd. She was very curious and just wanted a couple answers to satisfy her.


    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
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    Gathering Point[Open] Empty Re: Gathering Point[Open]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 2nd September 2015, 12:20 pm

    Chapter 6:
    Fly Me to the Moon

    Mellow's Victory
    In other words...

    As Anastasia stood and watched, the man turned the tables upon the false-crier and peeled the Fairy Tail sticker off of the man's arm. It was a sting the entire time, hm?  Anastasia placed a hand upon the large guardian's head and ran her fingers through the creature's mane and spoke calmly and quietly to the creature.  A look of pleasant surprise written across her face.  "Oh my.  I didn't expect that ending. Who'd have thunk this man was a progenitor of justice and not some brainwashed kid with ambitions," she said to the creature.  Anastasia was guilty of the latter, being a child brainwashed by ambition, which is why she joined the Blue Pegasus.

    The Rune Knights Approach

    Anastasia flipped some of her long, silky blond locks over her shoulder for a moment.  Opening her mouth to say something, she was interrupted by a black-haired beauty and her entourage of knights.   They came here to clean up the masked man's work.  Glory hogs.  She watched curiously as the black haired girl seemed extremely non-chalant about the capture, thinking of other things.  Perhaps a man like this was simply too small to worry about.  

    Another day at the office

    Nothing to see here, huh?  Well, the boredom of processing a con-artist doesn't seem like something too remotely interesting.  She simply gave the man a warm smile in response to his act of courage, paying little mind to the Rune Knights cleaning up one man's work; even going as far as taking the glory for themselves for the masked man's work.  

    It was after the -Masked Man's- skillful capture that the man approached her, with the large beast she rode in on taking an offensive posture and bearing it's fangs at the masked person.  Running her fingers through the creature's mane, she fortified the fact that this man can approach her, causing the creature to take a relaxed position.  One of these days, the guardian will perform his duties.  

    Her suspicions of whether or not this masked man was brainwashed into joining something finally came to light.  A little giggle came from Anastasia's lips before she looked at the man.  "You should really be careful who you join, Mr. Hero," she addressed him as such, befitting a reply to him calling her blondie.  "You could join a group and still be on your own, ya know?" she inquired in a non-rhetorical manner.  The phrase gave hints to her general dissatisfaction with the guild she's associated with.  If it wasn't for Shuhei's smooth words and sharp tongue, she'd have left the guild already.  But that's simply a tick away from happening.  Though, one could say that she's loyal to Shuhei, not the Pegasus.  

    "Other than the beautiful guild hall, you're better off on your own unless you're part of a formidable team.  Otherwise, they'll discard you like some kind of burden," she said in reference to the greatness that was the Phoenix Mountains incident.  A mixture of poor leadership, internal clique mentality, exclusion of own team-members.  The group was filled with demi-humans and demons; which Anastasia found a bit strange and abominable to say the least due to her own up-bringing in a xenophobic landscape.  Unless they are cat-parts, she's alright with cat-parts.  

    The two had a brief moment to speak to one another before the black-haired maiden butted in with her own interrogation.  A smile was given to the brunette, though her annoyance could be seen plainly on her face.  Nevermind about asking him why he wears a mask, but ask him about how he knows who the criminal is.  A sigh came across the woman's lips as she simply observed, allowing the Rune Knight to do her job.

    OOC Notes:  


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Mellow Valentine
    Mellow Valentine

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 45
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 29
    Experience : 25

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    Gathering Point[Open] Empty Re: Gathering Point[Open]

    Post by Mellow Valentine 2nd September 2015, 1:55 pm

    Gathering Point[Open] Fotofl13
    "You should really be careful who you join, Mr. Hero, you could join a group and still be on your own, ya know?"

    [ Note: When reading the Narrator, think of the English narrator for Fairy Tail. ]

    So much had happened at once! To be honest, Mellow wasn't entirely sure where to start! What with The Rune Knights appearing or the fact that they'd attempted to discredit Mellow for his efforts. Well, that's not to say that's exactly what happened first. Hmm..maybe we've skipped to far ahead in the story. Let's take a moment to address things as they've happened, maybe it'll make a tid bit more sense that way.

    Previously on Gathering Point, Mellow had just outed the man known as Axel Spyker: world renowned con-man and mage guilty of multiple crimes such as kidnapping, fraud, and as they'd find out at a later point..homicide. Of course, that's not the story for me to tell-- not yet anyway. The crowd gathered with rage, more than just betrayed by the man's actions. Think, what would happen if parents had let their sons and daughters travel with this man? Well, I suppose that's a story I'd rather not tell. After Mellow "bravely" performing said action, he'd approached the beautiful blonde and inquired about Blue Pegasus; let's see how things go now.

    "Other than the beautiful guild hall, you're better off on your own unless you're part of a formidable team.  Otherwise, they'll discard you like some kind of burden."

    Mellow hadn't taken guilds into much light due to many reasons, this being one of them. If anything, the beautiful blonde's words supported his many theories and opinions regarding them; it appears being guildless was the proper move after-all. One thing seemingly threw him off though.. she seemed discontent. When referring to one's guild, you'd imagine a smile upon their face as they speak about all the guild's greatest achievements and how they love their guild oh-so-much; this was not the case.  What Mellow was met with was not a reassuring smile, not a excited expression, not even positivity, he saw the negativity..the negativity in everything.

    "Question" He returned to crossing his arms "If you don't like it so much, why are you i--"

    "Halt! You're under arrest!"

    ...Oh brother, here comes the buzzkill brigade...

    This was Mellow's first time seeing such a spectacle. The armor, the confidence, the ego that could be spun and twisted into delectable pasta. Yes, The Rune Knights had made their presence known; stealing every ounce of Mellow's spectacular glory from him. "Wait..what"? Axel Spyker dashed faster than any non-wind mage he'd ever seen. He didn't get too far but man was it an admirable effort. As the man was cuffed, The Rune Knights stood triumphantly, grinning behind their armor as if they'd saved the day; Mellow was not amused. "Hold on a second now" the crowd was too loud, his voice wasn't heard "I SAID HOLD ON A SECOND"! From the gathering of knights appeared a black haired girl, she seemed to be in command of things. After shooing the knights, Axel in their grasp, she shoo'd the citizens and approached Mellow; a skeptical look upon her face.

    "I'm Sasha Martin, of the Rune Knights.. and to my understanding you were the one who discovered his tattoo being fake. Mind telling me how you knew it was fake?"

    Mellow glared down at the probably younger, definitely shorter woman; a look of discontent of his own behind his mask. "Rune Knights?..Never heard of em". Truthfully, Mellow wasn't interested in what the "authority" had to say, he wanted to resume his conversation with Blondie as soon as possible. "It's not hard to tell a con man from a real guild member." He placed his gently scratched his forehead "From what I hear, Fairy Tail members don't entirely recruit people openly. Fairy Tail is some asylum for the wacked up and down-right stupid, or at least that's what I hear". He let out a sigh and continued speaking "Besides that, Fairy Tail members have one thing that dude clearly lacked" he paused for a moment before looking to the blonde girl. "Pride. They aren't the types to boast about their guild in the open like that...or at least that's what I hear anyway".  

    After finishing his statement, he grabbed onto Blondie's arm, his eyes now focused on the black-haired knight. "Hey, if you don't mind, I'd like to get back to speaking with no name over here. Thanks for your time and all that good jazz". He wanted to exit this situation as soon as possible, the question remained, would this knight let him? Either way, he turned back to the blonde as he resumed his earlier question.

    "So as I was saying. You don't seem to like it, so why are you still there?"

    Theme is Unknown from M.E Instrumental



    Gathering Point[Open] FT8EjXC
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Valkyrian
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    Posts : 2446
    Guild : Black Sails GM
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : [Primary] Ivan Isayev [Secondary] Fafnir, the World Dragon
    Experience : 321116

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Mechanized REquip
    Second Skill: Dragons' Champion
    Third Skill:

    Gathering Point[Open] Empty Re: Gathering Point[Open]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 7th September 2015, 9:24 pm

    Chapter 6:
    Fly Me to the Moon

    Anastasia's Theme
    A Bird, a Fox, and a Raven Walk into a Bar

    Anastasia didn't have much time to respond to Mellow's question.  That'll be a question left unanswered.  A question that Anastasia would like the answer to as well.  Though, if she were to have said the answer, it would have been because of a single man within the guild.  She didn't have romantic feelings for this man nor does she feel any lust towards the man.  Shuhei has gained her loyalty by his actions and thus, she remains within the guild because of him.  She has pledged her allegiance to him and him alone.  Nobody else has gained her respect as a leader or as people.  While they might be impressive in combat and vastly superior to her in every way, they just aren't good people.  
    Mistakes have been made...
    Oh yes....
    Mistakes have been made...

    Upon grabbing Anastasia's arm, her guardian that she was mounted upon snarled, bearing it's teeth at the man and snapped at him.  It's intention wasn't to outright harm the man, at first, but to warn him to give Anastasia a bit of space.  Perhaps the man forgot about the large fiery red tiger-dog-hybrid that Anastasia sat upon.   She didn't know the man behind the mask, thus she didn't trust the man enough to just follow him.  

    The man continued to speak until he called her 'no-name'.  The vein in her forehead popped out and her usually cheerful demeanor turned to annoyance and irritation.  My, this man is just rude.  Not only did he not introduce himself, but he addressed Anastasia as 'no-name'.  Anastasia simply closed her eyes and moved her arm away from the masked man.  "I do have a name, Mr. Fox-Face," she said simply.  There was another name she wanted to give to the man, but she'll settle for Fox-Face instead.  "I'm not a designer child, after all," she said remember books of futuristic stories where children are cloned for various reasons, mainly for violent/military applications.  'Designer Children' is what they were called.

    "Perhaps you should introduce yourself before referring to someone as 'no-name'," she said in an annoyed, raspy tone.  
    OOC Notes: Skipped Sasha upon her request.


    [Character Approval] [Mechanized REquip Spells] [Dragons' Champion] [The Eye of Odin] [Bank]
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    Mellow Valentine
    Mellow Valentine

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 45
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 29
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    Gathering Point[Open] Empty Re: Gathering Point[Open]

    Post by Mellow Valentine 9th September 2015, 8:52 pm

    Gathering Point[Open] Fotofl13
    "Oh..how mistakes had been made"

    [ Note: When reading the Narrator, think of the English narrator for Fairy Tail. ]


    Upon placing his hands on the blonde's shoulder, the large beast behind her snapped with rage; and with good reason. Mellow could have harmed her within that small frame of time, she had to be on guard at all times. If anything, he could at least respect it's loyalty to it's master. With that in mind, he slowly removed his hand from the woman's shoulder; his eyes glued to the beast throughout it all, as if to say "I bring her no harm".

    "That's a loyal beast you've got there" He couldn't help but admire it's valor and duty, it almost looked heroic standing all tall and proud-- almost. "She's very protective of you" His grin gained a darker tone "Not like I care either way. I can't stand mutts". Shrugging and taking a step back, his eyes returned to the blonde woman; her annoyed tone more apparent than ever. "Now I'm not too sure I know what a designer child is, not sure I care - however - there is one thing I definitely know." Playing the role of the antagonist..it was becoming more interesting. He couldn't help but glare behind his mask as he spoke "I didn't ask you for your name".

    The tension rose, Mellow slowly sliding his hands into his pockets. "That may have been a bit rude of me, maybe I should introduce myself first." Pacing from left to right, he folded his hands behind his back. "Mellow, Mellow Valentine is the name. Though, something isn't entirely right you see." Mellow had made a mistake, one that he felt would cost him dearly. "By my standard, I'm supposed to hate you with every fiber of my being. You're a blonde after all, but..hmm." After walking back and forth for a few more seconds, Mellow came to a grinding halt, scratching at his skull in a furious manner.

    "Why? Why miss name I didn't ask for yet feel through some plot device I'll find out sooner or later? Why must you be so interesting"? He wasn't sure why, but now that he'd started speaking with her, he didn't want to stop. Even if he was her enemy, she was someone he was going to keep an eye on. "I see you aren't going to answer my question, that's fine, let me ask you a few others. Why did you come here today? Why weren't you satisfied with Axel's words? Finally, I'll rephrase the question I wanted to ask originally..why haven't you quit your guild yet"?

    Theme is Jet Set Sonic - Running the Bassline

    This is the beginning of a wonderful friendship.


    Gathering Point[Open] FT8EjXC
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Gathering Point[Open] Empty Re: Gathering Point[Open]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 10th September 2015, 3:52 pm

    Chapter 6:
    Fly Me to the Moon

    Anastasia's Theme
    A Bird, a Fox, and a Raven Walk into a Bar

    ~ Oh my, isn't this guy just the most swell person in this crowd ~ she thought to herself as she moved a hand up to the side of her head, holding her long blond locks from blowing in the cool summer breeze.  The breeze blew through the large creature's hair like wind blowing through golden fields of wheat.  A gentle hand was placed on the creature's head after he lashed out at the masked man.  Sasha had issues with people concealing themselves; especially their faces and their hands.

    She smiled to the masked man at mention of Sasha being a very loyal creature.  A nod was given in response as she ran her fingers through the creature's soft fur.  "Yes, Sasha is very loyal, even when he doesn't want to be.  He is, after all, duty bound," she mentioned in a simple explanation of Sasha's duties.  Sasha was forced to become her guardian and thus dislikes his position in life; dreams of being the partner of a great mage ran through his dreams only to be given the duty to protecting a reject who only sings.  

    And then the man played the villain and curtly stated that he didn't ask for her name.  With a simple 'hrmph!' Anastasia brushed her hair back over her shoulder and patted the creature on the side and simply stated, "Let's go, Sasha," with the creature quickly turning around and taking a step before being interrupted by the man's words. With this, she signaled the creature to stop.  She turned her shoulders and head back in the direction of the man and raised a brow.  She moved her hands upon the creature's back and leaned back with her shoulders arched a bit with her head tilted to the side inquisitively.

    "Now that wasn't so hard, was it, Mr. Mellow?" she asked the masked stranger.  Now whether this was the man's actual name or not is a different story.  Leaning upon one of her hand, she gives the 'waving off' gesture to Mellow's comments about hating blondes.  "Pfft," she said in response to him requiring the hatred for blondes.  The hatred was kinda silly and unfounded.  However, as the man put his hands into his pockets, an audible growl could be heard coming from the creature.  

    "There's nothing wrong with blondes.  But the same could be said about mysterious men in masks, wouldn't you agree?" she asked with a rather flirtatious smirk upon her face.  "They have," she said before taking a brief pause. "So much to hide.  Which makes me wonder," she said before flipping some of her extremely long blonde hair to the side.  "If Mellow is your actual name or your stage name."

    Then Mellow rapid-fired questions her way.  She thought of each and then responded in-kind.  "My name is Anastasia, I came here today to do some research on the local music and electronics, because the man was selling snake-oil and because people shouldn't fall for such trickery.  You could also tell in his voice that he was selling non-sense.  Oh?  As for my guild?" she was asked, causing her to put her finger upon her chin and look up in thought.  Yes, there was only a single reason that she remained in the guild. "There's still a single reason I'm still in the guild." she answers.  She found one last reason to stay.

    "Let's just say that I'm loyal to a single specific reason, not the guild, itself," she said with a big, warm smile.  She is bound to leave the guild at her own leisure, but because Shuhei actually treated her like a person, she hadn't found a reason to leave the guild.  As soon as she is betrayed by Shuhei or the cons of staying outweigh Shuhei's kindness, she's going to leave.  But until then, she will follow Shuhei's words over the rest of the guild.  ((Until, of course, Shuhei says 'listen to that stupid order' then Anastasia will leave in a heartbeat)).

    Clearing her throat, she smiled back at the masked man. "Why, exactly, is a mysterious masked man here anyway? Out thwarting crimes for fun or something?"
    OOC Notes: ---


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    Gathering Point[Open] Empty Re: Gathering Point[Open]

    Post by Mellow Valentine 12th September 2015, 11:29 am

    Gathering Point[Open] Fotofl13
    "There's nothing wrong with blondes. But the same could be said about mysterious men in masks, wouldn't you agree?"

    [ Note: When reading the Narrator, think of the English narrator for Fairy Tail. ]

    Was Mellow mysterious? It hadn't entirely dawned on him due to him often hanging with people who looked just as - if not - more weird than him; he never realized that he may appear mysterious to others. "You know, I'm not sure if I can agree or not. I've never seen myself as mysterious nor do I think anyone who looks like me mysterious". He took note of her flirtatious smile, she was pretty for sure. It wasn't a few seconds later that she'd inquired about his name, wondering if it was his real name or some kind of stage name-- as if he were some kind of circus performer.

    "Mellow is 100% my real name." He said with a bland facial expression, not like she could see it though "Would it have pleased you if I was named Oggleby or Maxford or something"? Wait, pleased her? Why does he even care? "Though unfortunately, not much I can really do for you there. Looks like you'll just be stuck with Mellow". After returning statements towards her questions, he began a rapid fire response of his own; asking as many questions as he could think of in a short amount of time. She was good, responding to them with extremely satisfactory answer. However, there was one thing that Mellow couldn't help but dwell upon.

    "Local music and electronics, huh?" You see, Mellow was lyricist. He loved nothing more then his pad and his pen, rapping and singing to whatever melody came his way. Honestly, he hadn't known too much about the kind of music played here; he found himself intrigued by this. "So what did you find? Was it anything good? Please tell me it had harmony in it at least, I'll lose it if there wasn't". He was getting off topic, he enjoyed this topic way too much. "Loyal to one specific person?" he gave a wiggle of the brow and a grin to the face "I suppose you have your reasons, am I right"?

    As she gave Mellow a smile and asked him a question, he couldn't help but respond in tune. "To be honest, the goal I came here for was met. I wanted someone to talk to and I found them." He returned his smile from behind the mask "Does that work with you, Ms. Anastasia"?

    Theme is Jet Set Sonic - Running the Bassline

    Why is Ana so freaking adorable? Get out please and thank you. I lose my general direction after reading your posts ;w;.


    Gathering Point[Open] FT8EjXC
    Anastasia Isayev
    Anastasia Isayev

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    Gathering Point[Open] Empty Re: Gathering Point[Open]

    Post by Anastasia Isayev 16th September 2015, 5:16 pm

    Chapter 6:
    Fly Me to the Moon

    Anastasia's Theme
    Ain't Got No Chill
    OOC Notes: -Well, Mellow left :(.  Hit me up, Mellow if you come back and we can continue this dude..-


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