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    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL

    Tōwa Lazmira
    Tōwa Lazmira

    Judge and jury

    Judge and jury

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    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Empty The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL

    Post by Tōwa Lazmira 9th January 2015, 4:31 pm

    A group of adventurers have explored deep into the Ancient Ruin and found a small orb sitting on a platform. One of the adventurers picks it up in which a bright flash of light fills the room. When they light clears nobody is harmed, but something is off. It takes them a while to figure it out, Everyone has been genderbent. No they must solve the riddle of the Orb and return to their original form or forever be stuck and the opposite sex. After a little more reading of the wall they figure out they are in a temple of succubi, and the only way to turn back is to get to the bottom level and defeat the Succubus queen. Only then will they curse end. 

    Ok everyone find a Claim the matches your current one of the opposite sex. There will be enemy's for you to fight, mostly succubi. Be aware that there are areas where you will have to deal with illusions. Often making thing weird, as they will put you in situations that you have never dealt with. Such as being put into a Girl dressing room or other such things. 

    Rule one. HAVE FUN!
    Rule Two. HAVE FUUUNNN!
    Rule Three Don't ruin it for others, you can split off and do you own thread but i suggest you go with a larger group. 

    Required Words per post 200. I want quality Rp, keep it highly detailed. please do at least 20 post, but more are encouraged.

    When you do your first post, place a image of your Genderbent self. After a while i will put a new illusion out, keep in mind that you cant just "disbelieve" it. if you want to run solo i will post the Illusion in your thread. Now ill start.

    After you post your intro here you will break off and start a new thread with your chosen players. Make sure you provide a link to your thread here

    Towa Lamira: 
    Genderbent Towa:

    Towa had picked the orb up without thinking, she found the orb tantalizing for some reason, It was Blue with odd runes running across it. She held if for only a second before she was blinded, it reminded her of a Flashbang. after her eyesight cleared she looked around at the others. At first she was confused she didn't recognize, she shook her head and patted herself down. She stopped as she got to her chest, Towa looked down here eyes widening. 

    "WHAT THE HELL!" Towa started checking herself out, everything had changed she checked her hips, her shoulders. she stopped and slowly grabbed her crotch. "No.... this can't be." she had found male part there, and was now in a bit of shock. Towa takes a deep breath and returned her looks to the orb, it had turned red and the runes were gone. 

    "Is everyone alright?" Towa called out, she figured there would be similar exclamations. Towa stayed as calm as she could, but she was still worried, she liked being a woman. Towa looked at the walls that had all the writing, she could understand most of it. she understood what this was someplace the was old and had been best left alone. There was mention of a succubus queen, that explained it. this was some kind of curse.

    Last edited by Tōwa Lamira on 9th January 2015, 5:23 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Towa's Theme:

    Ume's Theme:
    The Blade of War - Unmade Primary Magic - Unmade Secondary Magic
    Unmade Armor - Unmade items.
    Vox Nihili
    Vox Nihili

    The forgotten

    The forgotten

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    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Empty Re: The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL

    Post by Vox Nihili 9th January 2015, 5:02 pm

    Dederik was idly polishing his sword while leaning against a nearby wall as his commander inspected the orb. His red gaze raising up to look at her hands reaching out for it. “I vouldn’t do zat.” He warned her just moments before her hands touched it, sending a blinding flash that caused his arm to reach up to cover his eyes. As he slowly brought his arm down and blinked, he looked at himself in his reflection of his sword.… in in this case, herself.

    Her red eyes stares at herself in the reflection casually, admiring the view. “Vell.. I do not feel much different zen usual.” She comments idly before raising her gaze to look towards her team leader, letting out a low whistle. “Even as a male, you still look very pretty Towa… Allzough I am curious..” She started to say with a smile. A single hand reaching up to slowly unbutton her now tight uniform from the sudden appearance of her breasts pressing up against clothing that was meant for his male self to wear. “In zat form, do you find yourself desiring zee body of a male. Or do you find zee blood pulsing vildly at zee sight of a voman?” She asks as the top three buttons are undone on her shirt, trying to loosen it up to a more comfortable level. “By zee vay, vat cup size vere you? I may need to borrow your bra… you might vish to size me up to see if i vill fit.”



    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL 36626_s

    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Empty Re: The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL

    Post by Guest 10th January 2015, 4:46 am

    Hiita's first venture as an 'unofficial' Rune Knight was not exactly going as planned. Having been sent out to shadow Towa Lamira - quite the famous Rune Knight from what she'd heard - the God Slayer had been given very little to do. While this wouldn't normally bother her, she was beginning to feel as if she were just a spare part. Needless to say that this growing feeling would only explode as she watched her 'teacher' take an orb in hand and cause a flash of bright light to blind all within the chamber.


    Hiita could feel the change almost immediately; it was hard not to notice you were a good two feet taller than you were two seconds before. While her naturally un-impressive bust hadn't change much, she could still feel there was actually quite the significant change there too. "What have you done?" she spoke darkly before putting her hands to her mouth. Surely that masculine tone wasn't hers?! With a low growl she almost ripped Ebony from its holster and pointed it at Towa with menacing eyes. "CHANGE ME BACK! CHANGE ME BACK RIGHT NOW!"

    It took a few moments to sink in that she wasn't alone in this as Towa too had changed. It seemed everyone in the chamber had. The question now was how long would this last and if there was a way to return to her normal body. With a sigh the girl-turned-man placed Ebony back in its holster and crossed her...his arms, waiting expectantly to see what Towa would suggest.
    Heavens Empress Daiki
    Heavens Empress Daiki

    Heavenly Monster

    Heavenly Monster

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mentor : Daiki, Aiko (Mother - Missing)
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Avatar of Amaterasu (Heaven God Slayer)
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Slayer Lacrima
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    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Empty Re: The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL

    Post by Heavens Empress Daiki 10th January 2015, 6:37 am

    As the man had been following the group of people after having seen them travel and decided to join in himself, though as the leader of the group had picked up an orb which she had held for only a short moment before it caused a bright light to have been emitted before blinding the room. Nothing much had seemingly changed after the light had faded, aside from the orb changing colors, in which he had watched the woman exclaimed as another spoke calmly and the third had started yelling at the one who had picked up the orb to change them back. Daiki was confused for a bit as he felt that his shirt had gotten a bit tighter before looking down for a moment before taking a few steps closer to the three and looked at them before blinking. The one who was telling the one who picked up the orb to turn them back was both taller and appearently had a haircut, though the one who held the orb, their hair didn't much change. He had noticed one of them had looked at their reflection in their weapon before opening the top three buttons of their shirt before grabbing his weapon, and noticing that his hair had grown substantially.


    After he noticed that his hair had grown, and grabbed the sickle end of his Kusarigama, to look into his reflection on the blade before putting it away slowly and blinking a few times in disbelief. His body was turned into a woman's body. He... or rather she now... didn't know how to feel. Daiki mainly just stood there, quite shocked after having finally realized what had happened, still not knowing how to react. How would Daiki identify now? Daiki didn't even know at the moment. After a moment, Daiki would speak up to the other three that were effected. "E-excuse me... but what just happened?" The newly genderbent man spoke. Though he would hear the change to his voice as he spoke before clearing his throat as he stood there.


    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL 8ZbrsUC

    Omen Angel

    Omen Angel

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Working Together- Christian Minecraft Server- Limited Edition- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Fan Art Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Cookie Achievement- Cupcake Achievement- Rainbow- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Omen Angel
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    Mentor : Deniel
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Calling of Heaven and Hell
    Second Skill: Fallen Angel Take Over
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    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Empty Re: The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL

    Post by Aliannah 11th January 2015, 5:23 pm

    Alyia had heard the screaming and yelling from further in the Ruins. She had been here once before on a mission with her old team and now she was back to get a closer look at where they had been. The blonde sighed and made her way over to where she had hear the screaming coming from just in case someone was in danger. She walked past pillars covered in vines and places where she knew houses used to be. She made her way past all of this and to the place where she had heard the screaming coming from. She looked around the corner and saw multiple people there that looked like they were crazy? Was that the word that she would use to describe it? Out of place? Non-the-less the angel turned the corner and looked at the strange people who seemed to be looking at themselves strangely.

    The blonde looked down. There by her foot was an orb. Alyia looked at it with suspicion. Was this the thing that was causing the mayhem? She reached down to pick up the orb and got a strange tingling at the back of her neck there was something that wasn't right about this orb. She picked it up and looked at it. There seemed to be nothing wrong with it. Looking away from the orb she noticed that things were suddenly shorter and that everything that she was wearing no longer fit. Her bra was slipping off her shoulder and her shorts no longer left comfortable. She looked down and gasped. She... she was no longer female. She was a male. She looked up at the people in front of her with wide eyes. No wonder they seemed out of place. Their genders had been swapped. Alyia walked up further and sat down on the ground with the orb still in her hand. "Well guys? A little help might be nice..."

    Genderbent Alyia:



    Soul of Ruin

    Soul of Ruin

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    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Empty Re: The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL

    Post by Scinis 12th January 2015, 1:42 pm

    Acalia walked through the ruins until she had found a group of travelers. At Zellha's request, Acalia didn't just run in and join the group, she walked from a relatively not-far-not-close distance, but she was filled with curiosity. Then, the leader of the group had stopped to pick up something, so against Zellha's request she went closer, and then a flash of bright light blinded her. "Ah!" She exclaimed as she fell to her butt, and Zellha too had her vision impaired for a brief moment. When the sight returned, Acalia stood up and dusted herself off. She looked at Zellha as if to mentally say "what the hell just happened." For the start, nothing seemed different. Zellha, however, stared at Acalia in horror. "What.... the.... hell?" Acalia looked stunned for a minute. "Whats wrong Zell-what the!?" Her voice changed. She looked at her hands, nothing different. She pulled her hair over, same dark-pink-almost-red color. She felt the horns on her head, still their. What was wrong with her voice? Zellha looked perfectly fine. Zellha saw what had happened, Acalia looked different. Her chest was flat, her.... his shoulders were broader, even slight differences such as finger length, had changed. hips, everything! Acalia was a... boy. "Acalia. What happened while the light flashed?" Acalia shrugged. "I-I dunno! Why, why do you suddenly care huh?" Zellha glared at Acalia. "It's because I like my body, as a female." Acalia was shocked by what Zellha had said. "Uh.... What do you mean? You are clearly a girl Zellha. What are you getting at...?" Zellha waved her hand dismissively, and started humming signaling she wasnt listening after saying "Figure it out." Acalia felt herself all over. Butt, torso, face, legs, arms, her chest was flat and her pants made her freak out. Everything was different. To prevent her....himself from having a panic attack the boy now turned to the group, and walked up to them standing a reasonable distance from the others, he just decided to ask questions to assess the situation. "Uh... can someone please tell me WHY I'M A BOY!!!?" This had been the first time Acalia showed some backbone, she never yelled. Ever. Zellha stood behind her body staring at it in disgust. She then looked at the walls, something about succubi. Great. This could only be bad news. If it ever comes to me having to use my magic i would have to take over the body. I wouldn't perfer it but I guess the time will come. Hopefully I can return to the body I was in before soon... I dislike that body but it's better than this one. Zellha folded her arms and watched the others while returning to her hum.
    It's not exact... but good enough:
    Link is here

    Last edited by Zellha on 17th January 2015, 1:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL InvisNewSig

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Empty Re: The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL

    Post by --Cookie__ 12th January 2015, 10:45 pm

    Wandering quietly through the ruins, her eyes scanning the surrounding area around her. This was completely new territory for her, so her own curiosity was overpowering any rational thought she could have. She knew of the group that she guessing that was someway ahead of her, though Kukki had very little intention of joining them for their ‘exploration and she wasn’t that surprised that she didn’t want to join them, or get involved with the possible people that would or wouldn’t be trailing after or following by staying ahead of the group. All she really wanted to do was explore and satisfy her undying curiosity. Folding her arms behind her head and she wandered father down, letting out a content hum - “Now this. This I could get used to!” Kukki was usually known for her hyper and person loving personality, but every so often, things like these are what she needed the most. A calm and serene area where she could be left to her thoughts.

    This Is A Surprisingly Good Opposite Gender-Version Of Her:

    Coming to a sudden halt at the scene before her, eyes widening considerably. She had no idea what was happening, but she knew for a fact what was happening, or had happened was not a good thing. Kukki thought they had continued down and didn’t halt, but the proof was obvious before her very eyes. “Crap..

    When, who she guessed, was leading the group picked up an odd looking orb, Kukki had tilted her head to the side curiously. It was definitely an odd looking orb, and yet, it seem to emit a strange atmosphere. “What.. What is th-“ Having her voice caught off when a sudden flash of light blinded her, she quickly brought an arm to shield her eyes. “Holy mother of cookie monster..!” After she hoped the light had faded, which she was pretty sure it had sometime ago, Kukki lowered her arm and curiously peered closer.

    The atmosphere in the room was somewhat different, and she could easily catch on why. “Wasn’t she a guy...? And him a chick? And, and..!” Shaking her head roughly, blinking several times to make sure that this wasn’t some kind off.. Off prank possibly? But who could concoct such a prank? Let alone one of this extremity! “Hmm..! I wonder if..” Peering down toward her hoody, Kukki’s eyes widen even more than they were originally. “Holy crap, I’m a dude.” Patting down her- no his upper body in an odd amount of enthusiasm, while a grin seemed to dance it’s way onto her- or his- face. “Holy mother of..! This is awesome! Well, maybe a bit troublesome, but awesome!” And.. Here she, or he?, was. Her carefree personality that seems to turn something drastic, take this for example, into something.. Exciting and interesting. Well, at least for herself.


    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL XHOO0pR

    Mistress Venir
    Mistress Venir

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    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Empty Re: The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL

    Post by Mistress Venir 13th January 2015, 7:34 pm

    "Crap I lost her!" Venir cursed aloud as she wandered about the ruins. The pinkette had chased after her team mate when she left the guild. Alyia was a great deal faster than Venir both physically and well mentally. She didn't want to be left alone at the guild while everyone else went out and had fun, so she snuck off and followed after Alyia. The bikini clad mage had followed her blonde teammate all the way to the ruins but once inside she had completely lost the angel. Venir wandered around for hours until coming across a room filled with people. She didn't recognize most of them or if she did then Venir didn't show it. The only thing that had specifically caught her attention was the teammate in which she had followed. "Alyia!" Venir squealed as she dashed over to the blonde angel having a sudden urge to hug her. That's when she noticed the orb at Alyia's feet. Just as Alyia was in grabbing distance, the angel had picked up the orb and Venir was blinded for a moment.

    Genderbent Venir!:

    Green eyes blinked once and then twice trying to recover from the blinding light. The green orbs looked around at the people in the room none of them familiar. Except for the blonde man who stood in front of Venir. "Hey you look just like Alyia!" Venir frowned. That voice didn't sound like her's, it was far to deep to be hers.....But she swore that she just spoke. "Is it just me or-" Venir stopped mid sentence as a sudden uncomfortable feeling hit her or rather him. Venir looked down at his body and gasped as he was no longer a female,which was his true gender. Instead he was a rather tall male standing in a....in a bikini that was ten sizes too small for his now masculine body. "Oh my goddess get me out of this!" He was quick to tear off the bikini top now leaving his entire somewhat sculpted upper body bare. He kicked off the heeled boots not liking how they felt but he did pause at his bottoms. Venir stood there in nothing but a bikini bottom that barely covered the essentials. "Alyia." The pink haired man turned his gaze to his teammate, uncharacteristically serious. "Give me your shorts."


    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o3_500

    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o4_500

    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Tumblr_mwffarIHCR1qbk364o5_500


    When you ask me to do stuff:

    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Empty Re: The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL

    Post by Guest 13th January 2015, 7:53 pm

    Nikolai managed to seek some refuge from the people. They were turning into men and women! What in God's name is going on? Something about an orb, he thought. He then walked out of the guard to touch the orb with the tip of his index finger, and noticed a metamorphosis. He had a blank idea of what was happening, but blacked out.

    (If you're intrigued with a genderbent me, look up the sexy-ass Shiro from the anime Deadman Wonderland. Too good to be put here.))
    Mikomi Ariel
    Mikomi Ariel

    Empress of the Sky

    Empress of the Sky

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- God Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Player 
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky Goddess Slayer
    Second Skill: Curse Of The Shadow God(Locked)
    Third Skill:

    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Empty Re: The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL

    Post by Mikomi Ariel 13th January 2015, 8:21 pm

    The morning was a bit long as it was always a pain in the ass to get up,but she needed jewels to pay for her bad drinking habit. She had taken a request yesterday,which lead her to this place known as Ancient Ruins. The plum colored woman will exhale as a trial of smoke left her lips as the cigarette rested between her lips. She was located outside of the ruins at the time as a hand will begin to scratch behind her head as she couldn’t help but yawned. Her outfit at the moment was a black tanktop along with black pants,with her combat boots. She was late as usual,which wasn’t shocking she wasn't the most organized person there was. Which could be proven by the look of her room and the mess it was in all the time. She will close her eyes as she exhaled once more,this was already becoming a pain in the ass.

    She stood there trying to gather her thoughts,more so trying to think where she had to go. You had to curse her lousy sense of direction,she would smell different scents exiting from a opening nearby. She would begin to walk toward the opening the cigarette still resting between her lips as she made her way down the corridor following the multiple of scents that escalated from the place,all those scents she was smelling was making her wrinkle her nose. To many scents at the same time she swear,not the most pleasant thing to smell when you first arrive in a place that was for sure. Walking down further the scents getting stronger,she swear someone needed a shower,next time she better remember to bring her something to eat next time...she was starving like a dog right now.

    As she reached the main corridor,where the orb will be located. It was at the moment Venir had entered before her a soft yawn leaving her lips,pushing her sunglasses up she looked around as something was serious off. As Alyia would pick up the orb,Mikomi will instantly close her eyes attempt to stop it from blinding her. She knew she was in trouble,why did she agree to this and they say greed isn't a bad thing.

    That Time You Can't Help But Stare In The Mirror:

    As she open her eyes,she blinked a few times as she looked around. Yeah she felt weird as she even felt a bit lighter than before. Full of energy a bit faster on her feet,it was like something was missing. She went to check her pistols as she noticed……..her chest was flat,like reeaaallly flat her hands was a bit bigger they almost busted her finger less black gloves. She will start to feel over herself each part of her as she hit the honeyspot”What the hell!!”she literally screamed she a foreign object had made itself on her body and her well endowed chest was gone, She noticed a near by spring at least where water could exist.

    Rushing to where the water was on the right side she looked in the water to look at her reflection,she was a guy. Whatever that light was turned her into a guy. Though her panic was on hold for a moment,as a hand would go through her hair as it was smoothed out”I am sexy as hell though…”he murmur to herself. Then it clicked,no this wasn’t a time to be looking at yourself….no matter how hot you looked.”So can someone please explain to me what the hell happened?”he said a bit calm but the worried streaks still there. She swears each time she goes somewhere...she had bad freaking luck.


    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL 4HY9qZf

    My Magic
    Mikomi's Database

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    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Empty Re: The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL

    Post by Psychosis 13th January 2015, 9:51 pm

    Kuro had followed his old friend, Mikomi. Unfortunately, she had taken a job, and he had been delayed by registering for it, so he arrived late. As always. Although, this time at least, it wasnt his fault. She forgot to put his name down, was her fault! At least, thats what he told himself. He really didnt blame her, but it wouldve been nice to be on time for once. He was going to be late to his own funeral at this rate. Oh well, at least he wasnt like someone who rejected everything they had worked for regardless of timing. He really needed to catch up with Mikomi, both in terms of physical distance, and power. Couldnt be reliable when she outclassed him so drastically. In any case, Kuro was easily catching up to her now, he just needed a bit more time.

    That was why when he entered the corridor where the group and orb was, he was running. Amusingly, the flash of light had distracted him long enough to lose his balance and slam into a wall, full speed. He groaned, upside down against a wall. His mask may have covered his face, but he felt rather weird right about now. He felt some uncomfortable weight settled on his mask, and yet he felt... different. Smaller, but not shorter. In fact, he felt pretty nice right about now, though why it felt like his mask was pressed up against his pectoral muscle was beyond him. Flipping up from the wall, Kuro fell over, unbalanced. "What..." His balance was ridiculously good, so what had caused him to slip? Couldnt have been an injury from running into the wall, he felt fine.

    That was about the time he pushed himself up, standing. He glanced down and stared for a good moment. Oh. Oooh. Oh. Well that was nice. "Im female..." Kuro blinked, realizing everyone in the room had now switched genders. Neat. Well, he always was curious, so it wasnt too bad. Thinking about what fun he could have made him grin widely. She turned towards Mikomi, noting that he looked different as well. These swapped genders were getting confusing, but god this would be fun. Oh dear, his chest was starting to hurt a little. On the bright side, he could feel he was more flexible than usual now, probably due to the difference in hips between genders. Neat. Lifting her breasts up with her hands to alleviate some of the soreness, Kuro glanced at Mikomi. "I may need to borrow that." He was obviously referring to her bra, but it was more of a joke than anything. He was so used to back pain by now he was just happy there was a way to alleviate it this time. If she, dear god this was really confusing, really wanted to, she could ignore the pain and continue on. She doubted Mikomi would give her his bra anyway, but it may get a laugh out of him. 

    Kuro was at least happy her hair grew, too. It actually looked rather nice this way, but he was wondering how it grew exactly. Oh, right. Magic. Always magic, never science. Kids these days took things for granted, never trying to understand magic, only knowing it worked. Kuro glanced at herself, grinning. She put the mask on her hip, which caused her to realize how wonderfully her clothes fit her form regardless of gender. That was unexpected, but not overly surprising. She hated when shirts got too tight, and her pants slid down, so as a male, he wore loose shirts, and tight belts. The genderswap had caused her shirt to fill up with her chest, but not uncomfortably. Good, she did NOT want to have to change in front of all these people. Though, she would not mind if they did, hehe. What? Being genderbent did not change the fact that Kuro was a pervert. He had always been bi, and did not take the same pride in his gender than most did. 

    Kuro spoke, idly noting her voice was much lighter now, though that tone she had was absolutely amazing. A perfect tone which did not show an ounce of her power. Probably not much compared to some of the 'monsters' in the room, but enough to be dangerous. A lion can choke on a mouse, after all. "Anyone have any idea how to reverse this, or what actually caused this?"


    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Tumblr_lud6w9ONLh1qj17kx_zpsn33e0cfh
    Tōwa Lazmira
    Tōwa Lazmira

    Judge and jury

    Judge and jury

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    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Empty Re: The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL

    Post by Tōwa Lazmira 13th January 2015, 9:52 pm

    Towa looked around at the other people, many were surprised, others seemed to like the change in a odd way. Towa just shook her head and turned back to the wall, white lines had appeared on it. Towa frowned and walked up to placing a hand on the wall, As she did she felt a sense of vertigo. Towa saw flashes of color and many other things, they came to a stop, Towa felt the ground rise up to meet her. 

    "What the hell!" Towa brush himself off as he stood up. The others were not there and the room was different. "Of course it does something like that." He whined to himeself.

    Mean while

    The doors of the room closed as Towa touched the wall, locking everyone into the room. A small image of a Demoness appears in the center of the room. "Oh my, we have guests," she smiles at the group.

    The Woman:

    "Well then we shall have to..." The woman runs a hand sensually down her body. "Entertain you." She licks her lips. "Please come... to the bottem of this castle, Oh and play with my sisters on the way... they have missed the company..." She motions to the wall. "That will take you to my realm... my home... and your all invited." With a final smile the image disappears.

    (OCC: At this point break off into your own threads with the people you choose and RP. Enemys are Demons and need to prove a challenge please make sure you meet Min Word and post count. I will release new mini event as you progress. Have fun ^.^)


    Towa's Theme:

    Ume's Theme:
    The Blade of War - Unmade Primary Magic - Unmade Secondary Magic
    Unmade Armor - Unmade items.

    Knight of Water

    Knight of Water

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Empty Re: The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL

    Post by Aayla 14th January 2015, 11:02 am

    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Mikuo_zps4ac9cdf1

    When Aayla and Cirven had arrived at the Ancient Temple, there was already a crowd gathered inside. Sh couldn't say she quite understood what was going on, everyone seemed scared of something, f themselves really, freaking out and touching each other while being loud and obnoxious about whatever it was they were scared about. She glanced at Cirven with a raised eyebrow before weaving her way through the crowd and making her way to the orb.

    "Why is everyone acting so weird... You don't think it's this thing do you..?"
    She asked him as she eyed the orb suspiciously before gently poking it with her finger. There was a large flash of light that engulfed her, that quickly died down. When it did disappear however, Aayla found herself feeling strange. Physically, she felt stronger, her head felt lighter but over-all she just felt... weird... She stepped away from the orb and scratched her head.

    "What was that just now..?"
    He wondered, not cluing in to the much shorter hair he was now sporting. She didn't hav much time to think about it as things in the room suddenly got chaotic, things started to shift and move and soon, Cirven and Aayla would find themselves alone...


    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Fc9659f1-c886-4f01-a734-cae0d61afbaf_zpsh3e1k6vj

    The Noble Fairy

    The Noble Fairy

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    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Empty Re: The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL

    Post by Manayus 14th January 2015, 4:37 pm


    Manayus had been in the room when the original flash of light went off, having walked into the Ancient ruin not long after the Rune Knights. He hadn't been spying on them or anything, inf act he had just been quite mesmerized by the pair of wonderful Rune Knights behinds that let him to follow them in. While he didn't like to consider himself a pervert, sometimes he just couldn't help but stare, always being careful that his attention wasnt noticed... he had to forever be the gentlemen of course!

    As more people began to walk into the chamber, Manayus felt much less awkward for having followed the girls in. It wasn't long though that his attention was pulled away as a bright flash of light came from an orb Towa had picked up. Manayus brought his hands up to his face, covering his eyes from the light that suddenly disappeared.

    "What on earth was that?"
    He asked, but then paused as his voice sounded even more high pitched. He raised a curious eyebrow as the sight he HAD been staring at, also did not match what he was looking at moments ago. Before him stood two tall, handsom looking men instead of the beautiful young women that had been there moments ago.

    "Uhm... this doesn't seem to... oh my goodness why do I feel so...oooooooooh"
    Manayus paused as he went to rub his sore chest, only to find that two rather large breasts were suddenly in his way. He looked down at himself, poking his arms, waist, legs and even passing his hands through his now long, wavy hair.

    "Uhm... excuse me but yelling about this transformation isn't going to change anything...."
    Manayus finally spoke up at Hiita began threatning Towa with a gun.



    Devil's Advocate

    Devil's Advocate

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    Character Sheet
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    Second Skill: Aphyon Jivven
    Third Skill: Vir'ednith

    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Empty Re: The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL

    Post by Cirven 14th January 2015, 4:51 pm


    Cirven followed behind his sister into the temple. It was as if everyone inside of it thought they were naked or something. They were looking at themselves in shock and awe. Some even covered their bodies even though they had clothes on. "Is it just me or is everyone having some sort of problem with how they look?" He questioned his sister but knew she probably wouldn't respond. "You guys look fine. Why are you freaking out so much?" He questioned the others while he let his sister move on ahead of him.

    He then was blinded by a flash of light coming from where his sister had just stood but now the person there was someone completely different. They weren't even a girl now. "Hey! Where the hell did my sister go!?" He rushed over to the person on front of the orb and before they could answer his question he was entranced by the orb.

    "Uhh..." He then reached out and touched the orb causing a similar flash of light over him. His body suddenly felt lighter in some areas while heavier in others. The weight felt like it was mostly in his chest to which he looked down and saw that he had suddenly grown two round objects on his chest. It would not have been such an issue but he was wearing his jacket open to show his chest before the transformation...


    Last edited by Cirven on 15th January 2015, 6:57 pm; edited 2 times in total


    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL LxcTBIi
    Character Info:

    Summoner of Faith

    Summoner of Faith

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    Mentor : Secondary - Katherine Wickfield
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    First Skill: Holy Stigmata Magic
    Second Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Third Skill:

    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Empty Re: The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL

    Post by JaffaArchfiend 15th January 2015, 7:59 am


    Kiersa had come to the Ancient Ruins after hearing some rumours of strange activity with the expeditions, and to also try and improve her Celestial Spirit training. When the flash of light struck her she found herself... unharmed. "What the-" she began to say before blinking and rubbing at her throat... which now had a large lump on it. "What... what's going on..." she asked, her face filled with confusion over what was possibly going on.

    "Hello?" she called out, hoping to try and attempt to recognise anyone... even though she couldn't even recognise her own voice. And why were her robes so loose around her chest now? The nun looked down and blinked, grabbing at her chest. "Where'd they go?!" she squeaked, patting her body all over till she found... something. "What... what is that?!" Kiersa asked, her eyes going as wide as saucepans.


    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Kiersa%20Signature2_zpsbeofxgfa


    Felicity Vrago
    Felicity Vrago

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    Second Skill: Conquest Take Over
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    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL Empty Re: The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL

    Post by Felicity Vrago 17th January 2015, 2:38 pm

    Katherine simply stood still for about a couple of seconds wondering what in the world happened. She looked at her clothing and sighed, this was very unbecoming of an angel. Sighing slightly Katherine simply started walking around with a bulge in her skirt, just acting casual as if all of this was natural. The angel surveyed the situation and sighed, this would not do at all. Katherine slowly took the time to take off her clothes and reached into the same pocket dimension she used to store all her other clothes. Eventually after about 2 minutes of scrounging around, he/she found a perfect set of men's clothing and started to continue on her way.


    Eventually he stumbled upon a succubus which caused Katherine to turn his head curiously. The demon hissed as she yelled, "I know what you are! The Archangel that served the-" Katherine callously brandished her blade and stabbed the demon in the chest, there was silence. No words spoke out of his mouth as the creature slumped over the blade. It looked at Katherine and taunted, "The Gods know of your sins Archangel. They know that you have turned your back on them to protect the insects known as humans. Your one step before becoming fallen, but that was why you-" Katherine did not let the creature speak, for this was her task and duty. Kill those that were the enemies of the gods and this area just got full of demons suddenly. It was her duty to slay this infestation and to destroy that which was a beacon for demons to enter.


    The Mysterious Orb(Gender-bender event)OPEN TO ALL P5l7Dxp

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