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    Elysium's Beginnings

    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Elysium's Beginnings Empty Elysium's Beginnings

    Post by Kit Kerrington 9th December 2019, 1:21 am

    Janet looked out of a balcony to the city below, the clanging of pickaxe on stone...the smile and feel of the heat of the lava below.  The Mining City that had been set up by the Pergrande Kingdom and on of the only safe places in the part of earthland known as Sin. Sin was a land that had been known for having creatures that no normal man or mage should be able to fight alone…a place where people avoided if at all possible so they may keep there life.  Janet found this place to be home. Janet looked back put towards the mining city then back at the building that she had recently acquired after the old occupants abandoned it. It used to be the council building for the people who ran the city and would act as a forge for more ritzy things. A building that had recently been more of diplomacy building since they recently moved closer to the depths of the lava, such a waste so this building would now be Janet's home and guild hall.  Today was special as this was the date she set out. She was determined after the fall of her old guild that she wanted to change this world in a new way. She thought back to people calling her a monster, hunting her,experimenting on her, and ruining her life. Janet had enough and then she thought there must be other people like her out there right. So she decided to make the guild known as Elysium, a place for people to come and change the world...to there liking. Janet didn't care if the people who threw rocks at her liked the world she made, only if her new family was happy with the world.  She decided if the world would start to change she would help morph it how she wanted or rather how they wanted. She had recently sent out her dragons across the world to send out her guilds message and to hopefully drawing in some willing patrons to assist her in the goal she had in mind while she secured a home for them. Now that she had and it was the time she gave she would wait looking down towards the path that would lead to her guld hall she would smile and turned to walk back onto ber guild hall down the stairs. She saw what hopefully be a new family member approaching the building. They didn't look like a city guard or the miners or citizens.  She just hoped they were who she thought they were. Either way she would walk into the grand hall of the guild with a small smile ready to greet whomever they were. This would be the start of something new and the start of change as she stood at the bottom of the stairway waiting with great anticipation.

    WC: 522

    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 330
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
    Third Skill:

    Elysium's Beginnings Empty Re: Elysium's Beginnings

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 9th December 2019, 12:57 pm

    Odhran was minding his own business in a field outside when a dragon suddenly had landed beside him. It spoke to him about a message in regards to creating a new world in their own image and their own liking. Odhran was inherently interested in this idea. The world as it stood gave little respect to his glorious name, and joining such a guild would be able to bring to the world the wonders of such a God walking among men. He smiled at the thought. He was a part of Errings Rising at present, but some of the members had less than ideal opinions of him, and the thoughts of creating a world in his own image was a scintillating thought. The only issue was that the location of the guild was in Sin. Sin was a desolate land, and getting there would be difficult. He initially attempted to walk there, before his feet would get tired and he would opt to have Lupa fly him a ways before he himself took flight towards the town where this guild was.

    Entering the town, he saw a building that certainly would look like it would be the guild hall. Compared to the rest of the people in this town, he was evidently different. Most of the townsfolk were dressed in little more than rags and looked down on their luck. Meanwhile, Odhran held an air of glory and dignity about him. To separate himself from the crowd even further, he pulled out his three primary keys and summoned the group of spirits. They would follow him as he made his march towards the guild hall, taking note of the many looks of awe and fear from the man who had the three spirits behind him. Lupa walked on the right side of the group, her tail fluttering as she let power course through each of her paws to show the extent of her abilities. Arnaluuk was to the left, a steam constantly emitting from her as her icy skin failed to mesh well with the warm, oppressive air of Sin's heat. Standing more majestically in the center of the group was Scorpio, in female form with her golden, glimmering armor on. Though she often did not opt to use it in battle, preferring her fists and claws, she hand in her right hand a spear of glimmering gold. The Zodiac shared an energy that single-handedly shone brighter than a star within the dregs of the town. While Odhran would have preferred that thought and sentiment be brought to him, he nonetheless was happy that at least one of his summons was getting glory, and the fact that he was the Keybearer for such a majestic Spirit certainly brought an eye of wonder towards him.

    He entered the building that would be the guild hall, seeing a lady with the appearance of a dragon standing at the foot of the stairs, a slight smile on her face. Odhran took the opportunity to use his Ark of Embodiment to unfurl a red carpet for him and his Spirits to walk upon. He came up towards the woman, standing a fair distance away so as to show at least some reverence.

    "I would presume that you are the wondrous commander of that fine dragon that brought the message of being able to create a new world in my own image? I certainly believe that such a task is befitting a God such as myself. I am Odhran Aegisbane, the God of the Celestial Spirit Realm. I must introduce you to my fair allies with whom I have forged a pact of wonderful power through the flames of combat and war! Lupa! Arnaluuk! And let us not forget the piece de resistance, the masterpiece, the magnum opus among Celestial Spirits, the Zodiac, Scorpio!" As he announced each of his Spirits, they stepped forwards. Lupa and Arnaluuk bowed their heads while Scorpio took on an air of hubris and pride.

    "It's certainly impressive that you were able to command a dragon to bring a message. We still have a ways of growth, but we can assure you that with our power we can bring a new world to our liking." Scorpio bowed before busting out in laughter. "Now, with all that formality out of the way, let's, like, get to getting to know each other!"

    "At least you're more normal than you are as a guy..."

    "Scorpio certainly is correct, however, Arnaluuk. Formalities are certainly great, especially in the face of who would be our guildmaster, but we cannot always afford to be stuck-up and not allow ourselves to enjoy life, would you not say?"

    Arnaluuk sighed as Lupa slowly walked over to the woman, sniffing her as her tail wagged slightly. She barked.

    "I think it would be some time before we get to be able to something of that caliber."

    Scorpio walked on over to the dragon woman. "We're a bit of a zany bunch, but we've got enough power and ambition to afford it. We'll, like, get serious when we're in combat, but we'll be sure to make this place real fun when we're not bothering with a fight." Scorpio offered a hand to her, smiling.

    WC: 874


    Elysium's Beginnings SQB8HXg

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Chaotic Blessing
    Position : None
    Posts : 354
    Guild : Elysium
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 267,837

    Elysium's Beginnings Empty Re: Elysium's Beginnings

    Post by Yuiisai 9th December 2019, 9:03 pm

    It was only a little while ago that the young white haired girl had managed to escape not only the home that had raised her but the pleasure district that it was in, she didn't want that, how could she have. Something like that was important, well at least the first time was she believed. She didn't want to give it to some rich man because she paid to deflower her, she knew that she was in trouble and that scared her to no end but it was to late to undo the actions she had already done. From there people either shunned her believing her to be yokai or tried to trick her to follow them so they could claim a reward. All it done was made her remain away from everyone as she didn't want to scare anyone and she didn't want to end up back in the pleasure district where she would be punished, reeducated and then what she was trying to avoid happening anyway. Normally she was a well behaved young woman and done as she was told, so this was her very first rebellion and she had rebelled in a major way. She acted on instinct and it was when she was out of harms way she realised what she had done, going to and fro with herself as to wither or not she should go home and hope for mercy to be given or to stay her path she ended up at the docks and from their the nation of Fiore. The time on the ship was a mixed bag, for the most part she was left alone and entertained as she agreed to do, still there were some who she would later be told tried to take something she wasn't willing to give. This was because the first mate had told them she had been given passage and they could do as they wished with her. Like hell they could, she wouldn't allow a noble to take it from her so there was no way she would allow that type of person to take it.

    When she got off the ship the captain was the one who gave her the information about it and that the first mate had no real power to give her passage, she had asked why he hadn't just dropped her off at  one of the ports along the way. His reply surprised her, it seemed like she had kept the crew happy and entertained and they had worked better for it. She had even been given her jewel back and a little more for the effort she had put into singing, dancing and even playing music for them. He realised it must not have been easy to dance as gracefully as she had on the ship due to the rocking but she just shook her head. It was true normally it would have been for people but she could dance on single tooth geta and remain graceful so dancing flat footed even on a rocking ship was childs play to her. The captain had however suggested that she get a passport if she intended to travel outside of Fiore because the next ship she would try to board would likely not be as understanding of the lack of paperwork. When she had asked about where to get one she was told she could get one in the town they were currently in named Hargeon or she could travel a bit and get one from Rose Garden. Given this was a sea port town she didn't want to be there to long, she could feel the damage that the sea salt in the air had done to her hair and skin so decided to go for the latter option. At the very least she would be able to see quite a bit along the way and grow accustomed to her new home.

    That was a thought that had hit her when she finally found her way to the train station, she was without a home or a means to take care of herself. She could likely find somewhere cheap to have stayed and got some work, but she had heard about mage guilds. It seemed like a good idea for her, she could use magic even if she was unsure of her strength at that point, could get work and a place to stay while making bonds with people. She did however decide that she would need to learn a bit about each so she could make an informed decision so she thought perhaps she could tour Fiore and find out from the members what their guilds were about. She knew of course every guild likely had their secrets that only members would know but she would be fine so longs she knew the basics, after all she knew that they likely had their own goals and way of completing those goals and missions; also there was the concern that not all guilds abided by the law and was afraid that she may join a bad guild and be hunted due to it, but that was something she would do after she got her passport since it seemed like that was an important piece of any mages arsenal. She guessed some jobs were international which she guessed made sense, not only Fiore had issues after all. It took her most of the day to get to Rose Garden, when there she had a few flashes of things she couldn't possibly know about and even met a woman who had spoken to her and taken her to get her passport. After that she left the city hall only to hear about a guild that had been formed recently in Sin. It was then the white haired youth decided that since she was going to go around and learn about the guilds, that perhaps she should start at the one who spoke about making the world a utopia for all.

    Travelling for another half day to get back to Hargeon she managed to secure passage, thought the crew seemed concerned when she said where her destination was. They tried to tell her it was a dangerous place but upon inspecton of her passport and seeing her rank, they nodded realising she was likely going their for a job and so would drop her off. It was around a week and a half of travel even with wind lacrima used to keep them moving before they pulled into the single damaged port of Sin, moving off the ship the teen looked around and gulped hard feeling like she may have made a mistake but as she turned around the ship was already setting off. She was stuck here until another ship passed by it would seem and so she decided to push forward towards the area that was said to house the guild she was currently curious about. After a long walk she stumbled across a building and stopped looking around, only to see other people there "H-Hello?" She called out cautiously keeping her distance as she really didn't know at this point if they would attack her or not, so decided to air on the side of caution.

    Word Count: 1,207


    Elysium's Beginnings 59882_s

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Avatar of Ataxia
    Position : Warlord of Madness
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 309
    Guild : Divine Calamity (Co GM)
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    Second Skill: Mania
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    Elysium's Beginnings Empty Re: Elysium's Beginnings

    Post by Trinity 16th December 2019, 10:44 am

    941/941 WORDS
    I became insane, with long intervals of horrible sanity.
    Mmm, all these delicious new faces.

    Thana couldn’t help but smile to herself as she watched people enter the newly christened guild hall. It was strange to think of herself as a member of a guild, of putting herself into a situation where she would need to cooperate with people to some extent, but now that she’d made a bit of a name for herself among the legal community it behooved her to have some powerful allies. That, and frankly she rather liked what Janet had in mind for the future.

    So for once in her life, the shape shifting sociopath had been convinced to follow, particularly after promises of control and power had been made. Thana had lived so long under the rule of someone else’s thumb, surely it was her turn now to be the one in control. Or at least, one of the ones in control. Janet certainly was the leading figure, but she had given Thana quite a bit of liberty to do as she pleased for the glory of Elysium.

    At the very least it would be interested to see where it went. Would Janet’s plans succeed? Would they crash and burn like a dumpster fire full of mangled bodies and kerosene? The only way to know for sure would be to hang around, a task that was often quite difficult for her. Thankfully, Thana had a gameplan in mind that she’d already let Janet in on. Thana was merely one of a trio of personalities that shared a body, and she was the only one of the personalities that knew everything about their existence. Of the other two, Aeron often spent much of her time in Thana’s company, though the little brunette loathed Thana’s very existence. Still, she was easier to work with because while Aeron was in denial about their state, she at least acknowledged Thana and could work with her.

    The problem was usually Trinity. The petite little sweetheart was the only one of the three that was well and truly oblivious to her own nature, a fact that delighted Thana ever so much since Trinity was actually the original personality. Thana’s very existence was to do what she could to ruin the infuriatingly innocent bean’s life, which was why Thana did nearly all of her horrific deeds in Trinity’s name. Fortunately, Trinity was also the easiest to manipulate since she was so trusting and wanted so badly to find a home and a place that she belonged, where she felt wanted. Thana practically rolled her eyes at the thought.

    But now was not the time to think about her selves. Now was the time to observe some of these others that would be helping to found this guild, like Thana was. She watched from her place of observation up on the balcony, smirking down with excitement and interest as people trickled in. The first was a particularly chatty group lead by a man who carried himself with an air of importance. He went so far as to roll out a magical red carpet for himself, which put Thana into a fit of giggles up on her perch. How delightful! A summoning wizard of some type who fancied himself a God. Or perhaps that’s what he actually was. Who knew? Not she, to be certain, but it would be oodles of fun to find out for sure.

    As they went about introducing themselves to Janet, a woman walked in. Where the man had been loud in presence and full of bluster, this woman was practically the polar opposite, walking in with such a contrasting meekness and timidity that Thana nearly got mental whiplash from the difference. Glancing back over to Janet and the man whose name she’d already forgotten, she saw that they were preoccupied. Well, time to make myself useful, I suppose, Thana thought to herself with anticipation. It had been a while she’d had to be authentically nice before. May as well give it a whirl.

    Sprouting a pair of colorful, pixie looking wings from her back, Thana vaulted over the banister and gently floated down to the ground. As she landed, the wings disappeared into a silent poof of glittering dust that faded out of existence before it could reach the ground. Now that she was closer, anyone bothering to look would see an exceptionally short woman with long black hair and amber eyes so bright they looked like they could be on fire. She walked with a grace that spoke nothing toward her disposition as a person. There was a light smirk on her lips that sat with such ease one could assume it might be a permanent fixture to her face. She wore a short, red dress that hung off both of her shoulders, and a set of simple black heels.

    Walking toward the other woman, Thana stopped a respectable distance from her and offered a light hand to shake. “Welcome home,” she told the woman, her voice soft and rich like butter. “I’m Trinity. Who do I have the pleasure of meeting?” It was possible that someone would recognize the name of Trinity. After all, Thana had done so many awful things under the name, including murdering a senator on live national television and several mass murders. However, it was also equally possible -- especially out here in Sin where she’d not spent a whole lot of time before -- that she was an unknown figure still. The latter possibility excited her the most, as it meant she could work to extend the reach of her reputation even further.
    Please forgive me if I don’t talk much at times. It’s loud enough in my head.


    Gades Saito
    Gades Saito

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    Elysium's Beginnings Empty Re: Elysium's Beginnings

    Post by Gades Saito 19th December 2019, 2:48 pm

    Gades Blinked as he moved thru Sin his snow white wings exposed and stretched a bit as he glanced around for what seems like a long time as he move thru the city, he had gained an invitation to this town and also gained the knowledge that a new guild was being formed, while he had still been in Errings Rising the Incubus had to admit it was easier when you weren’t stuck on a freezing mountain. As he looked around he smirked after a moment. “I should visit my family at some point since it has been a while, hmm I wonder how Kara is doing” he muttered absent mindedly to himself. He had been in close contact with her for a while now and he was becoming rather attached to her as a result.

    However that didn’t stop the incubus from warping her mind with his magics and other talents.it was an interesting way for him to test his power and see how have he could push someone so to speak. As he approached the building he had been told was the meeting place for this supposed guild he saw a young woman looking like she was perhaps lost or unsure of herself. Blinking for a moment Gades shrugged before he approached.” Are you lost perhaps Miss or are you looking for the guild as well?” he asked before he realized he hadn’t introduced himself.”Oh my apologies my name is Gades pleasure to meet you” he said with a soft smile.


    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Elysium's Beginnings Empty Re: Elysium's Beginnings

    Post by Kit Kerrington 4th January 2020, 9:25 pm

    Janet would look at the door as it opened seeing the first of many new guildmates who would walk to the doors. This made Janet very excited on the inside though she may not have showed it totally on the outside so far she had two people who interested in creating a new and better world with her. However her thoughts will quickly return to her as a man entered and made a long red carpet appear in the walkway. She almost had to do a double-take as the carpet appeared in in walked a man with two Spirits trailing behind him, her first immediate thought was that I suppose you had was a nice color matching the gild kind of. However she did not get this waited in this as this was not the weirdest meeting she's ever had and it was a nice change of pace from what she was used to as the man and the spirits walked up and introduced themselves to her as she stood at the bottom of the staircase. Then hopefully give a smile at the wondrous command of the Dragons comment as he was talking to her and introduced himself, before he said his name Odhran. Not shortly after introducing his other spirits Lupa, Arnaluuk, and Scorpio. Are they talked amongst each other Janet Wood look back and noticed one of his spirits was sniffing her tail. Normally Janet it wouldn't be quite as comfortable getting so close so quickly but this will be a special circumstance for the time being so she put up with it as she just smiled back at Lupa before her attention was brought back to Scorpio. As Scorpio explained there craziness to Janet and told that they were strong enough and ambitious enough to afford it it made her smile and node. She would reach out with her black dragon claw and accept the spirits handshake nodding, so far they seemed promising however that would be seen more down the road in the coming hours. However for now she liked what she saw. She would then begin to speak. “Welcome to Elysium...and thank you for heading my dragons summons….I do not mind if you are Zany at all, please enjoy your stay and-” she would cut off as she would then hear the guild doors open as two more people started walking into her guild hall. Janet smiled as she said Hello and looked at the man with her who had said his name to be Gades. Janet would give a small smile glad that you avoid getting her summons looking back before she could say anything the members would first shown up and was just keeping quiet up until then flew down. As she floated down with a set of pixie wings she smiles at her .”Trinity...Welcome thank you for joining us.” She said genuinely happy that she had come down to greet everyone...figuring the alternative was less then Ideal. Trinity was the first to approach Janet about Elysium and whether she believed in Janet's cause was left to be seen. Either way Janet felt no need to wait any longer to say anything. She would wait for futher comments before smiling. "Hello everyone, first congratulations on finding this place, Whether you heard it through rumor or one of my companions the fact is you crossed these tretchous lands and found your way here." She said with a Ernest smile before walking towards the lot toward the center chamber her scale tail dragging slightly as she stand before the hall. "This also means like myself, you all have a desire to see the world change in some fashion…" she said before turning to face them. "Many of you may know me, but for those of you who don't my name is Janet Cinderfeild, The Dragon Queen and the most recent Warlord of Fiore…. now while if you all don't mind, for my sake and for everyone here please say your name...and what you want changed with the world that would bring you here…" she would say smiling at them all curiously. The message that her dragons had spread was on of the guilds creed however anyone smart could figure out the guilds goal. Janet wanted to truly see why they were all here and what they thought was wrong. Janet then patiently stood waiting for one of them to speak up curious as to whom would be the first on to do so.

    Odhran Aegisbane
    Odhran Aegisbane

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Zodiac Key- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Gods of the Celestial Spirit Realm
    Position : None
    Posts : 330
    Cosmic Coins : 35
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 786,120

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Spirit Magic
    Second Skill: Ark of Embodiment
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    Elysium's Beginnings Empty Re: Elysium's Beginnings

    Post by Odhran Aegisbane 5th January 2020, 1:50 pm

    Odhran would be lying if he said that he did not feel an air of excitement and awe as a result of his new would-be guildmaster. Given a bit more time, he certainly would have been able to recognize her as a Warlord, but her mentioning it simply eased the process further. "Y-you are one of the Warlords of Fiore? I would be honored to join a guild with one such person as powerful, feared, and revered as yourself! Indeed! I, alongside my allies, whether they be the Spirits you all see before you or those of you that bear the binding coils of the mortal realm, shall do our utmost to bring Elysium to glory! This new world that we would beg to create...I see it filled to the brim with possibilities! Indeed, statues to myself would be most wonderful, as is befitting a god such as myself, and I, too, much like you, Lady Janet, wish to be one of the Warlords that strikes fear into the hearts of men, women, children, and pets alike! I certainly believe that someone such as yourself is befitting of claiming all of Fiore as your own! We shall forge Crocus into the city of Elysium! The land of dragons, where no mortal fool can cease our whims and desires! Of course, while I have no doubt in my mind that you would be capable of bringing ruin to Fiore of your own accord, I would ask that you take my assistance. Now, it would also be remiss of me to not ask for a reward in return. Perhaps a town of my own to call the home of my Spirits, with a direct opening to the Celestial Spirit Realm? Of course, this is only after we claim this world for our own." To the surprise of Arnaluuk, Odhran bowed slightly. "It would be my honor to grace this world with the holy and fearsome name of Odhran Aegisbane, God of the Celestial Spirit Realm to create a new world in my, no, our image. I give all the powers I have within myself, as well as offer the services of my Celestial Spirits, towards our cause." A smile crept across his face. "After all, it would certainly make this petty realm much more worthy if I had my own stake in such a place. As it stands, this world simply bears an...unfittingness to someone as glorious as myself. So, let us bring ruin to it and shape it how we see fit."

    Odhran finally stopped talking, much to Arnaluuk's relief. Scorpio nodded in approval at the speech, while Lupa had been making the rounds sniffing the other guildmates and asking for belly rubs. "I do apologize about his...methods of offering his service, but it's true enough. We're willing to give ourselves to the cause of Elysium, both the dunce and us Spirits as well."

    "Yepyep! Don't tell anyone, but I've been working with the His Majesty to see if we can get sort of...leasing, I guess? Like, we're technically part of Odhran's crew, buuuuut we might be able to help you guys out if you need us!"

    At the mention of the Celestial Spirit King, Odhran turned to Janet. "Forgive my presumptuousness, but would there perhaps be a place in this hall where I may be able to claim for myself? Much like Scorpio is doing for the altered contract, I've been seeing if I can set up a sort of pocket realm of the Celestial Spirit Realm if my Spirits wish to rest or you wish to converse with them. After all, such training will befit my aim towards turning an entire city into such a place!" He smiled as he mused to himself. "Perhaps Oak Town would be a good destination...I am quite a fan of the architecture. Very fitting of someone like me..."

    WC: 645
    TWC: 1519


    Elysium's Beginnings SQB8HXg

    Lineage : Witch of the Trinity
    Position : None
    Posts : 255
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 106,049

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tarot of the Morei
    Second Skill: Arcana Armaments
    Third Skill: Persona

    Elysium's Beginnings Empty Re: Elysium's Beginnings

    Post by Temperance 6th January 2020, 2:38 pm

    The rumors had floated around about a new guild-- Elysium. A Guild that fought for making the world a better place for those in it, to remake the world anew. While she didn't want to trust just raw rumors, something about this budding and somewhat secretive guild had floated around the taverns and reached the ears of Agil in the Black Cat Lounge, the place where this thief had called home for a while.

    Many guilds didn't appeal to her and she had been alone for a while. Temperance, the Tarot Card Thief had been on the search of things, and she only recently arrived in this area of Seven. A place she had heard about but yet to visit. However, word from the Black Cat Lounge said they were a place with similar views that she of the Umbra Witches shared.

    And so she figure she would inspect it. She had been hidden among the area, skilled as a thief and able to be stealthy when she would see people gathered in the rumored building. It was hidden but luckily her own illusion work came to her advantage. She too was not alone as she had a feline companion nearby.

    She had hid herself among the rafters of the building and soon saw the group. The one who appeared to be half Dragon, a woman, announced to those around her as she was a Warlord of Fiore. This was of interest to her, as she hid among the rafters, keeping out of sight or trying to at that moment.

    The one called Odharam mentioned of conquest, and subjugating Fiore to further nonsense to her. She rolled her eyes and decided now was t he time for her own grand entrance among them. "Typical man with his ego trips," she spoke with a hint of humor to the grandious statement. "That's a rare trait for a Celestial Wizard."

    Before those who could turn to her direction-- the flash of movement cut through the darkness of the ceiling and struck to the floor nearby. Wedged now in the floor was a long Tarot card, the kind of cards used for fortune-telling. The card had a back of a starry nebula-- and as it landed, suddenly the space around it flashed.

    A woman soon knelt there, having teleported to where the card was and she slowly rose up. Clad in black and orange robes, with a cowl over her head, she slowly rose up. Her attire was a mix of that of a rogue's and a stylish sorceress. "They call me Temperance," she introduced, a bit cryptic, but amused with herself. "Sorry for being late, but I take pride in being fashionably late. I'm from the sect of the Umbra Witches."

    While her arrival would cause mixed feelings, some might recognize her. The rumored thief who left Tarot Cards at sudden thefts. A Phantom Thief, who was entertained with performing high-profile heists using her card magic and other magics she had mastered. She kept her hood on for now, but was relaxed even among them.

    "My interest here, beyond so many Dark Guilds being male, egotistic idiots with their heads up their own ***, is something more... simplistic. " she said, "I won't stand in the way if you plan to do something big, but know what I want... what I truly wish the world to be, is one where ones where the ties of Fate are severed from all. That no person must live in the set path they are put on."

      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 9:33 pm