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    It's Crystal Clear!


    Moderator- Mythical VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 1345
    Guild : Sabertooth 《Guildmaster》
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 60,342

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fires of Creation
    Second Skill: The Riyenas
    Third Skill:

    It's Crystal Clear! Empty It's Crystal Clear!

    Post by Aura 29th January 2019, 7:43 am

    Job Sign Up

    Job Info:

    Last edited by Aura on 29th January 2019, 7:52 am; edited 1 time in total


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    It's Crystal Clear! GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

    Slots: 4/6


    Moderator- Mythical VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 1345
    Guild : Sabertooth 《Guildmaster》
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 60,342

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fires of Creation
    Second Skill: The Riyenas
    Third Skill:

    It's Crystal Clear! Empty Re: It's Crystal Clear!

    Post by Aura 29th January 2019, 7:43 am

    Morning came early for the white-haired Sabertooth Ace; at the break of dawn she found herself wide awake and staring at the ceiling of her chambers. Another day she couldn't quite bring home as she pondered about many things. Old memories of long ago, but also recent ones that’d only happened weeks ago. As her thoughts roamed free, Kenna decided to laze about for half an hour more before rolling herself out of bed to get ready. She sauntered to her wardrobe and randomly snatched a pair of pants and a shirt before disappearing into her bathroom for a bit to prepare for a new day at the Sabertooth guild. For once she didn't wear her signature red cape and ditto-colored bodysuit, but instead had opted for a pair of black pants and a bordeaux three-quarter-sleeved shirt tucked into it. A pair of multi-layered combat boots and a studded belt finished the picture. A black cloth bow with crimson edges made sure most of her hair remained out within a ponytail. Kenna gave herself an approving nod when she looked herself over in the mirror; this would be good enough to go out and do a few jobs along the way.

    Content with her preparations Kenna cleaned up and left her room, heading to the common areas to have breakfast with the rest of the early birds in the guild. After filling her plate she sat down at a table near the job board, that was in the process of being refilled with new requests that had arrived overnight, and were being distributed according to urgency and rank. The fire dragon slayer stared at the board while munching on a piece of toast, scanning the new requests with a watchful eye, until a certain one caught her attention. Kenna rose from her seat and spoke out to the attendant putting up the notices. ”Hey, hold on for just a minute,” she said, reaching out for the parchment he was just about to pin unto the board. "Ah, Miss Terrynhain, good morning!” ”A good morning to you too, Nameless, looks like there’s quite a few new requests in today?” she said, to which the man nodded in return. ”Most definitely, the world's a fickle place these days; no town is left without worries that doesn't need magical help or supervision as of late, it seems.” Nameless replied. ”That’s a fact I can't deny. Speaking of, mind if I see that one request you're holding?”

    Nameless held up the parchment and handed it to the demonic ace, who accepted it and looked it over immediately. ”Ah, this one? A sad story really, kid's been missing for quite a while now, but not many have gotten to dealing with it yet. I think this is the second time they've sent this request…”. Kenna stopped reading and looked up at the man, her face contorted in a stern, displeased feature. ”What? Why would nobody accept this? This should be on the urgency list, Nameless!” Kenna exclaimed, but Nameless shook his head. ”I tried, but the reward’s insufficient to be attractive to the right audience, and the conditions make it even less so. Nothing we can do about it, alas…” The conditions stated were indeed all but beneficial to any type of mage, and although the reward was meager, Kenna couldn't help but be disappointed that it had been ignored for so long. ”I get that, but still… that's disappointing. I'll take this one then, and next time such things happen, inform me right away.” And with it, the demoness moved back to her seat, flopping down as she read over the request again. No damage was allowed to be done, but what if the kid was in genuine danger, and these sacred crystal beasts not as kind as the villagers thought? Perhaps she might be better of asking for some help on this one.

    [651 of 3500]


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    It's Crystal Clear! GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

    Slots: 4/6


    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 509
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 567,759

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    It's Crystal Clear! Empty Re: It's Crystal Clear!

    Post by Imai-chi 1st March 2019, 11:04 am


    Usually, people would want to sleep peacefully, gaining sweet rest throughout the night and recovering from a long and tiring day of labor. Imai gained his rest and recovery, but every morning, he usually began fantasizing and spreading out his arms and legs as if he was… partly possessed by something and partly getting laid. His hormones exploded in the morning, and there were many signs of that. A careless guy like him would always brush it off and continue his slumber when he actually woke up for once, but until then…

    He just soared around his thoughts. He was in his own, private bedroom at the Sabertooth HQ inside Yggdrasil… or was it ‘on’ Yggdrasil… whatever. He was in his private space, so he could think of anything without repercussions. He would think of… how weird it was to be an Ace. He felt no authority, and ironically, the feeling of standing above others was what he feared the most when he was selected by the Guildmaster. He hated leading others and feared his own lack of maturity as some kind of ticking bomb. Luckily, he had been through a lot… and he was still standing on his feet, because whenever he was close to screwing shit up, his guild had his back. It almost brought a subconscious tear to trickle down his face.

    Speaking of guild… he was fairly well-informed about all the members. Kenna-nee most, since the two of them share a strong bond tied with both trust, love and sorrow. It was like a poem; the departure of a kind friend brought them closer together. As brother and sister… he would be more than joyous to see them get along so well together. Imai knew that he had no worries now that his tall rock waved at them from heaven.

    How cool was it to have a demon sister? He had seen Kenna-nee’s transformation first-hand, and she had the smoothest horns on the front of her head! Right above the forehead, two crimson spikes just grew out, and instead of making her look grim and ugly, he almost revered it as natural beauty. Man, he didn’t want to become some kind of cultist who revered demons as saviors or superior overlords or anything like that, but his interests in the occult and ethereal knew few bounds. And she looked great overall… wew.

    That also reminded him that alongside Kenna-nee, another demoness roamed in the guild. She was responsible for several weeks of no sleep - without her presence, even. It almost drove him insane, and just remembering her, he rose up from his bed and felt sweat pearls shoot off from his face. His face had contorted into an unstable, perverted smile for a few moments before his head restarted and shook him back to the reality of waking up early in the morning. Damn it, he had a few more hours to sleep, didn’t he?! And now he also had to wait five minutes before standing up, or pain would shoot through his gutter like a pressurized flamethrower.

    Back at the common area, the dragon-slaying demoness was looking thoroughly across the content of a request when a spinning top landed right next to the paper on the table. It was none other than Galaxy Pegasus, the magical horse that flies through space and the stars! Kenna-nee, given she had introduced the ancient item to the star lad, would likely notice the bey immediately. Imai came flopping over the table as he laid on his stomach and rested his chin over his two hands in a curious fashion, smiling right at Kenna-nee. “Morning, sis!” he greeted her cheerfully, donning his white scarf and bluish attire. The headband with Sabertooth’s guild crest was proudly worn as well.

    He finally got to see the contents of the job as well. “… H-Huh? Missing kid… that’s bad news! Hey, let me go with you - I know you’re going, so let me, uh, offer my support and all…!”

    WC: 672



    Moderator- Mythical VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- Player 
    Lineage : Gingerbread Man
    Position : None
    Posts : 1345
    Guild : Sabertooth 《Guildmaster》
    Cosmic Coins : 400
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 28
    Experience : 60,342

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fires of Creation
    Second Skill: The Riyenas
    Third Skill:

    It's Crystal Clear! Empty Re: It's Crystal Clear!

    Post by Aura 22nd March 2019, 9:51 am

    She'd been so focused on reading the parchment with the request that she hadn't even realised other people coming into the mess hall, or even passing her by. So much even that when Galaxy Pegasus, one of Imai's faithful companions, landed right in front of her she needed a few seconds of staring at the spinning top before realising who and what it was exactly. She blinked in confusion and cocked her head up, frowning shortly before a smile perched itself upon her lips. ”Well a good morning to you too, Pegasus.” she smiled, feeling it burst into a massive grin as Imai himself flopped unto the table as well, resting his chin unto his hands. ”And a good morning to you as well, lil bro. Looking fabulous as always.” she gave the red haired youth a teasing wink.

    She proceeded to make some small talk about the weather before looking back at the parchment holding the job’s details, and handed it over to her younger brother. ”Tell me, what do you think of this?” she asked, pointing at the job. He read through it quickly and as she had suspected, the response she'd imagined him to do was spot on. He wanted to go with her, even though she'd yet to mention she was actually going to undertake it. Well, it wasn't that the focus with which she had occupied herself on reading it had given her away or anything. Totally not. The demoness made a mental note as to work on her secretiveness some more later on. ”As a matter of fact I was going to check whether I could find someone to tag along with me, so having my favorite little brother be that someone would be just perfect!”

    Honestly, she was pleased to have Imai join her on this job. Excited, in fact. They'd been on quite a few jobs together and were a good team, but the last time they’d done something together, not counting their meet-up at the ancient ruins when she'd learnt about her demonic heritage, was when Mashyuu was still alive. The one who started it all, Mashyuu Kumonosu, Sabertooth's Earth God Slayer. The one who'd introduced her and Imai, and proposed to form the Olympians together. Imai’s big brother-figure, and her lover. He had been their rock, someone they could depend on whenever wherever, even now he was no longer among the living. A hint of pain and sadness flashed through her eyes, but she shook it off. It had been nearly two year since he had died during their fight against Prometheus, she saw him getting crushed right before her eyes by the primordial god. Although the initial pain of his loss had lessened quite a bit, she'd never once forgotten about it. In a way she was glad she'd been the only one to see it happen, so it could spare the others of the event that had unfolded… and left her without the need to share her feud with the primordial god of fire. A shred of his soul still lived out there, somewhere. And she'd find it in due time to finish what they'd started. But for the time being, she had to grow stronger.

    And growing stronger was something she couldn't do alone. For that, this mission where she'd be forced to discontinue her violent, destructive ways for a bit might be the answer to that. Together with her little brother, the stellar mage, she might as well succeed in it without messing up. With the two of them combining their efforts on getting the child out safely they'd be clearing this job in no-time flat, that much was sure. And with it they'd also continue carrying Mashyuu’s wishes. His legacy lived on within them. Kenna sighed softly and took the parchment back, slowly getting up. ”Is there anything you still need to do, or are we off to Sakuramori?” the demoness grinned mischievously at the stellar mage. ”Because if we are… I think it's about time we go and meet up with someone. Someone you'll be very happy to meet.” She didn't say much more as she took her remaining toast with her and left the table, waiting for Imai and Pegasus to follow her before continuing.

    Kenna made her way outside the guild, going outside of Yggdrasil but remaining within the realm that separated the World Tree from Earthland, and thus unnecessary visitors. The area before the guild's entryway was vast, allowing for her plan to unfold perfectly. The demoness stopped a good dozen meters after they'd walked through the gate and turned around to face Imai, a fickle smile playing upon her lips. She was curious about the young mage's reaction to meeting her first childhood friend.  ”Imai, do you remember the things that happened when the floating castle, our previous guildhall, started falling down two years ago? Or more precise, the dragon that showed up during it…?” she asked him, waiting for his reply before continuing. ”Well, said dragon… is my childhood friend.” The white haired maiden stated casually.

    As if called by an unknown force, a large shadow suddenly soared across the open space behind her, the owner of the shadow landing loudly right behind Kenna, as if to empower the words she'd just spoken. A gigantic white-scaled dragon, easily 60 meters in size from head to the tip of its tail. Red horns and wings alike, along with special glowing markings in a similar color. The beast hung over the white-haired demoness, staring intently at the young redhead before her, and huffed. ”Avide… meet Imai, my little brother. Imai, this is Avide, my childhood friend and guardian.” The dragon lowered its head as such so that the young man could touch it if he wanted, looking at him rather curiously.

    [971 || 1622 of 3500]

    Avide -Dragon Form:


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    It's Crystal Clear! GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
    .:} The Nightmare in Your Head | Avide - Combat Pet {:.

    D~4 ||C~4 ||B~2 ||A~ ||S~

    Slots: 4/6


    Lineage : Victor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 349
    Guild : Silver Woof
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,640

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Memory-Make
    Second Skill: Deep Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Third Skill: Antique Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)

    It's Crystal Clear! Empty Re: It's Crystal Clear!

    Post by Yuvon 30th March 2019, 9:47 am

    completely ignore this



    Lineage : A True Magician
    Position : None
    Posts : 509
    Guild : Sabertooth (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 567,759

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    It's Crystal Clear! Empty Re: It's Crystal Clear!

    Post by Imai-chi 30th March 2019, 9:58 am

    Fabulous. Imai could imagine himself stroll across the street in the most fabulous way possible, radiating glamour and style~ to a certain degree that was possible to reach for a young man like him. Kenna was still holding the paper, and Imai kind of bypassed the weather talk to express his interest in the quest that she was holding. His eyes were drilled into them, and she luckily accepted his support. Yes! He was going on an adventure with Kenna-nee like the old days! It brought a wide smile on his face, feeling that it had felt like years since they fought deities together.

    Hmh… he missed Mashyuu too. He was an awesome big brother… but Imai would have to be strong and have a strong back himself. He would have to help Kenna through the hard times like real family. He was even ready to help Kenna get back in the love life of hers; he couldn’t exactly imagine her struggles - God forbid - but he felt terrible. Genuinely. She was Mashyuu’s lover, and he was hers. Now, she was all lonely again, and Imai could sense that like he could sense many other things. Clenching his fist a little, he spoke up: “L-Let me just refill…!” His feet strolled towards the bar, ordering two bottles of soda for the quest. He was thirsty, and he quickly jugged down one bottle before wiping his mouth with his arm and returning to Kenna.

    He was going to meet someone new… as he followed her out of the guild, he thought about who exactly he was going to meet. Was it a new wizard of Sabertooth? Maybe Kenna-nee had recruited a new member to the Olympians. In that case, Imai was more than eager to meet them! You could hear excited giggles escaping his mouth once in a while, until they both stood at the open space near the entrance to the guild - at the summit of Yggdrasil with wood under their feet and ether in the atmosphere. That was when she reminded him about the accident with their previous guild hall, and a faint memory of a dragon was, indeed, reawakened within Imai’s feeble mind.

    “… W-Wha-” he breathed out shockingly. Kenna-nee had a dragon friend? Was that her dragon pal? Her dragonigo? Words turned to dry air when a giant, white dragon just decided to flop onto the ground behind the white-haired Dragon Slayer, and Imai had lost his mind. That was the same dragon from way back then! DRAGON! IT WAS DRAGON-SAN!

    What other creature impressed him more than the dragon?

    His head rose up to look at the dragon’s face, strongly unsure of what to do. As impulsive as Imai was at times - especially when it came to shenanigans - he couldn’t quite make his body move to even… well… he slowly did raise a hand to touch the dragon’s scaly face. “W-Wooooaaaaaahhhhhh… a real dragon,” he spoke in awe, “You’re so scaly and dry… but your scales look so badass!” His happiness meter rose tremendously as he flopped up all comically, planting a huge hug on the dragon’s face. “Yay! I’ve made a dragon friend! Yuhuuuuuuu…!!!”

    WC: 601
    TWC: 672 + 601 = 1273


      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 9:34 pm