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    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]


    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by Guest 22nd February 2013, 2:58 am

    There was something wrong in the criminal world lately, there had been a lot of infighting for territory and property be it intentional or not, it had always been a matter of concern for those who lived their lives like Savages. Constantine for instance felt it was a great disrespect for anyone to tread into areas specifically generating money for his guild-mates, and as such personally volunteered to come out and put a stop to whatever the hell was going on here. Either this was a upstart group of rookies who had no idea what was going to happen to them, or, it was a rival Dark Guild who sent it's patrons out to cause havoc in a town. Either way the base concept was idiotic at best. Constantine was a monster, everyone with a brain knew this, felt this, and feared this. Especially if they had seen him in action, those within his guild didn't need to fear what they respected, and as such his gospel would need to be brought to yet another group of unsavory hoodlums. This was going to be quite the annoying day, except for the fact that Frederick was here. That always seemed to help.

    He made his way towards the objective now, the bar that was known as the Silent Runner, which was owned and governed by sanction of the Lichborne circa Era 13. This was in fact the home away from home where if you were in this neighborhood you'd go to get jobs and share drinks with fellow members of Savage Skull and it's lessor houses, as in the guilds that serve under Savage Skull. Being the predominant guild of darkness for a long time now, they didn't bother themselves with politics and affairs from other Dark Guilds outside of the lesser houses often, so this ruled out it being a rival Dark Guild. Yet reinforcing that it was in fact something else, something not as important or sinister. Constantine's apparel was quite lively in its concept and design. He wore a scarf around his neck that was a hot pink tracing down to the small of his back, with his savage belt and no shirt. His muscles therefore exposed. He wore bright teal skinny jeans, and bubblegum pink combat boots with sparkles. His tattoo was new however and on his chest it was the symbol of savage skull. But modified, it was not the old guild symbol. Yet, new.

    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by Godlike Frederik 22nd February 2013, 3:58 am

    Frederick walked next to Constantine, readying himself for the upcoming job. This time they had to put down a group of dark mages who were stupid enough the tread in their territory, Savage Skulls territory. It was truly one stupid thing to do, Frederick only didn't know if this were some punk who just got started or an actual rivaling dark guild. Which would be surprising that there were still dark guilds out there that didn't bow down to the might of Savage Skull.
    Normally Frederick would sent some low ranking enforcers to this job, but because they didn't know who was in their territory they had to do the job their self. And Frederick knew Constantine was just as annoyed with this as he was.

    Frederick carefully observed Constantine, once again he wore a flamboyant shirtless outfit showing everyone his muscles. Luckily he still wore pants was what Frederick thought about so now and then. Overall it wasn't very subtle for stealth mission, specially the bubblegum pink combat boots. But then again Constantine wasn't there for the stealthy missions. But it made them a suspicious pair to walk around. One as flamboyant as ever and Frederick himself covered in his dark purple hooded cloak. You couldn't tell it was actual purple or black, but it made him an eerie appearance. Under his cloak he wore his usual grey kaki pants, with a black blouse. And over the blouse he wore a double buttoned grey waistcoat. It would show that Frederick desired a refined and expensive taste, if it wasn't all covered up by his usual attire.

    Deep in thought Frederick didn't noticed that the Mountain Village was already in sight. Frederick let out a deep sigh, showing that he truly wanted this job over with as soon as possible. The truth was that he still wasn't fully recovered from his last mission, where he had to fight a powerful Rune Knight commander with the name Hercules.



    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by Guest 22nd February 2013, 4:46 am

    Upon entering the town as a whole Constantine found himself walking towards the bar which seemed to be surrounded by a group of individuals outside of it's entrance. Horus the bar-keep seemed to be cowering on his knees as per usual, that useless Immoral usage of context. . Constantine laughed to himself a bit as he approached the men, he would flick both his wrists at the same time sending forth three blades of poison towards his opponents. It seemed that whatever happened to him on the last mission was just a lapse of shock from his body, which had for a moment changed his magic in a way that was unnatural and other-worldly. He seemed back to normal now, as he discovered as he did some tests earlier. Three of his opponents would be instantly hit by the knives, falling over into a shock before dying. He managed to get them pretty good. He was far more accurate now than he had ever been in the past. The third knife actually had been blocked, which made the others alert. One of the drunkards shot at him, but he side stepped it. Smirking to himself as he rushed forward. Raising the blade towards that vindictive sky.

    He would allow it to slash forward, cutting down his enemy right down the middle, leaving him in two chunks. Two halves of a whole. Now separated and parted like the red sea, red, as in blood spewing forward and covering the ample and capable body of Constantine. As he swung towards the clearly stronger of the men, he leaped back out of range of the attack and attempted to counter. Sadly, it didn't work out that way, he missed politely. Too bad for him. With only two more left, it would appear that Constantine stopped his attack. Until the flick of his wrist sent his blade full force into the side of a mans head. Waving his arm around, he was able to get the can blade back in his hand. For him to use the blade. Funny how it was able to cut and slash without the blade being exposed. It was just sheer strength allowing for these men to be cut with the cylinder object. Constantine looked at the Assistant Moonshiner with a blank expression. "Leave." He stated as the man started to run off, probably to gather more reinforcements. "Now what Fred?" He asked is partner.


    Last edited by Ωmega on 22nd February 2013, 5:06 am; edited 1 time in total

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    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by NPC 22nd February 2013, 4:46 am

    The member 'Ωmega' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] StrongMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] WeakMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss


    #4 'Block Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by Godlike Frederik 26th February 2013, 2:49 am

    'hmm well, we could go after him.' implied Frederick while looking at the sign hanging above the entrance to the bar. 'Or we could go inside, get a drink and wait for them to show up. Oh and maybe beat some more information out off the locals.' Frederick rather stayed here then chasing some worthless men all over town, and besides the men would definitely return with reinforcements.

    As Frederick entered the bar he immediately ordered some drinks and a plate of food for him and Constantine. He slowly took small zips from his ale while wondering why the men and his reinforcements still hadn't arrived. But the moment he thought that the door flew open. And the men who had ran away had returned, the bar quickly got crowded as a stream of people entered through the door. All of them armed with swords, spears and clubs. There were even some mages among them. 'Well it appears so, that we have company.' said Frederick calm. 'So what do you say Constantine. Shall we show them what the two most powerful members of Savage Skull can do'

    The Frederick's eye catches someone more powerful among the group of vicious cutthroats, this man had a certain aura among him. And it appeared to be that the other had some sort of respect for him. This had to be their leader, a man wearing a tight dark purple jacket, unbuttoned so that it showed his chest with their guilds logo on it. And a yellow baggy jeans with brown riding boots from leather. 'great this guy is as flamboyant as Constantine' thought Frederick

    Last edited by Lord Frederik on 26th February 2013, 2:54 am; edited 1 time in total



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    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by NPC 26th February 2013, 2:49 am

    The member 'Lord Frederik' has done the following action : Dices roll

    'Monster Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Boss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] WeakMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] WeakMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] WeakMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster

    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by Guest 4th March 2013, 2:07 pm

    Here, entering, was a most homosexual dressed kind of man who could rival Constantine in terms of fabulous dress wear. It was actually comedic in retrospect how similar the two where, except this man happened to have a massive group with him. Cockily it, being the King, spoke. "Welcome, Knaves!" Constantine made no effort to look towards the doorway, he simply extended his hand and with a slight flick of the wrist was capable of sending out a flurry of sharpened knives towards the assailants. He had gained some power from the fight with Heracles, a lot of power actually, enough to make him substantially stronger being without having to deal with the disrespect of those around him. With a single glance towards the bar-keep, he stated that he would like another mug of ale. Before he made a notion towards his comrade Fred. "The one who leads them, he gives off a strong aura, but he is full of openings. Look at him, he is practically pathetic. It's sickening." Constantine made no sign of care about the feelings of the man who he had insulted, he just sipped his ale politely. Much to the chagrin of the Toucan King.

    "YOU DARE TO INSULT ME, THE GREAT TOUCAN KING OF FIORE!!" The man stated in out-rage, upon closer inspection to the man you would be capable of noticing that he wore the most absolutely disgusting facial mask, which made his face have a tan even though the rest of his body was pale white, he wore a thick red lip gloss and black eye shadow. He even had on blush, which was red in color as well. He left his hair in a long braided ponytail, with a single pigtail on the right side of his head. He held a stave. The man rose his stave and looked at his minions, who would move forth to attack. They blurred a bit due to their speed, but Fred and Constantine were no longer too weak to see it. These were no normal weaklings, but comparatively, they were ants trying to slay dragons, without the pincers or legs. Constantine took his mug, and would swivel a bit, busting it upon the first man's head, using the shards he slit the other's throat as he was kicked in the stomach. The knives from earlier which didn't hit a target, did in fact hit. Now five men lay dead. With the one who attempted to kick, being pushed back, towards one of the stronger men who moved out the way. Toucan King tossed his stave and hit Constantine in the face point blank. Unfortunately, Constantine smirked, unphased. "Pathetic, Fred, I think we instruct now."

    Constantine: Attack [6] Defend [0]
    Weak(3): Attack [0] Defend [0]
    Normal(20): Attack [0] Defend [1]
    Strong(0): Attack [1] Defend [0]
    Boss(1): Attack [0] Defend [0]


    Last edited by Ωmega on 5th March 2013, 12:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by NPC 4th March 2013, 2:08 pm

    The member 'Ωmega' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss


    #3 'Block Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block


    #4 'Damage Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by Godlike Frederik 5th March 2013, 12:46 pm

    'You're right about that Constantine. They do need a proper instruction' smirked Frederick. He carefully was observing the group of assailants and Constantine throwing his knives at them. The didn't seem that powerful, only their boss appeared to have some power. But was more a blabbering fool then an actual fight. 'Well first off, King of Fiore' Frederick said this out loud and sarcastic. Seemingly taunting this man who proclaimed him self the Toucan King. 'You have been the one insulting us. Do you even have the slightest idea who are standing here in front of you?' Frederick gracefully climbed upon a table while he continued talking. 'I am the Keeper of Savage Skull. The dark caretaker who roams the halls of the darkest of guilds. Assembling every dark person for the Lichborne's cause'
    There was some slight gasping to be heard, they have heard of the Dark Guild Savage Skull, and the title of Keeper has been something that even the scum in the darkest places of Fiore had heard by now. Frederick found this pleasing, and now it was time to introduce the true terror of the infamous guild. 'But besides me there is someone far more powerful here. This man here is far stronger then anyone could dream of.' He paused for a few seconds, letting the group of cutthroats a moment to think. Only continue in a more eerie voice then before. 'This man here... is the very Champion of the Lichborne!'

    The group of cutthroats, were now afraid. If they have heard of the Keeper and found that upsetting. Then the Champion himself should scare them to death. Some of them were trying to escape. But the Toucan King had blocked the entire wall were the door was placed, by some sort of magical force field. It appeared to be he had some sort of spacial magic.
    Frederick grinned a little and swept his arm in a linear pattern towards the group of bandits. 'Dark Explosion!'

    Because the bandits were all closely packed together, Frederick's explosion hit more targets then usual. But somehow most of them managed to get out with small wounds. Only two of them had succumbed by the dark magic that exploded around them.

    Frederick, Dark explosion - damage dice 8
    Normal, - block dice 8

    Dark Explosion: 3

    Enemies Remaning

    Last edited by Lord Frederik on 5th March 2013, 12:50 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by NPC 5th March 2013, 12:46 pm

    The member 'Lord Frederik' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock

    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by Guest 5th March 2013, 1:22 pm

    It appeared that the men were spared a wicked fate at the hands of the all-powerful Keeper. Constantine would smirk greedily at this turn of events. "Luck." Only one man was taken out of commission and that was due to not being behind that force field. This show of arrogance by the Toucan King caused his subordinates to cheer in respect for the man whom had great power, in his hand. Constantine noticed that the man had a glove that glowed as he cast his spells, it was holder magic, and that was absolute defense magic. This meant that there was now a man on the loose who had taken the glove of the Lore Collective. A powerful trope of mages from stories and fables. They were however, very real, and one of their members used that very glove on his adventures. This meant that this man didn't ave any real power, yet something that was rumored to have been stolen. Constantine looked to Fred and spoke. "He has the Lore Collective's Glove of Defense." He began to get excited, laughing to himself a bit before lunging forward, some of the men on the opposing side following suit. Then boom.

    They had moved out of the way due to a expanding shield that knocked back Constantine from his location, interrupting his attack mid-flight. Constantine knew this was going to be very annoying, especially with such a rare glove being used. Luckily it displaced the few good men who had went towards him as well. Destroying that area of the bar, and leaving a hole in the Ceiling. It was clear the Toucan King practiced with this weapon quite often. He was able to use displacement orbs. High level magic even if it was holder based. Constantine smirked his head in awe of the feat, and then waved his hand around. Clutching hold of the fabled Cane in which he had used so often that it might as well be blood red. There was an excitement brewing in the air, someone or something would happen that could make this moment very legendary. Memorable even. But that was it, the last great action to take place before a massacre. Constantine would not run into a displacement orb head on again, or so he vowed to himself. This was a time for fighting. The victims would suffer greatly at his own bloody hands.

    Constantine: Attack [1] Defend [0]
    Weak(0): Attack [0] Defend [0]
    Normal(18): Attack [0] Defend [1]
    Strong(0): Attack [0] Defend [0]
    Boss(1): Attack [0] Defend [0]


    Last edited by Ωmega on 5th March 2013, 1:26 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by NPC 5th March 2013, 1:22 pm

    The member 'Ωmega' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by Godlike Frederik 7th March 2013, 9:54 am

    The Toucan King was mainly focussing on Constantine, and with the his holder magic it was an formidable opponent. Not as strong as Hercules or Constantine himself. But still the king new how to fight smart and his magic was quite powerful as well.
    But all this gave Frederick the time to focus on the grunts, the bar was still fully packed with them and Frederick knew that outside were probably even more enemies waiting. He had to acknowledge their bravery, even if it was stupid. Not many of the dark guilds would openly try to oppose the two highest members of Savage Skull. They probably put up up such a fight knowing that there was no going back now, after all penalty for opposing Savage Skull was death.

    Frederick quickly evaded a clumsy swing of a sword and quickly grabbed a barstool and slung it towards the attacking bandit. Knocking him back.
    'Well then, time to show them some raw power!... Dark Void!' As he said that Frederick raised his arm in to the air and several black pentacles appeared on the high ceiling above their heads. Covering almost the entire bar floor. And then fro out the pentacle, magic pillars of black light rained down upon the bandits. Dealing them massive destruction or even death.

    After the impacts the smoke cleared up, and Frederick could see that Constantine was still engaged in a fight with the toucan king. And in front of himself lie dead and wounded bodies of the bandits. Hit by the sheer power of his Dark Void.
    But now it was time to confuse them all and give Constantine some advantage in his fight. Frederick focussed for a second and concentrated on his own darkness and whispered the words 'Dark Moment'. And at that point an impenetrable darkness covered the entire bar. Making it only able for Frederick to see. But the Keeper knew that Constantine was powerful enough that his movements wouldn't be the least affected by the Dark Moment spell.

    Frederick, Dark Void - damage dice 15
    Normal, - block dice 15

    Dark Moment duration: 3

    Dark Explosion: 2
    Dark Void: 3

    Enemies Remaning

    Last edited by Lord Frederik on 7th March 2013, 10:02 am; edited 1 time in total



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    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by NPC 7th March 2013, 9:54 am

    The member 'Lord Frederik' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block

    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by Guest 8th March 2013, 6:58 am

    Constantine was in a mode of absolute power, in which he could have easily ended this fight as soon as it began, but he decided that it would destroy the entire bar, which was counter productive to the cause. Constantine looked over at his comrade and smirked a bit before blurring out and shoving his way through the group of ruffians. He would land tip-toed upon the concrete walkways that made up the center of the town. Shrugging a bit he noticed that his attack missed, save for the three entities who didn't see him draw the blade before-hand. A loud roaring sound could be heard off in the distance as he flicked his wrist for a moment. Causing the blood of the three fallen to be killed instantly. The rest had been covered by shields by their leader prior to the attack. Lucky them, it didn't change the fact that Constantine was finna go on a rampage. None the less it did make him wonder. How in the hell did someone with no physical skill, or magical potency for that matter, become the wielder of a legendary artifact of biblical proportions. This was not just your average random item.

    "So, before I go ahead and eliminate you and all of your ignorant subordinates without mercy, explain to me how a pathetic whelp such as yourself was capable of not only tricking all of these degenerates into thinking you are better than you and I both know you are, and how the hell you found, retrieved, and were able to use that glove of power. You can choose not to answer any of these questions, but I warn you now this is your only chance, for I shall not hold back upon ye if I figure out that you are trying to fack with me. Now you have to decide. Death before dishonor, or will you die like a man." Constantine shot these words over to the Toucan King because he felt as though the man was not even worthy of being spat on let alone treated like a true adversary. It was for these very reason that Constantine openly mocked the man in front of his own troops. After-all, what was a king to a God, and non-believers, well they would rebel against anything anyhow. Irrelevant creatures who simply existed to try and change the inevitable. It was pitiful.

    Constantine: Attack [1] Defend [0]
    Weak(0): Attack [0] Defend [0]
    Normal(18): Attack [0] Defend [1]
    Strong(0): Attack [0] Defend [0]
    Boss(1): Attack [0] Defend [0]


    Last edited by Ωmega on 11th March 2013, 7:13 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by NPC 8th March 2013, 6:58 am

    The member 'Ωmega' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    Experience : 258,417

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    First Skill: Plague Craft
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    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by Godlike Frederik 15th March 2013, 4:29 am

    The entire bar was now engulfed and plunged into a darkness only Frederick could see through. And only people adjusted to move in this could call them self safe till a certain extend. For the champion of Savage Skull who spend most hist time in the darkness of the guild was well trained to this even to such an extent that his eyes could also peer through the darkness.
    But this was not a time to reminisce about the guild and mages who wander it's halls. No, now that the entire bar was engulfed in Frederick's darkness he could easily move around unseen, while his enemies would try to find their own way in it. But no that was not his plan, now he could summons his minions. The shadowy apparitions who would wreck havoc among the Toucan Kings his troops.
    'Now come forth.. Minions from the shadow. And do my bidding' Even when he said this words soft almost whispering. The felt like that the words echoed through the darkness.
    Now two created out of darkness and shadow, humanly shaped apparitions appeared before Frederick.
    They had no face, no expression. Only the shape of the head. And this was their terrain, this darkness. It was the only thing were they could move around. The night and the darkness, sunlight would disperse them immediately.

    And with that they dashed off towards the unsuspecting bandits and scum that roamed this bar.
    Slashing around with their claws. The minions each attacked two bandits, they were fast and nimble and and evaded easily the sloppy attacks of the bandits. After all they tried to hit something they couldn't see, so they just swung their swords around. Hitting each other. Two bandits fell to the unseen onslaught his minions caused. Leaving Frederick satisfied with the result, he was getting stronger. Slowly but certain, he could notice it from his minions. They were more agile then they were before. Soon he would even be able to summon more of them.
    Frederick couldn't help but laugh a little, something he did not very often and he started shouted out to Rebellion. 'Constantine!! whahaha! Somehow I am having the greatest fun I had since a long time!!! How about you!!' Maybe this was what Constantine always felt when he slaughtered, this undeniable feeling of bliss.

    Minions - damage dice 12, 6 dice each. 3 dice on one bandit
    Normal, - block dice 12, 3 dice for each bandit

    Dark Moment duration: 2
    Minions duration: 3

    Dark Explosion: 1
    Dark Void: 2

    Enemies Remaning

    Last edited by Lord Frederik on 15th March 2013, 4:35 am; edited 1 time in total



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    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by NPC 15th March 2013, 4:29 am

    The member 'Lord Frederik' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack


    #4 'Block Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock

    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by Guest 15th March 2013, 6:51 pm

    Death hastens...
    for the ill prepared.
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] 7a671b35-e84a-4f0a-8a37-ba00dbb49194_zps38880b6e

    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] 7a671b35-e84a-4f0a-8a37-ba00dbb49194_zps38880b6e

    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] 7a671b35-e84a-4f0a-8a37-ba00dbb49194_zps38880b6e

    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] 7a671b35-e84a-4f0a-8a37-ba00dbb49194_zps38880b6e
    The Toucan King thought about the statements made by the rude Constantine and decided that now was the best time to rebuttal. "You understand nothing, you comprehend nothing, and you speak as though you have found the path to divinity. My flock and folly know that I am the divine son of the great gods themselves. I have been 'blessed' with these artifacts after those who were unfit were cast aside by our god! You fool, I am no zealot, I am no charade! I shall show you real magic, the magic of a GOD!!!" The man stated in fantastically flamboyant fashion. Waving his arm around making signs, the man seemed poised to strike. {ADVAR NU SHANA!} the spell was cast, it was not from the glove, it was a different type of magic, why was he speaking the language of demons. Unless he had a trinket from the neatherealms.

    It seemed that the Toucan King was using some kind of charm magic, because he was capable of splitting his body into two forms. Obviously it was from his ring of the Skull Prince. Seemed this man had a shitload of holder magic. Annoying. One form in which leaped high into the sky and landed on the top of the Bar itself, whilst the other Form would do the same. Standing side by side, each one crossed their arms and grinned, but it was unaware of the cotton candy. Using double the amount of shields did not prevent the death of two hired mercenaries. One of their followers also perished as soon as the concoction had made it's home nestled into the lungs of the victims. It would be slow and agonizing, but there was no cure for this magic, not in this form at least. It was potent, a vastly superior form of death. Riddling the insides of the opponent with puncture wounds. The result would be an everlasting death, drowning from the inside out. How? Through the use of the chemical magic, he was capable of causing a rare yet potent affect with his magic. Internal bleeding. Their deaths even went so far as to fuel his own life. Causing him to feel stronger, more agile. It enhanced him.

    "You know, you guys hold a very annoying magic. I think I should murder you for it. Yes, that sounds like a plan, enjoy your last moments in Fiore." Constantine stated as he summoned a loud scream from the distance. It was like a might beast had been let loose from its dwelling. Death would fast approach those who were not capable of defending themselves. It was only a matter of time now. After-all, what man could out sadistic Constantine? Frederick would bet he close runner up, but not even he would go to the lengths that Constantine would today. He wanted to make a statement, more so than just some random crucifixion. He was going to peel back the skin of this man, devour the raw muscles around his arms, rip for the tendons, and hang the man. A gory lynching service was going to soon take place. All due to the silent rage of the Harbinger of Pestilence.

    Constantine: Attack [1] Defend [0]
    Weak(0): Attack [0] Defend [0]
    Normal(18): Attack [0] Defend [0]
    Strong(0): Attack [0] Defend [0]
    Boss(1): Attack [0] Defend [10]


    credit to KIAN of BTN

    Last edited by Ωmega on 20th March 2013, 10:52 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by NPC 15th March 2013, 6:51 pm

    The member 'Ωmega' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Monster Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] StrongMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] StrongMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Boss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] WeakMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] StrongMonster The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] NormalMonster


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack


    #3 'Block Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
    Position : None
    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 258,417

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    First Skill: Plague Craft
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    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by Godlike Frederik 22nd March 2013, 12:14 pm

    The floor was starting to get messy, the blood from the various death bodies were coming together slowly creating one big dark red puddle. At least that was the color that it is supposed to be, the thugs and bandits couldn't see in the darkness. And Frederick himself couldn't see the colors as well in the darkness, his view was more of a sensation. Everything was more grayish and gave off some visible vibe in the darkness. It was almost alluring sometimes, drawing him in. But that could be of his close affiliation with dark element.
    His minions however were still causing havoc among the troops of the Toucan King, slashing three more bandits several times. This was very much like him, he mostly avoided direct melee combat himself. He knew his way around the sword, but given the chance he would rather use his minions to do the fighting for him. Or use any other of his spells.
    But the minions weren't fast enough for him today, actually he needed some of his own power replenished.

    With a snap of his finger he lifted the darkness that shrouded the bar, and with it the minions slowly disappeared as well. They couldn't live in the light, only in darkness and the night. The bandits, that were happy that the darkness was lifted, but it was only a brief moment when they realized that the darkness created more death among them. But their despair wasn't over, the worst thing had yet to come. Frederick stepped forwards and was getting surrounded by the thugs, the didn't know what was coming.
    He spread his arm wide and his aura started to emit dark and fierce 'Thorns of Demise!!!' his words were loud but cold, hollow but echoing through the bar. And ten black transparent tentacle shot out from under his cloak towards the bandits. Strapping around them or phasing through others, and started to drain their life force. Giving it to Frederick who bathed in the energy he got from them.
    Some where already damaged and were drained rather quickly falling to the ground, grayish pale looking. Their bodies drained from every bit of life force they had, other were still struggling, trying to escape Frederick's grasp. But with every second they would get weaker while Frederick got stronger.

    Minions 6 damage dice, two for each bandit
    bandits 6 block dice, two for each bandit
    Thorns of demise, 10 damage dice, 1 for 1 bandit
    Bandits 10 block dice, 1 each

    Thorns of Demise duration: 3

    Dark Void: 1
    Dark Moment: 3
    Minions: 4

    Enemies Remaning

    Last edited by Lord Frederik on 22nd March 2013, 12:16 pm; edited 1 time in total



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    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by NPC 22nd March 2013, 12:14 pm

    The member 'Lord Frederik' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack


    #4 'Block Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] FailedBlock The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Block

    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by Guest 28th March 2013, 8:13 pm

    Death hastens...
    for the ill prepared.
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] 7a671b35-e84a-4f0a-8a37-ba00dbb49194_zps38880b6e

    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] 7a671b35-e84a-4f0a-8a37-ba00dbb49194_zps38880b6e

    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] 7a671b35-e84a-4f0a-8a37-ba00dbb49194_zps38880b6e

    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] 7a671b35-e84a-4f0a-8a37-ba00dbb49194_zps38880b6e
    Pre roll

    Constantine: Attack [10] Defend [0]
    Weak(0): Attack [0] Defend [0]
    Normal(12): Attack [0] Defend [0]
    Strong(0): Attack [0] Defend [0]
    Boss(1): Attack [0] Defend [10]


    credit to KIAN of BTN

    Posts : 23944
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    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Empty Re: The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine]

    Post by NPC 28th March 2013, 8:13 pm

    The member 'Ωmega' has done the following action : Dices roll

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack


    #2 'Damage Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Miss The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack The Investment [Mission| Fred w/ Constantine] Attack

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