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    The Resurrection (Private - Constantine)


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 172
    Guild : Oblivion Alliance/Savage Skulls
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul Devourer
    Second Skill: Death Magic
    Third Skill:

    The Resurrection (Private - Constantine) Empty The Resurrection (Private - Constantine)

    Post by Lichborne 2nd December 2012, 3:03 am

    The Reaper King awaited Constantine at the top of the Savage Skull base in what would later be The Lichborne's quarters. Since he could just climb through the building infrastructure he knew he'd be there a while before Constantine showed up. He'd been waiting for his master for over 3000 years. He could wait a few minutes for the human to catch up.


    12/2/12 [04:21:52] @ Zeno : I will not expose my back to backstabbing

    The Resurrection (Private - Constantine) Empty Re: The Resurrection (Private - Constantine)

    Post by Guest 2nd December 2012, 4:16 am

    It seemed that here in the territory that is controlled by Savage Skull, it had always kept an aura of being night-time, the sun had rarely ever raised it's head over this place, and it was due to some sort of strange magic that was tethered to this location. It was that very same magic that caused the new members of Savage Skull to assemble and claim their spots here. In the hope that the world would blossom forth under the banner of a new Era. Maybe, and hopefully, this new Era would be chaotic. Oh that would please this man greatly. This, he who had been walking up countless stairs, his hands tucked into his pockets and his brown combat boots clomping, causing a echoing sound throughout this, the highest level of the manor-like base. He was not in the mood for dying, and was very skeptical about meeting the entity which had claimed that it wanted a private audience with him. Did this giant bug wish to devour him? If so then why not make an example of him in front of everyone in the guild. That would of been more effective. But it was perhaps neither thing.

    Whatever the reason the man simply kept his grin plastered upon his face. Chuckling to himself a deal as he would reach forth and grab the skull-shaped doorknob, pushing it forward and letting the cobwebs flee. The man was looking into the room and that big grotesque ugly beast was just chilling there. As if it was ordering pizza and waiting for the delivery. He would move forward into the room, and the door would slam close behind him. He pulled his arms from his side, hands slipping out of the pocket, and he rested them at an angle atop his dome, at the back, He would look at the insect and would gleefully state with disinterest in his eye and nonchalant tones spilling outward from his voice. "Grehauhuhuhuhu. So, what do you need?" His statement was pretty clear, perhaps the man had a request, wait wait wait scratch that, the thing, the big like thing, probably had a request for him. Wouldn't be the first time he did a mission. He was glad however, to be a member of this group....what was it called again? Oh yeah, Frederick called it Savage Skull, interesting. He could of swore that was a guild that died out ages ago.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 172
    Guild : Oblivion Alliance/Savage Skulls
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul Devourer
    Second Skill: Death Magic
    Third Skill:

    The Resurrection (Private - Constantine) Empty Re: The Resurrection (Private - Constantine)

    Post by Lichborne 2nd December 2012, 4:46 am

    The Reaper King looked at the thing standing in front of him. The Reaper King hated humans and tolerated their presence only to please his master. As powerful as The Reaper King was he was was forty-six foot long giant carrion centipede, and as loyal as he was to his master there were just somethings he wasn't capable of. The thing about this human though was that it bothered The Reaper King even more for some reason. The Reaper King couldn't place it, but something about this human... made him even angrier. Even so, he would not fail his master.

    "I know you're a user of venom demon slayer magic."

    "Grehauhuhuhuhu. Now how can you be so sure of that?"

    The Reaper King lunged at Constantine and bit into him, just enough to inject him with his venom but not enough to damage him with the actual bite. Constantine was surprised at how fast the giant bug in front of him could move. The Reaper King proceeded to just look at the human, even though he didn't actually get to hurt him the thought of doing so did calm his anger just a bit.

    "Grehauhuhuhuhu. Was that it? Just because I didn't flinch when you pretended to bite me doesn't mean I'm the current venom demon slayer!"

    "No. The fact that you aren't dead already is proof you're the venom demon slayer. You should be feeling the power in a few seconds... or die."

    After a few more seconds power begins to surge through Constantine body. Enough to put him into demon force, the fact that such a small dose of this thing's poison gave him enough power to put him into demon force cemented in his mind that this was the place for him to gain more power.


    12/2/12 [04:21:52] @ Zeno : I will not expose my back to backstabbing

    The Resurrection (Private - Constantine) Empty Re: The Resurrection (Private - Constantine)

    Post by Guest 2nd December 2012, 5:41 am

    Well, this wasn't good. He was disinterested in the pain swelling in his belly, but was against using the fact that his entire body was feeling like he had to go to the bathroom. This wasn't going to end well. "Grehauhuhuhuhu, well geeze......all you had to do was play along....." He stated coyly as his skin started to bleed with white looking substances. His whole body turning into some weird sort of mud-man, but he was white in appearance. He would sprout from his back a pair of wings that would touch the roof-tiles of the office, and he would seem to have no face or any distinguishing features at all. Bubbles would rise from his white-skin and would pop and it looked as if certain parts of the skin was boiled. His powered surged forth greatly, amassing with such pressure that it could be felt for miles. He was in his Demon Force, something that he didn't get to enter often, and that he had not entered since that time he first got possessed by the demon. He would be able to see normally, his body moving like tides and currents, as it would just seal on him. His skin was now pale white but all of his earlier features returned. Minus the fact that everything from his clothing to his hair was bright white and shiny. He would open his eyes and would lick his lips with his powder snow looking tongue. He didn't look very happy. "Look's like the cat is out of the bag" He stated. Not laughing at all. It was as if the power from the transformation made him more of a man with hostilities, and stopped his uncontrollable laughter. He now had what appeared to be a pair of sharp tails, wings, and drill like horns on his head, counting in total of three. Otherwise he looked exactly the same, as if he had however been erased of all color.

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hunter's Wrath
    Position : None
    Posts : 172
    Guild : Oblivion Alliance/Savage Skulls
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 31
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Soul Devourer
    Second Skill: Death Magic
    Third Skill:

    The Resurrection (Private - Constantine) Empty Re: The Resurrection (Private - Constantine)

    Post by Lichborne 2nd December 2012, 6:24 am

    The Reaper King was tired of talking so he seeked to end the conversation as soon as possible although he liked the human much more like this...

    "Yes human... the cat is out of it's proverbial bag. Now my master has chosen you to be the vanguard of his arrival. I'll be giving you missions personally unlike with the other humans who will be handed down missions by Frederick, the other human my master has chosen. You may leave now, I'll summon you again soon. Get used to the surroundings, rest, eat and prepare. If you please him... my master will grant you more power, power that would make this feeling you have now comparable to a nap. If you have nothing more to say, you may leave me human."


    12/2/12 [04:21:52] @ Zeno : I will not expose my back to backstabbing

    The Resurrection (Private - Constantine) Empty Re: The Resurrection (Private - Constantine)

    Post by Guest 2nd December 2012, 7:17 am

    The man had powered down greatly, and then reverted to his normal self. He would begin to laugh, a brilliant laugh. He shook his head from side to side. It looked as though this meeting had come to an end. He would turn around and then open the door. Heading down the steps towards the main guild hall. He didn't say a word but thought to himself as he continued to laugh. 'What in the world was that anyway, I know that I can turn into a full demon and such, but why did that creature care so much, and how in the world did he realize my power. No matter, this is all so interesting. Guess I know have a new subject to watch over. Going to be such a fun time, such a fun time indeed. But there was one massive problem now. What were these missions and just what had the mage gotten himself into. Well, looked like it was time for some hysterical antics. Maybe something good is gonna come out of these horrific events.


      Current date/time is 1st June 2024, 9:34 pm