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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l


    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Guild : Savage Skull
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    Age : 25
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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by Felicity 23rd September 2013, 6:24 am

    Job Sheet:


    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l ObrztW


    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Posts : 2984
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 25
    Experience : 75987.5

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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by Felicity 24th September 2013, 10:59 pm

    As they stood, gazing at the dilapidated school, she shivered, as though, ice had replaced her spine. The cold air enveloped her entire body thus rendering the multiple layer of clothing useless against the deathly cold. The walkway leading up to was cracked at many places, weeds and dandelions poking out from them. Red roses grew wildly in thick batches by the gate. The moonlight casted a ghoulish glow on the building; vines forming a twisted maze upon the outer walls, reaching their tentacles towards the roof. The school's walls showed black, decay by neglect; splotches of original paint hinting at its former prosperity. Cobwebs covered the corners of the doors, tiny black spiders threading towards their prey.
    A small breeze blew, whipping the pink bangs on Erza's face. She quickly flicked them back, turning her icy-blue eyes to the hooded man beside her. The man who held obvious and formidable power. Well, he had to, being a Guild Master as well as the leader of the Kugeki. The girl held respect for him but unlike most others; it was untainted by fear.

    "I'll go in first." she stated in a monotonous voice and took a step towards the cracked and ancient mahogany door.
    It creaked open; begrudgingly. She was able to smell a musty, dank order. The place was dead silent except for the intermittent creaks and moans. Black and brown mold dotted the ceiling in clusters, evident of rain seeping through the roof. The pinkette quietly took a step inside, her eyes catching the glimpse of an unlighted room which looked like some kind of an office. Its windows were covered with grime and dirt, the calm moonlight struggled to penetrate the darkness in thin thread rays. Sharp shadows roamed around the room giving the imminent feeling that she was not the only one.
    The sofa and chairs were overturned; revealing deep grooves on the ground where they used to sit. Pieces of paper lay curled on the floor. A large jagged hole dug through one of the walls, standing; as though daring any to enter. Picture frames hung off-centered.

    'There was a struggle....' she cogitated by observing.
    Glancing back she spoke to the man waiting outside,
    "This seems to be interesting... Master."


    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l ObrztW

    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by Godlike Frederik 25th September 2013, 2:58 am

    The hooded figure raised his head upon hearing his title and his eyes underneath his hood met the blue iced eyes of the pink haired girl in front of him. In front of him was the very young woman who had taken his former position as keeper of the guild. An observing and calculating girl, and along with her beauty and wits a dangerous opponent. More dangerous then she would even let on so now and then. It was easy to forget those facts, not many would consider a young girl as a threat. But Frederick knew better, after all he had seen her become more and more powerful in the guild. Even till she became it's keeper.

    While waving a cobweb away in front of his face he slowly stepped into the room as well. Carefully observing the dust filled room.
    'Indeed, and it appears someone has been resisting quite a bit' he stated as a response.
    He started to walk around the room, until his eye caught a thin ray of shimmering moonlight that fell upon a broken picture frame on the ground. The picture behind it barely visible, fading because of it's age. Trying to figure out what was on it Frederick swiped off some of the dust and handed it over to Erza.
    'Seems to be some kind of group picture'

    Leaving the picture to her he started to take a closer look at the ominous hole in the wall, that gave the feeling as if it could suck everything in what was standing in the room. But that could just be because of the sharp shadows that merged themselves with the darkness inside the hole. But while observing the shadows play he saw something interesting what others would call disturbing. Down on the floor were scratchings that lead into the dark pit of the hole. As if someone was dragged away forcefully. Upon inspecting more closely he noticed ha tiny piece of cloth sticking out some rubble  as well. Making this hole just all the more curious to him.
    Without even lifting his head he signaled Erza with his hand to come closer.
    'You are more observant then me dear, so do you think of this'

    Last edited by Lord Frederik on 2nd December 2013, 12:19 pm; edited 1 time in total



    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Age : 25
    Experience : 75987.5

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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by Felicity 25th September 2013, 3:33 am

    Erza watched the man accompanying her enter the room, as he responded,"Indeed, and it appears someone has been resisting quite a bit."
    She nodded a bit in agreement, as he walked around the room; most probably inspecting the place. She stood silently, arms crossed; with her eyes flitting around the room. Now, the only sound which could be heard were the Master's foot steps reverberating on the cold stone floor and an ocassional drip-drop sound of water hitting metal.
    'Leaking pipes....Adds to the eeriness doesn't it?' she questioned to her own self, trying to keep herself amused while the man looked around. The pinkette's eyes caught a movement from him and she squinted in his direction; only to see the man bending over something on the ground, before subsequently picking it up.
    A bit curious, she ambled up to his right catching a glimpse of something glinting; as if glass.

    "Seems to be some kind of group picture." the monotonous voice of the man echoed as he handed the object to her. Holding it, Erza realized that it was some kind of a faded old photo, framed, with the glass chipped and cracked at several places. As Frederik had mentioned, it was indeed a group photo. Several teenagers sat in three orderly rows, grins and smiles plastered on their faces. In front of them stood a whole line of teachers, exceeding happiness on their faces. All of them were happy to be in the school, no matter what their role was; menial or of the greatest importance.
    However, Erza's mind was busy in contemplating the identity of the Principal; their main adversary. Their main target, the face she wanted to see was his; nothing else mattered.

    'There! That must be him.' she thought, the blue orbs fixated on the figure of an old man with a long mane of grey hair. He wore a coat which looked regal in many ways; thus making her feel sure that he was the person they were supposed to find and defeat.
    The realization that she could be wrong never existed in the girl's mind. Her choices, her actions, even her words held confidence in them. Being wrong was not a part of her.
    She raised her eyes, just in time to see the Master signalling her to his side. She complied.
    Now they were standing beside the intimidating void in the wall and Erza followed the man's line of sight, resting her vision on a small piece of cloth; stuck in between the rubble strewn around.

    "You are more observant then me dear, so do you think of this." he queried.
    The pinkette bent down, picking the vivid blue-colored fabric. It's torn edges spoke more than anything; it was a result of forcingly dragging someone through the hole. And it acted as a straight pathway to another room, which was completely shrouded in darkness.
    However, being a Slayer Erza possessed a very handy gift, the gift of heightened senses. Due to this, she could easily tell that there were people inside. Small scratching noises and three distinct scents confirmed their presence as well as numbers.

    "I think... that we should ask our friends in there." she quipped while pointing a finger inside the other room.

    Last edited by Erza Loveheart on 25th September 2013, 4:39 am; edited 1 time in total


    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l ObrztW


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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by NPC 25th September 2013, 3:33 am

    The member 'Erza Loveheart' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l WeakMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l WeakMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l NormalMonster
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by Godlike Frederik 26th September 2013, 2:02 am

    'I think...that we should ask our friends in there'
    Erza was hinting and pointing at somethings that were crawling inside the dark hole. And when Frederick concentrated he could hear their crawling and scratching all over the floor or walls. But at that moment it also stopped followed by some slight giggling what he could only describe as the sound of children. After that it was silent yet again. A silence that made sure that the suspense in the room only increased while the two mages waited for what came next.

    Whatever was in that room was still there, Frederick didn't even need to sense it. Because the entire atmosphere in the room that he and Erza were standing had changed. Instead of the grim and empty feeling the room had, it suddenly had a more eerie and suffocating feel.
    'quite unsettling'
    Frederick's monotone voice pierced through the atmosphere as if it was nothing more then a daily occurrence. Which wasn't surprising knowing that and Erza were from the same guild, a guild were darkness was the main element.

    His words were immediately followed up by some giggling children footsteps behind them. That faded away as soon as he turned around. But when he looked around there was nothing to be seen, just the furniture that laid all over the place.
    But while there was nothing to see around voices were to be heard that spoke simultaneously.
    'We wanna play with you'
    The playful voices were an oddity in this atmosphere if there wasn't any insanity to be heard in those. And from out nothing a small child appeared out of nothing and bit Frederick in his arm. In a defensive reaction to this Frederick immediately swiped with his arm towards the wall, making the child lunged through the air into the nearest wall. Were it immediately stood back up without using his hand. All while it kept grinning.



    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Age : 25
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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by Felicity 27th September 2013, 2:44 am

    The sound of childish giggles. Something which threw the grim atmosphere of the room completely askew.
    "Quite unsettling." she heard the voice of the hooded man beside her say, only to be followed by another round of amused laughter.
    "We wanna play with you." simultaneous voices spoke; devoid of any emotions yet sounding sarcastic, as if trying to dare the two mages in some kind of a playful challenge. Erza's eyes flitted around the room, trying to find the source and failing to do so.
    The next moment her attention was diverted back to Frederick as he sweeped his arm and something wiry detached itself; thus colliding with a thump on the wall behind.
    By now, her vision was accustomed to the low light conditions and could see the short and petite body frame of a boy who stood up without a support; unscathed by the collision. A cheshire and lifeless grin was spread across his face, the eyes looking nothing more than two orbs of ghostly gray and the skin an unhealthy pale. The sight gave the pinkette chills and her pupils dilated with disgust. It all looked so unreal to her.

    "Must... Kill... Must...Kill" the boy chanted in his breath, as if it were a mantra. A drool of spit trickled down his mouth as he spoke; thus making him look less humane than ever. He took slow ad deliberate steps, trying to flail his controlled body forward with difficulty.
    Closing her eyes for a second Erza inhaled and exhaled deeply; mentally preparing herself to do something which she herself hated very much. Hurting someone who was completely weak and helpless at the moment; that was not her.

    'It has to be done... For now.' she assured herself, while trying to justify her actions as something caused by the circumstances.
    Quickly opening her eyes she dashed forward, thus holding the boy by his collar and pinning him against the wall. That devious grin on his face never disappeared and Erza slid him up the wall with one hand.

    "You brought this upon yourself." she stated monotonously and took a step back, still holding him in place. Her free hand was now curled in a fist, covered by mist-like poison; as she landed a single punch on the boy's stomach and left her grip on his collar. He fell down on his knees, his head bowed while clutching his torso. The boy raised his eyes to look up and they clearly spoke about pain. But still than grin never left him, it still tugged on his lips.
    The pinkette's eyebrows twitched with anger and as she aimed a kick at his face; which he successfully dodged by ducking and stood up on his feet with remarkable speed.
    Erza lunged forward, trying to catch hold of him but he spurted forward and made a dash to the other side of the room and opened a door nearby.

    "You...!" she started to shout but quickly stopped, as she saw his silhoutte collapse down while coughing up blood.
    A soft sigh escaped Erza's lips as she observed, knowing full well that the boy would be unconcious for a long time from now; depending on how the venom took a toll on his body.

    "He was weak... but I'm not." a voice spoke and the girl turned behind to face its owner; only to see a blurring figure dashing in her direction.
    'What the....!?!'
    A sharp pain near her shoulder was caused by a small knife blade; which currently was lodged inside her arm. Pulling it out by its hilt Erza tossed it aside on the ground with a smirk.
    Facial feaures darkening, she threw a cold look to the boy standing before her and spoke sarcastically,
    "That doesn't hurt... even a bit."
    He didn't reply and just stared coldly at her for a second or two, before a small movement of his hand told Erza that he was about to punch her and as he did; she dodged it flawlessly by moving to one side.
    "Maybe, you should try something better."

    ::Dice Rolls::
    #1st Roll: Damage Dice: Erza Attacks
    #2nd Roll: Block Dice: Weak Monster Blocks
    #3rd Roll: Damage Dice: Normal Monster Attacks
    #4th Roll: Block Dice: Erza Blocks

    Last edited by Erza Loveheart on 28th September 2013, 6:17 am; edited 2 times in total


    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l ObrztW


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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by NPC 27th September 2013, 2:44 am

    The member 'Erza Loveheart' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss


    #4 'Block Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by Godlike Frederik 1st October 2013, 7:15 am

    'Indeed you should'
    A black and purple colored whip consisting out of dark magic was wrapped around the young possessed teenagers neck. That was extended from Frederick's own arm. And even before the young boy could even try to pull it from his throat Frederick swung the whip back and with it smashing the possessed boy into a wall.
    But even though the boy coughed up blood when he collided with the wall he still kept on grinning with his cheshire smile.
    'I guess they are tougher then they appear to be'
    Frederick released the grip around the boys neck and swung the whip around for another hit. In a singular motion he threw his arm forwards so that the whip lashed out into the possessed boys face. The whip made a snapping sound when it made contact with the boys head, and the boy immediately fell on the ground afterwards.
    'That would leave him unconscious for a while, however he will wake up with a broken jaw. Well it will surely remove that annoying smug on it's face'

    'Well then, shall we move one.... You're hurt.'
    Frederick had focussed his attention back on his companion only to notice that there was blood seeping down her arm. Nothing to be really alarmed about, but it if not taken care of properly it could jeopardize her future missions. He quickly grabbed her arm and held it up into a ray of moonlight so that he could investigate the wound better. The moonlight revealed a red but clean gaping wound, when Frederick pulled the side from each other. The blade itself didn't reached so deep that it had cut some vital muscle tissue. So for now she was probably good to go.
    'It appears that the blade didn't penetrate to deep, so for now let's just stop the bleeding.'
    The monotone voice was a conflicting sound with the small aid Frederick offered her, especially when he reached inside his cloak and pulled out a black handkerchief with golden weaved edges . Which he laid down in her hand for covering up the wound.
    'Use this, and when ready we will continue'

    Last edited by Lord Frederik on 2nd October 2013, 2:10 am; edited 3 times in total



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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by NPC 1st October 2013, 7:15 am

    The member 'Lord Frederik' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Posts : 2984
    Guild : Savage Skull
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    Age : 25
    Experience : 75987.5

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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by Felicity 2nd October 2013, 10:27 pm

    "Well then, shall we move on.... You're hurt." the voice of her Guild Master remarked as Erza turned to face him. She was pulled by the arm, into the moonlight; as he seemed to be observing her wound. The girl was about to let him know that she was perfectly fine with such kind of injuries, as she had really good experience with them from the past. But even before that, "It appears that the blade didn't penetrate to deep, so for now let's just stop the bleeding." the man spoke once again, as he pulled out a small piece of black and gold fabric and handed it over to her. This made the pinkette fairly surprised for a moment or two, seeing that the man with the usually hostile had such a side to his personality too.
    "Use this, and when ready we will continue."
    "Umm, thanks." Erza spoke in an incoherent whisper as she took the piece of cloth and tied it feverishly on her shoulder with one hand. At the same time, becoming aware of one last presence in the room; lurking in its shadows.
    As she finished the knot pulling one end with her teeth, the girl looked up in the direction of the other existence; as her eyes glowed a vivid red. At the same time, a red arcane circle appeared in the corner of the room, granting its ghoulish glow to the entire room and revealing the frail body of a boy.
    The light from her eyes faded away and tentacles made of lethal toxins popped from the ground beneath the boy, most of them binding him as he flailed his body around for a chance to escape. But unfortunately, it was not that easy.
    With each passing second, one could see the boy's facial features change radically as he started to groan with pain, for the venom was already showing its effects while being absorbed into his skin.
    It was not long before the young boy's groans turned into shrieks and he fell on his knees with utter pain. His eyes looked as if flickering between his true self and the possessed one.
    Taking a few steps closer to him, Erza decided to try questioning the boy about the whereabouts of the headmaster of the school, but was taken in for a surprise.
    Two children walked in from the door where one of the boy lay unconcious and another three crawled in from a open window in the corner.
    An inaudible sigh.

    'Another round?'

    ::Dice Rolls::
    #1st Roll: Damage Dice: Erza Attacks
    #2nd Roll: Monster Dice: -.-.-.-.-.-.-

    Last edited by Erza Loveheart on 4th October 2013, 10:23 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l ObrztW


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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by NPC 2nd October 2013, 10:27 pm

    The member 'Erza Loveheart' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss


    #2 'Monster Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l WeakMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l NormalMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l WeakMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l NormalMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l WeakMonster
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by Godlike Frederik 7th October 2013, 2:17 am

    The moment Erza stepped forwards, five more students had appeared around them. Each of them with their cheshire grinning smile that were taunting them without words. For Frederick they were starting to become a bother, even though these possesed student were not match for him and Erza they were more then capable enough to hold up the two dark mages.

    'Another round?'
    Unknowingly that she asked him, or that it was more like an general statement. Frederick answered it anyway.
    'It appears so, quite a persistent bunch aren't they.'
    As if that sentence was the starting sign of a race, the three kids that had climbed through a window dashed forwards towards Frederick. And started clawing and biting him, or in worst case they were hanging on his limbs. Trying to make his movement as difficult as possible.
    They were relentless, the second Frederick threw one off him it immediately stood back up and started to attack him again.

    'Diminishing Grasp!'
    Without a slightest care in the world on how much damage these children will take, Frederick launched three separate dark masses from his aura into the three children. That were takes away by it and slammed into the nearest wall. But the possessed children were as durable as they were relentless, and even after they were hit with raw black mass of Frederick's magic they stood up again. All while they kept starting at him and Erza.
    Then they disappeared again with a weird ambient giggling. But Frederick knew better, they were still somewhere in this room. Waiting to strike at him again.
    The black masses that Frederick controlled merged together again into one bigger mass and started to twirl around him like a vortex. But unlike a vortex there was no suction, or any breeze of wind to be felt. It was just a black motion that circled around him. Ready to strike at even the slightest movement that could be from an enemy.

    Last edited by Lord Frederik on 7th October 2013, 2:24 am; edited 2 times in total



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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by NPC 7th October 2013, 2:17 am

    The member 'Lord Frederik' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack


    #4 'Block Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock


    #5 'Damage Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss


    #6 'Block Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by Felicity 7th October 2013, 2:51 am

    "Diminishing Grasp!" Erza heard Frederick exclaim and then saw swirling black masses emerge from his Aura and attacking the children. The thought that these children would be hurt much more than they actually needed to be, seemed to have been erased from the man's mind. And one could not blame him for that, the children really were an annoying bunch, and add that those creepy grins they wore on their faces; were capable of perturbing even the most collected person ever.
    Three of them were thrown into a nearby wall by Frederick, but as expected, they stood back up giving off some cold stares to the two dark mages. The next moment, they disappeared out of eyesight; as if merging in the shadows of the room. Erza turned her eyes to look at Frederick and saw that he already had his defense up. The black masses which he so efficiently controlled were twirling around his frame in a vortex, clearly indicating the malevolence they would unleash if the children came back.

    'Well, I'm not here just to watch the show, am I?'
    Sensing movement to her left, the pinkette turned on her heels; just in time to see a petite body move in the obscuring darkness.
    "Poison Dragon's Scales!" she uttered while swinging her hand in a wide arc. A crimson magic circle arose out of nowhere, as scale-shaped masses of lethal poisons spiraled out from it. All of them collided with the wall and Erza could say for sure that she heard a faint gasp of pain somewhere. As dust and rubble rose in the air around the two mages, clouding their sight ever so slightly; a low thump was heard. The brash's existence fainted with the blowing of a stray breeze and Erza could now see one of the boys lying down on his face near the wall.
    The sound of sarcastic giggles followed soon, indicating that the other four were still somewhere in the room.
    And as if those weren't enough, the wheel of luck rolled in the unfavourable direction and more children emerged from all the places. Now all this seemed like a never-ending process to the pinkette as she couldn't help but prognosticate on how many more of these they would encounter.
    However, this batch did feel slightly different than the previous two; for there was a mere existence of magical aura to be felt and its source seemed to be an adult who ambled in the last.

    ::Dice Rolls::
    #1st Roll: Attack Dice: Erza Attacks
    #2nd Roll: Block Dice: Children Block
    #3rd Roll: Monster Dice: -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

    Last edited by Erza Loveheart on 7th October 2013, 3:50 am; edited 3 times in total


    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l ObrztW


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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by NPC 7th October 2013, 2:51 am

    The member 'Erza Loveheart' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock


    #3 'Monster Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l NormalMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l NormalMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l NormalMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l WeakMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l WeakMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l NormalMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l WeakMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l NormalMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l StrongMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l NormalMonster
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by Godlike Frederik 7th October 2013, 5:20 am

    Erza's attack covered the entire room in it's own dust, and when it finally became visible again Frederick remembered what the true power of a dragon slayer meant again. Not only did she located one of the enemy who wasn't visible but also did she knocked it out in one single attack. Their sense of smell, and the raw power from a dragon itself. All of that made those mages to potentially be the strongest of all.

    But after realizing the power of the dragon slayers again Frederick felt a more malevolent force coming their way. It probably were more of the students moving in on their location.
    'Erza, be ready they will...'
    Before Frederick could finish his own sentence the floor of the room that they were standing suddenly break down and fell apart. The hits from their own magic against the walls and floor had broken the structure of the office room they were in and took the two dark mages down with it, tumbling down onto the floor beneath it.

    For a moment everything he saw was darkness, until his eyes adjusted and he could see the profiles of some tables. Making Frederick assume that they fell down in larger room, probably the cafeteria.
    But that was not all, that was noticeable. One by one crimson red lights that made fiendish smiling faces together appeared. Slowly closing in on them.
    'Keeper.. are you awake. We better ready ourselves.'
    The the first grinning student sprung forwards onto Frederick, hitting him with his small hands and biting him. But Frederick easily swung the kid of his back onto the ground together with his cloak, that was torn from the fall already.
    Revealing a face in it's late twenties with raven black hair waving back a little. Staring at the young kid with the cold eyes that seemed unable to feel any joy. The kid in turn took a step back, and for a moment it's grinning smile made had made place for a look of dismay. But that turned into the grinning again as soon as it appeared. Meanwhile Frederick could see what else was surrounding them. He could see several kids and teenagers, and among them was a teacher that was grinning just like the rest of them.

    Enemies remaning:
    1 strong
    7 normal
    6 weak



    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Age : 25
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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by Felicity 7th October 2013, 5:46 am

    "Erza, be ready they will..." she heard Frederick say, but his sentence was cut off the next second as the room they were standing in started to rumble weirdly. Hollow echoes resounded with loud intermittent creeks of wooden furniture. Before she could comprehend what was happening, the floor below them gave away and everyone in the room began to descend down into what seemed like dark nothingness. Everything cleared itself in  the pinkette's mind, as she understood the reason behind this absurd and sudden fall. All the attacks launched by Erza and Frederick had destroyed the already weakened office room of before. As her eyes adjusted to the darkness around her, the girl was able to see gleaming red eyes closing in from all the sides; as a cold shiver ran through her spine.
    As they landed on cold floor, Erza took a view of the room they were in now. It seemed like the cafeteria of the school; or so indicated the coffee machines and loads of cuttlery in the corner.

    "Keeper.. are you awake. We better ready ourselves." the monotone voice spoke, referring her with the title her guild knew her from. soon, Frederik was attacked once again, as a young boy threw himself on the Dark Mage in an attempt to bite him. The latter quickly flung his arm to one side, throwing the kid as well as his cloak away with it.
    A face in its late twenties was revealed. Raven black hair which was waved back and a cold glare. It was the first time ever that she had seen the Guildmaster's face and it surprised her a bit to see that he was younger than he seemed. She had always thought that he must be... well, a little bit older. That was the stereotypical idea of a Guildmaster in her mind. But the pinkette knew well that this was not the time to be intrigued about the man, she quickly turned her gaze to all the children and the professor standing before them; with cheshire grins plastered onto their faces.
    The girl placed the finger-tips of both her hands together, slowly parting them, as a bright crimson ball of venom formed in between; growing in size with each passing second.
    Two seconds was all it took and Erza quickly flailed her arms backward, as the orb of poison floated twenty feet above the ground. A smirk gracing her lips she spoke,
    "I'll let you taste some delicious poison kids."
    The orb pulsated strongly with a red glow and disintegrated into several arrows moving in curved trajectory's, making their way to the enemies.
    Something was wrong.
    A wave of magical energy spread through the room.
    Disappeared. Every arrow in sight simply disappeared. Its existence was wiped off so easily.

    'How come?'
    A door swung open in another corner, and several silhouttes could be seen. And one thing Erza could make out at the moment was, 'We found him.... The Principal.'

    ::Dice Rolls::
    #1st Roll: Damage Dice: Erza Attacks
    #2nd Roll: Block Dice: Principal Blocks
    #3rd Roll: Monster Dice: -.-.-.-.-.-.-.-

    Last edited by Erza Loveheart on 7th October 2013, 9:46 pm; edited 3 times in total


    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l ObrztW


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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by NPC 7th October 2013, 5:46 am

    The member 'Erza Loveheart' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block


    #3 'Monster Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Boss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Boss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l NormalMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l NormalMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l WeakMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l NormalMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l StrongMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l StrongMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l WeakMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l NormalMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l WeakMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l StrongMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l NormalMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l NormalMonster Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l StrongMonster
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by Godlike Frederik 11th October 2013, 2:53 am

    A sudden wave of magical energy that took Erza and Frederick by surprise also dispersed Erza's attack. Her poisonous arrows that were shot through the entire room had vanished into thin air.
    The answer to that question followed right up when a door swung open and smashed into the wall it was connected to. And standing in the door opening was the school's principal along with another teenager. Who appeared as equally strong as the principal itself.

    But along with them also came more of the possessed students along with it's teachers, surrounding them and cutting off every possible escape route. At least Frederick saw none other then to fight their way out of here and defeating the principal along the way. Who was still standing in the door opening along with the other student. Watching the two mages. Frederick figured that they were the ones in charge, and somehow controlled the rest of the people in the building. But their faces weren't smiling, they were dead serious and had a more empty stare.

    Frederick observed the situation again, and saw that the enemies were closing in on them.
    'Guess there is no helping it, Keeper stand close to me and don't move'
    He was standing right behind Erza, so close that she could feel his breathing in her neck. He grabbed her by the shoulders and held her close to himself. Which he didn't particularly like doing, actually any close physical contact like that was a pain to him. But it was also the safest spot in the room. All the enemies on the other hand were in danger, he was going to take them out in one single attack. So that he and Erza could face the principal and the other mysterious student alone. Just as he preferred it.

    'Wither Away!!!'
    From Frederick a huge black dome shot like a wave through the entire room, hitting every enemy around. But even before they had the chance to scream from the pain another wave followed up. And to finish the last ones off, a third wave shot through the room. Destroying the ones that could still manage to stand and live after the first two.

    Enemies remaning:
    2 boss
    2 strong
    5 normal

    First attack roll = wave 1 with S rank damage
    Second attack roll = wave 2 with A rank damage
    third attack roll = wave 3 with B rank damage

    Last edited by Lord Frederik on 15th October 2013, 6:36 am; edited 2 times in total



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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by NPC 11th October 2013, 2:53 am

    The member 'Lord Frederik' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block


    #3 'Damage Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack


    #4 'Block Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block


    #5 'Damage Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack


    #6 'Block Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Age : 25
    Experience : 75987.5

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    First Skill: Toxic Scourge
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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by Felicity 13th October 2013, 9:46 pm

    "Guess there is no helping it, Keeper stand close to me and don't move" Erza heard Frederick say and at the same time felt his movement behind her. What followed surprised her a fair bit, as Frederick's hands caught her by the shoulders and held her close. Close enough for the pinkette to feel his breathing in her neck. An awkward situation for sure, but that was not their main concern at the moment.
    For something was drastically different.
    Frederick's magic power seemed to grow constantly; at really alarming rates. While Erza's own power felt as if it had been locked away; safe, deep inside her. The magnitude of the man's power was so great, that the girl had this queer feeling that it would crush and destroy her with it too. But she knew better, the reason to why he had her pinned like this was for the sole purpose of keeping her out of harm's way.

    "Wither Away!!!" his voice boomed in the hall, magnified a hundred folds by the dead silence from before.
    A wave of dark arcane energy shot from his lithe frame, spreading throughout the room.  Erza cringed as it moved past her; while destroying everything that came next in its path. Soon after another wave followed, a little bit weaker than the previous one, but nonetheless strong. That moment, Erza was half expecting a perpetual number of waves to follow, but was glad to see that there was only one left. It was really blundering to why she was feeling so much uncomfortable with this power. Maybe it was the lack of distance with its source or it was due to her own power being locked. She had no idea.
    A soft sigh of relief escaped the pinkette's lips as she felt Frederick's magic power steadying once again and his grip on her shoulders loosen. She walked forward, her azure eyes scanning the bodies which lay on the cold floor. Were they unconcious... or dead?
    Erza bent down beside a boy's body, she took his wrist in her hand while searching for a pulse. The constant grin that adorned his face had been wiped off without the slightest trace. The pale color of his skin spoke of a messy end. The second wave had ended his story once and for all. That was what magic was capable of doing. His condition spoke of rage, hate and helplessness. The body laid abandoned on the cold floor; now stained with the red of blood. The girl closed his eyes with her fingers. He looked to be in deep slumber now. Eternal sleep? Of course.

    "I don't think that the Mayor will be happy about this." she murmured to herself.
    She stood up on her feet. Her power was locked away, but the enemy still stood tall. She had the will to fight. And it was more than enough.


    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l ObrztW

    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by Godlike Frederik 17th October 2013, 3:45 am

    The aftermath of Frederick's attack revealed the devastating effect that is had dealt to the possessed students and teachers. The bodies that laid emotionless and lifeless on the ground, a death in the most gruesome way. Not horrifying and mutilation of the body but waves of pure darkness that scourged through their bodies and ripped their souls out. But even though most of them had found their demise some had still managed to defend themselves against his attack. And probably were still a possible threat, and then there was still the principal off course along with the mysterious student that appeared as equally powerful as the man himself.

    Frederick loosened his grip on Erza unknowingly on how awkward that position was during the his attack. Mostly because he didn't knew that it could be uncomfortable nor did he care. His objective was only to secure this school, destroy the principal. And make sure he and the keeper could leave this place unscathed.
    'Keeper are you ready to take on the principal. I will take care of the rest. And make sure they won't interfere'

    Once again the dark aura around Frederick thickened to such an extent that it came pitch black. And as if they were an extension from it's own body, ten featureless black pentacles dashed out of the darkness towards the targets.
    Some twirled around, till they reacher their destination and started to wrap around them and other just shot straight forwards phasing through their bodies. Pinning them to the ground, or lifting them up. All while the tentacles drained them of their life force.
    Some had missed their targets, but others were not so lucky. Two of the students were hit, and the tentacles that phased through them had lifted them off the ground. For them there was no escape anymore. Their life force would feed Frederick and replenishes the energy that he had lost. All while the remaining eight tentacles who didn't hit a target were raising into the air behind him, ready to dash forwards and clear a path for Erza.

    Enemies remaning:
    2 boss
    1 strong
    3 normal

    Thorns of Demise: 3 posts
    B rank damage on hit,
    B rank damage for each post they are entangled

    Wither Away : 12 posts

    Last edited by Lord Frederik on 17th October 2013, 3:54 am; edited 2 times in total



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    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by NPC 17th October 2013, 3:45 am

    The member 'Lord Frederik' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    #1 'Damage Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Miss Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Attack


    #2 'Block Dice' :
    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l FailedBlock Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Block

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Advertisement Achievement Badge- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Posts : 2984
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 25
    Experience : 75987.5

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    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l Empty Re: Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l

    Post by Felicity 17th October 2013, 4:12 am

    "Keeper are you ready to take on the principal. I will take care of the rest. And make sure they won't interfere" Frederick's voice spoke, making Erza prop an eyebrow. Wasn't the Principal supposed to be the strongest enemy that they were fighting against? And going by logic, wouldn't they have more chances of winning if Frederik fought him instead? She pondered for a second or two, before it hit her from the blue. Something which should have happened right away. It was a way of testing her. To know here capabilities, her potential, her power. And this; letting her fight the most powerful enemy, was the most easiest way.
    As the aura around Frederick coalesced together in a malicious way, the pinkette understood that he would now be keeping his word and will try to stop any hindrance that comes between her fighting the Principal. Soon the kids around them writhed in holds of the Guildmaster's tentacles, unable to make any move which would aid the two people standing in the doorway.
    A small smirk made its way to the girl's lips as her frosty eyes as she observed them. Somewhere in the back of her mind, tactics popped like fireworks, as she carefully planned each and every move.
    A quick spurt in their direction, a blur of pink and black was all that could be seen as one would see Erza standing right in front of the two people. Only a foot away.

    "Richard, if you could take care of missy. I can try saving the little vermins over there." the cold voice of the Headmaster pierced through followed by a wordless nod from the young teen beside him.
    A second before, the man was in his whole entity but now all there was left to be seen was dissipating black mist and the emotionless boy. Erza quickly turned to see that the Principal now stood right beside the GuildMaster.

    "Well, I really planned on getting even with him for what he did to my spell of before. But... I guess I'll begin with you and then progress to him." she stated in a mocking tone.
    "It was me who did that. Not him." the boy spoke, his lips barely parting and eyes still lifeless orbs of a vivid green.
    "Really now? Get ready for the dance then." she stated in a sickly sweet tone, as her fingernails grew a couple of inches long, sharper at the tips. More like claws. As she aimed it at the boys face, hoping to cut it at some place, he dodged it efficiently by moving his head to one side. Another attempt of catching him offguard, she sweeped her leg to kick his abdomen with her knee; only to be blocked by his palm.
    'Not bad...'
    With a rather smooth turn on her heels the pinkette found herself at his back, away from his eyesight. Taking advantage, she plunged her fingers into his back, quickly feeling the cold, red liquid covering her fingers. The bloody gasp taken by the boy reached her ears, and her lips curved into a smile.
    "Told ya that I'll get even." she spoke as her other hand made its way to his neck. But the teen hastily threw his head forward, pulling himself away and turning behind to face the girl.
    With a sweep of his arm, he summoned a gust of wind that did nothing more than sweep past Erza's body.

    ::Dice Rolls::
    #1st Roll- Damage Dice- Erza Attacks
    #2nd Roll- Block Dice- Boss Blocks
    #3rd Roll- Damage Dice- Boss Attacks
    #4th Roll- Block Dice- Erza Blocks

    Last edited by Erza Loveheart on 17th October 2013, 5:42 am; edited 1 time in total


    Capture The Dark Principal! l Job l Fred & Erza l ObrztW

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