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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)


    Pretty as a peach 1

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Administrator- Moderator- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Bloodline of the Frozen Armor
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Iarok Kaloka (deceased)
    Experience : 337.5

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    First Skill: Ice Make Magic
    Second Skill: Crystal Make Magic
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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Kihia 28th August 2014, 8:45 pm

    Kihia sat up from his bed and sighed, he looked around his room seeing the same Marble walls and floor as he had seen since the time he had first joined Lamia Scale. The day before he had received a letter from Zuo Cii, detailing another important mission for him to go one that took him out of Fiore. However this time his destination wasn’t Iceberge, but Desertio. Kihia sighed and then got out of bed and started to get ready, he had put on a sleeveless grey T shirt, with his normal grey slacks. Kihia then looked at his recently upgraded trench coat, he had special ordered it to be fitted with Armor plating and a set of Lacrima that were on the back to help him in the field. Kihia reached over and picked it up, The Craftsman surely did a good job once again… the materials put into it has not added to much weight to it…

    Kihia slipped on the trench coat and suddenly felt empowered by the Lacrima that had been put into it, Just as I requested… hopefully the other part is in there although… I get the feeling that it won’t have much use in this mission… Kihia then walked over to the weapon case by his bed and opened it up. He grabbed Icarus and slipped it into its sheath onto his back and the grabbed the Geruks and slipped them into their sheathes inside the trench coat itself. Kihia then nodded and picked up a small supply bag that he had set up the day before. My ship that leaves to Desertio should be leaving within the hour… I must get going.

    Kihia walked over to his door and made sure it was locked tight, No time to go out the conventional way… He then turned around and quickly ran towards his window and jumped out of it. A few of the innocent bystanders and even some of the other Lamia Scale members saw this and their jaw dropped, Kihia flew through the air for a moment as he fell completely calm and composed, keeping an eye on the very thing he was going to use to break his fall. When he reached a light post he grabbed onto it with his left hand, tightly grabbing it to break his fall. Kihia safely landed and shook his left hand from the heat, “Kihia stop being so reckless!” A Lamia Scale member called out to him, “I apologize for the scare… but I am in a rush…” Kihia then took off towards the docks making sure to arrive their on schedule.


    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Kihisi10
    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) 17496c10


    Pretty as a peach 1

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Administrator- Moderator- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Iarok Kaloka (deceased)
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Make Magic
    Second Skill: Crystal Make Magic
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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Kihia 30th August 2014, 1:51 pm

    Kihia had managed to get to the ship in time and shortly after that, the ship had set sail traveling down the coastline. The trip itself was unremarkable, calm seas, wonderful sights as they passed by Ca-Elum, Minstrel and eventually Midi. Eventually the shoreline of Desierto came up on the horizon, Kihia stood on the bow of the ship trying to get a look at the coastline as they approached, when the captain of the ship walked up to him. “I hope you enjoyed the trip Sir Kihia, we should be arriving in Desierto shortly.” Kihia turned around and addressed the Captain, “Thank you, Captain Qourta, do you have any knowledge I should be aware of about Desierto?”

    Captain Qourta stood there for a moment thinking to herself, “Well, besides the obvious… keep in mind mages are not trusted in Desierto and shunned. The Sultans keep an close eye on all of those who deem themselves mages, and will punish them for the most minor of “Offences." My recommendation is keep the fact your are a mage a secret as much as possible until you meet up with the leaders of Vshinuze.” Kihia nodded at this and rolled up his right sleeve and pulled out a roll of bandages. He begun to wrap up his prosthetic arm and made sure that the ice was not going to show and put on grey colored gloves. Qourta looked at Kihia as he did this and sighed, she then walked over to a crate and pulled out some desert gear, “Here this desert gear has been modified magically to help keep the intense heat off your back, just make sure no one from Desierto gets their hands on it.” Kihia nodded in thanks and put on the desert gear.

    He finished putting on the brown cloak and hood, the only part of his skin from his face that showed was the area around his eyes. He had cut a hole at the top of the back area for Icarus could stick through without looking overly weird, “Thank you for your assistance Qourta, my last question before we make port, Which direction will I need to head from this city to make it to Vshinuze?” The captain laughed a bit and then said, “When you leave this city, head northeast for a day, you will get to a serious of canyons, the widest one leads to a path to the town that is up on the Platuea, you will be able to find out which one it is when you see it” Kihia nodded making sure to memorize the information she just told him, “We will make landfall soon Kihia, make sure you come back alive, I don’t want to get on Master Zuo’s bad side for when I happen to be in Hargeon.” Kihia shook his head and said in response, “Do not worry Captain Qourta, I will be sure to complete the task at hand and make it back alive.”


    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Kihisi10
    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) 17496c10


    Pretty as a peach 1

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Administrator- Moderator- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Bloodline of the Frozen Armor
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    Posts : 1525
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Iarok Kaloka (deceased)
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Make Magic
    Second Skill: Crystal Make Magic
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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Kihia 30th August 2014, 4:51 pm

    Kihia walked down the gang plank and onto the dock, he saw and heard the sights and sounds of a bustling harbor city, he looked around to get acquainted with the visible layout of the city to where he currently was. The buildings were made out of sandstone bricks, all of they were well built, although they all seemed to have some wear on them from the years of sand that has blown against them. Kihia then started walking down the pier towards land, he saw a line of people in front of a podium where a man in formal clothing was checking peoples passports. This may not turn out so well for me…

    Kihia waited in line for a few hours waiting to get in front in the line, when he did the man at the podium didn’t pay much attention to Kihia and said, “Passport Please,” Kihia reached into his trench coat pocket and pulled out his passport out of the desert gear and handed it to the man, who opened it up and started to look at it. However as soon as the man seemingly read the first few lines of information he stopped and suspiciously looked back up at Kihia, “What is your business here in Desierto sir?” Kihia grimaced underneath the desert gear, and then responded, “I have come to assist Vshinuze in their plight…” The man chuckled a bit and then looked down at his passport and looked over a little longer than the other passports he had looked at previously. He then pulled out a small stamp and inputted the stamp into a different page in Kihia’s passport, “You may go on, but be sure not to stray from your business…” Kihia accepted his passport back and put it back into his pocket of his trench coat, he then nodded his head and walked onwards into the city.

    The man who had let him into the country watched Kihia go with a suspicious eye and then signaled three men to come over who had been sitting in the shade. “One of you go let the Sultan know that we have a foreign Mage visiting our country… and the other two I want you to follow him… make sure he doesn’t stray from his business!” The three men nodded in return and then took off to do their respective duties.


    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Kihisi10
    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) 17496c10


    Pretty as a peach 1

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Administrator- Moderator- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Bloodline of the Frozen Armor
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    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Iarok Kaloka (deceased)
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Make Magic
    Second Skill: Crystal Make Magic
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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Kihia 30th August 2014, 5:27 pm

    Kihia walked through the city managing to find his way to one of the city gates, he stopped for a moment and scanned the horizon, he saw nothing but what seemed to be an endless sea of sand dunes. He looked up at the sky getting a fix on the position of the sun, after a moment he found his bearings and doubled checked all of his gear, One months supply of water… check, food rations… check… medical supplies check… He then double checked to make sure his weapons were still there, after he was done he nodded and then started to head northeast into the desert, Trusting Captain Qourta’s information is correct I should arrive in Vshinuze in a days time…

    He trekked through the desert for what seemed like hours, however he felt something was in need of being addressed before nightfall. He had the feeling he had been followed ever since he left the docks, he understood why, but it was something he knew he had to clear up for he can take care of the task at hand with little issue. Kihia stopped walking for a moment and turned back around, the two men who had been following him were caught off guard and dropped to try and hid behind the sand dune, Kihia then yelled, “Look I know your back there! So why don’t you come out and discuss whats going on peaceably with me?” Kihia waited for a moment, then the two men stood up and started walking over to Kihia.

    They stopped a few feet away from him and said, “We are here to make sure you do what you said you will do and nothing else.” Kihia sighed and looked at them, “I understand your leaders view on mages, however I promise that I will do what I came to do, and not intervene in anything else… but as you know, what I am going to face is extremely dangerous… I may not be able to keep both of you safe unless you stay back a reasonable distance.” The two men looked at each other for a moment, “We will follow you, but if you need us to stay back we will… we cannot go back lest we be punished ourselves for disobeying our directive.” Kihia nodded in respect to their deceision and looked towards the setting sun, “Let us make camp for the night… we will travel the rest of the day at the first light of Dawn.”


    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Kihisi10
    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) 17496c10


    Pretty as a peach 1

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Administrator- Moderator- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Bloodline of the Frozen Armor
    Position : None
    Posts : 1525
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Iarok Kaloka (deceased)
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Make Magic
    Second Skill: Crystal Make Magic
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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Kihia 30th August 2014, 6:01 pm

    Kihia and the two guards had a reasonable rest that night, they each took turns keeping watch and not before too long morning came on the group and the got ready to move on. “May I ask you two what your names are?” Kihia asked them with a sideways glance keeping one eye on the direction he was traveling. The two men exchanged glances and then said, “I am Gotan” shortly after the shorter one spoke up and said, “and my name is, Joam, may we ask what is yours sir?” Kihia turn his full attention back on the northeastern horizon and said, “My name is Kihia Avoa… as you may know I am a legal mage from Fiore.” Gotan and Joam both nodded and asked no further questions for a while.

    After half a day of trekking they finally got to a point where the canyon network that Captain Qourta had mentioned, “So that canyon network, leads to Vshinuze correct?” Kihia looked back at the two men behind him hoping for a response, however they both seemed to be on high alert. After a moment Gotan finally spoke up, “Yes that Canyon leads to Vshinuze, however… we must be on high alert for Derakakei…” Kihia frowned, and examined the stretch of sand dunes that were between them and the canyon network. They all seemed discheveled and in disarray, as if something large had been on a rampage. Which Kihia knew from Master Zuo’s letter was the case. “It is best to try and keep on moving and get in the safety of the canyon network before Derkakei senses us.” Joam had said this and Kihia and Gotan both nodded in agreement.

    The walked at a brisk pace through the area trying to make it to Vshinuze without stirring the enraged Ant Lion that was somewhere in the area. After a few hours they managed to get into the canyon and up the path and found themselves at the Gates of Vshinuze. The Gate guard stopped them and said, “Halt! Who goes there!” Kihia began to step forward but was stopped by Gotan, “I am Gotan, I am one of the Sultan’s Special police force, I am here with my partner Joam and a foreign mage who has come here to try and stop Derkakei!” The Guard was taken aback for a moment and looked behind him where the towns leader was coming up from behind him, “Stand down my son… We have not had any visitors in a while due to Derkakei’s rampage, Come foreign mage… we have much to discuss if you wish to take on that monster.” Kihia nodded and walked forward closely followed by Gotan and Joam, The entire village is tense... and I don't blame them for that... since they have a rampaging animal at their village entrance...


    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Kihisi10
    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) 17496c10

    Zuo Cii
    Zuo Cii

    Ye Olt Coot

    Ye Olt Coot

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 309
    Guild : Lamia Scale Guildmaster
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Feng Hang
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Of the Earth
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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Zuo Cii 30th August 2014, 6:55 pm

    Kihia's quest was about to be rudely interrupted. For from the sky came a large shadowed mass falling at incredible speed. It would land just a few meters in front of Kihia and company spraying sand everywhere on impact. When the dust settled everyone would be able to see the fallen mass was the dreaded Ant Lion! Er... The corpse of the dreaded Ant Lion. It was dead. It had landed on it's back dead as a doornail with severe and large cuts and tears all over it's body. The poor beast looked like it had lost a fight with a giant mutant porcupine of death. Shortly following at a much slower rate of decent was a... carpet? Yup a carpet. A floating carpet descending from the heavens. As it got lower a man clad in black robes could be seen sitting on top of the floating carpet. He shouted down at the people below "That's that taken care of!" The man jumped down from the flying carpet, which vanished into thin air, and landed between Kihia and the fallen Ant Lion. "So you're the Kihia guy I heard about? From the way Zuo talked I was expecting someone taller. But I guess you are kinda tall? A little green behind the ears from the look of you but tall. Hmmm..." The man started laughing at some joke that was apparently only funny for him. The man was about 3 inches shorter then kihia but aside from that his figure and features were completely concealed by his all covering black robes.

    Suddenly an invisible forced dragged the ant lion's remains under the sand  and after a second there was no evidence left that it was ever there. The robed man looked back behind him "Heh. See what I did there? Pretty cool huh?" He walked a few paces away from Kihia and sat down on the sand. Suddenly in a flash of golden light a picnic blanket appeared under him along with a picnic basket. The robed man began unloading the basket humming a happy tune to himself. He laid out some plates and silver wear before pouring some tea into some china cups from a pot he pulled from the basket. As if just now remembering Kihia was there he looked up and bekoned him over with his gloved hand "What are you waiting for? Don't be a stranger. Please sit, you must be starving."

    Many miles away back in his office Zuo felt a disturbance. He sighed and face palmed "Oh god not him. Kihia I am so sorry."


    Lamia Scale Theme:

    Zuo Cii Main Theme:

    Zuo Cii Battle Theme:

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Administrator- Moderator- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Bloodline of the Frozen Armor
    Position : None
    Posts : 1525
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Iarok Kaloka (deceased)
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Make Magic
    Second Skill: Crystal Make Magic
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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Kihia 30th August 2014, 7:21 pm

    Kihia was taken aback from the sudden course of events, after the Ant Lion disappeared beneath the sands he gave this mysterious man a suspicious glance ignoring the taunts and insults he had said, “I thank you for taking down the Ant Lion… and I am certain the Townsfolk of Vshinuze do as well.” Kihia stood there for a long moment trying to use his sensory ability, but however the magical disturbance this guy was to great for him able to actually sense anything from the man. He watched as the man sat down on the sand, which shortly after the man did this a golden light appeared and a picnic blanket was now underneath him. Shortly after this a picnic basket appeared, Who is this man… and more importantly how does he know Master Zuo….?

    Kihia looked at Gotan and Joam who had put their hands to their swords, “Ease yourselves… He knows my Master, he may be a friend…” He hoped that was the case although he did have a bad feeling about all of this. He watched as the man pulled out a tea set and silverware out of the basket, he then beckoned Kihia to join him, keeping his desert gear on to help keep the heat at bay and to keep his face hidden still, he walked over to the man, unsheathed Icarus and sat down just off the picnic blanket while laying Icarus down across his lap. Kihia sat there for a moment more studying the blacked robed person, “It is clear you know who I am… may I inquire who you are… and how you know my Master?” Kihia was alert, he didn’t trust this man, he did indeed kill the Ant Lion, by the words directed at Kihia afterwords did make him wary and alert.

    Kihia waited in silence keeping an ear out to what the villagers as well as Gotan and Joam were doing, If this escalated into a dangerous situation, he had to be ready to tell them to get out of here at a flip of the hat. Kihia waited a bit longer and after hearing the mans(possible) response he asked him, “Why did you come to Vshinuze?”


    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Kihisi10
    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) 17496c10

    Zuo Cii
    Zuo Cii

    Ye Olt Coot

    Ye Olt Coot

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 309
    Guild : Lamia Scale Guildmaster
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Feng Hang
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Of the Earth
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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Zuo Cii 31st August 2014, 1:15 pm

    "Me? I'm just one of Zuo's discarded dolls. I mean I prefer the term action figure but I was played with like a doll. Maybe a puppet? I dunno." The robbed man then pulled a freshly cooked large pizza out from the picnic basket and set it down on a tray on the blanket. As he continued to pull ridiculous amounts of fresh foods that couldn't possibly fit in a basket that small he resumed talking "So the old man got himself some new toys. I have to say I was surprised when I heard about his mages guild. The geezer normally only grabs one or two people at a time. He must be up to something big." As he tried to shove several slices of meat covered pizza into a steak burrito he added "By the way my name is Sando Rura. After cramming the burrito with various other unrelated entrees Sando adjusted the wrap around his head to free up his mouth and started pigging out.

    However a mouth full of food didn't stop him from talking "So hrmf I camfh thu viftphtg hmm to meat yhu." It would only take seconds for Sando to polish off the massive burrito and he began preparing an equally bizarre salad from the seemingly infinite content of the picnic basket "So I hope that answers all your questions. Now I hope you would answer a few of mine. First, what is pops trying to accomplish establishing a mage's guild? Second, what is he offering all you guys to follow him along? Third, what kind of tea do you want?"


    Lamia Scale Theme:

    Zuo Cii Main Theme:

    Zuo Cii Battle Theme:

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Administrator- Moderator- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Bloodline of the Frozen Armor
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    Posts : 1525
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Iarok Kaloka (deceased)
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Make Magic
    Second Skill: Crystal Make Magic
    Third Skill:

    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Kihia 31st August 2014, 2:11 pm

    Kihia’s right eyebrow twitched after hearing the mans initial response to the questions he had been asked, Zuo’s discarded doll?... Perhaps even a puppet… what does he mean by this?... I have never seen Master Zuo treat anyone as such at the Guild… Kihia watched the man pull a wide array of food items from what seemed to be a near bottomless Picnic basket, and then continued to talk badly about Master Zuo and Lamia Scale. Kihia frowned as he listened to this, Who is this man… and what history does he have with Master Zuo… a Mentor Student relationship perhaps?... but what would have caused them to part ways leaving this Sando, to have bitter feelings against Zuo?

    Kihia steadily watched as Sando continued to pig out on the food he had pulled out of his picnic basket, Kihia simply sighed and reached around and pulled out a few food bars and started to quietly munch on them. Kihia was then caught off guard when he translated what Sando had said next, He came here to specifically meet me?... He heard out the man’s questions and got increasingly annoyed by his attitude towards Master Zuo and the rest of Lamia Scale. Kihia looked at Sando with his ice blue eyes, almost glaring at the man, “I do not know your previous history with Master Zuo, nor is it my business to know at this time it seems… However… please refrain yourself from insulting my Guild… my Teacher had instructed me to join before he passed away and since then they have become like a family to me…” Kihia paused for a moment to recollect his thoughts before answering Sando’s questions, “As for your questions, I have no knowledge of any Personal Reasons Master Zuo may have for Leading the Guild, but he is trying to teach and train every one of us to be Heroes, a group of people to aid the world in their needs, not just Fiore. As for your second question… he has offered us nothing to follow him, we all have come on our own accord and take our own paths to help the land as well as each other…” Kihia paused for a moment contemplating the final question, “I am sorry… but I must refuse your offer for tea… I never developed a taste for tea, despite my teacher’s best efforts…”


    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Kihisi10
    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) 17496c10

    Zuo Cii
    Zuo Cii

    Ye Olt Coot

    Ye Olt Coot

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 309
    Guild : Lamia Scale Guildmaster
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Feng Hang
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Of the Earth
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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Zuo Cii 31st August 2014, 3:46 pm

    Sando laughed as Kihia finished "Ah the whole "for the good of the world." Bit. Aw man I got suckered in by that same thing. Well kinda. Anyway it's a shame you don't like tea. It can be very calming." He took a swig directly from the tea pot and grinned "Ah I had better get to the point. So here is how it is. Zuo's playing you like a violin, like he did me and who knows how many before. He needs you all for something. Knowing him it likely isn't good for the majority of humanity." Reaching into his robes Sando pulled out a brass lamp/incense burner and  pointed the nose of it at Kihia as if it was a gun. "So here is the deal. In a few moments I'm going to ask you to denounce Zuo and Lamia Scale. From there you can do whatever you want with your life as long as you stay away from that nutter. You will agree and continue your life. Should for some reason you disagree I will kill you right here right now." If Kihia was paying close enough attention he would see that while Sando had an impressive magic aura the majority of the magic that seemed to be coming from him was really coming from the lamp. He frowned and raised an eyebrow "So what's it going to be? Live free or die."


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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Kihia 31st August 2014, 4:47 pm

    Kihia clenched his teeth as he listened to Sando, This man… is getting on my nerves… He is disrespecting Master Zuo… insulting Lamia Scale… and more importantly… he is an ignorant man who is disrespecting my family and companions… Kihia’s expression grew darker as Sando continued rambling on, eventually reaching into his robes for something, Kihia immediately tightened his grip on Icarus and heard Gotan and Joam ready their swords. Sando then had pulled out a lamp and pointed it at Kihia as if it was a firearm, At this he heard two swords being drawn behind him.

    What he heard Sando say next however, ticked him off even more, Sando had just asked him Denounce Zuo and the rest of Lamia Scale. Kihia managed to pick up a powerful Magical aura coming from the lamp, trying to not lose himself to his anger he recollected his thoughts, This man… Sando… is a holder type mage it seems… however I cannot safely read how powerful his artifact is… but… gauging how much magical interference he and the artifact seem to be emitting… It may be safe to guess that he is on par with Master Zuo… Kihia frowned at this thought, However… even if he is… he dishonored Master Zuo and Lamia Scale… something I cannot let go that easily!

    Kihia glared at Sando, after finally formulating the best possible plan, “If you know my name… you should have heard the title that people have given me… a Knight does not go against his duties… nor does he betray those closest to him…” Kihia started to get his body ready as he said this, he knew he would only have a split second to initiate his counter from his current situation, “I am Kihia Avoa, Frozen Knight of Lamia Scale… and I will defend the Honor of my Guild as well as Master Zuo and anyone who dares to threaten or dishonor my Guild knowingly will be punished!” Kihia then honed his senses to try and detect Sandos incoming attack when it is activated, preparing one of two possible counter attack plans.(OOC-Split off point)

    Plan A: Kihia will wait till right when he senses the magical surge being sent to the lamp to fire off the attack, when this happens he will swiftly lean backwards extending his right leg after the shot passed over him and kicking the lamp with significant force, right at the base at a sixty degree angle to knocking it out of Sando’s hand and flying into the air. (If he is successful at this point continue on if not go by Plan B), after this, Kihia will adopted a low stance and cast a spell fusion of Ice Make: Long Bow and Ice Make: Great Lance, and overload it as he fires the enhanced Icarus arrow straight at the lamp that is flying midair. Whether or not this is successful, Kihia will jump back reaching into his trench coat and drawing the Geruks out. On top of this he will say, “If you truly are a man who would do this… I have no choice but to fight you…, Gotan and Joam Evacuate the town… I can make no promises on where this will go…” Estmated Mana Cost: 25% leaving him at 100% MP(Started at 125% due to his Armored Trenchcoat’s Passive as well as the Geruks being a legendary +) also Icarus will not fall back to the ground until three posts have past,
    Spell Details:
    Spell Details:

    Plan B: (this plan takes place if the start or midpoint of Plan A is unsuccessful) Kihia will quickly point one end of Icarus at the ground and cast Ice Make: Pole to shoot him high into the air to avoid the attack, after this Kihia will deattach the ice pole and quickly cast Ice Make: Ring followed by Ice Make Spear Storm directed at Sando, Whether or not this is successful he will land and say the same thing from Plan A.Est Magic Cost: 20%, leaving him with 105% MP(Started at 125% due to his Armored Trenchcoat’s Passive as well as the Geruks being a legendary +)
    Spell Details:


    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Kihisi10
    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) 17496c10

    Zuo Cii
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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Zuo Cii 2nd September 2014, 7:11 pm

    A blast of golden light obliterated the area that had just been occupied by Kihia, who safely evaded the attack. However when the ice mage attempted to counter by kicking the lamp he would find his foot simply passed through the corporeal seeming object. Much like his kick Kihia's spells passed harmlessly through Sando who grinned like a child on christmas. "Nice try but it takes a bit more then that to touch me." Kihia would suddenly feel his limps become heavy, stiff and immobile. Sando would jump to his feet, the lamp transforming into a scimitar in the process. In a flash of movement Sando sliced Kihia apart at his joints with a cold laughter. As the ice mage's head hit the ground he would feel a jolt and then everything would change.

    Kihia and Sando were both still sitting on the picnic blanket and everything was just as it was before Sando fired the golden blast. He fell on his back in a fit of laughter "Aw that was great. I am Sando Rura master of the lamp. I'm sorry but I'm like a force of nature. You can't fight me." At this moment there would be a shimmer in the air above the lamp and suddenly a blue being came into view. It was a strange creature a human enough seeming torso, despite being blue, however it had no lower body. Rather it had just a tail of smoke trailing into the lamp. Sando gestured at him "This is Ali the Trickster. One of the 17 genie at my command. What you just saw was his ability "Showtime." It is an illusionary spell that makes me god of my own little world. However it's not really good for more then stalling people and giving a good scare on occasion." Sando snapped his fingers and a 1000 headed golden dragon appeared behind him with a fierce roar. "Pretty cool huh? But sadly it's bark is worse then it's bite. I assure you that Ali is the least of your worries if you really want to fight me. While his powers are cool they are pretty harmless. However the other 16 are far more real in nature. This is your last chance to back down. So what will it be?" Kihia seemed to be a man of resolve and good training but good training didn't mean much to a genie. For Ali was a great example of the nature of the mythical creatures, they were powerful and made no sense.


    Lamia Scale Theme:

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    Zuo Cii Battle Theme:

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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Kihia 2nd September 2014, 8:36 pm

    Kihia was taken aback when his foot passed through the lamp, and when Sando turned the lamp into a scimitar and had attacked Kihia seemingly killing him. However, suddenly he found himself back in the sitting position before the lamp was ever fired, What just happened?... was it… perhaps an Illusion? Kihia watched as Sando keeled back in laughter, After hearing he heard what Sando said next he grimaced underneath the hood of his desert gear. He then watched as a blue genie materialized above the lamp, and listened as Sando introduced the small Genie. A summoner of somekind?... with the his subjects being genies of unknown powers and capabilities… Kihia sat there as Sando went on explaining on what just transpired, So Ali… an Illusionist Genie… as he says that this one is probably the least of my concerns… which is understandable if all it can do is illusions…

    Kihia watched as it conjured another Illusion, this one being a one thousand headed Golden dragon, he sat that as it roared unwavering since he was aware what is was this time. Kihia waited for a moment as Sando had asked him what he’d do, “I told you… a Knight does not betray his friends… he holds true to his duties… When I joined Lamia Scale… I was but a cold shell of a mage… having a metaphorical set of armor encasing my very person… since then… since the time I had joined and I have stayed with them… the shell of ice that separated me from the others faded away… and I found a new calling… a new reason to continue living…” Kihia paused for a moment closing his eyes letting a bit of his magical power release chilling the air around him before he opened his eyes again, “That calling… is to protect my new home… my new family… to prevent the same tragedy I experienced from ever happening again!” He then stopped emitting his magical power a bit and gave Sando a cold stare, “You call yourself a force of nature… well if that is true you should know this… another Force of nature is all it takes to stop another… I will not step away from Lamia Scale or the Master, if it comes to a fight… I will using the qualities of my medium as a force of nature to combat you…”


    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Kihisi10
    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) 17496c10

    Zuo Cii
    Zuo Cii

    Ye Olt Coot

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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Zuo Cii 5th September 2014, 8:45 pm

    Sando groaned. The djinn master wasn't really wanting a big fight. "Man Zuo has you a special kind of brain washed. From the sound of things you probably made it real easy for him to. Just a great little soldier boy. Master's little blunt instrument." He stood up and rolled his shoulders. He twirled his lamp and Ali vanished. "Not that I can blame you. Zuo is the best at what he does." Sando rubbed the lamp "So out of pity I will make this quick. Reduce creation to ash: Galad the Destroyer!" The guy was going straight for his big guns as Kihia would soon realize. From the nozzle of the lamp rose a plume of red smoke that twisted and warped to form the mighty djinn Gallad the Destroyer.


    The entity was easily 9 meters in height and it's massive hands were bigger then Kihia. Gallad radiated flame, smoke and destruction. With skin that looked like unnaturally smooth red stone and a great deal of smoke around all of his joints and decorating his head he was definitely a sight to see. He seemed to have incredibly physical strength and his form looked solid but just looking at him something seemed off. He didn't seem quiet material. Anyone who looked upon him would know things are about to go down. Sando gritted his teeth as the lamp glowed red and sweat formed on his brow, this was clearly putting a lot of strain on him. "Gallad you know the drill. Take him down." Instantly Gallad raised one of his hands and balled it into a fist and a blast of fire  exploded from it's wrist launching itself at Kihia. This was half of Gallad's signature ability "Missile Fists" first off his arms were really only smoke so he could move his hands almost telepathically allowing him incredible reach and upon using the "missile fist" one of his hands could use a blast of fire to accelerate to insane speeds. But the real kicker came at impact. On contact with anything Gallad's hands unleashed a flaming explosion dealing considerable damage(A-Rank). Kihia had his work cut out for him.


    Lamia Scale Theme:

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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Kihia 6th September 2014, 2:11 pm

    Kihia frowned heavily after Sando came out with another insult and then summoned a new Genie, this one large red one, that appeared to be elementally attuned to fire. Kihia watched and saw that Sando had begun to sweat shortly after summoning him as well as the lamp started to glow red for some unknown reason. Kihia stared at the man and after a moment said, “If we are to fight then so be it… but I will not leave these people to possibly get caught in the cross fire… so if you would… please follow me and we can settle this “dispute” in the canyons below…” He then nodded and sprang upward so that the fist from Gallad would just pass by underneath him, when he landed Kihia took off for the edge of the cliff, if however he was attacked during this time he would take the needed movements to avoid them“If you are truly a self-respecting mage… follow me and we will fight down here…” Kihia then jumped off the edge free falling to the canyon floor below

    As drew closer Kihia knew what he would need to do to even the odds even more, he then started to focus on Icarus and channel a small portion of his magical power into it, I store within this weapon, Ice Make Terrain… Kihia swiftly approached the sandy ground below, when he was got about eight meters off the ground he aimed one end of Icarus at the ground and said, “Ice Make … Pole!” Icarus shot down out of Kihia hands straight towards the ground, when it impacted into the sand below it created a dust cloud but stood there. Kihia then slid down the ice pole and then landed safely on the ground, at that moment he tapped the center of Icarus releasing the stored spell forming the ice sheet in a thirty meter radius. After this he said, “Ice Make Skaroks…” Kihia waited a minute for the Skaroks gear to form on him, for me to even the playing field… I must go at my fastest speed…

    Kihia then pulled Icarus out of the ground and looked up at the cliff wall, “If you truly follow your misguided views of my Guild… then I have no choice but to face you full force…” Kihia paused for a moment, knowing that he wouldn’t be facing him full force… Ice Make Knight… is a spell that should only be used for the appropriate circumstances… Kihia then started building up his magical power, “May the fifteen years I trained underneath my teacher show fruit in this spell, fifteen rings… one ring for every year I trained and grew as a mage… make this spell truly show you the efforts of my training!” Kihia then slammed one end of Icarus onto the ground making it stand on its own, “Ice Make Ring Dome!” Fifteen rings of ice formed around Kihia, he started to spin the rings in the around him before maneuvering the layers of rings to be on the same plane facing the cliff wall he had came down from, “If you want to challenge the honor of my Guild… so be it…”

    Spell Info:
    Artic Specialist-Ability:

    Ice Make-Terrain:

    Ice Make-Pole:
    Ice Make-Skaroks:

    Ice Make-Ring Dome:

    Total MP used, 25%, leaving me with 100% MP left


    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Kihisi10
    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) 17496c10

    Zuo Cii
    Zuo Cii

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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Zuo Cii 9th September 2014, 7:04 pm

    Sando raised his eyebrow as he watched Kihia take a swan dive. He figured it would be too simple for the guy to just up and kill him self so it stood to reason he was planning something. Plans were a complicated thing and when your hands are literally burning because of the sheer power you are holding in them you don't have time to think of complicated things. So he decided to stick to the age old golden rule "When in doubt, break things." Sando aimed the lamp over the cliff edge "Gallad pursue him! Break him and anything around him!" It wasn't much of a plan but with fire power like Gallad he didn't need one. The red being silently nodded and flew after Kihia, his tail of smoke billowing in his wake. Sando's only range limit with his genies was how far he was willingly to let them go. As he was a bit defenseless with Gallad so far and since he couldn't see anything this was a gambling move.

    Anyways... Gallad flew over the cliff edge and made a sharp turn down flying at Kihia and his ring dome. Gallad launched both of his "rocket fists" at Kihia. Fortunatly for Sando, Gallad was a free thinking entity and despite Sando being blind to the fight Gallad could still fight effectively. He intentionally timed his first punch to hit just a second before the second so that the first strike would break the ice ring dome and the second would fly through the gap and hit Kihia. Gallad was very confident in his ability to defeat Kihia with just those two punches. It was a vain notion but Gallad had earned his arrogance. The explosions generated by his punches dealt A-Rank damage in an notable radius. Just thinking about how powerful Gallad was made summoning him that much harder for Sando. But whatever that was the cost of power.


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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Kihia 10th September 2014, 7:05 pm

    Recomended track:
    Kihia adopted a wide stance and started to move around the rings as he saw Gallad come flying down throwing his fists at him, one slightly ahead of the other, This will be tricky but with the right formation… I can defend against this… Kihia then closed his eyes for a moment recalling a memory from long ago during his years of training with Master Iarok.

    (OOC Flash Back moment)
    Kihia dropped to one knee panting from the strain from his training, Iarok looked at him, his wrinkled face gently smiling, “You are getting better my boy, You have learned the basics of Bojutsu style of Ice Make… Ice make Spear is the most basic spell you can use with this style of Ice make, however the spell we are practicing with now, Ice Make Ring… is a very versatile spell despite how it looks…” Kihia stood there for a moment catching his breath, “Is it really Master Iarok?... It doesn’t seem that useful to me… it seems to be a pain in the rear spell that is troublesome to mast-“ Kihia was suddenly interrupted when a snowball came flying out of nowhere and hit him square in the face, “Everything I teach you always has a reason Kihia, how many times must I tell you this? Ice Make ring is a very weak spell on its own, but has the greatest potential to set up other spells, For example…” Iarok then casted Ice Make Ring on a Metal Bo and disconnected it. He made it levitate in the air for a moment then said, “Ice Make Frozen Dragon.” The ring then started to expand and enlarge eventually forming a Chinese Dragon made completely out of Ice which then roared. Kihia knelt there in awe, “I see what you mean! Do you think you can teach me that spell one day??” Iarok chuckled, “No my son, I will only be teaching you static Ice make remember? It is up to you to design your own spells that comes out of Ice Make Ring”

    Ring Dome Formation:
    Kihia gently smiled, he knew he had truly accomplished that, Ice Make Ring dome is proof enough of that, however this next spell will cement this even more… He focused as the formation was now complete, as Gallad approached Kihia spoke the words to his next spell, “Ice Make… Spear… BLIZZARD!” As he finished saying that he thrusted his hands forward towards Gallad slamming them together, at that moment, the rings started to fire off ten ice spears each from front to back. Kihia redirected eighteen ice spears from the  front two rings to the fist in front, eighteen spears from the next two rings towards the next fist, timed in such a way they wouldn’t be caught in the explosion from the first set if they made contact. He then redirected the remaining Ice spears at Gallad himself, in hopes to destroy the Genie,(any excess spears will be attempted to be directed at Sando himself, using the Sensory ability to aim.) (Regardless of the results Kihia will start moving at his full speed to help prepare for the next move(always staying on the ice sheet.(120% speed buff currently)

    Ice Make-Spear Blizzard:

    70% Mp Left


    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Kihisi10
    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) 17496c10

    Zuo Cii
    Zuo Cii

    Ye Olt Coot

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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Zuo Cii 12th September 2014, 7:46 pm

    While Kihia's attempts were of great valor they mattered little against Gallad. The Djinn's fists would not be stopped the scorching entities seemed to burn the air around them as they flew and as they made contact with the ice spears explosions filled the air. Each and every spear that made contact created a large flaming blast obliterating the projectiles. The few that went past his fists and hit Gallad himself did literally nothing. Ice went in, steam drifted off Gallad's skin. Unimpressed by Kihia's ice the first first smashed through a pair of the ice rings and the resulting flame blast consumed another then still unopposed the meteor like hands smashed into the ice terrain unleashing a large joint firey explosion. The amazing spectacle of fire power seemed to effortlessly destroy Kihia's ice(and Kihia himself if he didn't get away fast enough) however that wasn't entirely true.

    Back up on the mesa edge Sando was just having a ball dealing with all the negative side effects that came with summoning a powerhouse like Gallad. His hands were currently burning and his magic reserves were really taking a hit. If he didn't wrap up Kihia soon he was going to have to use  the one spell nastier then Gallad. It seemed contradictory but letting Gallad's duration expire would likely be catastrophic for Kihia. But that was just how intense his next card was.

    HP: 90%
    MP: 65%

    Gallad Duration Remaining: 1 post


    Lamia Scale Theme:

    Zuo Cii Main Theme:

    Zuo Cii Battle Theme:

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Pretty as a peach 1

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    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Kihia 13th September 2014, 3:18 pm

    Kihia Grimaced as he saw the disastrous result of his attempted counter attack, as soon as the first spears hit the fist it set off multiple chain explosions from them impact. This isn’t going to turn out well… I pray that part of the armor was put in… Kihia then got ready to get moving full speed, the Skarok system started to get primed by sucking in air when the last of the spears got hit by Gallad’s rocket fists and caused an explosion a few meters away from Kihia. He braced himself prepared to endure the pain as the smoke came over him.

    However, he did not feel anything major impacting him although he felt the heat wave seemingly go around him, Kihia opened his eyes and saw the faint glimmer of a shield made out of ice floating in front of him which protected him from the blast itself. “Good thing I paid extra for that feature…” He then took off as the ice shield remained there and started to crack and fall apart, It seems however… my ice attacks will have no affect against him…. However… Thanks to Master Zuo I have more than just ice at my disposal… Kihia then held Icarus in both of his hands as he skated around, he then started to channel his magical power into Icarus. “Ice Make…Glaive!” Kihia waited for a moment as the ice glaive blade formed as he moved, “Crystal make… Mirrored Blade!” As he skated picking up speed, both the ice and crystal Glaive blades fully formed, he began strafing around the remains of the ice sheet that had a solid line along where Gallad’s explosions detonated, to maintain my speed I must avoid that stretch… Kihia then redirected himself towards where Gallad was in the air, as he approached, Kihia jumped high into the air outstretching the crystal blade where it would make contact with Gallad in mid air. Kihia was ready to abandon the attack by using the air vents on the Skaroks system to shift direction suddenly if needed, but he also had planned if this attack hit home to land back on the ice sheet and continue skating at his full speed to avoid any incoming attacks.

    OOC Overview:
    Health: 90%
    MP: 41%
    Passive Ability from Armor:
    Durations: Ice Make Glaive and Crystal Glaive three more posts, Ice Make Terrain One more post, Ice Make Skaroks Extended one post through Limit Transcendence
    Cooldowns:Ice Make Ring Dome Four More posts,  Ice Make Spear Blizzard- Rest of the thread
    Ice make pole ended this post

    Used Spells Details:


    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Kihisi10
    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) 17496c10

    Zuo Cii
    Zuo Cii

    Ye Olt Coot

    Ye Olt Coot

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 309
    Guild : Lamia Scale Guildmaster
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Feng Hang
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Of the Earth
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Zuo Cii 16th September 2014, 5:48 pm

    Kihia just had all the neat little toys didn't he? Despite Gallad being most adept at wreaking stuff the ice mage had proven more then capable of dodging the danger. He had been doing exceptionally well on the defense so far and against any other foe his offence would also be doing a good number, but as the saying goes in deserito "When you see a Djinn. Run." A shame Kihia hadn't been in the country long enough to pick up that little piece of wisdom. Also a shame Zuo failed to mention it. From his telepathic connection with Gallad, Sando could feel that everything was about to change. But that's enough hindsight.

    At the moment Kihia was nearing Gallad and as luck would have it with his current trajectory his spear would go straight into Gallad's head. In an attempt to defend himself Gallad turned his hands around and set them flying at Kihia. But anyone adept at gauging speed and distance would see they would be far too late. They were too slow and too far and Kihia was too fast and too close. The blade of the polearm would bury itself in Gallad's head so deep the tip could been seen poking out the back. The flaming behemoth gagged and his mouth fell open. His form seemed to fade just slightly and his altitude slowly began to decrease. The blow was fatal, he was going down.

    Then the fists sped up. By this point they were already close to Kihia and the sudden doubling in speed would mean they would impact in just a second. To make matters worse the curled fists opened wide to increase their surface area and to smash Kihia in between the two meteor like walls. One could not take conventional tactics to fight a Djinn, "trickster gods" was a term originally coined to describe them. Atop the mesa Sando broke into a crazed laugh. "Like a moth to a flame! Shihihihihi! This is the end." Already the mage was writing this off as his victory, that was always a weakness of his. An ever present god-complex and illusions of invincibility. But while "certain victory" was a stretch the attack was a nasty trap, especially when a person remembered that any contact with Gallad's hands created a flaming explosion. There was one flaw in it though, sort of, as Gallad's time was just about up once the hands met and unleashed their flame Gallad would vanish in a puff of smoke as his time was spent.


    Lamia Scale Theme:

    Zuo Cii Main Theme:

    Zuo Cii Battle Theme:

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Administrator- Moderator- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Bloodline of the Frozen Armor
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    Posts : 1525
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Iarok Kaloka (deceased)
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Make Magic
    Second Skill: Crystal Make Magic
    Third Skill:

    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Kihia 16th September 2014, 7:57 pm

    Kihia grinned as his crystal blade sliced into Gallad’s head, however was suddenly caught off guard when he saw the djins hands come flying directly at him, No time to dodge! All I can do is brace and protect my right arm!... Kihia rotated his body to make it that his right arm was on the opposite side of his body from the incoming hands. He was then hit by that hands causing a massive explosion as well as shattering the Skaroks system as well as the two blades on Icarus. Kihia was sent flying from the blast, he hit the ground hard, but the momentum kept going making him start rolling at a fast speed before slamming into the cliff wall.

    Kihia laid there for a moment slightly groaning, That hurt… and boy am I going to feel that in the morning… He slowly stood up and leaned back Icarus in hand against the wall of the small crater he had made when he impacted into the cliff wall. “It seems that Genie has run its course… I just hope that Sando… doesn’t have anything else up his sleeve…” Kihia grimaced as he sat there for a moment, I don’t want to have to go as far as to use that spell… but if Sando has another Genie like that… I may have little choice… Kihia slowly stood up and stretched a bit, then ran a calibration test on his right arm, and frowned. The arm had taken some damage from him being knocked back to far, it wasn’t that badly damaged, but to many hits like that one would seriously impede the arm. Kihia dusted himself and his Icarus off and then noticed that the desert gear had been blown to smithereens from the blast, Oh well… I hope Captain Qorta won’t be to upset that it was destroyed… Kihia lifted Icarus up and rested it onto his right shoulder, and slowly walked out of the crater making sure to get a feel for his current condition, Now what to do now… I don’t have that much magical power left… so I am going to have to think wisely on my usage… but Sando is still up there… and I am in the dark about his condition…but I best remain on guard…

    OOC Overview:
    Health: 55%
    Right Arm Integrity: 85%
    MP: 41%

    Cooldowns:Ice Make Ring Dome Three More posts, Ice Make Spear Blizzard- Rest of the thread
    Ice make Skaroks Four Posts, Ice Make Terrain Six posts, Ice Make Glaive Four Posts, Crystal Make: Mirrored Blade 6 posts,


    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Kihisi10
    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) 17496c10

    Zuo Cii
    Zuo Cii

    Ye Olt Coot

    Ye Olt Coot

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 309
    Guild : Lamia Scale Guildmaster
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Feng Hang
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Of the Earth
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Zuo Cii 17th September 2014, 5:31 pm

    Behind Kihia, on the edge of the crater, the sand began to swirl and gather around one point. Quickly a mound formed and grew straight up until it was the height of a man. Sando's height to be exact. In a very Zuo-esque move the mage materialized from the ground. The robe clad figured then fell backwards and landed sitting down looking up at Kihia "So did you like my first card?" Sando's hands were in his robes hiding the lamp and his now exposed and burned hands. "I am giving you one final chance to surrender. Believe it or not Gallad was not the strongest weapon in my arsenal. I've got two more powers on par if not greater then him waiting to be unleashed. Then of course a boatload of lesser but still deadly powers."

    The master of the lamp crooked his head and examined Kihia's condition while scanning him with magic sensory "You've proven incredibly resourceful and skillful so far. But honestly, how much can you possibly have left in you?" He didn't want to kill Kihia but he was a man on a mission. That mission included doing everything he could to slow Zuo down and eventually stop him. Allowing the ice mage to run free without swearing to stay away from Hargeon and Lamia Scale meant nothing but trouble for Sando. Zuo would learn that he was on the move again and it would be for nothing. "All you have to do to leave alive is to denounce Zuo, Lamia Scale and promise to stay away from them. By obeying his whims all you do is enable the old geezer. If you think he cares about you and your 'honor' you may want to think about this a little more. He is over a million years old, how long has he even know you? The entire time you have spent under him, heck your entire life span will pass in just the blink of an eye for him. Don't let him make you his tool. Don't be just another blunt instrument in his collection." Taking a breath as he was ever long winded he finished "But should you choose to die here. I will at least give you the choice of the weapon of your destruction. Would you like to die by sand or gold? Should you make the dumb choice of course."


    Lamia Scale Theme:

    Zuo Cii Main Theme:

    Zuo Cii Battle Theme:

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Administrator- Moderator- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Bloodline of the Frozen Armor
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    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Iarok Kaloka (deceased)
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Make Magic
    Second Skill: Crystal Make Magic
    Third Skill:

    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Kihia 17th September 2014, 8:17 pm

    Kihia suddenly turned around when he felt Sando’s unique magical signature pop up behind him. When Sando asked about what Kihia thought about Gallad, he simply stood there and sighed, “He was indeed impressive… however I cannot be a good judge for Gallad considering I am not able to test him to his full affect.” Kihia then frowned however when Sando asked the same impossible question again, “Even though that is the case… I will not go against my Guild or Master Zuo…” Kihia paused for a moment considering what he should say next. However what he heard Sando had to say next helped him know what to say.

    “I told you… A Knight does no go against his duties or his vows… I will protect the honor of Master Zuo as well as Lamia Scale… What you keep on asking is an insult to how I have been raised and taught by my teacher!... also let me fill you in on a little secret that Master Zuo has probably figured out by now… In my time in Lamia Scale… there has been only one order I have constantly disobeyed… that order is to Fight with all that you have…” He paused for a moment tightening his right fist, “If you want to continue this fight… I will have no choice but to fight all out to keep my Eternal vow…” Kihia then shoved Icarus down into the ground and threw off his trench coat which fell to the ground with a slight thud. He then picked up Icarus again and assumed a defensive stance. From what he said… I will end up having to use Ice Make Knight… however… I must buy myself enough time to charge… He then came up with an idea that would give him the right amount of time to prepare that spell, but he knew to pull it off he would need to wait for the perfect moment. “As for your question… I will leave it to you to decide… but I assure you of this… No one will be dying here today…” Kihia braced himself for what may be coming and started focusing on getting his plan ready.

    OOC Overview:
    Health: 55%
    Right Arm Integrity: 85%
    MP: 51%(MP Regen)

    Cooldowns:Ice Make Ring Dome Two More posts, Ice Make Spear Blizzard- Rest of the thread
    Ice make Skaroks Three Posts, Ice Make Terrain Five posts, Ice Make Glaive Three Posts, Crystal Make: Mirrored Blade 5 posts,


    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Kihisi10
    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) 17496c10

    Zuo Cii
    Zuo Cii

    Ye Olt Coot

    Ye Olt Coot

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Guild Master- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 309
    Guild : Lamia Scale Guildmaster
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Feng Hang
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Of the Earth
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Zuo Cii 20th September 2014, 1:42 pm

    "No one will be dying here today…” Sando laughed "I apologize but you are most mistaken." The robed mage stood to his feet and pulled out the lamp holding it infront of him with both hands "Let me show you the terror of facing the unbridled power of the Djinn in battle." The lamp began to glow brightly in an array of many colors and Sando's magic power took a leap "God Time!" A sphere of golden light enveloped Sando and released a harmless(as in it doesn't deal damage) shockwave that was, while not dangerous, carried quite a bit of knockback. When the light faded Sando could be seen again however he was a bit different.

    He floated a few feet above the air and seemed to glow gold and his eyes were like spheres of shining saphires. The lamp was nowhere to be seen. "Ali gave me the power to make it seem like anything was happening. This gives me the power to make anything happen!" As if just to make his point a flaming tornado began to descend from the sky down at Kihia at incredible speed. He flew backwards to give himself some room and conjured up a throne of gold floating in mid-air which he sat himself upon. "This is your final day on this earth Kihia Avoa." With that the tornado touched down.

    OOC: God Time is a spell almost identical to Zuo's "Unlimited Make" S-Rank spell. Except with God Time Sando can make literally anything, and can also fly. Can be found here for more info


    Lamia Scale Theme:

    Zuo Cii Main Theme:

    Zuo Cii Battle Theme:

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Pretty as a peach 1

    Administrator- Moderator- Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Bloodline of the Frozen Armor
    Position : None
    Posts : 1525
    Guild : Lamia Scale
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Iarok Kaloka (deceased)
    Experience : 337.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Make Magic
    Second Skill: Crystal Make Magic
    Third Skill:

    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Empty Re: Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread)

    Post by Kihia 20th September 2014, 4:12 pm

    Kihia grimaced as Sando suddenly transformed into a Genie and flew upwards, he listened to what he had to say when he noticed a large fire tornado started come barreling down straight at him. A spell quite similar to one of the legendary Unlimited make spells… this is going to be troublesome… Kihia Grabbed his trench coat and dashed out of the path of the fire today before it collided into the ground, he knelt there for a moment catching his breath, “If you choose to go so far… then I perhaps… must do the same…” Kihia stood up and looked at Sando as the air started to chill around him. I was man who was lost when I came to Lamia Scale… one who only came upon the directive of his teacher… Through Lamia Scale… I have found a new home… a new family… and purpose in my life… and because of this… I will defend the Guild with my very Life… A white magical aura started to appear around him, he then threw his trench coat into the crater and held Icarus with one end on the ground.

    Kihia stood there as he continued to build up his magical power, and then shifted some of it to Icarus making it start releasing the stored magical power within Icarus, “I made a promise… to Master Iarok… to use the gifts he gave me… to walk a good path in light… let this day… be one step in fulfilling that promise, Icarus… lend me your strength… let us release the stored magical power within you to better fufill that promise…” Suddenly the magical aura started to expand into a sphere, “Secret Technique of the Sage of the Frozen Mountains… Cryogenic Blast!” Kihia watched as the immense amount of energy detonated outward destroying the ground and parts of the surrounding cliff wall, whether or not Sando would be caught up in the blast he wasn’t sure, but the Magical powers of both Ice and Earth illuminated the entire canyon section they had been fighting in, breaking up the canyon walls a bit, but not far enough to damage Vishinuze.

    OOC Overview:
    Health: 55%
    Right Arm Integrity: 85%
    MP: 41%
    Cooldowns:Ice Make Ring Dome one More post, Ice Make Spear Blizzard- Rest of the thread
    Ice make Skaroks two more posts, Ice Make Terrain four posts, Ice Make Glaive two Posts, Crystal Make: Mirrored Blade 4 posts

    Use my Icarus Link in my Sig for reference, sorry cant put up the ability here


    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) Kihisi10
    Protect Vshinuze from the Monster! (Kihia A rank Exam Thread) 17496c10


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