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    Heavenly Horror


    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    Age : 24
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    Heavenly Horror Empty Heavenly Horror

    Post by Nero_ 14th May 2014, 11:39 am


    Le Victoria~:

    Victoria walked to school, a small smile on her usually serious face. Last night she had stood awake until practically half past four, reading about a spell that was supposed to make the people that do it eternal friends. It consisted of repeating the phrase *Sachiko we beg of you* the number of friends you have, one more for you, and one more for Sachiko. Then, they had to grip a paper doll and pull it so it can break. Everyone must keep their peace of paper so that his friendship with the others may last forever. As simple as that, it was.
    Victoria rose her hand and pulled her hair in a perfect ponytail, it slightly being pushed by the wind. It was a bit of a windy day, and it seemed that it was going to be a stormy one too. Victoria entred in class with a smile on face and clapped her hands, making it clear that the class representant has arrived.

    ~Later this day~

    Victoria sat tiredly on her chair. The cultural festival had ended, and it had been incredible. Everyone had fun, and she had waited patiently for the end of the day in which she could propose to her classmates the idea of eternal friendship. However, the girl known as the horror queen of class 2-9 simply sat down and looked outside the window. It was raining. A incredible idea came to her mind as she made her friends a signal to gather around her. She sat on the floor and lit one of the candles she always carried around with her, and made one of her friends turn off the lights. Everyone knew what this meant:

    The Horror Queen of class 2-9 was going to tell a scary story~


    Character Theme || Insanity theme
    Heavenly Horror Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 74
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
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    Heavenly Horror Empty Re: Heavenly Horror

    Post by BloodCakedFlame 14th May 2014, 4:05 pm

    Younger Akire:

    Akire went through the day as usual. Lazy and bored, thinking about one thing. The promise that he had made with his friends and the class rep. To stay friends for all of eternity or some nonsense that one reads in manga. He worked at the cultural festival serving some food from the west. For being a lazy, "good for nothing" he was a rather good cook. churring out the food at a pace just fast enough to keep up with the demand. When is group went to clean up he just put his hands in his coat pockets and wandered off. Stating he had somewhere to be, he made his way to the room just after Victoria. He nodded to acknowledge her before taking a seat on his desk and pulling out a Jump magazine and reading until the others arrived.


    Lineage: Aspect of Jupiter

    D: 0/0 EXP
    C: NA/150 EXP
    B: 50/750 EXP
    A: 0/3750 EXP
    S: 0/75000 EXP

    The way of the Gladiator is of blood and steel. Mine is of flesh and bone.

    Character: Akire
    His story

    Heavenly Horror Empty Re: Heavenly Horror

    Post by Guest 14th May 2014, 5:36 pm


    Yato was reading some books on different subjects in front of us house: Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Psychology, Anatomy- all sorts of academic material. Lately, Yato had received some harsh comments about his lifestyle. "You read so much, then show up to school just to get more perfect grades! Who do you think you are? A god? Loser." This didn't seem like much of an insult at first, though once Yato recognized how many friends he had- zero- the pain entered his heart. Yato already had three desired university offers in his grasp, though he wasn't sure if these schools would take him more lightly, or even worse than his secondary school friends. Albeit, Yato had to attend school today, and so after his sixth book, Yato grabbed his necessities, and headed out for school.

    While nothing was happening, Yato carefully walked into classroom. The only friends Yato had in this class- no, school in general- were female; all the men hated Yato for his smarts. Only a couple of boys stuck around him: one named Akire. It was very silent that day in class, though, once Yato heard the first voice to start the day, the young boy was shocked. "Eternal friendship" Yato thought to himself. It was then that Yato noticed a gathering in the classroom. The lights were turned off, and a candle was lit, but why? Yato wanted to find out, and so he moved himself closer to the group, though still out of there gathering, gently so there would hardly be any noise.

    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    Age : 24
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    Heavenly Horror Empty Re: Heavenly Horror

    Post by Nero_ 25th May 2014, 6:39 am

    A little info.:

    A thunder resonated through the silent classroom. Victoria's eyes traveled around Yato and Akire, a swift smile placing on her face. Were those scaredy-cats, or were they brave knights? She was sure it was the first one. With a quick move of her hand, she lit the candle, which illuminated her face with a scary light.

    ''There is a legend... A legend that says that before Kisaragi was built, here there was another school... It's name was Heavenly Host school, and its principle loved it as if it was his own child... Alas, one day, children began dissapearing mysrteriously, until one day, they were found, dead. Due to the big number of murders in the school, Heavenly Host was closed. The Principal, devastated, suicided by throwing himself from the roof. However, this is not the story I wanted to tell... People say that there was one teacher, that was so clumsy that she tripped and fell, breaking her neck. What the legend says is that this teacher's spirit still hovers around this school, and apparently, she doesn't know she's dead. She walks around the empty hallways, and opens the door of some classrooms. The lights go out, and the only thing you you see is a pale, ghostly hand. Is there anyone left? Why aren't you at home, children? She asks. And then...''


    A lightning fell near the school and the light went out completely. Even the lights in the hallway turned off. Victoria even hadn't noticed she had jumped in surprise and fear and was now sitting in Yato's lap, embracing his neck, her head burried in his chest. The candle had went out and it was completely dark around.


    Character Theme || Insanity theme
    Heavenly Horror Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 74
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 28
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    Heavenly Horror Empty Re: Heavenly Horror

    Post by BloodCakedFlame 25th May 2014, 6:58 pm

    Akire read manga until Victoria called the three of them together to sit around a candle that she had lit. He put his chin in his hands and rested them on his crossed legs. Listening to her story about school that had before their current one. Ghost students and teachers didn't do much to frighten him. He knew the difference between fantasy or reality and ghosts didn't really exist right? So he listened to her story still, when the lights shut off though it was a bit of a shock. he hopped up and looked around, his eyes took only a few seconds to adjust to his surroundings and he started to see the outlines of things enough to navigate if need be. "Y'all ok over there?" he calls playfully.


    Lineage: Aspect of Jupiter

    D: 0/0 EXP
    C: NA/150 EXP
    B: 50/750 EXP
    A: 0/3750 EXP
    S: 0/75000 EXP

    The way of the Gladiator is of blood and steel. Mine is of flesh and bone.

    Character: Akire
    His story

    Heavenly Horror Empty Re: Heavenly Horror

    Post by Guest 25th May 2014, 7:25 pm

    Yato gave his undivided attention towards Victoria as she spoke about a legend once foretold in response to the enlightened candle. Man, was she ever good at making rumours seem legitimate. However, for the first time, by the reactions of the others, it seemed as though Victoria's story was nearing an actual truth- if not the truth, after all. However, Yato still questioned why the room had to be dark for this...for eternal friendship. All that brightened the room currently was a candle, though, after a short amount of time had passed...

    When the Lightning Struck

    Yato blinked, and within mere seconds, found that Victoria was on his lap, embracing both his chest and neck. She seemed horrified, and stunned by the lightning. The impact of the lightning was so great, in fact, that now, Yato could not sense another presence other than Victoria in the room; only voices and sounds. Yato looked down at Victoria's buried head, and tilted her head up with a single finger upon her chin. "I'll protect you." Yato whispered to her before...


    Another bolt of lightning had struck the ground, which caused an immediate power surge to run through the school. For the very two seconds in which the power was once on again, Yato caught sight of another woman in the midst. It was a former teacher at this school, though once the power turned off again, she was gone. He could tell as a soothing wind passed by, one that headed eastward; the direction one would have to take from Yato or Victoria's position to leave the classroom. "We're fine!" Yato announced, "Akire, take the rest and ru--"


    The ground shook, which caused desks to fall over, and head towards the windows at the west end of the room. As they smashed against the walls just beneath them, the windows shattered in an instant, which ultimately created an even bigger ruckus in the room. The ground ruptured to the point in which it was now breaking. Yato held onto Victoria, and give her a second whisper saying "Everything will be alright." This was when everything below Yato crumbled, and Yato found himself falling to his potential death. Tears streamed down his face as, while he thought he had was going to protect one of his very few friends, his life was about to end. However, little did Yato know, what he was going to soon find...would bedazzle him.

    Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Age : 32
    Mentor : Sykle (Ice Demon from the Book of Zeref)
    Experience : 900

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    Heavenly Horror Empty Re: Heavenly Horror

    Post by Naziel 4th June 2014, 8:24 am

    School uniform naz:


    Naziel had rushed too school, he had woken up late and charged through the streets as his blue scarf blew wildly in the wind. I was going to be a bad day for the weather, he could see the storm clouds begin their looming descent upon Kisiragi Academy. Naziel got too his classroom, 2-9 where he saw a few of his friends, Victoria, Akire and Yato as he took his seat towards the back of the class. He enjoyed talking to them mostly but today his mood was not fabulous due to the thunder that had ben forecast for later that day.

    ----- Later that Day -----

    Naziel was putting his last of his books into his satchel as he picked up his satchel and began for the door when he notcied Victoria lightning a candle in the middle of the room, although he did not say anything he stood quietly in the corner, wondering what was going on. It was the bolt of lightning that made Naziel jump he charged into the group and fell to the floor wrapping his scarf around him a little more. Lightning was one of the few things he feared, being the strong silent type didn't work for him in lightning storms.
    It was then that Naziel was about to ask what was going on when the earth beneath their feet began to shake violently as Naziel tried to grab for his classmates as the ground fell from beneath them! "Oh... CRRRAAAAAAAP!" The young student could only shout as he fell into the darkness.


    Heavenly Horror 53ylNPe
    Were You Talking To Me? (Battle Theme):

    Naziel Character AMV:

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    Profile - Magic - Sidekick -Artifact -D:3 C:3 B:1
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Heavenly Horror Empty Re: Heavenly Horror

    Post by Godlike Frederik 4th June 2014, 11:27 am

    Frederick Corbyn:

    'hmm the class probably already started celebrating..' mumbled Frederick to himself as he walked down the school hall. Originally not his own class, but because of their own homeroom teacher falling ill for most of the week, Frederick was left in charge to oversee class 2 - 9 plans for the Cultural Festival. Something that he wasn't very fond off, mostly because of the fact he saw it as a waste of time and a distraction from education. But still a job was a job, and even he had to admit it was a nice break from his teaching.

    He walked through the hall with a firm step that continuously kept the same speed, just until he'd entered the east wing second's floor. Where to his surprise most of the lights were turned off, leaving the hallway mostly shrouded in darkness besides a vague flickering light coming from class 2 - 9.
    With a huge sigh Frederick immediately knew what the source of that light was.
    'That odd girl and her candles! I've told her that those things are a fire hazard, and a probably danger to school.'

    Knowing that the candles could only come from one person Frederick increased his speed as he walked up to the half opened door. As he approached the door the light of the candle would vaguely reveal the numbers on a small sign hanging in front of the entrance.
    There he would grasp the handle of the door and loudly started stating the girl's name.
    'Miss Silvershield, what is....!!!'

    His sentence got immediately interrupted by a sudden stroke of lightning that threw the entire room into an impenetrable darkness. And before Frederick could comprehend what was happening he could feel the back of his head hitting something hard.
    A sudden earthquake threw Frederick back into the hallway against the nearest wall. And right before everything faded away in darkness before his eyes he could hear the glass windows break apart.



    Thunder Knight

    Thunder Knight

    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Coming Storms- Guild Master- God Slayer- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Player 
    Lineage : Shinigami Protection
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    Age : 24
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    Heavenly Horror Empty Re: Heavenly Horror

    Post by Nero_ 11th June 2014, 7:48 am

    Groups o.o:

    Darn... what is this horrible headache I have?

    Victoria rose her head to meet nothing, but darkness. She took her hands to her head, and rubbed it, trying to remember what had happened. She remembered a lightning, then an earthquake, and after that... nothing. She sat up, and looked around. It was not entirely dark in the room she was in, but it was quite creepy. There were holes in the floor at almost every step. A heavy rain throbbed against the windows, and thunders could be heard clearly. Victoria could have sworn she saw a blood trace at the wall next to her, but she thought it was a hallucination.

    The Kisaragi Academy student got up on her feet, almost collapsing again, but she then recovered her stability and walked towards the door. She wanted to get out of here, wherever she was. She tried to open the door, but it appeared to be locked. A nerve played on her face as she turned around and walked towards the windows. Time to get out of school old style. She layed her pale hands on the window and tried to open it. Weirdly, it didn;t budge either. It seemed to be more of a decoration than a window. She took a chair and threw it at the window. No result. Those windows, no matter how strange it appeared to be, were unbreakable.

    And she was trapped into this place, wherever she was, at least for now.


    Character Theme || Insanity theme
    Heavenly Horror Tumblr_n98jk3TInZ1qmxnvuo1_500

    Heavenly Horror Empty Re: Heavenly Horror

    Post by Guest 11th June 2014, 12:11 pm

    After a fall through what seemed to absolute nothingness, Yato found himself it what seemed to be an entirely different area. While he looked around, weakened against the floor, Yato noticed that he was actuay in another school. To make it even stranger, while he looked further, Yato saw that the date was incorrect. "1975" Yato thought to himself. He had considered the year based on a random note attached against a wall. What surprised him most, however, were several gaping holes in the ground.

    Yato sat up for a moment, worried as to where he was now. All the friends he had made...already disappeared. All there was left is a single friend next to him. Yukine shook the man, only to notice that it was someone he knew for a long time.

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    Heavenly Horror Empty Re: Heavenly Horror

    Post by BloodCakedFlame 11th June 2014, 12:37 pm

    Akire listened to Victoria's little story, he didn't really believe in the super natural much. For all the manga he read he knew the difference between fantasy and reality pretty well. He wasn't really in a history lesson either, so he listened to her talk about dying students and dead teachers. Thunder and lightning were good and all for a horror story. It was the earthquake that felt strange, what was stranger was that he felt a sense of weightlessness  as he watched the ceiling fade from view. His brain didn't have time to process what was happening before his head hit something hard and his vision went black. Akire sensed some movement, but he was too tired and sore to want to do anything about it. It was only when he felt himself being moved did he slowly open his eyes. At first he saw only a blurry discolored outline of...someone. He slowly sat up and rub his head. Looking around he didn't recognize the place he was in. One thing for sure though; this wasn't his school. He looked at the person who had shaken him. "Y-Yato?" he asked looking around a second time. "W-where are we?" he asked still a bit dazed from the fall.


    Lineage: Aspect of Jupiter

    D: 0/0 EXP
    C: NA/150 EXP
    B: 50/750 EXP
    A: 0/3750 EXP
    S: 0/75000 EXP

    The way of the Gladiator is of blood and steel. Mine is of flesh and bone.

    Character: Akire
    His story

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:54 pm