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    Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Noah Alston
    Noah Alston

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
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    In Progress Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by Noah Alston 22nd May 2023, 2:33 pm

    Rose Garden; of all the places in Fiore it was perhaps the furthest from his home nation of Desertio. For one it lived up to it's name well; the entire region seems covered in flowers, trees and flora of every kind. He had spent large parts of his old life tending to plants and herbs of some nature but he could never imagine creating something so beautiful in his home even if they'd been given 1000 years; The desert simply didn't allow for it.

    It was in this place that Noah found himself in time to celebrate the Sommasrun Weeks. He had no idea how long he intended to stay and even less an idea what he intended to do with his time. He had only recently landed in this country and was to some extent thankful for it all. The warmer days reminded him of home and the influx of people meant he wasn't such a stand out as he might normally be. Thus he was allowed to roam the city at his own pace without too many eyes watching him. At the moment he had set himself at a table outside where local winesellers were giving out free drinks as part of the celebrations. He had never been one to over-indulge but the taste was beyond spectacular.

    Was it always this beautiful here? is all he asks softly out loud; to a passerby it may seem a question to the air, no one but him can hear the answer after all

    Indeed. Rose Garden wasn't always called such, but it was always a place of great natural beauty. I am glad to see it remains so even now.

    Word Count: 280
    Personal Word Count: 280
    Thread Word Count: 280



    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 268
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 33
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 201,772

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by RF007 23rd May 2023, 12:42 pm

    It had been some time since Rotwang's latest adventures and these had been rather eventful since the main one among them had come in the form of him having immersed himself in the pursuit of his third and last great magic system, this being one that granted him access to summoning and re-quip arts. Since then, he had gotten back to the grind of his daily life which involved things like assisting his parents with the running of "SteinCorp" which was their multinational business conglomerate, meeting and mingling with the heirs and heiresses of other such ultra-wealthy business families and other equally influential families such as these, his work as a professional physician-scientist mage, and of course, his one true love which was his ongoing as well as ever-burgeoning mad science research.

    Vat iss it now? Do I haf anozzer chob reqfezt from zome klient?...Or iss it...zome mezzage from von uff mein houzehold schtaff regartingk zome urgent matter zat kannot be put off...?

    Rotwang thought as he stirred from beneath the piles of research notes regarding various topics, failed experimental models, and prototype gadget schematics, and so on and looked at his iLac which was playing the "Voice of War" DLC tone he had acquired by being a regular patron of the developers of the game series called "Oda Nobuna's Ambition" and which he had since set for the notification alerting him to any truly important electronic memos. Once he had finished pulling himself out from underneath that veritable mountain, he glanced at the notification which now displayed as a floating holographic display coming from his iLac

    Zo...zzis iss regartingk zome efent kalled Zommarzun Veeks zat iss apparently tranzpiringk here in Fiore...undt ze zeme fur zis iss ze celebration uff eferyzzingk related to zummer, eh?...How qfaint, indeed...I zuppoze mein houzehold schtaff forvarted me zis in ze hopez zat I vould take a break from mein rezearch schtudies to attend zis fur relaxation purpozez...oh vell...it kannot be helped, I zuppoze...

    With that in mind, Rotwang readied himself to head out for attending the beginning day of this summer festival which was apparently set in the area of Fiore called the "Rose Garden" and his chosen outfit was, of course, his physician-scientist outfit that was his attire of choice for just about any situation regardless of the expected dress code. After that, he informed his household staff as well as his personal care squad of monstergirl maids of his intended location for the day and headed out to the "Rose Garden" locale mentioned in the event notification. It did not take him too long for him to arrive there thanks to his fully customized, vintage limo which he had designed and built on his own and once there, he parked it at a safe spot to avoid anyone noticing it. After that, he headed into the heart of the "Rose Garden" where he could see crowds thronging and a slew of street vendors lining the streets leading into the heart of the city and who were selling various traditional and more modern alcoholic beverages for the festival attendees to enjoy at their leisure. So, he took a glass of free sample drink from the nearest of the vendors and then started to wander about the city while enjoying taking in the sights and sounds which were all around him

    Qfite ze imprezzife turnout, eh F.R.E.I.A?

    Rotwang spoke softly thus to his fully custom built, self aware, and highly advanced A.I. assistant who was currently hovering in the air above his lacrimatek smartwatch since this was what was generating the fully interactive solid hologram of said assistant for Rotwang. This watch was one that he had strapped to his left wrist for ease of use and as he moved along the city streets, the passersby stared at the image of his A.I. assistant with mixed responses, some being curiosity, some looking like confusion, some even looking jealous for whatever reason.

    Indeed, Master Stein...and the weather is also quite pleasant as well...making this a very good opportunity for you to have some much needed time away from your research...

    Rotwang let out a deep, rumbling chuckle upon hearing this response from his A.I. assistant and then took another sip of the exotic alcoholic beverage he had in the glass he was holding currently as he continued to wander about the city. After a long while of wandering about, he came to an area where there were free tables that could be rented and so, he took one and set it down in a nice spot not too far away from the street vendors. Then, he conjured a simple but comfortable solid holographic chair from what seemed like a cloud of translucent polygons that issued forth from his hands and after setting it down near the table, he sat down to take a break from all the walking he had been doing till now.


    Rotwang's Appearance:

    Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I) UoGDRWJ


    Rotwang's A.I. Assistant's Appearance:

    Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I) NdMCWp9


    Word Count Tallies:
    • Post WC: 820

    • Personal Total WC: 820

    Last edited by RF007 on 26th May 2023, 7:08 am; edited 1 time in total


    Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I) 35To6US

    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


    Character Progression Gauge:

    Noah Alston
    Noah Alston

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 50
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Light God Slayer
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    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by Noah Alston 25th May 2023, 1:39 pm

    As mid-morning came to an end Noah felt the morning warmup and give way to the start of the afternoon. As he did he looked at the cool glass in his hand filled with a curious white wine. At the bottom of the glass was a sky blue square cut gem that Noah had come to understand was a smaller version of the lacrima technology he had been seeing ever since he'd left the desert. This one seemed to have been made for the sole purpose of keeping his drink refreshingly cold regardless of the weather.

    The weather and flowers were lovely, but if Noah was being honest it was this technology that fascinated him beyond anything he'd seen and what made Rose Garden a wonder to him. Desertio was many things. Friendly towards magic is not and never had been one of them. They were rare enough there that the first Noah had seen of them was shortly after crossing the border into Joya on his travels towards Fiore. But it was always amazing to find places like Rose Garden where it seemed as if the entire city was one giant lacrima powering even mundane aspects of life. From the lighting of the city and buildings all the way down to something as small as a drink. Magic had always been one of those things that interested him and here in this city it seemed like magic was woven casually into the world. While that thought may appear as mundane to many to him it was on par with the flowers for lending to the beauty of the city.

    It was these thoughts that were suddenly interrupted by a flicker happening in his eye; he turned his head just in time to see Rotwang materialize a chair out of a material he was fairly sure he'd never seen before. The process reminded him of a light mage he'd met that fought with hard light swords, yet this seemed entirely different. In only a few minutes of his curiousity had him stand and, taking a sip from his glass Noah began walking up to the man without much of a plan quite yet. As was the case when he became interested he simply acted out on desire. He wanted to know more about what he was seeing if he could.

    Rotwang would watch as a man dressed in a simple ref tunic with sandals on his feet walk up to him with two drinks in hand as he drank from one. Noah would sit across from the man as he spoke in a slight Desertian accent A white wine from a farm called Rochen. I believe they called it ...uhh Clairet. Easily the best thing I've tasted since I got here. As he speaks he offers the other cup to Rotwang. I am called Noah, mind if we share a drink while we celebrate?

    WC: 484
    PWC: 764
    TWC: 1584



    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 268
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 201,772

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by RF007 26th May 2023, 7:08 am

    Rotwang had been laying back in the exquisitely crafted, plush cushioned, and high-backed chair that he had constructed out of hard light holographic polygons via the use of his Re-Quip magic and had been enjoying sipping on the vintage that was remaining in his goblet with its lacrimatek inset, his choice of drink being a Romanée-Conti. He had also been having a rather leisurely chat with his custom A.I. assistant, F.R.E.I.A. about how amusing the use of lacrima technology was for such a mundane purpose as keeping drinks refreshing chilled was when he noticed a stranger coming up to him with a couple more of those special wine glasses with those funny little lacrimatek insets in his hands.

    Hmm...chudgingk from his zkin tone...undt hiz facial featurez...perhapz zis schtranger hailz from Dezierto...zzough zat remainz to be zeen, I zuppoze...

    Rotwang thought silently thus as his eyes scanned the man over from head to toe and he let the fully custom built cyber-brain which was one of the most advanced lacrimatek quantum computers in Earthland ans which resided inside his head perform a cross-reference to confirm his analysis in an objective manner. Of course, the confirmation of his analysis of the man that was returned to him by said cyber-brain was summarily corroborated by the man's accent as Rotwang heard him engage in conversation, proving that he was indeed originated from Desierto as his analysis had indicated to him earlier. So, Rotwang listened patiently in silence to the man with his usual seemingly genuine and convincingly cordial but really well-practiced businessman's smile on his face. When the man was finished, he saw him offer him one of the two glass that were in his hands, with the drink in them being Clairet, and so he accepted said glass and watched the man take a seat opposite him

    "Greetingks, Herr Noah. I, Dr. Rotwang Frankenstein, velkome you to Fiore undt to zis magnificent chewel uff a city known as Roze Garten. You haf mein gratitude fur ze fine glazz uff Klairet zat you brought vit you. Ah, I zurmize zat you are from Dezierto, zen, how fery fortuitouz fur me...I haf alwayz vanted to konferze vit zomeone from zat lent fur I haf heart many zingkz about it, zo I vould happy to haf a drink vit you to enchoy ze celebration uff zis fine Zommarzun Veeks feztifal zat iss goingk on here at prezent vile hafingk a leizurely konferzation az vell."

    Rotwang spoke calmly thus in his return greeting to the man in his naturally rich, baritone as well as melodious voice which many found unusual coming from him given his lean, slight build and his thick accent was revealed to be strongly reminiscent of the people of Iceberg if the man cared to notice such a thing about him. Then, he fell silent and waited for the man he now knew to be called Noah to respond/react to his remarks and actions. While he waited for Noah, Rotwang finished his original glass of Romanée-Conti, reset his palate with a glass of pure water that he took from the serving tray of a passing waitress and then, started to savor the glass of Clairet that Noah had brought over to him, his manner and the steps he took to do so being those of a master-level  connoisseur since he had been taught to do so by his mentor in etiquette who also happened to be a master-level connoisseur with many years of real world experience in such matters.


    Word Count Tallies:
    • Post WC: 587

    • Personal Total WC: 1407

    Last edited by RF007 on 28th May 2023, 9:28 am; edited 1 time in total


    Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I) 35To6US

    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


    Character Progression Gauge:

    Noah Alston
    Noah Alston

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 50
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Light God Slayer
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    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by Noah Alston 27th May 2023, 5:25 am

    Noah took his time listening to the good Dr. speaking as he sat down across from him. The language was familiar to him already as Ishgar was popular on the continent; Rotwang's accent however was something entirely new to him and was taking some adjusting to. If he had any frame for reference for normal Fiore, he might have thought Rotwang was stranger, as it is Noah took everything he was seeing at face value. As Rotwang seemed to welcome the company Noah allowed himself to become more comfortable as he continued to listen and gently sipping from his glass. It was a pleasant surprise to find someone who could not only identify his country by sound, but who seemed to share a bit of his desire to learn more where he could. If nothing else his willingness to talk meant he could gain more answers.

    You have a sharp ear Dr.; indeed I come from Desertio, and it's been quite a long travel just to make it to this point. I would be more than happy to talk about my home and my people, and share any knowledge that I can with you. In exchange.

    Noah pauses as takes a long sip as the spirit within him identifies the basics of what exactly he's seeing in front of him. Now this is interesting. Your new associate seems to be utilizing a form of Requip magic to create the things around him. It's impressive control, and the material he uses is all digital. It's like making a visual lacrima solid to the touch, or something like that. The voice can't be heard and to Rotwang it would seem more like a pause before making a request.

    In exchange I would love to know more about Fiore, or your home wherever that might be. I apologize but you do not quite sound like the rest of your countrymen. I've heard the accent in Joya, but I'm told it's from a people up north. I've come this far to learn as well; about this country's magic, about magic in general; and right now I'm curous how exactly you are creating light in that way. It's like nothing I've seen since leaving my home.

    WC: 372
    PWC: 1136
    TWC 2543



    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 268
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 201,772

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by RF007 28th May 2023, 9:27 am

    Rotwang, for his part, took his time in listening to Noah say his piece patiently while also enjoying the glass of Clairet that he had been generous enough to bring along to give him. After Noah had finished, Rotwang began responding to him step by step so as to not miss anything, all the while maintaining that same cordial voice tone, demeanor, and body language of his from earlier

    "Oh, it vas not only your accent, but alzo your facial featurez zat haf informed me uff your originz beingk from Dezierto, Herr Noah. Zat azide, you haf mein gratitude fur beingk zo open to talkingk about your homelent undt its people. For mein part, I vould be happy to anzwer any qferies zat you might haf on ze subchect uff mein own background undt vhatefer else."  

    Rotwang spoke thus in commencing his responses to Noah, and after pausing briefly to let Noah take that in, he resumed

    "Indeedt, you are korrect. Mein anceztry kan be traced by to ze nation in Earzzlent kalled Iceberg, but I haf zince mofed to Fiore fur zeferal reazons...zome uff vhich I am not qfite at liberty to dizcuss, zo mein apologiez fur zat. Now zen, regartingk ze magik I uzed to konchure zis chair zat you zee me zittingk on...it vould zuffice to zay zat it iss an adfanced form uff Re-Qfip magic vich allowz me to zummon data itzelf from mein perzonal cyberspace realm undt gife it phyzikal form vich you may haf zeen becomingk fizible as a kloud uff zolid holografik polygonz...undt ze data in qfeztion here iss, uff kourze, zat koncerningk zis chair undt all ze azpektz zerein."

    Rotwang paused there again to let Noah take in and digest what he had revealed to him and then finished off with a query of his own

    "Vile ve are on ze subchect uff magik, might I azk if you are a mage az vell? From mein rezearch undt from mein kontaktz in your homelent uff Dezierto, I haf kome to underztent zat zey are none too friendly towarts ze koncept uff magik undt by extension, to ze prezence uff magez uff any zort...zo, if you are indeed a mage, zat makes you qfite ze rare akqfaintance fur me. Zerefore, I vould be fery interezted to hear about vat zort uff magik you vield undt schtudy fur vatefer purpozez."

    With that, Rotwang finished saying his piece and then fell silent as he waited for Noah to remark in return about his comments and queries.


    Word Count Tallies:
    • Post WC: 421

    • Personal Total WC: 1828

    Last edited by RF007 on 31st May 2023, 7:02 am; edited 1 time in total


    Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I) 35To6US

    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


    Character Progression Gauge:

    Noah Alston
    Noah Alston

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 50
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Light God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by Noah Alston 30th May 2023, 7:12 am

    Noah listened carefully as Rotwang spoke partially because his accent made understanding him a touch trickier; yet after even this brief discussion Noah was quickly beginning to grasp the words faster and faster. What truly kept his focus was the potential for answers and with that in his head he made sure he wouldn't miss a single piece of information as the Dr. spoke.

    He was familiar with the base magic known as Re-quip. From what he remembered it was a magic that allowed mages to hold items in a sort of subspace just out of touch with the rest of real space. To think you could store raw information and turn it into different things as you went along; it was a use for magic he had never dreamed of before. He briefly considered if such a thing was possible to expand his own mind's info storage with the same method before focusing on the topic at hand.

    I believe I am a bit familiar with the magic called Re-quip. Though I'm sure I've never heard of anyone using it like that. Just how much information can a person store in that space at a time? I have to imagine a chair is the least of what you might be able to do with it.

    On his second question Noah pauses slightly as he gently lowers the glass onto the table. That question brought with it a host of other problems that he'd rather not start talking about now. I have the potential for it if that is your question. It's why I came all this way in the first place. I believe this is the place where I will learn all I can about magic. But if I am being honest I had a bit of an unfortunate departure from home. It's history I don't wanna get into now, but to keep it short after a bad incident I think I blocked my own connection to my magic. I want to start again here and learn the fundamentals of magic from the living. Perhaps then I can see what I'm truly capable of.

    It was as honest an answer he could give without divulging too much of the past. He didn't desire to truly forget what had happened in Desertio but he didn't feel the need to make it his identifying mark either. There was a time and a place to tell those he would know all of this, but he saw no reason to mark a beautiful day with that story quite yet.

    TWC: 3390



    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 268
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 201,772

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by RF007 31st May 2023, 7:01 am

    Rotwang had been waiting for Noah to respond/react in some way to his actions when he heard the man start to inquire about the Re-Quip magic that he used, namely the way that he converted data into physical form with it, with the use this time being that of a makeshift chair. Then, Rotwang heard Noah start talking about his own background with Desierto, but for some reason, did not share as much as he had been expecting from him. So, Rotwang began to mull over how best to answer these queries and then remarked

    "Vell, it iss understentable zat you haf not hert uff zis elzevere before now, undt zat iss bekauze zis form uff Re-Qfip magik happenz to be zomezzingk uniqfe to me undt perhapz a hentful uff ozzer mages like meinzelf who are talented vit scientifik magik. Now zen, regartingk how much information von kan schtore in zeir personal cyberzpace realm, zat vould naturally be directly proportional to zeir mage klazz vich iss a mark uff experienced undt talented zey are, meaningk ze zuperior vons vould, uff kourse, be able to schtore much more zan zose zat are chust beginnerz in zis. Zo, indeed, a chair iss a razzer low tier uze uff zis magik az you haf korrectly zurmized, vile a mage who iss far more talented undt experienced undt zerefore, more powerful in komparizon, vould be able to efen schtore a flyingk city vhich iss zize uff Krokuz, zis lent's kapital, undt eferyzzingk in it undt rekreate it perfektly down to efen ze mozt infinitezimal detailz zrough ze uze uff zis magik."

    Then Rotwang moved on to addressing Noah's remarks about himself and his objectives in leaving Desierto and traveling and so, he replied

    "Ah, I zee now. Zat certainly makez more zenze. I vould be happy to azzizt you in zis endeafor schould you visch fur me to do zo. After all, ze fundamentalz uff magik, like zat uff any learned art or schcience, kan alwayz use bruschingk up on fur ze purpozez uff increasingk von's maztery undt experience vit zem."

    After making this offer, Rotwang then fell silent to wait to behold Noah's reactions and remarks to his own. While he waited, he heard his custom A.I. assistant that he had named as F.R.E.I.A chime in with her report about what other interesting activities were going on in the city as part of the Sommarsun Weeks festival.

    "Master Stein, it would seem that the city streets are also lined with exotic food stalls which are displaying and selling foodstuffs from all over Earthland with at least a couple of stalls representing each of the various countries therein...well, except for Sin, of course. I do believe these would pair well with the vintage wines and other such drinks that are being served in this specific area, so I suggest that we go and sample these foodstuffs while their supplies are still in stock."


    Word Count Tallies:
    • Post WC: 489

    • Personal Total WC: 2317

    Last edited by RF007 on 10th June 2023, 4:33 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I) 35To6US

    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


    Character Progression Gauge:

    Noah Alston
    Noah Alston

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 50
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Light God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by Noah Alston 10th June 2023, 9:34 am

    Rotwang couldn't know how his words confirmed all of Noah's wildest dreams. He had crossed countries, left behind comfort and the security of the known and everything he was once upon a time. And finally here was a person telling him that not only was the secrets of great magic here in this country, but that this power could be learnt and attained by those who possessed the correct skill. The confirmation of everything he'd been building to up to this point was hard to hide on his face.  

    I see, so the mage and the space are directly linked. The stronger one is, then the stronger the other. It's hard to believe someone could build a city out of magic alone. I would love to see that even once. Do humans like that really exist?

    At this point Noah had a rather strange look in his eye, one the good Dr. might recognize. Dangerous curiosity; the kind that would happily feed itself recklessly even if it means burning itself. That look only seems to solidify at his offer of teaching Noah what he could about magic.

    Would you really? The pursuit of this artform is in fact the only reason I have crossed the entirety of this continent. I want to know what my limit is. If there are truly those who exist that can build cities by dreaming it, I want to be among them. Noah pauses one second before continuing Please don't misunderstand me, it's not strength I want. I want the knowledge of magic even to that level. If you are offering that, I would never refuse the offer, though I am not sure how I could possibly compensate you for your time, but if there was a way I would be very willing.

    As the voice emtting from Rotwang speaks, Noah finishes the the last of his wine; her words turn his attention slightly to the smell of the food, some even giving him a vision of home, while others were entirely exotic. Your.... friend makes a fantastic point. Come, let us see if there is something here that has a taste of either of our homes. Failing that I'm sure it will make for some interesting flavors at the very least. Laying his glass down he stands up ready to walk with Rotwang and here his responses to the topics at hand.

    WC: 398
    PWC: 1960
    TWC: 4277

    Last edited by Noah Alston on 12th June 2023, 3:19 am; edited 1 time in total



    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Age : 33
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 201,772

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by RF007 10th June 2023, 4:27 pm

    Rotwang had been waiting for Noah's reactions when he heard F.R.E.I.A. return with her report to him about her analysis of the surrounding festival stalls and such that he had sent her on earlier to present time. After she had given said report, he then heard Noah second that interest to go and see what the food stalls had to offer in terms of cuisine, so he remarked

    "Jawohl, I agree vit zat as vell...for I am aktually feelingk a tad pekisch right now undt I am certain zat zere are zome foods vich vould pair nicely vit ze vine zat zey are zerfingk here...zo let us be off zen."

    With that, Rotwang fell silent and arose from his chair, dismantled it into nothing, after which point he led the way by starting to walk towards the food stalls with Noah in tow. While moving towards the stalls in question, he addressed Noah's query from earlier

    "Vell, I am certain zat zere must be mages uff zuch might in zis vorld...after all Earzzlent iss a fazt vorld vit numerous kountriez in it...so it vould not be too schtrange fur at leazt a hentful uff indifiduals to haf achiefed zat lefel uff defelopment by zome means or anozzer...I haf nefer met zuch indifiduals perzonally, but I do plan to reach zat lefel meinzelf zomeday...undt kreatingk a city from nozzingk vould be a razzer henty zkill as a meanz to an end if a zituation schould arize to kall fur zuch a maneufer..."

    Rotwang said to Noah as he mused aloud about the prospect of anyone possessing such heights of magical ability/power and after pausing there for a bit, he resumed his narrative

    "Vell, I zuppose after ve enchoy a meal here togezzer, ve kould perhaps meet up undt zome later date fur zat magic refision you had mentioned...undt regartingk your not seekingkt power but razzer knowledge from me...zzat iss kompletely fine too...but zen, fur intellectuals zuch as us, knowledge iss ze key to our power, so I vould say as you increase your knowledge, you vill gain power from it vhezzer you are lookingkt to do so or nicht...as it iss a natural konseqfence uff such rezearch, but vat you do vit it iss, uff kourse, entirely up to you. Alzo, I schall impose no konditions vatsoefer upon you in exchange fur teachingk you zese zingks you visch to learn from me, but zat zaid, I vould not be aferze to any form uff kompenzation zat you visch to profide it to me at zome point later on."

    After that, Rotwang fell silent and waited to behold Noah's reactions to his remarks and meanwhile, he continued walking alongside Noah toward their mutual destination of the food stalls with all the various foods from around Earthland.


    Word Count Tallies:
    • Post WC: 465

    • Personal Total WC: 2782

    Last edited by RF007 on 12th June 2023, 7:35 am; edited 1 time in total


    Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I) 35To6US

    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


    Character Progression Gauge:

    Noah Alston
    Noah Alston

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 50
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Light God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by Noah Alston 12th June 2023, 4:17 am

    Noah keeps pace with Rotwang as they walk towards the stalls. Already the smells of the food had begun to overpower the faint but near constant aroma of flora that was Rose Garden. While they walked Noah listened to Rotwangs theories; about knowledge and power, about the existence of these superhuman mages that defied his wildest imaginations.

    Hmmm. I suppose you're right in that regard; I've traveled far and already seen many interesting things I didn't think could be real, even this land seems odd in many ways. But if such people truly exist I would love to rank among them one day. I can't imagine how much such a person could know about magic in all its forms. Though maybe I should settle for reaching the mountain before I start to dream of climbing its peaks. I still must learn a new form of magic after all. Without it I don't see how I'd keep up at all. Your offer is generous, and I will gladly accept it. I'm sure if we both work to understand magic there will be ways to make good use of it for both of our sakes in time. That said I agree with you, now is a time to enjoy the festivities while we still can. Now

    As the pair turn a corner they find the beginnings of the food stalls that seem to stretch out; colorful stalls in all manner of style and carrying just as many unique and interesting dishes is laid out before the pair. Here families, couples and people from all over Fiore and beyond mingle as they try the various meals prepped. Now we enjoy the meals spread before us. Anything strike your fancy so far?

    WC: 289
    TWC: 5031



    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 33
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 201,772

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by RF007 12th June 2023, 7:35 am

    Rotwang listened to Noah's remarks about how he too wished to be counted among the powerful mages across Earthland someday among his other remarks and nodded while replying, still in that same heavy Iceberg accent from before

    "Indeed, it does take quite a while to reach such a zenith of power and skill, so I would imagine that such people have not just gazed into the proverbial abyss of magic and all its secrets, but rather thrown themselves headlong into its very depths..."

    Rotwang paused there to ask Noah about his magic preferences some more so that he could get a better idea about what he wanted to have taught to him

    "So, regarding the magic you wanted to learn...I know you expressed an interest in my brand of Re-Quip magic, so shall we start there and then go on to whatever else you are interested in learning from me?"

    However, Rotwang then saw that both of them had already reached their destination, namely the eclectic food stalls with food from all over Earthland, and so he set the matter aside for now as per Noah's suggestion and focused on enjoying the foods samples being served to all attendees while remarking as he looked over to see if anything caught his eye

    "Hmm...I have heard and seen great reviews for this noodle and soup dish from Midi that they refer to as "Ramen" in said country...and it comes in a few different varieties too, from what I remember...so I shall commence the sampling with the pure vegetable one of that selection, I suppose...and then there is that one vegetable and meat soup dish from Iceberg which I believe is called "Borscht"...egads, there are far too many to sample all of them within the span of this single visit..."

    Rotwang mentioned with a thoughtful look on his face as he looked over the selections of food that were displayed in the various stalls and after taking a sample each of the ones he mentioned, he then fell silent while waiting for Noah to select his own food choices.


    Word Count Tallies:
    • Post WC: 348

    • Personal Total WC: 3130

    Last edited by RF007 on 16th June 2023, 7:31 am; edited 1 time in total


    Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I) 35To6US

    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


    Character Progression Gauge:

    Noah Alston
    Noah Alston

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 50
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Light God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by Noah Alston 16th June 2023, 2:26 am

    Listening to Rotwang, Noah chuckled quite a bit at his description of how the best must have made it to where they were. Throwing themselves headfirst into the depths of magic. For a moment he considered if he would ever throw himself so recklessly into such a pit, but he already knew he would; if it was the only way to feed his curiosity, he had no doubt he'd do that exact thing. But it was Rotwang's second question that gave him a moment of pause as he thought about it; eventually settling on an answer he thought worked for him.

    Perhaps that sort of reckless abandon is the only way to gain true power, disregarding your common sense and plunging deep into the heart of obsession. As for what magic I had an interest in, I had a thought about that. With what I know about myself I would imagine I enjoy a style of magic that'd allow me to get up close. I met a man on my journey who lived in the woods alone. Able to constantly shift his body into various beasts that surrounded him. I believe he referred to it as TakeOver Magic. I'm not sure where your specialty extends to, but I'd be curious if you know anything about that.

    Even as he was talking Noah was surveying the options in the stalls. Eventually, he settles on making something of a makeshift meal sampled from a few different nations. He'd take Rotwang's suggestion first, picking up some thicker cut Ramen from Midi and joining it with Donxiang sushi dish as well as what appeared to be baked potatoes seasoned with his home nation's spices. It came out to be quite an interesting mix of unique tastes.

    Indeed the possibilities are endless. On the brighter side, I think I know where I'll be eating for the foreseeable future of the festivities.\

    PWC: 2565



    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 33
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 201,772

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by RF007 16th June 2023, 7:30 am

    Rotwang listened to Noah's description of what sort of magic he was interested in and how his past experiences related to it in some way, and then he heard Noah ask him about Take Over magic and if he had any knowledge about it at all. While doing so, Rotwang also continued partaking of the dish from Midi that was called "Ramen", with his choice being a small sample of the pure vegetable variety first and slowly moving from there to sampling ones with both vegetables and meat as well as toppings such as boiled eggs and bamboo shoots. After having thought over his experience with Take Over magic till that point as well as his plans for exploring it in the future, he remarked

    "Hmm...Take Over magic, eh? Indeed, I have heard about it and seen it being used by various individuals in practice as well...and I do have plans to explore it myself to see if it will be a good fit for my magical foundation...that being scientific magic, of course...so yes, we can certainly work on that for your own purposes if that is what you feel will suffice for you."

    With that said, Rotwang proceeded to address Noah's speculation about his potential food choices over the course of the rest of this Summer Festival

    "Yes, this is quite the quaint little lineup of stalls and the multifarious selection of cuisine choices certainly does make for a refreshing combination as there is something different to try with every stall here...though I suppose there could be other events to come at other locales during these festival weeks...so, we should keep an eye out for those too...for there could be interesting and exotic food and drink choices to sample yet..."

    After that, Rotwang fell silent, waiting for Noah's reactions to his words and actions and while he was waiting, he resumed his sampling of the food from the Midian food stalls.


    Word Count Tallies:
    • Post WC: 322

    • Personal Total WC: 3452

    Last edited by RF007 on 27th June 2023, 8:38 am; edited 1 time in total


    Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I) 35To6US

    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


    Character Progression Gauge:

    Noah Alston
    Noah Alston

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 50
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Light God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by Noah Alston 25th June 2023, 1:41 pm

    As always the Dr seems to say exactly what Noah had hoped to hear. More and more he gave him the impression of a man Noah should stick near in the coming days. Here standing before him was an incredible mage who was as worse ersed as he seemed powerful. That's someone worth learning from. Well I'm glad to hear that Take-Over magic is well known, that means there is at least a good chance others know how to make use of it. If we both have an interest in Take-Over magic then we should have no probleming figuring it out after all.

    Noah took his time savoring the different dishes on his plate; savoring them alone, then mixing and matching what he thought worked well to see what new tastes would be made along the way. He wasn't one for over indulgence but even he had to admit this was quite a lovely meal. Oh? do you have a suggestion beyond the the meals and drinks. I came to Rose Garden as I am content to simply roam this city; though I admit I'd be curious to try at least anything once or twice. Tell me what else do the festivals actually offer that you would recommend? Perhaps I'll broaden my horizons depdning on the cause.

    WC: 217
    PWC: 2782
    TWC: 6234

    Last edited by Noah Alston on 3rd July 2023, 11:08 am; edited 1 time in total



    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Posts : 268
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 33
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 201,772

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by RF007 27th June 2023, 8:38 am

    Rotwang nodded as he finished off his bowl of ramen and then headed over to acquire a sample of borscht from the stall representing Iceberg. Once he returned, he remarked

    "Indeed. After this series of festivities is over, perhaps, we can begin exploring Take Over magic in earnest at some mutually convenient time. Of course, the specific manifestation of said magic may yet be different for you than it would be for me given our respective previous backgrounds in the magical arts. That said, perhaps that will be yet another intriguing thing to explore in and of itself..."

    After that, Rotwang partook of his sample of borscht some more and used the opportunity to collect his thoughts about the query that Noah had put to him regarding what other festivities there were to try during this Sommarsun Weeks festival. Once that was done, he resumed his narrative about said activities

    "Well...if memory serves...there seems to be some sort of summer parties and beach visit...that completes the first half of the Weeks...then the midpoint of this Weeks festival that seems to be marked by the bonfires...and finally, there is the second or last half of this Weeks festival that is comprised of the summer festival series....which are recommended to be attended in concert with a lantern fest and fireworks show to conclude it all..."

    With that said, Rotwang fell silent and while waiting for Noah to react/respond, he then turned to F.R.E.I.A., his A.I. assistant, who had been awaiting his further orders and gave her a new task

    "Initiate search protocol: most recommended next activities to attend after one has finished visiting the wine tasting event as well as the world cuisine stalls that have been held on this day."


    Word Count Tallies:

    • Post WC: 290

    • Personal Total WC: 3742


    Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I) 35To6US

    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


    Character Progression Gauge:

    Noah Alston
    Noah Alston

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 50
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Light God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by Noah Alston 3rd July 2023, 11:29 am

    All excellent options I would think. If they are nearly as interesting as this I would be dissapointed not to visit at least a few. Double that if it is in fact happening near to the city. Perhaps I'll visit it all in fact. I have nothing to do for the moment while I'm in the city. Perhaps we may yet even meet again at those events if you plan to stay here longer.

    Noah was slower to finish his meal, taking a seemingly great care to enjoy the tastes and savor each taste new and old as it came to him. All in all he was satisfied with his picks even if  he considered it a touch too extravagant for his simpler tastes. The day had gone far better than he thought it would; the beautiul city and fine drinks, the good company and now the fine food. As he ate Noah thought how much he'd enjoy returning to this city when all was said and done.

    WC: 168
    PWC: 2950
    TWC: 6692



    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Posts : 268
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 33
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 201,772

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by RF007 4th July 2023, 8:49 am

    Rotwang had been waiting patiently for his custom A.I. assistant, namely F.R.E.I.A, to return with her analysis task that he had set for her. Fortunately, he did not have to wait too long for said task to be completed by her, at which point, he saw her report in after giving a brief bow

    "Event analysis is complete, Master Stein. The most recommended or popular events to visit after the wine tasting and world cuisine food stalls are the following three: beach parties, summer bonfires, and fireworks show...in that same order."

    Rotwang nodded to her and gave her his remarks regarding the results of her analysis

    "Good work, F.R.E.I.A. Please remain on standby for further tasks that I may have for you."

    In response, his custom A.I. assistant that he called as F.R.E.I.A bowed once more and replied with her affirmation of his instructions

    "Understood, Master Stein. I hope you have a good time at these future events."

    With that, Rotwang turned to Noah and remarked regarding their future plans for the Sommarsun Weeks festival

    "Indeed, I have other matters to attend to after this encounter today, so I must bid you adieu for now...but I certainly am looking forward to meeting you again...perhaps we can attend those three most recommended events mentioned by my A.I. assistant just now, namely the beach parties which is to be followed by the summer bonfires and finally concluding with the fireworks show at the end of these Weeks.."

    Rotwang spoke thus and then fell silent, waiting for Noah's reactions and responses as well as for whatever else will happen in the situation at hand.


    Word Count Tallies:

    • Post WC: 271

    • Personal Total WC: 4013

    Last edited by RF007 on 6th July 2023, 4:34 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I) 35To6US

    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


    Character Progression Gauge:

    Noah Alston
    Noah Alston

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 50
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Light God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by Noah Alston 6th July 2023, 1:17 pm

    Noah listens keenly trying to guess at what sort of magic may be used to animate this F.R.E.I.A. that Rotwang spoke with constantly. Perhaps it is an inherent magic, the same as his own spirit is to him. By the time Rotwang finished speaking Noah had finally gotten through his meal.

    That sounds fine to me. I suppose we shall meet when the appropriate time calls for it. It has been a genuine pleasure to meet you in this time and place Rotwang. I will remember those events and definitely will be there. Until then I wish you a good Sommarsun holidays.

    With that Noah stands up and turns to walk away. He wasn't one for goodbyes, especially to those he had every intention of meeting again. Instead he simply walked away, allowing himself to once more be lost into the sounds and sights of the beautiful Rose Garden. There was much to do and much to see and, as interesting as his new friend was, he was just as interested in seeing all the city had to offer too. Until they met again Noah was happy to put their conversations on hold and see some other sights he was excited for.

    But the days passed and he found himself on a beach of fine white sand. It was picteresque; a hot sun making the sands beautifully warm and bright, a cool ocean breeze to counter the worst of the heat and the cold ocean sending up sprays of water that sparkled in the air. It was as near perfect a day as far as he could tell for the allocated beach event. For his part Noah walked barefoot in a vest and long, loose fitting pants that were freely moving in the wind. It was once again time to meet with Rotwang and he found himself walking the length of the beach half searching for his friend and half allowing himself to enjoy the day. The Sommarsun had kept him busy and today seemed as packed as any other.

    WC: 340
    PWC: 3290
    TWC: 7303



    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
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    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 268
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 201,772

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by RF007 6th July 2023, 4:33 pm

    Rotwang nodded to Noah and then closed out their conversation while arising from his chair which then splintered into its innumerable number of hard light holographic polygons and disappeared from view

    "Very good then, Noah, and likewise. This has been quite an intriguing encounter for me as well, so I too look forward to our next encounter and wish you a good Sommarsun holidays too."

    With that, after Noah left, Rotwang turned about and headed over to where he had parked his car, specifically a fully custom built vintage limo, when he arrived some time earlier and then rode it back to his estate. Some time passed after this and he had gotten immersed in his usual routine, but thankfully, his support staff were there to pull him back from that proverbial abyss once more by reminding him that he had a planned meetup with Noah once more. So, when the day finally arrived for the beach parties to begin, Rotwang dressed up, not in his usual physician-scientist's attire, but rather in the expected swim trunks and beach sandals instead. Naturally, he took his custom built smart goggles which had polarized lenses since he figured it was going to be quite bright given that it was nearing the peak of summer.

    Along with those, he also made sure to bring his smartwatch and the rest of his wearable gadgets since he preferred having them on his person always so that he could be prepared for any surprises that he may encounter in a situation. Then, he headed out once more after telling his support staff where he would be for the day and headed off in his fully custom built vintage limo once more, this time to the beach where the beach parties were expected to be held according to the update he had received from the Sommarsun Weeks festival organizers. Upon arrival, he then parked his limo somewhere nearby so that it would be safe and then headed out onto the beach to start strolling about and enjoying the day. Soon, his A.I. assistant, F.R.E.I.A, who he had put on lookout for Noah detected his presence amongst the crowds and then, Rotwang headed over there while calling out

    "Greetings! We meet once again, I see."

    Rotwang spoke thus, his naturally rich, baritone, and melodious voice ringing out through the air and the rather thick Iceberg accent that permeated it being heard clearly by all present. Then, he fell silent and closed the gap between where he was and where Noah was while waiting for Noah's reactions and responses and for whatever else would happen in the situation.


    Word Count Tallies:
    • Post WC: 439

    • Personal Total WC: 4452

    Last edited by RF007 on 8th July 2023, 8:43 am; edited 1 time in total


    Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I) 35To6US

    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


    Character Progression Gauge:

    Noah Alston
    Noah Alston

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 50
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Light God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by Noah Alston 7th July 2023, 12:58 pm

    Even at a distance Noah could tell it was Rotwang by the voice alone; during the festival he had met a few more people from the land of Iceberg but Rotwang's voice was still distinct enough to pick up in the crowd. It didn't take very long to look around to see the good Dr. in his beach attire making his way towards Noah. For his part Noah stay in one spot waving at Rotwang, taking care to be noticeable rather than quick.

    I'm glad to see you made it to the beach. Even more glad you actually proposed it. I admit I didn't see myself leaving Rose Garden during my stay but this; is definitely worth it. You couldn't ask for much better than a day such as this. Though seems like half the city came out in force to the beaches today.

    As Noah talks he starts to walk with Rotwang hoping to keep seeing more of the beach as they meet up again. He takes a rather leisure pace about it looking around at the lovely views before him rather than directly at Rotwang.

    So then, while we're here, what do you suggest we busy ourselves with today?

    WC: 202
    PWC: 3492
    TWC: 7944



    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 268
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 201,772

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by RF007 8th July 2023, 8:42 am

    Rotwang nodded as he heard Noah respond by greeting him and expressing his delight at meeting him again and after looking about at the crowds milling about on the beach, he replied

    "Indeed, it must be this pleasant day, the beach seems to emanate its irresistible siren song for all to hear and succumb to, especially on days like these. So it stands to reason that so many people have come out to enjoy milling about here."

    With that said, Rotwang then looked about while trying to think of a working to-do list for what he and Noah could potentially undertake as to enjoyable activities and after several minutes, he replied with his thoughts on the matter

    "Well...not too many people seem to have entered the water as of now, so perhaps we could go for a swimming race of sorts so we can get nice and warmed up before we truly immerse ourselves in the day's activities to come? After that, I seem to have spotted some stalls over yonder which are selling shaved ice, ice cold beverages, and other summer delights...so we could cool down by partaking of those after our race, perhaps...after that, maybe we could undertake the traditional watermelon splitting contest...which is another staple of a beach visit like this one."

    With that said, Rotwang fell silent and waited to see what else would happen in the situation at hand and for Noah's thoughts regarding his suggestions for their to-do list.


    Word Count Tallies:
    • Post WC: 245

    • Personal Total WC: 4697

    Last edited by RF007 on 10th July 2023, 8:12 am; edited 1 time in total


    Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I) 35To6US

    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


    Character Progression Gauge:

    Noah Alston
    Noah Alston

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 50
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Light God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by Noah Alston 9th July 2023, 8:41 am

    They really do love to fill the day with activities and options; well I'd be happ to see the various activities they have planned. It sounds like you have it all sorted out so I'll happily follow your lead.

    Noah listens and he raises an intrigued eyebrow at Rotwang's suggestion. He hadn't guessed him to be hugely interested in labor of the physcial kind. All the same he found himself nodding to the idea.

    A race, yes that certainly sounds like a fantastic way to open. Hm, let's see. How about we start from here and work towards the the rocks in the distance. That should give us more than enough of a distance without overtaxing from the very beginning. I propose we use your assistant if she's here as a starter?

    The rocks to which he pointed looked to be within a mile of the shore forming a small flat outcrop where it would seem a few people were already tanning themselves. Even accounting for the fact this was an ocean swim it would be doable for someone in generally fit condition. The distance wasn't too far; but counting the fact that they weren't here to train and that one should always measure the distance back and the outcropping felt like a good measure. As Noah talks he removes his longer clothes, placing them in a neatish pile somewhere with not so much sand.

    WC: 236
    PWC: 3728
    TWC: 8425



    Dragon Slayer- A-Rank- Eevee- Christian Minecraft Server- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Dank Memer- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Disparity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 268
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 33
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 201,772

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Asclepian Bioalchemy
    Second Skill: N/A
    Third Skill: N/A

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by RF007 10th July 2023, 8:10 am

    Rotwang nodded to Noah as he mentioned that he would follow his lead in participating in the slew of activities he had mentioned earlier

    "Very good, then. This to-do list of ours ought to suffice for the purposes of letting us enjoy this beach party to the fullest."

    Then, Rotwang listened to Noah about his suggestion for their swimming race which was first on the list

    "Indeed, that sounds perfectly viable for us to do in this race. I will get my AI assistant to give us the starting signal."

    With that said, Rotwang walked along with Noah to beach's edge and while doing so, he instructed his AI assistant, F.R.E.I.A., to give them the starting signal

    "F.R.E.I.A., your next task is to give us both the starting signal for this race, so prepare accordingly."

    In response, Rotwang watched as F.R.E.I.A. acknowledged his instruction and then gave him and Noah the starting signal for their race

    "Very well, as you wish, Master Stein. Now then, both of you take your place!...On my mark, Get set!...Commence!!"

    With that, Rotwang took off his wearable equipment as well as his sandals and laid them down on the beach's edge in a neat pile next to Noah's own. Then, he looked to Noah to check that he was still following along and then shot off from the beach's edge in perfect swimming form and began doing a seamless breaststroke towards the flat, rocky outcropping in the distance which they had both agreed upon as being their destination for this race. It took some time for them to finish the race, they ended up coming to a stalemate due to being equal in their swimming ability. Once that was done with, Rotwang walked along with Noah to where the stalls on the beach were selling their wares and cooled down alongside him by partaking of the cold beverages and cups of flavored shaved ice which tasted perfect after they were warmed up by not only the hot sun but also the physical exertion of their swimming race from earlier.

    "Now that we have cooled down adequately, what say we move on to the watermelon splitting activity on our list? Of course, I am afraid that is all the time I can take off for today as my patients will be waiting for my return, so I will have to head back to my base after that."

    Saying thus, Rotwang informed Noah of his plans for the day while walking alongside him to where the watermelon splitting activity was being held to participate in it as per the plan. For this activity, Rotwang purchased a set of rather large watermelons from the vendor at the site as well as a wooden sword that he had planned for them to use for this activity. Then, he competed with Noah in trying to split the watermelons and while doing so, the one watching on between the two of them tried to mislead the one trying to split the watermelon, as was the norm for this activity. This also took a while, but Rotwang ended up getting a draw here with Noah as well since they both were equally good at sensing where the watermelons were placed. After that, Rotwang cleaned himself up alongside Noah and after they both donned their attire and gear again, he bade him farewell for the time being and headed back to his estate where he had a long line of patients waiting for his return so that he could treat their ailments.


    Word Count Tallies:
    • Post WC: 590

    • Personal Total WC: 5287

    Last edited by RF007 on 11th July 2023, 4:22 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I) 35To6US

    "Nothing in life is to be feared, it is only to be understood. Now is the time to understand more so that we may fear less." - Marie Curie


    Character Files:

    Character Profile ~ 1st Magic ~ +20% additional jewel bonus to jewel rewards for finishing Faction Events, from Faction Jobs, and Regular Job Endings (permanent while Rotwang is part of the Ironheart Pact faction)


    Character Progression Gauge:

    Noah Alston
    Noah Alston

    Lineage : Magician's Spirit
    Position : None
    Posts : 50
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Light God Slayer
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    In Progress Re: Rest at Rose Garden (Sommarsun Event - Rotwang Frankenstein Mk-I)

    Post by Noah Alston 11th July 2023, 8:25 am

    Noah found the good natured competition genuinely fun; a day like this was most definitely made for people to give their all and enjoy themselves under the glorious sun. The fact their competitions ended in close competition again and again only served to make each one more and more entertaining, the joy was in competing not just winning. The watermelon competition, silly as it was gave him the most to smile about. It was the kind of simple fun he used to enjoy in his life. In their last meeting the two of them had done for more talking about their shared interest in learning and magic; this now felt like the time to simply drink in the day and enjoy the events at hand with a new friend. But before long the sun seemed to begin it's rise past midday into mid-afternoon; bidding the departing Rotwang goodbye he elected to stay on the beach awhile longer to watch the sun set and colors change.

    Noah took the time to think; he had not expected to meet someone so quickly that he could call a friend, though he was glad to have met him all the same. This country he had reached truly was an interesting place and its people seemed just as interesting now. Eventually his eyes open to find the sun has gotten quite low as he dusts himself off and heads to his current hotel residence.

    Rotwang would get an invite a few days later to join Noah at the bonfire event. Noah would spend his morning volunteering just beyond the town where they would build the massive wooden dragon that was to be burnt, apparently a reference to when those things of legend actually existed and waged a great war in this nation and their eventual fall to humanity. Slowly but surely the wooden dragon rose high up and before long everyone departed until that night. By the time he returned he found all manner of vendors had set up shops and lanterns nearby as the event promised to bring more people to enjoy it. The viewing area had been set up on a nearby hill with the massive dragon just below and Noah had set himself up nearer the very front where he had designated the meeting spot. It's there he sat enjoying a candied apple waiting to see if Rotwang had received his message.

    WC: 401
    PWC: 4129
    TWC: 9416


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 11:10 pm