Fairy Tail RP

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    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Monk's Sacrifice
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 206
    Guild : ❀ silver wolf ❀
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,938

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❀ aspect of valeriya ❀
    Second Skill: ❀ ❀
    Third Skill: ❀ ❀

    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ Empty ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡

    Post by ly 31st March 2022, 9:59 pm

    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ F24U4Pj

    Bunched up in what would appear as a pile of blankets, though delicately organized as if she was stuffed like a burrito, it had been quite some time that Lyra had found herself slowly trudging up the Phoenix Mountains in search for the guild of the Silver Wolves- even though it was only a small six hours at best, it was difficult for the fairy to pick up the pace while residing within her human form, especially while maintaining a hold on her magic. Behind her would levitate a nearly twelve-foot tree that would appear as if it was freshly plucked from the ground; a baby Great Valeriyan Fairy Tree from the capital city of the ancient civilization, hailing far beyond the borders of Fiore, this would serve as her home away from home upon reaching her destination. While it would be difficult to see beyond the veil of mist and spiraling flora that would cause the tree to ethereally hover, within the canopy of the giant baby tree would reside a small house nearly two feet in height within most of its parts, looking to be decorated with an abundance of small sprouting plants and, well, larger ones. If she were to be lucky upon her arrival at her newfound potential area of work they would allow her to allow the tree's roots to bind to the guildhall- unlike the previous few guilds she had been in within the past half-decade, she wished to live a bit more lavishly than within the cracks between the walls and the floorboards during her rather extensive stay. It made life easier- after all, it is quite difficult for those of natural size to see abnormally tiny things, so it would be better to keep them all in one secluded place.

    "Look, i- it's right up there, ahhaa," the fairy girl would tremble under the pile of blankets that consumed her body, her eyes set on the building that would begin to materialize upon the horizon, "it's soo much warmer in the vale, oh my goodness it's so cold!"

    Picking up the pace a bit more in excitement, the ordinary-mage appearing fairy would gently pat the small green frog that would sit upon the top of her head. It was nearly his bedtime and it definitely showed; upon his nose would rise and fall a magical bubble of a dewdrop wavering with his breath. Finally, the two had completed their small journey into the mountains- it had been hours since they had been led up the path and evaluated by the strange wolves of the mountain, and though they caused quite the panic, it was soon realized they wished no harm upon the wanderers of Valeriya. The local fauna within these parts was something she had not seen prior to her arrival before- Fiore was something Lyra was beginning to readjust to due to her travels across the farther away parts of Ishgar with the traveling guild she had been in prior, Eden Rainbow. However, she had departed almost half a year before her arrival within these mountains due to the wishes of the ancient civilization. The wish to locate the lost relics of the ancient Valeriyan ancestors of their current living progeny from way back then; while it was her sister's idea for her to make her way up to the wolves, as she had been a member prior to becoming a Guildmistress of her own, her bright fairy eyes had been set on the guild for quite some time. It was interesting to the brunette-blonde just how close things could be to one another in these parts- having been born and raised in Terra Ignis alongside her sisters, it felt strangely right to be approaching a guild so close to where she grew up. Passing through the magical barrier that surrounded the structure that looked to be the guildhall, the fairy would look around at the quirks of the new environment and would begin to twiddle her thumbs within her blanket bundle.

    "Aaah, it's so much warmer ♡," Lyra would gush to her froggy friend as her cheeks would become much redder, allowing her to think about unraveling her blanket burrito quite soon. Magically pulling the levitating magical valeriyan tree closer beside her within the air as she would make her way into the entrance of the interior, the fairy would wonder just what she would wish to do next- hopefully, just like eleven years ago, someone would lead the way just like the fairies did. ♡

    wc: 757


    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ ZyLEllh

    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3607
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:

    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ Empty Re: ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 2nd April 2022, 9:49 pm

    -Silver Wolf Guild Hall, outside the guild cafe-

    Wearing her usual green, white, and gold outfit with black bike shorts on underneath the skirt plus boots that matched the outfit, Leona was walking out of the guild cafe after drinking two cups of coffee in a row. She had built up such a tolerance to coffee that just one cup of it was not working for her anymore. She needed at least two cups to get anything from drinking coffee and that might be something of a problem. Maybe she should really look into cutting down on her coffee consumption so that she did not drink too much of it and say or do something stupid while on a caffeine rush. Or maybe she should give up coffee entirely before her coffee consumption led to health problems later down the road.

    Leona stopped in place and went over her thoughts just then.

    Her, give up coffee?

    Not a chance.

    Leona merrily threw that ridiculous idea aside with great force before turning to walk towards her office to do some paperwork that needed doing. Or at least that was her plan before she detected a magic signature coming from somewhere in the guild hall. Eagerly seizing any convenient excuse to delay the tedious administrative tasks waiting for her for awhile longer, Leona began to walk towards the guild foyer to see what the source of the magic signature was.

    -In the guild foyer-

    Leona walked into the guild foyer looking for the source of the magic signature only to see a pile of blankets standing close to the fireplace. Leona blinked when she saw that sight. That was a new thing for the Wizard Saint. She blinked again and looked to see that the blankets were still standing close to the fireplace and that there was a tree of some sort floating in the air next to it.

    Leona's assessment of her coffee habit was wrong.

    Maybe she needed to cut down on the coffee after all.

    Overcome by curiosity, the Wizard Saint walked closer to the pile of blankets until she got a little closer and saw what looked like brown hair inside of it. Leona noted how odd that was and continued to walk forward until she saw that there was actually a person underneath all of the blankets. Leona found that more than a little odd, but the blonde let it pass without a critical comment because she had her own quirks like her penchant for wearing the same outfit everywhere she went and her considerable coffee consumption. She instead chose to cordially greet the stranger like nothing was amiss.

    "Hi there. I'm Leona Jarnefeldt." Leona calmly introduced herself to the person standing in front of the fireplace.

    [Post Word Count: 460]
    [Leona's Word Count: 460]


    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 248
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,561,089

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rollins & Schwartz-Brand
    Second Skill: Heaven God Slayer
    Third Skill:

    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ Empty Re: ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡

    Post by Rodadnuf 3rd April 2022, 6:21 am

    One of the staff asked Tim to serve a meal and some coffee to someone in the foyer and the young man, coffee set tray on hand, briskly walked towards the task at hand. When Tim arrived at the foyer, he saw a familiar blonde with an equally familiar green-white-gold outfit.

    “It’s a good thing I picked a good set of beans.” Tim muttered to himself.

    He had learned over the few times he had interacted with his guild mistress that she liked coffee. A lot. Tim is no coffee expert, not by a long shot, but he had served his old bosses Edna and Dr. Schwartz who were very particular about their coffee. While they weren’t the most unreasonable people he had met, they had ‘moods’ for a particular type of bean in a given time. Tim had dabbled in brewing which he bet would be good enough to serve his new boss, as well.

    Tim was about to call for her when he heard Leona introduce herself to thin air.

    Or, more accurately, a bunch of rolled up blankets which formed a rolled-up mound. This had Tim think of the second bit of information he had been told about Leona. Apparently, she tends to be very etiquette-conscious. Again, a lot. If this was anyone else Tim would just walk away and avoid an awkward interaction altogether. But he had a task of serving whoever was in the foyer which, in this case, was likely Silver Wolf’s guild mistress during her practicing how to make conversation.

    Tim took a good breath and stepped closer.

    Looking closer to the rolled-up blanket Tim found a floating tree right beside the mound. Again, this was something he should take in stride. The young man opted clear his throat, instead of asking about it. Tim let go of the tray, letting it levitate with his Grav-à-tête spell.

    Tim adjusted his gloves and tie. Servant, his black and white cat-person themed butler armor, was something he had never gotten accustomed to. But when in situations like this, serving people within the guildhall, this was the perfect outfit to bring. This was definitely a better fit than his casual shabby looking vest and trousers which, while Tim loves to wear, wasn’t the best look for him when interacting on behalf of the guild.

    Presentation is important, after all.

    “Mistress Jarnefeldt?” With a slight bow he took to his role and greeted her. “I was sent here by the staff. I assume you’ll be needing your coffee?”

    Without missing a beat Tim took a saucer and a cup and let the pitch-black brew pour off the pitcher. “The Strictly Hard Bean from Iceberg had just arrived. I took liberty in brewing some up and I think you would especially appreciate its citrus hint.”

    Tim held out the saucer for her as the freshly brewed aroma slowly filled around the room.



    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ M7VWYFe

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Monk's Sacrifice
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 206
    Guild : ❀ silver wolf ❀
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,938

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❀ aspect of valeriya ❀
    Second Skill: ❀ ❀
    Third Skill: ❀ ❀

    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ Empty Re: ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡

    Post by ly 21st April 2022, 3:56 pm

    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ F24U4Pj

    Basking in the warmth of her blankets, which would soon fall at her feet, the aspect of the fairies would look down at her froggy friend that rested within her palms. A spectral frog of the eclipse, the amphibian would ribbit as his companion would look down at him- similar to her, he was capable of poofing into the size of a much smaller frog in relation to Lyra's size when she was a fairy most times, though he was also able to remain in his larger of two sizes if she happened to want to get on top of him and ride into the sunset. But now was quite the opposite, as the warmth of the Silver Wolf guild hall made her feel quite welcomed already, even if she hadn't had quite the chance to make any new acquaintances as of yet.

    ❀ "...white light," ❀

    What was that, a voice? Perhaps it could have been a message from the fairies ringing throughout her mind, but nothing came afterward- it startled the fairy girl, but it was not the most uncommon thing to happen when it came to the ancient civilization. Upon her back would form some chills, something that made her want to sprout out her wings out of habit, but she was able to control herself.

    That was until she heard a voice in front of her; it would appear to be an ordinary mage at first glance, which would cause the fairy girl to smile and blush, but upon her introduction, her gaze would appear to widen. Prior to making her way up into the snowy hills of the upper Phoenix Mountains in search of the pack of wolves, Lyra had been told by her younger sister, Desirée, that she would wish to seek out the Wizard Saint Leona Jarnefeldt as she had held a similar role that her sister held within her guild but here, as she was the Silver Wolf's Guildmistress. Rather sporadically, the brunette-blonde fairy girl's frog would ribbit and hop onto her shoulder while she would begin to nervously twiddle her thumbs trying to piece together her thoughts. She wasn't expecting to run into who she was looking for this quickly, after all.

    Then suddenly, a small ripple of light would form upon the center of her back as she would continue to twiddle her thumbs obliviously, which would cause a set of lustrous green fairy wings to burst out from her back behind her. Causing her to squeal and almost cause the levitating tree behind her to barrel into the ground, she would flutter backward a few feet and maintain a magical connection to the formation of nature, her eyes nervously dodging eye contact from Leona and the having-approached prior boy with coffee.

    "A- aaha, oh my goodness, I didn't know my fairy wings would come out this early, ahha," she would nervously say to the two as she would scratch the top of her head, causing some flyaways to frizzle near her blonde streaks toward the front.

    "Y- you're Leona Jarnefeldt? The Wizard Saint of Courage? My apologies for not introducing myself before asking questions..! Aah, I'm Lyra Blooms, I work with the fairies, ♡" she would nervously begin to say as her eyes would flutter across the room behind the two, still remaining a connection to the magical tree that was floating behind her within golden arrays of luminescence. If the two were to look closer at the tree, within its branches would appear a magical structure similar to a grand dollhouse but a bit bigger, almost as if it would fit a fairy comfortably inside.

    "I'm sorry to turn up uninvited, but my sister told me all about your guild and what all of you strive for and I thought it greatly aligned with my interests too~! She was a member, what, abouuut.. hm, maybe it could be a year ago now! My perception of time is really off, honestly.." the fairy girl would continue, her frog staring into space upon her shoulders as she would continue her introductions. While she was nervous, getting all of this out felt quite nice, as she didn't like to get worked up about trivial things like meeting new people- even if her anxieties made her do otherwise, it was great to finally have got to what she was looking forward to.

    "So, uh," she would lose track of where she was at amidst her talking, "..is your guild accepting new members?"

    post wc: 751
    personal wc total: 1,508


    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ ZyLEllh

    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3607
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
    Third Skill:

    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ Empty Re: ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 21st April 2022, 10:29 pm

    Leona faced the person who was cocooned in a cocoon of blankets and wondered what would be a good start to a conversation with them. However, Leona kept her mouth shut and watched the mystery person instead of saying anything that could anger or alienate the stranger. Her silence was rewarded when Tim showed up and spoke to her. Leona turned to face the black-haired fellow and spoke to him, making sure to make eye contact with him.

    "Hi Tim. I'd like some coffee, please." Leona said to Tim when he asked if she would like some of the beverage that she drank nine times out of ten. She felt bad for asking him to go get her coffee even though he had been the one to ask if he could get it for her. To outsiders it probably made Leona look like she thought herself too important to go get her own coffee and was shoving the task onto Tim. Leona needed to work on changing that perception one day.

    The blonde noticed that he had brought it to her and learned that it was a special brew from Iceberg. Leona had no idea that Iceberg even had coffee, but she learned something new every day. Leona took the offered saucer containing her cup of coffee with both hands and took a sip of it. True to Tim's word it had a pleasant hint of citrus that was just strong enough to let her know that it was there.

    "I really like this coffee, Tim. Thank you for suggesting it to me." Leona thanked Tim for his time and diligence. She felt really bad about him doing this for her because he did not just grab a random blend of coffee and call it a day. He went to the trouble to find a blend he thought she would actually like.

    Leona then turned her attention to her person wrapped up in blankets and saw a bewildering sequence of events unfold in rapid succession so fast that the blonde was not entirely sure if they had happened or not, those events including the brown-haired young woman in front of her suddenly gaining wings. Leona blinked at the sight as she tried to recover her composure to say something that would not alienate the brunette. The blonde then recovered when she heard the young woman introduce herself as "Lyra Blooms." That last name sounded familiar, but Leona had a hard time placing it before she remembered a previous member of Silver Wolf named Desiree Blooms.

    Hearing that Desiree was Lyra's younger sister confirmed the family connection.

    It had been awhile since Leona had thought about Desiree and the blonde was ashamed that she did not know much about the latter. That was entirely her fault... Leona made no real effort to reach out to Desiree and thus knew little about the latter other than her name. The blonde was determined to not repeat that mistake with other prospective Silver Wolf members.

    "Yes, Lyra. Silver Wolf's always looking for new members." Leona calmly replied to Lyra's question about the guild. Leona then took another sip of the coffee that Tim had thoughtfully picked out for her. It was really, really good.

    [Post Word Count: 540]
    [Leona's Word Count: 1,000]


    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 248
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 100
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,561,089

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rollins & Schwartz-Brand
    Second Skill: Heaven God Slayer
    Third Skill:

    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ Empty Re: ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡

    Post by Rodadnuf 24th April 2022, 11:16 pm

    Is it just me or she wanted so say something else? Tim wanted to ask, but relented.

    Leona thanked him for the coffee, earning a smile from him when she said she liked the blend. “My pleasure, Mistress Jarnefeldt.”

    Tim then heard a faint sound, someone or something was ribbiting. Tim tried sensing the area with his magic sensory, but opted otherwise when he realized who he was standing with. Any magic signature weaker than his guildmistress’ would be drowned from her pressure alone, and if they would be Tim wouldn’t need to worry about it being a threat, again, because of his current company.

    “Mistress—?” Tim was about to ask if she had heard the sound when suddenly light rippled from the blanket mound, causing Tim to take a step back in caution.

    Not even a moment later something—rather, someone popped out of the mount with a squeal! As they popped out, Tim saw the floating tree fall down. Tim dashed and held his arms out to catch it, but it seemed whatever magic it had prevented it from barreling across the foyer. Tim looked back at the person who popped out and found himself staring at a Fae.

    She was scratching her head and taking great lengths to avoid eye contact, generally very anxious, as she introduced herself as Lyra Blooms. Tim, personally, had met a Fae in one of his jobs. In fact, he kept in touch with her as the Fae helped cure some of people cursed with the same lineage as him. Though Tim doubted Miss Blooms here would know about her just because they were both Fae. Miss Blooms knew about his guildmistress already, something he shouldn’t be surprised about. Tim was happily distracted by the floating tree as they talked about her joining the guild.

    The tree was either young, or the Fae used her magic in shrinking the thing to size. Tim wanted to lean in the former, after all, the tree was barely twice as all as Tim minus the height it was floating off the ground. But there was a structure crawling around its branches, it was a house. Or would dollhouse be a better description?

    Back home in the Neutral Grounds when he was a child Tim once snuck inside a cocktail party his father attended. By the balcony of the party venue there was a greenhouse. The greenhouse balcony, particularly, was Midi-themed and had more than a few of these on display. A supposed large tree placed into small pots so their growth would be controlled. They age and have the characteristics of an elder tree but would only grow the size of a person. Tim failed to remember what the process was called, but this tree dollhouse reminded him of it.

    “This tree dollhouse,” Tim muttered absentmindedly. “It’s pretty detailed.”



    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ M7VWYFe

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Monk's Sacrifice
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 206
    Guild : ❀ silver wolf ❀
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,938

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ❀ aspect of valeriya ❀
    Second Skill: ❀ ❀
    Third Skill: ❀ ❀

    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ Empty Re: ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡

    Post by ly 13th May 2022, 12:51 am

    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ F24U4Pj

    As soon as Leona would state that the guild of wolves was indeed accepting new members, the fairy girl would squeal in delight and jump up and down, causing small yellow and pink petals of flora to shake out of her hair with each happy hop- it was one of the many quirks of now being a member of fairy kind, and after gracefully floating downward, they would meet the floor and scatter around the small group. Lyra was immensely excited that her wish to join the Silver Wolf guild could become true, a feeling that she had not felt in quite some time. The joy of joining new organizations was something that the girl of nature felt could not be replicated due to the grand uniqueness of it all, and while she was still quite nervous, it felt right for her to be on this snowy mountaintop.

    "Yay~! ♡" she would exclaim in utter excitement as she would continue to jump up and down for a few seconds, maintaining the magical grip she had on the tree that floated behind her whilst doing so. However, the overwhelming feeling of nervousness and awkwardness soon would begin to creep in once again once she remembered how she was around nothing but new faces; suddenly she would cease her excited hopping and blush as her fairy wings would begin to stand still, hoping that her reaction was not too over the top.

    "My um.. my sister told me that your guild deals with treasure hunting, and well, uh," she would begin to stutter as she would attempt to continue the conversation, only making her speech a bit worse as she would think about how she would come off to the others, "even though I haven't had much luck in finding what I've b- been looking for, I seem to find magical artifacts from times past a lot that I'm not really looking for, so if you'll, uh, have me I feel like I can help add to the c- collection, yes!"

    Catching her spectral eclipse frog within her hands as he would attempt to hop off of her onto the floor, Lyra would be caught off guard by her friend's actions and giggle before immediately gasping and turning to face Leona and Tim once more- her sister always told her that the way she acted was normal and there was no need for her to be so conscious of how others perceived her but she just couldn't help it. The fairy cared too much about the image she presented to others, even to the other fairies- this was especially true if she hadn't had a smoke in some time.

    Before Tim's comment about the dollhouse that resided within the canopy of the levitating tree she had brought alongside her, she had not noticed just how much he had been looking at the spectacle that was the beauty of the natural flora that she had delicately and harmlessly plucked from the ground with her magic. Seeing his fascination with what she had considered her home away from home was something that made her anxiety and nervousness go a bit to ease- she felt as if she was seeing the same reaction to the beauties of nature that the fairies witnessed her experience when she had first stumbled upon the ancient civilization of the fai herself. It made her wish to ramble on and on about the many ethereal experiences she had been through in the endless expanses of the forests all across Earthland alongside her new kind, though she knew spouting things others most likely wouldn't care about would be something better for down the road. However, she also felt as though adding some context about what she had brought with her to the guild's main base of operations would be somewhat of a good idea in this circumstance, even if it would be a bit of a mouthful.

    "T- thank you~!" she would quickly mutter in response as she would turn to face the levitating tree, casting away some of the dew-ridden mist from around its canopy with her hand as she would maintain her magical grasp to continue its float.

    "I've been trying to, like, really make it comfortable and cozy! Oh, I almost forgot, ♡" she would try her hardest to talk to the boy without coming off as awkward in terms of her own fascinations, turning to the pair once more to meet her eyes with theirs.

    "I wasn't planning on showing this off just yet either, but, uh, I think it's a little important f- for context and things like that, so, um," she would begin to speak as a similar glow that had been developing around the tree and dollhouse would soon encase her body, leaving where she once stood to manifest a glowing white silhouette of light behind- after a few moments the cascading light would splash outward in the form of dewdrops, and while at first glance Lyra would appear to be gone entirely from where she was prior if they were to look down at the floor a small nine-inch tall version of herself would appear to be looking up toward the now giants, a rosy blush deepening upon her cheeks. To the two she would now appear to take the form of a full-fledged fairy, alongside everything she had lugged alongside her to the guildhall (outside of the tree) shrinking down to size as if they were now doll's clothing and accessories.

    Twiddling her glistening fairy wings with all her might, the blonde-brunette would giddily smile as she would fly up to the two to hover when she had reached the height that their faces rested at, her frog remaining on the floor and staring into space. "I- if you are willing to take me in as a member, I'm sure the fo- form I'll, uh, be taking normally will be well, this tiny. And I was hoping that, um, well..." she would nervously speak to the two as she would hold her hands together as if she was pleading, her wings flapping behind her with each passing second like a hummingbird's, "..if I do get to join you guys, um, I could maybe get to plant this great baby valeriyan tree somewhere in here! If that would be okay, I, um, definitely wouldn't do it without your permission Miss Leona! But yeah, um, I live in there~! ❀ I.. I brought t- this tree from Valeriya's Divine Treegrounds because, well, um.. I've been in guilds where I didn't stay in a tree, and um.. it wasn't really comfy living in the cracks in walls when not at work. Regular rooms are so big these days, and uh, yeah~! I just can't hold a normal human form for that long anymore..."

    post wc: 1,163
    personal wc: 2,671
    thread wc: 4,621


    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ ZyLEllh

    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3607
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
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    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
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    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ Empty Re: ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 14th May 2022, 12:00 am

    Leona watched Lyra express her joy when the latter had learned that Silver Wolf was open to new members. The blonde could not recall the last time she had been happy about anything enough to literally jump in joy over it, but Lyra seemed to be a cheerful individual who always looked on the bright side of life. Leona watched Lyra in respectful silence until the brunette stopped jumping up and down and spoke to the blonde about what she could offer the guild. That offering was her penchant for coming across ancient artifacts that were of no interest to her but might be of interest to the guild. Leona briefly considered the possibilities of that penchant and how it might benefit the guild.

    Leona had to be careful how she phrased her response, though. She did not want to seem like she was accepting Lyra only because of what the latter could offer to Silver Wolf. After taking a few moments to think her response through Leona finally spoke to Lyra.

    "Silver Wolf always needs help with its work, Lyra." Leona informed the brunette. The blonde felt that that phrasing was neutral enough to get the message across. After that Leona silently watched the frog in Lyra's company get up to some hijinks that amused Lyra before Tim's comment indirectly drew Leona's attention to the strange floating tree that was a source of mystery for the blonde. What Lyra said next implied that the tree was... housing?

    How on Earthland could Lyra possibly use that tree for housing?

    After an impressive light show and a brief search for the brunette Leona had her answer to that perplexing question. Lyra had shrunk to less than a foot tall and was standing on the floor looking up at her and Tim. Leona had never seen anything like this before, but she soon adapted to the sight of a tiny Lyra, who began to talk to the blonde again.

    "I don't have any problem with you joining Silver Wolf, Lyra." Leona responded to the first part of Lyra's words, which involved the form that she would take as a member of the guild. That form was the small form Leona was looking at right now. That small form apparently necessitated equally small lodgings and the tree was Lyra's lodging of choice. Speaking of the tree, Leona had a question or two about it.

    "What kind of conditions does this tree need to be planted in in order to grow? Will you need a greenhouse or some other special structure to house it in?" Leona asked Lyra. As a former desert dweller Leona had no idea what trees required to grow, especially the special type of tree that Lyra had with her. The blonde wanted to know what conditions the tree needed in order to grow before she made a decision on the request. She had virtually no knowledge of trees and felt that her questions were reasonable ones to ask.

    It sounded like Lyra needed the tree to live in because by the brunette's admission the dimensions of her small form made living in normal-sized rooms a considerable challenge. Adding to that difficulty was Lyra's second admission that maintaining a normal human size was a feat that was taxing to her if done for long periods of time. The exact length of time Lyra could maintain the size of a normal human was unknown, but Leona did not want to ask that question because it might seem intrusive and that information was not necessary to know just yet. Leona did not want to deny Lyra comfortable housing, but knowing everything the tree needed to survive and grow would be a big help for the Guild Mistress when it came to making her decision. Leona did not want to promise anything before she had all the facts.

    [Post Word Count: 644]
    [Leona's Word Count: 1,644]


    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
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    Posts : 248
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    Cosmic Coins : 100
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    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ Empty Re: ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡

    Post by Rodadnuf 18th May 2022, 9:27 am

    It was one surprise after another with this woman.

    Tim was now looking at the Fae in her proper form, which was no larger than a sparrow. This form made Tim fail to act professionally; his eyes were locked at her beating wings, his hand he had to actively keep from trying to catch the ‘fairy-dust’ of light that trickled down as Miss Blooms kept on talking, his mouth was slightly agape— he was gawking at the Fae like a child without even noticing it.

    She was a completely different Fae, as it turned out!

    The crystal Fae Tim had been acquainted with was something he took in stride. But actually seeing a honest to goodness fairy as if ripped from the pages off the library books he and the other children from the workshops read was something he didn’t expect! And it was a good feeling, Tim decided. A small slap of nostalgia in contrast to the menial days he had spent helping around the halls.

    “Wow…” Was all he could mutter, not even noticing the soft smile he had on his face.

    But he then caught his guild mistress ask about the specifics and conditions on how Miss Blooms’ tree could be planted.

    “I’ll help—!” Tim uncharacteristically blurted out.

    He caught himself before he could say anything else, took a measured breath and cleared his throat with an ‘ahem’ before trying again. This time, his professionalism was back on track. “Should Miss Blooms need anything to setting up and maintaining her ‘unique’ abode, I will help provide the necessities, Mistress Jarnefeldt.”

    “—with your approval, of course.” Tim added, again, failing to hide the childlike wonder in his expression. He could only hope his guild mistress wasn't as perceptive as he hoped.



    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ M7VWYFe

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Monk's Sacrifice
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    Posts : 206
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    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ Empty Re: ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡

    Post by ly 23rd July 2022, 6:09 pm

    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ F24U4Pj

    The way the two of the silver wolves were so receptive to her request of planting the great valeriyan tree was something that made her insides flutter like graceful butterflies- at least, that is what she assumed was the cause of such a feeling in her stomach, unknowing of the white light's manifestations that the feeling truly entailed. It was so kind of Leona and Tim, it would cause the small fairy's cheeks to blush as if she was beginning to feel a bit at home already, even if the question was a bit interesting to her. Though it made sense why they would wish to cater to the needs of both Lyra and the tree; they most likely didn't know just what the woodland fairies of the ancient civilization were truly capable of when it came to causing flora and fauna to flourish, ancient forest fairy miracles.

    "T- thank you both for being so enthusiastic to h- help me with planting the tree! It's so kind of both of you," she would begin to speak to them from her flight, her green fairy wings rapidly fluttering behind her to keep her in place within the air, "great valeriyan trees naturally only grow in the ancient civilization's capital city, Valeriya, and have quite the list of conditions to, um, grow successfully into maturity. But when I was a young human girl, what about ten years ago, Hopper?"

    She would look down at her tiny spectral eclipse frog to be met with a joyous ribbit in response, continuing her comments.

    "When I was a teenager and made the, um, pilgrimage to the capital city of the fairies, I was granted a special gift to grant the miracles of the forest the other great fairies can achieve due to a grand prophecy of the Fai. They are called ancient forest fairy miracles," she would look down at her hands as she would speak, continuing to cause the baby tree and dollhouse within its canopy to levitate, "with these blessings of the ancient civilization I can grant this tree the ability to grow even in the harshest conditions. There are s- some fairies I've had the chance to meet that have the ability to cause entire forests to flourish completely out of concrete and in the hot desert heat~! ♡"

    Twirling one of the blonde strands of her primarily brunette hair, she would continue to maintain eye contact between the two of her new guildmates while keeping the small inkling of the thought that was the tree within her mind to maintain a stable connection with magic. Though talking as much as she was about her quirks and abilities made her feel a bit self-conscious, she felt as though it was entirely necessary to give them as much information as possible relating to, well, her.

    "There is so much potential in utilizing the arts of the ancient forest fairy miracles, it even kind of shocks me sometimes, honestly," she would let out a smile as she would continue to speak, "but, um, yes! H- healing magic is my specialty!"

    post wc: 518
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    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ ZyLEllh

    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
    Position : Saint of Courage
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3607
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
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    Experience : 11,529,025

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
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    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ Empty Re: ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 1st October 2022, 10:41 am

    Leona listened to Lyra's story and could not help but feel a measure of surprise. Lyra had been gifted with special powers that pertained to the special tree she had been given. Leona was confused as to the exact scope Lyra's powers covered... she wondered if they pertained only to the special tree or extended to all trees. Rather than look dumb by asking something stupid, Leona decided to keep quiet and let the brunette talk in the hope that a further explanation of her powers might come later in the conversation.

    Leona listened closely during the next part and learned that Lyra was proficient in healing magic, a type of magic that the Wizard Saint did not have. Leona's Wind Strike Magic was good for fighting but not much else and her Wind Summon Magic was slightly more useful in that it allowed her to fly to where she needed to go by using her summons, especially Winged Lion, but neither magic could heal injured people. The blonde's magic was well-suited to her, but part of her wished that she could use her magic for something other than fighting. Leona wanted to do something with her life other than fight.

    That was just a foolish dream she was clinging to.

    She was good for fighting and not much else.

    The Wizard Saint sidelined those negative thoughts and focused on Tim, who was clearly on board with the idea of helping Lyra plant the special tree. After exclaiming his desire to help with the endeavor he had turned to Leona for approval. Leona, not wanting to crush his hopes, decided to give him that approval.

    "I don't mind if you help plant the tree, Tim." Leona said with complete sincerity. She was not trying to sound like she was being magnanimous to Tim or trying to look good in front of Lyra. She did not want to crush Tim's enthusiasm for the project by being an obstructive authority figure. Leona found herself wishing that she could feel genuine enthusiasm for something like Tim did.

    Leona turned her attention back to Lyra and spoke to her again.

    "You specialize in healing magic, huh?" Leona asked a rhetorical question of the brunette to show that the former had been listening despite her inner thoughts intruding at bad times and to keep the conversation going. Lyra's admission to Silver Wolf did not hinge on what type of magic she was proficient with. Silver Wolf always needed healers along with fighters, explorers, and other adventurous types.

    [Post Word Count: 422]
    [Leona's Word Count: 2,066]


    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
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    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 248
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    Cosmic Coins : 100
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    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ Empty Re: ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡

    Post by Rodadnuf 3rd October 2022, 12:23 am

    “Capital…?” Tim quirked his brows, the twinkle in his eyes still evident. “Faeries have cities?”

    No way! How would that even look? The buildings, the shops, the streets— more importantly, could he somehow visit there? If her dollhouse was to be the basis, the city would look like a very intricate and lively diorama! Tim remembered a diorama of the Neutral Grounds in an office of his father’s co-workers years ago, it was so painstakingly designed, it even had mechanically moving monorails. Even just remembering that marvel of a sight made Tim betray a slight smile. If this faerie city Miss Blooms described was even half as detailed as the diorama, something he just knew would blow any and all of his expectations out of thew water, it would be one of the few childhood-wishes he definitely would not mind fulfilling!

    Then Tim recalled what his prospective faerie guildmate said, she made a ‘pilgrimage.’ Does this mean she wasn’t already a faerie before? She did use magic to turn into her miniature form, not to mention she mentioned receiving a gift— no, this was not something he wanted to pry without her consent. People are entitled to a couple of their own secrets; Tim had his own closet of skeletons, after all. But the fact remained: one could do this ‘pilgrimage’ and visit the place. That was more than enough for the nostalgic Tim, a hopeful little opportunity he could ask her once she’s settled down.

    But listening to the miniature lady did made Tim let out a breath.

    Healing Magic, huh.

    Tim had a single healing spell in his increasingly horrible magical repertoire: the magical band-aid spell he often used when he needed to stop any bleeding. It wasn’t anything remarkable too; it did nothing but accelerated a body’s clotting and natural healing capabilities. Honestly, a skilled surgeon could do its job a lot better. But the company lacrima Tim was given from his old job wasn’t made for any specific function. It was to bolster his old company’s work efficiency. And that objective didn’t really have a single aspect of a worker’s function in mind. It kept a lot of people from bleeding out, and that was more than enough for the company at the time.

    His light magic was another matter entirely. Does using it to burn off his curse from time-to-time count? Nah, he didn’t think so. That would be akin to cauterizing a wart rather than outright healing a person. Tim might be able to make some sort of healing spell with his light magic had he been creative enough.

    But as it stands, he was a dullard when it comes to spell craft.

    Not to mention the source of his power was something he had little to no personal experience being used as a means to heal someone. Tim’s chest felt heavy from even remembering his first attempt at ‘purifying’ a cursed relative.

    Tim then found himself looking at his guild mistress.

    She was listening in to Miss Blooms’ explanation, but Tim noticed a particular look to her. He wanted to call it somber, no, melancholy? He hadn’t really been given a chance to sit down and have a proper conversation with his boss, huh. She looked like she was a very contemplative girl, at least. Tim knew the feeling; he had been told by his old co-workers he spaced out a lot too. Then again, it might just him projecting. His guild mistress told him he was allowed to assist Miss Blooms, something that brought back his earlier mood. When talking to him, at least, she had a very genuine look to her. Tim nodded at her, keeping his smile.

    Leona then steered the conversation to Miss Blooms’ magic. It was more an acknowledgment on what she said earlier rather than an actual question, but Tim did wonder if that caused Leona’s little ponderment.

    Rather than fall into idle thought, Tim added.

    "I admit, my magic is extremely horrible when it comes to healing people. I only have a single spell that's nothing more than a glorified band-aid. It personally keeps me from bleeding out in dire situations, but it doesn't really do wonders to others." Tim huffed out a laugh. "I'm what you would call a blunt instrument, I'm afraid, only good for labor and for beating someone senseless— and little to nothing else. So I appreciate having a wizard specialized in healing in our ranks."

    Tim looked over Leona. "Would you also be coming along with us in planting this tree, Mistress Jarnefeldt?"

    Tim’s thoughts landed about the sort of paperwork the staff told him she had been burying into day in and day out, that is on top of also doing field jobs. It wasn’t his place to say, but she might need the time off. And doing something labor intensive is the best way to tucker yourself off to a good night's sleep. It's still technically work, sure, but Tim could personally attest how both fulfilling and distracting it can be—wait, would inviting the Guild Mistress of all people to doing menial work the wisest decision hierarchically? Tim tucked the additional thought aside and trusted the approach another guildmate had used on him before, one that left quite an impression.

    "I don't expect us having a tête-à-tête, but this is a fun alternative." Tim, saying the words both as politely and as casually as he could, looked expectantly at his superior before turning back to the faerie. “That being said…”

    "How should we go about planting this tree, Miss Blooms?" She mentioned that 'gift' she had been given, that would definitely come to play somehow. "If you’ll have me, I'll follow your lead."

    The excitement in his voice was barely hidden.

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    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ M7VWYFe

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Monk's Sacrifice
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 206
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    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ Empty Re: ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡

    Post by ly 6th October 2022, 1:49 am

    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ F24U4Pj

    Fluttering her wings whilst maintaining the delicate but firm connection to the tree with her magic, Lyra found herself greeted with a fascination of both the very framework of the ancient cities and that of her healing capabilities, something that made her blush and clasp her hands together.

    "The cities of the ancient civilization.. well, t- they are everywhere! M- most are in the trees, tucked away behind cascading mists~! Though- um, there are more ruins of ancient cities than the bustling ones.., like the capital! There was once a.. devastating war that caused the population to dwindle," she would begin to speak before quivering and trailing off briefly, soon bouncing right back into her previous state intentionally, "..but more and more off-grid civilizations are forming stable connections with the capital of the Fai, so more and more of my new kind are being found every day across the world, even in some of the strangest places."

    Looking down and back up again, she would find that the two that stood in front of her were more accustomed to that of combative ethereal styles, something that caused her to feel much more nervous; taking onto the offensive was something that Lyra could not bring herself to do easily, as it made her hold onto guilt unlike any other. It is why she felt like it was her calling to be graced with the arts of the forest fairy miracles- they allowed for some feats of nature that would let her accomplish taking an enemy, but their full potential resided deep within the natural order. The very concept itself that nature would bring miracles to those that graced it with the purest of intention- that it would be fruitful in miracles for those that dwelled in the forest and beyond, and when fluctuating within the etherano of a fairy, could bring the most vibrant spells of protection and alleviation of pain and wounds.

    "Yes, healing magic! ♡ Just as it works on the great forests and their many plants, i- it, um.. it also works on mages and fauna! The meshing together of intent and the aura of fairy dust works wonders, so much so that it can repair deteriorating parts of a body," she would speak while raising both of her hands outward in front of her hovering body, allowing her magical essence to manifest in her palms. It would appear to shine outwardly in a similar fusion of light and mist, identical to what cascaded around the valeriyan fairy tree, accompanied by swirling petals of all kinds of flowers and fresh trimmings of herbs, mushrooms, and other fruiting natural bodies. "I- I'm really excited to work alongside you both in the future~! ♡ I'm... not the most confident in fighting, but.. I can patch you up if you need it really fast!"

    Letting out a delighted laugh, which would cloak her feelings of nervousness due to her inexperience in the combative offensive, the prophecized one would blush as the two would continue to talk, clasping her hands together in hope after causing her magic to dissipate in the air. The two would speak of planting the tree- she was so excited! It would be so much more comfortable than living in the cracks of the walls in the traveling guild, Eden Rainbow, and the idea that the guild mistress and her peers were willing to help find the perfect spot made her feel nothing but welcomed wholeheartedly. Though, Tim allowing Lyra to lead the two to the tree's potential spot to be planted was something that made her heartbeat flutter high into the skies. That pressure made her face turn beet red, and due to such anxieties, she would quickly look around their surroundings and point toward an empty space tucked in the corner of the room a bit far from where they stood, which seemed to be delicately lit by wall-bound fixtures and would be a generous amount of room for the tree to call its home.

    "U- um, would over here work?" she could curiously ask while fluttering a few feet in that direction, gazing and continuing to point toward that spot, "..the fairy dust will let the roots of the tree establish in the roughest of conditions, so no dirt will be necessary at all for the planting~! Though the tree will grow to about triple the size that it is now in the next few years.. but even if it hits the ceiling, the branches will c- curve outward, and.. um, I can trim her as needed!"

    post wc: 763
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    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ ZyLEllh

    Leona Jarnefeldt
    Leona Jarnefeldt

    Main Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Hired Help- Idolize- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween Social - Halloween job event participant - Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500] - Novice [250]- 3rd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Nemean Lion
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    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 3607
    Guild : Silver Wolf [Guild Master]
    Cosmic Coins : 215
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Wind Strike Magic
    Second Skill: Wind Summon Magic
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    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ Empty Re: ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡

    Post by Leona Jarnefeldt 7th October 2022, 11:46 pm

    Leona listened to Lyra talk at length about cities of a civilization from long ago and was more than a little interested. Leona also heard a brief mention of a war and how some places that had once been isolated due to the conflict were starting the process of reaching out and reconnecting with other Fairy cities... if Leona understood everything correctly. The Wizard Saint let those topics pass without comment because she was still trying to understand everything she had just been told, which was a lot. The subject soon shifted to the topic of healing magic and Leona listened to Lyra and Tim talk about their ability in that type of magic before chiming in herself.

    Tim possessed only one healing spell while Lyra did not state how many healing spells she had. Leona was certain that the number was a lot more than she had, which was zero. Leona did not have any healing spells at all... she was completely dependent on the abilities of others. If she did not have an ally who could heal her the Wizard Saint either had to avoid taking damage during a fight or endure the damage and go somewhere to get patched up after the fight.

    "I don't have any healing magic at all, so I second what Tim said. Healers are always welcome here." Leona summed up her nonexistent ability in the healing arts and seconded what her guildmate had stated. The Wizard Saint had a magic dedicated to offensive spells and techniques and a magic dedicated to summoning creatures to fight for her, but neither magic permitted her to heal herself or others. Leona's train of thought changed when Lyra pointed out a proposed location for the tree and the Wizard Saint looked in the direction indicated to her.

    Lyra assured the Guild Mistress that the tree would not need dirt to be planted in thanks to the use of "fairy dust" and that she would take on the task of maintaining the tree once it had been planted. Leona did not have a problem with that. The Wizard Saint knew virtually nothing about trees, so it was best to let Lyra take the lead on that.

    "Just as long as the tree doesn't compromise the structural integrity of the building I don't have a problem with you using that location for the tree. That's the only real concern I have." Leona said to Lyra what the latter had likely already taken into consideration when choosing the site for the tree. The blonde hated to sound like an obstructionist looking for reasons to shoot the project down or sound like she was vacillating after seeming like she was giving support to the idea minutes ago, but she had to take practical matters into consideration. However, if Lyra could keep the tree maintained enough where the building would be fine, Leona had no problem with it. After addressing Lyra the Guild Mistress turned to Tim, who had asked her if she was willing to help with the planting of the tree.

    "If you and Lyra don't mind me joining in, I'd like to help plant the tree." Leona answered Tim's question. The Wizard Saint was willing to help with the planting, though her reasons for doing so were not entirely altruistic. Since she was not educated enough to create any scientific or technological marvels planting the tree was a chance for Leona to do something that was not fighting.

    [Post Word Count: 580]
    [Leona's Word Count: 2,646]
    [Thread Word Count: 8,804]

    @Rodadnuf @ly


    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ KjmbioC

    Golden Lacrima is valid until 10/10/2024. The General Store: Page 10, Post Number 244 (Request), Page 10, Post Number 245 (Approval)

    Lineage : Anathema to Divinity
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    Posts : 248
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    Cosmic Coins : 100
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Rollins & Schwartz-Brand
    Second Skill: Heaven God Slayer
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    ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡ Empty Re: ♡ blankets & mini houses ♡ intro ♡

    Post by Rodadnuf 9th October 2022, 12:52 am

    “I do not mind.” Tim let out a breath he didn’t even realize he was holding. “It would mean quite a lot to me, Guildmistress, being given your invaluable time.”

    Helping to take a light load off his boss was its own reward. But being able to actually spend some quality time with the two would be a fun experience, if not also insightful. For all intents and purposes, Tim was still a greenhorn in all this. Leona, meanwhile, was a wizard saint. He even needed to remind himself, every once in a while, that she was still younger than him! Yet despite being so young she was someone who, without even looking things up too deep in the Lac-net, he had heard and read very impressive things about. In fact, the reason Tim even had Silver Wolf included in his little job hunting not too long ago was because of a piece in one of Edna’s older volumes of Sorcerer’s Magazine.

    “If you would permit me to speak freely.” Tim paused, before smiling towards the Saint. After their interaction earlier, letting go of formalities for a bit would be prudent here unless she’ll say anything that’ll indicate she doesn’t like him ignoring the guild’s hierarchy. But Tim had a hunch she wasn’t unlike his old boss. “You see, the staff have been worried you’ll ‘work yourself to death’. Their words, not mine. They know well how much you’ve lifted the guild up, but they really aren’t in the position to force a vacation out on the boss. So, I’m the Joe they sent to ease their worry, so to speak. If it isn’t really that obvious, well…fighting’s pretty much all I’m good for! So what I honestly had in mind was to ask you out on a job sometime, something to take your time other than your duties. But an opportunity to plant a magic tree is also a good change of pace. Definitely beats going on a cross-country man hunt…”

    Tim trailed off.

    It was a little out of the blue, telling pretty much the guild’s entire staff on her. But while Tim already had an idea the guildmistress had a very close-knit relationship with some of the staff, the rest that usually worked on jobs that doesn’t let them see the wizards as often also worry. Tim has the horrible workaholism to have the opportunity in doing guild tasks with these people, and in the time he spent around the guild he came to know some of them. Even if they don’t get to meet, let alone talk, with her often, they still worry. And Tim picked up a bad habit of being nosy while he was a preteen urchin in the Neutral Grounds’ workhouses.

    “That being said, I’d feel bad about this tree being stuck in this room, Miss Blooms.” Tim scratched his chin.

    The prospect of seeing this tree growing to its usual height without being trimmed up caught Tim’s attention. It’d be a shame not to see it for himself. If he wasn’t going to be seeing the city Miss Blooms mentioned, he’d be damned not to at least see a fully grown magic tree! “It’s pretty impressive it being able to survive harsher conditions and all, but I think the guild can do better than let a pretty looking tree cooped up in some corner. After all, we have multi themed gardens and courtyards around both the guildhouse itself and the grounds around it!”

    “That reminds me.” He flicked his fingers. Tim pulled out his iLac and navigated around the menus. “The guildhouse is pretty big, and the spaces also covered a lot of opportunities to have courtyard gardens. Aside from housing wizards this place also doubles as a hotel and hot spring, after all. See?”

    Tim moved the iLac’s screen in view for the faerie. “This one’s midi-themed. It’s pretty close to the hallway into my room, actually.”

    The courtyard was more than large enough to house an oak tree if it needed to. The pebbled ground was elegantly raked, as if drawn with a paint brush. Cascading around it was a carefully laid out stone path that crossed around the sides of the garden. Smaller trees coiled around the sides, giving patches of shade to the wooden benches laid by the path’s sides. On center of the whitish garden was a circle of rich green grass, perfectly untouched.

    “The center of the garden was still free for any tree to be planted, and adjusting the path around it wouldn’t be too hard.” Tim swiped the picture aside and let another one take stage. “Now, this one’s right outside my room when you look at it from the balcony. It’s way bigger than any of the courtyards here so even if it’ll grow to its full potential, you won’t be needing to trim any of it off.”

    The stroll gardens of Naromoto deemed these grounds its fierce competition, and with good reason. Showcased in the iLac was one of the side gardens. It was one that had a lot more people in compared to the ones inside the guildhouse. Guests were walking by the network of redwood bridges and islets, some of which went over a river that ran across the entire garden. Unlike the compact courtyard, the outdoor garden didn’t hold back. Above the sculpted river, into the grounds themselves were trees that might belong in the deepest regions of Midi, or at least from the blush jungles of Sakuramori. The trees were tall, yet never imposing. It was a tranquil vista, one that would evidently be more striking when seen in person.

    “I’ve seen only half of the other courtyards. If there’s a particular ideal scenery this tree you want planted to, the other ones would definitely have it.” Tim closed the iLac. “And don’t worry about the manpower, I’ve helped dug a trench for a pipeline back in the day. I’m sure one tree won’t be worse than that.”

    “Unless you have a neat spot that I don’t know, Guildmistress?” Tim turned towards Leona. “You probably know this place inside and out.”

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