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    The contender (Open)

    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
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    The contender (Open) Empty The contender (Open)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 5th January 2022, 4:08 am

    The large arc-shaped doors of the guildhall flew open and slammed loudly against the walls. With it the freezing cold from outside invaded the guild, snow sparkles whirled into the hall while gusts of icy winds bit into everyone's bare skin.
    Shocked by the sudden surprise the guards turned their heads towards the loud interruption of their daily mundanity. Some slowly started to draw their weapons as they were met by a stranger standing in the opening. Instead of looking at the unforgiving frozen landscape outside the hall, they were staring at a darkened silhouette from a man. Who at this point took another step inward, so that the soldiers weren't staring directly into the outside light anymore. It revealed a middle-aged looking man, clearly unbothered by the cold and definitely not dressed for the occasion. Instead of winter-proof clothing, he was dressed as if he could attend a dinner party at any given moment. His only protection would be his long woolen trenchcoat with a fur outline, which waved playfully in the wind since he had it unbuttoned. Yet it wasn't his attire that really caught the attention of the guards, but rather what this man dragged alongside him. Hanging from the grasp of his right hand, was one of the guards tasked with protecting the entrance of the hall itself.

    Like a rag doll, the stranger threw the bloodied guard in front of the others, clearly dead, beaten to pulp it seems. The stranger took another step towards, while simultaneously the others guards instinctively took a step back.
    'So, this is Errings Rising' he said with a clear tone of disdain in his voice. 'Can't say that I am impressed.' Amadeus looked around the hall, seeing nothing but small fry surrounding him. Carefully assessing his next move, while not moving. Yet he still wasn't met by anyone noteworthy. Which was quite a letdown honestly. Amadeus had heard some of the stories about this place. Assassinating a retired but famous legal mage, poison attacks in Morgate Town, and the slaying of a hive nest of spiders on shadow island. It sounded interesting enough, in fact, an old war buddy of him had even joined up in the past. And if that warmongering fool even decided to bend the knee to some young girl, then there is something about Errings Rising that made it special enough. Something Amadeus didn't have, but something he clearly wants.

    As he looked around, Amadeus noticed that this wasn't a normal guildhall. There was no bar or a large rabble of drunken mages. No there were only guards, large pillars along the side, and a long red carpet leading all the way up to a large chair. This was a throne room, yet there was no queen to be seen. Meaning a new sovereign to replace to old wouldn't be strange.

    ' Honestly, I expected more of this place, more of you even.' he taunted the guards while walking past them towards the throne. Once there he turned around, with the large chair at his back. ' But I am not without mercy, I can clearly see that this throne needs a new occupant. So why don't you all bow down to me.' A devilish grin suddenly appeared on his face, as Amadeus suddenly had an idea. The strongest leaders led through fear, by a show of sheer force and ruthlessness. 'Oh.. and to show that I am very serious about my new role here, I will kill the one who bows down last.'



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    Lineage : Phase Running
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    Posts : 305
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    The contender (Open) Empty Re: The contender (Open)

    Post by Killua 5th January 2022, 4:15 pm

    Tech components flew everywhere in the dimly lit bedroom after something was roughly slammed against the wall of the guildhall or rather castle. "Great, half of them are on the floor now." The voice of the tinkerer filled the empty room as he mumbled to himself, before slamming his fists on the table making the rest of the components fall to the ground. "I'm going to kill whoever did that." Pushing the goggles that he wore over his white hair he left them on the table. As he got up, he grabbed what looked like an empty hilt, with no blade attached to it.

    Turning the knob on the door the castle light fully illuminated and reviewed Killua as he exited and closed the door of the dimly lit bedroom. Dressed in his recently acquired outfit, which consisted of a black shitagi and hakama tied with a simple white sash around his waist, with a sleeveless white hiori. He tucked the hilt away into his sash and began to walk towards the ever-increasing noise from what looked like to be the throne room. Getting closer he noted that the sound was over, was it someone from the guild doing something loud and stupid? Or was it an intruder? He sped up into a run to get faster to the throne room.

    He opened one of the side doors to the throne room, just in time to hear the announcement of the stranger that stood in front of the throne. Cold blue eyes narrowed as he looked over the room, the one dead guard and the wide-open doors that were responsible for the sound. He focused on the stranger, the distance between them was not large. Using the opportunity, Kil dashed with full speed and appeared behind the stranger. "I don't know who you are, but I think you've chosen the wrong castle to take over, old man." Killua said in a cold tone, small particles of black lightning flashing around his body. Taking out the hilt from his sash he pointed it towards the back of the 'old man' as he was a bit bigger than the white-haired mage. "I can't also let you leave like this. Not after you've killed one of our little guards and claiming our currently absent Queen's throne, now can I?" He didn't really care for the random soldier that died, he didn't know they guarded the throne room until today.

    The rest of the guards looked like they were more confident with Killua here, taking the step forward that they previously took back in fear from the stranger.

    "Oh and to show that I'm serious.." Killua's whole body was engulfed in his black lightning aura, and with one simple button, the previous empty hilt sparked to life as an energy blade of pure darkness erupted and stopped a few centimeters from the man's coat. "What do you want old man, you better have a good explanation for barging in like this?"

    @Godlike Frederik


    Riana Maren
    Riana Maren

    Lineage : Artificial Mind
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 114
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 552,302

    The contender (Open) Empty Re: The contender (Open)

    Post by Riana Maren 6th January 2022, 2:57 am

    Riana Maren
    The Mechanical Guard Dog

    Another day, another weapon that needed designing. Deep in the bowels of the castle, in the weapons laboratory that had been so graciously gifted to her by the guild, Riana Maren was undertaking her usual work. Probably making some kind of high-energy explosive, considering her proclivity for such weaponry. The red-headed woman was so focused on her work, soldering iron in hand as she fused wiring to board, that she only just noticed the voice of her artificial intelligence vibrating subcutaneously in her ear. Thank the stars that she had made such a thing almost impossible to overlook.

    --Riana, one male target has entered the castle and has successfully breached the throne room. One guard is now dead and currently being carried by the target. Agent Killua has moved to intercept.--

    The scientist pushed herself up from her seat, sighing heavily. What an absolute shambles this was; someone had intruded, and the Queen would have his head. Well, this was going to be one hell of a day.

    "Inform the Queen and the Aces of this intrusion, SOFI. I'm going to provide Killua some support." ordered the scientists. They were going to be absolutely livid that someone was attempting something so shockingly brazen. This would only end in blood if this threat was determined to push the point. This guild had means of being... rather persuasive, after all.

    At that, a sudden rush of air filled the throne room as Riana filled empty space where there had yet been anything; there was but a second's warning when bright orange-red magi-particles filled the room, which was a sight Killua was already familiar with. In the space that was now occupied stood a human-sized mechanical monstrosity; black steel-plated, trimmed with red and gold, with panels that glowed on its cheeks, chest, elbows, forearms and kenes, as well as the tips of bladed wings that flexed and moved to provide perfect balance to the steel beast. Its eyes and forehead crest glowed that same inhuman orange-red, casting aspersions that whatever stood there was even human in and of itself. Every movement that it took was accentuated with a mechanical thrum and the actuation of servomotors and hydraulics, to which the menacing step forward that she took proved to be the beast's first foray into the melee that threatened to brew.

    Seconds later, a blade activated in Riana's hand, that energy beam saber crackling to life with a rather distinctive snap-hiss that flooded the room with yet more of that sinister light. Much like Killua, she considerably preferred the familiarity of her energy blade, one that she knew as if it were the back of her hand. First, she contemplated the enemy; an older man, white-haired, one who seemed to have little care for the situation he was in. Certainly, this showed nothing but confidence.

    Those bright eyes cast a glance to Killua, who was very clearly getting serious; she'd seen this before and knew precisely that he was already going from zero to one hundred in seconds because of the weaponry and magic that he was deploying. Apparently, energy blades and high technology were the order of the day for Errings Rising, which was not a surprise for those who knew the guild in its own way. Were she to have her way, Riana would have outfitted every single one of their mages with her technology. However, Ri and Killua got along famously, for two people who were rather detached and cold from the milieu of society. Truth told, Ri had a soft spot for the kid, but she'd never show it. There was nobody in this guild that she'd rather be standing against a wave of enemies with. Or, in this case, a single enemy that radiated sufficient power that Riana felt as if she'd walked in mildly over her head.

    "The agent is correct. Consider standing down-- immediately." Riana's voice when encased inside her Ebon Fury was shrouded with a mechanical tone, masking the gender behind the voice perfectly - when she was so clad, it mattered little who she was. Only what she was - and in this case she was the steel fallen angel of vengeance, not some human that felt flimsy and weak. This, to Riana, was her true form; nothing but the cold, calculating machine existed.

    Behind her, the shimmer of magitech particles formed into four energy tornados, approximately the same height as her. What that heralded, however, was unknown even to Killua - for only one being alive, the Queen herself, had seen such before. That was a surprise that Riana intended to keep to herself unless the situation became dire.

    TAG: @Killua @Godlike Frederik WORDS: 775 TOTAL: --- JOB: Link
    MEL @ WW


    The contender (Open) TF1LSEK
    +100% Jewels In Effect - Lineage
    Godlike Frederik
    Godlike Frederik
    The Forsaken

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Apex of Darkness
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    Posts : 2972
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 258,417

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    The contender (Open) Empty Re: The contender (Open)

    Post by Godlike Frederik 6th January 2022, 10:30 am

    A light tingling sensation crawled over Amadeus's bare skin as the static electricity traveled through the humid air of the room. Released by the black lightning of whomever now stood behind him. But the sudden burst of electrical power wasn't the only reason the hairs on his arms stood right up. The allure of battle and threatening presences made his skin crawl with an eager thrill.

    First, there was the person who appeared behind him. Fast as lightning, this presence traveled from one side of the room to where he now stood. Behind Amadeus and in between him and his throne. His voice was cold and serious, yet it missed a certain deep tone an adult as Amadeus had, suggesting that this man was a youngster compared to himself. And if the voice didn't give it away then there was of course the 'old man' remark.
    Secondly, the young man wasn't alone. Joining the fray was a truly mechanical monster clad in one of the most sophisticated battlesuits he had ever seen. Every step it took created an increasingly intimidating mechanical sound, making any single movement even more foreboding than the last. Piling on its entire presence were the four tornadoes which consisted out of some variant of magic particles. Which grew to an equal height while twirling behind the mecha suit-wearing badass.

    The robot, which Amadeus dubbed the mechanical marvel, for now, emphasized what the young man standing behind him said before. Verbally suggesting that Amadeus should stand down and probably should answer the former's inquiry.
    Despite their demanding request, a few lingering seconds passed by in silence. During which Amadeus assessed the situation he was in. Should he wipe the floor with these two? Beat them into nothing more than a bloody pulp. In all honesty, he didn't know that he should. The one standing at his back used some sort of thunder magic, which alone could be quite the hassle. And the robot he could see seemed like one who probably collected weaponry just for the fun of it. So who knows what it had in stowed away in its arsenal. If he did, he had to play it smart, at least smarter than just barging in through the front door.

    Without any change in his demeanor, Amadeus threw them an arrogance smrik and decided it was time to give the two mages an answer. 'My apologies' he said mockingly, showing that he didn't regret his own theatrical intrusion. 'But let's be honest here shall we, does a throne unbecomingly empty and equally guarded not invite a new tenant?' he asked them in return. 'That is why I am here, lightning man, to replace your Queen with a true monarch. Deserving of such fierce watchdogs as you two.'
    He then suddenly spread his arms in a welcoming matter, as if he was welcoming the two mages to his kingdom instead of them into theirs. While doing so a faint yet sweet fragrance could be smelled around the would-be king.
    'So without any further dilly dally let me properly introduce myself. I am Amadeus Umbra... your new liege!'



    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Phase Running
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    Posts : 305
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    Experience : 663,926

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    The contender (Open) Empty Re: The contender (Open)

    Post by Killua 6th January 2022, 6:35 pm

    Blue eyes shifted to Riana that entered her signature mecha armor, clearly ready to battle the stranger that had invaded the castle. He felt a bit at ease that he had support if the occasion required it, he had no idea how strong this person was, the young mage was still having a hard time gauging how strong someone was from magical presence alone, but judging from the man's boldness and continued to remain like they were his future minions, he was either strong and extremely stupid. The situation was shifting more and more towards the members of the dark guild, if he had to guess more people will be coming in soon from all the noise, especially if a fight breaks out.

    Kil's eyes shifted from Ri back to the now dubbed old man, prepared to move and strike should he do anything sudden. Eyes narrowed as he spoke up, in an ever so arrogant voice while standing in the center of the den of wolves. The grip on the Void Blade tightened as Kil himself prepared for combat he didn't really see many ways this would go. Letting him finish up his little charade, almost striking him on instinct, as soon as he put his arms up.

    "I don't really feel like bending the knee another time. And I doubt that my friend over there would do it as well."  He was gradually getting annoyed at his arrogance, it was obvious that he perfectly knew where he was stepping and which throne he was trying to get. The only thing that he wondered was if this was truly his goal? Doubt was filling the ex-operative as to what his true objective was, even though he was arrogant, it felt like the man was intelligent so he doubted that something so simple was his goal while Errings Rising was still fully operational, it wasn't some remnant of the dark guild.

    "This was supposed to be my day to relax and it got ruined again." Kil continue in his ever-so-cold voice, as he brought the blade up and gripped it with both hands. "Why don't you entertain me now for ruining it, old man." The energy blade fell down in a downward arc, a slow hum following it with traces of lightning, attempting to slash the invader. The attack wasn't aimed to be lethal, he still wanted more questions and if he had the strength to back himself up, the attack would most likely not connect.

    More and more lightning surrounded Killua as it began to violently spark around him. "I hope that you can back up your words a bit or this will be rather boring." A rather cheap taunt, but he was now itching for a fight and from the looks of it, the mecha mage wasn't going to miss out on a fight from all the tornados forming around her. Relaxing one hand, Kil waved his hand as all the guards took this as their cue to leave, it wasn't that Kil didn't want to hurt them, they would just be in the way if they stayed, now it was only them three.


    Riana Maren
    Riana Maren

    Lineage : Artificial Mind
    Position : None
    Faction : The Ironheart Pact
    Posts : 114
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 552,302

    The contender (Open) Empty Re: The contender (Open)

    Post by Riana Maren 7th January 2022, 4:56 am

    Riana Maren
    The Mechanical Guard Dog

    This man's sense of deluded grandeur simply could not be understated. Who in their right mind would walk into the territory of a mage who was absolutely known to be incredibly powerful, world-famously so, and attempt to wrest control of her territories on the basis that she was not present in a place at a precise moment in time? It was the height of egotism to consider that as a reason to attempt to control a guild from someone who could, with little more than a thought, remove his existence from Earthland in an instant. Perhaps Riana wanted to see that, just to get a bit of bloodsport in her life. But no. This one needed to be brought to heel.

    "You underestimate our Queen," the scientist remarked, those umbral eyes staring mirthlessly into the face of a man who clearly did not understand his own peril. "Were you worthy of that throne, you would have done your research beforehand to know exactly what loyalty our Queen commands and what you would have had to have done to acquire a guild. But no. You, like every other pretender before you, are nothing more than a puissant failure of a man whose unchecked ego is only one of many things used to compensate for a small..."



    What did you think she was going to say? You pervert. Truth told, Riana didn't normally talk that much - but this was too good of an opportunity to make fun of a man with small something energy.

    The guards began to filter out one by one at Killua's instruction, which meant that Riana knew exactly what was about to come from the young man. Were he to run unchecked, then Killua could have easily leveled the contents of this room without a second thought. She, too, could employ the more powerful equipment in her arsenal and ensure that she could have enacted the same sort of destruction, but then she'd lose her head. Riana needed that to live, meaning that the destruction of the room was now no longer a choice. The warning cut had been exactly that, which Riana understood simply by the nature of the man making the attack: he was not one to mess around and make an attack that would have missed a mostly static target unless he intended it to miss. Killua was too skilled for that to not be the case.

    The energy sword in Riana's hands disappeared for a moment as she folded her arms, feet lifting off the floor as a cloak of magiparticles held her aloft, her wings spreading to hold her off the floor and wreathing her in the spectral red glow of hatred. "Amadeus Umbra, I gift unto you a first, and final, warning: Your life before the Queen is nothing but dirt. And she knows you are here."

    True, too. SOFI, the AI, had diligently done her job in notifying Saraphina... well, to be entirely more accurate, SOFI had made the strategic decision of informing both Nadaline and Bertrand, as going directly to the Queen was occasionally a terrible decision. Her attendants could convince her better than an artificial intelligence ever could, which increased the chances of her turning up considerably.

    However, now that they had the floor, it was time to unleash the dogs of war; from the four energy tornados that whirled behind her, four more black-plated, metallic masses leapt from their forms at incredible speed. One of them appeared like a very similarly clad beast to that which permeated Riana's skin; spiked, black and covered in fins that had some unknown purpose. The other three, instead of human-like heads, had more rounded skulls with long visors instead of simple human heads. All of them had the same glowing legs with knee plates, but from there the similarities ended - one, with twin energy cannons mounted to its shoulders, another with an energy sword and energy tower shield, and a third with strange conical protrusions from movable shoulder plates. From them, the same particle trail that came from the Ebon Fury followed them as they charged at high speed towards the intruder, moving to surround him on all four sides, from about a metre and a half back. That's six feet, for those of you playing along at home with inferior measurements.

    Amadeus would now find himself at blade's edge, at gunpoint, staring down those strange cones, and directly in front of the folded arms of a beast whose blade bits were now beginning to detach and position themselves behind the monstrosity such that their sharpened energy edges would lance through flesh as if it were a hot knife through butter. From where she observed the movements of her vassals, Riana suppressed a smile - she had yet to provide herself a proper combat test for the M-Dolls up until this point. Would this man truly provide that test here and now? Oh, she was excited. Oh, Riana Maren was very, very excited, now that she could finally use her unassailable weapons against an opponent that could finally provide something of a challenge.

    She looked to Killua for just a moment, glowing eyes lingering on the young man's white-haired form before she gave him a slight nod. Whatever his plan was, whatever he needed, she was here to support her ally in this fight, no matter what. Also, she totally wanted a look at his energy sword later. That had to happen.

    TAG: @Killua @Godlike Frederik WORDS: 914 TOTAL: --- JOB: Link
    MEL @ WW


    The contender (Open) TF1LSEK
    +100% Jewels In Effect - Lineage

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 151
    Guild : ❊ meliora vitae ❊
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    Experience : 3,541

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    The contender (Open) Empty Re: The contender (Open)

    Post by misty 7th January 2022, 10:58 am

    The contender (Open) Da56jpk-1fc7774c-a5f6-473c-a20e-401cd75f8b2e.gif?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOjdlMGQxODg5ODIyNjQzNzNhNWYwZDQxNWVhMGQyNmUwIiwiaXNzIjoidXJuOmFwcDo3ZTBkMTg4OTgyMjY0MzczYTVmMGQ0MTVlYTBkMjZlMCIsIm9iaiI6W1t7InBhdGgiOiJcL2ZcL2I5NzhlMTZjLTdkNzctNDQzYi04YTIyLTYyNjBjNmZkNWVjYlwvZGE1Nmpway0xZmM3Nzc0Yy1hNWY2LTQ3M2MtYTIwZS00MDFjZDc1ZjhiMmUuZ2lmIn1dXSwiYXVkIjpbInVybjpzZXJ2aWNlOmZpbGUuZG93bmxvYWQiXX0

    The contender (Open) EaOAJRQ

    In the form of a delicate flutter, the olive-green braid of the dollkeeper would flutter behind her as she would take flight upon the snowy skies of the Hakobe Mountain Ranges, accompanied by two of her finest dolls on the top of an ethereal levitating piano. Minutes prior to her ascent into the gale that stretched into the snowy horizon, one of her loyal servants had reported to their princess to inform her of a certain peculiar event that was occurring within the walls of the fortress of the guild she had pledged allegiance to recently within her endeavors- there was a challenger to the throne of Errings Rising, which was something the mute had to go and witness with her own bright optics. The thought of this made the heiress of Castle Decalcomanie laugh; antics like these were something that she had not been able to witness for decades within Ishgar, especially when it came to thrones that held such a devote cause to pushing ideals that differed from those shroud in normalcy. While she was quite excited to watch the spectacle unfold upon the surface of her grand instrument, having to potentially take on the ideals of a stranger was something that she did not look forward to- if worse came to worse and he did not back down, which she thought would be a wise choice on his behalf, she would have no choice but to intervene and allow him to meet his demise. Surely, within her decadent mind, he would bow down upon being captivated by her otherworldly beauty.

    Upon the grand piano that launched through the fluffy white clouds that would push snow out of themselves onto the peaks, white lilies and golden leaf ornamentals would chime louder as the trio would get closer to their destination. "The castle appears upon the fog, my Queen," one of the dolls that sat beside the green-haired yokai would softly speak, running her porcelain fingers through her long strands of hair, "I'm sure this challenger will find you quite irresistible, madame." A smile would arise upon Rain's cheeks as she would allow her unconventional vehicle to delicately slow down, the winds coming to a halt as they would sweep into the shadow of the icy fortress. Further telepathic communication to her dolls of their orders to uphold once they were to make their entrance would prove unnecessary- they both knew exactly what to do once inside, instructed prior to their travels. A bubbly feeling of excitement would manifest within the dollkeeper's stomach as they would slowly levitate in front of the shut castle doors- she was curious as to just who this bold individual would be, as would be anyone that would hear of such intriguing news. Raising her hand toward the doors and pointing her long, sharp golden rings that would span across the majority of her stark fingertips, Rain's gaze would be redirected to the doll Alice, informing her that it was now time. Standing from her state of rest, the violinist of the forest would gracefully raise her own musical instrument to her chest and would streak the bow across the strings a single time, allowing for both of the doors to slam open and allow entry.

    Remaining upon the surface of the grand piano, which would look to be lined entirely in gold and white, the three would slowly levitate into the fortress and make their way to the side of the grand endeavor, withholding their greetings as their eyes would look the challenger up and down, seeping in every last detail they could notice within their gaze. "Hm, older than I imagined him to be," Alice would speak to the other two quietly, letting out a small chuckle, "wouldn't make a good doll if we killed him, and I'm sure the nursing home wouldn't want him either." Stepping down from the tip of the grand piano onto the floor in a quick but delicate jump, the doll of the grand orchestra would place her violin in the place she once sat and would slowly approach the group of three that stood before the dolls, attempting to hold in her laughter behind a sinister smile. The mistress of the dolls, Rain, would remain sitting upon the edge of the piano- her golden crown of leaves would glisten within the lights that lined the castle walls, which would be unable to compare to the calm and delicate facade that would potentially stand out to anyone that would marvel upon her existence. "I won't speak for my mistress, but I am quite disappointed, to say the least- I would expect a challenger to Errings Rising's throne to be more exquisite in physique, unhindered by old age. It would be a shame if I were to pickpocket your insulin for my own consumption, you wouldn't be able to live without that prescription, no?" she would slyly speak to the bearded man, letting out another series of giggles as she would twirl her short blonde hair through her fingertips. Looking back at Rain with a smile on her face, which would be met with a gaze of contentment, fueling the porcelain violinist's complex further.

    "We would consider to make you one of us after your head is met by the stake, but allowing an old hag like you to enter the walls of Castle Decalcomanie would simply be unacceptable," the doll would speak further, her crown of multi-colored roses appearing vibrant alongside her crimson red eyes, "...and it would be even more unacceptable to grant you the throne of the White Queen. Lady Raina Decalcomanzari, the heiress of the Castle Decalcomanie, wishes for you to know that she does not wish to give her allegiance to a man unworthy of the title-- but you will find out what fate awaits you momentarily, I am sure of it, wrinkly."

    post wc: 981
    total wc: 4,802
    tags: @Godlike Frederik @Killua @Riana Maren


    The contender (Open) 3Lexy9U

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

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    The contender (Open) Empty Re: The contender (Open)

    Post by Saraphina 8th January 2022, 1:21 am

    The White Queen
    The beautiful white dress of the queen was currently mostly stained in red as she was riding atop her equally red stained polar bear, whose mouth was extremely red from gnawing through beings. Her dress was once a white halter top with a gold trimmed collar, a mesh top before it went into a sweetheart neckline, and detached sleeves that were capped with gold cuffs, the corset part of her dress also had gold designs on the abdomen area, and a couple fancy gold chains rested on her hips, one a rather plain one, but the other was basically made of stars. The skirt of the dress hugged her thighs nicely, but still allowed her to move at full range. Even with all the blood covering her, her cleavage was visible, and her guild mark just above it was able to be seen through as well. Upon her head was a beautiful golden crown with four spikes and balls on top of those spikes and a pink fluffy looking dome in the middle, sporting another golden ball in the center of it. The crown was equally covered in blood as well.

    She held a glowing sword in her lap, broad side on her as she rode the giant beast right into her castle with ease as the doors were opened a bit before she had come back to her home. Behind her were two seraphim, they seemed only slightly panicked, but not much as the queen was seeming pleased. They had told her that there was someone not from the guild within the castle. They never got to tell her that they were trying to take her spot as she got all excited for having a new member of her guild. She wasn’t listening to anyone. As Tyr entered her main hall, she would spy Rain, a couple of her dolls, Killua, and some robots, which she assumed was Riana after Nadaline was quick to be in her ear and tell the white queen all whomst was there around the new person on her throne.

    Saraphina easily slipped herself off of the polar bears back as she slipped down, sword still in hand. “Oh goodie! A bit of my guild is here already!” She giggles as she skips over to Killua, waving towards Rain and Riana with one of the biggest grins the white queen could have on her face. Clearly she was in a good mood from her outing she had of massacring a village trying to start up some rather suppressing laws. She didn’t even bother about watching the sword Killua had and hugged the younger child to her a bit, obviously keeping her own sword from cutting him as she let it float in the air next to her. She placed her hands on his shoulders and smiled ever so sweetly to him. “I’m wanting to have some sweetened black tea later, would you like to have some with me?” She released one of his shoulders and turned her body to be opened to the rest of the room. “In fact, I wouldn’t mind everyone joining me for some tea~ Nadaline makes the best tea next to Sanguine!” She giggles before her eyes land on the man in front of her throne.

    Her smile didn’t drop from her face, but her eyes seemed to get a little hostile as she tilted her head towards her left shoulder. “Is this our new member? Oooh! I’m so excited~ Nadaline, get my stamp!” She giggles as she lifts her head up and claps her hands together. She skips her way towards the man and makes little shooing motions with her fingers so she could sit herself down in her chair, the sweet little smile on her face still as she giggled to him.
    @Godlike Frederik @Killua @Riana Maren @rainy || 633 words || 5,434 total words || Job Link || Job Approval
    Saraphina #9966ff
    Nadaline #ff66ff & Bertrand #0066ff


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:59 pm