Fairy Tail RP

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    Halloween Hijinx


    Halloween Hijinx Empty Halloween Hijinx

    Post by Guest 3rd November 2021, 12:21 pm

    The angel had taken a liking to the celebrations that humans had on a yearly basis and Halloween was definitely her favourite. The thought of an event dedicated to scaring the life out of people brought her no shortage of amusement and was always a time of year that she enjoyed. This year would hopefully be no exception and as she looked upon Magnolia Town, she was quite looking forward to letting her hair down and having a little fun. She had even gone one step further this year and dressed for the occasion, an outfit that suited her quite well, a black and orange witch costume that she hoped would capture the eye, as well as perhaps the hearts of those she passed. Her mood had been pretty good lately, now that the post regeneration problems that her maid had been suffering from were now well and truly healed. She had been rather worried about her purple haired bodyguard and to see her back to her dirty minded best brought the angel no shortage of joy. Having Armina stamping around the guild in a constant tantrum had not been all that pleasant and Medeia had promised not to allow that to happen again. It was simply not worth the hassle and both her maid and herself had suffered enough.

    Unlike last year, she had decided to seek out some company rather than attend the festival alone and somewhere among the stalls and games were three of her guildmates. Her precious flower, Kyra, who was slowly coming into her own. Addre, a new member to the guild who she had only recently accepted into the guild and Sanguine, her fellow Ace, who she had not actually met before. An oversight on Medeia’s part although as far as she knew, Sanguine had only just returned to the guild, having had some business elsewhere to deal with for some time. It was understandable and the angel was certainly not going to judge her for disappearing for a while. Disappearing members were rather common among the guild, after all and very few had the courage to return after doing so.

    The holy being was for the moment simply watching the activities, her keen purple eyed gaze drifting from one beautiful woman to the next. She was always on the lookout for a potential playmate and given how lovely the costumes were that people wore, her interest was piqued even further. There was of course a second reason as to why she was watching so intently. She knew all too well that this was the home of the Fairy Tail guild, a group that she had taken a rather strong dislike to and a part of her was just begging for the chance to swipe one of them from under the nose of that brown haired little bastard. One day, she was going to return to this place and burn it to the ground but for tonight at least, she was content with simply watching.

    (502 Words)

    Lineage : The World Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 229
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 17,909

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Second Skill: Solar Dragon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Third Skill: Clear Demon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)

    Halloween Hijinx Empty Re: Halloween Hijinx

    Post by Addre 5th November 2021, 9:56 am

    Rolling for "Halloween Punch Sampling"


    Me - Venom GS - Sun DS - Clear DeS - Lineage - Bank - Char Change (15-07-2021)
    Addre's Battle Theme:

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    Halloween Hijinx Empty Re: Halloween Hijinx

    Post by NPC 5th November 2021, 9:56 am

    The member 'Addre' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Normal Dice' :
    Halloween Hijinx Die_01_42158_sm

    Lineage : The World Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 229
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 17,909

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Second Skill: Solar Dragon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Third Skill: Clear Demon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)

    Halloween Hijinx Empty Re: Halloween Hijinx

    Post by Addre 5th November 2021, 10:07 am

    Huh… finding a proper costume for Halloween was easy enough – at least the process of obtaining it. Figuring out what exactly Addre wanted to be dressed as, however, was a challenge. He could be something creepy as Halloween demanded it, what with its entire theme of being to scare young kids into fearing the dark night and those who dwelled in it… b-but… uh…

    Should he be dressed as a bat? Nah, upon a closer look at a nearby mirror next to one of the stalls, it looked too silly. His body glowed up whenever he switched between costumes with his creative prowess, Arc of Embodiment, and he had been through the costume of a werewolf, bat, wizard, zombie, skeleton, vampire, and for a brief instance even the Desiertan outfit belonging to Medeia herself… yeah, so none of them fitted him.

    However, he came to like the plague doctor outfit. Bingo!

    Speaking of the Ace, she must’ve gone somewhere else… but Addre was also accompanied by two other veteran members of the unhinged guild; one with long, bright-white hair and composure reminding him of when he was serving other people (albeit any past projection of himself paled in comparison to the aura of finesse that this lady was enveloped by) as well as a… particularly strange girl with puffier, chestnut-red hair. Maybe she had a cold, she looked so disdained by… something.

    Whatever that might’ve been, Addre had already engaged in a stall’s activity – it was time to have fun himself, so he sought for a line of Halloween-Punch samplings. He was never permitted to drink alcohol back then, but no one’s gonna stop him now, right? Besides, it wasn’t as if people could treat him based on his appearance; he was wearing a full-body plague doctor outfit … but he removed his mask to allow himself a taste of that Halloween-Punch.

    Huh, it was way tastier than he expected. He thought that it would make him act weird or see things that weren’t there, actually… quite a letdown, but at least it didn’t suck? Was it because he needed to drink more than just a sample? Then what was the point?!

    Frustrated, he slammed his hands on the stall’s table and caught the attention of the brewer behind it… and said not a single word. The young man just glared into the brewer’s soul, causing quite the discomfort in the poor girl who anxiously asked what the issue was.

    “W-What’s the matter, sir? Was it not to your liking…?”

    Addre shook his head in denial of that claim, causing the brewer to grow disheartened. “Oh, s-so it wasn’t good, after all-“ came out of her mouth, causing Addre to shake his head even wilder. This brought confusion to the brewer’s eyes, not knowing what he meant by this gesture. “… S-So was it good or not? I’m still learning, but since it’s Halloween, I wanted to try and prepare what I know for you all.”

    … Silence.

    “… C-Can you just say ‘yes’ or ‘no’? Was it good? Yes? No?”

    … Addre shook his head in a gesture of ‘yes’.

    “Oh, okay… that’s very good to hear, b-but then, what was the issue again?”

    … Addre pointed a finger at one of the available cups still filled with her sample, to which she glared at it for quite a while. Slowly, he’d pick it up to signal even further that he wanted another taste, to which she waved her hand and warned: “No, no, no! Only one taste per person… otherwise, not everyone has a fair chance to try.”

    And with that, Addre found his defeating answer. Disheartened himself, he lowered his head under a deep, stormy cloud and put the plague doctor’s mask on again to hide how saddened he was. Although, spotting Kyra, he’d point over to the stand and stare at her without saying anything, prompting her to try a sample too…

    WC: 657
    Thread TWC: 1159


    Me - Venom GS - Sun DS - Clear DeS - Lineage - Bank - Char Change (15-07-2021)
    Addre's Battle Theme:

    Halloween Hijinx Empty Re: Halloween Hijinx

    Post by Guest 3rd December 2021, 10:34 am

    Eventually, simply watching the festivities became a little tedious and the angel found herself walking among the mortals, amused by their choices of costume. There did not seem to be much in the way of scariness that night and from the looks of most of the festival goers, the event seemed to be causing more smiles than scares. Still, Medeia was content with that, not truly in the mood to scare anyone tonight and as her gaze fell across a large stage, she could not help but stop. There were a group of adults there, each showing off their costumes for the crowd to see. It looked like a contest of some kind and with a smile slowly stretching across her face, the angel would tap into her magic and teleport, reappearing beside the other contestants and ironically making quite a few people jump.

    Compared to the others though, she was far more attractive than any of the other competitors and with a simple twirl of her outfit, revealing her shapely form, she could feel more and more eyes upon her. Normally, she would never allow herself to be gawked at by a group of males, which the crowd mainly was but in this case, she was willing to make an exception. Besides, she could always make them pay for it later and she truly did wish to win the contest. A nice little boost for her already enormous ego and when it was her turn to perform for the people, she simply smirked and turned her fellow competitors into toads, much to the shock and awe of the people watching. Yet, rather than run away or boo her, they simply cheered and whistled, amazed by her display of power. There was no chance that they would for anyone else, surely? Who could beat a real life witch in a contest like this?

    The votes were soon cast and after a minute or two of counting, Medeia was indeed declared the victor, to no one’s great surprise. It had been quite an enjoyable contest to be honest and as she climbed down from the stage and received her trinket for taking part, she was soon on the hunt for something else to do. She was told by the organiser of the costume contest that she would earn a prize for earning three of the trinkets and so she decided to accomplish just that. There were plenty of tasks to complete, judging by the looks of things, many of which were completely new to her but she supposed that was part of the fun of it all. Her eyes were soon moving from left to right, waiting for her attention to be grabbed by a stall or individual but for a short time at least, nothing or seemed to catch her eye. That was until she locked eyes with a lovely woman, with brown hair and green eyes, sitting behind a table with a deck of cards. Without any further thought, she approached, eager to speak with the beautiful lady.

    (509 Words)
    (1668 TWC)

    (Costume contest completed.)

    Last edited by Medeia on 3rd December 2021, 12:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Halloween Hijinx Empty Re: Halloween Hijinx

    Post by Guest 3rd December 2021, 10:58 am

    The woman looked up as Medeia walked towards her and with a smile, nodded her head towards the chair. “Welcome to my little fortune telling table. Please take a seat and I will see what is in store for you. I cannot promise that you will like what you hear but I promise that what I say will come to pass.”

    Raising an eyebrow, the angel would take the offered seat, her purple eyed gaze never leaving the woman’s face. “I do not think that I need you to tell me what my future holds.” She flirtatiously said, finding the beautiful woman before her absolutely gorgeous. “By all means though, tell me what the cards say.”

    Cracking a smile, the teller would start to deal out the cards and after a few moments, began to flip them over and speak. “You will meet someone. A woman who will catch your eye from the moment you see her. Hair a lovely brown and eyes an...emerald green.” The teller's eyes widened as she continued to read. “You will fly off with her, play with her, spend a lovely night in her company and then you will...” Her cheeks turned bright red as the realisation dawned on her. “This is not a vision of the distant future, this is…”

    Cottoning on quickly, Medeia would instantly tap into her magic and start to sing, a sweet chorus that would fill the ears of the fortune teller. The music would swirl around the woman, capturing her, ensnaring her, placing her directly under the angel’s control. The teller was no mage and she could do nothing but fall for the angel’s beautiful song. As the spell was completed, the woman’s eyes would glaze over and the raven haired woman would speak. “You can indeed tell the future, my dear and you were indeed correct that it would come to pass. You will spend the rest of the night accompanying me and when the festival is over, I will take you back to my guild. I promise that we will have a great deal of fun together and perhaps I can teach you a few things. I think I have earned a trinket for completing this task, yes?”

    Nodding, the teller would hand the angel a second kernel, before standing up and following Medeia as she left the table. The two would start to blend into the crowd of people once more, looking for one final task that the witch needed in order to earn her prize. Her lovely new companion remained silent, unable to do or say anything besides what Medeia wished. The raven haired woman was incredibly pleased with this new development, her depraved mind already pondering about just what she would do to her new plaything later but first thing first, she needed that final kernel. Only then could she turn her mind towards the task of breaking in her new companion. Cackling darkly, the angel would brush a hand through the teller’s hair as though she was her pet.

    (506 Words)
    (2174 TWC)

    (Fortune telling completed.)

    Last edited by Medeia on 3rd December 2021, 12:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

    Halloween Hijinx Empty Re: Halloween Hijinx

    Post by Guest 3rd December 2021, 12:06 pm

    The duo walked for about five minutes or so before coming across what appeared to be a pumpkin carving contest. She was not all that experienced with the idea but she reckoned her follower probably was and so the angel took a seat at one of the tables, with the teller sitting on her lap. The brunette was still under the angel’s complete control and did not make the slightest effort to fight off Medeia’s commands. The organiser of the contest seemed a little confused as he walked past their table but still gave them the utensils they would need nonetheless, with a shake of his head. It seemed that he had seen some rather unusual situations already and was simply going through the motions at this point.

    A klaxon soon sounded and the contest began although rather than to anything, Medeia simply uttered to the teller. “I bet you are good at this. Carve a pumpkin that I can be proud of.”

    With a nod of her head, the teller would proceed to do just that, her hands working tirelessly across the pumpkin. She truly did seem to be good at it and Medeia could not help but raise her eyebrows at the spectacle she was watching. With a smile, she would start to affectionately stroke her pawn’s lovely hair, a show of affection that most certainly did put off some of the other contestants. To this, the angel simply shrugged, her gaze occasionally turning to meet those of the people who were giving them strange looks. Needless to say, they swiftly turned away then and more than once did Medeia bewitch a nosy individual who refused to focus on their own work.

    After half an hour or so, the klaxon went off again and the judges were soon walking among the competitors, taking notes and examining the pumpkins. Medeia’s seemed to attract a lot of attention and judging from the constant nodding from them, she assumed that it was for a good reason. The fact that the teller had done all the work did not seem to matter to them and when they had finished deliberating and started giving out the rosettes, Medeia found herself being given the winners one, much to her pleasure. Not only that but she was given her third and final kernel, completing the trifecta that she had been searching for. She had completed her task.

    Satisfied, she plopped the teller off of her lap, before leading her away. Medeia had completely lost the rest of the group and she could not help but wonder about what shenanigans they had got up to in her absence. It took her a good fifteen minutes to find anyone she knew but finally she came across Addre, who seemed to have just drunk from a punchbowl of some kind. Approaching him with the teller in tow, she would smile and ask. “Having fun?”

    (486 Words)
    (2660 TWC)
    (Pumpkin carving complete)

    Lineage : The World Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 229
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 17,909

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Second Skill: Solar Dragon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Third Skill: Clear Demon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)

    Halloween Hijinx Empty Re: Halloween Hijinx

    Post by Addre 4th December 2021, 10:00 am

    … H-Huh? Why was there suddenly a fist-sized frog here? It jumped up on the booth’s table from nowhere, knocking down a couple glasses and shocking the saleswoman. Addre lamented the waste of punch and grabbed the frog, staring it down through his mask with eyes burning flares fueled by ‘being pissed the fuck off’. Have some shame, frog! This was arguably worse than stealing another sample, since the beverages didn’t even end up satisfying anyone’s belly, and Addre was about to retaliate on the amphibian when he realized that it looked like… a gummy bear?

    No, no, no, it was made of the same material; it was spongy, transparent with a deep-blue tune, but it was animate! What kind of weird ass frog was this?!? Addre immediately let go of it, watching the strange creature leap away into the crowds (returning to the patrons of this town where its owner would return soon). Although, thinking further about it, he should’ve eaten it… it looked tasty. Damn it, why didn’t he just eat it?!? What got into him?! Fear?!?!?!?

    Looking at the booth only pissed him off even more, so he decided to just leave it be. Time to move on… there were plenty other things to do in this weird town. Thinking about it, the punch earlier didn’t sate his thirst, so maybe he should go out to get a drink somewhere else-


    Addre was found in the most ridiculous pose a moment later, his arms shaking like jazz and his feet split over as he had only barely evaded a thrown pumpkin from his left. There was a booth with a bunch of those vegetables put on display… and there was a dispute too. Something about ‘bad quality’ and a furious dude dressed as a wendigo who stomped away from the booth due to reasons Addre just couldn’t bother wondering about. Nah, as a matter of fact, it made him interested in the booth itself… but if it would bring that much anger out in someone, then maybe it was a bad call for him to join the event.

    But then again… those vegetables looked like they contained juice in them. He could always have a taste- oh… damn it. The sign next to one of those orange pumpkins explained the contest here; cut a sculpture out of the pumpkins and win a price for the best display. C’mon, he was starving and dying of thirst here! Where could he get a proper drink?!?!? HUH?!??!!

    How bothersome… then again, he could always try and get a drink for the price itself. It seemed easy enough; just make some pretty spectacle out of the pumpkin in front of him. Easy peasy. The judge who was scolded at by the wendigo guy earlier happily allowed Addre to take his place, being delivered a table, a knife and a pumpkin to work his masterpiece out of. Now, the question was… what exactly was he going to carve out? He was being late in the game, watching what the other participants were carving out… and they were all carving faces out of those pumpkins. Creepy, toothy faces were popular, huh… then he’ll be a little unorthodox and earn some creativity points!

    He picked up his knife and went to work on that poor pumpkin, almost peeling off all of its fruit skin. Then, he began cutting in arcs, giving the vegetable a rounder form on its bottom. Two orbs were cut on the top to protrude a bit out of the rest of the vegetable, resembling eyes… and then he made the face’s lips thicker. The eyes were given eyes via short, deep cuts, and then his masterpiece was ready! Niiiiiiiiiiiice.

    The judge… found it rather adorable. Addre had carved out a frog’s face on the pumpkin – a bit new, given that frogs weren’t inherently scary or associated with Halloween, but it was a sweet effort nonetheless. Addre had expected to blow the judge away with creativity, but all he got was a soft ‘aww’ and then watched the big price go to another player… who just did a similar face to the other pumpkins around, like- what was the point of this contest, again?! HALLO!?

    God, he was angry… but he did achieve a kernel, so there was that. Guess it wasn’t a total waste, after all. The next 30 minutes, however, he’d aimlessly wander the stalls around, shaking off young kids trying to ask for those kernels that he had put effort into obtaining, ending up on a few Halloween photoshoots, and somehow – somehow – chase after a little runt who mugged him of his Star of Pain!

    Seriously, one would be able to hear his grunts and roars from several streets away… what looked like a prank gone wrong was Addre harboring ill intent towards the group of brats who thought that it’d be fun to snatch his necklace right from beneath his nose. How the hell did they even manage to escape his field of vision like that?! Was it the mask that he was wearing?

    Despite their theft, they were still just kids; Addre quickly caught up to them, snatched the necklace back and bonked each and every one of them on the head, sending them back home with tears and sniffs. For crying out loud… he didn’t exactly look amused under his mask, but things finally began to turn less sour once he heard Medeia’s voice. Huh, they got separated earlier…


    “Having fun?”

    Despite everything that had happened, he could only respond with lifting up the two kernels he had achieved. However, Medeia would have to explain why she was tightly accompanied by that stranger; she didn’t look like a member of Errings Rising at all… but her garments gave off the assumption that she was some kind of black mage.

    This required further inspecting, in which he lifted up his mask and revealed his blushing, half-drunk face. He’d just point at the stranger accompanying Medeia, demanding an explanation…

    WC: 1003
    TWC: 3663


    Me - Venom GS - Sun DS - Clear DeS - Lineage - Bank - Char Change (15-07-2021)
    Addre's Battle Theme:

    Halloween Hijinx Empty Re: Halloween Hijinx

    Post by Guest 4th December 2021, 10:37 am

    It did not take a master interpreter to understand what he was saying and with a slight smirk, she would introduce her companion. “This is the lovely woman who runs the fortune telling stall and unfortunately for her, she got my future spot on. She saw herself being kissed by a wicked witch and that is definitely what will be happening later. Do not worry, she is not in any pain but at the moment, her mind and body are currently in my control. She will do whatever I wish and there is no chance that she will be able to fight off my magic. Call her ours and the guild’s guest for a while. I will let her go soon enough but for tonight at least, she will be coming home with us.”

    After pausing for a moment, she glanced at the kernels in Addre’s hand, “With the two you have and my three, we have more than enough to have earned our prize. How about we find a table somewhere and I will let our beautiful companion tell you about your future? She was awfully accurate with mine and I am sure that even under my control, her powers will still work just as well. Who knows? Perhaps she will be able to tell you a little more about your next encounter with that nasty group of scum who were after you before.”

    Turning to the controlled woman, she would then utter. “You would be happy to perform this service, yes?”

    The brunette nodded, her eyes glazed over, a puppet on Medeia’s string. “I will be happy to perform a reading if that is what you want. I cannot promise that you will like what you hear though. I have no control over what I see although the cards have never lied to me.” It seemed that this was the spiel that she gave everyone who she performed for as she had said pretty much the same thing to Medeia.

    The raven smiled and then turned back to her guild mate. “There you go. If you want a glimpse into what is ahead, she will give it to you. No charge.”

    (363 Words)
    (4026 TWC)

      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 5:11 pm