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    Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball


    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
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    Posts : 4936
    Guild : Errings Rising - GM
    Cosmic Coins : 545
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    Experience : 1,361,997

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    Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball Empty Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball

    Post by Saraphina 19th February 2021, 9:36 pm

    Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball YWLF9Au

    Invitation Text:

    This social event is for Errings Rising Members to enjoy themselves and celebrate the guild turning two years old. There is no dress code, but the music mostly will be ballroom at the very least. Members can request songs and have them occasionally be played though. There will be a small event happening during the social, but we will be keeping that a secret for the time being. Part of this social is being winged.

    If one is wanting to bring a plus one from outside of the guild, please contact Saraphina on discord or pm on site to make sure it's okay before they join.

    If the members within the thread wish to, they can keep track of their own word count to be able to turn it in solo, or with groups. Same goes for using this thread for exams, but others word counts will not count outside of posts for exams.

    Other than that, Have fun~

    The White Queen
    What a lovely day for a party?! The servants she had brought from Mount Hakobe were bustling about and finishing setting up the decorations in accordance to her plans. It had been a couple years since the white haired queens sweet guild had been created. She was even wearing the same dress as she did that fateful day. It was a long, flowing, off the shoulder, long sleeve, white goddess dress that exposed her chest to show off her purple guild mark on her sternum above her breasts. Just remembering the day she had placed her guild mark upon her chest made the purplish pink eyed woman sway happily. Part of her thought she should have had her little party at the guild hall… but only a few people would have enjoyed that she felt. Most of those who had come to her guild when she opened the doors to the world, are now long gone. Only a handful of those people remained, herself included.

    In the two years the queen had ruled over her guild, she has yet to throw a party for them. A proper party. It had been set up within just a few days. Invitations sent first to every member of the guild, then theme of the ball, and then the rest. The invitations told the members exactly when the party would be in the Hostian Castle. Though, she wished she had also included what to wear as well, but she figured the people would dress as they liked, or hopefully appropriately for a ball.

    She began slightly reminiscing about her guild. There have been many new members come and go since the beginning of it. But her guild has yet to be tiny. It was a healthy bunch of people who wanted something similar to her without getting in her way. It had only been two years since she had established this guild with her trusted advisor, Jester. The man who encouraged her to go farther and reach for her stars better than before. And it all started with murdering a group of political people on live air in front of a camera.

    A giggle escaped her lips as she looked out the window and saw the sun just on the horizon. She quickly turned around, flinging her hand out towards the door, sleeves whipping around her as she did so. She was feeling confident in herself as she was excited for this.

    “Open the doors!” She declared and some servants moved to open the door. If any of her lovely little members were outside the door, they’d see the queen with her hair down with her crown on her head standing smack dab in the middle of the circular ballroom. The curtains around were all red and framed all the windows elegantly as some red drapes were hanging up to the chandelier in the center of the room. Lacrima lights were lighting the chandelier and reflecting off of the jewels on it to illuminate the room. Off to the sides, behind some pillars, would be tables with food and drinks on them near the door with all of the guild members' palates in mind. Empty tables with chairs were set up for others to sit at the farther one went in the ballroom. The left side of the ballroom had a little stage for the musicians to play on, setting the mood already and playing ballroom music for others to start dancing to as soon as they walked through the door.

    It was time for the party to begin, and for the members to enjoy themselves for once within her presence.
    @tagged || 607 words || 607 total words || Job Link || Job Approval
    Saraphina #9966ff
    Nadaline #ff66ff & Bertrand #0066ff



    Lineage : Phoenix Fire
    Position : None
    Posts : 26
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,050

    Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball Empty Re: Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball

    Post by Akanee 24th March 2021, 1:30 am

    A party was never something Akane would have wanted to attend. It brings certain memories, specifically that of loud noises, snotty rich people rubbing in other people's noses how great they had it in life, subtly trying to outdo one another for the spot of the richest, all the while people like Akane who served them would get nothing, and worse be maltreated for anything the might have done wrong. These memories were memories she despised. Memories of a weak girl who'd let morals and what nonsense get the better of her instead of grasping true power even it meant loosing her soul. In fact, she believes that even right now, after having sold her soul and perhaps every being to be a vessel of demons, she still feels fine. That as if she was still in control. Truthfully however, she still had some control at a certain extent but never it would be without demonic influence.

    That changes now however. Now back in Hostia once more, the stronger Akane returns as a conqueror. Or at least part of the conquerors that liberated this place. She walks down the stone pavement towards the Hostia Castle with her head held high, filled with pride. Pride for being part of Errings Rising, a guild who apparently is only just two years old. This made returning to Hostia at a party while wearing a maid outfit all the more bearable, not to mention the fact that this might be her chance to get close to the queen herself. The leader of Errings Rising and the reason for her liberation.

    And despite being part of the guests, Akane wished to still be of service to her queen, a queen that she believes could hold all the power in the world in her hand. Even the demons in her mind shudder at what she could with all that power... it was bound to be exciting, given her penchant for liberation. Finally she had reached the castle doors, and they opened to her along with the rest of the members of Errings Rising, most of which she had not met formally for she had been stealing souls in the countryside all by her lonesome. But behind said doors was their leader, the queen. Akane's eyes glistened as she was now filled with excitement though she did do her best to maintain proper etiquette.

    She walked as prim and proper as she could, hoping to come up in front of Saraphina and perhaps talk to her directly and her being at the front door to greet everyone certainly helps. Once she was finally in front of her she curtsied to the best of her ability, and being a maid for most her life, it was indeed truly elegant. "It is a pleasure to finally see you in person, my queen." Akane softly said.

    WC: 476
    Akane: 476
    Thread: 1,083


    Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball NgkBvOW

    Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball Empty Re: Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball

    Post by Guest 24th March 2021, 4:56 am

    Two years? Had it truly been that long since she had first joined the guild? It had felt like the bat of an eyelid to the angel and as she entered through the double doors and made her entrance, she could not help but think back. Battles had been fought, allies had been made and lovers had come and gone. It had been a rather wild ride for the raven haired woman and she had long since accepted her role among the guild members. It was quite amusing if she was honest. She would never have imagined on that day, when she had first walked through the guild doors, that she would still be a member of Errings Rising. Yet, here she was, an Ace of the guild and one of the oldest, both in terms of age and time spent, members. She recalled the takeover of Hostia quite well, having taken part in its annexation herself. All right, Medeia had spent a fair amount of that time reacquainting herself with her maid but still, she had done her part.

    The ballroom was beautiful on the eye and Medeia could tell from a glance as to just how lovingly it had been decorated for the event. She only hoped that her fellow guild members would not end up getting into a fight or something and turning the event into a bloodbath. It would not surprise her if it did but the witch was easily powerful enough to deal out a little punishment, should someone get a little too rowdy. Even more lovely than the ballroom itself was the beautiful woman standing in the centre, welcoming the guests as they entered. The Queen of Errings Rising, Saraphina. Despite the time that she had been in the guild, the angel was forced to admit to herself that she had not actually encountered the guild mistress all that often. Something that could be remedied, she hoped. As she approached, dressed in a maroon coloured and rather revealing dress, Medeia had to be careful to keep her eyes focused on the Queen’s face, fighting off her natural temptation to let her eyes wander.

    The Queen seemed to already have company though and as Medeia’s eyes drifted to the young black haired woman, her eyebrows rose. She had never seen this girl before which somewhat surprised her. The angel was rather well known for getting to know the new female members of the guild and she briefly chided herself for letting one slip through the cracks. Oh well, there was plenty of time to make up for it.

    Reaching the pair, she would nod her head respectfully to the Queen and utter, her tone regal and dignified. “Queen Saraphina. I thank you for the invitation to this lovely ball. You have outdone yourself. I can hardly believe that it has been two years.”

    Turning her gaze to the black haired girl, she would then say to her, introducing herself. “Greetings. I am Medeia, one of the Aces of the guild.”

    (506 Words)
    (506 PWC)
    (1589 TWC)
    Kyra Velkhomme
    Kyra Velkhomme

    Lineage : Hunger of the Flesh-Eater
    Position : None
    Posts : 138
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 14,005

    Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball Empty Re: Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball

    Post by Kyra Velkhomme 25th March 2021, 6:23 pm

    (Melee Damage)
    (Spell Power Multiplier)



    Damage Taken:N/A
    MP Used:N/A
    Other Notes:N/A

    "Kyra, you can't just hide back here the entire time," Demi said, tapping a foot irritatedly.

    Kyra sighed, looking up at her eldest sister. Like always, Demi looked amazing. There was nothing, it seemed, that Demi couldn't do. "Y-yeah, I know..." Kyra muttered. "I-I just don't think th-that I deserve to be in the presence of the queen..."

    Demi sighed, patting her sister on the head. "It'll be fine, Kyra. Yes, there certainly is a... reputation around her, but I don't think that should be much of a deterrent for you. You're part of her guild, after all! And while I personally am not the biggest fan of their methods, I would much rather you be happy than them have unsavory means towards their possibly unsavory goal. Of course, I'm an outsider looking in, so take that for what it's worth. Plus, you need to show off what Liz made for you! Custom tailored for this event! Just a bit of a shame that only one of us could come, huh?"

    Kyra hesitantly nodded, adjusted her dress, took a deep breath, and stepped into the glorious ballroom, Demi soon in tow. Everyone here looked so good and it made Kyra think that she-

    "You look beautiful, Kyra," Demi said, as if reading her mind.

    Kyra nodded. "T-Thanks, Demi."

    The two continued to walk, looking around the luxurious palace at Hostia. Kyra was not as familiar with the Hostian Palace as the Hakobe castle, and especially not as familiar as with Reinford, but the place certainly had an opulent feel to it. She found herself drawn to at least initially introduce Demi to the queen and have one of the first direct conversations with the queen that she ever had, joining two black haired women up by their queen, one unfamiliar and one all too familiar.

    "L-Lady M-Medeia..." Kyra said with a quick curtsy towards her mentor. "A-and Q-Q-Queen... S-Saraphi- sorry! I-I'm p-probably not w-worthy enough to call you by your name, I-I'll just be go-"

    Demi sighed and grabbed Kyra dress lightly at the waist. "I'm sorry about Kyra, really. She's always had a nervous disposition, and I suspect her manner of magic has only increased some of her... less admirable thoughts about herself. I am Demoiselle Velkhomme, president of the Reinford Institute of Technology, as well as the CEO of both Demoiselle Manufacturing and Demoiselle LacrimaTech. Apologies if those names aren't too familiar, I've only recently begun expanding outside of the general area of our hometown. It is a pleasure to meet all of you. Lady Medeia, I hear you have been keeping my sister fantastic company and protecting her. I appreciate your efforts. As for you, Queen Saraphina, your reputation precedes you. Know that you are welcome in our city should you ever feel the need. I and my siblings can certainly pull some strings to allow for some leniency." Demi curtsied. "Please, though. I am but a guest here. If I have been out of line, please tell me. I know what it's like to have unfortunate company."

    Kyra was stunned. Demi was taking this so well, and yet Kyra was this bumbling mess. She always had to have Demi stand up for her, she always needed her siblings to guard her, because she was just so incapable. She took a quick glance towards the queen and towards Medeia before her gaze returned to the ground, hoping to disappear once more into the background yet knowing it would not be allowed.

    WC: 0584 | TWC: 0584

    Template Made by Pokomon
    Edited by SlayerMathis


    Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball IuXzSkd

    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
    Position : None
    Posts : 4936
    Guild : Errings Rising - GM
    Cosmic Coins : 545
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,361,997

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Aspect of Divinity
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    Third Skill:

    Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball Empty Re: Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball

    Post by Saraphina 29th March 2021, 7:40 pm

    The White Queen
    As her guild members started to enter into the ballroom, a delighted smile was upon the white queen's face. “Welcome! I hope the party will be fun for all who are attending tonight~!” She giggled happily as she clapped her hands together. She turned around momentarily to see what some servants were doing, before she was approached by a little black haired woman in a maid outfit. Who was this maid? A smirk slipped across her face regardless as she was curtsied to and was greeted. She dipped her head as she had seen a queen do on a lacVision do before to a subject who greeted her.

    Nadaline had come up behind the queen, dressed in her white goddess dress with a red cloth ‘corset’ around her waist, and whispered in her ear, making the Queen nod momentarily before her smile seemed to get even brighter. “It’s a pleasure to finally see you as well, Akane. I have heard a bit about you. I hope I see you around more and the work you do for the guild.” She sways from side to side slightly as she looks up to Medeia. Her newest advisor. Not that she really asked for advice from any of her advisors… but they were great help with the newcomers as they came and went regardless.

    She put a hand to her cheek as Medeia approached as well. “I know right?! And we’ve made plenty of new friends along the way in these past two years~! I was worried it wouldn’t match up to other balls since it’s my first one I’ve ever planned~!” Her voice was sing-songy as she clapped her hands together and she turned herself around to see behind her. She looked over just as another couple people approached her, and she tilted her head. She wasn’t recalling this face either… Nadaline had come to whisper to Saraphina once again, and she simply nodded.

    The smile that was practically stuck on the queen's face, dropped as Kyra started speaking to her though. She was utterly confused about the reaction. Her purplish pink eyes went to Medeia, questioning her what was going on silently, before her eyes went back to Kyra. The other girl with Kyra spoke up now, explaining her and her actions. She brought a hand gingerly under her chin, while she cradled her elbow with her other hand. She raised an eyebrow while the more outgoing woman spoke and introduced herself and what she did. So she was a sister of this Kyra character? She wouldn’t have guessed. Literally, she was terrible with knowing about siblings since she didn’t have any herself. A smirk slipped upon her face as she nodded to her in a similar fashion she had to Akane when she greeted her. “It is great to hear that my reputation is heard by a good deal. I hope it can grow with due time of my beautiful Guilds progress. I’m not sure what your companies do, but if they can be of assistance to me, I’ll see about visiting. Bertrand!” She had turned her head slightly to at least speak over her shoulder, her eyes still on the new guest who wasn’t within her guild officially.

    The blond haired man wearing a tuxedo came up and bowed to them. “See what her business is about while I’m enjoying the party.” She tells him before her attention is back towards Kyra. “Look at me?” She asks as she tilts her head. If the woman started then decided to look away from her, she would frown and glare a bit. “Look at me.” Her voice was more demanding now. She began walking up to the woman and let her eyes look up to her. “What is it you do within my guild?” She asks. She put a hand under the woman's chin as she eyed her face. “Wait… I think I remember, you eat people, yes?” She smiles as she nods. She remembered she had done some winter festivities with her presence before. A sweet smile was back on her face as she removed her hand and nodded. “Keep up the good work~!"
    @Akanee @Medeia @Kyra Velkhomme
    694 words || 1301 personal total words || Job Link || Job Approval
    Saraphina #9966ff
    Nadaline #ff66ff & Bertrand #0066ff



    Lineage : Arm of Destiny
    Position : None
    Posts : 72
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    Experience : 8,375

    Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball Empty Re: Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball

    Post by TnT 18th April 2021, 6:21 pm

    Tiisha strut into the ballroom, her head thrown back, her shoulders straight. She would have oozed an aura of refinement and nobility except for one thing. There was a bulge to her stomach. It stretched the edges of her dress, pulled at it. The dragon had chosen a brunette for this occasion. Lithe muscle wreathed her limbs. It was clear she'd used what she could to embody a noble bearing. The overall effect didn't quite do that justice. More of a narcissistic person trying too hard to let everyone know they were better.

    Turashi stepped up next to her sister. Her shoulders were hunched, her body hugged by dark baggy clothing. Other than that, she was a carbon copy of her sister with raven hair. Right down to the baby bump on her stomach. Tura hadn't been happy to wake up to morning sickness again. She hoped the father was Danny again. However, the chances of that were slim. The heat had hit her unexpectedly and with a force she rarely felt. Tura was only grateful she'd been female at the time. Sleeping with a female, waking up next to one during heat was... uncomfortable. Turashi pushed those thoughts from her head. This was a party after all.

    The twins spotted a small group of recognizable people. Their guild master, Saraphina, White Queen of Hostia, Mediea, Ace of their guild, A pain in the rear (Turashi), Lovely mistress of the night (Tiisha) and a stranger with black hair. Tiisha moved to join them immediately. Tura reached a hand out, her fingers closing on air. Her sister would go where she willed. Let her hang herself with the queen, drunk upon her own power. Females would do as they would. Tura moved towards the feast table. Her new baby had her desperately hungry recently. The need for energy and sustenance far exceeded anything Samuel had needed. No matter her subservience to her sister, Tura would put this baby first.

    Tiisha looped an arm around Medeia's as she stepped into the group. "Medeia, darling, it is wonderful to see you." She purred, pressing a kiss to the Ace's cheek. "It has been a time since we've... enjoyed each other's company. I thank you for not killing my sibling at the time. It would have been an end to us all." Tiisha placed a hand over her enlarged stomach. The dragonling only then looked toward Saraphina. She inclined her head to the queen. The barest sign of respect she could manage. "My queen. Are you well? It's been quite a time since I've seen you" The dragonling tried to put some sting into the last word. As if she wished it had been longer. The raven haired woman received a barest smile. Tiisha didn't know the female and she had little need to.



    Tiisha & Turashi

    Jobs in Progress: 0/3

    Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball Empty Re: Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball

    Post by Guest 20th September 2021, 3:43 am

    The angel watched Kyra and her sister’s interaction with the queen with interest although she did not actually say anything during it. Her mentee’s family always seemed so confident and self assured and yet Kyra herself was anything but. It had been a topic that she had only brought up with the girl recently but now that she had the full picture, everything made sense. Her poor flower had not been treated with the same love and affection as her siblings and in Medeia’s view, that was enough reason for anyone to feel inferior. It had not been an easy task to try and draw out the fluffy haired teenager’s repressed confidence but there were moments where she had been happy in the angel’s presence and those moments were what kept Medeia training her. There was a confident and happy girl in there somewhere, she just needed to be drawn out. Hopefully having Kyra come to terms with the monster inside her would also aid with that.

    She did not know Demi all that well but if she was anything like Tegan then she was as confident as a person could be and judging from the way she addressed the Queen, it seemed a fair assumption. It was somewhat frustrating for the dark haired woman to have to watch Kyra struggle so much compared to her but Medeia made no effort to take it out on her mentee. The Ace had honestly had more success with Kyra by taking a softer approach and after her mentee’s return to the guild, they seemed to have become a little closer and she, to her surprise had become rather protective of the girl. Enough that she would not allow anyone to harm her, lest they want to have their extremities removed and burned in front of their faces.

    There was a moment or two where she felt eyes upon her and Medeia simply gazed back at the Queen, unflinching. She was certainly not ashamed of her teaching method and was more than confident in her own skills. The angel respected the Queen but was most definitely not afraid of her and that was what was displayed in her eyes. She knew what she was doing and sooner or later, Kyra would blossom into the woman she was meant to be. It was all just a matter of time.

    Once the three had finished, Medeia would gently place a hand on Kyra’s head in an affectionate and possibly embarrassing way to her mentee, lightly ruffling her hair. “Kyra has come a long way and she is still learning about the creature inside of her but she is getting stronger every day. I am quite proud of her.” They were not simply idle words and she meant every one. “I promise you that she will come to love munching away on the guild’s enemies.”

    Her attention was rather suddenly taken as an arm was looped around hers, much to the angel’s amusement. It could have been quite a number of different ladies if she was honest and to her delight, it was the lovely dragonling who Medeia had met a few times now. “A pleasure as always, my dear.” She replied softly to Tiisha. “Your brother did an admirable job during the battle with Bellum. He should take pride in that.” A rare compliment indeed from her towards a male.

    (566 Words)
    (1072 TWC)
    (-500 for previous D rank job.)
    (572 New WC)

    (WC's so far including Addre's:
    Medeia: 572
    Addre: 552
    Kyra: 584
    Saraphina: 1301
    Total: 3009

    (2000/2000 C Rank freeform
    1009 WC left over)

    Last edited by Medeia on 7th February 2022, 4:08 am; edited 1 time in total

    Lineage : The World Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 229
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 17,909

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Venom God Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Second Skill: Solar Dragon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)
    Third Skill: Clear Demon Slayer (Unseen Gen.)

    Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball Empty Re: Errings Rising 2 Year Anniversary Ball

    Post by Addre 11th October 2021, 1:08 pm

    It wasn’t an understatement to say that Addre did not lack confidence right now. What, with returning from Achlys’ world and obtaining the goal of his month-long journey, he was so happy right now. In this moment, it truly felt as if the world had, somehow, been bent just a little bit to suit his needs – a new feeling that gave him such euphoria that he couldn’t wait to see how much of the wheel of fate he could undo. That was his life’s goal, in the end – fate. Time. Matter. Soul. Norms. Names. Reality. He desired to master it with his Arc of Embodiment… and do so many things.

    But right now, he was spoiling himself with something as condense and taboo to wield as God Slayer Magic. He still had to thank Medeia for the idea – to think that it’d be that convenient to summon the attention of a deity was a lucky shot for him. And poison… it did suit him, quite much.

    Anyway, he was here to party and have a good time with the rest of the guild! He had only met a couple up until now, being Medeia and Nadaline… but the party at Hostia would grant him a wider window to meet the rest.

    And thus, he walked into the fabulous hall, clad in a simple but stylish and opened tuxedo with a white shirt underneath, accompanied by jet-black pants. To keep the tone of black-and-white going, he had ditched the golden jewellery and let his hair waver freely in the still air. However, despite that, he was also wearing what looked like a necklace of wood painted in black, with the center object being an 8-armed star with a pearl in the middle. It held a strange aura to it, and it looked very out-of-fashion to wear a wooden star like that to such a fine ball, but Addre didn’t think that it ruined the suit.

    And yet, with all this drip, he still spoke not a single word out. Although, he quickly spotted the Queen – as obvious as that was with her location in the room – and was heading towards her when he spotted Medeia and a few others as well – a couple redheads with quite some good taste in style, and a petite ravenette with a terrifyingly tranquil breeze around her. He wanted to give Medeia the Star of Pain, per Achlys’ request, but… meh, he would just have to hold on to it for now, and then tell her at a later date. Today was celebration time.

    It’d be weird to see a guy like him walk towards them and not utter a single word; just glaring at them randomly, taking in their great looks and then locking eyes with the Queen herself. There was only one more thing to do now – and that was to bow.

    And bow, he sure did. His back was still and in a perfect, 90-degree angle, and he was… faintly smiling. It felt refreshing, somehow. He had practiced to bow like this for many years, even though it was rarely requested by his clients. They often were more than thoroughly satisfied with the services his Magic provided them rather than any courtesies, but deep inside the God Slayer's heart was a cautious sense of consideration.

    WC: 552

    @Kyra Velkhomme @Medeia @Akanee @Saraphina


    Me - Venom GS - Sun DS - Clear DeS - Lineage - Bank - Char Change (15-07-2021)
    Addre's Battle Theme:

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 11:15 pm