Fairy Tail RP

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    Errings Rising Treasury

    Errings Rising
    Errings Rising

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 21
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 29
    Experience : 0

    Errings Rising Treasury Empty Errings Rising Treasury

    Post by Errings Rising 3rd December 2019, 5:30 pm

    Errings Rising Treasury T08aOFk
    3,554,256 Jewels
    Jewel Additions/Deductions:

    Errings Rising Treasury F4yQwvD
    No Guild Items At Current

    Item/Jewel Donation:

    Errings Rising Treasury OiFXstg
    While the guild funds are here to help the guild members, if you request for a loan for an item from the guild funds then it is the guilds property until the funds are paid back. ^^


    Errings Rising Treasury 4RvcFU1 One needs the Guildmaster/mistresses permission to request a loan.
    Errings Rising Treasury 4RvcFU1 A person can only do one request at a time.
    Errings Rising Treasury 4RvcFU1 One must be a member for at least 3 months for a request to be made.
    Errings Rising Treasury 4RvcFU1 When putting in a request, please be active ^^
    Errings Rising Treasury 4RvcFU1 Anything bought from the guild funds must be paid back in full before a member can say the item that was bought is officially their own.
    Errings Rising Treasury 4RvcFU1 Consumable items (Lacrima Coffees, Golden Lacrimas, ect ect) are NOT allowed to be bought with the funds.
    Errings Rising Treasury 4RvcFU1 If the member still has an outstanding request with the guild and they leave the guild, said item is returned back to the guild vault.
    Errings Rising Treasury 4RvcFU1 If the member goes inactive, the item bought with loaned jewels will be claimed back by the guild, or if it's not a physical item, will be turned back into jewels and returned back to the Guild Funds.
    Errings Rising Treasury 4RvcFU1 If the guild has approved the request to buy an item, and the member hasn't yet paid back the loan, the member MAY NOT sell the item or trade it to someone else.

    Requesting Jewels means you have Read the Rules and Agree to these terms

    Item/Jewel Loan Request Template:

    Errings Rising Treasury EN4k3ND
    No Previous Requests At Current

    Errings Rising Treasury XGNktqj
    No Pending Requests At Current

    Errings Rising Treasury MsHShlB
    No Requests Being Paid Off At Current

    Serilda Sinclair

      Current date/time is 4th November 2024, 10:59 am