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    Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire (Event with Aristotle)


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
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    Posts : 65
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    Experience : 1362

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    Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire (Event with Aristotle) Empty Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire (Event with Aristotle)

    Post by Antoinette 23rd December 2020, 4:14 pm


     316/2,000 WORDS
    + BG MUSIC
    on dat grind
    Christmas time again! Madi's favorite time of year in Fiore! The snow, the people, the hot cocoa! It was all so fun and exciting. This year, the young woman had decided to participate in the local festivities in Magnolia Town. According to postings she had seen around, there was to be a big festival with games, and more! In all honesty, though, she was most interested in the food. They always had crazy amazing food at these things, and this woman could PUT IT BACK. If this day were to be a success, she would be going home stuffed to the brim with treats. She may even need someone to bring a forklift to lift her out of the place.

    Heeled boots clicking against the icy streets, Madi made her way to the epicenter of the town, where all the sparkling lights and chatting people were. That, was where the smorgasbord would take place. Golden eyes sparkling with delight, she entered the festival, greeting anyone who spoke to her on her way in. Making a beeline straight for the first food stand she could find, she glanced at the menu, trying to decide what her first dish would be.

    "Oh boy... There's so many yummy things... How am I supposed to decide?" She almost pouted, all of the choices frying her little brain. After a few moments of staring, and some exasperated sighs from the people behind her, Madi finally decided what she wanted.

    "Can I please get a pecan pie, some egg nog, a turkey leg... Aaaaaandd.... A yule log?" She asked, a giant smile spreading across her face. Blinking in awe, the merchant nodded slowly before telling the hungry lady her total. Tossing the jewel up on the counter and grabbing her loot, Madi turned around, happily holding all of the food in her arms. Today was going to be a lovely, lovely day.


    Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire (Event with Aristotle) AntoinetteSig

    Lineage : Prodigy of Nyx
    Position : None
    Posts : 77
    Guild : Confidence International
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Shirayuki
    Experience : 6,162

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    Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire (Event with Aristotle) Empty Re: Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire (Event with Aristotle)

    Post by Aristotle 24th December 2020, 8:58 am

    Messaging away on her new iLac, Aristotle had barely paid any mind to the crowd around her. Sometimes the benefits of a disability such as hers was nothing to be upset by. Sure, the sound of a joyous crowd is something she relishes to be able to hear, but at other times the fact she doesn’t have to makes her at an extra bit of peace. It keeps her much more sane and down to earth, even focused. Though the Napedian was always joyfully pleased with the holiday season, this was her first away from home. She was used to celebrating it in a one parent household and her father was always assuring that he was there, doing what he could. It made her much more excited to enjoy the next years festivities without a worry of her mother’s return. Even on holidays she received hand written letters and notes, but none of them ever reached a care in her mind.

    Choosing to keep the ideas lingering her in her head anymore, the blonde girl headed towards the stands to find something to do. Mini games and contests did pique her interest for sure, however the smell of food caught her heightened sense of smell. Even a quick lick of her lips from the tasty smell brought her to bounce her way over to the nearest stand. She kept a step away at first and seemed to be to some as hesitant, however she was focusing on making sure others were not ordering food. It would be rude to interrupt someone in the middle of their order, making an ass out of themselves in the process. She wasn’t the kind of person to do that to herself nor to upset someone else over something as little as food.

    But as she waited, she had seen someone was gathering the attention of the stand worker and he was diligently listening. Turning her attention to the woman, she watched her lips ordering something about logs and after another moment, looked to a menu overhead and saw a “Yule log” which seemed odd. The worker then turned to her and she looked down. He seemed annoyed. ”D-Désolée.” Her hands began to move a little as she spoke, making gestures of sign language as she spoke with a faint lisp to her accented voice. ”I am deaf and it’s my first time here. Can I have one of those.. jewel logs- I-I mean Yule logs. And a cup of peppermint cocoa. Merci~” The look of relaxation in the workers body language showed he was a little understanding and even amused slightly in her mispronunciation. But, he simply went to work on the two’s orders. ”Bonjour, Mademoiselle~ I love the way your hair is colored. It’s super stylish with your clothes!” She remained met with the lips of the woman, awaiting her reply so she could understand the words she spoke and continue their conversation.

    490 words
    490/2000 total



    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Viktor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 65
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1362

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    Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire (Event with Aristotle) Empty Re: Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire (Event with Aristotle)

    Post by Antoinette 16th January 2021, 8:22 pm

    (I apologize I was too lazy to get on my laptop to get the template LMAO)

    Hearing a small voice behind her, Madi turned around, a beaming smile on her face. The girl that stood before her now was very pretty, and tall. Even with the heels she was wearing, the other girl was only slightly shorter than her, probably by an inch or two. Listening as the other woman ordered, Madi could barely contain her excitement. Turning around again to the store owner, she began to speak again.

    “You have a peppermint mocha cocoa here?! How did I miss that?! I’ll have one of those too, please! I have the jewel to pay for it, see?” She said, dangling her wallet in front of the exasperated man. Sighing, the man reluctantly took her money and turned around to the kitchen staff to let them know of the new addition to the already obnoxious order. “Thank you very much, sir!” She giggled, turning back around to the girl from before.

    “Thank you for the compliment! You have very good taste, judging by your fashion sense and choice in beverage! I’m so glad you mentioned the peppermint cocoa! I almost missed out!” Golden eyes beamed with excitement as she spoke to the girl. “Have you ever had a yule log before? They’re absolutely delicious! You’ll love that too!” Madi bubbled, a little too excited about the food she had ordered. The young woman was known for being excitable, but it was even more so when it came to anything edible. With the Christmas season rolling around, she was even more enthralled! These were foods that weren’t around all year. She had to take advantage of it while it lasted!

    “I guess while we’re here waiting for our food, we can chat, right?” Pausing for a moment, she clapped her hands together. “My name is Antoinette Madeleine Bradford, but please, call me Madi!” Not realizing that the girl before her was hearing impaired, the joyful young woman spewed out words at an alarming speed. “What’s your name? I bet it’s something beautiful to match your lovely appearance!”


    Chestnuts Roasting on an Open Fire (Event with Aristotle) AntoinetteSig

      Current date/time is 25th October 2024, 10:54 pm