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    A thought to consider


    A thought to consider Empty A thought to consider

    Post by Guest Wed 18 Mar - 1:17

    Hey, it's me again. So, I know my suggestion the other day rubbed a lot of people the wrong way and I do admit it wasn't very well thought out. So for that, I do apologize to those it had upset. However, the overall attitude of most responses I got felt they were dismissive of myself in favor of others which did not sit well with me. I know that what I wrote hurt other people's feelings but, at the same time like, isn't the opinions of members, new and old important for a site? At least, that's what I thought was the case, IDK, I haven't been RPing long. You don't have to agree with or even like my opinions but, you should respect them if not anything else. Yeah, maybe my suggestion was dumb and unnecessary, maybe I should have messaged a guild master about it first but, that wasn't what happened. I shared my opinions and ideas in a public space meant for discussion and debate which, I don't think was wrong. Isn't that what it's for?

    As more than one person pointed out, I had no business making that suggestion because I haven't "joined either of those guilds" and also that it was "outrageous". Maybe it was to some but, I wasn't trying to force any changes, just a suggestion based on what of the guild info I had read over and my ideas based on the knowledge I have about the historical and mythological meaning behind those names. I felt very unwelcome here as if others thought I was intentionally trying to cause problems or stir up trouble. I have been spending my time, checking the site out as often as I have free time. When I read over the different guild info pages, Dies Irae and Elysium stood out to me the most and what of it I read, I guess bugged me? Not sure if that's the right word. So, I chose to make that suggestion, thinking maybe someone would come shed some light on the reasoning behind it and possibly some more detailed info than what I read. Instead, I was met with what came across as dismissal, hostility and, memes.

    I really like the site so far from what I've read and seen but, when that happened the other day on my suggestion, it made me start to reconsider if I'll actually join this place and make it my home. Fairy Tail as a series spreads the messages of love, friendship, and family. Yesterday, I felt none of that from the responses I got. Maybe I'm being too presumptuous and I should just move on instead of trying to make sense of the situation if I'm truly not welcomed here.

    Feel free to ignore this or even just lock it without a response. I won't be upset and I'll understand if that's what staff decides to do.

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    A thought to consider Empty Re: A thought to consider

    Post by Luceam Wed 18 Mar - 2:11

    Okay you might be overreacting there a bid buddy. What invalidated your suggestion was you were pretty much an outsider to both sides of the communities trying to suggest they conform to a different form and you even held a poll, one that you had zero right to even hold.

    Let me spell it out for you as a former Guild Master, a guild is three things, one of which is an story piece, and I can assure you both the guilds you wanted to change already progressed in the directions they were made in and very few people within the guild are dissatisfied with it. Those that aren't, leave, but still use the established story narrative of the guild in doing so. You can't expect people to just up and change things like that. A guild is also a sub community that is controlled by it's own members and leaders, they are the ones who decide on what the guild is and what it becomes, only Staff can intervene on that process, and since you were neither, you had zero right to make that poll.

    Lastly, guilds belong to their respective masters, if something is odd to you, just ask them, don't drag this business to a public poll. Look while things might have been taken too far, but making that public display was by far unreasonable. There was no hostility since you bypassed all reasonable steps, and everyone was completely fair towards you. The only person there with a bias was you, since you chose to ignore further research and made that display in ignorance.


    Luna Mira ff66cc||| AT-X |||
    Nature Fairy |||Neptuna 99ff66

    Carpo's Prodigy Slayer


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    Samira Nassar

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    A thought to consider Empty Re: A thought to consider

    Post by Samira Nassar Wed 18 Mar - 3:12

    I will agree that after the first few responses the rest were quite unnecessary and I think reflected poorly on some of the members, who I would not have otherwise thought would troll a thread on the actual site itself in such a way. It makes the site look toxic and uninviting, imo. This is likely why staff closed the thread before it got worse. Much like those replies to the original thread, I think this new one is also unnecessary. I advise you take this matter up with the staff instead of making more threads about it.

    This is all I am going to say about this topic since I think there is more going on here based on some of the responses in the original thread. If there's not though, then I do hope you enjoy the site regardless of how things started for you.


    Ray Jyx
    Ray Jyx

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    A thought to consider Empty Re: A thought to consider

    Post by Ray Jyx Wed 18 Mar - 3:24

    Hi! First of all, I'm sorry you feel this way! We do our best to craft a welcoming and happy atmosphere here on the forum so that it's a fun place for everyone. We take all suggestions seriously. What kind of place would this be if we never listened to what people want? Making anyone feel invalidated is the furthest thing from what we want, I assure you.

    The suggestions are a complicated place to start as a brand new member if I'm being honest. On your first day here you took to the suggestions to weigh in on a complicated and sensitive matter we had to handle properly as staff for the benefit of everyone, then did the same again with the guilds you read a little about. You are placing your ideas out there that are probably coming from the best place in your heart, but it does open up debate from other members, members that have a bit more context than you have right now since you are so new. Other perspectives are offered, sometimes there are disagreements. It's normal to be disappointed when people don't agree, especially when people feel strongly about something they created and/or enjoy. But please, I urge you to not look badly on the staff comments in your last suggestion. They weren't wrong and they came from the best place, offering you a perspective you possibly didn't see, as well as informing you of the information you were missing. I'm sorry it devolved to memes or was perceived as hostile in the end. That was unfortunate, but since we don't know you and your intentions well, I believe they just meant to defend something they love from what they saw as criticism from a stranger. Some people are blunter than others, and that is something we, as staff or as a community, can't control outside of talking to and punishing those that break our rules. However, let me apologize if they caused any offense. It wasn't the right way to go about it in some of the cases.

    In the spirit of suggestions and wanting to help our members and the site, let me try to help you out if I can. :3 Our community is quite the welcoming family if and when you engage with them more personally. Most people follow the newbie guide when they join our community, so I extend it to you now since we didn't get to through other means. You did receive it automatically in your private messages, though! After reading all of our rules, especially the CoC, one of the very first things in there is encouraging people to post an intro about themselves so we can get to know them a little, maybe form some early connections as friends and for plot. Joining the Discord so you can talk with the people who you will likely be plotting with is also advised, but neither are required to enjoy our site! If you're the shy type, that's ok! The wanted ads are there for just that reason. It's just not often that we get a new member that doesn't introduce themselves or join the Discord, and doesn't throw up a character as quickly as they can so they can get started in their stories.

    All that said, I do hope you give us a chance, Nir. I look forward to getting to know you and hopefully the characters you make! Feel free to PM me if you have any questions, concerns, or ideas for plots! :D


    A thought to consider Jkp0PmI


    A thought to consider Empty Re: A thought to consider

    Post by Guest Wed 18 Mar - 13:44

    Thank you Sivvy, I wasn't trying to cause any harm with my suggestion but, that doesn't change the fact that's exactly what it did. Even if it wasn't my intention. As to why I haven't jumped in to make a character nor joined the discord. I don't have discord. My laptop nor phone are good enough to handle it. I also work two jobs while going to school which doesn't allow me much free time so I'm not rushing to commit. The last site I was on shut down and right towards the end is when I started classes and got a second job. I know I didn't get off to a good start here but, I will try to be more mindful of others going forward if I do stick around. I do appreciate your response to this Sivvy, it made a world of difference same with Samira. I'll do as you suggested and go read over the newbie guide.

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