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    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 686
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Consequences Empty Consequences

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 13th March 2020, 4:22 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Getting Morli back to his family had been relatively easy once she’d managed to get the boy out of the arena. Thanks to her hoverdisc, she didn’t have to worry about running into any other ruffians or people attempting to follow them. The boy didn’t say much during the trip, and all he could do when they arrived at his home was sob in the arms of his parents. Mercury only stayed long enough to get her payment and to assure the family that the arena had been destroyed. The last she had seen of the place, it looked like Vandrad had basically nuked it. The family invited her inside, almost pleading with her to stay for a day or two, but knowing the confrontation that lied ahead she declined. The best thing she could do for these people was leave before her partner found her.

    As she hopped back onto her flying craft and took off, Mercury wondered where she should go. Frankly, she wanted nothing more than to take a bath. She was absolutely caked with dirt and grim from several hours of traveling through the desert, and while it wasn’t the dirtiest she’d ever been it still was enough to make her skin feel like it was crawling. Finding a desert town with an inn would be perfect, but she had a feeling that Vandrad wasn’t planning on just strolling through the door before he started throwing punches.

    No, it wouldn’t be wise to linger in any populated area. Better to find a wide open space out in the open desert where they could both duke things out without reservation. So, she just made a quick stop at a stall to buy a couple things before wandering deeper into the barren wildernesses. There had been an oasis a ways out that they had passed on the way in that seemed to get little to no foot traffic. That seemed like a good place to sit and wait.

    She managed to find the place quickly enough. It was a fairly wide open space and easy to spot since it was the only place in the horizon that had any amount of green vegetation to it, including grass, some bushes, and a few trees. The trees weren’t entirely enough to block the afternoon sun, but the water at least cooled the place down a bit. Landing down on the ground, she took a quick glance around with her eyes and her sensors to make sure no one was there.

    Once she was certain she was alone, Mercury used her magic to create a shelter of sorts. A structure made of pure black steel popped into existence, with three walls and a roof that blocked out the immense heat of the sun while leaving a wide open space that would let in the cool breeze as it flowed across the water. Mercury set her pack down in the corner and took a hand towel out of it, wetting it in the oasis and using it to wipe the dirt off of her face and hands. When that was done, she went back inside and laid a blanket down on the grass so she could sit without getting any more nature on her than she already had.

    Pulling Mercy out of her holster, she swapped it into sword form and ran her fingers gently down its edge, sharpening it to a razor fine point. It wouldn’t take long for Vandrad to find her, not with the tracking device she’d slipped him. Mercury was a lot of things, but she wasn’t without a sense of honor. At least, toward those she respected and liked. If Vandrad wanted to kill her, which she didn’t blame him for, she would let him have his fair shot.

    But if he truly intended on taking her life, she didn’t plan on going down without a fight.

    WORDS: 650/650 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,079,192

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 13th March 2020, 4:24 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Consequences RJtajUnz_o

    Unyielding, unadulterated rage. Vandrad had given himself over to his emotions and had become nearly lost in them. Something in him had snapped and his transformation had risen to a level he’d never experienced before. It’s strength was unique and chaotic but at the same time, calm. It was like he had become the eye of a very tumultuous, very dangerous storm. How he had unlocked it, he couldn’t quite tell. Perhaps it had been a mixture of his will power and his desire to enact punishment on… well, pretty much everyone. Or maybe something had awakened in him after his magic power had been sapped and refilled. There was no telling and frankly, it didn’t matter in the long run anyways. He had done what he set out to do before his untimely kidnapping.

    But it wasn’t enough. No, his rage had evolved with his change and it had overwhelmed his rationale thought or at least very nearly. He’d managed to control himself when he spotted Mercury fleeing, only for the sake of Morli being rescued. But the minute she was gone, he had ignited a new attack that had swallowed up and vaporized the arena built into the sand. Everyone that had remained in their seats was gone; turned to ash by the sheer strength of the Prince’s attack. There were only a handful of survivors; the slaves that were locked away underneath the arena itself. How he had managed to focus his attack to only destroy part of the Ring of Blood was even beyond him. But as he marched into the lower pits, crushing chains and breaking locks with his bare hands, he also knew that this area wouldn’t stand for much longer either. He freed everyone he could or hadn’t been accidentally gobbled up by the freed animals. And then he had incinerated that too.

    There was no counting the dead. Hundreds, possibly somewhere in the thousands even. But he didn’t feel one ounce of pity for any of them; they had come here to bask in the glory of violence and he had given them exactly what they wanted. If anything, he had given them a death worthy of their aspirations. But it still wasn’t enough. No, there was still the one that had brought all this down upon his and everyone else’s head. And despite his carnal instincts, he had let her go before. He had reached into his tattered and nearly disintegrated loin cloth, the very action of sliding his hand in there causing the leather to fall apart. It was some kind of device… a blinking radar of sorts that seemed to activate when pointed in a certain direction.

    A tracker. Was she that bold that she had handed him a means of finding her? It was like she took the threat on her life as a joke, like he wasn’t someone to truly be concerned with. The very thought churned his blood more, his hand nearly tightening hard enough on the tracker to break it. But somehow he resisted, if only for his own sake. The truth of the matter was, if she hadn’t given him a means and a direction, his next stop would be Silver Wolf. And he wouldn’t be asking for her nicely. The last thing he needed was to be responsible for the dissolving of the alliance, even if she did technically start it.

    Off he went, burning through the sky like a bloody comet. She had time on him, as he had taken time to revitalize his energy before leaving. No doubt she was probably prepared for him by now but frankly, he didn’t care. He wanted her to fight back, to think she could simply knock him aside like she had before; that would make the kill that much sweeter. By the time he spotted the jet black establishment near the oasis, the sun was already leaning towards the horizon, its shift coming to an end. He came down to the ground abruptly, the impact causing the sand to quake and shift. His crimson aura billowed around him furiously, whipping at the air furiously as he stared daggers at the makeshift shelter. As naked as the day he was born and not giving one damn, Vandrad narrowed his eyes as he raised a hand and launched a blast right through the opening, looking to either get her attention or give her quite the welcoming burn as it exploded in the heart of her black metal home.

    Words: 752/8000 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 686
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 13th March 2020, 4:25 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Her sensors picked up his arrival as he came speeding toward her location. It seemed it was time. Standing to her feet, she waited in the center of the small shelter and watched as he landed, slamming hard enough into the ground to rock the whole area. The water in the oasis curled and sloshed in protest. He was standing there ass naked, with an entirely new transformation. Where normally his aura was a golden hue, turning his hair a color to match, he was now cloaked in something more of a crimson.

    Normally, Mercury would have taken the opportunity to take a gander at him since he was standing there in the open like that. In any other circumstance on any other job, he probably would have had to deal with quite a number of comments toward the stature of his manhood. But right now, she hardly noticed. In fact, she didn’t even look very smug or entertained by the situation, though neither was she showing any sign of fear. No, the only look on her face was that of even determination.

    Despite what he probably thought of her, she was not taking this fight lightly. There were no jokes, no smirks, no quips to try and goad him into actions. She simply stood there in expectant silence, waiting for him to determine how this interaction was going to go down. It didn’t take him long to communicate it with her. He raised a hand and shot a powerful burst of energy directly into the makeshift structure.

    With a precise flick of her sword, Mercury cut right through the blast, cleaving it in half. The two sides careened off and slammed into the walls around her, which shook but maintained their integrity even as the small space filled up with smoke and dust around her, blocking them momentarily from one another’s views. So be it, she told herself.

    Digging out the spells that would boost her strength and speed, she set herself up before bursting out of the cloud cover. Mercy’s blade was white hot with practically molten heat as she bore down on him. She made no attempts to trick or subvert him like she had with the ghost pirate captain, instead electing to meet him head on in an honest battle, swinging her sword with strike after precise strike while it practically sizzled with searing heat. Her aim was to press her advantage and keep herself, and him, moving, and trying to keep him on the defensive.

    WORDS: 420/1070 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,079,192

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 13th March 2020, 4:25 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Consequences RJtajUnz_o

    No doubt she would be able to tell that his attack was meant to send a signal. He wasn’t here to chat or to play games – he was here for one thing and one thing only. Or so the anger told him. He watched with careful, steady gaze as Mercury swung her blade and sliced his attack in twine, sending it careening off to separate walls to explode. Pitch and sand spiraled inside the black home as the detonation settled, giving her a moment’s reprieve from his heavy stare. Surely she was waiting for the right moment to strike.

    And so she was. A moment later and she was bursting through the smoke, her speed greatly amplified in comparison to her usual movement. Her weapon was drawn and smoking through the air, the blade as white as the sun itself and damn near as hot. Yet still he brought his arm up to block it, his aura swirling and rushing up to meet the weapon, catching it before it could truly make contact with his flesh. On and on he met her attacks with blocks, his aura chafing away slightly with each strike. But despite all of her attempts to make him move, he stayed grounded in his landing spot. And the crimson orbs stared back at her evenly, studying her, analyzing her. Gone was the woman of mirth who seemed to have a joke or quip about anything and everything. No sly or devious comment about the state of his form either. She understood he was angry. And for the first time since their meeting, Vandrad felt she was truly taking him seriously.

    Good. His strength buffeted as he began to counter her sword swings with attacks of his own. Punches rushed in to meet her slashes and stabs, the energy rippling off of him so intense that it provided its own pressure. He started to slip in other attacks as well, punches that never truly stretched out to hit her body. Yet the strength behind them still sent the damage forward, energy waves passing through the air with the same brutish power.

    At one point he caught her sword in his hand. A thin layer of magic covered his flesh enough to keep her from easily slicing the limb in half but it wasn’t enough to keep the sharpened and heated blade from biting through his skin. As blood dripped down from his palm, he shifted his body and thrust his other hand at her, palm flat, releasing yet another energy blast towards her mid-section.

    Words: 1180/8000 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 686
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 13th March 2020, 4:30 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    He refused to be moved, which was impressive. Mercury was no green hand with a sword, and she had met very few people that had been raised in as harsh of an environment as she had. His power allowed him to block and redirect her sword with his bare body, and even as she continued to lay strikes down Mercury soaked up the information and logged it into her databanks. Just because not every strike landed didn’t mean that she wasn’t learning something more about her opponent, and surely his aura would start to run eventually if he kept using it to engage her attacks.

    She wasn’t the only one doing the studying. As was common when two combatants that actually knew what they were doing met head on, neither one of them was really operating at any kind of full strength. They were testing one another, calculating each other. Sure they had seen one another fight plenty of times at this point, but there was a distinct difference between watching someone in battle and actually battling them yourself. Like her, he seemed to be apprising what she was capable of.

    Or at least, what he could see. Mercury had yet to reveal all of her tricks, nor all of her powers. Surely he assumed that, but it was possible her remaining mysteries might give her an advantage here so long as she didn’t get cocky. And the truth was, as much as the woman loved to joke and quip and nettle the people around her, she actually greeted the world with much more gravity than she displayed. Her careless mannerism were almost always a ruse to keep people off balanced, to let them think her unassuming.

    Mercury highly doubted that would be the case, here. Vandrad had been around her often enough now to have observed that she was much more skilled that she let on, and likely he would be banking on surprises from her. As he started to get into the groove of attacks with her, he began to litter his blocks with counters and strikes of his own. Mercury adjusted to accommodate for it, her free arm and sword arm moving in tandem to strike and block and deflect as a singular unit.

    What was interesting, and worth noting, was that he wasn’t actually touching her with his fists. In fact, he was punching so hard that the air itself punctured through the space between them in an attempt to harm her. It would have been fascinating, were she not very much in a life or death situation. There was no outward show of the change, but Mercury tapped into enough of her magic to harden her muscles, reenforcing her defenses with the natural metals inside of her body. Though she still looked very much as though she had unguarded flesh, once he actually touched her it would feel like he’d come into contact with a thick wall of solid steel.

    Eventually he made a bold move to catch her sword with his hand, which didn’t hack the limb off but did cause him to bleed. Rather than stay and wait to figure out what he had in store, she instinctively released the lever that kept the blade fixed to the handle, disengaging the two so she could dance around to his side and out of the immediate impact of the energy that shot from his hand, though there was enough power from the radius around the blast to still scrape away at her defenses. It was a masterful move, dangerously simple in its strategy, and one that may have been her undoing if she hadn’t spent her entire life up until this point living in a constant state of war and oppression.

    But, he was going to have to do better than that if he wanted to claim her life.

    Leaving the molten hot blade in his hand for now, she kept herself close as she moved around him, aiming Mercy’s muzzle at him -- as it was very much still capable of being a gun, even when departed from the blade -- she shot a single round of purple energy at his side that wouldn’t necessarily do a lot of damage, but was guaranteed to ignore his defensive aura if it struck him.

    WORDS: 717/1787 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,079,192

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 13th March 2020, 4:30 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Consequences RJtajUnz_o

    He had been testing her – curious to see what happened the minute her sword was removed from the situation. And as he expected, she had prepared for this. Vandrad could only imagine the sheer number of people that had thought the same as him, had acted in such a manner in hopes of gaining ground. Considering she was here and still very much alive, he also assumed that doing so didn’t get them very far. But the Prince was not most people and he wasn’t about to bank all his attempts on one simple move. No, she was far more skilled than that.

    His fingers wrapped tightly around the blade as she moved away, essentially arming himself with it now. She dashed around him, her weapon now fitted with its ranged setting. A blast from it caught him in the side, burning through his defenses and leaving a scorch mark on his flesh. He grimaced slightly but only slightly, his body acclimating to the new strategy and building a counter to it. The black residue remained on his skin but the burn began to heal, sealing itself up as his magic coursed through his veins. Spinning around, he flung the blade back at her, adding his own strength into it to maximize its speed. At the same time, his energy spiked and he disappeared from where he was standing, causing the sand to kick up violently from the sudden duress.

    He reappeared for only a moment, several meters away and facing her. It was a moment for him to tap into his limit breaker, further pushing his transformation beyond what it had already transcended. The color of his hair and eyes darkened, practically turning metallic and reflecting the sunlight with its harshness. And then he lurched at her, only to disappear again. But this time he didn’t wait to even a beat before he was behind her, cocked and ready to strike. But that was a feint and the image of him splintered nearly as quickly as it had appeared while he seamlessly moved through the air and reappeared to her side. He threw a punch at her, still aiming far enough away from her body that he wouldn’t strike her physically. But the pressure in the air came even harsher this time, his magic boosting the strike.

    He teleported again, this time appearing in front of her. Another punch, somehow passing the strength of the previous one. The very sand beneath their feet shifted from the force of the wind, digging a divet. He twisted and sent another punch from the same position, yet another strike that passed beyond the previous in terms of strength. He teleported once more to her other side and spun a kick in her direction, the air billowing from the force behind it and the sand spraying to all sides. One final teleport that brought him above her, falling down towards her but stopping altogether when he punched one final time, the most devastating one of them all. This one sent the sand spraying in all directions, clearing away the area down to the hardened, compacted sand that had been buried for ages.

    He teleported once more out of range, leaving several meters between himself and her and once again taking up a stance of observing her.

    Words: 1734/8000 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 686
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 13th March 2020, 4:31 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    She had managed to score a definite hit, if a small one. Often times that was all she needed for an opponent was to tire them down and continue to riddle them with smaller wounds that continued to build up. But of course, Vandrad was not most opponents. Whatever victory she had in managing to successfully shoot him was quickly overshadowed by the observation that the injury had managed to heal itself. She took note of this, logging it away in her files for him and adding it to her calculations for future attacks.

    He recovered quickly, spinning around to project the blade at her with all of his considerable strength like a spear, but it was a strategy that she had come across time and again. Her weapon was designed to specifically combat anyone else being able to use it against her, and thus as she move Mercury engaged the setting that would draw the blade right back into the handle as if it had been suctioned off course by an intensely powerful magnet.

    The weapon was whole once more, but now he was too far away for melee attacks, having revealed the sudden ability to teleport. That was certainly going to make things more complicated. In the split second it took him to tap deeper into his power, she swapped Mercy back into full pistol mode and aimed it, but did not fire right away. If he could teleport, he would simply blink out of the way of an offensive shot. Plus, she suspected that he fully intended to use it to his advantage to deal a series of offensive blows. It was what she would do.

    The second he disappeared she shot, but it wasn’t an offensive strike. Her sensors screamed when he appeared behind her and she took the bait just in case it wasn’t a feint, but not without covering herself. Spinning on one foot to kick behind her, she kept Mercy trained forward and shot her blast at the same time. Instead of any kind of true bullet ringing out, however, a blast of green colored energy rippled out around her to create a shield that subsequently took the other blows he threw at her from the side and front.

    It took the first few blows, but it was a defensive shield that wasn’t meant to last other than to buy her a precious moment of recovery. By the time he had finished his forward strikes and teleported to her other side, the shield had already gone, but now she was ready. Opting to go for a sacrificial blow, she took the hit to her side, her heels digging into the hard packed dirt to maintain her ground as she ignored the pain and moved to pistol whip him on the temple. In fact, if it weren’t for the grimace on her face that had betrayed she’d felt the punch it otherwise would have seemed like he hadn’t even hit her with it. But she grit her teeth through the pain, something she was more than used to doing, strategically taking the blow in the interest of being able to try to land one herself in the midst of all his hopping around.

    It was all she was going to get. As good as she was, Mercury could only keep up with a teleportation ability so much before it finally caught up with her. He appeared above her, which she caught but not in time to evade. Mercy snapped back into sword form and she raised it above her head in an effort to let the weapon take most of the blow. It hit with such force that the ground below her feet buckled to form a miniature crater, and her wrists were stinging from the effort of bracing the sword against the attack.

    Luckily, her body quickly set to easing that soreness, as like him she had the ability to heal herself to a certain extent without actively needing to focus on it. Counting on her sensors to alert her the second he popped back into existence, she once more flawlessly swapped Mercy back into a gun and launched a fully realized grenade at him. She’d showcased that particular ammo before at the Mystic Tower, but given that they had been trying not to topple the place she had greatly reduced its destructive range. This time she increased its potency, the explosion swallowing up the entire area in a fifty meter radius around them. Mercury wasn’t sure what the range was on his teleportation abilities, but with any luck they weren’t enough to escape a blast that large.

    Using the dirt and dust that was kicked up in the explosion as cover, she suppressed her energy to cloak herself and used her sensors to locate him. Keeping on the move so that he would have a harder time keeping track of her, she waited until she knew exactly where he was at and, for the first time since they’d met, used her magic for an offensive strike as a series of razor sharp stakes shot out of the ground, aiming to impale him from below if he wasn’t quick enough to move out of the way. Then, pumping deep into all of her speed and strength, she leapt out of the smoke in the air to body check him as hard as she could. If she managed to hit him, it would probably feel like a literal freight train from the defensive layer of steel she’d buffed up under her flesh.

    WORDS: 928/2715 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
    Position : None
    Posts : 789
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 8,079,192

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 13th March 2020, 4:31 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Consequences RJtajUnz_o

    If her counter to his attack caused any pain, Vandrad didn’t show it. The pistol hit true and a small cut opened right on his head, blood leaking out from it. It seemed he was dedicated to taking any injuries she would throw back at him, much like she had made the sacrifice to cause said injury in the first place. His attack combination continued until its end, cratering the ground beneath her and forcing her to stand her ground in resistance to it.

    As he came back into existence, he managed just in time to see her with her weapon drawn. Energy funneled out of his body and launched him upwards into the sky, just in time to avoid the major damage that would have swallowed him up in the fire. But he wasn’t quick enough to escape the full shockwave from the impact, his body knocked around in the air from it. He focused his magic as best he could to align his body with the ground, keeping him from spiraling out of control. As he did so, he managed to see the ground suddenly and aggressively part as stakes thrust themselves out of the sand. He twisted violently to the side to avoid them impaling him, flipping through the air and landing on the flat edge of one of them.

    From there, his head snapped up to see her rushing at him hard. Focusing all of his magic forwards and into his aura, he pushed off the stake and back towards her, countering her body check with one of his own. The impact sent ripples through his energy dispersal, the magic cover bending from the durability of her metal flesh. He sent another punch in her direction, lashing more energy-charged air in an attempt to knock her back. His teleportation came out once more and zapped him down to the ground, far enough away from her and her stakes for a moment.

    But once he was there, the air around him seemed to settle. His aura slowed its swift and hectic flow, pulling in closer to his body. And his gaze softened as he stared up at her. For the moment, it seemed his rage was settling and his desire to fight was lowering. He simply waited there for her, carefully watching her to see if she would continue to fight him or if she would take the invitation to pause their melee.

    Words: 2140/8000 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 686
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,124,425

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Gunblade Master
    Second Skill: Mecha Primordial Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 13th March 2020, 4:32 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    He got swallowed up by the fury of her grenade, having to put all of his focus on keeping himself level and oriented. His efforts had been just enough to keep him from getting skewered. As Vandrad twisted in the air and managed to line himself safely on the side of one of the stakes, Mercury made her move to rush him. He met the charge with his own, launching himself at her with as much fury and strength as he could muster. The impact rocked the area again, with his defensive aura bending just enough under the solidity of her own to shake the shielding.

    The brief tangle in the air was paired with him attempting to throw another energy infused punch her way. She met it with the barrel of her gun, fighting back with a powerful concussive shot that resulted in both of them being thrown back from one another with equal fervor. As Vandrad teleported a reasonable distance away, Mercury twisted in the air to land on her feet, one hand dragging along the ground to steady her as she skid to a stop, all three limbs digging deep trenches in the dirt. As she came to a stop in her crouched position, ready to spring forward at a moment’s notice, her emerald eyes were fixed on him and her blade was held steady and at the ready behind her back.

    He didn’t come at her again. Her gaze narrowed as he almost seemed to… relax a bit? The presence of his magic ebbed into something less turbulent, and for a moment it seemed like the hatred and desire for blood had drained somewhat. If it was a trick, it wasn’t one that she was going to fall for. On her part, the only thing he would see on her face was who she truly was: A woman that had only ever known war and, despite her carefree mannerisms, trusted no one but herself. She was not readily willing to believe that he was ready for peace. At most, maybe he simply wanted a chance to catch his breath or something. It was a great time to launch a strike, to pull out a new trick to surprise him with.

    But she did not. Mercury had not wanted to kill him, or even fight him in the first place. She knew he was serious about making an attempt on her life, and she had been willing to respect him by meeting him on equal grounds and giving him that chance if he chose to follow through with it… but even now, after he had taken exceptionally active steps to rid her of her life, she had no desire to devoid him of his own, which she would only do if he continued to engage her.

    In fact, while he was seeming to invite her to pause, Mercury was busy secretly seeping oil into the ground from her fingertips. It wasn’t an active attack of any kind, and unless he was able to smell the stuff over the sweat and dirt and smoke, he probably wouldn’t even know she was doing it. It was only a failsafe in case this turned out to be a ruse of some kind, but she would wait to trigger it until he gave her a reason to. In the meantime, she held her ground in her poised crouch and unwavering gaze, choosing to wait him out for some indication of where this was going to go next.

    WORDS: 586/3301 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
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    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 13th March 2020, 4:36 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Consequences RJtajUnz_o

    No matter how many times he ran the scenarios in his head, he came to the same conclusion.

    Vandrad prided himself on his quickness in calculating tactics and strategies, especially in the heat of battle. A part of that went into figuring out different results to every move, every spell, every wayward strikes. Even now, when his anger was at levels he had truly never felt before, he was still able to keep a byline on what he had to do to beat her. He’d tested her strengths and weaknesses like never before; personally getting a chance to see exactly what she was capable of. The realization in the caves hadn’t been folly; she was well trained and capable of handling herself and her magic meticulously. If he were to wager a guess, he would say that she had probably seen harsher times than him.

    But that hadn’t convinced him she was unbeatable. Even now, he believed through time and effort, he could overwhelm her and bring her down. But the chances were slim and it was a very close  the other way too -- that she would be able to counter and bury him. The numbers ran through his head like mad and it really came down to time and energy. Based on the little bit of fighting they had done already, it was clear this was not going to be a short fight. In fact, it could carry on until the sun was rising on the opposing side of the horizon. They were matched together and, like two rock giants hitting one another, it was about wearing down the cracks over and over again.

    It wasn’t that he was against the idea; in fact, such a fight was something he had always looked forward to. But therein lied the rub; in all of his life, Vandrad had never met a person that could stand toe to toe with him. Sure, there were more powerful wizards in the world and they could easily vanquish him with a flick of their wrist. But she was on his same level; she fought tooth and nail to prove herself against a harsh world that never let anyone catch a break. Vandrad, for all his royalty and riches, spent most of his life down in the trenches with the rest of the soldiers. He’d seen war and carnage and the worst that life could bring to a person. He knew what it was like – not as intimately, but he did know. She calculated the same way, she operated in the same fashion… two soldiers from the same cloth.

    In a sick twisted way, he respected her. And an even more depraved way, he found himself attracted to her. Memories of her fighting in the caves flashed through his mind as he stared back into her cold, nearly frozen gaze. The hardness in her soul, outmatched by the speed of her wit and her humor. It infuriated him and aroused him all at the same time, just as it had been at the Silent Glaciers. And indeed, there was no doubt that the thoughts were having the same effect now, to which she would definitely be able to see.

    A carnal, animal instinct had sprung a leak somewhere in his mind and overflowed over his other thoughts. It felt wrong but he couldn’t deny the sick excitement of it either. The way they had teased one another, saying things that were perverted and shameful, according to everything he knew. Slowly he began to walk towards her, his steps careful and lacking the same danger they held before. He kept his eyes locked with hers as the better part of his mind tried to overwhelm the invading one and found itself in a losing battle. His stare was losing its coldness and was gaining traction in its heat, in its arousal. He would walk until he was standing right before her, waiting until she would get up from her crouch to meet him face to face.

    “My prize.” He said through an animalistic growl. He reached out slowly, his body doing its best to show that he didn’t mean to continue the battle – at least, the way they had already started it. If she’d allowed him, he’d pressed his hand against her chest, right where he had once pushed her up against that wall. His eyes left hers for a moment, actually taking their time to look over her and apparently check her out.

    “I want it.” He would move to rip open her shirt in one swift gesture, the action of a man with only one thing in mind. The fight had evolved and it was about to become even more physical.

    Fade to Black and Afterward

    A grump all the time. He snorted and chuckled softly at that. Vandrad stood there as she slowly rose up to meet him face to face, returning her kiss as deep as he could energetically manage. There was a rousing in his core but it never went farther than that – he was officially tapped out. “Careful now; I may take you up on that, he said, flashing his smirk back at her as he did his best to stay on his feet. Oh how he needed to rest now; after all the anger and fighting and fucking, he was barely able to stay on his own two feet.

    And it seemed she was feeling the same way; voicing her intent to pass right out. As he slowly made his way over to her, now needing the canteen more than ever, she went on to say that the shelter would be safe enough for the two of them to stay in for the morning. Though the catch was she only had one sleeping bag so if they were sharing, they were going to be close. “Wow, cuddling. How absolutely the worst physical touching we’ve made today, he joked as he took the canteen from her offered hand and took several deep swallows.

    She prepared the bed by shaking out the blanket that had somehow survived his original attack and then tossing it to him as she got the sleeping bag out and unzipped. He snorted once more, though his eyes were starting to fall and exhaustion starting to weigh down on his shoulders. With the pack open, he laid himself down, only to find the Silver Wolf wizard wiggling her way over to snuggle onto him. As she claimed it was just for warmth, he raised a single brow at her and shook his head before he simply throw an arm around her, clearly accepting what was going to happen. It took only seconds before everything he knew faded into darkness.


    And from the darkness Vandrad roused again. His mind quickly tried to catch back up, as if it had been shut down suddenly for a decent amount of time and now was running again after a reboot. And there was no greater imagery than that as it was far more true than perhaps even Mercury realized. The last thing the Prince of Bellum could recall was walking out of the slave pens, the people rushing out around him. That and the burning desire to find Mercury and cut her head clean off.

    After that, a complete blank. As he rolled over onto his back, apparently back in his bed, he let out an audible groan as he let his body and mind wake up once more.

    Words: 3392/8000 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 13th March 2020, 4:41 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    While this certainly wasn’t anything close to how she envisioned this day ending, Mercury wasn’t going to complain about it. In fact, she was quite content with how everything turned out, especially now that her backside was snug against him and his big muscled arm was around her. She didn’t consider herself the pickiest of women when it came to sexual attraction, but there was something to be said about being held by a heavily muscled man.

    And she passed right out, too. Barely moving a muscle all night long, Mercury slept soundly through the night and into the dawn. She had no intentions of waking up until she damn well felt like it, either. While she was quite capable and dutiful about getting up in the mornings at a decent time, she often rewarded herself for a job well done by sleeping in and putting off other tasks for later. And if all of this hadn’t been worthy of such a reward, what was?

    Sometime in the morning, she was unknowingly stirred by Vandrad starting to wake up. He shifted onto his back, which roused her just enough to roll over as well. Turning toward him without actually waking up, Mercury shifted until she was snuggled up against his side, one of her arms gently draped along his side. She was, of course, still quite naked, her upper torso not fully covered by the blanket that they were sharing. Her hair was an absolute mess from everything the night before and from sleeping on it. She was covered in streaks and smudges of dirt from both the fight and what went down afterward.

    There was further evidence of what had happened around the rest of the room. The chains and shackles that she’d crafted were still hanging from the ceiling and on the walls. Bits of her clothing that he’d quite literally torn to shreds were strewn about the ground near one of the walls. A quick glance outside would be enough to betray for him that there had been a fight: the ground was scorched with several pockmarks and craters as evidence of a fairly ferocious battle.

    And yet here she was, still very much alive, quite naked, intimately sharing a bedroll and blanket with him, sighing softly in her sleep.

    WORDS: 383/3684 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
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    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
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    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 13th March 2020, 4:42 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Consequences RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad was still in the midst of waking up, still in the middle of his mind trying to recuperate all the memories that had seemingly been locked behind an impenetrable wall. He was barely aware of the world around him, only that he was lying down and there was a blanket over him. The body next to him rolled over and tucked itself against him, an arm coming over and holding him close to them. He sighed softly at the warm and soft feeling, reaching down with his arm to pull the person closer and let his hand touch their back too.

    Wait. A person? Someone holding him? Cuddling?!

    His eyes snapped open instantly, the rude awakening of sudden awareness pulling him from drowsy to alarm. He didn’t find the ceiling he knew inside of Fairy Tail awaiting him – there was a pitch black ceiling, made of some kind of metal. And even from where he was laying, he caught a glimpse of the chains dangling from the ceiling. But that, ironically, wasn’t the most terrifying part. No, his utter shock hit its peak as he slowly turned his head to find out who the hell was practically on top of him and found the tussled, wild hair of Mercury.

    Ice water ran through his veins as he stared down at the messy follicles of lavender. Shifting his body slightly away, he was suddenly made very aware of just how absolutely naked she was. Heat rushed to his cheeks, causing the Prince to take on the oddest of looks with a dense blush. His hand immediately retracted as he realized he was practically fully grabbing her ass, nearly launching itself off his rotator cuff with wild abandon. His first instinct was to get away and he figured he would just throw her off of him and get to his feet. No, instead for some strange unexplainable reason, he gently eased himself away from her, picking up her arm and letting it carefully drop so that he could wiggle out.

    What the hell was happening?! How had he gotten here? His eyes scanned the room quickly as he pushed himself up into a sitting position, looking for answers. There was a lot of evidence left about the place and it took him a minute to put some of the pieces together. There were burn marks on the sand and depressions in the ground; signs that there had been blasts from a battle. A sound in the back of his mind played much like a record, of an explosion and what seemed like effects from physical combat. Her clothes were strewn near the entryway in torn, jagged pieces – as if they had been aggressively torn off of her body. Then there were the chains; literal black chains and cuffs were all over the room, like some kind of perverted dungeon that was just out in the open. Another sound that sounded terrifyingly like a moan replayed in his mind.

    This couldn’t have happened. There had to be a rationale answer. He’d definitely wanted to kill her after everything with the enslavement so he wasn’t surprised that he found her. But the fact that she was still alive and – perhaps worse – that desire to end her life seemed as distant as Fiore itself. He tried to force himself to his feet but found his legs complete and utter jelly, also making the discovery that he was well and fully naked as well. A man and a woman naked and cuddling together. Two plus two makes four and yet he still railed against the rationality.

    Sliding over towards her, he reached out and gave her a shake. “Hey! HEY!” he hissed at her, not bothering to wake her in any kind of calm or caring fashion. “What the hell is all this?!” he asked, waving to the entirety of… well, everything. Now was the time for answers.

    Words: 4055/8000 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 13th March 2020, 4:42 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    As he carefully moved her arm, Mercury shifted a bit once more but did not fully awaken. Clearly, she was sleeping hard. But, it didn’t take him long to decide that he needed answers, and he needed them immediately. She stirred more when he shook her and started trying to get her attention, groaning lightly in protest. ““Twenty more minutes,” she murmured, as apparently even in a half asleep state she still had enough awareness of herself to know that the standard “five minute” excuse just wasn’t going to cut it for her.

    But then he started talking at her, demanding her attention. Mercury groaned again and rolled over onto her back, with no regard for making sure the blanket was covering her. She blinked her eyes open and rubbed her face in mild, sleepy annoyance. ““Ugh, you’re a morning person, aren’t you?” It took her a couple seconds to register that he’d asked something else, her groggy mind still catching up with reality when all she wanted to do was sleep some more. ““All of what?” she asked through a yawn.

    What was he even going on about? Mercury lifted herself up just a bit and took a look around, taking stock of the area around them. Nothing looked any different from how it had last night. She didn’t see any signs of anyone having come by in the middle of the night, which they wouldn’t have had to worry about. She’d set the shelter up so that anyone other than Vandrad or Mercury trying to pass through the entrance would get a nasty shock, so to speak. Was she missing something?

    She looked at him then, really looked at him, and it finally hit her. Mercury sat herself up a little higher, propping herself up on her elbows and fixing him with her stare. Slowly, the biggest, most highly entertained grin she’d ever displayed around him crawled its way up her face, despite herself. ““Oh my stars… you don’t even remember, do you? You were so angry with me that you were just blacked out the entire time and forgot the whole thing.”

    Unable to help herself, Mercury started giggling like an absolute mad woman. ““What is the last thing you remember?”

    WORDS: 391/4075 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
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    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 13th March 2020, 4:43 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Consequences RJtajUnz_o

    Mercury was clearly not a morning person. As he started nudging her, she complained and dismissed him, asking for additional twenty more minutes of rest. But there was no way he was going to sit here and wait for her to get anymore sleep when he had burning questions that needed to be answered damn near right away. So rather than just nudging her, he decided to speak right at her to wake her the hell up. That seemed to do the trick, as she rolled onto her back and he was once again overwhelmed by a blush at the sight of her topless form. He looked away quickly, patting at his cheeks in an attempt to calm them down as she started to truly wake up. What the hell was wrong with him? He’d showered with women in the military – this shouldn’t be bothering him!

    She irritably remarked about him being a morning person with such disdain. Truth was he was a morning person; he had no problem waking early and getting to work before the sun had truly come up. A freak day like this, where the sun was already above the horizon and the heat of the day was starting to seep out of the sands outside, didn’t happen often. His question about the room didn’t seem to truly register in her at first, as she looked around in confusion. To her, it looked exactly the same as it had been when they went to sleep. So there was no reason for him to be freaking out, right?

    Wrong. And as she finally looked at him studiously, it seemed like the facts were finally starting to hit her. Oh and how she started to grin that smug, stupid smile of hers as realization dawned on her hard and quick. She asked him flat out if he remembered, surmising that his anger had clearly overrode his rational thinking and created a blank slate. She giggled wildly as she asked him the last thing he did remember.

    He was too busy trying to process everything that he didn’t have the wit to snap back at her amusement. Answers were far more important. “I had destroyed the coliseum and was walking outside with the freed slaves. I remember that I just had this burning rage that just… wouldn’t cool down. And it was directed at you. I wanted to tear you limb from limb and then beat you to death with those torn off limbs. I…” He really took stock of the blast marks now, glancing around. “I… I attacked you?” That’s the only thing that made sense.

    He turned to look at her and then very quickly stiffened his neck, forcing himself to meet her gaze and not drift down below her neck with his vision… as much as he apparently felt inclined to.

    Words: 4537/8000 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 13th March 2020, 4:44 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Boy, he must have been out of it because he didn’t even try to give her any wit or sass or rage at her teasing questions. He quickly explained what he last remembered, which seemed to be as far back as the arena itself. Vandrad remembered leaving, remembered how furious he was at her, but by the way he glanced outside it seemed he didn’t even remember attacking her. The way he asked about it, it was like he was desperately trying to deny the evidence of truth before his eyes.

    “Oh you attacked me all right, killer,” she told him in a tone that he probably didn’t want to hear. Mercury laughed again. “Shit. Just when I thought this couldn’t get any better.” He looked at her again, but it was a very stiff gaze that betrayed he was having a very difficult time trying to keep himself from staring at her naked body. It was almost precious. Switching briefly to infrared, she could see just how hot his cheeks were, too.

    This was just too good. Mercury didn’t even know where to fucking begin. There was so much ammo she now had to torture and tease him with. “Stop worrying about where your eyes are, would you? You’re hurting my neck.” With an impish smirk, she stood to her feet and stretched before simply standing right in front of him on full display. “Go ahead and look. You don’t have to be shy. You certainly weren’t last night.”

    Deciding to give him a small bit of reprieve, if only for a moment, she stepped over him and made her way over to her pack. “So, do you want the short version that lets you live in relatively ignorant bliss, or the hard, honest truth about how everything went down?” She stood once more, with a small steel case in hand. Flipping it open, Mercury pulled out a cigarette and then held the box over to offer him one. “If you choose the latter, you’re probably going to want one of these. Cause you are not going to like the stories I’m about to share with you.”

    WORDS: 380/4455 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Traveller of the Multiverse
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
    Third Skill:

    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 13th March 2020, 4:44 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Consequences RJtajUnz_o

    This was just what he needed. He was once again at a disadvantage to her, giving her the high ground of both knowledge and memory. And unlike a lot of other people who would simply give him the facts and let him deal with them, she had to open the wound and rub as much salt in it as possible. His anger flared as she laughed at his misfortune, the Prince of Bellum growling impatiently. In truth, he didn’t expect anything less from her – give a woman like Mercury enough ammo and she would find some intricate and creative ways to use it. Apparently his reinforcing of his attentive gaze was firm enough that she caught on almost instantly. She told him to take it easy and then to bullet her point, she stood up and stretched right in front of him, giving him a full view of everything she had. His eyes snapped down and to the side briefly before she mentioned that he hadn’t been shy last night. Goddamnit – somehow he already knew it. And his eyes betrayed him, turning to watch her walk to her pack and take a good hard look at her ass.

    He’d give her this; she gave him options. The first option allowed him to live in a fantasy world of ignorance and denial that he could build up walls behind forever. The second was the cold hard truth that was probably going to detail every single thing they had done to and with one another. And oh how badly he wanted to pick the first option, if only so he could build a comfortable platform on it. But he knew he would never, ever be sated with a half-truth when he knew there was more to the story. “Tsk,” he shot out as she retrieved her cigarette box and pulled one for herself. When she offered one to him, he reached over and yanked one out. If that wasn’t enough of a verbal decision of what he was choosing, he spoke up. “Just rip the damn band aid off already, woman. I asked to know what happened and I meant it. For good or for worse, I’ll hear the whole truth.” He snapped his fingers and created a spark of energy, lighting his cigarette and taking a preparative drag. Finding his better manners, he held his hand out for her and, if she took it, he’d snap to light hers as well.

    He pulled the billowing stick from his mouth and set his gaze on her, the smoke calming his nerves for a bit. Despite being on the ground and looking up at literally all of her, he relaxed himself as best he could. Frankly, he felt that looking at her nude form was going to pale in comparison to what she was about to tell him anyways. “Go.”

    Words: 5025/8000 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 13th March 2020, 4:45 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    Oh yeah, this was definitely going to be fun. He quickly averted his gaze once she stood up, though not without a quick glance that his curiosity wouldn’t dare let him skip out on. And for her part, Mercury made no effort to do anything but hold herself like she knew he was going to enjoy the view. Because, well, she already knew he did.

    The Silver Wolf mage presented him with two options: the red pill and the blue pill. His answer was to scoff and snatch one of the cigarettes from her pack. Red pill it was, then. Tucking the case back away, Mercury walked back over and lounged down next to him on top of the bedroll once more, clearly not interested in covering herself back up for the moment. He lit his own cigarette with a bit of his magic before wordlessly offering the same to her. Normally she could do it on her own, but hey, why look a gentlemanly horse in the mouth?

    Taking a long drag after he got the thing going for her, she turned and breathed the smoke out away from him. He wanted her to rip the bandaid off, so to speak. “Well, I suppose that I owe you that much after yesterday. Alright then, the plain and simple truth of it is that you did show up here and tried to kill me.” She took another puff before giving him a sly little grin. “And then when that didn’t work, you tore all my clothes off and fucked me like a rabid beast. Three times. Four, if you count all the things you did with your fingers.”

    That was sure to get him going. She had told him he was going to need a cigarette. “Last I saw of you, you had quite literally nuked that coliseum. I managed to get that kid back to his folks, but knew it wouldn’t be long before you tracked me down so I found this nice remote place away from any civilization and set up my little shelter here. Only waited for you for… I dunno, maybe an hour at most? You were butt naked and quite literally seething with rage.”

    Mercury took another drag from the stick, reaching off the side of the bedroll to tap some of the ash onto the dirt. “We fought for a while, not sure how long. You know how that goes.” Time always seem to go by differently in a fight to the death, something neither of them were any stranger to. “I’d like to say that I was toying around with you most of the fight, but frankly we were pretty even through most of it. Granted, I wasn’t utilizing most of my magic… but I’m pretty positive you were holding out a bit on me, too. At some point I guess you decided it wasn’t worth it. Or maybe you just have a kink for women who can fight back, and that outweighed your anger. All I know is that you just stopped fighting.”

    “You walked over to me all careful to show that you weren’t gonna try to attack again -- which was good on your part, by the way, cause you were standing right in a trap I’d set up for you. And then…” She giggled, her expression overcome with smugness as Mercury grinned at him. “You know what you said? You told me that you wanted your prize…”

    “And then you ripped my shirt off.”

    WORDS: 614/5069 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

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    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 13th March 2020, 4:46 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Consequences RJtajUnz_o

    Vandrad prepared himself as best he could, though how could anyone be prepared for such gravitational realizations? He watched her carefully as she came over and got herself comfortable on the bedroll, taking his offered hand gesture and taking a good drag from her cigarette. With his demand for the whole truth, she revealed that he had come here with the intent of killing her and had apparently tried. But as she turned to shoot him a wicked grin, she continued to explain that his attempts hadn’t worked so he had apparently, of his own volition, had forcibly removed her clothes and had sex with her. Multiple times. Including things he did with his hand or hands.

    Well, there was the truth of it all. He’d held out a slight bit of hope that the truth bomb would be something else, denying all the evidence up until that point. But it was straight from the whore’s mouth at this point. He took a couple of breaths, his mind processing all of that information as best it could while trying not to shut down. He pulled the cigarette up to his mouth and took a long, deep drag before blowing it out. He’d initiated it. How was that possible?

    Luckily for him, she was inclined to explain to him. She went over what she could remember; how the coliseum had been blown skyhigh, taking Morli back to his family and then heading off into the desert to build a little home and await his return. She’d predicted he would come for her and he had, completely lacking clothes. He remembered that the blast had nearly vaporized the leather thing she had put on him but he hadn’t remembered it falling to pieces. She continued, summarizing over their fight in very little detail at first, connecting with him in terms of how battles went. Indeed, life-threatening combat seemed to always take place in its own realm of time and space, moving both quicker and slower than the real world. She admitted that the battle had been down the middle, saying she hadn’t been using all of her magic but she had figured he wasn’t using all of his either. He honestly couldn’t recall what he had used at all so he couldn’t confirm or deny.

    But then he had stopped, apparently realizing the futility of it all. That or, as she pointed out, he had a thing for woman that knew how to fight. He opted to leave the assumption alone as she continued, saying that he came over to her carefully, showing that he wasn’t intending to continue fighting. And then with an annoying giggle and smug grin, she threw his own words in his face. He wanted his prize. He closed his eyes and sighed heavily, his head dropping slightly. The prize from their stupid little bet back in Silent Glaciers. And then, to ensure she understood what he meant, he ripped her shirt off.

    Well this was just a living nightmare. “I’d ask if you were capable of not being so goddamned smug but I have a feeling that is impossible for you,” he said with a sideways glance at her as he took another drag off the cigarette. Flicking some of the ashes away, he sighed once more. “Alright. What else?” He honestly wasn’t sure he wanted to hear all the details but the whole truth meant the whole truth. In for a penny…

    Words: 5611/8000 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 13th March 2020, 4:47 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    She took such pleasure in the way he sighed and hung his head when she told him exactly what he’d said to start their sordid affair. Vandrad commented about her keeping the smugness down, and Mercury simply grinned at him. “I’m a mage, honey. Not a miracle worker.” He was taking everything relatively well so far, at least, and even asked her to continue. So, with a shrug, she did just that.

    “We came back in here and I used my magic to make all the lovely decorations here,” Mercury told him, pointing up at the chains and shackles that littered the room. “I figured I owed you, so I offered you the chance to get a bit of payback. You were very interested in that idea. Had me strung up by the ceiling, playing me like a fiddle. Or, well… like a harmonica. If you get my drift.”

    Another smug grin followed by a long drag from her cigarette. Each new piece of information she gave him was just a time for her to pause in her story to see how he’d react, wondering what he was going to make of himself. He was probably pretty angry about his actions. “Let’s see, what were some of the highlights…” She tapped her chin thoughtfully. “You pretty much demanded I call you Vandaddy. And not just during. You made it inescapably clear that I am only to refer to you as that from here on out. And no, you don’t get to take it back just because you don’t remember it. I don’t make the rules, I just enforce them.”

    And frankly, she looked all too excited about following that particular request. “What else? You were quite the tease. In fact, I’m pretty impressed. You’re a lot more kinky than you lead on because I’ve slept with a decent number of people before but you are hands down the filthiest lay I’ve ever had. Like, shit. I’m honestly not sure there’s a way to describe it to you that does any justice. It was wild. If I had known you were this nasty in bed, I would have tried to make it happen sooner. There was choking, slapping, an abusive level of dirty talk… Seriously, you could make a porn star blush.”

    As if a sudden moment of euryka hit her, she paused mid drag with a thought. “You know, speaking of movies, I bet I could probably just show you.” Motioning in the air, her tablet materialized in her free hand and she started tapping through the screen trying to find if any of it got recorded from her databases.

    WORDS: 468/5537 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 13th March 2020, 4:49 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Consequences RJtajUnz_o

    Things got worse but he knew they would. Every opportunity he had to take the exit and stop the flow of information he simply passed by and kept on going forward. He remarked about her reining in her pride but even he knew that was a long shot and she told him as much. Why should he have expected anything else? Whatever the case, he had asked her to continue and she went on with it. She gestured to the chains all along the walls and ceiling, explaining that she had used her magic to forge them as a means of repaying her own time of ensnaring him. Apparently he was quite intrigued and smitten with the idea. No surprise – even in his right mindset, treating her the same way she had him sounded satisfying. Just not in the same way apparently, as he had hung her up and then… well, played with her.

    Oh it was getting so much worse. He reached up with his free hand and rubbed his forehead, in agitation. The first time he managed to have sex and it was with this… this… undeniably infuriating harlot. He kept hoping that he was suddenly going to jerk awake and be in his bed, alone, with no sign of Mercury or any woman near him. But with every passing second, the nightmare continued on and on. She mused for a moment as she thought to bring up some of the highlights. She started with perhaps the worst; apparently, in his black out, he had ordered her to call him Vandaddy. The look of astonishment and anger on his face was probably delicious to the woman and as he opened his mouth to tell her that whatever he said in his fit wasn’t his conscious thinking, she shot it down. It wouldn’t have mattered anyways. There were no real rules save for her own personal guidelines and, in them, she was perfectly content watching him squirm every time she referred to him as Vandaddy.

    She piled on further, explaining that he was apparently a tease, was so kinky that other sexual conquests of hers paled in comparison in the area of filthy. It had impressed her, enough so that she had wished she had tried it sooner. Choking, slapping, dirty talk – it was like everything that made him him had been flushed out and been replaced with some beer-swilling sailor. He hissed between clenched teeth in utter disgust with himself, taking a drag from his cigarette that nearly melted the entire stick. But then the rotten cherry on the top of the hell sundae; she apparently had video.

    "No,” he said adamantly, pushing himself to his feet through sheer willpower. Of course he realized he was still naked and tried to cover himself up. But that didn’t matter because they had done worse things, right? Oh hell, that didn’t matter, did it?! He bent down and went to grab the blanket, wrapping it around his waist aggressively as he spoke. "That’s where I draw the line, woman. Words are one thing but I will not lower myself to watching movie clips of our… our… reprehensible tryst.” Flicking the worn cigarette into the sand, he stomped out of the house to get some fresh air.

    By the heavens, what had he done? As he came to a stop several feet away from the black building, his gaze lifted skyward. He’d been angry before – hell, most people figured he was angry all the time. But he had never entered such a state of rage that he forgot everything that happened. Had she awakened some primal fury inside of him, buried inside his genetic make up? His mother could raise hell when she got angry, that was sure. And his father… who knew what his emotional turbulence was or wasn’t. On top of everything going on in his life, this mess was the absolute last thing he needed.

    Yet here he was. Standing in the desert, with a blanket half-wrapped around his naked body, with a naked woman who he had aggressively had sex with probably giggling to herself in the building. Vandrad had truly never reached a lower point in his life. But as he stood there for a moment, reflecting on it, he realized a few things. For one, it seemed his hatred of her was… quelled, at least temporarily. She still made his heart beat just a bit faster and crafted thoughts of wringing necks but he didn’t seem interested in blasting her to smithereens. And there was the fact that despite the way she went about it, she had gone on a job to save a child. Reward or not, the gumption it took to wager her jewel on him creating enough of an opening to risk her life by saving a wayward Bellum youngling was… noble. Honorable even.

    Oh gods, it couldn’t get worse. All this shit and he actually respected her.

    Words: 6450/8000 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
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    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 13th March 2020, 4:50 pm

    oh hi double post

    Last edited by Vandrad Ragnos on 13th March 2020, 4:53 pm; edited 2 times in total


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 13th March 2020, 4:50 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    He continued to look more and more displeased and upset with himself as she went on. Mercury was honestly surprised that he even believed her. If she hated someone as much as it seemed he hated her, she would have no reason to trust anything that they said. Which was frankly why she had opted to see if she’d caught any of it on recording. Yes it was certainly to rub salt in the wound a little bit, but also to prove to him that she wasn’t making even an iota of this story up.

    But, Vandrad wanted absolutely none of the video evidence and finally found his strength to stand up and storm outside the little sanctuary. After using the blanket to cover himself up, as though that really meant anything at this point. Mercury watched him go, still smirking a bit, but didn’t try to stop him or say anything further for the moment. Poor guy was clearly having a rough morning, even more than he had yesterday. Hell, she was surprised he didn’t even question the fact that she had access to video evidence.

    Even she could tell when someone needed space, though, and despite what he probably thought of her she did know where the line was. Often times she wasn’t shy about crossing it, but she’d given him hell over the last twenty four hours so Mercury figured she could give him a break. So, she hung out for a couple minutes, finishing off her cigarette and scrolling through her various apps on the latest news and information around Fiore. At some point she finally took stock of herself and realized how disgusting she was from all the dirt and other fluids that still stuck to her in places.

    With a grimace, she decided it was well past time to clean. Dismissing her tablet, she pulled a small but clean towel out of her pack, as well as a bottle of soap, two items she never went on long missions without. Then, she strolled casually out to the oasis water to rinse off in full. She didn’t cover herself up, but she also didn’t say anything to Vandrad or shoot him any looks either, giving him the space he needed to find some way to cope with what had happened.

    Flicking the butt of her cigarette into the dirt as she walked up, Mercury set the towel and bottle down near the shore and stepped in. The water was much colder than she’d expected it to be in a desert, the sun not having been up long enough to heat the large but shallow pool too much. She was not looking forward to a cold bath, but she hated being covered in grime more, so in she slowly stepped all the way in until she was up to her ribs in the water.

    Bracing herself, she submerged for a second or two before popping back out and gasping for a quick breath. Fuck that is cold,” Mercury exclaimed to herself, rubbing her arms at her shoulder a bit to try and help adjust to the sensation. Then, she started the meticulous work of scrubbing her body with her hands under the water to try and clean all the dirt and grime off, taking care of herself while she waited for Vandrad to be ready to talk to her again.

    WORDS: 575/6112 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
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    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 13th March 2020, 4:52 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Consequences RJtajUnz_o

    There were a lot of things that should have stuck out to Vandrad – and would have, were he in a more sensible state of mind. There was the possibility of everything she was saying being a lie; a made up tale just to mess with him a bit more. She’d certainly led him on yesterday, as she was dragging him through the desert by chains. So it wasn’t beyond the scope of her schemes to make up them having sex for the sake of freaking him out when they may have just battled and ended up calling it a draw. Then, being late at night, they decided to lay down and sleep. It didn’t explain the torn clothes but then again, she could have gotten up, torn her clothes asunder and then come back. Would she really go that far for a prank?

    Remember Vandrad; she did strip you naked and cross a desert with you.

    The daunting realization that he should probably confirm what she was saying hit like a boulder. For the only way to confirm any of that was to see her video proof. That was another thing; she claimed to have their session recorded but with what cameras? He hadn’t seen any about the room so unless she had one stowed away in her pack and she had put it back once they were finished… Too many questions, not enough answers. And he needed them – he needed them if he wanted to move forward with his life without looking and wondering about the full truth. He may have some respect for her but he still didn’t trust her. He scoffed in annoyance, further annoyance even.

    As the man stood there and sorted through the mess that was now his life, he barely noticed Mercury leaving the building to go and wash up. It wasn’t until she exclaimed about the water’s temperature that he turned to look at her, immediately turning his gaze away at her still nude form. She’s begun to wash, which wasn’t altogether a bad idea. But he had absolutely no intention of partaking in cleaning himself while she was doing so at the same time. He’d apparently, or allegedly, done enough with her. So he waited, crossed arms and staring out at the horizon like an ever-present statue. He would wait until she had toweled herself off before he would remove himself from his placement, walking over to the pond himself. He tore off the blanket and tossed it aside, not even bothering to pause in case she looked. She’d already seen all of him at this point.

    No doubt it was cold – her exclamation had said as much. With a deep inhale, he walked into the water and then allowed himself to fall forward, completely submerging. There he stayed, completely overwhelmed by the cold water as he sunk a few inches into it. He stared up at the water’s surface, the liquid shimmering in the morning sunlight as it settled after his splash. A minute would tick by… then a second. Finally he pulled himself up, standing to his feet once more and giving his hair a quick shake. It wasn’t a full clean but it at least got most of… whatever… off of him. He walked back onto the sand and tucked his hands closed to his sides as he allowed his magic to flow out of him. The intensity of it immediately dried off his wet flesh, leaving only his hair still dripping with moisture.
    He grabbed the blanket and paused before wrapping it back around himself. Now Vandrad was starting to look more like himself, his mind coming to grips with all the information and a cold wash dulling the shock and awe. "Tsk,” he hissed before he simply walked in with the towel in hand. What did he care if she looked at him? What did he care if he looked at her? They’d been lying together naked all night and had talked shortly after that. He was done freaking out – at least at the moment.

    "Alright,” he said as he entered the abode, tossing the blanket onto the bedroll and standing there in all his naked glory, confidence returned. "This video you claim to have. Show it to me. If what you’re saying is true, that’ll back it up. And I’ll only believe it’s true if I see it with my own eyes.” His decision had been made, the firm stance batting away the squeamish thoughts. If he had done this with her, then he needed to take responsibility for it. Time to stop acting like a teenager with a freshly pickled sex life.

    Words: 7242/8000 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


    Mercury Arseneault
    Mercury Arseneault

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    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Mercury Arseneault 13th March 2020, 4:53 pm

    Mercury Banner
    Cunning is the art of concealing our own defects
    and discovering other peoples' weaknesses.
    She didn’t wash her body with soap, not wanting to pollute the water too much. At the end of the day, nothing would really do for her but a nice, hot shower, but it was at least to get the top layer of nastiness off. Her hair, however, she did use some of the soap for, just enough to get a nice build of up of suds before rinsing it out. Then, she stepped out and dried herself off with the towel.

    It seemed Vandrad had decided it was a good idea to follow up on her cue, and he had waited patiently for her to finish before taking his own turn. Neither of them said anything as they passed each other, him still seeming irritated in his own silence, and her still content to wait for him to be ready to speak to her again -- assuming he ever would be. As he rinsed off, Mercury returned to the little shelter and took a comb out of her pack before sitting on the bedroll. A quick wave of her hand was all it took to craft a sheet of metal so smooth that its surface was reflective like a mirror.

    Using it as such, she carefully started combing the knots and tangles out of her hair. It was while Mercury was in the middle of this that Vandrad returned, tossing the blanket down behind her as he no longer seemed to care about his modesty. And, he finally spoke to her again. It seemed that he had given it some thought and was intent on confirming, for better or worse, that what she claimed was true. Mercury turned in her seat, giving him a look of surprise. The look didn’t last very long, however. It seemed only sensible to want such things. She would have asked the same.

    But she did have a feeling the nature of the recordings was going to draw some questions.

    Well, that was her own fault. She’d gotten carried away with her teasing and now she’d have to cover for herself, It wouldn’t be the first time. “Very well,” Mercury told him simply, seeming to no longer be interested in teasing him over the subject. At least, for the moment. With the wave of her hand, her tablet appeared in front of him, hovering for him to take. If he chose to turn it on, the recording would start from a spot in the battle and lead into everything that followed after. This would allow him to get some proof of both the battle and how it devolved, and he could watch as much as he wanted of their “reprehensible tryst” as he desired.

    What would be interesting was the view of the camera. It seemed to be coming from somewhere on her body, because the fight and the action was all from her perspective as if he were seeing it through her eyes. The audio would be crystal clear, as well. While he did that, she finished combing her hair and put the brush away before going around with a sigh and picking up what was left of her clothing around the place. “Man, I really liked this outfit too,” she murmured to herself in half disappointment, half amusement, though not so quiet that Vandrad might not hear it.

    WORDS: 561/6673 | @Vandrad Ragnos
    Serilda Sinclair


    Vandrad Ragnos
    Vandrad Ragnos

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
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    First Skill: Energy Monarch
    Second Skill: Ark of the Dread Masters
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    Consequences Empty Re: Consequences

    Post by Vandrad Ragnos 13th March 2020, 4:55 pm

    There’s no fair or unfair in battle.
    ( There is only victory or in your case, defeat. )
    Consequences RJtajUnz_o

    He’d called her bluff. And much to his own surprise, she actually looked surprised by it – if only for a brief moment. Perhaps she never thought he would follow through on watching anything so vile. Given the way he had acted and spoke, it was understandable that she thought such an act would disgust him to his core. And there was no way he was going to tell her that he was pretty sure it would too. But he needed to see the evidence; he needed to prove to himself the truth and, perhaps, grant her a modicum of trust for telling him the truth… even if she did take an annoying pleasure out of it.

    She agreed to show him, though the lack of flair was noted. She had been all too keen to tease him and prod him with the information before but now it was all business. With a simple gesture, the tablet appeared before him, hovering of its own, or rather her, volition. He glanced at her briefly before taking it in grip. He tapped the power button and was immediately treated to the beginning of their battle. But already something was suspicious; this wasn’t recorded via outside cameras that she had posted. Nor did it seem to be coming from some kind of device similar to the ones she used at the Sun Tower. No, this was coming from her perspective. He was watching himself attack her, watching as she countered and block and fought back as if it was him living through her eyes. Vandrad had heard of ocular lenses before and truthfully, she seemed to have a penchant for technology that mixed with her magic.

    But a lot of things started to glue together in a picture that wasn’t quite clear. Back when they had first met, she had mentioned about magic being new to her – that she was a newcomer to practicing. There was also the unmistakable fact that her strength rivaled his; one who had been using his magic since childhood. And now this recording playing right through her own vision. Pieces of a shattered puzzle lay on the board of his mind, hints at something deeper he couldn’t quite figure out. But rather than ask her, he simply made a mental note about it. Given the track record of their meetings, he was sure that more information would come out sooner rather than later and help unblur the mystery further.

    He was so caught up in his own musings that by the time he mentally checked back in, the battle was over and he was watching himself chain Mercury up. What followed was an explicit continuous film that he was sure even the filthiest of people would blush at. The words, the actions, the sheer atmosphere of the entire tryst was just so… perverse. His stoic face slowly melted as he heard and witnessed more and more of the action before he finally had enough and turned the screen off. Well, it was safe to say that she was telling the truth. "To think that I…” He muttered to himself loudly, irritated once more.

    His first inclination was to blame her. But all the evidence was to the contrary. He’d gone to her, he’d opened the door for her. It wasn’t her fault for deciding to take him up on the offer. For once, she was almost completely guiltless, save for the fact that if she hadn’t kidnapped him in the first place, he may have never snapped at such intensity. He thought about throwing that in her face but even that felt weak and flat. He tossed the tablet onto the bedroll and walked a bit away, though not necessarily from her. "I’ve never… had a bout of rage like that before,” he admitted to her, though he dared not look at her. "I pride myself in being control of my actions and it seems there is something inside of me that abhors and rebels against that. It’s…” Terrifying… but he would never say that out loud. His tone was enough to convey what he was trying to say.

    Another thought popped into his head, since he was being brazenly honest. Witnessing himself out of control had humbled him temporarily, enough that he could speak above his normal attitude. "That boy we saved is… I’ve known him since he was a baby. Decent kid – a bit of a dreamer and he lacks courage. I imagine this was a hard lesson for him at just how cruel the world is. It’s not easy realizing that the world isn’t sunshine and happy faces everywhere, especially when that’s all he ever hoped for. People like us – true soldiers – we know that almost from the beginning. We can sense the corruption from the first moment we draw breath and it disgusts us so that we nearly lose all sense of feeling, of emotion. The number of times I’ve been called heartless… I can’t even count.”

    He sighed softly through his nostrils and turned to face her, his face stern but lacking its normal sharpness. It showed a serious sincerity that probably looked alien to his features. "But he was still one of my people. I don’t know if you took that job for any other reason beyond jewel; if it was some way of slightly twisting a knife in me about things you may have heard me say. It doesn’t matter. While I don’t condone your method for doing it, I appreciate what you did to help save him. So this is me saying… thank you. For bringing him home.”

    Words: 8203/8000 | Tag: @Mercury Arseneault | © marzia at shine & gs.


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