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    Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 6990
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 145
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 26,209

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 19th February 2020, 12:59 pm

    I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid
    I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Nessa had not long since returned from her trip to Dies Irae, where she had visiting her boyfriend, Markus. The trip had been a wild rollercoaster of emotions, having started off well. Despite not being happy with hearing that Markus had gotten arrested, they had managed to move past it. And as a result, enjoyed a wonderful afternoon together in bed, where they had progressed the physical boundaries of their relationship. It had meant so much to Nessa, who for so long had fear such intimacy. Her previous experience had left her uncertain and even scared. But Markus had been loving, and tender, taking it slow and easing her into the experience. It was just another one of the things she loved about Markus, that despite his ways and his means, he was always so considerate of her. Even if he had a curious way of showing her, with a little bit of unnecessary teasing. But it deemed the same results nonetheless and left her feeling full of appreciation for her other half.

    Unfortunately despite all of her feelings of amour, the trip had been quickly ruined by Rex's interruptions. Rex who had once been Nessa's beau back during her teenage years, a relationship that had turned sour very quickly. Rex's had wanted to move forward a little too quickly for Nessa's liking, often she had told him she wasn't ready, unaware of the growing frustrations of the pubescent teenage male. Until finally, he snapped, taking her on a date on a boat, she had fallen asleep, only to wake with him above her. Her clothes removed, and him about to take the very thing she wasn't ready to give him. She had fought him off, and her magic, which had been minimal up to that point would finally show itself. An orb of starlight had manifested, flying at him and knocking him off of the boat. Allowing Nessa the opportunity to escape him, but not without further consequence. She would've let it go if he had only let it be. She would have just broken it off and moved on with him, but Rex's true nature came out.  He couldn't be certain that she would do so, and soon a letter was sent to her. Photos of herself, asleep on the boat in her underwear, along with a messaged threatening to expose these to everyone if she told of what happened.

    She wouldn't have done it, said anything. But this was not something she could control, her Aunt found her crying and saw the photos. She had read the letter and forced an explanation out of the teenage girl, and so Rex's fate was sealed. Aunt Antoinette left the house that night, and whilst Nessa didn't see what happened, she knew. Antoinette was not like her mother, Cordelia, she wasn't so forgiving, nor as pure. She had experienced things that had hardened her to such sweet sentiments as forgiveness and the thought of her niece being mistreated in such a manner had allowed her to look past morality. Rex had been hurt, very, very badly. And as such he and his family were forced to move away, but not without one last attempt to get back at Nessa. Through manipulation, Rex single-handedly managed to turn everyone that wasn't family against her, she lost her friendships, she was attacked, she even dropped out of school. It had taken quite a hard toll on the Lux and Blossom family, and yet after all these years. She had thought it was over, that Rex had moved on with his new life and that this chapter of her life was closer.

    It would seem that this was not the case, the grudge that Rex carried had just continued to fester and now he had returned. Letting Nessa know through various means that he had not moved past their transgression and whatever his intentions were for the Starlight Maiden, they were clearer of the more malignant nature. At first, it had been the stalking, she had suspected that someone was following her, but she couldn't prove it. Now she knew it had been him, watching her, increasing her paranoia as she heard his steps so often lurking in the distance. Then finally he reached out, after the job at Lord Szutaris manor, following her and Markus finally admitting their feelings for each other. She had spent several days with Markus in the void, just being with him, talking and enjoying each other company. Until finally, she had returned home, where Rex had left a message for her, the stuffed cat on her bed. A replica of Sebastian, covered in blood and torn apart, for a moment allowing Nessa to think that he was dead. Even after she had realised it wasn't him, she hadn't been able to shake the panic that it had created. What with Mythal disappearing and then Aven, she had begun to freak out, thinking that Rex was somehow manipulating her life. Ruining it bit by bit and that once again she would end up alone. Abandoned by everyone she loved.

    But Mythal returned, as did Aven and once Markus saw the effect it had had on her, even he had become more present. Wary of her eating, making sure she looked after herself. She had gotten better, no longer regressing back to the catatonic state she had been in during the original ordeal. She had recovered and Rex must have noticed this because he struck again, whilst she was in Dies Irae with Markus. Having a package delivered to them, once again photos but just of her enjoying her daily life. Images of her spread over several months, showing just how long he'd been following her, watching her life since she had joined Fairy Tail. What made them even more jarring was the words, the insults and slander that were written in blood across the images. A reflection of his anger and his hatred for her.

    The best course of action was the pretend things were normal, that she had got the message but was unperturbed by the situation. A means to bait him out of hiding, only this time they would be ready for him. And so once she had returned to from Amber Island to Magnolia, she had soon arrived for a day at work with a letter on her desk. The envelope was lilac in colour, with a fancy emerald wax sealer pressed across the centre of its flap. She recognised the symbol of Lord's Szutaris family line, which created a rush of uncertainty within the Starlight Maiden. Her last experience with the Lord hadn't been great, he was eccentric and self-centred. His vision often obscured the considerations of others, with little thought to how he affects those around them. But still, she couldn't ignore him that wasn't appropriate for her and her position. She picked it up, slowly peeling it open to pull out the parchment. It was fragranced with sickeningly sweet perfume and but at least the calligraphy was pleasant.

    To Nessa Cordelia Lux & Markus El,

    I, Lord Szutaris, am reaching out to apologize to you both. It has come to my realization that both my and my daughter's actions towards you upon your visit to my manor were rather discourteous. We certainly could have handled ourselves with a slight more dignity.

    Please accept my sincerest apologies, I hope that we can move forward with a smoother and more mutually beneficial friendship. As such, I'd like to invite you to a grand event hosted by one of the companies in which I invest, I have included your tickets in this letter. I hope to see you both there, please dress accordingly.

    Yours honourably,
    Lord Szutaris

    Nessa sighed, putting down the letter, feeling immediately conflicted. On one hand, she already knew this wasn't going to be an easy event. It was one to which they had been invited by the Lord, even if he wished to make amends, whether he actually could do so was yet to be seen. But they had to be normal, and the last thing she wanted was to offend someone just trying to be considerate. No, she couldn't ignore it. She would have to accept and somehow see if she could convince Markus to join her. She groaned, reaching for her iLac, she would find the number of Dies Irae's reception. First things first, she had to get hold of Markus, who still didn't possess a flipping iLac.


    As she expected, it took a lot of work for Nessa to get both of them to attend the event. Once she had managed to get in touch with her elusive boyfriend, she had told him about the letter. How she was unable to deny such a polite request, despite his displeasure at such an idea. It had been work; Nessa had used significantly high levels of pleading, kisses and promises that she would do her best to make sure he enjoyed it. Somehow she'd managed to get him to agree to attend with her, and whilst she was still dreading the possibility that a certain girl might be at the event, she was also excited at any form of date like event spent with her beau. Maybe, if she was lucky, they could even enjoy themselves.

    They arrived at the venue in the morning, Nessa was wearing a violet-coloured maxi dress with silver heels, a silver, sparkly shawl draped loosely over her shoulders. Even if they didn't want to be here, there was no excuse not to dress appropriately for the occasion. Any excuse to wear some of her favourite new pieces and hopefully look good for Markus. Her wide eyes took in the sight of the complex before there, there was a grand church where the wedding itself would be held, beautiful and archaic in design. Next to which was a gentlemen's club, which had been rented for the purpose of hosting the wedding reception. She turned to look back at Markus, her eyes glimmering with excitement. "It's been so long since I've attended a wedding! Come on sweetie, it's going to be fun, I promise!" She cooed playfully, trying to coax him into a celebratory mood.

    WC: 1708 / 4000 Thread WC: 1500 / 8000 Tag: @MarkusEldridge

    Last edited by Nessa Cordelia Lux on 6th April 2020, 4:59 am; edited 3 times in total


    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] 60582_s


    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Progeny of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Primordial Chaos Slayer
    Second Skill: Chaotic Darkness
    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by MarkusEldridge 19th February 2020, 1:34 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 505/4000

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus would squint his eyes as they looked upon the grandiose structure that was the church and wedding venue.  It was massive, hosting an ancient architecture and riveting design. He could make out gargoyles and pillars, statues and fountains. In the distance he even thought he could make out a well sittin in a side garden. All about were people, dozens upon dozens of people all talking, and laughing, and smiling. All were dressed in their best designs, and most grand attire. Not a single one of them Markus knew. At least… None but one.

    His stoic eyes would flick towards the girl next to him whose arm was intwined within his own. She was dressed beautifully, in a dress that would cause even the most stoic of men’s hearts to flutter. Her wide lavender eyes were taking in the scene with a sense of wonder and light that only she could provide. As much as Markus wished to keep his sour mood, even he could not help but allow a thin curve to come to his lips. Shaking his head he would look about.

    Markus himself was dressed in his own best attire. The custom suite would be tailored directly to his form, the black overcoat was adored with various silvered jewelry. In his coat pocket, just sticking out, would be a lavender pocket square which would match his vest, and the tie he refused to wear. His hair was pulled back, but flowing freely excluding two braids which crossed upon the right side. As his eyes took in the scene, they would look dark, brooding, and all too serious for the joyous wedding the man had been invited to.

    Truth be told, that was why he would refuse to get into the celebration. He did not want to be there. Hell, he did not even know who was getting married. The invitation had come from one Lord Szutaris. The very man who had once commissioned Markus to paint a certain image of the two naked. The very man whose daughter had, against Markus’ will, kissed and flirted with the man. Although, it could certainly be said that Markus and Nessa might not be together now if it was not for the mans meddling, that was not a win the chaos mage was willing to give him.

    With a deep sigh he would turn towards the woman who he could feel looking at him. Her eyes were alight, she was happy, excited, playful. Markus himself would fight to remain stoic, give her, and them, nothing. As she spoke Markus would cock his head. “I don’t think I have ever attended a wedding…” he would say thoughtfully as he took up Nessa’s arms again. “But, if you are certain that we ‘must’ do this… Then lets go.” The chaos mage would say, he only hoped they offered some sort of refreshment in the form of heavy alcohol. He would think before realizing he was starting to sound like a certain other darkness mage he knew.

    Markus would follow Nessa's lead, assuming they would have to greet and make nice with the Lord before he could find his refreshment.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
    Lineage : Vassal of the Cosmos
    Position : None
    Posts : 6990
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 145
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 26,209

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Starlight Maiden
    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 22nd February 2020, 6:18 am

    I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid
    I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Her boyfriend's resistant manner tickled the white-haired girl, his stoicism was just an expected part of his character. She grinned as he took her arm, his words reflecting his reluctance. She leaned into him, tiptoeing for a moment to kiss him on the cheek, a sign of her gratitude. The fact that he was putting himself a trivial social event at her asking was sweet. One of the many small gestures of Markus that she so loved. He liked to play himself as the cold, uncaring being but she knew better. There was so much warmth to Markus, so much that she knew that others never go to see. A privilege in itself, to reap the reward of knowing. To know this side of Markus, hidden under all the layers. "Don't worry, if it sucks we can sneak off later," She promised in a soft whisper, before lowering herself and giving him a small wink. Knowing he would enjoy such a promise, it almost made her hope that it would suck, just so she could sneak off with him.

    Nessa would steer the pair of them closer to the church, where bodies gathered together outside, eagerly nattering away with each other. There was an energy of excitement around the crowds was palpable, a sense of excitement over the people here. It seemed that unlike Markus, the rest of the guests were very happy to be here. They were looking forward to the wedding and the excuse it provided them. To let loose and have a good time, that was it's purpose after all. A chance to show these folk a good time at the hands of this company, allowing them to forget their daily stressors and experience light-hearted joy. Truthfully she didn't recognise hardly any of the people here. Maybe a couple of clients she has corresponded with for Fairy Tail in the past, a reporter from Sorcerer magazine she recognises but no one of substantial relation to the Wizard Saint. It was a shame in a sense, it would have been nice to enjoy such an event with her friends. Perhaps Markus might have been less resistant if it wasn't a gaggle of strangers.

    As she got closer, the sound of hushed voices arguing caught her attention, she didn't mean to eavesdrop but she couldn't help but overhear the conversation between what appeared to be some of the individuals handling the event. "What do you mean they have chickened out! This is preposterous, they signed a contract!" An angry voice hissed, his nervous subordinate would offer a jittery reply. "They said something about stage fright, and commitment issues, I'm not really sure. Maybe we can find some people to replace them?" The young assistant would suggest, Nessa glanced at Markus, maybe the event wasn't going to happen. In which case, he would get his wish and they could leave. It was a little disappointing for the Maiden, she wouldn't have minded partaking in the fun. But if that's how it was to be, what could they do. Besides, she was sure that based on their earlier remarks, she and Markus would have no struggle in finding more enjoyable ways to spend their time.

    "And pray tell, where the hell are we supposed to find a couple appealing and willing enough to fake marry, we had famous actors, it can't just be nobodies off the street!" The man hissed, It was at this Nessa had been about to steer Markus away from the conversation. Deciding that she had heard enough of the transgression and should move away to allow them some privacy in their conversation. She considered that whatever outcome they came to would likely to announced shortly. At which point a familiar voice caught her attention, the same pretentious drawl she'd been hoping not to hear so soon. The sound of the man who had invited the couple to the wedding in the first place. "If I may interject, I believe I have the perfect candidates for such a task," Nessa went into immediate panic mode as she began to realise what might happen next, her pull on Markus's arm became more intentional, the footsteps she heard approaching them aiding to her worry. She had to get them away quickly because if history was anything to go by, she knew exactly who the Lord would recommend for the task.

    "Oh Miss Lux, Markus!" He called out silkily causing Nessa to flinch, stopping in her tracks. It would seem her attempt to move Markus away subtly had been unsuccessful. As so, plastering on an anxious smile, she turned her head to eye the Lord who was wearing a flamboyant baby blue tuxedo with cream ruffles. A fitting look for such an eccentric individual. "Why, Lord Szutaris! What a ...pleasure, um, thank you for inviting us to such a lovely event." She said to him politely. Trying to work out an excuse to get away, it seemed right now she seemed to be suffering from a bit of a 'brainfart' and couldn't actually think of a viable excuse."Thank you Miss Lux, you are as exquisite as ever!" He said, swooping down he scooped her free hand and planted a kiss on her knuckles. As he straightened up he would look at Markus, but decided against kissing his hand, most likely recalling the events that transpired the last time he'd attempted such a feat. "And Markus you appear as dashing as always. I'm so pleased you were both able to make the wedding, alas there is some disappointing news. It appeared the mages we hired to play the role of bride and groom have cancelled last minute, as such, we are in dire need of a replacement."

    Nessa wasn't sure if her expression of false surprise was convincing but she tried nonetheless, "Oh...is that so?" She said, without missing a beat, the Lord swept forward. Clutching her hand, he suddenly knelt before her, he eyes looking up at her pleadingly. Her stomach sank, she knew what was coming and yet still her brain couldn't formulate a reasonable excuse to leave. Perhaps it was the pressure of the moment, but right now the only excuses she could think of were stupid ones. Such as 'I forgot to feed my fish' or Mercury is rising and therefore she must stay home. All pitiful and things that he would undoubtedly laugh off. "Please Miss Lux, I implore you, would you do us the grandiose honour and kindness of playing our bride for the day. This event is so important to the company, and if it fails we could lose immense clientele, this could cost us thousands, perhaps millions in revenue!" He begged, Nessa, winced wishing he'd asked Markus and not her. Markus had the resolve to say no, but Nessa was weak.

    "Oh...I...er...I don't know if I'd be suitable," She stuttered desperately, her mind already ravaged with thoughts of what he said. They would lose that much money if the event was cancelled? That was so much. The poor workers and employees would suffer dearly from such financial loss, and who knows if they could survive it. "Au contraire, no one else is more beautiful and prestigious as you two. With you and Markus on the stand, the event is such to be a thriving success. You will have saved us a tragic failure, please Miss Lux, won't you help us?" His eyes were wide, twinkling with faux tears as he squeezed her arm, his lip trembling. To anyone else he might have looked weird and fake, but to Nessa, oh so weak to those in need he hit her right in her accommodating heart. She thought of all the people that would be devastated by its cancellations, the potential firings that would occur as a result of her saying no. She thought of how many people that she would be letting down. And before she could be stopped, she spoke those regretful words of submission.

    "Okay... yes... We'll do it."

    WC: 1337 Event WC: 3574 / 8000 Tag: @MarkusEldridge

    Last edited by Nessa Cordelia Lux on 6th April 2020, 7:35 am; edited 3 times in total


    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] 60582_s


    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- Demon VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Custom Slayer- God Slayer- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- Eevee- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Shipped- Sticking Around- Taskmaster- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Progeny of Chaos
    Position : None
    Posts : 1376
    Guild : Dies Irae
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Primordial Chaos Slayer
    Second Skill: Chaotic Darkness
    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by MarkusEldridge 25th February 2020, 11:41 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 1218/4000

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus would glance towards the Starlight Maiden with a raised eyebrow as she kissed him on the cheek. The words that would follow would cause her to give a small sly grin. “Then. I hope that it sucks. I would love to get you… and the Dress… alone.” Markus would whisper teasingly giving the Starlight Maiden another once over, being again reminded how gorgeous the woman was.

    As they were walking Markus kept an eye out for any servers, and upon finding the first would quickly grab a drink for himself, downing a good portion of it in his first drink. “Well…. Lets do it then.” Markus would say following the lead of the Starlight Maiden. Unlike Nessa, Markus was not paying much attention to the conversation happening in the distance. Instead, he would find his Slayer senses getting almost overwhelmed by the sights, and smells, and sounds. Almost without meaning the chaos mage would disassociate. Acting on autopilot he would follow. Smile. Give a Nod. Or even make a small comment as needed when passing someone.

    Without realizing it Markus would follow the pull of Nessa as she grasped his harm. Seeming to move with more vigor the chaos mage would zone back into the conversation just as the esteemed, and portly, Lord Szutaris would appear before the couple. Markus would glance back and forth, reading something between the two he did not yet understand. Nessa seemed almost worried. Anxious even. “Szutaris.” Markus would say simply with a nod, his eyes boring into the man, who it seemed would only look at Nessa. Completely ignoring the slight as Markus did not use his title. The chaos mage was still quite angry with the man, and made no attempts to hide he was here for Nessa, and no other reason.

    As the man explained something about the supposed bride and groom Markus would cock his head towards Nessa’s response. She seemed… vague. Still trying to catch up the chaos mage’s eyes would shoot open wide as he listened to what the man was trying to get Markus and Nessa to do.

    “What...” Markus would say, still trying to catch up as Nessa and the man talked. Markus could see the Nessa struggling to get them out of the situation. Taking a deep breath, Markus opened his mouth. Preparing to be the ‘bad guy’.

    “No…” He started his voice stern, but a little too quite within the roar that was the room. “I do not think that would be…” Markus was suddenly cut off, already ignored by the esteemed Lord, who knew Nessa was his best chance. Markus would turn towards the Starlight Maiden. His eyes opened wide as she suddenly agreed for them. “Wait. What!” The chaos mage would say.

    “Wonderful! Simply Splendid! Oh y’all will look amazing.” Suddenly the man started moving with a new vigor. Gesturing towards two other people who had been waiting in the distance. “Madam Hursey, Mr. Livingston! Let me introduce you to Nessa Cordilia Lux and Markus Eld.. Markus! They are great Wizards in their own right. Nessa is the councils Esteemed Saint of Virtue, and Markus has an impressive history in his own right. They will be our new wedded couple!” The man would immediately move to introduce Markus and Nessa to two of the host of the evenings events before Markus could even move to disagree.   The following talk was a whirl of emotion, and uncertainty for the Chaos Mage.

    As Markus listened to what was required, he would learn, quite gladly, that although Markus and Nessa will actually be getting married, being signed into a magical contract, they would be able to annul its effects almost immediately. For the day they were to take the role of Bride and Groom. Complete the Ceremony, enjoy what the company has to offer, and enjoy themselves. Markus himself was flabbergasted they had been roped into such an event, once more this Lord was causing Markus a headache.

    As Markus and Nessa were finally given a moment alone, having been moved off to a separate room to prepare, apparently, they would be getting a magical makeover shortly. One which would do the entire wedding prep without the hassle of actually spending all day preparing. It was apparently one of the new services offered by the company. However, in the meantime. Markus was left alone with Nessa.

    The chaos mage would look at the starlight maiden with an incredulous look. “Wh…What have you done?” Markus asked, unsure even how to start. “Surely… surely you could have thought of something better than AGREEING!” although Markus was not yelling, his voice would be stern, and pained. He would look almost lost in the moment. “You realize we are getting Married right? Suddenly. On a whim. For Lord Szutaris…” Markus would ask, taking a deep breath trying to catch his nerves.

    "Would you even want to be married to me?!"


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 25th February 2020, 12:26 pm

    I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid
    I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    His teasing whispers were enough to send a hot flush through the woman, her cheeks immediately tinged with a soft blush. Her mind going to things of an inappropriate nature, once fantasies, now memories. Which made it so much harder. It was when after experiencing it first hand, all of the things he had brought her to feel. Thoughts of his skilled touch and calculated teasing already giving her a slight ache. How much she would love to just sneak away with Markus to the void and enjoy a little more physical exploration with him. It was intense, she was sure that they were so much more she could enjoy with him, not to mention that she too wanted to learn. To find ways to return the favour and perhaps even give back to her lover in ways that he would enjoy.

    Not that Markus ever failed to reassure Nessa that he enjoyed their more personal interactions, but her own self-doubt made her a keen student. In truth, she knew that Markus would always have the advantage over her in these situations, his confidence and his experience made for that. But perhaps one day, she would know enough to give it back, to blow the mind of the chaos mage. She could easily give in, to lose herself in their own private moment and forget attending the party altogether. But her own morality didn't want her to do that, she had to resist him and be a dutiful member of society. Fortunately, she was able to distract herself from such thoughts after integrating herself into the wedding party. And, if there was anyone that was able to make you forget about intimate moments with your significant other, it was interactions with Lord Szutaris.

    Nessa flinched at Markus's outburst after she'd agreed to the Lord's request, she knew it was likely that he wouldn't be okay with this. She felt bad that she was dragging him into another one of the Lord's crazy situations, knowing full well that Markus wasn't a fan. But she couldn't help it, she didn't want the event to fail because of her own selfishness. She wasn't a fan of the Lord, but she didn't hate him. If the company did in fact fail because she had put her own feelings above others than the guild would have eaten at her. She would have felt terrible for being a factor in a company's failure and truthfully it would be disgraceful to decline. She wasn't just a representative of Fairy Tail, but also a Wizard Saint. One didn't hold such a position and then just get to decide as and when they provided services to the community. It would be an insult to the position, to the people that looked up to her. It was for this that she felt she had to help, saying no just wasn't an option. Not if she wanted to do right by her position.

    The two that had been bickering earlier were ushered over to the pair, their arguments interrupted by the possibility of a solution. The Lord introduced the pair, and thus it seemed there was no turning back at this point. As the faux marriage and the way it worked would be broken down to them, Nessa kept glancing over to Markus trying to gauge his mood. It was broken down to them bit by bit, each part of the wedding that needed to be done, the magical binding they would go to. Something she had endured a year ago with Aven, it wasn't really that special. Just a temporary link between the two of them. It was somewhat similar to her own contract with the Valkyries, and how she linked to them. Which was probably a contributor to why this didn't phase her that much. Yes, it was a wedding, but it wasn't real, just a show used to sell the companies assets. Kind of like a play or a show, it was all theatre and thus didn't mean the same sentimental means that it might have meant to her if they were actually getting married. The rambling went on for a while, and she still couldn't read Markus except for the fact that he wasn't pleased. But his cool, collected manner, as usual, made it hard for her to tell just how upset he was by this.

    It was only when they'd been moved to a preparation room, that for a moment they teams left them to be whilst they got things ready for them. She turned to him, saying nothing as Markus addressed her. She looked down, embarrassing by her own inability to say no. It was something she knew she struggled with and felt bad that it was affecting him so negatively. As he continued, asking the rhetorical, mentioning the man who so often was a bane to him. She glanced up at him, trying to figure a way to justify the situation. To make it so he could see things from her perspective, she didn't want to fight him and it wasn't really going to do them any good. Maybe, if she could get him to understand, they could still salvage their day together.

    "I'm sorry, I couldn't help myself. I can't just do nothing when someone needs help, you heard him Markus! This is a big deal for them, and it's not like it's a real marriage. Heck, I've done it before for them last year when I married A...Aven" It was towards the end of her sentence that she realised the revelation she was making. It wasn't that she'd been hiding this from Markus, but the topic had certainly not come up before.  "But that was just for a job, it didn't mean anything." She tried to explain, it shouldn't be a big deal anyway. Her and Aven were just friends and getting fake married for a job had been exactly that. Nothing meant was meant anything of it, and yet she couldn't help but feel anxious over the revelation. After all, she knew if she had learned that Markus fake married a girl during the midst of everything that went on between them, she wouldn't like it. She wouldn't blame him but the thought would still irk her. She hoped that explaining that it meant nothing would ease any potential discomfort over the news. His question threw her, she frowned, confused as to why he would even ask. It was a strange question, something they'd never actually discussed as a couple, but she guessed it there was any time to figure out the others feelings on marriage, it was now. "Well... yeah. Well maybe not like this early into our relationship, but like...one day, of course, if you wanted to. Would you want to.. marry me?" She asked, her voice uncertain, not sure what answer to expect from him.

    WC: 1149 Event WC: 5544 / 8000 Tag: @MarkusEldridge

    Last edited by Nessa Cordelia Lux on 6th April 2020, 7:36 am; edited 4 times in total


    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] 60582_s


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    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by MarkusEldridge 2nd March 2020, 11:15 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 1666/4000

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus could not yet understand why he was so annoyed at the current turn of events. It was not like he hadn’t been put into compromising positions for a job before. Honestly however, perhaps that was the biggest difference. This was not a job; they had not been hired as mages. Though he had no doubt, and was absolutely certain to make sure, that they would get compensated, the fact that it was so out of the left field, and so against his will bothered him. Taking a deep breath, the chaos mage would settle his nerves and quite his mind. He knew, getting upset would solve nothing.

    As Nessa spoke up, Markus would still be quite visibly perturbed, though he would have better adopted his blank expression. For a brief moment Markus’ eyes would widen and an eyebrow would raise upon hearing his old guildmates name. “So, he even got the chance to marry you, and was still unable to seal the deal” The chaos mage would have joke, before continuing with his train of thought. Honestly, last thing he needed right now was to think about what Aven and Nessa might, or might not have done for a ‘job’. “That’s the problem Nessa. This is not a job, this is a personal request, from someone who, quite frankly, I have very little to any patients with. Whether or not you getting married means anything, job or not, does not matter to me.” The chaos mage would say, his voice a bit sharper than he had meant for it to be. “The choice however was taken from us, because you wanted to ‘help’…” Markus would turn away and take a few steps thinking about the last thing she said.

    “I was never one for tradition. My… My family had expectations on us. As such, the idea of Marriage never even crossed my mind when I left. Honestly. I do not know what I want.” Markus would say, unable to look towards Nessa, once more his knack of being more honest than he probably should.

    Lucky for him, and whatever was to come however it was that moment the door opened and a series of people flooded into the room. Without word Markus would listen as they explained they needed to preform some kind of magical ceremony in order to give them their ‘dream wedding attire’ and prepare them for the ‘festivities’. Apparently, the people were waiting to get a look at the couple, and as such the two mages no longer had the luxury of time.

    “Fine. Let’s get the over with.” The chaos mage would relent, accepting his fate before being moved to whatever was next.



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    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by NPC 6th April 2020, 3:31 am

    The member 'Nessa Cordelia Lux' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] OdAaNwh
    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

    Administrator- Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Main Account- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Custom Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Shipped- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Fan Artist- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Supreme Grand Master [5000]- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Hero- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Have Seijin On Your Friends List- Have Onida On Your Friend's List- Have an Admin as a friend!- Have aeluri On Your Friend's List- Best GFX Artist Award- Player 
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    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 6th April 2020, 8:20 am

    I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid
    I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Markus's dig at Aven caused Nessa to flinch, she didn't know if it was jealousy fueling his words or just a callous accusation. But it didn't mean that she enjoyed the humour made at her friend's expense. Aven was a good person and despite his feelings had been nothing but respectful of her during the entirety of their friendship. There had been several times when he could have made a move or even gone so far as to take advantage of her. There was a time when she was passed out drunk next to him, and he didn't so much as make any attempt to cross the line. If anything he had stopped himself, this entire time he had held himself back, preparing to express his feelings to her at some point. But having been unable to due to life getting in the way, and whilst she would have rejected him. She would not have pitied or judged him for it. The words that Markus spoke, however, their intention came across as though Aven was a lesser man for not being able to win the heart of the Starlight Maiden. And this not only upset Nessa, but it angered her.

    On top of this, it wasn't exactly respectful to her as a woman. Talking about her as a 'deal to be sealed', as though winning her heart was nothing more than a game. It stung. And made her wonder if this was all Markus thought of her, as a trophy to be won. As a means to best Aven by getting the girl, it was a foolish suspicion but fervently frustrating nonetheless. She knew that Markus didn't lie when he told her that he loved her, because she felt the same love for him. But it didn't mean that off-handed comments such as this would not wound her. She was human, after all, a naive girl with feelings for a man. A man she hoped would treat her with a little more dignity than he was. Still, she said nothing,  listening to him as he argued his perspective. Explaining that getting married wasn't the issue but that she hadn't given them a choice. She looked down at the carpet beneath them, frustrated. She felt a mixture of guilt and irritation, it had certainly been her actions that had forced them into this predicament. But she felt his reaction was much more resistant than it needed to be. It wasn't any different from taking a job, was the fact that it had come from Lord Szutaris such a big deal?

    As he continued, her frustrations continued to grow as he answered her question. Her fists clenching tightly, eyes closing to steady her emotions. Her magical pressure was rising with every word, her energy meeting his creating an aura of immense power. The room trembled, objects began to rise into the air as though without gravity. The presence of others causing her to open her eyes, her magical presence rescinded and everything that had risen fell to the floor with a loud clatter. The new company, completely oblivious to the situation would begin to natter about the tasks ahead. The magical ceremony and the rest of it, none of which Nessa really paid attention to. She'd already heard all of it, and frankly, she was too busy trying to contain her emotions.

    She had never felt such anger towards Markus before, his behaviour albeit casual had done nothing but stir up rage in the white-haired woman. When Markus spoke again, agreeing to the ordeal in a finalising way. She would scoff, unable to contain her words any longer, "Well, I'm sorry. If I'd have realised that my boyfriend was going to be so against the idea of fake marrying me. Then I wouldn't have agreed." She moved away, making her way to the door of her own assigned dressing area. She pulled the door open, stopping in the doorway, she looked over at Markus. Her eyes burning with anger, but her expression cold.

    "Oh and Markus, Aven might have not 'sealed the deal' with me, but at least respected me." With that she stepped inside, slamming the door with such force that the walls trembled. She moved into the room, where her tailors were ready to fit her in a new dress. She stared ahead, her heart was pounding in her ears, and her body trembled. Furious with the exchange that had just happened, was marrying her so horrible? How could he say that to her? All this time, she had spent her days with him under the notion that they could be happy. Never had she ever considered the prospect of them having an expiry date, nor did she want to. She loved Markus and she wanted to be with him without question, but what he had just taught her sent alarms blaring in the woman's mind. If he didn't want to marry, then there were two outcomes; either they would never marry or, she wouldn't marry him. The latter meaning their eventual separation. A thought that was painful to bear, the idea that they would have to go their separate ways tearing her up in a matter of moments. Unless she gave up her dreams for him, her hopes that one day she would marry and have children, to settle down with a family. Did he even want kids? She couldn't even think to ask him that.

    The problem she was facing now was that if Markus wanted to be with her and if he didn't want the things she wanted. Then she could potentially have to sacrifice her future just to be with the man she loved, which honestly she didn't know if she could do this. She loved Markus, without question, she would give her life for him. But what kind of future did they have? She didn't want to force him into a life he didn't want, nor did she want to give up her own dreams. "Are you okay love?" One of the tailors asked, pulling her out of her spiralling thoughts and they eyed her with concern. The Starlight Maiden reached up, wiping away the fresh tears the had begun to fall after she'd slammed the door. "I'm fine," She remarked stiffly, before mimicking the words of her other half. "Let's just... get on with it shall we?" She asked, although she tried to put on a civil smile, not wanting to be rude. She had already created quite a scene, she needed to regain some professionalism.

    The tailor's set to work, using their own dress-making magic to measure and fit her. She was made to remove the pretty dress she had adorned, laying it on a nearby chair. Standing in her underwear as they wrapped fabrics around her, pinning them here and there to figure out some kind of idealistic look. Soon the dress would begin to take shape, and the tailors would step away. Bringing a mirror in front of Nessa so she could take a look, she eyed it, the beautiful white gown she was now wearing sitting rather strangely. After a moment of uncertainty, she lifted her arms and the dress fell, sliding down so it was hanging at her waist eliciting a gasp from the Tailors. It would seem that had made it too big, and as a result, they rushed forward once more to fix it. After the rushing of scissors snipping away excess fabric and needles thrashing through the fabric in an attempt to quickly amend their mistake. They would pull away once more, revealing the now perfect dress.

    As she stared at herself, tears began to fall down her cheeks once more. The look was beautiful, the strapless plain white dress with sparkling mesh over it. The way it hugged her figure in such a streamline manner, the long elegant white gloves that reflected the ones she often wore for work. As well as a soft pretty veil, clipped into the braid in her hair. And as she stared at herself, she realised that this could very well be the only time she would wear a wedding dress. "Is it not to your liking?" The tailor would ask, unsure of what to take of the young woman's tears. She smiled, shaking her head, she blinked away the fresh wave of tears, wiping them away with her gloved fingers. "I love it. It's beautiful," The tailor smiled, pleased with the praising of their work. They would leave and soon a make-up artist would arrive to fix her up. Hiding the traces of her tears with their skilled artistry, leaving her looking pristine and fresh-faced. The look they gave her was elegant, not to heavy on the eyes, they joked about her not needing make-up. But she could only smile weakly in response, she looked at herself when they were done. Trying to fight the urge to cry anymore, she moved over to her satchel, pulling out her iLac. She turned to the assistant, "Would you take a picture of me?" She asked them, without question the girl took the phone and moved back. Snapping several photos of Nessa, for which she wore a bright smile. Trying to look happy for the images, once they were done, the girl brought her the phone back to show her. Nessa inspecting the images, they looked good, and would no doubt make her family happy. There was the slightest hint of sadness in her violet irises, but you could only see it if you looked hard enough. She put the phone away and turned to the event organisers who were now waiting for her.

    "Are you ready Miss Lux?" They would ask, as distantly the sound of the wedding march began. She sighed, putting on a fake smile, she nodded. There was no more time to get upset, to allow her and Markus's situation to bother her, there was but one choice, to get it over with. And then whatever the consequence of their little argument, they could deal with after. "As ready as I'll ever be." She answered, before taking the bouquet as it was handed to her. Making her way out of the room, she was lead over to the church, where they're fake wedding would commence.

    WC: 1718 Event WC: 7712 / 8000 Tag: @MarkusEldridge
    Note: Rolling for bouquet~

    Last edited by Nessa Cordelia Lux on 6th April 2020, 8:22 am; edited 2 times in total


    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] 60582_s


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    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by NPC 6th April 2020, 8:20 am

    The member 'Nessa Cordelia Lux' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] R2fEWNz
    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 6th April 2020, 8:31 am

    I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid
    I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Nessa made her way to the centre of the reception hall, the wedding itself had gone smoothly. Although to her it had been a bit of a blur, she had allowed herself to become numb during its entirety and had barely allowed herself to meet Markus's gaze the entire time. Only looking at him when she had to, for the most part she remained focus on the minister as he conducted the service. And so it went on; cutting cakes, the first dance. Each activity as robotic as the last, until finally there was the final part. The bouquet throw, once this was over her and Markus would finally be able to talk. Although she didn't know if she was ready for it, still it had to be done. She stood in the middle of the dancefloor, where the grounds had been cleared, making room for the guests who wanted to catch the bouquet. Girls scrambling over each other in excitement, desperately driven by the hope that catching a random collection of flowers would give them their happy ever after. If only it was that simple.

    Wearing the same artificial smile, she turned away from the group, hearing the organiser count her in. She would throw the flowers into the air behind her, turning to see who would be the victor. As the flowers soared, suddenly they would multiply in the air, replicating the exact number of people required to catch them. One by one they all caught one, squealing with happiness at their victory. So all of them would go home happy, that was nice. Maybe this company wasn't so bad, even if they did have the Lord as an investor. She could look down on something designed to make others feel joy, and despite her fight with Markus, she felt a little less regret about helping them. With that done, she turned to look for the would-be groom, tensing as she spotted him. And that was it, it was over, they could return to normal. At least, whatever their new normal was after this. With a deep breath, she moved across the room, making her way over to him. She eyed him, no longer wearing a fake smile, hr expression earnest and sad.

    "Can we talk?"

    WC: 379 Event WC: 8091 / 8000 (Requirements met) Tag: @MarkusEldridge


    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] 60582_s


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    First Skill: Primordial Chaos Slayer
    Second Skill: Chaotic Darkness
    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by MarkusEldridge 12th August 2020, 4:17 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: Free Form WC 486

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus would take a deep breath, looking himself in the full-length mirror. Truth be told, the outfit look good. Really good. A full three-piece black suit with silver accents, and no tie. His hair was pulled back, given a braid, and styled well. His eyes looked piercing. He knew. Though that would have nothing to do with the outfit. Truth be told, he knew he want too far. With Nessa,

    Her response had shaken him, and he had no time to respond before pulling away. Her comment about Aven affected him for some reason. Hurt him. Which was strange, as Markus had never cared about the white-haired man before this. Perhaps it was what she said. About respect. Did she really believe he did not respect her?...

    Giving a deep sign the chaos mage would turn around towards the attendants. Ignoring their questions, he would get only the information he needed to before turning towards the door and beginning the rest of what he worried would be a horrible night. Confirming that he was ready, the chaos mage would go to where he was told, and waited. He knew how weddings worked. Theoretically. He was supposed to stand here, waiting for Nessa to appear, and go on with whatever would happen next.

    Markus however almost lost his breath as the music started and the Starlight Maiden appeared. At once any apprehension, fear, and doubt he had would disappear. Seeing the woman he loved in such a beautiful dress… However, it was when she got to him that the chaos mage learned something new. He had truelly fucked up. Royally Screwed himself.

    The chaos mage knew his girlfirnd enough to recognize that she was putting on a show. Her eyes hardly met his, and other than when they had to, the two did not touch. Despite once when he tried to touch her, hoping to apologize, his eyes speaking when he could not. However, he was never to know if the message had gotten to the starlight maiden, they were taken from one event to another too fast for him to really speak to her. As the event started to wind down, the chaos mage would turn towards the starlight maiden. Realizing that she was walking acriss the room to him, he would take a deep breath, and prepare himself for what was to come. Her expression would break his heart.

    Giving the starlight maiden a quick nod he would request privacy from the attendants, and join Nessa in the private room. As soon as the door was closed, Markus would speak up. Unable to hold back what he wanted to say.

    “Nessa, I am sorry…” His voice would succeed in keeping its cool, but once more around nessa he would be unable to hide the sadness in his eyes. A sill he used to be rather adept at. “I… I… din not mean to hurt you.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 12th August 2020, 6:52 pm

    I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid
    I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    The entire time she waited for him to reply, her body was flooded with anxiousness. Unsure of what would go down between them, would this divulge into another fight? That was the last thing she wanted, she hated the upset between them. Her heart felt heavy, but despite being sad because of him, all she wanted to do was wrapped herself in his arms and let it all seep away. He was her security blanket when she was upset, which only made her current uncertainty all the more upsetting.

    Still, he would nod, and they would step away from the wedding party. The sound of the thumping music dulling as the door shut behind them, shutting them off from everyone else. No attendants, no obnoxious Lord, just the two of them. What came next was not what she anticipated, he spoke immediately breaking the tension with a single sentence. She had not expected him to apologise, in fact she believed she would be met with much more resistance. That she would have to explain how his words had hurt her, but it seemed this was not the case. He knew. He knew and he had said sorry.

    Her shoulders sank in relief, and she let out the breathe that she had been holding. He continued, trying to explain that he didn't want to hurt her. She shook her head, shushing him softly. She stepped forward, reaching up, she would place her hand on his chest, desperate to touch him. To be close to him, "It's okay. I know you didn't. I just, I love you so much, I didn't think. I shouldn't have assume that you would be comfortable with this," She admitted, she could feel herself getting emotional again. But she didn't want to cry, not right now. She would bring her hands up to his neck, snaking them around to pull herself closer to him. She would bring her lips to his, tenderly at first. "I hate fighting with you." She whispered between kisses, her affections growing more passionate. The tension that had been pent up in her body exerting through her lips, growing heavier with need as each moment passed.

    WC: 364 Thread WC: 941  Tag: @MarkusEldridge


    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] 60582_s


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    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by MarkusEldridge 13th August 2020, 5:25 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 473
    Total Word Count: 1,414

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus watched anxiously as he spoke as his female companion let out a breath, and noticed how her shoulders sank. He himself almost took a sign of relief, however he refrained. So he was correct, she had been mad at him, and he had pushed her too far. While he still believed what he had said. That he was not sure if he would ever be able to marry, that had nothing to do with the white-haired female. He only hoped, wished even, that it would be something they could figure out. Before it cost them their relationship.

    As he tried to speak again, he watched as she stepped forward and placed a hand upon his chest. Instantly the chaos mage would quiet, his hand grasping her side, while the other touched her arm. He listened as she spoke. Giving her own apology. “Nessa… There is still a long way for us to go, but I love you… more than I think I could explain. So for you, I will always try. Don’t worry. We will figure this out.” He said as she leaned into him, before pulling him down and kissing him. Speaking between kisses. Markus did not give a verbal response, but would only nod into her, and kiss her deeper.

    As one tension left him, a new one would rise as he continued to kiss the woman of his desires. The kisses deepening with each breath, growing heavier as he would pull her tighter into him. Somehow, and in some way. They would get through this, but for now. He knew, they would enjoy one another company. It was strange, to have gone so long so close, but to have not touched so fondly. The wedding had been torturing in that way.

    As the kiss he would pull her directly into him, her body as always matching his own. His taller frame folding onto hers. For but a brief moment he would almost give in, his hands would attempt to lift her into his arms, before folding. He would separate their passionate embrace. As much as he wished to continue, he knew, within the lords care they would not get privacy for long. And, there was still much to discuss.

    “Nessa…” He whispered as he pulled away. “We wont be alone for long. We… we should probably leave soon.” He would say being unable to sneak another kiss. “And… we still need to talk. I feel… This is not one conversation we should put off.” He whispered into her ear. Though he had stopped their passionate kiss, he was unable to let her go. Not yet. Not after so long without touching her. He knew, if she were to push, he would be unable to deny her. Though for now, he held onto the last bit of resolve he had.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 13th August 2020, 5:18 pm

    I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid
    I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Yes, yes.

    This was what she wanted, what she needed. To lose herself in his touch, to indulge in sweet, tender kisses and feel his hands on her. This was where she felt most at peace, with his hands holding her tightly. She was safe here, all was good.

    Yet just as she found herself sinking further into the depths of their wonderous exchange, just as she began to kiss him with more heat did he separate himself from her. She elicit a small whimper as he pulled away, not ready to stop just yet. Still as he spoke her name, her eyes would flutter open, violet irises lifting up to his. Happily taking the chaste kisses he gifted her between words, she felt herself tension once more. There had been a part of her that hoped that this would be it, that they would be able to put the matter to bed and leave it there. But of course, he was right, it was sensible albeit terrifying. Because just what would come from such a serious conversation.

    Still, she nodded, brushing her dress and hair down with her palms. "Okay, yeah let's er... say goodbye." One of the good things about having contracts to alternate worlds was that you never had to pay for a hotel, they often spent time in The Void where Markus had residence, but tonight they would be staying in Valhalla. Her new house wasn't ready yet but she was eager to show him when it was done, until then the Norse world awaited. After exiting the private room, the pair would pay their dues. A quick circle around the room, smiling at thank yous, taking the compliments on the job well done, all of the expected stuff. Nessa conveniently chose a moment when the Lord was too engrossed to break away from his self-inflating story time to throw him a quick wave goodbye, then rushing out with Markus before he could chase either of them down. Once outside, she turned to him, a relieved smile on her face. She had been somewhat excited about the event, but considering all that had happened, she was just glad that it was over.

    As her magic activated, her eyes would glow white, wind would pick up around them and next to the pair a glowing white portal would open. Squeezing Markus's hand, Nessa would turn from him, leading the way into the portal. Having gotten a little more adept and managing her norse magic, the portal open up directly inside her room. Stepping onto a white marble floor, Nessa spun to face Markus, watching his face as she guided him in. The room was spacious, but not unnecessarily so. With coral pinks walls and silver trimmings along the walls, a queen sized poster bed in the middle, with white oak frame and pearly satin sheet. To the far right a large dresser with similar carvings to the bed. Opposite this a large bay window, a seat of cushions beneath it. Nessa let go of his hand, turning towards the window she walked towards it, looking out at the magical Valhalla sky. The sky appeared to be frozen in a glorious sunset, a cascade of pink and orange tones spilling out into a navy canvas. The brightest stars sparkling through the colours, creating an otherworld sight.

    Nessa sighed deeply, "I love the sky here." She said softly to him, her eyes trained on the horizon. Looking at it relaxed her slightly, but not completely. A lingering tenseness remained in her shoulders, anxious worry preventing her from calming completely. Worry for whatever might come next...

    WC: 608 Thread WC: 2,022  Tag: @MarkusEldridge


    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] 60582_s


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    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by MarkusEldridge 14th August 2020, 6:45 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 547
    Total Word Count: 2,569

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus would nod into the arms of the woman he loved as she pulled away, and stated that they should say goodbye.  Markus would follow her lead as she led them to say their goodbyes. The good thing, Markus reflected, about his normal stoic and standoff demeaner is that no one expected much of him. He didn’t have to shake any hands, and other than the occasional word mostly only had to give a nod. Which was something Markus was thankful for. Even more thankful though Markus had happy that Nessa was strategic in their goodbye to the lord, meaning no long annoying conversation.

    Once the two were outside the chaos mage would give the starlight maiden a slight smile as she turned to him and grasped his hand. Their smiles were genuine he knew, but both of them had things on their mind, and reasons to be sad. Still, the chaos mage was glad to be with her. As the wind picked up, and Nessa eyes glow Markus would watch the portal appear. He would follow her silently. Till holding her hand.

    As he stepped into her room, he would notice the sight was of her bedroom. White marble floor, bright walls, and a kaleidoscope of colors greeted him. He almost laughed at the difference between his bedroom and hers. It was once more a perfect juxtaposition between the two mages. Taking a breath, the chaos mage would loo towards Nessa as she let go of his hand and moved towards the window. The light would shine on her, beautiful colors of what looked to be a sunset. Markus would watch her for a moment. Saying nothing as she spoke.

    Stepping forward the chaos mage would wrap his arms around her, his chest to her back. His right hand on her stomach. His other hand would move her hair slightly so that he could see the edges of her face. “Its beautiful.” He would say softly into her ear while lightly pressing his lips to her face. He would then, still be holding her, look out towards the window. His mind contemplating, his eyes staring onwards, squinting slightly in the bright light.

    “I did not mean to hurt you.” He would whisper. “I just… I don’t know what… if… I am ready for… that.” Markus would speak again, truth be told, he was not sure if he would ever be ready. In his family, he would have been expected to be married, probably by now if not very shortly. The marriage would be approved, if not set up, by his parents. He would have little say, and might not even like the woman. The vows would be for political gain. Nothing else. He had no doubt his bride would be attractive, befitting of the Eldridge name, and whatever merger they decided to make. But, it would be nothing compared to Nessa. Compared to the woman he held within his arms, the woman who caused him so much happiness, and had saved him from his darker self. “I don’t know if I will ever be… And, that is not your fault. It is his…” Markus would speak again, his eyes growing darker as he thought of his father. “I still have so much that I must do.”


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Second Skill: Valkyrie Summoner
    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 14th August 2020, 6:21 pm

    I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid
    I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    As she would feel the comforting warmth of his front as he embraced her, she would lean back into him. Closing her eyes momentarily as he whispered in her ear and kissed her tenderly. As he continued, her violet gaze would peel open, looking ahead as the pinkened-amber sky. As he spoke, she said nothing, merely listening to what he had to say, taking it all in and trying to digest her own take on it. When he mentioned that he didn't know if he would ever be ready for such a commitment, her heart grew heavy. Fairytale fantasies of wedding bells and happy ever afters fracturing ever so slightly. But she understood, her residual anger towards Markus's father growing. The fact that he had affected him so, to wound Markus in all of the ways that he had. It was unacceptable.

    Sighing softly, she turned in his arms, keeping their proximity as she brought her gaze to his face. "It's okay. I understand, Do I dream about Marriage and kids and settling down one day? Yeah, sure. But I'm only twenty Markus, I'm not ready for any of that myself. I just want to enjoy my life, and more than anything, I want you. To be with you means everything to me, and whatever it is that you need to do, I am here. By your side, from now to as long as you'll have me. The other stuff is... menial in comparison to how happy you make me. Honestly, I'm so far away from thinking about getting married that I just... didn't think of the event that way. You know, I just thought of it's as like... acting or a costume party. And I guess I'm just dense for not realising how it would make you feel, and for that I'm sorry." Her words were soft, but earnest. She meant it entirely because regardless of cost, she was not ready to give up on him.

    She looked down, her fingers playing with the neckline of his shirt, fidgeting idly as she continued. "Markus. I never want to be a burden on you, and if at any point I become one. I'll understand if you choose to let me go, but... if you love me and if you want to stay with me." Her eyes rose up once more, glossy with tears that threatened to fall. "Then please, stay. Be with me.... and nothing else will matter." She told him simply, her eyes searching his, desperately hoping that this was enough. Nothing else mattered to her, only that he stay.

    WC: 432 Thread WC: 3,001  Tag: @MarkusEldridge


    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] 60582_s


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    Second Skill: Chaotic Darkness
    Third Skill: Chaos Soul - Primordial Warrior

    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by MarkusEldridge 28th January 2021, 9:14 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 789
    Thread WC : 3790

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus had grown to know the other mage well, or at least that is what he would like to think. As such, he was certain to gage her reaction when he spoke. Unlike normally however, it was merely to understand, to realize, and to fix this rift rather than to manipulate, or to push. Nessa was the first person, perhaps in his life, whom he no longer felt any need to do such things to.

    He would feel her sign softly as she turned in his arms, now placing them face to face, still against one another. He would make no moves to close any gaps, or move away, just to listen. As she spoke he would nod in understanding, honestly he did not think they were ready for that sort of commitment, even if he was willing. No, that was not what made this feel so real to him. To him it was the magic that bonded the two mages together, the magic of unity which though he knew would ware off as unlike a typical marriage vow this one was temporary, it still allowed him, and her, to truly feel at least a bit of what it was like to be the other person. To hold their magic… and that terrified the chaos mage.

    “There is no reason to be sorry my love.” He would say softly to her when she apologized, before remaining silent for the rest of what she had to say. As she played with his neckline Markus would raise an eyebrow when she continued to speak, voicing even more doubts. A small chuckle would come from his lips when she finished speak, not because he found it funny, but because he found it so preposterous. “Nessa. I would never let you go. You came to the void, Chaos’s domain when I was breaking. You alone have been by my side, and seen more of any part of my than anyone in this world. I would die before I released you.” He wanted to say, in truth, he thought it would one day be her that left him, but he decided to leave the fear unspoken. After all, it would either come to pass, or it wouldn’t, and he would break, or he would remain whole. There was no use worrying about the possibility.

    “Nessa… Can you feel it?” Markus would ask, trying to figure out how to explain the real problem he had with what they just went through. He would increase the distance between them, and take a step back. Now only holding her hand. “The vow we made? Though temporary…” Markus would pause. “Can you feel my power? The darkness… I know I can feel your light…” For just a moment Markus’ body would change, and an aura would appear around him, not unlike the one he usually emitted. This one however, would have one stark difference. It would be made of starlight, and not darkness. Nessa, who would be holding his hand if she did not let go would feel a wave of cleansing energy flow through their contact. The spell would be useless in their current situation, but it would be her magic cast through another.

    Strangely enough, Markus realized once the spell ended, he would no longer feel her magic. He would come to the realization that his half of the temporary vow would have expired, though he had no doubt if she desired, she could still use her half. Though he realized, without even meaning to he had ended the connection he so feared, he would speak up anyways.

    “This is why weddings were held in such esteem in my family. As nobility, not only were we expected to marry for power in order to better our line and standing, but more importantly we were expected to marry… for power… to gain that which belongs to another, and share that which we own with another house.” Markus would not be looking at her, and instead be looking at where their hands touched. “Sure, I am not ready to marry, and my family has done much to destroy any appeal the idea once had on me. But I am…” He would pause again… “Terrified…” The word came out as only a whisper. “Terrified to share my burden with another. And I knew part of the agreement we were making today included that… even if it is only temporary.” By this point Markus’ words would only be a whisper. The glow would have faded, and the shadows upon him would look dark and crisp, far more than they should in the current lighting.

    Then he would look up. "But... Nessa, I am willing to try, with you... One day."



    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 5th February 2021, 7:52 pm

    I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid
    I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Relief washed over Nessa, it would seem that the tense air between herself and Markus was beginning to slowly wash away. Made possible with the fact that they were actually communicating. It hadn't been great, but it wasn't exactly the easiest of situations to avoid not at the point in their relationship. Because without knowing one another's stance on marriage and children, how could they have predicted that a fake wedding would produce such a sour turn out.

    She would smile softly at his words, taking a moment to feel his power. She could feel it, his darkness, raw chaotic power. Her eyes would widen as light erupted over him, her light. And she wasn't controlling it either, this she knew, he was doing this, but how? She would feel its cleansing power wash over her. Eyes trailing down to her hand in his, she would stare for a moment before returning her violet gaze to his. She would hang on his words as he explained the situation and the importance of marriage in his family. The more he filled her in, the more she understood. This went beyond commitment issues, this went much, much, deeper than that.

    Bringing herself closer, she would reach up, bringing his hand to her face. She would place his palm against her cheek, kissing his hand softly. "That's more than I could ask for," She told him earnestly. She eyed him for a moment, she wanted to pull him away from this sad subject, she knew that thinking about his family hurt him and now that she understood. She wanted to lift him back up and get things back to normal. "Are you hungry? I can get some food from the Great Hall? Or we can lie down if you're tired... The girls won't bother us... I think."

    WC: 304 Thread WC: 4,094  Tag: @MarkusEldridge


    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] 60582_s


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    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by MarkusEldridge 8th February 2021, 2:20 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count:458
    Thread WC : 4,552

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus would continue to hold his female companion as they talked, mostly looking at their hands, a small almost unnoticeable smile upon his face. Truth be told, this went far better than he had worried it would. After all, such conflicting views had broken relationships of other people. At least, that was what he assumed, not having much experience in this particular field… or any one which required emotion, or a semblance of humanity.

    The chaos mage was glad that she seemed to understand where he was coming from. Though he was not surprised. Nessa, if nothing else, was understanding… if you were able to explain before she got too heated. But, he knew she cared about him, and that more than anything meant they could talk, and even sometimes fight, without worry.

    When she brough herself closer, placing his hand upon her face he would caress her lips as she kissed him, and listen as she spoke. Gladly, when Nessa changed the subject, Markus was only too happy to follow. The resent events had been so difficult, he was just glad to be near her. Especially when it had been so long sense, they had seen one another before then. The last time they had spoken had been in his own guild hall, where their pleasant reunion had been spoiled by the arrival of Rex’s letters. Markus had yet to address that subject with Nessa, knowing full well, that when she was ready, she would pull him in.

    Changing his mind to other topics Markus would give a mysterious smile when Nessa stated that they would be left alone… maybe… Though even the possibility was enough to him. Closing the gap between then Markus would lean into Nessa and whisper in her ear. “You think?... What if I just wanted time to be alone with you. And in case I haven’t said it enough, you look absolutely ravishing” He would hold her, and kiss her neck, before letting go and stepping half a step away. The two mages were still dressed for a party, and wedding. He was still in his suit, more bundled than he would be at any time.

    “I am not hungry, though I would not turn down a drink.” Markus would say simply, as he stepped back, a look still within his eyes, one he was unable or perhaps to afraid to follow. Leaning over, the chaos mage would take off his jacket and tie, then undo the top few buttons of his top once more allowing him to breath. “I am up for anything, though there is still plenty of time in the day… if there is even day here?” He would ask, almost as a question looking at the brightness outside.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 18th April 2021, 7:21 pm

    I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid
    I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    It really didn't matter how close they were now, it still took so little for him to fluster her. The soft whispering in her eyes, the teasing words, the kisses on her neck. It was enough to turn her into putty, more than happy to let him play with her as he pleased. As long as she was lost in him, then being lost didn't sound so bad to her.

    She pouted as he moved away, not wanting it to stop, but her dismay was quickly washed away by his request for a drink. "I'll get us drinks! Then maybe... okay I have an idea. Be right back!" She told him, an excited look on her face. She rushed out of the room, making her way to the grand hall. The idea that had brewed was... unexpected, and she didn't know if he would go along with it. But they had plenty of time to explore Valhalla later, right now, she wanted some time with him and she wanted to have a little fun.

    As she reached the hall, she crept in quietly, checking the room for her Valkyries. As she peered in, she spotted just one, Agatha, fortunately, she was snoring away on her throne a goblet of wine tipped over and pouring across the table. Nessa would tiptoe forward, grabbing one of the full chugs of Valhallan Brandy, she grabbed two empty goblets and swiftly snuck back out toward the room before Agatha could notice her. The last thing she wanted was an interrogation from the most volatile of all the Valkyries.

    Moments later, she stepped back into the room. "Agatha's out there, but she's passed out drunk. From the looks of it the girls are either in their rooms asleep or not here. Which means... we shouldn't be disturbed." She told him, unable to hide her glee. She moved over to her bedside table, placing goblets down before using the contents of the jug to pour them both a glass. The jug was so full that they would have enough for several more goblets, although knowing how strong this stuff was they likely wouldn't need it - at least Nessa wouldn't.

    "So um, I was thinking that after today it would be good to blow off some steam and there is something that we haven't done yet. I think I'd like to try it with you... and when I say this Markus, I mean it. Nothing's off the table." Her cheeks would tinge pink as she added this, sitting down on the bed, she would pat the space next to her, indicating for him to sit.

    "Let's play truth or dare - the drinking game version."

    WC: 449 Thread WC: 5,001  Tag: @MarkusEldridge


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    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by MarkusEldridge 18th April 2021, 11:18 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count:638
    Thread WC : 5,639

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus, as always was unwilling, and almost hesitant to leave Nessa’s side. But, as always, he knew he would never push her beyond what she was ready for. It was strange, he realized, because it led them to be in this weird circle, he knew she wanted more, and he would be lying if he said he didn’t either, but he was unwilling to use her in that way. So, he would always push a button, only to stop and worry if he was pushing to hard.

    However, upon hearing her pout as he walked away, he would once more wonder just what she wanted… but he would remain silent, only raising an eyebrow as she suddenly got excited at his request for a drink. The way she said what she said, something about an ‘idea’ was both… worrying, and intriguing. He wondered just what she was concocting, and what, if anything, it had to do with the drinks they were getting.

    He would wait in her room, spending a bit of time to look around the room, before settling with standing by her bed. He would be lost in thought, having set his jacket down neatly on the edge of her bed. He had no idea if he would ever need the suit again, honestly he hoped not, but he decided he might as well take care of it, there was no doubt to the cost.

    When, a few moments later, he would hear the Starlight Maiden as she entered the room once more. For a brief moment he would hold back a chuckle, and raised eyebrow as Nessa informed him that Agatha was near, but he would let it go. He had only met the Valkyrie once before, but he was pretty certain she did not like him. As Nessa then informed him that they would not be disturbed he would cock his signature smirk, something he used almost exclusively for the woman in his company, and watch as she produced what looked to be an alcoholic beverage. It seemed; their night was going to be far more interesting than he had expected.

    When she would then sit down on her bed, and start talking Markus would look at her stunning form, still remaining silent as she spoke. For a brief moment, his throat could catch as she spoke, speaking about something they had not done yet… that she wanted to do… “Ness…” Markus was almost speechless as she would indicate for him to sit.

    Without question he would sit next to the woman, and listen… waiting… only to suddenly feel the weight of her words. Almost without meaning to a chuckle would escape his form. Of course, that was what she had meant. A harmless game, which teenagers played… Honestly, Markus had never played the game. In fact, he was pretty certain he did not even know the rules, or at least, did not know what the drinking version was. Holding back a smile he would look towards the woman next to him.

    “Okay….” He would start, unsure what to say. “Well, I guess I should tell you I have never played before… So, you will have to… uhm… well I guess teach me?” Markus was unsure why he didn’t know how to ask her, to be fair this was the first time he thinks he had ever directly asked someone for help. It was… strange. He would then lean over, and poor their drinks, only to take a quick draft of his own, if nothing else so that he could calm himself.

    “Okay. Lets do it. You can go first, just… tell me the rules.” Markus would finish, the only real thing he knew about the game was that people took turns, though he had no idea how this would lead to blowing steam…


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 19th April 2021, 8:16 am

    I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid
    I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Nessa beamed as he agreed to play with her, thinking that getting a little silly and having some fun could be good to lift them back to a mood she preferred. She was mildly surprised that he hadn't played before, or at least wasn't even familiar with the game. Surely everyone had heard of truth or dare, it was one of the most popular games that she had endured during her teens. Then again, it occurred to her that Markus was unlikely to have been what most would consider a 'normal teenager'.

    "Alright so, the rules are pretty simple. When it's your turn you can either request a truth or a dare. If you say truth, you have to answer any question I present you, and if you say dare, you have to do any dare that I tell you to do. Then it would be vice versa for my turn, and if we chose to forfeit rather than do the truth or dare, then you have to take a big sip of your drink." She explained, hoping that she was doing a good enough job portraying the rules to him.

    "So like, for example, if I said dare, you could dare me to, I don't know, do a handstand or eat something unpleasant. One time when I played back in school, my friend Jess had to strut through the school with her underwear on the outside of her clothes. It was kinda dumb but funny you know." She told him, smiling fondly at the memory. That had been before all of the Rex drama, when her friends had very much still been her friends - before Rex and Cassie drove them all away from her.

    "Alright, I'll start then... ummm, I pick Dare. Now you get to tell me what to do, like I said... nothings off the table. Well, except you know, arson, murder and the like." She added, an eager grin stretched across her features.

    WC: 329 Thread WC: 5968  Tag: @MarkusEldridge


    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] 60582_s


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    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by MarkusEldridge 19th April 2021, 10:08 am

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count:343
    Thread WC : 6,311

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus would lean back onto the bed, putting his weight on his arms which would be behind him. Glancing sideways at Nessa, he would listen to the rules while thinking about what she was saying. So, he could dare her to do ‘anything’ sense nothing was off the table. Honestly, the thought was daunting, but if he was honest he had nothing he really desired to make her do… “I see, so we either do things, or we get drunk enough to do them anyways…” Markus would shake his head, wondering why she wanted to play such a game with him. It was amusing.

    When she went on to say example dares, he would raise an eyebrow. They all seemed pretty harmless honesty, so he wondered why she kept specifying ‘nothing’ was off the table. He guessed he was probably thinking about it the wrong way, but he guessed when it was his turn, she would give him better ideas as to what was acceptable. With a smile, he would listen to her decide what she would do, starting with dare was interesting…

    “Okay…” He would say slowly… “No murder… deal…” He would flash her a grin, before putting some more thought into his dare. He could make her eat something spicy… though that was one of her examples, he wanted to be original… As he was thinking about her, he suddenly remembered her umm, and took a moment to think about her nature, suddenly, a brilliant idea came to mind.

    “I got one. I dare you to curse like a sailor for the next five minutes while playing, hold nothing back.” He would say suppressing a smile. He doesn’t think he had ever heard Nessa say a single curse word, so the idea was amusing. He had already decided, he was not sure if he wanted to be answering truths, that was a quick way to get him in trouble he realized… so, when it was his turn, he would let her know almost immediately that he would be responding with dare.


    Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    Starlight Maiden

    Starlight Maiden

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    Third Skill: Moon Goddess Slayer

    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by Nessa Cordelia Lux 19th April 2021, 3:13 pm

    I have died everyday waiting for you, Darling don't be afraid
    I have loved you for a thousand years, I'll love you for a thousand more
    Nessa Cordelia Lux

    "Exactly!" She chirped in reply, truthfully playing the game with alcohol was a little bit riskier than the usual games. It meant the more you refused to play, the more likely you were to do something later on. With inhibitions lowered, things didn't seem as difficult to do. But that was the point, she wanted to let go with Markus, to be reckless, to be silly, to be all of it - with him.

    She watched him keenly as she waited for his dare, wondering what he might make her do. She felt nervous but in a good way, anxious to see how the game would unfold, whether he would like it and just what would come of it.

    When the dare came, her jaw would drop, looking at him with a flabbergasted expression. He had definitely grasped the concept, and as she shook her head with fake disapproval, she couldn't contain her smile. She opened her mouth, unsure where to start, it wasn't that she never swore. She just made a conscious effort not too, and that only really faltered when she was especially emotional or angry. She would close her mouth, and open it again, following this with a long pause.

    "Well.... fuck." She looked away sharply, pink flushing her cheeks. She had gone with one of the cruder options, but for some reason saying it in front of him felt weird. Still, she snickered, peeking back at him. "Your turn, you bloody ... arsebandit." She snorted, covering her face. That one had been a term she heard her aunt use, she regretted her choice as soon as it left her, but the dare was so silly that she couldn't help but laugh despite her embarrassment.

    WC: 289 Thread WC: 6600 Tag: @MarkusEldridge


    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] 60582_s


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    Surprise Betrothall! [Event] Empty Re: Surprise Betrothall! [Event]

    Post by MarkusEldridge 19th April 2021, 3:49 pm

    Markus Eldridge

    Word Count: 199
    Thread WC : 6,799

    Markus Eldridge

    Markus would nod as she confirmed he had the right idea, and take another small drink, not enough to really do anything but enough to wetten his lips. He would watch with a small chuckle as her jaw dropped, and her expression changed. It was comical, and it seemed as though he chose the right kind of dare. The best part, Markus decided, was what she started with.
    “Daaaaamn, so you can do it.” He would say with a laugh, watching her cheeks flush red. It was quite a heavy word even. Though, what actually caused him to laugh was her next one. He would raise an eyebrow, as she called him an arsebandit, and as much as he tried he couldn’t stop himself from laughing at that one. He had to take a couple moments to compose himself before choosing his selection.

    “Oh, this is gonna be good.” He would reply. “I guess lets see what you got for me, dare I guess.” Markus responded, unsure which would be better but deciding to stick with his earlier options. He was not sure what kind of truths she would ask, but he felt this was easier than answering questions.


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:56 pm