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    You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]

    Vera Walden
    Vera Walden

    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]  Empty You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]

    Post by Vera Walden 15th February 2020, 12:46 pm

    You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]  Wtf


      Vera had been ok with looking at people from a certain range and she had thought that considerable enough, but as she knew humans by nature craved attention she could never have been expected to enjoy the silence when she was so close to a walking advertisement. She did not speak a word at all, in fact, and as she was a petty adult she hogged her own considerations to herself, as she had always done when she could not bring herself to care for the person or the topic in question. If she had been a child she would beyond a shadow of a doubt have been very charmed, practically bouncing up and down, at being chosen for whatever it was the woman was talking about, but she was a bit too jaded now, and as she had always been wary of the deceitful appearances of people, she supposed she would always be dealing with some of the venomous snakes in the darkest pit called life. She grew up with plenty of them, dressed in every color and just as beautiful.

    She understood that the preppy woman was not going to stop talking. She had missed every social cue under the sun, even the infamous nose twitch. Vera did not want to stay. The dark-haired associate was intolerably energetic and it seemed as though she had rehearsed this pitch for nearly every waking moment of her life and she wouldn’t let anyone in her vicinity go until her goals were met. Vera could be just as inflexible and found her voice so disagreeable that after she tried to walk away the woman followed her like she was the last soda pop in the desert. By now she had put on some shades which gave some the impression of her being there and listening, the nodding of the head quite convincing and pleasant. How terrible of her that she should find peace in sleep. All this and still standing, too.

    “We do host bridal show alternatives wrapped up with an emotional vow renewal ceremony, plenty of food for everyone to enjoy, and a dance-party reception that’ll blow your mind. You’ll be swept away, too, if you would just give us a moment of your time. An hour or two could just be the magical start of forever!” the excitable brunette pleaded, surprised that no one seemed remotely interested in a test wedding until now. It was practically Valentine’s Day!

    For a moment Vera looked thoughtful, and then her head began to drift to the left until it touched her shoulder.  The posture alone, with just a look, would give anyone a stiff neck for days. She was nodding in her eyes. Vera muttered food and with a horrid gaping mouth, her head rolled back. It was a natural tilt but it still raised eyebrows. Was she at all there? Helen was the woman’s name, made the mistake of assuming her consent and cheerfully clapped for the small crowd. “Thank you for helping us put together our first trial wedding service. Your willingness to do whatever it takes to ensure our future success made it happen. By the way, we might have a complimentary cake for you to try. Without you, kids, we never would have gotten this far.”

    Helen was starting to think Vera was not listening because she was not following her as the others had begun to. She was dreaming of the good dream, but in it, she was feeding carrots to a certain magical unicorn and rewarding him for passing strawberry-scented gas in the direction of that desperate girl from the chocolate factory. There were pastures of green and a very complacent horse with a horn coming out of its forehead. .She wrapped her arms around Chester’s neck, or at least tried to, and rubbed her cheek against his wild mane. Vera Jayne felt as if she were in heaven, tears of folly streaming down her roseate complexion. “I know you won’t ghost on us like that portable toilet dweller.” Vera cooed, the statement of her dream bubbles now hearable to the company she surrounded herself with.

     “How sweet,” Helen stated briskly, uncomfortably watching the purple-haired woman’s public display of affection. “I just love it. Excuse me, ma’am, I think you’ve dropped your sunglasses.” but Vera clung to the person beside her like a leaf-nibbling koala and mindlessly stepped on the fallen object, the cracking sound loud enough to startle Walden out of her slumber.  She was cuddled up with the victim of her platonic advances, and she came out of her sleep to the fact that the friendly beast of myth looked a little too much like Dela. She was a trifle surprised and gave an involuntary jump. She blushed. Hard. Everyone saw this, and as she knew of Blondie’s attraction toward Cillian she pulled away with more awareness and stepped on her shades once more. They were beyond repair. This was one way of getting Vera to talk, at any rate. She had spoken sparingly to the twins and Dela, but her wrath was reserved for Cillian. She hadn’t spoken to him at all since a monster named  Krampus rolled into town teaching his naughty kids a lesson.

     Perhaps she was privately confused by her obvious embarrassment for her foolishness. Then, cooperative in a manner that was very left field to be regarded as normal, Vera dismissed her loss and followed Helen into what looked like the banquet hall. “Your free samples should be here any minute. Feel free to provide feedback. Your suggestions are important to us. If you can’t remember my name, just say ‘Miss’ and I’ll turn around. The children will have a field day after they’ve had their slices, I bet. We’re the same people behind Rose Garden’s astounding Chocolate Factory.” If only Helen could stop talking, that would give Vera a reason not to give the world a major stink eye.

    “Free samples?” inquired adventurous Vera and just as abruptly as she had begun to be willingly enticed for the cake she began to ponder what any of them did to deserve sweets.

    Word Count;1023 TAG @"Grappa & Jellisha"@Cillian duCrosse@Dela
    made bycapt. meows


    You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]  Puglyfe6
    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

    Lineage : Legend of the Lich
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    You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]  Empty Re: You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 5th March 2020, 3:54 pm

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      864/4000 WORDS
    @Vera Walden
    @"Grappa & Jellisha"
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    Cillian was having a very difficult time keeping himself from giggling.

    He honestly wasn’t sure how they’d managed to get themselves into this predicament. It really didn’t seem like something either of the two women would be interested in, as antisocial as they were. Cillian, on the other hand, loved a good wedding. Really any excuse to get his hands on food and drink was something he’d take, and unlike Dela and Vera, Cillian quite enjoyed basking in the midst of a group of strangers to see what kind of shenanigans would happen.

    But here they were, on some kind of tour for a company that apparently made chocolates and now wanted to start branching out into handling weddings. The woman who was trying to get them to help out was clearly boring poor Vera to death as the purple hair woman was showing signs of falling asleep on Dela’s shoulder. Hence, the reason that the tall man was having to keep from giggling as he watched Vera’s head loll about while she hid behind a pair of sunglasses and let Dela escort her around.

    The lady was asking for assistance as the company was looking for help hosting a fake wedding ceremony of some kind that would let people test some of their new products, including cake, a dance floor, and a number of other things. As Helen was explaining things, Vera muttered something that was loud enough for most people to hear, including Cillian who had to cover a snort with his hand. He did not cover it well.

    And oh, when the glasses fell from Vera’s face and she stirred awake to realize how she was clinging onto their blonde companion, did a rebellious giggle finally escape from his lips. Vera turned beet red and backed away from Dela in a near panic, trampling her sunglasses in the process. He knew the “toilet dweller” she’d mention was him, after he’d disappeared on them during one of their last outings. He’d had his reasons for doing that, of course, and they had simply assumed that he was on a portopotty all night long. He made no effort to correct them, cause it was funnier this way.

    Helen ushered them into a large banquet hall, where his nose had already picked up the scent of sweets and other food. Leaning over to their other companions, he whispered, “Alright, there’s the jackpot.” Cillian didn’t know anything about these young exceed girls except that they worked with Vera and Dela in the Rune Knights. However, Cillian greatly liked children. They were inquisitive, liked to have fun, and generally didn’t mind getting into a bit of trouble, which was basically Cillian in a nutshell.

    He nodded to the cake, keeping his voice low so only Grappa and Jellisha could hear him as he concocted a plan to get them access to all the delicious goodies without having to wait. “You two go ahead and sneak over, start hiding the good stuff under the table. I’ll distract everyone else to cover you and meet you there.” He gave them a grin and a little wink before stepping forward to the other two ladies.

    “Ladies, this is just so great,” he told them in a loud, energetic voice. Putting himself between them, he hooked an arm around either woman’s shoulders, pulling them both up close to him in a tight hun. “I am so touched that you brought me along to be a witness on your special day. I always thought you two made the most adorable couple!” Cillian was, of course, completely oblivious to Dela’s feelings for him. But frankly, even if he’d known he probably would have used her in this fashion to get his hands on some free sweets anyway. It was part of his charm.

    It was around this time that one of the faux wedding hosts came out and asked who was to be playing the part of the marrying couple, and Cillian pushed the two women forward. “These two right here!” he said, somehow managing to fake a single tear of joy to wipe away from his face. “These lovely ladies are simply made for each other, no doubt about it.”

    The woman smiled brightly, happy to service anyone. “Perfect! Come this way, ladies, and we’ll fit you into some dresses! Or whatever it is you’d like to wear.”

    As she turned to lead Vera and Dela into the other room, Cillian lowered his voice and with an impish grin told them, “We’ll try to save some cake for you.” With that, he snuck off and somehow managed to lose himself in the small crowd of other people that were part of this exhibition. An impressive feat for a man well over six feet in height. Once he found Grappa and Jellisha, he found a way to hide near them. “Alright, girls. How’d we make out?” he asked, hoping they’d managed to sneak an entire smorgasboard of cake and chocolate and goodies for them to try.    
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.


    Vera Walden
    Vera Walden

    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]  Empty Re: You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]

    Post by Vera Walden 18th March 2020, 6:37 pm

    You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]  Wtf


     Could it be that by chance they had been invited to something grand, the graciousness of strangers opening their doors to feed the pathetic and dupable? It may be well imagined that they were being led to the banquet hall for a lavish celebration, a cult ritual or perhaps something darker. Her madcap guesses, mounted upon the copious pile of mental rubbish and noxious levels of cynicism, remained unspoken.

    But Vera was riveted by the prospect of cake.

    She started to look forward to the time when they should all have a bite to eat. Here, she should have expected not to fantasize for long, seeing that with Cillian and Dela, there was never such a thing as quietude. To prove her point further,  there was no back and forth, no sass for her to laugh at, especially now knowing that it all might have been a cover-up on Blondie’s part for something more. She was no expert to assume but liked to think so.

    Tortuously so, near a full bouquet of roses, and at the mercy of Helen, Vera made no effort to smile back, and the manner she seemed to explain the beauty of the bouquet was overblown. Vera opened her mouth, seemed to want to say something so eagerly, then she thought against it, and the infomercial of a woman swore that she was hooked because Vera said nothing as she held the amorous flourish at the base. Everything about it was beautiful. If only she cared enough to show it the interest it deserved. Did Ms. Cartigan predict their arrival and donate a small part of her garden to their services? The roses were clearly taunting her now.

    Without warning the lush ensemble almost fell apart in her hands, very nearly leaving them like a heap of ruins, but they were caught by the hands of the much faster lady. Dedicated Helen had been quick enough to prevent the aesthetic tragedy, and for once that day she might have brought Vera some relief; more so when that all served as a lovely distraction for her.

    So, there really was a reason to smile today!

    She turned aside her satisfaction at the right moment. Her suspicion of the silence from earlier was renewed upon hearing the dubious tone of Cillian’s voice. There was the classic buddy-buddy touching involved, and Vera used that to exert her god-given right to slide Dela a half-lidded, I-smell-shit glance. The intensity of her annoyance faded upon seeing, not the agreeing nod of her equal because she couldn’t, but his rippling muscles pressing firmly against her cheek and giving her a partial view.  

    The unintended rubbing continued its ruthlessness upon her scarlet face with sorrowfully droll sagacity. It really was great. A great way to die. “What do you think you’re playing at, Cillian?” she said between her teeth, speaking to him with this as an exception to the silent treatment. She sounded her disapproval and fought the direct contact with an awkward little nudge, as she vehemently tried to convince herself that she was blushing for another reason, every other awful reason than that.


    What absurdly hot weather they were having.

    In the heart of an otherwise finely ventilated banquet hall.


    She slapped her forehead with the palm of her hand. He was thoroughly pleased in having to announce a very special day shared by two. What a pair of unlucky sods they were, that they had to invite total strangers to their flower power parade.

    But what was she still doing there, experiencing a severe case of jelly legs with rising intervals of guilt? She was actually taking Dela’s feelings into consideration. The bizarrely conflicted traitor felt a desperate need to remove herself from his side, and some seconds later she found herself verbally paired with her perhaps just-as-flabbergasted companion and was pushed forward with more enthusiasm than she could possibly handle in her wobbly state.  And without meaning to, her body crumbled into dust and onto the velvet carpet, and in its place was a small spectral powdery mass where a lackluster gray should have been. This was her way of saying she wanted to disappear.  Forever.

    The filth incarnate bristled, every fragment of her airy form anticlimactically being swept into a dustpan by a smiling pretend wedding hostess that sighed in a manner so wistful and hopeful. Already, Biddy, the eldest of the hostesses, had excused Vera’s flaring for that of excitement; and if at that moment, the furious faux bride-to-be (or groom-to-be) had begun to implode, or scatter viciously, she was likely flustered and coming to terms with her feelings.  If only Vera knew of her silly assumptions! she would have objected to that nonsense and enlightened her.

    Nothing could be more natural than that inclination of his to bring trouble. There were motives in abundance to make her want to grab him and take turns with Dela in punching him. It seemed that the youngest hostess dragging Dela away felt something intensely similar, minus the slight bursts of anger since her eyes were fiercely glued to his pert backside during the time he spoke to the twins like he hadn’t thrown the girls into a pretty makeshift prison cell which involved a lifetime of commitment.

    Even if it was most likely fake, and she was sure it was, her beliefs wouldn’t change so drastically as to make this circus work because loyalty was becoming just as mythical as a dragon. While brooding about this needlessly, Vera cast her entire focus on the female guiding Dela away. Was she so distracted by his bubble butt that she felt the need to aimlessly push the blonde along? She was going to dust her for eating him up with her filthy, filthy eyeballs and, as a much-added bonus, for pushing her future pseudo wife around like some hot delivery package.

    Vera was going to give her a pink eye! not just in one, but in both eyes!

    The puerile soot-textured lump was about to jump her.  Then came his half-promise of cake, ending it all there when he disappeared into the crowd. Rising from the teal-colored dustpan, it was hard for sweet Biddy to control the presence of something like a typhoon of dust, albeit a small one, and coursed through the throng in search of him. Many thought she was just a refreshing blowout of rainbow glitter until one too many people started sneezing and coughing. Vera was not unlike a virus at this point, and Helen started spraying the air around her like it was holy water, accidentally spritzing the disinfectant right into the poor girl’s eyes (the one with Dela).

    She reverted back to her less malleable form; on her knees, crawling to his side, pretending to at least be one of the twins. “Gee, Mister, what gives?” she said, keeping her voice a  helium pitch, “You invite us for a good scheming and expect us to do all the work?  What kind of freeloader are you? It’s like you’ve done this before!”

    She grabbed his ear, dropping the act and smiling in a deranged manner. “Oh, wait, you have!” Vera would have tortured him some more, but old Biddy found her foot sticking out from under the table cloth. This prompted her to lift the sheet and investigate, what with her being in charge now. Helen was too occupied with an incident report to bother with them. So, Biddy had to think about this carefully. The flaxen-haired youth and the twins had to run, which left just Cillian, Vera, and an idea. A desperate idea.

    “Are you still interested in cake, kids?” she asked, a little too sweetly.

    Word Count;1284/2307 TAG @Cillian duCrosse
    made bycapt. meows


    You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]  Puglyfe6
    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

    Lineage : Legend of the Lich
    Position : None
    Posts : 175
    Guild : Confidence Intl.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 394,517

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    You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]  Empty Re: You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 22nd March 2020, 4:54 pm

    Rolling for the dance activity!



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    You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]  Empty Re: You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]

    Post by NPC 22nd March 2020, 4:54 pm

    The member 'Cillian duCrosse' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]  OdAaNwh
    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

    Lineage : Legend of the Lich
    Position : None
    Posts : 175
    Guild : Confidence Intl.
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 394,517

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    You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]  Empty Re: You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 22nd March 2020, 7:07 pm

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      2818/4000 WORDS
    @Vera Walden
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    Everything was going according to plan. The girls had accumulated a nice treasure pile of cake and goodies under the table, which was ready for the eating. The only thing they had to do was decide where they wanted to start. Cillian’s mouth was already watering in anticipation as he tucked a napkin into his shirt and started spreading the treats out evenly between himself and his smaller companions. Oh how he longed for that first bit, taking the time to carefully select which morsel he would start with. Lifting a small plate of cake to his face, he almost tenderly cut a piece from it with his fork, raising it to his nose for a quick sniff, fully unaware of the dusty devil blowing in behind him.

    As he lifted the bite to his mouth, a higher pitched voice spoke to him, chastising him about making the children do all the work and calling him a freeloader. “Huh?” he blinked, looking down at the twins in a very blank state of confusion. Funny. He didn’t remember either of them sounding quite like that. He then yelped as someone grabbed him by the ear, Vera’s voice rippling over him with far too much sweetness.

    “Noooo..!” he whimpered as the violet haired woman dragged him out from under the table, causing him to drop his plate and the fork, leaving the mountain of desserts alone with those that were left behind. Somehow, Vera managed to get them both to their feet without letting go of his ear. Like a sternly disappointed mother, she pulled him by the cartilage toward her intended destination. “Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow ow…” Cillian cried along the way, his taller form practically bent in two as he hunched to a level where she could comfortably grip his lobe until he finally found himself in a dressing room with a tailor.

    “Mm, yes. Alright. Let’s see.” The man began to circle Cillian like a hawk, eying his body before whipping out a measuring tape. With no regard to personal space, not that Cillian had much of that, the tailor ran the cord along his arms, legs, torso, neck, and any other space that could possibly be measured on a person.

    Meanwhile, Cillian stood there in dumbfound silence, his slow brain doing its best to catch up to the situation. “So uh… what are you doing… exactly?” he asked the man in confusion, though without any trace of alarm that most people would have at a complete stranger putting their hands over basically every part of his body.

    The tailor didn’t even stop working. “I’m sizing you up for your suit, of course.”

    “My suit?”

    “Yes. What, did you think you would be getting married in nothing but jeans and your obnoxiously cut abs?”

    Cillian ran a hand over his stomach self consciously, as if the man had just pointed out a beer belly. “Hey, leave my abs out of thi-- wait did you say ‘getting married’?”

    The tailor did stop there to blink at him. “Of course. Why did you think you were in here in the first place?”

    It suddenly dawned on Cillian that his plan had gone horribly awry. Somehow, he had gotten swapped with either Dela or Vera in this whole fake wedding charade, and instead of letting the two women go do their own thing while he gorged himself on goodies, he would be the one having to get fake hitched and going through all the pomp and circumstance. “Aw, man…” he lamented to himself, his shoulders drooping in resignation.

    The tailor snapped his fingers and Cillian found his attire completely changed into a grey pinstripe suit over a crimson red shirt and black vest. A white tie was snug around his neck, the pants held up by a gold buckle, with a pair of perfectly sleek black leather shoes on his feet and a gold band around his wrist. The shirt and vest were practically morphed to the shape of his body, showcasing his thin waist and barreled chest. Cillian tugged at the tie awkwardly, feeling like he was in a noose as the man examined the outfit with a thoughtful hum. Another snap of his fingers and the necromancer found a pair of thin spectacles on his nose made out of a clear glass that had no prescription in the lenses.

    He looked at the tailor. “Seriously?”

    “What? It will look fabulous in the photos.”

    Cillian sighed and tugged at the tie some more. “Stupid formal wear,” he murmured to himself. All he’d wanted was cake. This whole thing had been Vera’s idea, however unwillingly. Why did he have to get dragged into it? Oh well, too late now.

    There was a shimmer in the air and Cillian found a familiar pink haired woman standing beside him. She had a book in her hand that was opened to a drawing of a medieval torture device that appeared to be a stretcher of some kind, depicting a man’s body being pulled apart in two different directions from his limbs. “Hello, master. So as you know my birthday is coming up and I’ve been doing some research on what I want and you keep promising to punish me but never actually following through on it and I’m perfectly willing to wait patiently but also I really really really would appreciate if you would consider some of the following suggestions as gifts and what are you doing?”

    Virgo somehow managed to string so many sentences into one singular mouthful that Cillian barely even registered most of what she said. Before he could get a response out of his mouth, however, the tailor spoke up. “I say, young lady! Where did you come from? This dressing room is for the groom only!”

    “The groom?” Virgo asked in confusion. Suddenly, her eyes lit up with actual twinkling stars. She gasped in delight, clutching the book to her chest as she wiggled in Cillian’s general direction. “You’re getting married?! Why didn’t you tell me?! Can I be the best man?!”

    “Uh… yeah, sure.” Honestly, he wasn’t even paying attention. He was too busy using the distraction Virgo had provided to loosen the tie from his neck, not fully undoing it but putting enough slack in it that it would hang limply from around his shoulders.

    The tailor once more hummed in thought. “A female best man?” he asked, turning the idea over in his mind. He snapped his finger almost absentmindedly, and the tie on Cillian’s neck tightened itself back up, much to the mage’s sorrow. “Well, these are modern times I suppose. It would certainly make a bold statement that would look quite well in the papers and magazines. Very well!”

    Grabbing his tools once more, he set himself to measuring up Virgo and taking down her sizes. Once more, Cillian did his best to hide in a corner, loosening the tie a second time in defiance, and even undoing the first few buttons of the collar so that it wasn’t so constricting around his neck. Within a matter of only a minute or two, Virgo was set up in a perfectly tailored suit of her own, and in the same snap the man had used to conjure her outfit he had also rebuttoned Cillian’s shirt and fixed his tie again.

    Cillian whimpered sadly to himself.

    Not long after that, he found himself standing at the top of a small rise in front of pew upon pews of strangers that had all gathered for this fake nonsense. Cillian had successfully managed to get his tie and shirt loose again, and this time it stuck because the tailor wasn’t there to keep fixing it. His shoulders were fully slouched, his hands in his pockets, the very picture of a dejected man that wanted nothing more than to be anywhere else. Like eating cake under a table.

    It was Vera who ultimately came out in a wedding dress, looking quite pretty though the tall man was hardly one to think too overly much on such things. It was more of a passing acknowledgement in his otherwise idle brain as he stood there, bored and ready for this circus to be done with. His crimson eyes roamed the room as the priest droned on some nonsense about love and faith and commitment, and after a while it hit him that there really was no one familiar in the crowd, particularly one fiery blonde that was one part of their odd trio.

    “Hey, where’d Dela go?” he asked Vera curiously. That was, until he realized that he hadn’t exactly been quiet with the question and had interrupted the priest, who was now staring at him like Cillian had just slapped God himself before his very eyes. “Oh, uh… sorry. Continue.” The man did just that, clearing his throat and poignantly going back to his job.

    Cillian didn’t check in again mentally until he heard the priest clear his throat again, once more staring at Cillian with expectancy. “...huh?” he blinked.

    I said, you may now kiss your bride?”

    “Oh, uh. Right.” He looked over at Vera and it dawned on him that in the four hundred something odd years he’d been alive, he’d never kissed anyone before. Or been kissed. Well, he’d kissed his mother and other members of his family as a boy, of course, but that was a long time ago and not really the same thing. Out of the corner of his eye, he saw Virgo practically shimmying with delight and anticipation over the event, and there was an entire room of people waiting on him.

    Oh well. It was just a kiss. It’s not like it was a big deal. With a mental shrug, wanting nothing more than to get this stupidity done with, he leaned forward and planted a single quick peck on Vera’s lips without even pulling his hands out of his pockets to hold her or anything. Then, as he straightened back out, he felt a firm, powerful punch on his shoulder. “Ow!” Cillian exclaimed, despite not really feeling any pain from it, as he turned to glare at Virgo. “What was that for?”

    “Do it right!” she instructed him, her romantic little heart practically bleeding all over the floor. “WITH FEELING!”

    “Alright, alright, fine.” Cillian turned back to Vera. “Sorry about this.” Then he reached out and put his hands around her waist, pulled the petite woman up against his chest and put a far more impressive kiss on her lips, his mouth lingering on hers for several long seconds as the gathered audient let out a half elated, half confused cheer in celebration. Finally, he let her go and pulled back, putting his hands back in his pockets.

    “Are you ready to be done with this part?” he asked her quietly, practically pleading. He didn’t know everything there was to know about Vera, but he did understand her well enough to know that she had to be about as sick of this whole thing as he was. More than he was, probably. “Please tell me we can get off this stage now. This is actual torture.”

    Actually, that explained why Virgo had shown up, come to think of it...  
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.


    Vera Walden
    Vera Walden

    Lineage : Evil Angel
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    Posts : 170
    Guild : The Rune Knights
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    You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]  Empty Re: You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]

    Post by Vera Walden 24th March 2020, 9:19 pm


    Vera Jayne rose to her feet with a struggle, set in play the fingers pulling at the delicate cartilage, and the vexation she felt brewed upon her mind something wicked. She marched next to him, scattering the crowd as she passed through the cloud of the idle and curious like a flash of lightning.

    She then allowed herself the chance to sweep her eyes over the main entrance and back to the open dressing room and followed the latter destination with a smile, setting him free not, small, annoyed, excited, plotting, enjoying his discomfort.

    At that moment, the ivory tapestry of the dressing-room window was raised and permitted the passage of sunlight to illuminate the fashionista in a sort of theatrical splendor, the mere sight of whom suddenly stopped Vera in her tracks, and made her wonder how long he had been waiting for someone to beautify.

    He was in luck! for his pantomime presentation was not in vain because Cillian would be nothing but a pile of muscle by day, transformed by this chosen outfitter into an honest-looking pseudo husband; all this would take place in an immense dressing-room, mirrors everywhere, where he could see every angle of himself and let the gravity of his actions sink in.

    The two were left alone, to the great satisfaction of the now frolicking thirty-year-old schemer. For several seconds, she had been looking for the dressing-room of the bride and when she was sure she found it there was no use in knocking. She was incredibly silent, and, in the midst of this self-created suspense nobody else but she really felt,  she swung the door open and bounced right in with her hands clasped behind her back and did not hide the smile playing on her lips. The first person she expected to see matched the pretty, short, slender, rosy, blond, and young type so Vera did not bother to verify her identity.  It was obviously her divorcee. The fool started talking without thinking per usual.

    “The man of your hormonal dreams isn’t coming on a white horse. He’s clearly riding a sloth somewhere, really confused and questioning where he got the fancy suit from. He’ll meet up with you eventually with the help of his sweet animal forest friends. Are you ready to play some serious tonsil hockey with Abs? If you feel so obliged to reward me, I’d like food and, uh, more food.” She said, in a little rush and skipped out of the room without another word or an explanation for her sudden change of heart.

    She wasn’t gushing over the fake union, she was celebrating the distraction.

    She first walked with that shamelessness so signature to her, ignoring everyone in the banquet hall for what had been beautifully stacked up under the table and desperately waiting on her to devour. In the meantime, in all of this, Vera had grabbed herself a napkin and the most basic utensils needed to engorge herself on the hopefully untouched treasure trove of cavity-inducing delights.  With this in mind, she carefully crawled under the same table she had pulled Cillian from, with one or many of the people making faces at her strange behavior. Was she visiting another magical world they weren’t aware of?

    In an instant, she had become good friends with the corner and the plate on her lap full of sugar. The gluttonous ball of happiness beheld the piece of cake she brought to her mouth which, in her humble opinion, tasted like a slice of heaven. In a twinkling, Vera Jayne gathered up the time it would take to eat everything herself, gave a mental memo to herself that she’d have plenty of time to do it what with the occupied Dela as the bride and the moping Cillian as the groom, and decided to check on the pair she was thinking about by lifting the sheet over her head for a picture-perfect view of the altar.

    Cross-legged and comfortable, she was incredibly proud of how smoothly things went — more like were going because she was still enjoying her spoils — until the same blonde she had once mistaken for Dela gave Walden a scare and a very valid reason to scream. The more she looked at her, the more she realized the girl looked absolutely nothing like Dela. Maybe from behind, she did, but everything the cover had to offer was a whole different story with a bunch of chapters that all ended in a big fat ‘nopes’ for her. But that wasn’t the reason why she was startled enough to nearly leave her body. See, this was not part of the plan at all so she had to improvise the next step, somehow.  

    She had to be intuitive, clever and careful or risk losing it all at the drop of a hat.

    “Oh, you’re not Dela.” came the less than brilliant response, no cricket present to sing of the awkward silence that ensued as she dropped the sheet and scooted right back into the darkness. The outfitter audibly sighed and seemingly left her alone.

    Vera soon relaxed and picked jovially at the array chocolate balls. A cool air grazed her back; there was even more lighting, but she paid no mind to it. All at once she was pulled out kicking and screaming like the day she was born. The young lady dragging her along had assumed a tranquil air; she explained sweetly, and with a pleasant giggle, “The bride’s having cold feet! It’s ok, sweetie! You’ll be fine.”

    “You’ll never take me alive!” Vera cried, silenced by the door slamming behind her.  When they reached the dressing-room, she no longer saw anything except the tailor cross-armed at the door with a neutral smile; Vera had just stopped her tantrum and learned of her own embarrassment. She could fight a woman nowhere near as petty as herself, that face of serenity was enough to shame even the most petulant of beings. Vera picked herself up quickly, tossed her head a little to get the hair out of her face and rolled her eyes.

    Now she was just dejected.

    She raised her eyes to the ceiling. She was there in front of the mirror, in the same miserable disposition. She appeared dead inside; then she planted her back against the wall, determined to wait until Marianne should settle on a dress. The dressmaker saw that Vera refused to look down, so she took it upon herself to make the best decision for the client. She would finally settle with the whitest, fluffiest wedding gown of the many she poofed up because she knew Vera was not in a talkative mood.

    In the grandiose wedding to come, the people beheld the false husband-to-be. They also beheld the crowned bride enter the scene, but no trace of joy to be found on her dolled-up face. She cast a glance towards the people from time to time; she was just as dejected as Cillian had been. She supposed she could find comfort in knowing she was able to at least savor the goods, so this couldn’t have been a total loss. It was enough to lessen the apathy and cause her to wonder why she felt like a cake with arms and legs. What did he think of her?

    The bride looked at him through her veil, then threw back the thin face covering with a flourish of the hand. She was dazed, breathless and ready for their honeymoon. Good gravy, where did she get that nonsense? She blushed as though a flame had mounted into her cheeks, and, trying her very best to keep her eyes off his broad, covered pectorals and perfect waist, she made her way through the curious spectators towards the small rise where he was slouching, waiting for her. She reached the tipping point when she raised her eyes to meet his bespectacled gaze and glowed all over. Cillian broke the hot tension with an inquiry, and Vera inwardly thanked him for the distraction.

    “Oh, good question, four-eyes. She’s supposed to be the one marrying you, not me. But here we are,” she whispered faux happily, “not letting ‘Jayne’ have the other half of her cake.” She tentatively reached out and started buttoning up his shirt and adjusting his tie. The source of all her bodily disturbances would no longer torment her if she could stand to make him presentable. So focused were her hands and her mind on the matter, that when the priest sounded the proper cue for him to take, she took no notice of it until it was too late.

    He gave her a modest peck on the lips, and although it felt like the kind you would give to your doting mother on the cheek, it didn’t disappoint her because this wasn’t supposed to happen.

    She, however, felt a little relieved; it was straight to the point, she also still had his tie in her hands. But it was not over; a special guest had protested and demanded that he do it again with feeling.

    Vera would have liked to counter that protest; anticipation, denial deprived her of words. He made her an apology with his hands around her waist, pulled her in for another kiss, and caused her to nearly die on the spot. Not wanting to make him look bad by doing nothing, not that it was possible, she pulled him firmly by the tie and pressed her lips to his with some gentleness. The seconds felt like minutes, hours and days for her; but she physically resonated with a bowl of jelly the instant they parted. And when their rather convincing public display of affection ended,  Vera became increasingly aware of the audience.  Cillian redirected her attention once again. She listened and agreed, but there was something in the way he said it that threw her off her cool.

    “This is actual torture? Hold the phone, I am a great kisser.” Vera snapped, suddenly defensive, but then remembered her place and recollected herself. “Think they’d go berserk if we grabbed Dela and waltzed our sorry butts out of here?”

    In order to leave they had to move across the dance floor, but when she did a song played softly in the air, guests were riveted, all beaming; and, prettily, when Vera danced first, to the shrill cry of the violin, with her two rounded arms raised above her head, not of her own free will,  she whirled for the pleasure of all.

    Marianne, seating herself, magically replaced Vera’s wedding dress with a less frilly alternative, the latest choice a thousand times more proper for something as intimate as the waltz. The outfitter experimentally threw a rose for her to catch with her mouth, but because Vera struggled to regain control of her body it smacked her dead in the face. She was made a puppet today.

    And she was furious.

    She was especially boiling mad when her leg wrapped itself around her dance partner. “I came into this world covered in someone else’s blood. I am not afraid of going out the same way. I will shut this place down!”

    Word Count;1865/4172 TAG @Cillian duCrosse
    made bycapt. meows


    You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]  Puglyfe6
    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

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    You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]  Empty Re: You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 6th April 2020, 4:26 pm

    Rolling for bouquet toss



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    You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]  Empty Re: You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]

    Post by NPC 6th April 2020, 4:26 pm

    The member 'Cillian duCrosse' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]  R2fEWNz
    Cillian duCrosse
    Cillian duCrosse

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    You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]  Empty Re: You can have your cake and eat it too! [Valentine's Day event]

    Post by Cillian duCrosse 6th April 2020, 7:32 pm

    Even though my life hasn't been all that great

      4126/4000 WORDS
    @Vera Walden
    I have seen war, famine; witnessed the genocide. Have seen the changes in human nature and history, and I am still here, standing alone. Til the end, I will be there too. To witness the endless carnage, to live this harsh reality. Cause I have been cursed, Cursed with immortality.
    By the time Vera got up to the dais with him, Cillian was fully resigned to his fate. He didn’t stop her from reaching up and resecuring the shirt and tie that he’d worked so hard to loosen, though he did pout about it. “Aw, c’mon…” he whispered in a whimper. He was completely oblivious to Vera’s staring at him like he was a cold popsicle on a hot summer day. In fact, Cillian really didn’t even read too much into how easily she leaned into his second, more worthwhile kiss, returning the gesture while pulling him closer by his tie.

    But then of course, he opened his mouth and didn’t really stop to think about what he was saying. Cillian voiced his desire to leave, calling the entire even torture, but only after the two of them had finished kissing. Not that he’d realized. She turned on him briefly, a woman fully offended by his words as she promptly informed him that she was a good kisser. Cillian blinked at her in confusion. “What?” he asked, no earthly idea of what she was going on about because he hadn’t even related his statement about torture with them kissing. But apparently he had once again messed up somewhere. “Uh, yeah sure, I guess,” he said, doing his best to appease her odd wrath but probably only making it worse by what would surely be seen as a lackluster response.

    Thankfully, she did seem just as keen on getting out of the place as much as he did. Vera spoke up, wondering aloud if the people present would have an issue if the two of them snagged their third and zipped out of their own party. “Just point them toward the food and alcohol, they won’t even notice,” he told her, walking them back down the aisle in a hurry. “But seriously, where actually is Dela?” The blonde Rune Knight didn’t want to be here any more than the rest of them did. Maybe she’d just decided to take off? He wouldn’t put it past her. She would have happily taken an opportune distraction to hole herself up in a broom closet somewhere with a portable video game and lose track of time for a few hours.

    She was probably fine, right? Right.

    So the two of them focused as hard as they could on leaving, a difficult feat given that everyone was currently treating them like they were actually newlyweds and wanting to congratulate and stop them at every turn. They wound up having to cross the dance floor to get toward the nearest exit, but apparently the thing had been magicked to force people standing on it to dance. Cillian stopped just shy of the thing as Vera stepped onto it and suddenly started spinning and dancing, clearly unhappy about it. But the necromancer, dense as he was, didn’t realize the floor was enchanted and just stared at her like she had grown a second head.

    “Uh… Jayne? What are you doing..?” he asked her, scratching his head and trying for all the world to figure out why this antisocial woman was suddenly so interested in dancing. Granted, she didn’t look like she wanted to be doing it, but that just made it all the more strange to him. Then her clothing suddenly changed to something a bit more sultry and someone tried to throw a rose at her, which smacked her in the face. “...Yeah okay, that’s enough of that.”

    Cillian decided to make an executive decision for once in his life to just grab Vera and pull her toward the exit, for her own sake. The second he stepped foot onto the dance floor, however, his feet started moving of their own volition. “Whoaa..!” he exclaimed, his arms whirling around in the air to try and catch his balance. Before he knew it, Vera was back in his arms, hanging low by his waist with a leg hooked around his own in pause between tango moves. She was boiling with rage about the whole thing, commenting openly about how she was practically on the verge of killing everyone there just to make the torture stop.

    “I’m with you, there,” he told her, even as his body continued to move, twirling her back onto her feet before hooking an arm around her waist and pulling her in close. The two of them continued to dance against their wills with one another, their bodies so close in the tango that they were practically moving against one another with a level of intimacy that could have made even a dullard like Cillian blush. “Sorry!” he said as his hands roamed over her some places a little close for his own comfort before finally reaching down and cupping her firmly on the ass. “Oh gods, I’m so sorry! I have no control over this!”

    Cillian was practically sputtering his apologies out. They had to get out of this situation, and fast. Looking up, he tried to find Virgo but the blasted celestial spirit was quite busy enjoying herself on the dance floor, moving around like a maniac and dragging some poor guy along behind her in the process. That was a no go. His crimson eyes roamed some more, desperately looking for any kind of out that they could use as an excuse to leave.

    Finally, his gaze found it: the bouquet. Not the one that Vera had walked down the aisle with, rather the smaller one that would be used for throwing. A crowd had gathered around them to clap and applaud the new couple, cheering them on and admiring their first dance as supposed husband and wife. This caused their exit to be blocked by a crowd, but Cillian had an idea. “Follow my lead,” he told her, suddenly taking control and leading her across the dance floor toward where the bouquet was resting at the sweetheart table.

    It had been surprisingly easy to take over the dancing, though he still wasn’t able to actually stop. All he could do was just control it a bit, enough to get to the bundle of flowers and snatch it. Then, moving the two of them across the floor once more, they shimmied closer to the crowd where he made a show of displaying the bundle of roses for everyone to see. In the middle of their dance, he made several attempts to fake throw it just to get them primed and ready, and it worked: A number of eligible women came elbowing their way out of the shadows to crowd against one another in an effort to be the one to catch the coveted item.

    Finally, he threw it, making sure to toss the item away from the exit. The bouquet burst into a couple dozen exact replicas, causing the women to almost trample one another to get their hands on one. “Now!” he said. Using what little control Cillian hand, he spun Vera so hard her feet would topple off the dance floor and release her from the cursed contraption, but he didn’t let go of her hand, allowing her momentum to yank him off in return. The result was the two of them toppling feet over head onto the floor, with Cillian on the ground and Vera on top of him.

    Awkward, but they were finally free. “RUN!” Cillian told her, knowing this would be their only chance to escape. He helped her get to her feet before scrambling to his own and rushing out the door with her.  
    I figure that if I live long enough, something good might happen.


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