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    Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane)


    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Otherworldly Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 290
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 27,782

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Witches Bonds
    Second Skill: Enchantress of Woe
    Third Skill:

    Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane) Empty Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane)

    Post by Wren 15th February 2020, 12:08 pm

    560/4000 words || @Thane Starstrider || Valentine's Day Event 2020 / Page 1, Post n°15 || Activities 0/2 (min)
    It had been a few little weeks since she had gone to the Winter Solstice and enjoyed most of it with her friend, Thane. Now she was on her way to start enjoying herself at a festival over in Rose Garden with Nelson, or more he was dragging her there by carriage to get some more herbs that a supplier had there and was letting her go explore the place with him as a slight guide. The business part of the apothecary wasn’t Wrens biggest likings. She enjoyed making the potions with the herbs more than anything. That was her specialty. The little redhead had sent a letter to Thane, letting him know she was going to be in Rose Garden and asked if he’d accompany her so she wasn’t all alone there.

    Looking around Rose Garden, Wren was honestly a little surprised. This place wasn't as rosy as she thought it was going to be, nor was it a garden. Despite the name being different than she expected, the place looked rather nice! People were going around shopping together and enjoying their company with their partner for the time being. "Is everything alright? You sure you'll be fine on your own, Wren?" "Yes Nelson! You don't have to worry about me~! I'll be just fine. When we get there I'll wait for my friend to show up so we can go around the town, if they show up. I have also been working on magic anyways. It's no big deal. Plus, I got plenty of potions and poisons." The little redhead giggles as she tapped the tips of her fingers together while she talked to Nelson. The older gentleman snorted at her while crossing his arms over his chest. "You don't have that much of a mean bone in you." He called her out and as soon as he did so, the redhead slumped her shoulders. "We're about to make it to our destination. Don't go flying around too fast on your broom, keep Nanny close, and try to enjoy yourself while I get the herbs." He was acting like a father figure for the little witch, and she smiled a little to him. This was nice.

    Her family back on Sailkia did show some love to her despite them not having much, and she wished she could bring them here. If anything, at least her siblings back here to give them a better life. But she didn't know if things would turn out like how it did at first here for her, if she were to go back again. With a deep breath, she felt the carriage stop and she grabbed her broom. Nanny woke up from her nap and stretched forward before quickly jumping out behind her witch. The little witch sported her normal, slightly oversized T-shirt with a pair of cargo shorts and sneakers. Nelson was a bit more sharply dressed and adjusted the vest. He ruffled the young witches head and snickered to her. “I’ll be just down the road at the Herbalists and Co. Warehouse if you need me for anything. Seriously need to get you an iLac.” Wren grumbled at her hair being played with, and pouts up to Nelson. He knew she didn’t like being treated like a child, but he still teased her every so often about her height or similar.

    HP: 500/500
    MP: 1040/1040
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: Alchemy Belt, Witches Broom, Witch's Diadem
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: HP = Alchemy Belt - 25% at B
    MP = Alchemy Belt - 80% at B + Witch’s Diadem (Familiar's Blessings (S+)) 80% at B


    Thane Starstrider
    Thane Starstrider

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 72
    Guild : Forever Alone
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,875

    Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane) Empty Re: Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane)

    Post by Thane Starstrider 17th February 2020, 11:19 am


    599/4000 words || @Wren || Valentine's 2020 Event/Event sign up || 0/2 Activities
    The Au Ra had been looking and reading through a number of books on alchemy and he spent a lot of time in Era. He was starting to feel confident in the basics, but the knowledge he gained would still be tested by the little witch on her upcoming lesson. He had written down two notebooks with various notes and little doodles that could use some work, but were good enough for their purpose. Thane was just checking into the inn where he had been staying for the past while, when the innkeeper handed him a letter. "The postman who delivered this said the letter  was a bit of a nightmare to deliver." The elderly woman laughed as Thane took the letter into his hands. "I would imagine. I don't have a stable address. I move around a lot." The tall man replied, as he wondered as to who would be sending him a letter. "I see, I see." The old lady chuckled. "Thank you for the letter." Thane would thank her and head upstairs, to his room.

    The man took off most of his gear to let his body rest for a while and took a shower. Once he was squeaky clean, only dressed in his underwear, he would crack open the envelope. Thane read through the contents of the letter, glad that he got to hear from Wren. However, there was a bit of a request attached to it. The little witch was inviting him to meet her in Rose Garden. It was one of the cities that Thane hadn't chance to visit quite yet. The prospect of a change in scenery was quite enticing. His sudden rush of scholarly mindset had offset his wanderlust, but after reading the letter... It became the spark to ignite that hidden wanderlust. Thane would spend the last few days he had in Era, before leaving for Rose Garden.

    Sauveteur made quick work of the distance between Era and Rose Garden, even though they were quite the ways apart. The city had this strange air of expensiveness about it and that feel was reflected in the streets and décor, as well as the people. Thane felt sort of out of place, as he walked around. Not only because of his attire choice, which was his usual full gear, minus the giant lance, but also because there was a suspicious amount of couples out of a walk. Was there a holiday for couples? There were also heart decorations in many shop windows. A love celebration? Love was celebrated in a lot of cultures, but the beauty was in the way it was celebrated. It seemed that in Fiore it was sort of open to interpretation.

    The Au Ra caught a glimpse of a poster for some sort of an event that was supposed to happen that day. He couldn't make out the details because of the distance between him and the piece of paper. Thane wanted to take a closer look, but he noticed somebody who was higher on his list than a poster about an event. He spied a little witch in the crowd, along with her broom and feline companion. The tall man smiled and with long strides he made his way to the girl. The people and couples posed almost no resistance to his body mass. "Hey there, Wren." He would cheerily greet the witch as soon as he got close. "And Nanny." Thane would smile at Wren's companion. He was quite glad to see the duo again. It had been a while since the winter festival, after all.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Useful links:

    Character sheet: Thane Starstrider ⭐ Primary Magic: Red Mage (Coming soon) ⭐ Thane's Inventory & Info: Coming soon ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Otherworldly Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 290
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 27,782

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Witches Bonds
    Second Skill: Enchantress of Woe
    Third Skill:

    Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane) Empty Re: Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane)

    Post by Wren 22nd February 2020, 5:05 pm

    (694) 1254/4000 words || @Thane Starstrider || Valentine's Day Event 2020 / Page 1, Post n°15 || Activities 0/2 (min)
    The witch had placed her broom on her shoulder, bristles hanging over her back, while her little cat was next to her. With a smile, she takes a deep breath. She was noticing little similarities here and there about the place that was close to a holiday of sorts to a group of witches on her home planet. The colors were close, and some flowers were present. The only thing was the witch wondered if the ritual was present… She honestly didn’t think the people of Fiore would appreciate the rituals with how some seemed to prefer modesty, and the ritual was a bit… unique. She was a little lost in thought as she stood there, but the moment she heard her name, she looked up. A grin was on her face as she saw the tall guy and lowered her broom so she could stand on it like much like one would stand on a hoverboard. Nanny let up a mew and jumped up on the back of the broom as the girl lifted herself up higher to be more eye level with Thane.

    “You made it!” The girl cheered as she put her fists up in the air. “How have you been? I heard there was going to be a festival here… or there is a festival here… I’m just not too sure what it is…” She put a finger on her chin and tapped it softly while she looked around. She was still trying to figure out the festival without asking anyone first. Wren crossed her arms and chuckles to herself. It really couldn’t be the holiday from her home world… nah.

    Behind her, someone from a warehouse started coming up to the two. “Excuse me.” He calls up to them. The little witch quickly turns around on her broom and lowers herself down to be half way to the ground again. He noticed the curiosity on her face and grinned. “You two look like a cute couple. Would you do me a favor and test out something for us? You’ll be compensated for the work. We have a new product, or more service. We are now doing a catering service for weddings!” After he said that, Wren’s face contorted to confusion, and the man makes an ‘oops’ face. He didn’t realize that some people hadn’t known about the company and what they did. “We sell chocolates, and we’re trying to expand our business. We would like you to either marry for us for just today, or attend a wedding, to test out our catering service for the wedding. What do you say?”

    The little redheaded witch pursed her lips as she looked to the man who was sharply dressed. “We’re… not a couple?” She pointed a finger between her and Thane before she nervously chuckles. “I also don’t think I’m too keen on ‘marrying’ someone for a day. I’d more attend a wedding…” She trailed off as she looked up to Thane while tilting her head. “I actually want to know what a Fioren Wedding is like. I wanna know if it’s similar to a Sailkian one or not.”

    “You don’t have to be getting married, just attend as a guest and a plus one is fine, if your… friend, would like to join you. No pressure to join, we just need two more people who have our full ‘wedding’. And we can also supply clothing by our best tailor mage to get you clothes you want to wear.” The man smirked to them as he crossed his arms confidently. Wren tapped her chin as she felt tempted, and Nanny let up a meow to let the man know she was there. “Oh! Your pet would be able to accompany you too!”

    With a sigh, the witch gave in to her curiosity. “So long as I’m not paying for anything, sure! I’ll join. I really want to learn about Fioren weddings!” She lit up a little as she was serious about it. The man clapped his hands once as he was happy he got at least Wren on board. His eyes glanced to Thane to see what he’d say now.

    HP: 500/500
    MP: 1040/1040
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: Alchemy Belt, Witches Broom, Witch's Diadem
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: HP = Alchemy Belt - 25% at B
    MP = Alchemy Belt - 80% at B + Witch’s Diadem (Familiar's Blessings (S+)) 80% at B


    Thane Starstrider
    Thane Starstrider

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 72
    Guild : Forever Alone
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,875

    Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane) Empty Re: Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane)

    Post by Thane Starstrider 27th February 2020, 11:33 am

    Rolling for clothes


    Useful links:

    Character sheet: Thane Starstrider ⭐ Primary Magic: Red Mage (Coming soon) ⭐ Thane's Inventory & Info: Coming soon ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Posts : 23945
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
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    Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane) Empty Re: Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane)

    Post by NPC 27th February 2020, 11:33 am

    The member 'Thane Starstrider' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane) OdAaNwh
    Thane Starstrider
    Thane Starstrider

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 72
    Guild : Forever Alone
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,875

    Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane) Empty Re: Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane)

    Post by Thane Starstrider 27th February 2020, 4:11 pm


    1011 - 1610/4000 words || @Wren || Event info/Event sign-up || 1/2 Activities
    The little witch grinned and jumped up on her broom and her cat companion let out a mew and jumped up on the broom aswell. The girl seemed genuinely happy to see that Thane had answered to her call and he would be lying, if he said that he wasn't happy to see those two, himself. Wren mused about a festival and the Au Ra was instantly reminded of the poster he saw a few moments earlier. "I did notice a poster a bit earlier, but I didn't get the chance to read what it was about." Thane would share, as a stranger approached them from a nearby warehouse. The Au Ra wasn't sure what it was about, but he made sure to be alert, in case anything happened.

    It turned out to be a recruitment of sorts, to test something. The moment the man noted that Thane and Wren make a cute couple, the Au Ra took a little step back in an immense surprise. It was true that Thane saw the little witch as quite cute, but saying they were a couple was very much not accurate. He was ready to retort in protest, when the man continued with an explanation of what he was doing. Or some organisation that he was part of was doing. Thane was only just a little bit confused. The Au Ra was always up for helping people, but the other man's proposal to marry for 'them' for a day sounded truly fishy.

    When the man asked for the feedback from Thane and Wren, the Au Ra was glad that the witch chimed in that they were indeed not a couple. He was even more glad to hear that Wren wasn't too thrilled by the marriage option herself. "I would be fine with going as a guest." Thane would agree, but was still wary of the man's intentions. He narrowed his eyes at the man as he said 'friend'. Wren seemed to be thinking about the offer, as her feline friend made herself known to the man. Nanny was given the green light to go with them and the little witch finally agreed to the offer that was presented. The girl glanced up at Thane and he smiled back. He didn't want to seem as overly stuck up or suspecting. "Sure, I'll join you."

    The man who approached them seemed elated that he managed to get more people to join his event and would lead the girl, cat and a tall Au Ra to the warehouse from whence he came. Surprisingly enough, it was decorated rather nicely on the outside, despite it being a simple warehouse, that was repurposed. There were people running around, talking to one another and looking around. There was a number of those people who were dressed in yellow and blue striped outfits, matching one another. The Au Ra reckoned that they were most likely the staff of the event, which made him relax. Perhaps the man didn't have ulterior motives. The group was led to one of the entrances that led into the building. "Since you wanted to attend as guests, please, go through that door. It will lead you to the section meant for guests." Thane would nod, hoping that Wren was ready aswell.

    However, they would barely even walk through the door, before two staff members, young girls, came up to them with shock on their faces. "Oh no! Those clothes simply won't do!" One of them exclaimed and each of them would grab Thane and Wren's hands. "Let's get you dressed up!" The one who had her hold on Wren would say, as they would take them to a nearby room. There would be a couple of men being adorned with various accessories. It seemed that it was a preparation room for men. Upon realising that fact, Thane wanted to speak up to have Wren taken to the women's room, but the girl who had her hold on him would already be pulling the tall man with astonishing strength towards a partition. "For this special event we have a very special little thing with us." She would smirk and motion behind the partition. The Au Ra would take a peek, only to see a man fiddling with a lacrima crystal. Once he heard the girl's voice, he would turn to face the two of them. "Ah, hello! I'm the tailor mage for this event. I brought this amazing lacrima with me to test it out. Go ahead and touch it! Just think about an outfit and it will temporarily change your current... clothes." The tailor would explain, as he looked over Thane's 'outfit'. The tall man was quite intrigued by the idea, already having forgotten him wanting to help out Wren.

    The Au Ra would walk behind the partition and the girl would leave, to attend to other guests. With a bit of hesitation, Thane reached out to the crystal and touched it. He didn't have anything special on his mind in particular. He just wanted it to be a bit more... flowy. To not make him as squeezed as his hard leather gear and greaves he had on. Within a moment, the full gear Thane had on, an outfit consisting of a cloth hood, cloak, thin sort of above-knee boots and long top with mostly open long sleeves. The dominant  colours were white with grey and the accents were red and gold. The hood had no problem going over his side horns or the horns on the back of his head. "You look wonderful! Now, let me fix that sleeve for you. Sometimes it doesn't come out as perfect as we would like it." The tailor would get to work on Thane's slightly torn left sleeve. Needless to say, the Au Ra was quite impressed with the lacrima's outfit. It wasn't something that he would have come up with himself, but if he was to play a guest at a stranger's wedding, he could as well go almost completely out of his comfort zone.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Useful links:

    Character sheet: Thane Starstrider ⭐ Primary Magic: Red Mage (Coming soon) ⭐ Thane's Inventory & Info: Coming soon ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Otherworldly Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 290
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 27,782

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Witches Bonds
    Second Skill: Enchantress of Woe
    Third Skill:

    Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane) Empty Re: Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane)

    Post by Wren 3rd March 2020, 9:31 pm

    (1112) 2366/4000 words || @Thane Starstrider || Valentine's Day Event 2020 / Page 1, Post n°15 || 1/2 activities
    As Thane mentioned seeing a poster, her little orange brow perked up some. She honestly hadn't seen any posters herself yet. She was highly curious about it now, but that would have to wait till later since they were currently interrupted by the recruiter. Of course after she was given the go ahead by the man that Nanny was allowed, she was ecstatic. Thane’s acceptance was also great too! She wouldn’t be going to this thing alone now!

    She followed after the man on her broom as a skateboard once more. She had her arms slightly out for some balance while Nanny was in front of the broom. She let up a meow when she felt Wren should lower herself, and she stepped down gingerly at the warehouse entrance. She looked around the place and nods a little. “This looks… nice?” She wasn’t too sure since she wasn’t one for things like this. Now if it had a witchy touch to it, that would be another story. She loved herself some witchy aesthetic. Her eyes went to the people next. A bit in awe about how well they all seemed to be working together. It reminded her of the Rune Knights and how they seemed to work together too!

    When the man led them in, he begun talking, and Wren’s ears seemed to perk a bit. Guest dressing was through the door he had pointed to. Not hard. She held up her hand in an ‘okay’ symbol, and grinned brightly. “Lets get going!” She giggled as she made her way. The staff members that came up to them made Wren blink in utter confusion. Their clothes were the reason for them coming through this door… right? Did she misunderstood? She gasped as her hand was grabbed and she begun being dragged to the nearby room while letting out a ‘Ack!’ as a protest. “Uh! Uh! Ladies! Just letting you know, I’m a female!” She cries out quickly, and as loudly as she could, as she had seen the men being dressed up.

    Of course the little witch didn't care about making a scene over her gender. Her face was turning a bit red as she was a little upset for being dragged in what seemed like the MENS dressing area. As soon as that was shouted out, the man in her section would blink for a moment, then raised an eyebrow. He didn't believe it. Wren puffed her cheeks up and crossed her arms over her chest. "You all think I'm a male, don't you?" She growled a bit. "I think I'm ou-" "Wait! Wait! We'll get you a female tailor mage!" The lady who dragged her there grabbed her hand and dragged her to the other side that was more feminine in every sense. "I think I liked the males side…" She fake puked a bit about all the blinding colors and was lead to a female tailor mage with her own lacrima. She would wait a moment and another lacrima Crystal was brought out. "Alright, sweetie! Here's the deal. You can touch this sweet crystal, and your clothes will change from… drab… to absolute fab!" She clapped her hands and motions to the crystal for Wren to touch. "Think of something pretty to wear, or pick from this book!" She says as she holds up a book of dresses.

    Wren opens the book and flips through the pages a bit before she stops on one where she found a dress she liked. "I'd like this one." The mage nods as she holds up her hands and Wren finally touches the lacrima herself. After a moment, she opened her eyes and saw herself dressed in a pink dress similar to the one in the book, but it was far too bright for her. “Umm… may I get this in… say green?” She questioned while fiddling with her fingers a little. It wasn’t too sightly to her, but after a moment, the tailor mage fixed it to match exactly like the picture and the little witch came out dressed in a nice green dress with a pair of brown booties, and greenish leggings. The top of the dress was puffy enough that it gave her more of a feminine curve at her chest area for once. She was mainly pinging it on the ruffles, but she wasn’t going to mess with it. “Hold on! Lets add something to the look.” The tailor said as she produced hair extensions and put them at the back of her head after placing a headband with green flowers on the right side on her head. “There! Now you look like a girl! Er… more… like one…” The tailor wasn’t convinced that Wren was a girl, but went with it anyways.

    She was led out from behind her curtain and shown to a mirror with her with the dress on, and she gasped a pit. Even with her glasses on, she looked rather fantastic in her eyes! Beaux would be so proud of her! She came out of the room and looked over to Thane with a smile on her face. “You look great!” She couldn’t help but cry out to him before she did a twirl a bit and lightly pinched at the edge of her skirt to curtsy. “What do you think?!” She excitedly questions him. She wasn’t used to having such long hair… maybe she could magic herself to have some? She would probably need to talk to Beaux about places to go. She was keeping these hair extensions for now till them.

    She looked over as another pair of women came up to them. “Oooh! You two look fancy and ready to go to the wedding! We found our main guests of honor and you two can enjoy the rest of the wedding! Please remember to give us a review about how the catering goes!” One of them says rather energetically and begins to lead them down the hall. Nanny had come out of a room with a freshly brushed fur, and a bow on her collar to match Wrens dress. She walked with her witch till they were outside at the venue. Wren looked around a bit and saw a sign that said ‘Sit On Either Side, We’re All Friends & Family Here’ written in a rather pretty cursive handwriting. She looked back to Thane and smiled as she pointed to the back row to see if he’d like to sit back there. “So we’re not blocking anyone?” She asks curiously. The main guests weren’t out yet, but music was starting to play to indicate that the wedding was soon to begin.

    HP: 500/500
    MP: 1040/1040
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: Alchemy Belt, Witches Broom, Witch's Diadem
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: HP = Alchemy Belt - 25% at B
    MP = Alchemy Belt - 80% at B + Witch’s Diadem (Familiar's Blessings (S+)) 80% at B


    Thane Starstrider
    Thane Starstrider

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 72
    Guild : Forever Alone
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,875

    Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane) Empty Re: Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane)

    Post by Thane Starstrider 14th March 2020, 10:04 am

    Rolling for flower throwing


    Useful links:

    Character sheet: Thane Starstrider ⭐ Primary Magic: Red Mage (Coming soon) ⭐ Thane's Inventory & Info: Coming soon ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Posts : 23945
    Mentor : Admin

    Character Sheet
    First Skill:
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    Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane) Empty Re: Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane)

    Post by NPC 14th March 2020, 10:04 am

    The member 'Thane Starstrider' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane) PzArA86
    Thane Starstrider
    Thane Starstrider

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 72
    Guild : Forever Alone
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,875

    Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane) Empty Re: Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane)

    Post by Thane Starstrider 16th March 2020, 7:38 am


    1547 - 3157/4000 words || @Wren || Valentine's Event/Sign up || 2/2 activities
    The moment Wren had to reveal that she was not a man, reminded Thane of the action he wanted to take, but had forgotten about and felt a pang of sadness. However, he was glad to hear that Wren's determination bore fruit, when she was led out of the room, to a place that Thane guessed for meant for females, instead. Even though it was not necessarily his fault for the mishap, he still felt embarrassed for the little witch. He hoped that she didn't mind it, too much. The tailor mage worked on fixing the torn sleeve, as the tall man stood still, not wanting to be poked by a needle because he fidgeted around. "Oh, there are a few stitches missing along this line of the sleeve..." Thane could hear the tailor mage mumble under his breath, as he continued his work. The Au Ra continued to stand still, to let the tailor mage finish repairing the outfit.

    As soon as Thane's outfit was mended and approved by the tailor mage, Thane exited the guests' preparation room. Right on cue, Wren emerged from a nearby room, dressed in a pretty green dress. She also had longer hair, than he remembered. The Au Ra was taken aback by the pleasant surprise. His tail, that was mostly just absentmindedly gently swaying from side to side froze in place, as brief redness flushed his cheeks, before regaining his composure and his tail resuming its motion. "Thank you." Thane would smile, as he received his compliment from the little witch. "You look really cute." He would return the compliment that he truly meant. It was a nice change for Wren and he thought it suited her.

    Before Thane could speak up again, however, they were approached by more staff members, urging them to join the wedding, while also noting that they should review the catering services. The tall man grew excited at the prospect of food. He hadn't eaten much that day, though he wasn't sure what to expect in terms of quality. The Au Ra and witch were then joined by her feline familiar, who seemed to have gotten a bit of brushing and also received a pretty bow that matched Wren's own dress. The tailors really wanted everybody to look their best.

    Soon enough, the three of them were led outside, to a place that served as a dedicated venue for the wedding event. There were two columns of chairs and benches, prepared for any and all guests that would be attending. A number of guests were already seated, some were still idling about, talking to one another. The whole theme of the decorations that adored the venue seemed to be floral. Flowers and floral garlands were hanging from tables and benches. There were also large flower pots that housed beautiful red flowers that Thane hadn't seen before. Among the decorations was a sign that said 'Sit On Either Side, We’re All Friends & Family Here'. It sounded very inviting and Thane hoped that it would stay that way. The tall man looked around himself, so see who exactly was at the venue, before Wren spoke up, asking that they wouldn't be blocking anyone. He wasn't sure what she meant at first, but once he noticed Wren pointing at the back row, he understood. "Sure." He would nod in agreement, though he couldn't shake the feeling that the reason why Wren had suggested that in the first place was Thane's height.

    The music started to play a soft tune, as the trio made their way to the back row. The rest of the guests who were scattered around the venue headed to their seats aswell. Thane wasn't sure whether he was supposed to stand or not. Weddings within his tribe were mostly done while standing up, with a feast and celebration afterwards. There were a few more details, but those didn't matter. Still, his dilemma was quickly resolved by one of the staff members in the front. "Everybody, please, take your seats! I introduce to you our splendid couple: Vilma and Tanaka!" The girl announced the arrival of the couple who was to be fake-wed. The guests who were sitting stood up and most of them turned around to see the couple in question.

    Thane would follow the example of the other guests, though he didn't have to turn around too far, to see the couple. The man, presumed Tanaka, was dressed in a white suit with a blue tie, while the woman, presumed Vilma, was dressed in a poofy white dress with blue accents. The Au Ra was led to believe that white was a main colour for weddings in Fiore. So strange, so different. The ceremony or the outfits in his tribe's weddings didn't have such a specific colour scheme, but he could see how it could be symbolic. The Au Ra's gaze would follow the couple, as they made their through the aisle, the soft music from before being their companion. Some guests quietly gasped in wonder as they passed by.

    Once the couple reached the front of the number of rows, the guests started to sit down and Thane followed the lead of the crowd. Thus far, the ceremony seemed to be quite tame, though he still wasn't entirely sure if that was how a regular wedding was like. The one they were attending was just for an event, after all. "I am sad to say that we unfortunately don't have a priest present." The girl who announced the arrival of the couple a few minutes before would apologise. Some of the guests murmured among each other. Thane could feel their confusion. "But I hope that a simple declaration of love will suffice for this moment." The girl would smile and continue. "Tanaka, do you love Vilma, here next to you?" She would ask the groom. "Yes, of course I do." He would reply to the girl, before turning to the bride. "I love you, Vilma. With all my heart." Tanaka would pour his heart into his declaration, earning a few 'awww's' and amazed sighs from the guests. "I- I love you too, Tanaka. I hope we can be together, forever." The woman seemed to be flustered, as she replied with her own declaration.

    It made Thane... wonder. Would he ever be able to exchange such words with someone? He knew he travelled a lot and as a result he had one night stands, at best. Would he have to sacrifice his wanderlust if he wanted to be truly close to somebody? The Au Ra would frown at his thoughts, but lightly shook his head. Somebody else's wedding was most likely not an ideal place for such philosophy. Still, he knew that he would have to think on it. The guests chattered excitedly among themselves, as the couple kissed and then stood up to clap. It would take a moment for it to sink in for Thane, but he would eventually stand up himself and clap for the couple.

    "This was truly beautiful." The girl was on verge of tears and she gently wiped her eyes, to make sure the running tears wouldn't mess up her outfit. "Now it is high time for the next step: the bouquet throwing!" She would exclaim, as she was handed a rather large bouquet of flowers by an another member of the staff team. "Guests, please gather around the aisle to maximise the chances of catching it!" The girl would address the guests, as she passed the bouquet to the bride. Most of the guests were trying to get a spot in the aisle. The tall Au Ra wasn't sure was going on. He knew that they didn't flowers at his tribe's weddings, but it seemed like a tradition in Fiore. "You want to give this a try?" Thane would ask the little witch, as he stood back up again. He wouldn't be making his way towards the aisle, but if he managed to catch it, he would give the bouquet to Wren, even though he didn't know if there was any symbolism behind the bouquet throwing.

    The crowd cheered Vilma on and she threw it behind her head, towards the guests. Countless eyes were glued to the bouquet, but just as it hit the highest spot of its trajectory, it disappeared in a puff of pink smoke. People expected the bouquet to fall down, but nothing came down. Nervous chatter filled the venue, as the announcement girl gasped. "There's nothing to worry about!" She would call out nervously, as she looked around for an explanation. A staff member was swiftly at her side, seemingly whispering something to her. "I-It seems that there is a game involved, about which I didn't know about! The bouquet has disappeared and the one who finds it first will be the one marry next!" The girl would nervously exclaim, trying to sound as confident as she could. Thane wasn't sure whether it was something that was supposed to happen, but as soon as people heard about the game of hide-and-seek with the bouquet, they would start to frantically run around the venue, seeking their prey. Though Thane noticed that it was mostly women, who mobilised a search for the lost bouquet.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Useful links:

    Character sheet: Thane Starstrider ⭐ Primary Magic: Red Mage (Coming soon) ⭐ Thane's Inventory & Info: Coming soon ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Otherworldly Witch
    Position : None
    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 290
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 27,782

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Witches Bonds
    Second Skill: Enchantress of Woe
    Third Skill:

    Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane) Empty Re: Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane)

    Post by Wren 20th March 2020, 11:27 am

    (1496) 3862/4000 words || @Thane Starstrider || Valentine's Day Event 2020 / Page 1, Post n°15 || Outfitting and Bouquet Toss
    As soon as the little redheaded girl got complimented by her companion, a huge grin slipped across her lips as she blushed a bit. “Thanks! I didn’t know about these hair extensions before! I think I’m going to see about finding some more! Maybe then people will finally take me seriously about me really being a girl!” She giggles as she clapped her hands together a bit. Nanny just looked up at her witch and rolled her eyes before they were approached yet again. The cat and her witch walked behind the other staff member and ventured over to the wedding area.

    Wren had placed her hands on her hips a little while observing the arrangement of the wedding. Surprisingly, this was a little similar to the weddings back home in Sailkia, but everything was a bit more natural. They made use of the nature around them. Trees would be the arch, or a garden trellis would be the background. The chairs wouldn't pop out against the surroundings on purpose, but blend in or be a bit more subtle about their colors to not remove from the natural beauty of the environment. The dress she was currently wearing was actually similar to one she would wear back home as well, but it was more fancy than the one she would actually wear.

    After they had seated themselves in the back, Wren stretched a little and she snickers to herself. “Nanny, wake me if something important happens, okay?” She whispers to the cat that jumped on her lap and rested gingerly there. Her hand was gingerly laying on the black cats back as she leaned her head forward and closed her eyes. She was partially using the people in front of her as a shield from others so they wouldn’t assume she was being rude. Honestly, she had stayed up the night before making potions, and was tired now due to Nelson wanting to come to the festival today with her. When the bride and groom were to come out, Nanny pawed at Wren to get her to wake up, in which she scooped the cat up in her arms and held her close to her chest. She watched the couple walk down the isle as she stood there.

    The dress was absolutely terrible to her! White?! To a wedding?! Wren looked visibly horrified at the look of it. Fioren weddings were not something she liked. At all. Nanny had wiggled a bit, distracting the little redheaded witch from her thoughts of the horrendous dress, and let up a soft meow to her. Wren softly snorted and hugged her cat closer to her. She stayed silent as she held the cat, and simply watched what was going on ahead of her after the couple passed by. She was only standing because of others standing. She did her best to hide her expression about the dress, and takes a deep breath. She could get over it. It's not her wedding. So it was fine she didn't have to wear that dress. She also made note that she wasn't going to get married in Fiore now, especially if the white dress was standard with no wiggle room for something she would even remotely want to wear. She was also a little annoyed with the music, but she could deal at the same time.

    She seated herself once again when everyone else did, and lightly leans on Thane if he let her. Nanny was resting on her witch’s lap once more, and quietly purred as Wren was petting her fur. “If something happens, wake me up.” She mumbles again. It was more to Nanny once again, but she wouldn’t mind if Thane heard too. She had closed her eyes just as the event announcer lady had said something. She was a bit loud though, so she couldn’t nap much before Nanny moved to let her witch know that everyone was up again. Wren sighs a little and stands up again. Nanny jumped into the chair and began licking her paw as Wren began clapping her hands to the couple with everyone else. She turned her head towards Nanny as the announcer mentioned something about bouquet throwings and yawned a little. She was tired and wanted to go try some of the food she and Thane were to test. As Thane questioned if she wanted to try catching the bouquet, Wren honestly shrugged her shoulders. She wasn’t sure if she wanted to or not, if she were honest. She stayed near the back of the crowd as she waited for the flowers to be thrown. She didn’t push or shove, like most of the other ladies were, and took a few steps back to not be stepped on herself so easily.

    Her brown eyes looked up as she saw the flowers disappear midair, and tilted her head some. She wasn’t sure that was supposed to happen… She listened to the announcer declare that there was nothing to worry about, but the people were seeming uneasy about this turn of events. Guess the flowers weren’t supposed to poof away. She put her hands on her hips a bit and looked over to the food. She wanted to try Fioren Wedding food… She was a bit lost in thought of the food that she didn’t hear the end of the ‘reasoning’ why the bouquet disappeared, only that there was a game. The other people went in a rush to start finding the bouquet, and Nanny mewed at Wren to get her attention once again. The little redhead perked her head up a little, and saw the women running around searching for the flowers. She looks to the food, and then had a thought! If she found the bouquet, maybe she would be able to go and eat! The company was wanting to test the catering service anyways. So win-win, she played their game then tasted their foods, and they got the results they wanted! She cheers to herself as she let her brown eyes travel around the area, waiting for any sign of the flowers. She casually walked with Nanny around the place.

    People were frantically moving chairs and looking under tables. Wren honestly was observing the area quietly. If they were having a hard time looking under things, maybe she would just have to look up! She let up a light whistle and her broom shot out from the other side of the area she and Thane were taken to to get changed. The broom came up behind her gently, and she sat herself down on it before crossing her ankles. She lifted herself up on the broom and took a look around. A bouquet was of flowers… noticing where flowers were shouldn’t be too hard, right? She first glanced towards the flowers around the venue. The garlands, the pots, the arch. Her eyes skimmed back towards the arch. Did it have flowers on it before? She slowly led her broom towards the garlands on the chairs by the center of the isle.

    The other women were completely not thinking that the flowers had a chance to be with the other flowers. Well majority of them. A couple were checking the pots and coming up empty. That was when Wren made her way up towards the top of the arch to see the white flowers that stood out against the red ones. She reached up and found that the flowers were indeed the bouquet! A grin was on her face as she lowered herself and held it up in front of the arch. “Found them!” She cries out cheerfully. Now she could eat! “Yay! Now you’ll be next to marry! But I guess you’ll have to wait a few years to get there sweetheart!” The announcer lady cries out. Wren froze. “What?” She says aloud unintentionally. She… what? The women didn’t seem to hear her question and were gushing about the kind of dress she’d wear to her wedding already despite her seeming like she was underaged. Slowly, Wren approached the announcer woman, and tossed her the flowers before she hightailed it out of there and flew her broom towards the food! This party was something! She looked over to Thane, and nervously smiled about that little display over there. She honestly had no clue that was the symbol of the bouquet toss! She simply wanted to eat the food.

    Nanny had seated herself back on the chair that Wren had sat on during the ceremony, casually licking her paw. The cat actually seemed amused by the whole ordeal, watching casually as the women started to look for Wren now. They wanted to gush over the little doll that they had happened upon now at the wedding. “Oh no…” Wren says quietly as she grabs a plate with some food on it, and lifts herself up a bit higher than the women would be able to reach for her at.

    Not cool.

    HP: 500/500
    MP: 1040/1040
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: Alchemy Belt, Witches Broom, Witch's Diadem
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: HP = Alchemy Belt - 25% at B
    MP = Alchemy Belt - 80% at B + Witch’s Diadem (Familiar's Blessings (S+)) 80% at B


    Thane Starstrider
    Thane Starstrider

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Player 
    Lineage : Gold Rush
    Position : None
    Posts : 72
    Guild : Forever Alone
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,875

    Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane) Empty Re: Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane)

    Post by Thane Starstrider 3rd April 2020, 2:16 pm


    895 - 4052/4000 words || @Wren || Valentine's Event/Sign up || 2/2 activities
    Thane was glad to see that Wren was happy with her look. The longer hair suited her well, in his personal opinion. The Au Ra overheard the witch telling her feline companion to wake her up, earning a little shake of the head of his head with a little smile on his face. Nanny took a spot upon her witch's lap and seemed to wake Wren up, when the couple to be wed came in.

    While Thane observed the couple with curiosity, Wren seemed to be rather taken aback. He wanted to ask her what was wrong, but he didn't dare disturb the flow of the wedding. After they sat back down, the little witch leaned against his arm. The Au Ra would look over, just to hear her mumble to wake her up again. Thane's expression softened and turned back to see the rest of the wedding. Nanny woke up her witch again, when it was the time to stand up for the second time. The tall man questioned Wren about the bouquet catching, but she just shrugged, seemingly indifferent to the idea. He couldn't blame her for it, for he didn't know the meaning of the bouquet, until it disappeared.

    With the disappearance of the bouquet, chaos broke loose through the venue. It was mostly women at first, but a lot of the other guests quickly joined the hunting game. Thane had quite the advantage with his height, but he was mostly just baffled. He kept looking around himself, hoping that the other guests would be respectful enough to not push the trio around. Wren, on the other hand, seemed to be observing the situation, but Thane wasn't sure if she was just keeping herself away or observing the venue for clues. Within a moment, Wren whistled for her broom and took off. Observing for clues it was, then.

    Almost every piece of furniture, décor or anything else was being turned upside down for a simple bouquet. Thane had to move, to avoid a couple of women who were combing through the seating area. Was the prospect of getting married really that alluring? A rather boisterous woman bumped the Au Ra aside in her fevered search, making him frown. He wanted to protest, but as fast as she appeared, she disappeared. Thane would shake his head. He realised that it would be an exercise in futility. The women were absolutely captivated by the hunt, as Thane did his best to dodge the guests that came his way. In the meantime, he would look up, searching for Wren. The little witch was just descending down on her broom in front of the decorative arch, the lost bouquet in hand. Wren announced that she found it and Thane was happy for her, however...

    The girl who announced the searching game seemed to be happy that the bouquet has been found, but the same couldn't be said about Wren, when she heard the implication of her getting her hands on the bouquet. She most likely missed the bit the announcer said before. Thane felt kind of bad for the little witch, but at least the reappearance of the bouquet made the guests stop vandalising the venue. Some of the women were already fantasizing about the dress Wren would wear. The witch seemed to be under pressure and tossed the bouquet to the staff girl, before getting back on her broom. She looked over to Thane, who would offer her a little smile to reassure her. Nanny was sitting on a miraculously standing chair, which was coincidentally the same chair upon which the witch was sitting during the previous wedding procession.

    Wren flew over to the part of the venue with food, followed by a crowd of women. With a little shake of his head, the Au Ra would head to the food area, but stopping on the way to scratch Nanny on her head. Wren had a plate of food with her, as she was hovering out of the reach of the women. Thane would take a plate himself and place a couple of fancy looking desserts upon it. He would take a fork off of a metal tray that laid upon one of the tables and head to Wren. The tall Au Ra would gently, but insistently push the women behind him, placing himself between them and the little witch.

    Some of the women still wanted to grab Wren to whisk her away for a wedding talk, but Thane would make sure to block them. The Au Ra would poke a piece off of one of the desserts on his plate with a fork, before looking up at Wren. Maybe the women didn't know that Wren was indeed an adult, but Thane knew. "So who is the lucky guy?" He would ask the little witch to playfully tease her, with a little smirk on his face. Thane would chuckle and take the bite of the dessert on his fork. It tasted very sweet, to the point he couldn't taste anything but the overwhelming sweetness, making him wince at the sensation.

    Then a very familiar voice would call out again. "You already figured out what the next step was, but please, make sure you leave something for our honoured couple!" The announcement girl would yell and some of the guests would clap for the couple.

    HP: x/y
    MP: x/y
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: list/link them here
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: reeeeeee this should scroll if you type too much


    Useful links:

    Character sheet: Thane Starstrider ⭐ Primary Magic: Red Mage (Coming soon) ⭐ Thane's Inventory & Info: Coming soon ⭐ Template: Code shenanigans

    Alt Account- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Christian Minecraft Server- Achiever- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Motor City Rush- Player 
    Lineage : Otherworldly Witch
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    Faction : The Rune Knights
    Posts : 290
    Guild : Guildless
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    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 27,782

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Witches Bonds
    Second Skill: Enchantress of Woe
    Third Skill:

    Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane) Empty Re: Valentines or Not? (event w/ Thane)

    Post by Wren 3rd April 2020, 7:28 pm

    (491) 4353/4000 words || @Thane Starstrider || Valentine's Day Event 2020 / Page 1, Post n°15 || Rolled for Clothes and Flower Throwing here
    Wren was obviously uncomfortable with the grabby hands of the women trying to gush about her in her ‘future wedding dress’, hence why she let herself float above them on her little broom. Nanny was no help too. Damn cat. At least Thane was helpful! She smiled brightly to her tall friend as he had come over to her with his own plate of food and snickers to him. “Hey, party is great.” She greets him as she stuffs a cookie in her face. She glanced down to the women who had followed her and the fact that Thane had basically made himself her barrier between them. She grins brightly over to him and stuffs another cookie in her face. As he asked her ‘who the lucky guy’ was, she squinted her eyes at him as she pursed her lips at him. “The dead fish under the sea.” She snorts back loudly. But then she pauses as she taps her chin.

    She leaned herself forward on her broom a bit, careful to not drop her plate of food as the front of the broom tilted forward, and tilted her head to him. “Maybe you can be the lucky guy? Since you did come here with me.” She felt she had every right to tease him back. Honestly, she had gotten sharper with her tongue since she had met Mythal and his spirit ghost whatever thing, Lux. Lux was the asshole of the two that she didn’t get along with, always biting back at him with little quirky comments. She enjoyed it. She wasn’t sure about Lux though. She stuffs a piece of cake, that was on her plate, in her face as she looks up to see the announcer talking about the bride and groom.

    “The dress is absolutely terrible… white is a color for death… not a wedding.” She bit under her breath as she shook her head. She looked to her plate, and then to the women who finished clapping and noticed Wren looking at her. She makes a face and looks over to Thane while reaching over to touch his shoulder. “I’m going to go and find Nelson now. This ‘party’ is too much for me now.” She says as she makes a face. “Thank you for coming and keeping me company though! I had fun minus…” She waved her hand towards the crowd of women, and then shook her head. Grabbing hold of her broom, she moved to put the plate back on a table then let her broom fly fast over to her cat, who simply jumped onto the front of the flying device like it wasn’t even speeding around. “Bye, Thane! See you soon!” She cries out to him, waving her hand up and letting herself zip out of the area. She was a little surprised that the clothes stayed on her, especially when she met up with Nelson, who was impressed with her makeover.

    HP: 500/500
    MP: 1040/1040
    Spells Used: list them here
    Abilities Active: list them and their effects here
    Weapons Equipped: Alchemy Belt, Witches Broom, Witch's Diadem
    Monsters Killed: list here
    Other Notes: HP = Alchemy Belt - 25% at B
    MP = Alchemy Belt - 80% at B + Witch’s Diadem (Familiar's Blessings (S+)) 80% at B


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:43 pm