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    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by Sanguine 29th November 2019, 2:31 pm

    Erring Rising {} A-rank

    Word Count: 650 words
    Tagged: @“Jennifer Ford”
    Muse: sleepy
    Music: It seemed so far like an east going day for the most part. She had no tasks as of current aside from assuring that the castle was spotless as usual. It wasn’t much of a hard task, but always... ALWAYS, she was stuck with the job of cleaning the corners by the roof of every room too large to reach by normal means. It had to be because she had wings... such insolent little lazy bums. They made ladders for that reason and though for some reason they were all gone, they could have mentioned it prior to them needing to be done to begin with. Maybe a few lashings to each would be nice way to “remind” them of courtesy. Never the less, it wasn’t her place to punish unless the Queen so forth told her, but even then the idea of it was a challenging thought now.

    With all her past memories in tact now, just being around a place like this was a little intimidating again. Unlike their joining and sitting out like a punished child, she had grown and honestly, the experiences she had here were much different than she expected them to be from her being raised to think. Sure, they weren’t being complete savages and just killing for fun... well most of them, anyway. But for the most part, some were just trying to help better the world in their own way. To her, though now not completely in the same mind set as she used to be, had come to see just how the world truly was beyond the sheltered life she once had.

    Frankly, she was nervous. Not having her memories and acting on pure choice and desire of those she served as a maid was one thing, but now that her old morals and thoughts were conjoined, the idea that she may not be able to carry out those same actions with her normal grace was far beyond a thought of realization to the maid. But still, she had something to prove to both herself and... well no, just herself at this point. For it, she decided to forgo her maid uniform for this job and wanted to take someone of little familiarity to her. Not that she was choosing to ignore those under even her, but Sanguine’s thought of wanting to be as open to other members as she could was the best she could really think of in the moment.

    Dressed for the event at hand, she approached a door and gave a couple gentle knocks, much like she always gave prior to entering a room. The maid cracked the door open, poking her head in a little. ”Mistress Jennifer? Are you in?” She called out, looking around and possibly trying to find the blonde woman. Looking inside, she couldn’t find her in there and after opening the door all the way, she quickly found the woman wasn’t in her room. With a shrug, she exited the room, shutting it as to leave it the way she came and then make her way to the kitchen, where she finally heard the doors opening to the hall. Scurrying over in hopes to find the girl she was looking for, she was in luck as she seemed to be just getting into the hall. ”My apologies, I forgot you tend to do a morning run. I was wishing to ask for your assistance on a job I was about to leave on. I can fill you in on details along the way, but I was hoping to get some time to get to know other members I haven’t already met in passing at the least, if that’s ok with you, Mistress Jennifer.” She wasn’t 100% certain how she was wanting to be addressed, going off what she tended to just throw together, but adjusting accordingly was easy for her to do.

    Last edited by Sanguine on 7th December 2019, 1:00 pm; edited 1 time in total


    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

    Alt Account- A-Rank- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Medeia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lioness Take-Over
    Second Skill: Fire-Make
    Third Skill:

    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Re: Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by Jennifer Ford 30th November 2019, 4:09 am

    Name: Jen Ford

    Rank: A

    HP: 650/650

    MP: 650/650

    Jen went for a run every morning. It was how she kept herself in peak physical condition when there wasn't anything to do. This morning's run had gone well, and she was greeted by a pleasant surprise when she returned to the castle. Sara's head maid, Sanguine, was there to greet her, and offer her a job. "Oh, Hi there."

    She was caught a bit off guard in her sweat-shorts and high cut top. The job offer was as tempting as the maid herself. "Well, I can't really say no to that. Tell you what, just give me a little time to get ready, and I'll be back down to head off with you. We really should see more of each other, you know."

    "Oh, and please don't call me mistress, unless you want me to spank you with a riding crop, in which case, I'd be happy to oblige." Jen was known for being one of the more lewd, and more reckless, members of the guild. Still, she got results, that fact couldn't be argued with much. In just a few months, her rank as a mage had risen exponentially, along with her strength. She was still far from ready to inherit her grandfather's power, but she was going to do whatever it took to make that happen.

    She was a hunter, and her prey rarely escaped. The only one she had ever allowed to do so was a little pink thing that once inhabited a certain floating castle, and only because Medeia asked her to do so. She ascended the stairs quickly, entering her room with a purpose. She knew what she would need for just about any job. Her normal clothing, which consisted of an elastic band that covered her chest, and some shorts with a tail hole cut out for her take over magic usually served the purpose of covering her quite well.

    She preferred to go without, but Sara seemed to dislike it when she did that, so she acceded to her Queen's will. Her summoning keys were also a necessity, since she didn't quite know what to expect. She was, however certain that the spirits contained within would enjoy a bit of exercise. The last thing she needed to do was swap out her everyday arm for the combat model. Upon descending the stairs, she posed a question to Sanguine. "So, where are we off to? Oh, and trust me, I wouldn't mind getting to know you a bit better."

    "Let's just say that Medeia and I are not exactly exclusive. I mean, we are, but we're not. How do I put this.... Neither of us is the monogamous sort, so we give each other some room for openness, if you get what I mean. Not that I would expect anything like that so soon after barely meeting you....I'm rambling aren't I? Sorry, bit of a nervous habit."

    Jen certainly had a habit of running her mouth about how attracted she was to someone quite early on. But, at least the girl was honest. "So....yeah...about that job, should we get going? Nice outfit by the way. I also like seeing you in your maid outfit."

    "I could never wear something like that, though. Too frilly for my personal tastes. I'm more of a pants person. I could maybe see myself wearing a butler outfit, but the undershirt might have to go, and I'd wear the jacket buttoned up just barely enough." She giggled when she imagined herself dressed like that.

    "Nah, I couldn't. Sorry, that's just too formal for me. Even the way I talked about wearing it, it would be too much. Still, the maid outfit looks great on you." She was in good spirits, and ready to get something done.

    "So, I'm just a little curious. How have we not spoken before? I mean, I'm pretty sure you're one of a small group that are bigger than me, so I should have made a pass at you by now." She couldn't help but compare her own chest to that of the maid, but was trying to be respectful while doing so. "Anyhow, it is nice to finally get the chance to work with you."

    "So far, I've mostly just worked with Medeia, and Cirven." She enjoyed getting to know her fellow guild members. It was good for building trust, which was imperative for teamwork. "So, something to note about me, I like to hunt on jobs, much like a lioness stalking her prey. My main goal is usually to instill as much fear as possible into mine."

    "It just makes killing them all the sweeter." She was a bit of a basket case when it came to her methods, but to her, it was something akin to an art, like cooking. "The more they squeal, the more I enjoy it. Hell, I even like to watch others kill sometimes." Jen was adopting something of a sadistic smile as she delved further into the subject.

    "I primarily like to use my takeover form, which is lion based. However, I also have some fire-make magic, which is a form of elemental molding magic. As for the keys on my belt, those are my friends Lucian and Leona. They were each acquired from a specialty shop that deals in unusual items. And then there's my arm."

    "I'm sure the tale of how I lost it has made it's way around the castle by now. Demigods, am I right?" Jen wasn't sure how many in the guild could say they took down a demigod, but she was certain that she wasn't the only one. "Took everything I had not to get myself killed in that fight. Didn't count on her being half dragon."

    "By all accounts, I should have lost much more than an arm, so I guess I'm pretty lucky to be standing here. Oh, and I'm a direct descendant of the biggest and baddest of the big bads downstairs. Half Succubus myself. I just rarely use that form, might let you see it some time, though, if you want."

    Word Count: 1,015

    Personal Word Count: 1,015/8,000

    Total Word Count: 1,665/16,000


    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Webp_n10

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Re: Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by Sanguine 7th December 2019, 1:02 pm

    Could she really blame the girl for needing to get changed, maybe freshen up from the run. There were times in which even Sanguine had done running as a child and teenager, long before getting in bed with the other guilds of the past. It was a shame really... to think how low she had sunk from the woman whom offered to care for her years ago, but she chose to toss that aside and focus on the present. Trying to sway herself from this life was no longer an option. Too much time was spent adjusting and becoming accustomed to the life of the murderous maid of Errings Rising... besides, it wasn’t so bad. She was very well respected and that feeling of acceptance is all she truly ever wanted. Having that alone was enough for the maid.

    Hearing that Jen did want to join her on the job was a happy one to say the least. With a smile on the maids face, she had nodded her head and motioned for her towards the rooms. ”Thats no problem at all Mistress Jennifer. I’ll be here when you get back.” She assured her, making sure that she wouldn’t have any issues with her running off while she skipped off to get changed. However, when the topic of not calling her by that title came around, the mentioned threats of spanking had her giggle lightly, shrugging it off. ”It’s just an occupational hazard, is all. But if you try that with me, you’ll be kissing my feet and begging for my forgiveness, understood?~” She continued to keep her cheerful, smiling disposition, but she also knew that this woman wouldn’t be so easily swayed by her attitude or threats. Then again, she didn’t really know what was behind the kind maids exterior. Oh how that will paint her a picture!~

    With a small sigh, Sanguine shook her head in a bit of disapproval in Jen’s attire. Granted, aside from Grim’s demands of her attire, the head maid always loves to be in more conservative styled clothing. She made few exceptions... but this one. This was a wild child for sure. Still, she had escorted the blonde into a carriage that would take them to their destination so they would have some relaxing time to chat. It carried on as Jen realized her rambling and in the moment, she took the chance to answer that question. ”Well, we’re headed to Oak Town. They are having a bit of an issue and involving the people that live there, think of it as something of a zombie apocalypse, however they’re acting too controlled for it to be anything normal. Personally, I would rather preserve them and end the suffering, so I won’t be leaving until every last one of them is dead. I hear you’re quite the fanatic of something of that sort, so I thought it would be a good way to kill two birds with one stone.”

    Upon the realization that she was actually not in her maid uniform, the head maid couldn’t help but laugh a little and nod her head accordingly. ”Yeah, I’ve been so used to them, I wanted to break my habit of it for a change. Besides, I’m tired of ruining uniforms with my slight transformations. Acid is a bigger pain in the neck to get out of clothes than one may think.” she couldn’t begin to explain the number of times she had to mend and fully replace uniforms because of it, but all in all, she just shrugged it off. There was a time and place for something like that. ”You shouldn’t judge yourself too harshly, Miss Jennifer. You would probably look really cute dressed up! With your mechanical arm, I can surely see why you would prefer the other style of attire. We’ll have to see if we can’t play to both and find you something that perhaps fits both you and Mistress Medeia!” She said in a bright and energetic fashion. You can’t help genuine kindness sometimes, even when you’re supposed to be a murderous Demi-dragon.

    Hearing Jen’s little story after was a bit of a shocker. Having lost her arm in a fight was a hell of a scar for the sake of memories and show of strengths and trials. Though the mention of demigods had her smirk. Oh, if only she’d have been around for Jen then, that fight may have gone a lot more differently, but even she couldn’t recall if this was a recent fight or something that happened long ago. Regardless, the maid had continued to allow her to speak and carry on until she mentioned he half succubus part of herself. That itself though had drawn the maid from the mention of a Demi dragon. There were more than just herself? Interesting... ”And here I thought I was unique.” She commented, before she realized she didn’t want to be rude or selective in her answering of questions. ”Before I get to that, I have had a bit of a rough issue i had until the recent Hargeon festivity’s. To keep a long story short, I was tending more to my duties as a maid than I have been to trying to be a social butterfly. Besides, the Queen has been dragging me around by the literal collar and leash to be a tending member of her entourage to events recently.” Her hand would reach up, pointing out a collar and a broken chain that dangled from it.

    A once experimented on girl whom became a personal toy to a now member of the guild? Not really a hard one to tell when everyone in here at one point has committed at least a plethora of crimes, so she had no reason to hide her past. ”Now, back to the other part... you mentioned another Demi dragon? Out of.. I guess we’ll call it instinctual curiosity, are they still alive?” It would be by now her eyes were glaring down, not in anger, but the sense of thirst and hunger was shown in her eyes and they themselves were slit and wild like. ”I guess while we’re discussing heritages; I’m a descendant of Acnologia and daughter to a once feared mage within Fiore. A demoness of great power, and sadly I didn’t take the advantage of being the daughter I should have been, but no matter.” She would just smile, keeping her hands rested on her lap while they continued to make their way to Oak Town. ”But please, feel free to ask me any questions. Like for myself, I would like to ask what brought you to join the guild? Not on any official capacity, I just am curious.” With a smile on her face, she showed like she had no cares in the world, but she had one. Sanguine just didn’t have to worry about that one care so much.

    1152 words
    1802/8000 personal words
    2,817/16,000 total words


    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

    Alt Account- A-Rank- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Medeia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lioness Take-Over
    Second Skill: Fire-Make
    Third Skill:

    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Re: Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by Jennifer Ford 8th December 2019, 4:17 pm

    Name: Jen Ford

    Rank: A

    HP: 650/650

    MP: 650/650

    "Well, there's not that much to tell, but I guess we have some time to kill." Jen leaned forward with a gleam in her eye as she remembered her first job with Medeia, as well as her first as a member of Errings Rising. "It was the first job I took with Medeia, and the first one I took as a member of our guild. I was sitting in a bar, just minding my own business as I finished my beer. I was running a bit short on time, but I figured I'd still make it."

    "Everything was going fine until these two idiots tried to grab me....and I may have killed them. I didn't stick around to find out, because I had to meet a certain someone. Unfortunately, the barkeep had called the guards, and I ended up having to take out a few of them along the way. When I first met her....she was like no-one that I had ever seen before... um...anyhow, we took off towards the castle, Air-Med, and I used my charms to gain entry. Killed a couple council members, and Med captured a third."

    "That's when the two demigods showed up. Apparently they were not too keen on letting the castle fall. Med fought one of them, some guy named Caesar, and I fought the dragon girl, who's name was Genesis. Took all I had to survive that fight, including my succubus guards, and Leona, my first key spirit. As it was drawing to a close, we were both winded. But, she had one last burst of energy, which caused her to lash out with her lance and cut off my arm."

    "My retaliation was to go for the throat. So, needless to say, no, I don't think she's still alive. I don't remember what happened after that, due to the fact that I passed out from having my arm cut off. But, a little while later, I was able to get a good replacement." She had to stop and catch her breath after repeating all of that back.

    It had also taken a great deal of concentration to remember all of it. Just as she was doing so, Leona popped up next to her. "Yes, it was a rather harrowing battle. I was quite worried for my mistress at the time, and I focused mostly on healing while Medeia dealt with the angel for whom the castle was named. Angelicae, I believe her name was."

    "It seems the two have developed quite the bond since then, and I don't just mean as-" "ENOUGH! That's enough, Leona, I don't think she asked about that, so back in the key you go." "Fine, fine, but don't cry to me when people start asking." Jen let out a sigh of relief when Leona went back to her key.

    She did not need her giving out personal details. "As far as why I joined...well, I was first part of another dark guild, who claimed to be fighting on the side of nature...and let's just say that my methods were seen as...well...a bit much for them. As for joining a dark guild in the first place, that's a story I've only told one other person in the guild. We'll have to get much closer before I'me willing to divulge that information." She seemed to be brooding a bit as she thought about her past, about the things she had seen and been forced to do as a slave.

    This mood of hers wasn't made any better by what Sanguine had shown her. How any of her fellow guild members could do that to another was unthinkable. She couldn't understand why Sara or anyone else within the guild would do that, after what she had been through. "I'm sorry, but could you please refrain from showing that to me going forward?" Those words alone should have been enough of a hint for anyone to start piecing things together about her.

    "As for clothing, I mean, I guess I could try a butler outfit, but I would need to be able to take certain liberties with it. I wouldn't worry about the social thing too much. This is actually one of the first I've agreed to without Medeia." Jen did find Sanguine's response to her innuendo a bit funny, if not a little too serious. "Oh, and I might not mind the part about kissing your feet, so long as I get to kiss the rest of you as well."

    "Not too keen on the begging though." She found it a little amusing to speak with the maid, given how formal she seemed to be, whereas Jen was much the opposite, preferring a lack of formality. "And unless the various undead races pf the world have suddenly developed a resistance, or even neutrality, to fire, I've got just the thing to take care of them...provided you don't mind a bit of wanton destruction as part of the process of getting rid of them. See, I happened to pick up some fire based molding magic a while back, and it seems like it might be useful on this job." She smiled at the thought of being useful.

    Jen had a habit of wearing her heart on her sleeve, which wasn't always a good thing, because it sometimes made her a little predictable. Still, she usually managed to stay focused on the job. There were a few exceptions, namely the strong amount of lust withing her, but that was likely a normal thing for someone like herself. "I suppose if I had anything to ask, that wouldn't get me slapped right away, I'd have to ask what you like to do outside of work, who knows, we might have a bit of common ground there. I personally like to visit the hot spring in Shirotsume.... Hey! I know, what if we figured out a way to add one to the castle? I'm sure it would make everyone happier, and much more relaxed."

    Word Count: 1,000

    Personal Word Count: 2,015/8,000

    Total Word Count: 3,817/16,000


    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Webp_n10

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Re: Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by Sanguine 2nd January 2020, 2:07 pm

    Listening to the story provided to her by the mage she had brought along with her was a little interesting in a way. Her caliber of recollection and explanations were different from a blunt, straightforward type that she’d been around and used to doing herself that it was a nice break for a change. A bit of humor in the way things were explained helped to keep things a little note interesting as well as to put a spin on something that could only delay the way something was mentioned. To her, it helped make it so that the other person had to think much like the person trying to recall, almost as though they were being read a story and are just picturing what it was that they were being dictated to them.

    Hearing the mention of having captured one of the council members, she could recall having prepared a small extra meal a couple of times before, but she wasn’t asked since then to do that. It was only after that did she get a little more frequented with Medeia’s personal maid in passing through the guilds kitchen while she was getting food for herself or another at the time. A rather nice woman for sure, but she was pretty well set in on being timely. Not that she could be blamed for it at all as she used to be the same. However, with being dragged about by Saraphina for various things for the last few months, she wasn’t inclined to be against the idea that she felt she had Grim’s trust more than anything to be away from her side.

    The sudden appearance of a strange woman brought a puzzled look on her face as the newly uninvited guest began to speak on Jen’s behalf. She was a strange cookie, but just as she came, an angry sounding spoken up demand caught the chill in the maids spine. While she remained completely calm and relaxed, there was an air in the way she seemed to silence the spirit whom vanished assuringly back to her key or wherever she resided. The woman then continued on without letting the event unfolded to have bothered her much at all. For a track of focus, she was impressed to say the least. Key points the maid checked for in her while they spoke weren’t uncommon, as something did with a number of members before and after she had become an ace. Questionable as well as to what made her deserve it at first, but she wasn’t going to argue with the Queen’s demands.

    As per her usual demeanor, she continued to keep herself quiet and allow another to speak. It was hard to get used to doing at first, but being at first an experiment with no rights at all, into being a toy with no rights, then into a normal willing role had given her a taste of the life she never wanted, one that she feared, and from it grew to being what she was today. What that was, even she wasn’t sure of yet. However, until she did, she would make sure to be the stable one of the guild even if she were the only one left within it. Still, as Jen did her best to only disclose information to which she could feel she could tell someone, the more pressing thought to her was just what was she not telling her? If it weren’t for the information passed about her brash, explosive tendency for violence in fights, she’d start to think that Jen was just some rookie undercover Knight. And yet, here she was now. At least this lack of disclosure proved some form of loyalty, be it for this guild or her last, she surely couldn’t be blamed for that. If she held it for a former guild, perhaps more trust could be put on her for this one? Maybe, or if the queen would demand a trade, it could be worthwhile. Something to keep in her pocket for later.

    She raised a brow for a moment after having pointed out her collar and broken chain to the girl. At first glance, she thought nothing of it, but the signs brought it all to her mind very quickly and she waved her hands dismissively. ”Oh, my apologies! Truly so!” She replied a big frantically. ”Truthfully, being through what I’ve gone through, I wouldn’t wear it if it wasn’t used for a sign of how far I’ve come since then. I haven’t told anyone before this, however my current master, Grim and I first met after I was used for some experiment. Grim took a fancy to me for whatever reason, and when the place was collapsing, she took me with her. However, during my time as this places experiment, I had no free control. I was literally commanded by voice to do anything I was told, and it was used to many others advantages... thankfully not in that way.” Pausing for a moment, her eyes trailed off to a window of the carriage to look into a reflection of herself in a low opacity before looking back to Jen, smiling. ”After doing so many sinful acts under their thumb, I couldn’t go back to my old life. So, Grim helped me make a new one as her maid. I tossed everything about myself aside, gave it all up so I could try and be someone new. I’ll tell you though... it’s a hard to live with yourself being someone else. But, joining Errings Rising? It helped me so much more than I thought it could. I could be myself and this new person I’ve become over the years. I couldn’t be happier where I am now.”

    Hearing Jen speak pushed her out of her own mindset. She had been so focused on her thoughts, she must not have realized the topic would cause her to ramble on like she had. ”I’m sure we could surely find you some cute, suitable butler clothes~ A maid outfit doesn’t fit everyone, you know!~” The thought made her giggle a bit in laughter, firstly trying to picture both Grim and Saraphina in maid outfits... then Jester and Birch... next thing she knew, she was laughing quite a bit as the thoughts now stained her mind in a non regretful way. But now the blonde would get a little finger waving side-to-side to the commentary she was giving towards the maid. ”Now now, Miss Jennifer. I’m not that kind of maid. Besides, should either my master or Mistress Medeia find out anything may go on, I’m sure you’d be in for a real bad time.” A fair warning, to say the least.

    Now destruction? Oh destruction was her middle name! The thought alone made her grin just a little before it was met with a chuckle. ”Two things you will learn about me during combat: First, destruction is inevitable when you are with me. Second, what is not destroyed will be dissolved in my acid, so do be aware of that.” Whether her companion knew of her explosive style of magic or not was unbeknownst to her, but the source of her acid was entirely unknown to anyone whom had never seen her in combat. The most anyone could see on base was that her hair had magical properties to it, as often times she used it as an extra hand in cleaning or moving things around. ”With that in mind, go hog wild so long as our job is completed.” She made the reminder sure to stick as something she would be making sure to keep on a track of.

    ”Sadly, a hot spring for her guild is out of the question. Queen Saraphina and I have talked over things regarding our new territory of Hostia and things to add. Nothing is decided, but as of right now we aren’t looking into anything for recreational type events.” There was a stern type of tone in her voice, as though it were a bit authoritative and one that came with a final stamp. It wasn’t a topic to budge on either.

    1352 words
    3154/8000 personal word count
    5,169/16,000 total word count


    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

    Alt Account- A-Rank- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Medeia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lioness Take-Over
    Second Skill: Fire-Make
    Third Skill:

    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Re: Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by Jennifer Ford 5th January 2020, 8:49 am

    Name: Jen Ford

    Rank: A

    HP: 650/650

    MP: 650/650

    Jen sighed after hearing Sanguine's story, or at least the part that she was willing to reveal. The two were more alike than Sanguine knew. She wasn't upset with the maid, more concerned actually. There was something about the story that tugged at her heart, she could feel something of a sisterly bond with her. Their circumstances were quite similar.

    The key difference, or at least one key difference, was that Jen didn't have anyone to save her. "Well, after hearing that, I guess it's only fair to tell you the rest." There was a slightly begrudging tone, as Jen hung her head before speaking. The memories still haunted her, of days when she was abused and mistreated for the enjoyment of others. "I...I was only a kid...a child...when my mother and father were taken from me."

    Tears formed at the corners of her eyes as she continued telling her story. "The council had sent one of their lapdogs, a Demon Slayer by the name of Silverspoon. I remember it as clearly as if it had only happened yesterday, watching from inside the walls of my home. I was weak, powerless.... Before they killed her....they....they used her, and my father was made to watch before they killed him." She looked out the window before she continued. The stains on her face were clear as day.

    "I tried to run. I thought they didn't hear me, that they didn't sense me. I couldn't have been more mistaken. They didn't do anything to me but capture me that night. But, over the years to come, I was used, abused, in just about every way imaginable, and eventually, I realized that there wasn't anyone coming to save me."

    "I've been bought and sold more times than I can count. I had to fight for my freedom, but not in an arena. I had to kill the last person that purchased me and had me restored. Still can't believe there's magic that does that, as many times as it's been used on me. I was hunted for a time, until I found my way into the jungle south of here."

    "I spent my time there among women with the strength of ten men, and they were taller than the average one. I'd go hunting with them, just to kill time. They were the first semblance of family that I had after what I went through. Now that I'm with this guild, much as I appreciate everything, I'm still having trouble determining who I can trust. So far, there are two who have heard this."

    "You are one of them. The other is Medeia. As for her being unhappy about anything happening between us, I can't possibly imagine why. It's not like we're exclusive. The two of us have agreed to an open relationship."

    "As for your master, Grim, I've met her, and I'm sure we could come to terms." There was a sudden pain in Jen's stomach that made her wince. "Speak of the devil, and her spawn awakens." She laughed as she rubbed her stomach which still looked quite toned, and barely had any excess curvature. "Like I said, we've met."

    She didn't want to go into details on that, and come to think of it, she hadn't quite told Grim the good news yet. "Just...don't say anything about the little one until I do, m'k?" It had been a while since Jen had fully disclosed her past, and the child inside her made her a bit more emotional than usual about it. But, she felt like she could trust Sanguine not to go exposing her secrets to the entire guild. "Sorry, I don't mean to seem like I'm hiding things...it's just...I don't like to think about my past."

    "Keeps me up at night sometimes, wondering how I'm going to raise this one when I barely have any good memories from back then. As for the Butler outfit idea, so long as I can do without the undershirt, I'm fine with the idea. Just don't make the pants too tight, gotta be able to breathe, after all." She joked a bit to try and relieve whatever tension she may have caused by telling her own history. The two backgrounds were certainly similar, and yet they were different.

    Still, Jen held a sort of respect for the maid, and could only hope that she was afforded the same. "So, you actually enjoy breaking things? Hard to tell when you seem to be so thorough when cleaning the castle. But then, I haven't exactly gone out of my way to get to know you before." Jen had to laugh at herself a bit, since she hadn't exactly made an effort to get to know other members of the guild very much.

    But then, she was usually going on jobs with Medeia when she wasn't able to handle things on her own. "So, you still haven't quite answered my question from earlier. What do you like to do in your spare time? I really do want to get to know you better. And just so you know, I'm not some shameless person who has no interest in who you are."

    "I like to take my time, and develop relationships with those I might enjoy spending time with. After all, you can't be truly intimate with someone you don't know, now can you?" Jen chuckled a bit there. She was still joking, still trying to keep her mind off her past, to re-seat it in the present. It was just proving a bit more difficult than usual due to a certain development within her. "Remind me to see Grim after this."

    "Maybe she can do something to speed up the process a bit, or make it painless or something. Oh, that reminds me. I did some work in Oshibana a while back, and one of the maids that stays in my room, whom I brought back, has trouble communicating when her sister isn't there. I was wondering if you knew someone who could teach me how to talk to someone with a disability. Hers was caused by an abusive master."

    Word Count: 1,023

    Personal Word Count: 3,028/8,000

    Total Word Count: 6,119/16,000


    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Webp_n10

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Re: Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by Sanguine 18th January 2020, 1:53 pm

    The idea of having shared the story seemed to strike the idea that the need to tell her story was reciprocated. It wasn’t true, however Sanguine was not one to stop someone from venting themselves to her. She felt the closest to her old job as a sister of the church and in so, it was as close as she would ever get. This gave her such a different view of the world, one that seemed to click to her that the faith she had once abandoned was something of a fickle being, much like every being that loved in this world so far. Being one to skip the theatrics of needing to fake any feelings of concern or over joy meant of the little “girl talk” they were sharing, the head maid simply shared her attention to the blonde woman as she began to unveil her tale to her.

    It started off as morbid than she could have imagined. There was worse to have happened to begin with, truthfully, but it was best to be thankful that this was the worst off so far. The slayer kept silent and simply nodded to show she was still paying attention and giving her full focus to her so that if she were to feel as though she were saying nothing at all, she wouldn’t be proven wrong very quickly. Continuing to listen in to the girl as she had spoken on in her life story was mote than she was actually expecting to say the least. If she had anticipated that Jennifer would have gone full blown from birth( she would have included that as well when she had gone back to her own upbringing. And yet, it wasn’t needed to know who she was before now. That was for her and it would only be for her Mistress to know and whomever she felt she could trust to tell. That was something she would carry to the grave to keep hidden. At least... maybe at least until she killed that musician whom caused her to become what she was now. Yes, she could blame Grim as well, but considering what Grim has done for her since, she had long forgiven the reaper.

    As Jen rounded the corner with the times of her being bought and sold, it brought her directly to the auction from which she was more recently told to visit. With the influx of members, the guild needed new maids. Her job was to get in contact to a black market auction to procure some new meat. The feeling of being around such.. unfavorable people was an insult to her even as a maid. The only benefit was that when she showed up to be a person buying others rather than someone’s little lap dog traveling behind, she had a few unsettling looks. Still, she tried to keep that back until her accompanied member had told her long winded tale. She was far from concerned about the length of time she had taken to tell her story, but rather how that would mentally affect her going into their job.

    ”Then there’s mutual parts in this. You and Grim are the only ones whom know the situation as far as my side is concerned.” She quickly replied before she realized that there was a tick of pain coming from her. Enough to make the mage flinch, she then played it off in a way that had her question the way she mentioned. The maid simply stared with a completely confused, blank, blinking face. She wasn’t sure at all anymore what was going on, but she had pieced together that Jen had recently become pregnant, however she wasn’t sure what the rest meant at all. Ah, the joys of sheltered church teachings had left this maid completely oblivious to the ideas of genetic uniqueness. Frankly, on the topic itself, she had no idea what to really imply other than one question. “So, who’s the father?” Not to seem ignorant, but her not knowing many intimate detail over what occurred was so obvious. ”I will respect those wishes, but I don’t see why hiding it from Master Grim is so prevalent to you. Wouldn’t you prefer the father know. I’m sure he’d like to hear that he has a child on the way.” She looked down to the stomach where the baby would be inside her, then back up to Jen’s face.

    She was serious.

    ”Well, to answer your question Miss Jen, I don’t do much in my spare time. If I’m not doing things around the guild or out with others as a tag along, I attempt to spend time with Master Grim. If that fails, I end up just wandering about. I don’t have many hobbies anymore, so I don’t really get out much at all. However, that does bring me to a small story you might be interested in hearing.” She fixed herself up in her seat, looking around to see how close they were to the town. It wouldn’t be long now, however she was now prepared to be able to tell this to her without a worry of stopping part way through. ”Hearing your story got me a little excited to share in this. I’ve told and been allowed by the Queen to do such a thing, which only made me more elated to have done what I did.” She grew a big smile on her face. The old Madison in her, the kind spirited girl was shining through that smile and it was nice to get to do this.

    Clearing her throat, she toned down her smile and took in a good breath of air and exhaling before she began. ”So, one of my most recent tasks was that we needed more staff within the guild to keep up with the influx of members recently. So, I had been connected to an underground black market with an auction about. Of course, showing up in my maid outfit gave many people confused, but I digress. So, among the people up for auction was someone whom I recognized at first glance. A childhood friend whom had been somehow placed up for auction. Well, I wasted no time in keeping bid for her, in the end winning. With a couple others afterward at a much cheaper stake than this girl, I came to confirm my suspicions. The girl whom I fought over to buy was indeed my childhood friend and in hearing her story after she was adopted and lost touch, she was ecstatic to hear that not only would she not have to worry about going to a place where she would be used like a tool or property, but that I’d arranged for her to become my personal assistant.” She had regained the previous smile she carried before she began the story. Despite all she’s tried to do to bury herself in the trenches of evil and all it’s for, the more she found herself being he angel among devils and she was content to be so. ”The others will be treated just the same as our other maids. As their boss, I look out for them like a mother, though I am younger still than some of the women there.”

    Giving a small nod to herself, she then leaned in some and she was tempted to reach for Jen’s hand, however she retracted the thought and decided to just clasp her fingers together before she spoke up again. ”Please, should you ever need to speak or anything again. Just to vent your feelings, you can find me in the guild almost all the time. If I’m not easily available, any of the maids can get a hold of me. It took me so long to learn that not everyone is evil because they want to be, but because their pasts have pushed them there or they have no choice but to. So if I can be of help in making their lives seem more worthwhile, I’ll be that friend that they need.”

    1347 words
    4501/8000 personal words
    7466/16000 total words


    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

    Alt Account- A-Rank- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Medeia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lioness Take-Over
    Second Skill: Fire-Make
    Third Skill:

    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Re: Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by Jennifer Ford 25th January 2020, 1:52 pm

    [Insert monster roll]


    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Webp_n10

    Posts : 23945
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    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Re: Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by NPC 25th January 2020, 1:52 pm

    The member 'Jennifer Ford' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) OdAaNwh Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) R2fEWNz Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) R2fEWNz Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) NXDHjfc Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) R2fEWNz Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) OdAaNwh Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) OdAaNwh Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) OdAaNwh Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) OdAaNwh Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) OdAaNwh
    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

    Alt Account- A-Rank- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Medeia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lioness Take-Over
    Second Skill: Fire-Make
    Third Skill:

    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Re: Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by Jennifer Ford 25th January 2020, 7:09 pm

    Name: Jen Ford

    Rank: A

    HP: 650/650

    MP: 650/650

    Jen felt something of a closeness with Sanguine after they had shared their pasts with one another. Although she seemed to be curious as to whether Sanguine knew that Grim was the aforementioned father of the child. "Well, I just don't want things to become complicated between Grim and I. After all, this one's hers. And before you ask, magic was involved. Now that we've spent a fair amount of time bonding, perhaps we should get back to the task at hand?"

    Jen felt that they had spoken enough to learn a fair deal of information about one another already, she was ready to get to what she did best, and had figured out how to do so without taking many risks to the life she carried with her. "Oh, but I will need you to teach me at least a little sign language on the way back. It would help a lot when communicating with Cameron. And seriously, stop calling me Miss. It makes me feel funny. I honestly feel more like your sister than anything that would demand such titles when we have so much in common."

    She smiled lightly as the cart pulled up to the location where they had been asked to eradicate the lost souls. As Jen stepped out, she got a little fired up. The dead had a peculiar smell that she had grown accustomed to. "Right then, let's take care of business." She smirked as she stepped forward to take a look around. She could smell them, and she wrinkled her nose to show this, but she couldn't sense most of them. There were, however, a few demon signatures that she could easily parse, and they seemed rather hostile.

    "Well now, looks like some of this is my mess anyway. I could swear that I told these idiots not to cause too much trouble up here. Oh well, guess there's no helping it now. They had their chance." There were three hellfire demons that she could sense, and they were weak compared to her, but she felt that it was better not to risk too much. "Lucian, Leona, I might need some assistance from you." The two key spirits popped up behind her post haste before she started giving them directions. "Alright, you two, this is a simple job. Kill everything, leave no survivors. Is that clear?"

    They both nodded in approval before heading off in separate directions. "Oh, and Sanguine, I do hope that we can have more opportunities to talk like this, it was nice. Plus, there are times where I feel like I could use some advice. Actually, I was wondering how much you know about Medeia. See, I was thinking about getting a certain something for her, but I want to make sure it's the right size, and I want to try and figure out a good way to present it to her." There also seemed to be one human with an unusual energy signature, from what she could detect at this point.

    They seemed much stronger than the demons, but Jen felt that the demons were her personal responsibility, due to her being in line to inherit her grandfather's throne. "I can detect a few demons and a human with an unusual signature. I'll deal with the demons personally, if you would like to take the human yourself." After waiting for a response to some of what she had said, Jen took off without wasting another moment. While this was a job that she wouldn't have minded prolonging, she understood that time was short, and that this issue could spread if they took too long.

    She dispatched her wolves as she changed into her take over form, confident that they could handle a few undead enemies on their own. She, on the other hand, made a beeline directly towards one of the demonic signatures. Upon meeting up with them, she was surprised to see a reasonably attractive female. "Well now, what's a treat like you doing in a place like this?" They seemed startled by her sudden appearance. "Who are you? How did you find this place?!" Jen giggled a bit before introducing herself. "Jen Ford, granddaughter of Lucifer, and next in line for his throne.

    As for how, it was pretty obvious that something was going on here. I could have sworn that you lot were under orders not to cause too much trouble up here. Makes us look bad when we draw attention to ourselves. So, here's the deal, You help me find your two companions, and I'll let you, specifically you, live to serve Queen Saraphina of the guild Errings Rising. It's much better than the alternative."
    The demoness stuttered a bit as she stumbled backwards into a wall. "There are more than two of us. But yes, I will assist you." Jen couldn't hold back a smirk when she was met with such compliance. "Wonderful, and your name?"

    The woman seemed to lighten up a bit as she finally introduced herself. "Selina, your faithful servant." Once again, Jen chuckled as she stepped forward, and gently grasped the woman's chin with her prosthetic hand. "You need not fear. You will be taken care of quite well. Now lead the way." The woman did as she was bid, leading Jen to one of her companions, a male, and he seemed rather perturbed by the presence of one that he did not recognize.

    A shame he did not recognize or detect her sooner. This meant that either he lacked the ability to detect magic, or had simply not been vigilant enough. The third, however, found her after she had dispatched his comrade. "So, what does Lucifer's heiress have in store for us today?" He asked rather casually, implying that he had such a right to begin with. Jen showed no mercy as she tore him apart one limb at a time. "Only what you have brought upon yourself. You had your orders. Why were they not followed?"

    Word Count: 1,000

    Personal Word Count: 4,028/8,000

    Total Word Count: 8,466/16,000


    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Webp_n10

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
    Position : None
    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,079,142

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Re: Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by Sanguine 29th January 2020, 2:28 pm

    The baby was... hers? What was that supposed to mean? Perhaps she just meant that she was the surrogate mother holding a child that was Grim’s and some male whom she wanted to bare children with? No, that couldn’t be it... why would she go to a stranger than ask her own maid of something with such importance? The whole situation was both troubling and confusing at the same time, however the idea of magic being involved meant nothing to the maid. She couldn’t see how magic being involved would change anything about how this child came to be in Jen’s stomach, but alas, here they were. ”Umm... I guess if you say so, Miss Jennifer.” She replied with a shrug.

    It wasn’t ok. Honestly, she had no idea how to comprehend the idea. She was willing to stop the conversation in order to cease from any complications arising from badgering the blonde. ”My upbringing paired with my years of servitude have kinda shaped how I speak to anyone. It’s merely a hard to break habit, but I’ll try. And please, do not equate me to family. As nice as that may sound, I’ve had my heart broken too many times with families through my life to see how pretending you have one now can work.” The gloomy look of sadness crossed her expression, laying her eyes out of her window. Too many adoptive and even her own biological family had left her through her life, so how could she possibly think she could have one now?

    Albeit bursting from their ride upon reaching the town, Jen took the initiative to pounce off into the town like a blood hound on a hot trail. The head maid simply let out a sigh being left in the dust as it were. Tending to only whatever was left wasn’t her style. She was out for some fresh food as it were anyway. But now? She’d be lucky if it were room temperature. ”I suppose I should keep my eye on that one... Though, you can come out of hiding at any time.” She started out speaking to herself aloud until she began to raise her voice, her eyes settling on a spot near their carriage. It wasn’t that she sensed anything. No, they were good at doing that, but there was one thing giving them away; their shadow. A cowering male peeked over the edge to see the maid with her arms folded at her chest. Slowly, he hesitantly came closer to her before he realized that Sanguine wasn’t one of those demons or a possessed townsperson.

    “Thank god you’re not one of them! Please, get some help for us!”
    ”Am I nor my guildmate good enough?”
    “N-N-No! Th-The guy there is nuts! He-He is trying to warp all the girls into more than just the mindless things he’s making of them!”
    ”I think I have the gist of what you’re telling me. It doesn’t matter. He’ll be nothing when I and my companion are finished. Now leave.”
    “But wait! M-My wife and kids are-“

    He paused at the sight of her glaring down at him, her eyes feral and nearly glowing. He simply began to scramble over his own feet before finally getting the footing and starting to run. Then, a small smirk lit her face. Something grabbed hold of the scared males ankle and began to drag him back. He would then he lifted up into the air until he hug upside down face-to-face with Sanguine. ”Though I may not be one of them, I do have my own needs. So, I think a little breakfast is in order.” Another section of her hair would wrap around the males mouth and jaw, yanking it and holding it in place while she was able to lean in and bite into his neck, piercing the skin and beginning to drain his entire body of blood rapidly, all the while her slightly audible gulps and his weakening struggling elating her hunger even more. Once she was done, she would toss his body aside like trash and lick her lips, humming like a happy child. ”Nice and warm~ Let’s see why else this town has to offer me today, shall we?” With wings sprouting out from her back, she gave one powerful push before she took off into the air, soaring over the skies of Oak Town with ample sights over Jen’s battle as it ensued, tempted to lend a hand or join her even, she wanted to see how competent of a person she brought along. If she died, then as sad as that would be, it would know the girl wasn’t up for a task like this at all.

    Continuing her flight along, the silver haired slayer stopped in her tracks as she was met with some unlikely company; flying demons. Not unheard of, but nothing she really expected to see, either. ”A little birdie paid us a visit boys! Fresh smell of blood, too.” The front of the group had spoken up, leaving the other three behind him to snicker like a band of idiots. ”What’s a sweet looking thing like yourself doing in a place like this?” He asked, slowly hovering himself toward her. ”I’d saving the flirting, less you want that to be your last words.” She replied, moving one hand close to her mouth, biting into her index finger while otherwise staying still. ”Ohh, a feisty one. Maybe the boss will let us keep her as is if we brought her to-”

    Splattering came as a drop of blood had been fired from the tip of her finger, piercing his skull and brain, then exiting and splattering his brains over the friends that rallied behind him. The lifeless corpse dropped out of the sky almost instantly, plummeting down to the earth where it would crash right into the ground where Jen would be fighting. ”He talked too much. Next?” Her eyes followed his body until her question had been asked aloud. The others began to cower a little, but after quickly looking over one another had gotten it into their heads to bum rush her. A grin formed on the Demi-dragoness’ face and without any hesitation, had begun to sound as though she were beginning to form a large chunk of mucus to spit out, when as it left her mouth had been a large spraying of acid. Without much thinking or preparation the right way, she stopped the spray suddenly as the dissolving bodies began to fall to the ground, but as did the leftover acid. ”Shoot!” She quickly took off towards the ground where she would tackle Jen onto the ground and covering her body with her own when the falling acid would crash down onto the ground, over top of the maid and leaving no time to even speak in the moment.

    Silence. No voices spoke up in the moment after the action she took. The only sound around was the sizzling of the acid that she had laid about the area. Climbing off of the blonde, she didn’t realize what so ever that her own acid had eaten through her hair and clothes like nothing, leaving burnt skin and clothes that would begin to slide from her body. ”Well... I suppose that could have gone worse. I deeply apologize about that, but I failed to realize the physics in my attack and I simply acted.” Giving a light shaking of her head, her hair had regrown and healed quickly from her own acid burns. As did the rest of her body. ”I should have kept to a maid uniform. As least those are acid proof...” She commented, shedding the clothing off like nothing. With it, hair would wrap around her body, forming a silver colored attire. ”I guess it’s good I still am able to control my own hair as I can. But, most importantly, are you ok, Mistress Jennifer? Did I hurt you in any way? Physically at least?” She asked, her hands dusting off the blonde while waiting for the answer to assure she hopefully didn’t hurt her.

    Meanwhile, groaning sounds began to fill the area, watching as a group of possessed civilians had come out of the alleys, streets, even buildings and moving slowly in towards the pair.

    1387 words
    5888/8000 personal words
    9853/16000 total words


    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

    Alt Account- A-Rank- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
    Guild : Guildless
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Medeia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lioness Take-Over
    Second Skill: Fire-Make
    Third Skill:

    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Re: Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by Jennifer Ford 29th January 2020, 10:44 pm

    Name: Jen Ford

    Rank: A

    HP: 650/650

    MP: 650/650

    One moment Jen was having her fun, hunting down the demons who had been foolish enough to disobey orders. In the next, she had found herself on her back, with a pleasant surprise atop her. And in another, she saw Sanguine, whom she considered something like a sister, in pain, caused by her own attack. As Jen watched Sanguine recover, she couldn't help but be pleased with her own view, however. She made sure to save the image in her head before the maid magically re-clothed herself.

    "You know, if it's simply a matter of top or bottom, I don't mind taking the bottom." She couldn't help but smirk as Sanguine seemed to fret needlessly over her. "I'm fine, relax, and to be honest, I can definitely say that you at least appear to be. But I am a bit worried. For you to go out of your way like that for me, or rather, for you to have to do that, it means that I was not paying attention to my surroundings, which is unacceptable. I hope you can forgive that. Still, I do hope we can continue at some later point. After all, you did manage to get a rise out of me. Trust me, you could make a piece of string look good."

    She was still smirking as she finished recovering. While the maid wasn't exactly the lightest person that Jen had met, she didn't want to complain, as that could be taken as an insult. Besides, she had gotten a good view, which would drive her forward as she started walking towards a particularly pungent odor that seemed nearby. "One thing I've always hated about the dead. They have no consideration for the sensitivities of the living." She smiled widely, nearly splitting her own face in two as she found her target, a skeletal looking creature with ice protruding from it's body at regular points.

    "Well now, it would seem that my grandfather has favored us today. Perhaps I should thank him the next time that I see him." She held up a hand and three wolves appeared in front of her, before charging directly at the wraith. It felt as though there might be one or two more in the immediate area. But, after a while, and after her three wolves had done their job masterfully, Jen could only smell what was on it's way towards them. Another group of enemies was drawing near. Lucian had been dealing with a wraith himself, and had actually been in a prime position to see Sanguine tackle Jen out of the way of her own attack. He seemed displeased, but could not afford to lose focus in the middle of his own fight.

    He too could feel that there were more where these had come from, and that this was only the welcoming committee. As for Leona, she happened to come across what appeared to be a human, but this human seemed to be radiating magical energy on a level beyond what Jen or Sanguine could put out by themselves. She had to be careful about this one. As she retreated, she let out a low whistle, to signal that she had found an opponent that she could not handle on her own. When Jen and Lucian had finished with their wraiths, they made their way towards her. If Sanguine were to follow along, the human had long black hair, and an immense aura, and appeared visibly female.

    They didn't seem to speak though, instead simply launching a fireball directly at Leone, whom Jen pushed out of the way, crossing her arms in front of her as she took the attack. Luckily for her, Fire was her specialty. "Oh, you want a firefight, do ya? That's fine! Let's fight fire with fire!" Raising her hand once more, six wolves seemed to materialize into existence, or rather, six fiery figures that had the appearance and movements of wolves, and could even sound like them. Jen didn't even need to control them. They each rushed towards the human target, and circled around them as the human launched more attacks at Jen.

    That was the opening, and Jen's wolf pack was not merciful, tearing into her, which caused a shrill cry that Jen relished, laughing maniacally for a few seconds as she felt the target's fears being realized. It gave her a rush like nothing else for the few moments before the wolf-like constructs exploded, leaving nothing but a burn mark where the human had once stood. Jen was excited now, and was loving this job that Sanguine had asked her to come along on. "I'll have to thank you for this later. It's been a while since I could really cut loose. I have no doubt in my mind that this is going to be incredibly fun." She was feeling the exhilaration from the recent kill, riding it for a bit before trying to find another target. Unfortunately, what was coming next had yet to arrive.

    "They sure are taking their time in getting here. Maybe we should go to them instead? I bet I can take out more of them than you can. Tell you what. How about we make this a little interesting? If I kill less than you do, I'll wear a modified butler's outfit for a while, and even act as one." She said this before taking off in the vague direction of whatever it was that she could faintly sense, although she wasn't certain as to what it was at the time. Lucian and Leone followed her, feeling it might be best to stick with their master until they knew what they were facing. This was turning out to be a rather eventful day for Jen and her key spirits. They were able to see just how far they could go with their abilities, as well as work with the head maid of Errings Rising. It was certainly what Jen could call a good day.

    Word Count: 1,000

    Personal Word Count: 5,028/8,000

    Total Word Count: 10,853/16,000


    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Webp_n10

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    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Re: Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by NPC 29th January 2020, 10:44 pm

    The member 'Jennifer Ford' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) OdAaNwh Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) NXDHjfc Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) OdAaNwh Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) OdAaNwh Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) NXDHjfc Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) OdAaNwh Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) OdAaNwh Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) OdAaNwh Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) OdAaNwh Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) NXDHjfc

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    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Re: Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by Sanguine 6th February 2020, 7:57 pm

    Just the fact that it seemed Jennifer wasn't hurt put a small smile to her face. Being that her choice few words after was to make a lewd comment that even someone like Sanguine could understand was a bit better for the sake of conversation, however the maid just chuckled and shook her head at the girl beating herself up a little verbally. "No, ma'am. It's on me and it's my job to look after you all as it is, so consider it part of my job. Besides, acid does not affect me nearly as much, let alone my own and beyond that, pain is something I feel very little of at this point in my life. It's a blessing in some cases considering my blood magic mostly requires me to use my own open wounds to do things. However, I digress." She began to smile happily toward the blonde guild mate in a bit of a cheerful manner. "So long as you're alright, that's all that matters, is it not?" She asked, not expecting much of an answer, but it wouldn't bother her if one was given anyway.

    Groans and shifting gravel in the dragging of feet brought Sanguine's attention to the backside of her mission companion. While Jen began to summon forth wolves to fight by her side, the head maids "suit" retracted away from her hands and forearms as well as her feet and legs up to her knees. The flesh would begin to shed and peel away until what was left were pure black scales, talons sharp looking enough that they could possibly carve bone like a hot knife through butter. With wings already still expanded, their appearance unscathed from the acid bath she received before, she used them like a peacock effect, gathering the attention of the horde of citizens to appear before them. Trailing them seemed to be some more wraiths much like she had previously seen in the air, helping to guide the possessed towards the pair. At least, that was the first thing that came to her mind, however they couldn't be the ones controlling them. At least not without invading the bodies themselves.

    What seemed to be the easiest method of attack was to distance herself from Jen, as not to inconvenience the summoner while she set up her next move. Making no rash movements or speedy bull rushing into this group, the maid had waited for the wild woman to end up injecting herself into the fight while the possessed being still continued to work their way toward her, the wraiths held themselves back for now. After a few more steps, Sanguine felt it to be a decent place to freeze and let the enemies do the rest of the work. Moving in closer and closer, she made no attempt at any form of movement until all of the possessed few got within range. Breaking through the ground were long, silver colored chain looking lengths that connected all around until it had stopped. A dome formed of this had surrounded her and looking down, she smirked seeing a parted section of her hair burrowed into the ground. The hair made dome was transparent for quite a bit as the dome simply looked like a chained arena.

    From the top of the dome came down nearly equal sized lengths of the maids ever growing hair. They wrapped around each of the possessed citizens necks and yanked them up into the air. Struggling and squirming in the air, her eyes glanced over at each of them as she began to grin mischievously at the sight. It was.. strangely satisfying to watch them all frantically trying to get free while being strangled to death. But... she was easily growing bored of it. Giving just a sigh, she snapped her fingers and the body began to descend quickly before a harsh yank up, snapping nearly in sync with one another. The strangling vines of hair retracted back into the dome surrounding her, at which time the bodies dropped to the ground and wild eyes glaring down. One on hand, she felt bad at the sight of innocent people whom done nothing wrong being used and thrown away... but there was this creeping thought in her mind that had been accruing for years. One that was beginning to change her views of people around her whom did not share the views of the guild or of herself. That side showed itself right in the eyes of each corpse. One with a lack of empathy for the weakness of the humans whom couldn't withstand the power of some weak, pathetic loser who couldn't fight their own fights.

    That was the mindset the maid had become in this moment. Nothing to last, however something that would surely carry over until this whole ordeal was through.

    The maid continued to remain where she stood, but she was far from over. The wraiths that looked on from the distance began to move closer and around her for that matter. Slowly surrounding the maid was a good tactic... if they wanted to die. The dome around her began to disassemble until it burrowed back into the ground and then to the hole of origin. Holding her hand out, palm side up, Sanguine had pulled blood from each of the few dead bodies around her as well as some of her own from the spaces between her scaled arm into a ball of blood colored blood. The blood would begin to float around her body and suddenly fire outward in one forceful type of explosion, hitting each of the wraiths and slicing them in half. "Erbärmliche feiglinge..." She said aloud, not caring for the fact she may have been overheard by Jen.

    Translation: Pathetic cowards
    961 words
    6849/8000 personal words
    11,814/16000 total words


    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) JwEY1nx

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    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Re: Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by NPC 6th February 2020, 7:57 pm

    The member 'Sanguine' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) R2fEWNz Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) PzArA86 Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) NXDHjfc Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) OdAaNwh Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) PzArA86 Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) OdAaNwh Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) OdAaNwh Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) NXDHjfc Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) OdAaNwh Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) OdAaNwh
    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

    Alt Account- A-Rank- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Villain- Player 
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    Second Skill: Fire-Make
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    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Re: Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by Jennifer Ford 28th April 2020, 10:08 pm

    Name: Jen Ford

    Rank: A

    HP: 650/650

    MP: 650/650

    It was taking Jen some time to find something else to fight when she sensed a demonic presence unlike those that she had already come across. It was upon her before she had time to blink, and yet it did not attack. She looked at it, noting that it was a particularly strong demon. And yet, something felt not quite right. Why would such a strong entity refrain from harming it's prey or predator when it had a perfectly good opportunity to do so? Her answer came within a matter of seconds, and it was one that set her blood boiling in a manner that she could usually keep control of.

    However, this being, having the gall to laugh in her face, it had almost instantly pushed her over the edge. Little did she know that the same was happening over where Sanguine was hunting her own game. The same entity had shown up, and laughed in her face before departing, seeming to fade out of existence. After the being's departure, a pillar of dark light could be seen rising from where Jen was. Something about being mocked the way she had just been had set her off, and re-awoken something within her.

    It was her pride, as a woman, as a mage, and as a demon. Black bat-like wings unfurled from her back as her hair seemed to grow in length, and her irises took on a reddish hue. This was a different side of Jen, a darker side, and one that had less to do with magic and more to do with her heritage. She was a direct descendant of Lucifer, and next in his royal line. She was not about to let some demonic pond scum that she had never heard of laugh at her in such a manner and get away with it.

    No, she would not, could not, let this stand. To do so would be an insult to her family, as well as her pride, and she could not stomach that. She let out a shout of unbridled rage as she tore off in the direction of the nearest group of enemies, and proceeded to tear them limb from limb without mercy, without any hint of relenting. This being, whoever they were, had pushed a button that she was honor bound to make them regret pushing. There would be no forgiveness for this sacrilege. This carnage was followed by several resounding thuds as Jen continued forward, her energy building up as she marched towards her goal.

    Buildings were becoming less of an obstacle for her, and her key summons quaked in fear, knowing exactly what this massive spike in her energy signature was as they fell back to join Sanguine and offer their assistance while making sure not to get in the way of her attacks. Whatever this unknown entity called itself, it had brought upon itself the full wrath of one who had known pain, who had known sorrow, who had known a darkness that few could even comprehend. It would not survive this ordeal, it was already dead, it simply did not know it yet. A dark aura swirled around the succubus as she pressed on, with a rage that would not be easily quelled. Jen's hair seemed to spike up down the center of the back section, creating something similar to a mane as she entered her full take over form.

    This would be a day that none involved would be likely to forget, no matter how much they might wish to do so. The shouts made by Jen at regular intervals were enough to cause most of the enemies to freeze in their tracks, making them easier to deal with. Only it seemed more like the roar of a lioness or a demon, or perhaps both at the same time, as Jen's vocal chords flexed in a way that the average mortal would have trouble with under natural circumstances. She was practically feral at this point, and it would take quite some time for her to regain her senses. It was unlikely to happen before they dealt with the one leading this excuse for a troop. This would take some effort to control. Jen had allowed her baser instincts to take over while she focused on only one thing, making certain that she would never again be mocked in such a manner.

    Her wolves were set upon anything and anyone who would cross her path, and her Summons would be certain to tell Sanguine of the indiscriminate nature that Jen exhibited when she was like this. "Miss Sanguine, Jen rarely gets like this, but when she does, it is often best to stay behind her, so as to avoid getting caught in the crossfire. She doesn't exactly identify friends or foes in this state." They had seen this few times, but knew all too well the destruction left in her wake when they did. "It's not that we are underestimating you, we just happen to know that if she were to hurt you, and find out about it afterwards, she would most likely regret doing so."

    There was very little that the two summons could do except for warning Sanguine and taking out some of the stragglers. Still, they would do that at least, so as to feel a little less insignificant compared to their master. This was going to be a long day for them. The constructs created by Jen seemed to be glowing with a dark hue to them, signifying the demonic energy that had been pumped into them upon their creation, essentially making them that much more deadly to those that Jen saw as her enemies. Unfortunately, as her summons had made clear already, anyone in her path could be seen as an enemy, and they would attack anything designated as such. This being had brought upon itself the full wrath of one of the top denizens of the underworld, and that was something that the average person did not invoke lightly.

    Word Count: 1,005

    Jen Word Count: 6,033/8,000
    Total Word Count: 12,819/16,000


    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Webp_n10

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
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    Posts : 592
    Guild : Errings Rising
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    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
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    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Re: Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by Sanguine 1st May 2020, 12:56 pm

    The small bit of carnage around her had meant nothing. She cared little for anything that the acts of her slowly deteriorating mind had its eyes lay upon. Everything was dying for one reason or another and the slayer cared little if at all for that. She had no care or worry for anything going on right now. There was a need to smoke out her for and she would do whatever it took to do so. Whether it was for the sake of the mission or to sate some growing amusement in her about the idea of slaughtering whatever, wherever mattered not to the maid. A job was a job and she made sure to put all that she was taught to use when it came to such a thing. When it came to the task at hand, Nightmare planted it in her head that those above her set these goals and one must accomplish them in order to receive any praise of accomplishment. The fact they were settling in her mind and put into act had only fueled this anger, however there was a whole portion of town to take this out on.

    She had plenty of time to be able to change her ways if she chose to, but for too long had she felt that she was. Pushed away by humanity and the very world she was reared in. How could she possibly sit back in that world again just to help a few that saw the good in her? That was all erased from the moment that musician and Grim took her away. Granted, she could have tried to leave but something inside of her made her believe that she had to feel accepted. She didn’t know Grim at all then, but the woman took her in. Sure, she teased and embarrassed her while forcing her to commit heinous acts that the younger part of herself found to be unfathomable and cause to go to hell. The Sanguine now would probably see that to be a blessing in disguise, perhaps able to see her mother again. Perhaps she could soon enough, however if even she would leave her, why should she try to seek out someone whom wouldn’t want her?

    Such is life. Grim’s disappearance from Helheim, both of her parents, every adopted parent that she ever had... all of it in a way began to break her in a strange way. Not even the way that the then Madison was good at with scholarly aspects of her life, she was have the interaction any normal child had. It broke her, in essence. To seek out the approval of an authority figure was among her highest point and it mattered not to her at this point who it was so long as she would be credited for it. Sanguine? She hated that name. She truly did. It was a name forced upon her and one she had spent years to only go by, that had it not of been for her unique mental traits, would by this point have never remembered her old name. Reduced to the name of an experiment like a lab rat was the last straw in her chances of retaking the possibility of human approval she seemed atop the parental or authoritarian type.

    Her eyes trained upon the bodies in front of her, she kept to her own thoughts and remained still, only to feel a sharp pain pierce through her right shoulder. She made no expression, only to look down at a spear shaped shadow poking through her chest, dripping slowly with black blood. The blood slayer continued to stare, saying not a word when a deep voice spoke from behind her. With it, chains jingled and upon turning around, the sight of a demon dragging along several possessed citizens had come into her view. Standing in front of them had been a strange being. His face was that of a skull, a crown atop his head and the wardrobe of a flashy drag queen. With a small sigh, the maid grabbed hold of the spear and pulled the spear through her body until the entire length was out and then squeezed until the darkness of the whole thing burst.

    “All five of you. Go kill her.”
    “5? But master, why do I have to do-“
    “Are you defying me, minion?”
    “N-No, sir...”

    A demon and this thing, the presumable lich if she had to guess came to carry a rather dark conversation. It brought her back to the first time that she went on a job with Grim. When Sanguine refused to obey anything willingly, forced to do so by that damned chip in her head. It needn’t bother her now, but it did. The feeling of powerlessness had consumed her, wrapped in anger as she appeared as though she held herself together, she waited until the first possessed human came near and grabbed him by the throat, dragging him over and then tearing their throat out, tossing it aside and then moving to the next one. A short haired woman whom also was snatched up with quick ease before a clawed hand snatched hold of her black hair, pulling so hard that the head ripped from the neck, the now decapitated body falling to the ground. She cared not for how she killed them, she was venting her anger and past frustrations. That’s how she always fought since she took it into her own hands. She pushed out this anger into a means to feel better.

    Jen’s spirits came forward, warning the maid about her current angering outbreak. At this point, she had fallen silent from the festered anger needing to be let out, she simply stared quietly. They didn’t mean any disrespect in what they said and the slayer believed it. Sometimes one can get caught up in trying to warn others that they aren’t one hundred percent aware of what comes out of their mouth or how it may be interpreted by the other party. However, if Jen truly had become out of control, she didn’t care at this moment. If it meant making the job easier to let her destroy half the town... maybe she could join in destroying the other half! ”So be it.” She spoke up, coming to terms with her thought. ”We’ll level this entire damned town if it means completing this job. I have no care anymore today. I will subdue her in due time, but until then, just monitor her and make sure she doesn’t leave it.” Those were her orders, and the look of malice and authority in her slitted pupils showed she meant every word.

    She turned away from the spirits, dismissing them from her sight and care now. With her back to them, she acted as though they no longer existed so they could get to the task she gave and refocus on the job at hand. Another two civilians began to ran towards her. With no care left in her anymore, the Demi-dragoness imitated the action of “hocking a luge” or just spitting up a glob of mucus. Whichever seemed to be an easier use of imagery, the head maid spat this ball out of her mouth, at which time it began to expand out, growing in size as the acidic properties recolored it a sickly green color and it hit the two civilians, knocking them back into the demon whom led them along. All three screamed as the acid began to eat away at them, slowly dissolving in the acidic pool until finally the screams stopped. Both Sanguine and the lich stared at this scene for a good moment with very different expressions on their faces.

    ”Peek-a-boo.” She suddenly spoke up, gaining the Lich’s attention as she swung a fist coated in the trail of blood from her wound. Making contact with his face caused the blood to explode, which left Sanguine without a scratch, however the Lich was sent back from the momentum of her fist combined with the force of the blast, cratering into the wall of a business that was right near them. The type that simply always had to have very sturdy walls to hold the building tight. ”Don’t make this boring, you pathetic excuse for a being. Ich fordere eine Herausforderung!” She shouted out, not caring how loud or conserved she had been before. The adrenaline was pumping so much for her that she wanted to continue to feed herself this feeling.

    Translation note: “I demand a challenge!”

    1422 words
    8271/8000 personal word count
    14,241/16,000 total word count


    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme
    Jennifer Ford
    Jennifer Ford

    Alt Account- A-Rank- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Achiever- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Villain- Player 
    Lineage : Lucifer's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 207
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    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 32
    Mentor : Medeia
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Lioness Take-Over
    Second Skill: Fire-Make
    Third Skill:

    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Re: Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by Jennifer Ford 12th May 2020, 9:11 pm

    Name: Jen Ford

    Rank: A

    HP: 650/650

    MP: 650/650

    Jen still hadn't regained her senses, and her summons were beginning to fear that she might be stuck in this feral state. As Sanguine started a fight with the Lich, Jen was still taking out some of his minions on her way to him. After she demanded a challenge, there would be a resounding boom to her left, followed by another...and another, and several more until a nearby wall seemed to crumble. Jen wasn't going to let her have all the fun. No, she had been humiliated for the last time, and she was going to make the Lich pay for that, in blood.

    There were no words left in her, and her anger had driven her far past her boiling point as she channeled all of her magical energy into her fists. She jetted towards the lich with blinding speed, and delivered a short uppercut to his abdominal region, but she didn't want to kill him just yet. No, that was too good for him. Instead she would only hit him hard enough to make him feel an intense pain. There was an unnatural smirk on her face afterwards, as if she were enjoying this torturous act. This was followed by a light but fast quick to his head before she started laughing a bit.

    It was the type of laugh that one might expect from someone who had gone off the reservation, so to speak. She licked some of the residual demon blood off her claws as she walked towards the lich, standing over him before punching him yet again, in much the same way as before. Realization began to dawn on him. Were these two really going to kill him? He sensed the same capacity for evil in them as he did in himself, so why would they want to do that? What he failed to realize was that he had failed to get some sort of authorization from one of the dark guilds before doing what he did, and that was just something that could not be allowed.

    After all, he was in Fiore and probably encroaching on someone else's territory. Jen was certainly enjoying herself as she toyed with the lich, aiming only to inflict pain, not to kill. No, killing him would be a mercy, and she was all out of that. She was doing this to teach him to either respect or fear her, because she would not suffer that same humiliation ever again. Her eyes were glowing red, and she was still engulfed in a dark aura.

    The laughter continued throughout this torture, until the Lich did something that she did not expect. It was actually begging her to be merciful. This angered Jen beyond any measure of reason, and she would most certainly show this mercy that the lich was asking for. Again her summons pleaded for Sanguine to not get in the way of Jen. It was a request that would likely fall on deaf ears, but they made it anyway.

    Word Count: 501

    Jen Word Count: 6,534

    Total Word Count: 14,742/16,000


    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Webp_n10

    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Hybrid Birthright
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    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Blood God Slayer (Lacrima)
    Second Skill: Hair Manipulation Magic
    Third Skill:

    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) Empty Re: Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job)

    Post by Sanguine 21st May 2020, 12:31 pm

    Both of the mental fortitudes of both mages had certainly begun to show the more it ate away. Both in varying degrees of control and reasons, it seemed to be becoming that Jennifer couldn’t keep herself together when she lost control of herself, meanwhile Sanguines sat by reflecting on her past and using it to fuel that of her magical abilities. Perhaps she could end up like the blonde if she hadn’t had the constant scent of blood to keep her mind wound up in a bit of hunger. After getting through a stage of insatiable hunger, she had been able to bring herself to a more stable mindset. And in a situation such as this, it was probably a blessing that she were the one in control. Still, Sanguine had to keep herself in the game mentally. She wasn’t just here to protect that of Jen, but she had a unborn child to care for and the head maid would not let harm come to that if she could help it.

    With a new mindset of being mission oriented, she had to try and push through her anger. At the very least, to refocus it and channel it into a more constructive and destructive manner in order to see that everything was done correctly. It wasn’t much to say that she was surprised to have realized the member she took to accompany her ended up succumbing to some form of a mental psychosis in a small breakdown of sorts and went off the reservation.... but it helped. It kept others busy in a way that she were able to focus on the Lich. Well, that would be the case if it were not for the Lich taking it under his own case to antagonize the blonde and incite her wrath to an immeasurable level. This dark, demonic aura of a stench radiated around her body and it had begun to almost incite fear in the Lich. What was once a cocky and all powerful being was now cowering before the punch happy blonde for mercy. All of which... only worsened.

    Meanwhile, the head maid took the time to watch. She could step in and stop her, but in the long run she couldn’t see there being any need. Arms folded just under her chest, the head maid watched on with an uncaring gaze while the Lich continued to plead. The spirits of Jen’s doing the same, but instead it was towards the maid that she not have second thoughts of trying to intervene. Honestly, this was entertaining to watch to say the least and she had no issues really with wanting to step in the way of a nice show, except for some popcorn... but, a nice dead, blood filled body was a VERY good alternative! It seemed to be her lucky day as well, as a small wandering group of demons had come around, following the trail of carnage the two Errings Rising members had left and stumbled upon the maid standing by a pair of spirits that seemed to be more afraid looking than anything.

    They looked to one another before mischievous grins had formed on their faces. They hadn’t been noticed and so they snuck back behind the wall while they began to whisper their plan to one another and coordinated well to ambush them. Maybe if they succeeded, the Lich would empower them for it! A few snarky chuckles left the demons as they finalized their plan and broke from their small, hidden huddle in order to execute this plan. Then, one felt something drip on its head. Then another. A second felt the same, but this one began to burn, a second following up just like before. More droplets fell to the ground between the group in one spot before they finally looked up to see what was going on. As the group would look up, the maid floated above them, her hands dripping with both blood and acid from either hand. As fire bore into one hand of the group, she simply snapped her fingers and watched as the blood on the ground and on that particular demon had exploded. Body parts, blood, and so much more splattered along the area and into the same street that Jen and the Lich were fighting in.

    Moving over through the air, the maid dropped herself down next to the blonde during the pleading cries of the Lich. She had given him a beating before Jennifer’s follow up of nearly pulverizing him into non existence. One scale and talon shaped hand gently rested on the blondes left shoulder, trying to show that she was there, but more so it was to distract her. See, in her time of watching, Sanguine had been inspecting the way the Lich had moving, as if he was trying to cover up something. It reminded her of something important. ”Mistress Jennifer, step back.” She demanded, no sound of care or question in her voice. If she didn’t step back on her own, she’d be pushed back by just a step or two, wanting her to still see what was going on. ”You see, Lich’s may cower, but he’s just trying to bide his time. They can constantly come back to life should you not destroy their phylactory. Otherwise, they will regenerate and eventually, you’ll die to their hands... so, allow me to help you.”

    She lied about helping, in a sense. She wasn’t going to help, she would be taking over. Her hair would begin to move and twist about until it formed into a large drill curl. Without any time to waste, she thrusted the long, curled hair into the chest and the “drill” would begin to churn. Through blood and bone churning and snapping, a shattering sound had popped up over the other sounds, at which time her hair had stopped. A scaled foot would reach up and push the corpse over. Withering away into dust, it left behind a single ring and his robed attire. With any hope, Jen would begin to calm herself down, but there was still one thing left that she had to address while they were out. Not a smirk came about as she had prepared herself for this, but she would turn to the blonde part of the way before she would deliver a swift, and hard back hand to the woman’s face. If she were caught enough off guard, she would potentially fall to the ground from the hit.

    ”Get a freaking grip on yourself!” She snapped, her eyes setting onto her with a near nerve pulsing glare from the amount of anger seething from the demi dragoness. She wrapped smaller parts of her hair around the wrists and ankles of Jennifer, just in the course she should try to fight back, she would only use them to pull them back and away from striking back, even one around her waist to keep her from lunging at the blood slayer. ”You listen the hell up and you listen good! You’re going to be a parent and you have that little amount of control over yourself!? You best learn to set your gosh darn priorities straight and put that child first or you’ll get one or both of you killed!” The topic was beginning to get to her, emotionally at least. Through her anger was nearly visible frustration. Seeing the way Jen recklessly fought despite her condition had hit her much differently than she thought. ”You’re going to live and love that child, and I will not sit idly by while you put the two of you at risk! So help me if you leave this child parentless, I will come to help to personally beat you so gosh darn badly you’ll never be able to move again!” The head maid would then toss the blonde a couple of feet back, letting her free and letting her hair return to its normal length. This was just so that she could be prepared should she try to attack anyway, or just give her room to breathe and regain her normal composure. ”Do I make myself clear, Jennifer?” There was still that hint of venom in her at the moment, refusing to drop the topic until the reality would hit this woman and she would see things from her perspective.

    1,395 words
    9,666/8000 personal word count
    16,137/16,000 total word count


    Lich’s and Witches! (Jen/Job) JwEY1nx

    CharacterMagicSecondaryTertiaryBankFight Theme

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:22 pm