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    Red Rings (job w/ Digit)


    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
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    Posts : 4936
    Guild : Errings Rising - GM
    Cosmic Coins : 545
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    Experience : 1,361,997

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Aspect of Divinity
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    Red Rings (job w/ Digit) Empty Red Rings (job w/ Digit)

    Post by Saraphina 11th September 2019, 8:56 pm

    The White Queen
    The white queen was glaring at herself in the mirror within her room of her castle on Mount Hakobe. No way was she going to go to some hot, sandy place! No! She refused! She hated the heat! But there were people of the law there… She let up a growl and slammed her hands on the vanity before her. Bertrand had come back with knowledge that Desierto was having an arena hidden in the desert lands that were apparently run by some of the local politicians there. She only heard word of it because her servant, Bertrand, was told about it from one of his friends in Desierto. He had been provided with information and a VIP pass to this arena after confronting his friend about Errings Rising and what they were all about. This person was also okay with the outcome of the job being less than savory to the masses. Probably because it was an illegal arena anyways.

    Her servants friend had apparently wanted them to save his nephew or whatever. Apparently he didn’t want him to die in this battle to the death deal or whatever… lame. She was going to go in and see if she could recruit more people for Errings Rising anyways. Yeah, she decided to do it. Her need to end the law and people binding others outweighed her hatred for the heat. She was going to start taking down Desierto. One little business at a time. Lawmakers were the devils. They deserved Hel, not Valhalla. She’ll kill them all. Those from Fiore, and those from Desierto. Her mark will be left in blood again. It was a beautiful thing before, so why not again. Spinning around, Saraphina swiftly exited her room. “Prepare a carriage for me.” She tells her servants as she walks out of the room.


    Typically the young queen wore dresses wherever she went, but as this was a new place, she didn’t think her dress would be suitable for once. That, and she still had lingering words over her head about her attire. She was trying something new for once. She was wearing a black halter top that crossed over her chest before wrapping around her neck, with a black sleeveless tailcoat. On her head was a metal headband that kept most of her hair out of her face, and to keep her signature white look, the queen wore white pants held up by a black belt and a pair of black boots with a three in rise to the heel were upon her feet. It felt weird, not wearing a dress, but Nadaline suggested it over her low skirt dresses for once. This was where fighting was apparently, even if she had fought in a dress before. A dress could slow her down in the sandy wasteland.

    Heading her servants warning, the queen arrived at where the arena was to be at, and looked around. She had originally gone to a little town in which she was lead into one of the local vehicles and brought her to the location of the arena after she showed her pass to someone. As she had a VIP pass, she was treated much like the royalty she believed herself to be. She muses as she was led to her seat and offered a drink, in which she took gingerly off of the tray. She was sitting in a box that had a clear view of the arena, and if she still couldn’t see, she had a lacrima tv to the right of her chair. How delightful would this be? Being one to watch the bloodshed this time, rather than dealing it… That thought made her sad actually, normally she liked dealing bloodshed when it came to people going against her and her guilds morals and goals. That could come later though.

    First things first, she should find the ones running this show. They would be the targets as they were also the people trying to call the shots. Where would the providers of such an arena be placed…? Not among the common rabble, that’s for sure. She stood up and leaned over the edge of the box she was in to see around her. There were a few other boxes around hers, and she peered to see a bit bigger one not too far from her that was up a couple levels from hers. A grin was on her face as she looks out to the arena. Now the next step was to locate this supposed nephew… maybe scout out some more maids and butlers and guards for her castle. They would still survive the cold of her castle, right? She sure hoped so. Or they would have to get used to it real quick when she brought them home.

    HP: 675/675
    MP: 550/550
    Notes and Enemies:
    801/7000 (14000 total) words
    Ring of Blood/Page 38, Post n°946


    Dia Izuna
    Dia Izuna

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 199
    Guild : Abyssal Yeet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 28,887

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    Red Rings (job w/ Digit) Empty Re: Red Rings (job w/ Digit)

    Post by Dia Izuna 12th September 2019, 8:47 am

    Belladonna spat out a mouthful of sand as she pulled herself up from the ground. This was by far the worst way a mission could start... but seeing as she had not involved herself in many missions, less palatable ways could easily top the "Least Exciting Ways to Kick Off a Mission" charts. She looked around. This whole place was one barren desert. Deserts meant little water, which made up for that scarcity with lots of burning sun and even more sand. She could hear the raucous laughter of the men and women who milled around, beating a few people here and there into submission and feeling very good about it. Belladonna licked her teeth as thick boots strutted into her line of sight and stood before her. She was sure the person was going to aim a kick at her, or try to get a better look at her face. The latter was likely the case, seeing as she was obviously a stranger to these parts, and the unruly tresses that she called her hair obscured most of her face. A hand grabbed her chin roughly and jerked her head upwards.

    "Perfect timing, punk..."

    She had gathered whatever remnants of earth had remained in her mouth in a healthy glob of spit, which she issued with a decent amount of accuracy into her victim's eye. As the man made a surprised and angry sound and pulled back instinctively, Belladonna struck out at his face with her left hand, easily knocking him onto the ground. In an instant, she was on her feet, glaring out at the slavers from between locks of her hair, as she watched them ready their weapons.



    What was she even doing here, in the first place?

    Backtracking a few days earlier provides more clarity to her self-imposed predicament. Belladonna had taken up a certain mission which was of interest to her. Unlike most dark mages, who enjoyed causing carnage that made the "good people" quake in their boots, Belladonna didn't see anything attractive in killing innocent people or engaging in the activities that would brand a person as an evil doer. However, it was her way of doing things that caused virtually everyone who came in contact with her to seriously question her morality. And seeing as most humans never tried to get closer to see her side of the story, they often quickly came to the same conclusion. She, for her part, had long discovered that it was better for her conscience and her sanity to never look back. And she had mostly stayed true to that creed.

    Her interest in this mission was of course, as you would have guessed, not because she wanted to see blood and gore decorate the heavens and rain down on the earth. It was because she had sniffed out an injustice, which she wanted to see rectified. As as she believed. Those who partake of injustice, as well as those who actively supported it, were equally guilty, and would share the same fate. Oh, on another hand, she had heard that the location of the mission, an arena, seemed to be the attempts of certain politicians to consolidate power. Putting two and two together, anyone invested in slavers and gory arenas was not likely going to make a good despot (if there was ever such a word). Errings Rising, the guild Belladonna had come to affiliate herself with, was known to aim at the destruction of Order. She thought Order had its uses, but wherever and whenever she felt it was a front for oppression, she would bring it all down, as much as it was in her power to do so.

    There was one other important thing about this mission. There was a boy that needed saving. Perhaps it was Belladonna's way of coping with the fearful things she did to those she felt deserved it, but she always tried to help those who she felt were at the brunt of the injustice. So, this mission was more or less the kind that she threw heart and soul into. And tact, of course. She had accepted the mission, packed a few essentials, and traveled...

    ... and had willingly found the slavers, and done a good job of getting kidnapped. From the details of the mission, she could have made her way in if she had a VIP pass, but she reckoned that it might look suspicious for one such as herself, who did not look like nobility of any sort, to possess such a prized and hard-to-come-by item. If she had tried to sneak in, or fight her way in, it was said that the arena had an enchantment that mysteriously whisked it away; a reason law enforcement couldn't get their hands on it. But that was her mission as a mage: to get her hands dirty, while taking out the trash.

    Back to the present. Belladonna watched warily, breathing heavily, as the attacked man struggled to regain his senses, and slavers shouted things in a language she could not understand. Just as the slavers prepared to attack, a call brought everyone to a standstill. A man appeared, looking very un-Desierto-ish. If anything, his skin tone gave him away. No doubt, he was one of the people in charge of the arena, because he spoke quietly to the most important looking slaver, and she overheard a few words such as ready, and fight. Then he gestured to some of the captives, most of whom looked promising in a fight, and left. The chief slaver barked out some orders in his strange tongue, and his gang began herding the chosen captives into cages, which were mounted on large pack animals. Belladonna resisted to an extent, but allowed herself to be locked in. She noticed that some of the enslaved were foreigners, like herself. Smart choice for the slavers. That way, they would be harder to be looked for. She listened quietly as the captives talked in murmurs among themselves, and she heard someone mention the "Ring of Blood".

    She smiled to herself. Worst way to begin a mission, but all things were going as planned for now.

    Personal WC: 1032/7000
    Total WC: 1833/14000

    Last edited by Digit on 11th November 2019, 5:45 am; edited 1 time in total



    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
    Position : None
    Posts : 4936
    Guild : Errings Rising - GM
    Cosmic Coins : 545
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,361,997

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Aspect of Divinity
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    Red Rings (job w/ Digit) Empty Re: Red Rings (job w/ Digit)

    Post by Saraphina 10th November 2019, 10:58 pm

    The White Queen
    How to find a kidnapped person in this supposed Ring of Blood? She tapped her chin as she grabbed a hold of her VIP pass and took a sip of her drink. A fight may be going on right now, but she wasn’t quite interested in it just yet. She needed to find out about the nephew. Best way to get what she wanted right then, shmooze up the head of this gig and ask if she can check out the slaves. She flicks her hair back over her shoulders and smiles sweetly to one of the ushers. “Excuse me?” She says sweetly while she holds her VIP pass to her chest, partially blocking her cleavage. “I’d like to give the proprietor my thanks for putting on this little... attraction for people like me. Is there a chance I can see them?” She bats her purplish pink eyes up to the usher, who simply smiles to her. “Not many people ask to do that. I don’t see an issue with leading you.” “Thank you~! You’re very kind to help me! I’ll see to it that you get something for your troubles.” She muses as she makes her way behind the usher towards the proprietors box.

    As the two entered, Saraphina looking poised and proper. There were a group of men who were sitting around a table and laughing about something on the lacrima TV. “Well who do we have here?!” One of the men called out in Fioren. All the mens eyes turned on her and seemed to become hungry. It was sickening. They weren’t worthy to gaze upon her. “Did you get lost, Miss?” One of the men stood up and started walking over to her. A smirk was on her face as she tilted her head some. “Pardon me, I’m not lost. I asked to be brought to the proprietor to give them my gratitude for putting on this splendid soiree. Oh! My apologies! I’m Queen Saraphina.” She mimed curtsying to the man and smirked. “I also wish to see about possibly acquiring one of the fighters or two as servants for myself.” She put a finger to her cheek as she giggled a little. “Are you the proprietor? And care to do some business with me?”

    The man snorts as he steps closer to the white haired queen. He thought she was cute that she was thinking she was royalty, but she did have a VIP pass. It was probably what her parents told her to shut her up. He could also sense the magic that was in her. “You want some of my gladiators to work for you? But what could they do?” “Protect my castle, and in turn, you and your buddies if and when you come to Fiore.” She leaned back as the man had raised a hand to touch a finger to her lips. Pouting out her bottom lip, she glares at him. “Do not touch me. You have no right to.” Her voice was low and growly as she looked at him. The man then glared at her, then back at the group. “You never did answer my question. Are you the proprietor of the Ring of Blood?” She crossed an arm over her chest, inspecting her nails on her other hand. The action had pushed her chest together more and the man looked down to them for a moment.

    “I am, I am Mr John Appleton.” The man looks towards the big glass window that had a balcony, then smirked. “Lets go see the fight right now.” He says as he leads her towards the balcony. He was honestly debating her offer. “Where did you say you were from again, miss Saraphina?” She scowls at his lack of calling her her proper title, but she shakes it off for now. “I’m from Fiore. I am the queen of an establishment called Errings Rising. And I need people to take care of my castle when my guild members aren’t home. And when they are.” She says as she follows through the door he opened for her. She glanced down from the balcony to spy the end of a battle happening, with the champion coming out on top against a weak little thing. She sighs as she leans against the railing. “I missed it, bet it was boring since the guy looked so small.” She complains while she looks back to Mr Appleton next to her. “My offer is still protection. My guild is skilled. You won’t regret it.” She grins to the other, actually showing off her sharp teeth now. She then stands straight again. “Oh? And how intense can these fights get? I want to see one go for more than a few seconds.” She pouts her lip to him while batting her eyes. Her pout wasn’t much of a pout though, as she was trying to hold back a smile to him. This was getting exciting.

    She then glanced down towards the two newcomers, and gasped. “I want him!” She says as her finger points down towards one of the two candidates coming out in a rather disoriented look. It was the nephew. He was scared, and looked around the arena in complete fear. Saraphina glanced towards the proprietor, and smirked while cocking her eyebrow up. “Either you’ll give him to me… or I’ll take him. I want him for my castle.” She muses as she tilts her head. Her grin was making her cheeks rosy as she batted her eyes. “Why would you want him? He’s just a weak thing.” “They can be molded the easiest~! Now stop the fight before I do.” Mr. Appleton decided to let out a laugh at her and shook his head. He didn’t believe she could do such things, and leaned into her face. He was trying for a kiss, but Saraphina leaned back again. She looked disgusted at him. “Five thousand jewel for him.” He smirks, which made Saraphina frown. “No. the price on your head is more than that.” She grins as she tilts her head to him.

    “Unfortunately, I’m not stopping this for you. Now go back to your box and enjoy the games. More wine can be sent to you since you’re not gonna pay for the gladiators you’re wanting.” John tells her as he steps out of the way to let her leave. A giggle was quietly coming from her. “You told me ‘no’ to something I want?” She looks up as her eyes grew a bit wide. “No one tells me ‘no’, ever.” She giggles as she holds her hand out. “Thrud!” She calls out just as a sword made of light flashed into her hand. As soon as the sword was in her hand, She chucked her arm out and slashed at his neck. A cackle escaped her lips as she was grinning from ear to ear. This was nothing to her. People telling her ‘no’ to something she was wanting to have. Like Hel would she let someone tell her those bloody words anymore. They were Hel’s words. But people who said those words weren’t even worth Hel, not even Vahalla.

    Her purplish pink eyes turned back to the arena. The fight was just starting. She chucked down her sword from the balcony, and it landed right in between the three with the blade sticking in the ground. That caused the crowd to grow quiet and everyone to look at her. Like they should. “I’m taking that one.” She declares while a ruckus was going on behind her. All the other owners and backers of the Ring of Blood were now freaking out about her just killing John like that in the box room right behind her there. It was pathetic how they were screaming behind her and being frantic about what they should do now. They were going to be next. They were all politicians in power. They made laws. They messed up the world. They were all going to die, regardless if they were still in their position or not. “I am Queen Saraphina of Errings Rising! Those of you who wish to live, stay out of my way.” She muses loudly. She then grabbed hold of the railing and let herself fall into the bleachers down below under the big wigs box.

    The people screamed as she fell from above and topple over some from landing wrong. With a groan, she lifts herself back up and runs a hand through her hair. She didn’t have to be graceful all the time. She was on a mission, not running a court. She needed to get to that nephew now… hopefully her little distraction was good enough to stop them from doing anything till she got down there. If she got things her way, she could keep this nephew as another butler. She’d enjoy that a bit, give Bertrand someone to have accompany him too. Nadaline usually had her hands full with all the female members of her guild with how they seemed to act around them.
    HP: 810/810
    MP: 660/660
    Notes and Enemies:
    (1514) 2315/7000 (3347/14000) words
    Ring of Blood/Page 38, Post n°946


    Dia Izuna
    Dia Izuna

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
    Position : None
    Posts : 199
    Guild : Abyssal Yeet
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 28,887

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: ???
    Second Skill: ???
    Third Skill: ???

    Red Rings (job w/ Digit) Empty Re: Red Rings (job w/ Digit)

    Post by Dia Izuna 11th November 2019, 5:47 am

    Belladonna sat in her cage, her eyes languidly following anything that seemed to be of interest. There were many weapons in this place, which was definitely expected of a combat arena. There was a lot of activity, because, as she had supposed, a battle was coming up. She clucked to herself and shook her head. There were likely going to be people in the thousands, all cheering to see people get murdered in various grisly ways, and yet, they would scrunch up their noses at her for being a "dark" mage. So, who was evil? The one who affiliated themselves with those who fought against the establishment, or the one who reveled in dirty, callous acts, but hid behind a dainty hand fan, lavish cloths and 'court manners'?

    She noticed that the workers in the arena, tough looking people, some of whom had many scars, began dragging out people from their cages. Many of them came out kicking and screaming, aware that they were little more than lambs being led to the slaughter. Belladonna felt sorry for them; they had not asked to be put in this predicament, but it was because of the wickedness of the ones in charge that this was happening to them. The more she lived, the more the accepted the creed of the Errings Rising. Where was the justice in all this? No, people like her had to make the justice for themselves. In a moment, the prison was devoid of much, save the remaining prisoners in their cages, and those who guarded them. She could barely hear the sounds of combat outside, but her heightened senses allowed her to realize that someone was being slaughtered. She hoped that it was not the person she had been sent here to rescue. Perhaps it was time for her to begin twisting things to her purpose. She had realized that it was something she was good at.

    "58th Malediction Curse: Imperio!" she muttered under her breath, as she released a surge of overwhelming mental energy. The prison was not very large, and so her power overwhelmed everyone in the room, drawing them into her thralldom. A few of the guards resisted at first, but they soon discovered, the hard way, that Belladonna Black was not a woman to be refused.

    "What is your bidding, my mistress?" one of the guards asked, as he unlocked her cage. Mentally, she will everyone else to act normally, so as not to raise suspicions from anyone else. As she walked out, she began to question the guards.

    "I'm looking for a young man, Desiertan like yourself. He looks like a rich kid, definitely the kind that should be up in the boxes, rather than down on the sands. Seen anyone like that?"

    "Yes, my mistress. He is currently slated for the next fight, where he will likely be killed by the Sandy Duke." Belladonna raised an eyebrow, and the guard explained: "The Sandy Duke is one of our regular patrons. He always fights in set-up matches, where he must always win. Those chosen to fight him are usually poisoned, so that they cannot operate at full capacity, making them easy kills."

    Belladonna nodded. "Alright. Take me out to where they are preparing the next combatants. I must be placed in the arena alongside the rich kid. If possible, I want to face the Sandy Duke."

    "It shall be done, my lady," the guard replied, with a bow. "But if it pleases my mistress, I must have to bind you in shackles, otherwise suspicions shall be raised. I sincerely regret this uncouth treatment of your person, and I apologize..."

    "Do what must be done," she interjected. "This is just a little price to pay for victory. Act as if I am a mere prisoner, and not your mistress."

    A few moments later, Belladonna walked out of the prison, with the guard behind her. She was taken to a large room, where people were being outfitted for the next battle. She could hear the commentator of the arena making mockery of the unfortunate soul who had just met his end. If she had her way, some serious blood was going to be shed today.

    "Who is this?" a scarred man suddenly asked the guard accompanying her, as he looked her up and down. "A prisoner, of course," the guard replied. "I think Appleton wants to give the Baron some more... juicy sport." The scarred man was still appraising Belladonna with his eyes. "I thought it was going to be the soft boy... but the Duke would prefer this. She looks juicy enough, alright. The lucky bastard! Well, prep her up, then. Don't want to keep our 'exalted war lords' waiting." The scarred man said this last part with ill concealed disgust, as he turned to attend to other matters.

    First, Belladonna was brought to a table, where various bottles stood. "I'm sorry, my mistress, but if you want to face the Duke, you have to drink this poison. Without it, there is no way he will accept to fight."

    "Ahh, the poison, right?" Belladonna asked, and with one motion, she picked the designated bottle off the table and downed its contents. "Ugh! It tastes like *****!" she cursed as she dropped the bottle. Many of the inhabitants of the room were watching her, some looked sorry for her, while the others looked somewhat derisive. It was like they were saying to themselves, "we'll see how spunky she is, out on the sands." But Belladonna had an ace they knew nothing about.

    Next, she was led to the armory, where she looked around for something that suited her. She saw a young man close by, looking shaken, but trying his best to stay calm and brave. He looked quite like the description of the nephew she was here for, so she drew closer and said, under her breath:

    "Dahmin? Is that your name?"

    His eyes widened, as he turned to stare at her. "Wha...? How do you know my name? I've never seen you before."

    Belladonna smiled, and turned back to the weapons. "Act like we're just discussing. I'm here to bust you out, but you can't act like you know anything about this. I can't promise you much, but just know someone will be trying to keep your head on your shoulders while you're here."

    She reached out and picked an exotic, wicked looking gauntlet, which covered the entire lower arm and ended in wicked claws. She tried it on, and it fit perfectly. After making various finger motions, she nodded and turned to go, when Dahmin grabbed her arm.

    "Shush!" she said before he could speak. "No one must be allowed to know anything. If we're seen looking chummy, it might be harder to do anything about your case. Now, shoo."

    Just as she walked away from him, the scarred man announced in a booming voice: "We're having our fights in quick succession." He pointed at Dahmin. "You! Step forward." His gaze then scanned the group, and finally rested on... "Ahh... the 'juicy one'. You both are next. The boy goes first. Cleanup crew, prepare yourselves. The Duke likes to be messy."

    Belladonna glared at him, but he only returned a look that seemed to have pity. Then he called out something in his strange tongue and marched briskly away. Guards began ushering them outside, and to Belladonna's delight, she discovered that all the gladiators would be outside, at the edges of the sandy arena while the fights went on. She ought to be able to secretly influence Dahmin's match, if she had to. As for the Sandy Duke, she would relish gutting him, when the time came.

    It would seem that Fate had other things planned. No sooner had Dahmin and his opponent appeared, and the umpire was about to introduce them, than a sword sailed from above and buried itself in the sands before them. Like everyone, she looked up, and saw a young woman, barely beyond her teens, with purplish-white hair. Belladonna raised an eyebrow as the woman mentioned her name.


    Errings Rising?!!

    This was her Guild Master?!!!

    She had heard the name before, back at the guild, but had never met the person behind it. Unlike most people that would probably underestimate Saraphina based on her looks, Belladonna knew just how dangerous it was to do such, as many had looked down on her until it was too late for them. The only thing she felt slightly displeased about was that Saraphina seemed younger than she was... and was still taller?! Life was so unfair.

    But Belladonna had to meet this lady.

    She put her hand to her lips and stifled a giggle, as Saraphina unceremoniously crashed to the ground below. Then she regained her composure and glanced around. There was some sort of commotion brewing, but she couldn't tell what it was. It seemed that the umpire noticed it too, but so as not to have chaos, and keep the bets running, he gestured for the match to begin. Belladonna, although very interested in keeping the boy alive, started walking towards Saraphina instead. As some guards began filing out to get Saraphina off the sands, Belladonna murmured a spell quietly. A series of black tendrils suddenly grew out from the ground to ensnare the opponent Dahmin was up against. She wouldn't do much about the guards, though; Belladonna had met people who did not like others trying to protect or fight for them. If Saraphina was indeed her guild master, she was more than capable of protecting herself.

    Ignoring the guards that were also headed her way for breaking ranks, she approached the white haired woman, a curious look on her face. "Queen Saraphina, is it? You're the Guild Master of Errings Rising?"

    Of course, Saraphina had not mentioned her position in the guild to the crowd, but Saraphina would understand how Belladonna was privy to such information, when she set eyes on her. Belladonna had lost since lost her jacket, and her guild symbol, only partly obscured by her pants, would be visible to Saraphina.

    Personal WC: 1690
    Total PWC: 2722/7000
    Total WC: 5037/14000



    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Blizzard's Frostburn
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    Guild : Errings Rising - GM
    Cosmic Coins : 545
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,361,997

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Aspect of Divinity
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    Red Rings (job w/ Digit) Empty Re: Red Rings (job w/ Digit)

    Post by Saraphina 15th December 2019, 10:37 pm

    The White Queen
    The white queen glared around after she picked herself back up from falling, and dusts herself off. She starts walking to the stairs to go down them without issue. Waving her hand, the sword in between the gladiator and her target began to glow a bright white before it flashed to make five more swords similar to the first that she threw. The swords quickly zipped themselves from the other sword towards the queen and were floating around her, ready to launch themselves at others around her. When she heard the umpire getting the match to begin, she gave him a side eye before one of the five swords shot towards him and stabbed him right in the heart. How dare he do something while she was in the middle of trying to show off her power? It wasn’t his show anymore. It was hers.

    The missing sword came floating back, bloodied compared to the others as the guards were trying to go after her. She raised a hand and waved it forward, having the sword zip out and spread towards the guards that were coming at her. A huff escaped her lips as she sneered at them. Her eyes shoot at the one figure who seemed to be casually walking towards her while the guards were stabbed away. This one didn’t look like the others. A grin was on her face as she tilted her head some. She made it to the bottom of the stands and slipped over the last fence that held the observers back from the fight. Her swords had attacked the fence to break it down and allow her to get in with ease, and this time, she was more graceful with her fall.

    As she walked on, her swords shot back up towards the proprietors suit. They were searching out the other owners and shareholders and whatever else the other peasants were called up there. Hunting them down to stab them before they got too far. The queen looked over to see that the brute that was to fight against her target, was now subdued and tilts her head some. Who could have done such a thing? She looked over to the girl approaching her, and smirks some. This girl came right to her, and instantly questioned who she was. A smirk spread across her lisp as she leaned forward some. She noticed the partial guild symbol on the girl that was hidden, and perked up an eyebrow to her. “Oh? And just whom might you be? How did you come across my precious little guild? I don’t recall ever seeing you in my midst before.”

    She looks back over her shoulder, and puffs her cheeks up. Her purplish pink eyes glaring at the direction her swords went. She was connected to them, but she could tell they weren’t able to get all the guys that were there… That was her fault. She should have taken care of them first before she made her way down to the area. “So!” She says and claps her hands while looking around. “How about we have a better match. First. I want to see my prize.” She giggles as she had actually slipped past the girl. She went right up to Dahmin and grinned, exposing her sharp teeth to him. “Yes, I think you’ll do just nicely." She turned around and looked to the other girl again. “Kill all the officials you see here. They’re all wanted in some way. Or so Bertrand told me. Fiore wants theirs back, but I’m not going to be taking orders from Fiore, or anyone~.” She giggles aloud. Her eyes go right back to Dahmin. She reaches her hand and running a finger under his chin. She smiled sweetly to him now. “You’ll be coming to my castle with me and serving under me.” She muses sweetly. “Don’t worry, you’ll be well protected, no one will come to harm you.” She pats his head before she turns around and holds out her hand.

    She glanced around to see the gladiators that were around the group, and then looked to the single one right next to her that was already trapped. “I’m guessing this lug was your doing…?” She snorts she holds up her hand and sighs. “Jord.” Big, earthen rocks began to lift up from deep down under the sand and was above the crowd, floating slowly in a clockwise circle. As soon as the last rock lifted up, they all instantly shot out towards three gladiators. She glared over at them and watched as they started to get back up. She sucks on her teeth as she shook her head. They were annoying already. She wanted them out of her sight. “If you want to live, you’d best join me~.” She calls out with a cheeky grin. She wasn’t allowing anyone to stop her from doing what she wished.
    HP: 810/810
    MP: 535/660
    Notes and Enemies:
    (819) 3134 (5856/14000) words
    Job Link/Job Approval


    Dia Izuna
    Dia Izuna

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    Red Rings (job w/ Digit) Empty Re: Red Rings (job w/ Digit)

    Post by Dia Izuna 17th December 2019, 8:49 am

    Watching the guild master of Errings Rising allowed Belladonna to come to a few conclusions which she was sure were mostly correct: first, the young woman was very fickle. It was to be expected, running a guild that spat on laws and preferred to do as they pleased, while reveling in the chaos they caused. Chaos was actually an effective vehicle to get a lot of things done, and ironically, well planned mayhem could be put to much good use. Secondly, Saraphina was quite powerful. That was also to be expected, seeing as guild masters were not expected to be wash overs.

    As she had watched the swords dance their deadly dance around Saraphina and into the hearts of those whom Saraphina was irritated by, she had made her approach towards the White Queen. Many would have thought that a stupid move, what with the seeming blood thirst of her guild master, but Belladonna was sure, in some way, that Saraphina would not mind granting her an audience. Saraphina's blades afforded the two women a moment to discuss, and Belladonna was not surprised that Saraphina had never seen her before. In response to Saraphina's query as to who she was, and how she had found the guild Belladonna said:

    "The name's Belladonna Black, and I'm currently in a nomadic phase of sorts, as far as my life is concerned, so I don't get often to stay for long in the fortress atop Hakobe." She paused and tapped her chin thoughtfully. "As to how I found your guild, well, I spent much of my life running from oppressors, and much of that time was spent on Hakobe. It would seem that mountain is a good place to stay if you don't want too many guests. While there, I ventured to the top on one occasion, and let's just say the rest is history."

    She watched Saraphina as she took interest in Dahmin, and almost laughed at the boy's confused, frightened face. As long as he didn't do anything stupid to piss the White Queen off, Belladonna was sure his safety was ensured. Dahmin didn't know whether to run from Saraphina or anything; he knew for a fact that she was too powerful for him to try to fight against. Besides, apart from Belladonna, she was the only person that wasn't interested in seeing his blood spill. If the White Queen said he would be well protected, he would take that chance with her. He glanced from one woman to the other, then nodded to Saraphina. Belladonna was inwardly pleased, because that meant that the mission could still end up being successful. However, there was another reason she was here.

    Saraphina asked her to kill the officials, who were easy to spot from their manner of dress and Fioran accents. Some of them were from Desierto, however, and although killing them might pass across a political statement, surely a member of Errings Rising could not care peanuts about what laws and politicians wanted. Belladonna was feeling a little more... ambitious, though. In her eyes, the officials were not the only ones on her hit list. Since they were likely going to be easier to corner, due to their few numbers, Belladonna decided to take care of her "other targets" first.

    She closed her eyes, and gathered together all the revulsion she could muster against exploitation and cruelty. Then she opened them, which were aglow with energy, as a strange green energy began coalescing around her body. In a loud voice, she called out: "Many of you "common" spectators are here just to watch people die. You care not for their lives, and so I care not for yours. As you have chosen a place of death for entertainment, I entertain you with death!" While speaking, she began to walk up invisible 'stairs', so that she was soon elevated some meters above the ground.

    As the final words escaped her lips, the green energy erupted from her body like an explosion, surging forward with alarming speed and swallowing up most places of the arena. Interestingly, none of the gladiators were harmed, nor were Saraphina and Dahmin. However, everyone else whom the green energy touched were instantly corroded by the acidic essence. The screams that had previously ensued with the death of the proprietor of the arena now intensified a hundredfold, as everyone tried to get away from the deadly fog. Some people trampled on others, others struggled with closed doors, but eventually, all met the same fate. All, except the important officials Saraphina spoke of, the owners of the Ring. Saraphina had taken down their head, but the mission would be complete when the Ring of Blood was silenced for good.

    In a moment, most sounds had ceased. Pale green light slowly faded but still mostly remained, a threat to whoever had found a way of avoiding it and yet leaving most, if not all of the surroundings intact. However, most of the living things that had come to watch gladiators die were gone. All that remained of them were bones, bleached bones that were partially immersed in some sickly green gunk that was supposed to have been their flesh.

    Belladonna let out a deep breath and dropped back to the ground. "Now that that has been taken care of, where are those officials?" she murmured to herself as the left the sands in the center of the arena to find a way up to the balcony where they were. They had a saving grace, which was that they, being the most influential of anyone here, had their own special box from where they could watch the fights. that saving grace would be their undoing, however, because, from the movements she could see up ahead, they had not left their box for fear of her flesh eating plague. That fear would keep them holed in like rats, until she came to smoke them out.

    Movement caught her eye, as two gladiators appeared in front of her, brandishing weapons. They cut off her progress and prepared to do battle. Belladonna sighed incredulously. "You know, I left the gladiators alive because here I was, thinking I was doing you a favor by killing those you sponsor your deaths..."

    One of the gladiators interrupted her. "Our loyalty is to the Sandy Duke, and the owners of the Ring of Blood. You have crippled business today, and our patrons are not very happy. It is therefore their wish to see you die painful deaths... you, and the other white haired witch."

    "If you think today is a good day to die painfully, be my guest," Belladonna said with a shrug. "I don't have any painless execution techniques, so it's your headache."

    Looking at them, she could easily infer that these guys were tough. She could even sense magic power coming off them, so they could probably also use some sort of magic or the other. No matter, it would only make this mission more interesting. The second gladiator started to say, "If you surrender, however, our patrons..." Belladonna grunted impatiently and assumed a battle stance.

    "We have spoken enough. Come!"

    Personal WC: 1193
    Total PWC: 3915/7000
    Total WC: 7049/14000



    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Red Rings (job w/ Digit) Empty Re: Red Rings (job w/ Digit)

    Post by Saraphina 10th February 2020, 10:54 pm

    The White Queen
    Saraphina looked to Belladonna and tapped her lips as the other female explained how she was in the guild that was Errings Rising. Her purplish pink eyes glaring a bit at her. How was it she passed by her in the guild… She was at least aware of most of those within the guild. “You should make your presence known more.” She simply replies to her. Honestly, so long as this girl didn’t try harming the guild in anyway, or tell her ‘no’ about doing something, she didn’t care how or who joined in on her fun. After her hands had touched Dahmin, and he seemed content with her telling him he’d be serving under her and that he’d be protected even if he was a little scared, an even bigger grin was on growing on the queen's face.

    Her eyes went back to the purple haired woman as she started to talk to the people in the stands while ascending stairs. The queen crossed her arms a bit and smirks a little. She liked this girl a little more. That little spiel was well spoken in the white queen’s mind. An eyebrow rose as she saw the energy erupting from her and slowly nodded at how it went out and over the crowds. Slowly, she begun to clap her hands as she watched people scream from the fog and try to get away from it. She didn’t stop clapping when the screams stopped. “That was a beautiful show! If you wish, you could save some of the officials for me to play with as well.” She giggles as she poked her cheeks as she swayed. She was getting excited and her tongue found its way out of her mouth in her excitement. Eyes wide as she turned her attention to the side.

    While some of the gladiators and slaves that were free of cages at current, because of someone setting the slaves free, there were others who thought Sara was nothing more than a threat to their cash. Just great. Saraphina sighed rather deeply. She heard the others talking to Belladonna call her a ‘witch haired witch’ and a wicked grin came across her face. “‘Witch’ is such a… strong word, don’t you think? I prefer ‘Queen’ though if I’m honest.” She giggled while holding her hands behind her back. “And ‘surrender’ is not in an Errings Rising members vocabulary. Only your head on a pike.” Her sword was back in her hand, and her giggling was nonstop now. Without blinking, she quickly shot herself at one of the patrons just as a gladiator came at her.

    The queen was enjoying herself as she thrusted her sword into one of the patrons, before she waved her hand and some more rocks came up out of the ground and lobbed themselves at the others. She grinned devilishly, showing her sharp teeth as she did so. “Please. Stand up to me more. I’ll crush you like simple bugs.” She tilted her head to the side, letting her locks fall to the side. She was suddenly starting to be ganged up on by three of the more adventurous gladiators that fought in the rigged matches. She snickers as she flicked her hair over her shoulder and held up three fingers. “Bergelmir.” She simply said after kissing the first three fingers and pointing it at the middle gladiator trying to attack her. The next moment, the trio was captured by frosted water and being drowned above water. They weren’t worthy enough to be touched by her. She swung her sword around and let it come in contact with a slave that was trying to touch her to stop her.

    “I will say it one last time!” Her voice was loud for all to hear her. “Join me if you wish to live, else you will die here by my blade with the blood of the others stained with yours.” She grinned rather devilishly, but it apparently didn’t stop the slaves at all. The more trained looking gladiator was in the back, glaring at Saraphina as she dropped the dead body that was hanging on her sword from when she stabbed the guy for trying to hurt her. They weren’t happy she had come to crash the party, and honestly she didn’t care one bit about it. Her knuckles cracked as she looked over to Belladonna. “My dear, do me a favor and have some fun while wasting their lives, alright? And make sure none of them touch my prize.” She pointed her sword and one of the glowing ones shot themselves at a slave that was trying to make their way towards Dahmin. He was close to him. “I said, he was coming with me.” She growled at the slave, eyes glaring at the gladiator near the back of the group.
    HP: 810/810
    MP: 485/660
    Notes and Enemies:
    (808) 3942 (7850/14000) words
    Ring of Blood/Page 38, Post n°946


    Dia Izuna
    Dia Izuna

    Lineage : Serpent's Fang
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    Red Rings (job w/ Digit) Empty Re: Red Rings (job w/ Digit)

    Post by Dia Izuna 11th February 2020, 3:45 pm

    For a moment, Belladonna stared down the two gladiators, and they did the same, each watching for the best time to strike. Around them, chaos ensued; her death fog had ensured that the patrons were restricted to their box, and now, Saraphina had gotten to them. What once served as a very good means of protection had ultimately turned out to be their doom. The gladiators were aware that the "white haired witch" was doing a number on their patrons, but they had to trust in the abilities of the other gladiators to take her down. Their concern was with the strange, purple haired witch, who for some unknown reason, had taken the poison meant for those who would fight the Sandy Duke, and yet still seemed to have all her senses about her. Maybe it was affecting her, but she was doing a good job of bluffing.

    One of the two gladiators, the shorter one, wielding an axe, glanced sideways at the taller one, who nodded almost imperceptibly. Then he surged forward with impressive speed, wielding his weapon with both hands and aiming for a horizontal slash that was sure to bifurcate her body if she held her position. Belladonna waited for him, till he was close enough, then ducked sharply as the axe whistled cleanly overhead, clipping away a few locks of hair unfortunate to have been in the way.

    "Impressive. I almost felt that..." Belladonna started to say, but was cut off by movement overhead. She looked up in time to notice the taller gladiator airborne, a hefty mace forming in his hands as he prepared to smash it down onto her.

    "Requip Magic?"

    With a resounding boom, the bludgeoning tool of death came smashing down onto her with a speed that belied its size. Their tandem attacks had been so well executed, and with the narrow passage that Belladonna had been confined to, there was no way she could avoid it. There was a resounding boom, and copious amounts of dust, wood and stone were flung into the air. The shorter gladiator smirked, believing that the battle was over already, and expecting that his partner would heft a bloodied mace onto his shoulder.

    To his consternation, however, his friend wasn't smiling.

    Instead, a look of utter confusion had crossed his face, and as he tried to look over his shoulder, he was suddenly thrust away from his current position, and further away from the patrons he had been trying to protect. His partner stared in shock, as he crashed into a wall, breaking through the brick and entering the adjoining room. Then, Belladonna walked out of the dust, a finger pointed at him, an ever-so-slight smile on her face, her emerald green eyes seeming to pierce into his soul. Just then, Saraphina asked her to waste the patrons and enjoy herself while at it. Belladonna was not one to really enjoy killing, but against people such as these, those patrons who only cared about their macabre indulgences, she could find it in her heart to relish this.

    "You got it, boss."

    She turned back to the hesitant gladiator. "You're an interesting bunch, and I'm feeling really nice today, so maybe I'll give you another opportunity to walk away and live another day."

    She suddenly gestured, as if she was firing a bullet from her finger, and the gladiator noticed a strange projectile whiz past him, missing him by a fraction.

    "Missed..." he snarled.

    "You think?" Belladonna simply replied, gesturing with her head, towards something behind him. The gladiator risked a glance, and to his horror, he noticed that one of the patrons had tried to run out and away from the slaughter. Whatever Belladonna had fired had hit him in the back of his head, killing him instantly. His body turned to ash as he stood on his feet, the charred bones only falling to the ground moments after his entire skin had flaked off.

    "Isn't it hypocritical that one who so relishes to see death dancing would be averse to its embrace?"

    Behind her, the taller gladiator emerged from where he had crashed into, his movements sluggish. "Beware," he called to his partner. "The witch has put a curse on my body. It feels so heavy." He stepped towards Belladonna menacingly. "No matter. The slower I am, the stronger I get. Whatever you did will not work on me the second time. Attack!"

    This time, both of them charged, and Belladonna began to wonder if she had not been too cocky in giving them a chance to regroup. The taller one was obviously slower, though, but on he came, like a charging bull, preparing another one of his strikes. The axe wielding gladiator got to her first, and once again, he made a slash which she avoided. And she saw the mace ridiculously close, moving at a speed almost faster than what she had seen the taller gladiator exhibit.

    "What in the...?!"

    Instinctively, she used the arm on which she had worn the gauntlet to defend herself, but the mace plowed into her and sent her clean into the air, the gauntlet shattering into many fragments. With the amount of pain that screamed through her senses, she knew that her arm was broken in many places. Ignoring the pain, the immediate course of action she took was to look for her assailants. Being airborne like this opened her for a follow-up attack... and she was starting to dislike just how spry the guy with the axe was.

    As she suspected, the man had made an impressive leap, the axe raised over his head, aiming to slice her in two. She twisted her body and turned on him, a dark rage smoldering behind her eyes, as she took a deep breath. The gladiator was surprised; he had not expected such a small bodied woman to still be conscious after such a powerful blow. Well, it was his mistake; he wasn't even close enough to stage his attack, yet.

    "Venom Demon Exorcist's Rage!!!"

    A bright green blast issued from her mouth with terrifying violence, and there was no way the gladiator could avoid it, unless he could fly. With a huff of exertion, the gladiator gripped his axe firmly, and performed a downward slash. To Belladonna's surprise, he cut through her signature attack and escaped mostly unharmed, although the force was still strong enough to thrust him away. Belladonna, for her part, performed a somersault and landed gracefully on the ground, back on the sands in the center of the arena. Judging from the distance she had traveled, thanks to the mace attack, the taller gladiator's major force was his strength. It was best to avoid attacks from both of them.

    The two gladiators dropped to the sands in front of her, desirous to continue their battle and bring her advance to a halt. Belladonna's arm, which had been awfully twisted, and was hanging limp, suddenly jerked violently and straightened itself with a sickening crack. The young woman flexed her fingers as she watched the gladiators, testing that her muscles had been fully healed. She noticed that the taller man had some strange tattoos glowing on his body. Perhaps they had somehow negated the slowing effect of her Void Cicada. This was not going to be an easy battle. She liked it that way. She was sorry if she would disappoint the White Queen at this point in time, but Saraphina would have to deal with the patrons for now. In the next few moments that would determine the fates of the three, a simple slip up could be the difference between life and death.

    "Alright then. Let's get serious, now, shall we?"

    Personal WC: 1286
    Total PWC: 5201/7000
    Total WC: 9143/14000



    The White Queen

    The White Queen

    Administrator- Moderator- Main Account- Quality Badge Level 1 - Quality Badge Level 2 - Quality Badge Level 3 - Guild Master- S-Rank- A-Rank- Job Creator- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Guild Creator- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Sticking Around- Dank Memer- Taskmaster- Halloween gfx'ers- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Lineage Making Contest Participant- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved! - Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage! - Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- Player 
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    Red Rings (job w/ Digit) Empty Re: Red Rings (job w/ Digit)

    Post by Saraphina 24th October 2020, 9:55 pm

    The White Queen
    As Saraphina stood there preparing to fight in her own fight, she glanced towards Belladonna while the other woman fought with the people and her own gladiators. She honestly could not dismiss that this woman was a superb fighter. Also the fact that she seemed to simply poison the rest of the crowd with a deadly fog. She enjoyed the fact she played with them like the queen had requested of her to do. She glanced towards another slaver and a gladiator trying to go in for the grab on Dahmin since he was currently her weakness with her urge to have him as her servant at her castle. Her swords started spinning around as she grinned rather devilishly.

    “Those who think they can actually stop me, are honestly really silly~!” She giggles as she tilts her head to the side while she holds her hands up and grips the hilt of the sword between the palms of her hands rather tightly, blade up in the air. “You have all lost your chance to surrender yourselves and become safe. Now I hope you have fun with Hel. If you even make it there. She may not even like your ugly mugs.” She giggles maniacally. Her purplish pink eyes shine rather brightly as the swords start to spin around a bit, blades facing outward as they did so. She grins rather devilishly as she watches the faces of the gladiators and slaves as the speed of the swords start going faster, and faster, and faster with every waiting second.

    She heard the thuds of the fight between her new companion and her opponents behind her. Screams from death, the joy of their life being ended was music to her ears. “Save some heads for some pikes~!” She coos eagerly just as she let the swords shoot out from their spinning location and hit some poor soul that was trying to come at her. Two of the swords jumped past the gladiators and slaves and aimed at some patrons who were trying to be a bit not fun to her. She glares as she raises her free hand, making rocks start to come up. “It’s such a shame that such a nice place has to be brought down~! You just had to house some people from Fiore that made some laws and such~!” Her voice was all giggly as she flung her fingers forward, splaying her hand out and spreading her fingers as far as they could go. The rocks that had originally followed her hand, were now shooting out in all various directions around the arena. Pebbles going right for the forehead and shooting right between people's eyes. It was such a beautiful scene to the white haired queen.

    Behind her, someone tried to come at her with an axe. Dahmin had let up a scream at it as they were actually getting close to his direction too with it. Saraphina had quickly skipped around and threw out her sword, blocking the blade of the axe as it was coming down. Her pupils were dilated extremely small as her grin was practically splitting her face in half, showing her sharp teeth to the world. She twiddled her fingers of her free hand and some of the larger rocks started pelting the gladiator with the rocks and shoving them back. She quickly turned on the balls of her toes to Dahmin, gingerly placing her hand under his chin. “You’ll be safe with me. You don’t have to worry.” She purrs at him, as his face starts to turn a bright red from her touch and words. If anyone were to ask her if she was aware of how her actions were just then, she would be clueless that it could be viewed as seductive.

    She quickly turned herself around and held up her sword to the air. The five floating ones started glowing rather brightly before they seemed to divebomb at five respective gladiators and patrons within range of her.

    “Keep on running, my pretties~! It’ll only make the hunt all that much better~!” She sang as she spotted something she found to be interesting. At the other end of the arena was a two headed abomination holding a tree trunk as it’s weapon. Behind it seemed to be someone rather important. A rather devilish grin continued on her face as she grabbed Dahmins wrist and slightly brought him close. “You’re going to be safe here.” She lets go of his hand just as even larger rocks started to pile up around Dahmin, leaving just small enough cracks to let him be able to breathe, but overall it was dark for him, especially when she made some rocks shift under her little protective dome that dragged him down under the ground some, protecting him in case anything crashed into the dome.

    Belladonna was seeming like she was enjoying her fight with the two skilled gladiators over on her end, now she needed to up her own game. She held her free hand out in front of her and looked like she was gripping a handle of sorts. “Thor.” She giggles ever so delicately before a hammer materializes upside down in her grasp, in which she quickly swings her arm back, managing to twist the hammer at the same time to make it right in her hand as storm clouds started to form up above the arena. “Odin has casted judgment on you poor souls!” She suddenly shouts aloud. “He is disgraced by you all! Therefore, I am as well! Rot in Hel!” She screams as she points the hammer up in the air before pointing it towards the abomination and many bolts of lightning started going through it. Her floating swords zipped past her, making her hair fling forward some as they all shove themselves relatively in the area of the heart, each one going deeper than the next one. She grins rather devilishly as she winked and the swords seemed to shove themselves deeper into the being. He was nothing. They were all weak. No matter how thick their skins were. They could be pierced, especially if they’re being shocked. Her bigger rocks slammed the tree holding abomination to the side, showing her the owner of the arena.

    Holding both the sword and the hammer down at her sides, the white queen walked over to where the owner was cowering in a caged area in the wall that seemed like it was supposed to protect him. A grin was across her face as she tilted her head to the side. “Hello Mister Owner! This is the end. You had to invite lawmakers here… now Fiore will be a better place. And probably this terribly hot place too~! So I should thank you! But your downfall… letting them attack me.” She pouts before she giggles some more. She dropped Thor on the ground, head first her hand delicately reached for the bar, leaning her face to be in between two bars. “What are you going to do? Hmm? How will you pay the Queen of Errings Rising?” She giggles as she hears Belladonna’s fight come to an end. With a deep, happy sigh, she looks lovingly into the cage. “I know… you can die.” She giggles just as her swords zip in through the bars and stab him in multiple spots. She lights up with giggles as she claps and turns around finally. Both her sword and the sledgehammer she welded were gone, same as all the fighting and patrons it seems. “Oh! That was fun.” She giggles as she sways from side to side.

    The rocks around Dahmin started falling down and she giggled at the young man slowly peeking his way out of the hole. “Let's get you home~! You’re going to love Errings Rising! Even if it's apparently cold, but that’ll be fixed up right quick!” She giggles as she grabs his hand and pulls him out of the Arena, leaving Belladonna to leave here on her own. This place was going to be left as is to show the Desiertians that Errings Rising was here, especially after her swords carved the guilds symbols in some of the rocks there before she dropped the spell.
    @tagged || 1376 words || 5317 total words || Rings of Blood || Not approved, Page 32, Post n°787
    Saraphina #9966ff
    Nadaline #ff66ff & Bertrand #0066ff


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 9:51 pm