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    Crocodiles in the Sewers

    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Betrayer of the Kamigawa
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : XXX
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 17,062

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water God Slayer Magic
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    Crocodiles in the Sewers Empty Crocodiles in the Sewers

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 21st July 2019, 8:19 pm

    Job Link

    Talonia was one of the nearest cities for modern convenience for those who were members of Rakshasa. As a known city where the guildless, the lost, the unwanted would swarm to, it was a good place many black sounds to gather. Somewhere there just looking for work or others were there to make use of their time.

    As for Suijin, while the comfort of their guildhall in the jungle was decent enough, sometimes they needed supplies and the comfort of a good bar, black market or other... services the jungle couldn't provide. He encouraged his members to travel where they saw fit, and it was important for them to have a presence in a nearby town to hear for anyone with need of their... services as well.

    Rakshasa was still a young guild and not nearly as popular as others, but they lived how they saw fit. It was their lives to live free and to do what they want, and screw anyone who got in their way. They were rebels down to the end, even to rally against the society of Fiore itself.

    For now, Suijin was taking a well-deserved break after his time from the isle of Pandaria, where he said his goodbyes to Indra after his... ascendancy. The man had longed to be "Thunder King" and had become it... even though he was no longer human in any sense. It fell on him to break the news to the rest of the guild, and it fell on him to carry the weight of the guild. The irony of the heavy responsibility on his shoulders felt ironic for a guild about the purest freedom.

    He sat at the Soul Bar, busy with drinkers, partiers, and people looking to get lucky. Suijin's kind of place. The only thing the barkeepers didn't like about him was how he would keep ordering water. He didn't care. He was a Water God Slayer after all. He sat there deep in his thoughts, instead of looking for pretty girls as he normally would. However, his thoughtful, calm expression only made him more appealing to the ladies who would spot him.

    It also would make him a dead-ringer to find for his other guild members in town, who might spot him. He was kind of hard to miss considering his long blue hair and shirtless appearance.

    As he bottomed another glass of ice cold water, he wouldn't notice just yet the sounds of his fellow guildmate approach.

    WC: 414


    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Crocodiles in the Sewers Empty Re: Crocodiles in the Sewers

    Post by Kit Kerrington 29th July 2019, 7:17 am

    Janet would slowly make her way to the town after getting a summons from someone holding a letter that had a guy from the guildmaster a request from someone he knew. Janet didn't really understand what it was for but she was told it was urgent that he would get this message so she would put on her cloak and hide all of her Dragon features as she did when she went out to anywhere in public and make her way to find her guildmaster. The area they were in was a very large one at that however she spent so much time in the jungle not sure you can discern his scent and find him with her height and sensibilities well the problem so she did what she always did and followed her senses the find her guild master. Saying she was out of place would be a vast understatement as people stated her trying to figure out why she was hiding half in a cloak only half her face showing right now as she made special care to make sure it was all shot up and nothing was showing at all not even if her guildmaster to look at her. eventually her senses would lead her to a local bar called The Soul bar. she would give us I wondering what he was doing in there but it was none of her business and she didn't really care too much she would open up the door slowly looking around and seeing all the Rowdy patrons looking at all the Partiers and drinkers around trying to spot out her guildmaster which shouldn't take long with his vibrant blue hair as he sat at the bar with a glass of water. she would shake her head slightly and make her way through the bar quietly towards to go Master trying to avoid anyone or getting knocked into not wanting her cloak to be undone. she thought about it for a moment she hasn't really interacted with the guildmasters since her time in the guild only recalling meeting him once or twice. she wondered if he would be accepting of her scales or not but for now it wouldn't matter if it wasn't what she was here to figure out. As she Got you her guildmasters she would stop for a moment making sure her clothes adjusted before looking up only showing half her face. “ Excuse me Sujin... I was told to find you and give you this…” she would hold out a letter with her normal hand and place it on the bar before your tracking it back into a cloak waiting to see if he would read the letter or if he required anything of her while she was here not wanting to just leave immediately in case her Services were required. so is that she would just quietly stand there close to the bar avoiding any sort of trouble that may come her way.

    WC: 502
    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Betrayer of the Kamigawa
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : XXX
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 17,062

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water God Slayer Magic
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    Crocodiles in the Sewers Empty Re: Crocodiles in the Sewers

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 29th July 2019, 4:10 pm

    Suijin had calmed down and felt better after his third glass, and he kept getting the same look from the barkeep regarding him ordering just water. Feeling a bit of pity for him, Suijin sighed and handed over a few jewel to him as thanks. He should order some real food, but as one who had become a Water God Slayer, he always found water filling.

    His attention soon was diverted by the sound of a woman behind him, her tone low and secretive. At a mere glance behind him, he soon saw the woman clad in the robes and the gleam of her eye behind the hood. He didn't respond at first, knowing who it was. Janet-- one of his guild members. She was a bit shy due to her appearance as a dragon. Naturally, the guild never judged by appearances and welcomed the half-dragon. If anything her unique trait made her an assets to the guild. In a perfect world, the world they longed for, she wouldn't have to hide who and what she was.

    "Janet," Suijin regarded, gesturing her to sit down at the adjacent seat. At the mention of the letter, he took it and quickly opened it up to see its contents. As the barkeep came back around, he went to ask Janet what she wanted, not particularly caring about her cloak. It was not so unusual to see the cloaked and suspicious in Talonia.

    Suijin read the letter briefly, mentioning other similar contacts that were worth running by. Rakshasa was too young yet to be known let alone earn reputation, but they were doing okay. They were surviving and that was something that they did best. He folded up the envelope and slipped it into his pocket. "Thanks for bringing it to me, " he said cooly, "It must be odd, seeing me instead of Indra, is it?" he asked. He couldn't help but worry others wouldn't cared to see him lead Rakshasa.

    As they would converse, there was other chatter in the bar. One of which was that one of the bartenders complained about the squeaky pipes. "Oh seven hells... not again!" he growled. He would try to fix the spout where he poured drinks, but nothing was working. "Hey, Stan-- go downstairs and see if you can find out what is causing the trouble? Probably one of the pipes got loose or something." he asked.

    A blonde man who was helping with drinks nodded. He stopped what he was doing nd went to the door that led to the downstairs basement of the pub.

    WC: 433


    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Crocodiles in the Sewers Empty Re: Crocodiles in the Sewers

    Post by Kit Kerrington 19th August 2019, 12:08 am

    Janet would be standing in the bar looking around as her guild master read the letter.  Bars weren't Janet's scene and was curious as to why he was here but then again was it her place to ask him.  Either way she would take a seat on the bar not moving much not wanting her dragon features showing. She would take one more moment to look over her guildmaster almost scanning him for something  seeing what his tone . The most of it he did have something he was doing here but what it was was an enigma to Janet. However it did make her more curious so cheap took a breath before asking her question.  " if you don't mind me asking me what you doing here normally you don't leave the temple very often where at least I haven't noticed you leaving the temple very often to the reason you're here it's fine if you just hit it a lacks I got it and my apologies for asking if I'm overstepping any bounds…" Janet would ask looking at him.   the last thing she wanted to do was upset him by asking a pointless question especially if he was just here relaxing she didn't mean to pry into his business but she didn't have a few reasons why she was crying intoThe last thing she wanted to do was upset him by asking a pointless question especially if he was just here relaxing she didn't mean to pry into his business but she didn't have a few reasons why she was crying into what your guildmaster was up to right now. The main reason she would find herself asking this question was first off she didn't want to go all the way back to the guildhall if you need assistance with something as of late the goat has been a little quieter than normal so if he did need something she wanted to be ready if anything. The second reason was he didn't really know him or any of purple guildmates got inside the Temple of so big in the jungle was so vast that she's hardly had time to meet anybody even if she wanted to so if she did need something done she wanted to help him or at the very least maybe have sit down and attempt to have a drink with him to get to know him who I didn't none of the other patrons came up in bar with her, she would hate to cause a scene such a fun place. She would patiently wait for her guildmasters response as she sat there a few other patients sitting next to her getting a little close almost as if they were buying her up however she did not mind as long as she didn't have to interact with them.

    1407 total
    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Betrayer of the Kamigawa
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : XXX
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 17,062

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water God Slayer Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Crocodiles in the Sewers Empty Re: Crocodiles in the Sewers

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 23rd August 2019, 12:18 pm

    Suijin let out a soft breath as he finished his glass of water, feeling the nourishing energy refuel him as he heard Janet's question. She was more polite than others in his guild, not that either was unwelcomed. True, he had spent most of his time in the jungles and doing work for the guild-- but now he was Guildmaster and he felt that pressure which made him need a small break. He glanced at Janet, though his gaze might of seem bothered with an ice cold glance-- his voice betrayed that.

    "You're not," he reassured, "I just didn't think the position of Guild Master would fall right into my lap like this. Needed to blow off some steam so I came here. That and Indra was the one who said Talonia was an area of interest for us. ALways good to keep an ear out for anything out of the ordinary. " he explained.

    It was one of the few things he remembered as a ninja from Kamigawa-- always be aware of any unusual changes in your environment.

    "GGGHAAAAAAAH!!" A scream echoed through the tavern. While many jumped at the sudden cry, Suijin remained somewhat cool as he turned. THe sound of crushing and broken crates were audible through the establishment as something was happening in the cellar of the room. In a panic, the worker fled from the basement stairwell.

    Now curious himself, Suijin swiftly moved. He was out of his stool before his companion would realize it. He made his way down and into the basement.

    The basement itself was not impressive-- save for the barrels of ale and wine that was in storage down there. It was damp and dreary, lit by only a few candles which now were toppled over on the cold stone floor. Suijin looked ahead-- to find a grate had been ripped up from the ground and a large figure in the shadows of the room. Before Suijin could give a proper look at it-- it lunged into the grate and slithered away- - the glimpse of a scaly tail in view of it as it disappeared.

    As Suijin saw the creature escape, the barkeeper came down and grumbled. "The hell!! Damn those pests. That's the third time this month!" he fumed.

    Suijin raised a brow to the barkeeper. "You know what it is? It looked like a lizard." Suijin asked.

    The man grumbled a bit more, but soon opened up enough. "Some scaly stinkin creature been digging up and stealing goods in the waterways through Talonia. I hate to be one of those conspiracy folks, but I am bettin its one of those Crocodiles."

    Suijin stopped and looked to the man, skeptical. "Crocodiles? In the sewers?" Suijin asked, wondering if he heard it right akin to those rumors people would whisper. They were normally tall tails. Unrealistic... but in this land of Fiore, who knew?

    WC: 485


    Kit Kerrington
    Kit Kerrington

    X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Reapers Touch
    Posts : 1153
    Guild : N/a
    Cosmic Coins : 10
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1,543,904

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ancient Dragon Takeover
    Second Skill: Nightshade Slayer
    Third Skill: Dragon Contracting

    Crocodiles in the Sewers Empty Re: Crocodiles in the Sewers

    Post by Kit Kerrington 16th October 2019, 7:59 am

    Janet would stand there minding her own business not to draw any unwanted attention from the other patrons in the bar while she was into her Guild Master in the barkeeper we talk. They would discuss a rumor about a crocodile going around stealing things from people and hiding in the sewers. This would. Make Janet pause for thought for a moment. Crocodiles in the sewers, watching the little weird but at the same time what about the weirdest thing she's ever heard of. Don't worry crocodiles in the shoes, it seemed a little weird but at the same time was not the worst thing she's ever heard of. She was a weirdest thing she's ever heard of, after all she was half a dragon so this was a bit more believable than that. Well normally she wouldn't be too interested in this sort of thing she found herself to be a bit more curious about this rumor spreading around, perhaps you can use it to her advantage or the deal's Advantage it was true or false either way something that's worth checking out. Bearing that in mind she would get up and straighten out her cloak making sure to keep herself hidden especially now that they with the talk of a reptilian creatures running around stealing things she didn't think of you the best idea to show her to draconic traits now. She would turn to Sujin looking at him with a bit of a curious look. "Sujin ...if it all fine with you, I think this is worth looking into...ether it is fake and we can use the rumor to our advantage, or its true and maybe there is a creature down there we can use or befriend...either way if thefts been going on perhaps valuables the guild could use are down there…." She would pause hoping her thoughts were clear. "Would you want to come with?" She asked quietly but curiously. While any normal day she could tackle this herself she felt having someone with mastery of water in a sewer might be helpful. With that she waited for his answer before she would head out to investigate the crocodiles in the sewers.

    WC: 376
    Suijin Azurestorm
    Suijin Azurestorm

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Betrayer of the Kamigawa
    Position : None
    Posts : 498
    Guild : XXX
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 17,062

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Water God Slayer Magic
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Crocodiles in the Sewers Empty Re: Crocodiles in the Sewers

    Post by Suijin Azurestorm 24th October 2019, 6:03 pm

    While what happened was a nuisance, Suijin listened to the man and realized why this was such an issue. If a creature was running around the piping, Talonia was its playground since many underwater waterways went through the town, especially with the waterfalls to the north. He would of walked away-- till his guild member suggested they investigate. If nothing else, they could exploit the situation. While he didn't care to go scuffling around the sewers, especially half-naked as he was... it was hard to say no to one of his own members. He looked to her, seeing the calm and interested look in her eye. THe mention of the guild made him realize the sense of her words.

    Suijin let out a deep breath, a sigh pretty much as he could tell how adamant she was. "Well, I am not one to disappoint a woman, so I guess we can take the stroll and see what we find./" he said, trying to make it sound a bit better in his playful attempt of humor. "Though I had hope our first date wouldn't be trekking through the sewers." he added to make his humor clear.

    The bartender smiled. "Well, what information you could find would be appreciated. I am sure we can work out something as a reward. If not me, the others of Talonia." he said.

    "Whatever..." Suijin said calmly and waved at the barkeeper. With it, he led the way for Janet to follow .


    The entrance to the underwater pathways were located near the end of the city, locked off by a giant vaulve. Normally these canals would be sealed and filled with water to prevent flooding during the rainy seasons. However, now that the day was clear and dry without any signs of rain to come-- it was safe for people to venture into. It would connect to the sewers-- without needing to venture into the more unhealthy waters just yet . With any luck they could find what they searched for.

    Suijin stood at the entrance of the grate, opened for them to allow them to explore. While Suijin didn't care for such a dank place, any place with water he felt confident to venture into. If this creature also was aquatic in nature, even better. He just hoped Janet too was up for whatever lurked down there. "You certainly seemed rarein to go. Something about this interests you?" he asked, talking to her as if she was another member-- not one higher or lower. Almost as an equal in the light of him being a guild master.

    WC: 448


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