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    The Black Cat Lounge


    Lineage : Witch of the Trinity
    Position : None
    Posts : 255
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 106,049

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tarot of the Morei
    Second Skill: Arcana Armaments
    Third Skill: Persona

    Public The Black Cat Lounge

    Post by Temperance 6th December 2018, 11:25 am

    Magnolia was a place of celebration, joy and almost anything you could imagine. It was a place for anyone from all walks of life could go-- especially when Fairy Tail had changed. Though the sparkling symbol of peace and hope that many looked to in Fairy Tail had fallen a bit due to incidents, many still attended them and sought them out. Regardless of what pasts hit Magnolia, it always came back smiling.

    It was there, among the more out-of-the-way place in the city was a new establishment that just sprouts out. No one was sure how and when it appeared, but it became a classy place for the moody night-goers. A cross between a gothic club and a jazz club by design.

    The truth was, this mysterious club was magical in its own right. There were a few cropped up in Fiore, all with the same name. The "Black Cat Lounge" -- a classy lounge for the refined of dark mages, but also for those of... complicated perspectives as well. It was known among those of dark mages for being a place to gather, trade information, relax, even find leads on good deals via the charismatic-seeming bartender there. Beyond that, it was a place for anyone to come and throw their hair back in an easy-going nightlife environment. You couldn't beat anywhere for their indulging drinks.

    One such person made her way to the Black Cat Lounge, a small brick building that was only one story tall in a wide rectangular shape. A few black-tinted windows showed, having no indication that anything was inside. However, the violet, neon lights that shined "Black Cat Lounge" was clear in fancy scrypt, ending with the stylish symbol of a cat at the end.

    The Black Cat Lounge RBc17BZ

    A young woman with black hair, glasses, unflattering vest, and jeans approached the building. Due to it being the late afternoon, no one had been lined up for the door. Oddly, she was not alone as a strange looking black cat followed from the corners and alleyways-- notable via its claw-like gloves and black pointy witch's hat she wore that her ears stuck out from. The girl clearly looked focused, even as her thick glasses obscured her eyes as she approached the door to the lounge. She cast a small glance behind her, wondering if anyone 'followed' her, but once she was convinced she had not been followed-- she opened the door and went inside. Fast as any cat was, the cat that followed her also jumped through the open door too... which the woman allowed in without issue.

    The inside was soon met with a rather intimidating looking creature. She was in a small room with another door behind it-- meant to be a sort of pre-entrance area. Of course, the creature before her looked like a monster otherwise. A muscular-ripped, blue skin ogre by the look of him. Though his face was rather clean-cut and not 'ogreish'. He clearly was a demon-- crammed into a bouncer uniform of leather pants and a black tee-shirt. One reason why he wasn't outside, but there was another reason altogether...

    .. the demon looked down at her, though not intimidating but neither kind as well. However, it was then that the woman tilted up her glasses to look at the demon-- completely unafraid and neither was the cat. "Hello, Kiru," she greeted calmly and pleasantly.

    The demon made a smile on his face, recognizing her-- as a usual customer to the Black Cat Lounge. He already knew it as well, from the company of the same black cat she had. "Good to see you too, Temperance," he said, addressing her by her 'handle'. With a graceful step, the demon stepped aside and gestured an arm to let her through the doorway clouded by a curtain.

    The woman nodded and walked in as the cat walked beside her and into the next room.

    Inside, the woman was once again back in her favorite hobble-- a place not only in town, but in all other towns. The Black Cat Louge was not just some hole in the wall-- but with spacial magic, it linked every door to this one place. So no matter where you were if you knew where to look-- you could always get into this place. Making it the best-kept secret for mages of 'that' persuasion.

    The lounge was a deep shade of violet, with adjusted lightning that made it easier to see but plenty of shady spots for people. The room had many sections. A series of comfy couches, recliners and booths-- even beanbags and throw pillows of those of that persuasion. It clearly was meant for an exclusive theme of a homey place for people to relax. One area along the booths led to a larger area, with a dance floor-- and piano at the end and a jutbox-like device at the end to play music. Smooth Jazzy music played in the background, run by magic no doubt that added to the ambiance of the place.

    Finally, more illuminated, was a large bar that ran for a distance against the wall. The bar was made of mahagony and finely shaped with comfy stools along it. The back was illuminated revealing a wide variety of drinks-- even a door to a kitchen where food could be cooked-- or so most would think. Behind the bar, was a rather tall dark-skinned figure with a dark-grey bar top and a bald head. He turned as he heard the woman enter.

    "Hey there, Selene..." Agil spoke in a deep tone, his little nickname for her, one of many from how long they knew eachother. "Haven't seen you in a while. Been busy?"

    Selina smirked as she sat herself down at the bar and removed her glasses, revealing her green eyes. "You know me, Agil. No rest for the wicked," the woman said-- her tone shockingly unexpected for someone of her appearance. More sophisticated to the 'nerdy' appearance she had.

    At that time, the cat with her hopped up onto the bar-- which the man flinched at. "D-damn it, cat! I just cleaned that bar. Sit your ass down on the chair." Agil grumbled.

    The black cat just defied him and sat herself down at the bar's corner, and licked her paw lightly. "Poor, Agil. You're never gonna get the girls if you don't know how to talk to a lady..." the cat spoke.

    Selina sighed as she relaxed against the bar, reaching into her pocket for her cards. "Come on, Hex. Don't aggitate him. We all know he works hard." she said as she spread out her Tarot cards...


    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Wings of Winter
    Position : None
    Posts : 503
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Experience : 1,572,642

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: The Black Cat Lounge

    Post by SeaGlass 7th December 2018, 3:35 am

    Little Arcadia:

    As much as she hated crowds ans trangers, especially in confied spaces, she couldn't beleive seh was about to head into just such an envioranment. Sure she was a two-tone Booslang Dance Champion, but those dance contests were the only two times she stepped foot inside that nighclub iin Crocus. That didn't count the didn't count the distater-laden delvery of drinks she made to them once, but she rather forget about that whole day.

    Little Arcadia took a deep breath, screwing up the courage to go in. She smiled to the blue demon just inside the door, and was rather annoyed at being stopped. The bare foot slayer displayed her left forearm with its glittering, solid sky blue guild mark of Fairy Tail outlined in gold. "I know yer just doin' yer job, Mister. But if you wanna keep a good business rep. in Magnolia, I suggest not turning away one of Fairy Tail's aces. especially, when she's just come to to check things out, and maybe see if yo all ever book live music."

    She smiled warmly to the ogre and bowed to him when he let her past, "Thanks, Mister." With that the pale blonde slayer scampered further in to have a little look around.


    The Black Cat Lounge 3FQiytD

    **☆Arcadia's Theme (as discovered by Mura)☆**:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: The Black Cat Lounge

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 10th December 2018, 8:31 am

    Feitan stumbled his way through the town of Magnolia. His eyes were swirls of madness as he made his way through the town. He hated the whole thing, he couldn’t handle this, there were so many foul things, so many irritating things, so many. He stopped suddenly as he heard the sound of music, music that he enjoyed, and he moved towards the sound. He found himself moving towards a lounge called “The Black Cat Lounge” The madman didn’t know anything about it, but he wanted to go inside of it.

    He made his way to the door and saw the ogre. The ogre looked at him a bit concerned and then explained “Your Mark?” Feitan didn’t really understood what he should do, but the most important mark he had to him was easy. He turned and shrugged off most of the robe to reveal the giant Laughing Coffin tattoo that spanned the whole of his back. The ogre nodded his head “Don’t cause Problems.”

    Feitan slipped his robe back over his shoulders and walked into the main section of the lounge. The music was enough to enthrall the Tombkeeper of Madness. He was dressed in his typically dark full-length robe that covered everything except the upper half of his face starting from the point of his nose and going up to his hair. He sat down on one of the beanbags and let himself relax closing his eyes and listening to the music. He felt very relaxed and sank pretty readily into the music allowing it to calm the madness that had swirled his eyes. He stuck out a bit being that he clearly looks like an escaped mental patient, but his cloak looked very nice and well cared for if a little travel worn. He didn’t bother talking to anyone yet, nor did he bother with anything but sitting and listening to the music.


    The Black Cat Lounge TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Lineage : Witch of the Trinity
    Position : None
    Posts : 255
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 106,049

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tarot of the Morei
    Second Skill: Arcana Armaments
    Third Skill: Persona

    Public Re: The Black Cat Lounge

    Post by Temperance 12th December 2018, 10:53 pm

    Hex and Agil continued their minor little anger spats as Selina took out her hand and waved them-- making a series of tarot cards appear on the bar in a series of patterns. As Agil stopped and turned, he paid attention to Selina with a smile-- and regarded the other customers who were there and coming in. "What can I get you today? The usual?" he asked.

    Selina flipped over a card, revealing the two of cups as she contemplated her order. "I'll have a Velvet Dream, please," she said calmly, "One Olive."

    At that time, Hex hopped off the bar and onto the stool-- spinning circles as she landed. "I'll have a white Russian. Hold the ice, vodka and kalula." the cat meowed pleased.

    Agil rolled his eyes at the cat's order but nodded. "Coming right up," he said and snapped his fingers. Two glasses appeared on the bar from a magic circle-- and soon one was filled white-- Hex's order, adn the other, appeared other small vials of liquids-- for Agil to mix. He took the first and slid it over to the black cat reluctantly. "Cream-- straight up."

    "Mreow! Thank you," Hex meowed and happily took the glass, sipping the milk on her lips with a satisfying 'pah'.

    As Agil began to mix Selina's drink-- his gaze came up to the new stranger. It surprised them all as she was a little girl with long blonde hair, bare feet and innocent looking. She was completely out of character with the more gothic, jazzy like bar they were now in. Selina looked up from her cards, curious as well. "A kid? What is she doing here?"

    Agil ran a hand over his forehead. "The hell is Kiru thinking letting a little girl in here?Aw, man... "

    "Careful, its the sweet looking ones you need to look out for," Hex teased lightly with a sip of her cream-- a bit of it on her whiskers. "Clearly you never heard of Annebelle."

    "I'm so seriously considering a no pets allowed sign in here..." Agil groaned, tossing the two liquids into the martini glass for Selina.

    Selina scooted off the stool and approached the girl-- still in her casual civilian attire. "Sweetie... what are you doing here alone? This isn't exactly a great place for kids." Selina warned as sweetly as possible. Though she was suspicious, Selina couldn't help but feel allured by her simple and seemingly innocent charm.


    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Wings of Winter
    Position : None
    Posts : 503
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Experience : 1,572,642

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: The Black Cat Lounge

    Post by SeaGlass 15th December 2018, 4:19 am

    The littlest slayer offered a quick smile and wave to the kinda scary man chilling in the bena bag now.

    Little Arcadia tilted her head and smiled, "I'm actually 14...maybe not much better for a place like this, but still this is just some magical complications I'm sorting through. Anyway. I'm Arcadia Fairchilde. Executive Manager of Fairy Tail. And  just came to scout the place out for a possible venue to book bands. I have one signed up for recording at least one song, if that single works out. We'll give them a whole album to put up on the lacrima-net or musical recorder lacrima. Either way, I was hoping to see if you took live acts. And uh I'll have any drink you got on the rocks... hold the drink."


    The Black Cat Lounge 3FQiytD

    **☆Arcadia's Theme (as discovered by Mura)☆**:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: The Black Cat Lounge

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 15th December 2018, 8:59 am

    Feitan is enjoying the music, however, he starts to think of something. He wants to go and do something he hasn’t done for many a long month. He stands up and walks towards the bar leaning against it giving the others a quick once over. The swirls of madness in his eyes are clear and visible. Still, he looks to the bartender looking around to try and find a stage that he could see himself. Presently, he cleared his throat as he looked back at the bartender. “I would like whatever the strongest drink you have. I would also like to know if you have a stage, and if you allow people to play here. I have a few things to play and I think that your ‘establishment’ would enjoy.” He said rather confidently flicking his right wrist and summoning up the Flute of Madness “I would be able to provide a lot of quality entertainment or at the very least atmosphere.” He said giving the flute a waggle “I would at least be honored for the chance to try.”


    The Black Cat Lounge TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Lineage : Witch of the Trinity
    Position : None
    Posts : 255
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 106,049

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tarot of the Morei
    Second Skill: Arcana Armaments
    Third Skill: Persona

    Public Re: The Black Cat Lounge

    Post by Temperance 16th December 2018, 10:17 pm

    The girl was refreshingly forward as she was asking about-- but even more surprising when she mentioned she was from Fairy Tail. Selina let slip an 'oh' of surprise as Hex slurped up the last of her cream to look at the girl. "Well... maybe she is smarter than she looks. I mean, Selina, how many think you're not a super--"

    "HEX!" Selina interrupted. Realizing she almost let her secret slip, Hex's eyes widened and her paws went to her mouth to cover it up.

    "Sorry..." she mewed.

    No doubt, the fact the talking cat in the witch's hat would give away she was an Exceed to Arcadia and the other person.

    Agil sighed as he looked to the cat. "Keep this up and your nine lives aren't gonna be worth much, furball." he teased.

    "Oh, shut it, baldie!" the cat hissed back at him, the two once again at it.

    Turning her attention to both Arcadia, and the dark stranger, Selina tilted a brow at them from behind her glasses. Agil went to get the drinks-- a simple glass of ice for the young woman an 'Inferno' for the young gentlemen. A spicy and hot drink themed so elegantly for the 'visions of hell' the lounge was related to.

    "The stage is open to anyone. Its like a karaoke bar but with set times. You just need to sign up," she explained to the two of them. "You just have to pencil it in with Agil behind me. I for one have done a couple of songs..."

    "Yep-- Selina here is a real star. Half the reason this dump is still running is cause of her," Hex meowed.

    Agil grew a vein along the side of his head. "Skating on thin ice, furball... " he warned-- before he passed the two drinks over to the two customers.

    Little did they know another group of unsavory characters entered the bar. Welcomed in for their 'unusual' appearances, they were indeed those most welcomed in this den of dark magic. Demons. Gargoyle like creatures, clad in a mix of vests, jeans, leathers and other mixes of clothing that were as chaotic as their grizzly forms. Four of them appeared, seeming to want to have a good time, but roudy all the same.


    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Wings of Winter
    Position : None
    Posts : 503
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Experience : 1,572,642

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: The Black Cat Lounge

    Post by SeaGlass 17th December 2018, 2:45 pm

    Arcadia smiled graciously, taking her glass of ice from Agil, ”Thanks, Mister.” She tipped a couple ice cubes into her mouth, crunching them right up with little fangs and teeth. ”Karaoke? Sweet. Maybe me and my big sister can come in and sign up some time. Though I wasn't inquiring so much for myself or my friends. It's good ta know though! Ya got a great place here. Do you also do paid gigs? Some of my potential clients probably wouldn't coming in for free But maybe we could work out a deal of free drinks, if not for jewel?Some of my first clients may be convinced to perform for that. We can work out things like cover charges later. Keep in mind I would be promoting your place free of charge for nights my clients would be performing. Don't need an answer right now. Just keep it..in..mind.”

    She trailed off toward the end of her little sales pitch as she belatedly noticed the cat in the hat was an Exceed. Her faerie green gaze watched the man with the unsettling eyes, wondering what kind of song he had in mind to play. That thought was lost as she fell into a kind of fangirl mode. Her faerie green eyes sparkled extra bright excitement. You practically see the stars in her eyes. Her arms waved as excitedly just in front of herself, hands clenched excited little fists, ”KITTY! Kitties are so, SO KYOOOT!” She leaned over from the stool she had climbed up onto to try and reach Hex. If she could, the little slayer would try and snag the poor talking cat right up into a gentle hug, dotting soft pets over her fur.

    She'd dig her sky blue iLac on out, it happened to have a little charm hanging from corner of its case that resembled a light grey and white Exceed. She smiled and showed off the the Exceed -resembling charm. ”I got this charm 'cuz it looks just like my big sister's kitty friend, Sebby. I'd bet you look even more pretty than he did in ribbons!”

    Hex's lucky break probably came in with the demons because their arrival distracted Arcadia just long enough from her train of kitty thought. She was briefly disturbed by the arrival, but she quickly remembered the stories she heard in Fairy Tail of demons her guild would occasionally help out on Galuna Island. That put her right at ease, and she offered a friendly smile and wave to the demons.

    She glanced back to Hex and Selina, smiling warmly, ”Sorry about that... where was I oh uh right... sadly I didn't bring my brush and extra hair ribbons with me, but I can show you pictures of how kyoot Sebby looked when I brushed out his fur and put in pretty ribbons.”


    The Black Cat Lounge 3FQiytD

    **☆Arcadia's Theme (as discovered by Mura)☆**:

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Overlord's Fail Safe
    Position : None
    Posts : 757
    Guild : Errings Rising
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Hisoka
    Experience : 6,240

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Satan Soul: Netherworld
    Second Skill: Aura Manipulation
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: The Black Cat Lounge

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 23rd December 2018, 6:21 am

    Feitan smiled as he took the drink paying for it right then. He took the drink and tilting his head back he downed it with one large swallow. The raised collar of his cloak keeping him hidden for the most part as he drank down the fiery liquid. He liked the taste, and he had to admit that it was one of the better drinks that he had ever had. He heard the stage was open and that he only had to go up and sign up for a time.

    He quickly made his way towards Agil so that he could sign up. The closest time was only about an hour or so away, so he was happy to be able to stick around and play his flute. He really wanted to play it, something deep inside of him was driving him to play it. He wondered if it would have the effect that it was named after. However, he didn’t think so. After all, he had to choose to use the ability in order to drive his opponents insane. At least, that was how it worked the last time that he had used it. There was always a chance that it wasn’t true anymore he hadn’t used this particular tool in his toolbox for a little while now.

    As he had finished signing up in walked in a group of demons. These guys were obvious, and it really didn’t take anyone special to see that they were strange. Feitan however, liked Demons, they were a favorite of his. He knew that he could siphon power from them one day, that was the promise of his master Hisoka back when he was learning how to use Demon Soul magic. The way the group walked in however, and the way Feitan was he was behind them. As they walked in, he inhaled deeply licking his lips and being as obvious about it as possible. When they turned around to look at him as it was unlikely, they wouldn’t do that considering the intent he had to make them do just that. He would look them all up and down “I would behave in here if I were you. If the management doesn’t decide to handle you, then I will Demons.” He said in his voice full of cold madness spinning his flute around as if it were a baton rather than the tool of a Tombkeeper; which had been his title. He stood defiant and ready to take them on if they made a move.

    Of course, if they could sense, or smell another demon as he could then they would be able to tell that he was nearly one of them, and it was highly likely that his powers were greater than theirs. Even so, he didn’t want to present a good target with his back, if he was facing them then he was far more likely to be able to slay them.


    The Black Cat Lounge TwlZpF6
    Character Stuffs:


    Books I've Written and Published:

    Lineage : Witch of the Trinity
    Position : None
    Posts : 255
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 106,049

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Tarot of the Morei
    Second Skill: Arcana Armaments
    Third Skill: Persona

    Public Re: The Black Cat Lounge

    Post by Temperance 24th December 2018, 7:43 pm

    The concept of welcoming singers were always a thing Agil would welcome. This was one of many places that Selina sang. "I actually sing a bit myself. I would put on a show now but i didn't really come prepared--" It was then that Arcadia's eyes gazed over to the black cat in the witch's hat and her eyes lit up like a child's on Christmas. Her cry for "Kitty" was what gave away the interest as she lunged for Hex.

    "Mreow?" Hex literally meowed as Arcadia was upon her-- and too slow to react, Hex was caught by the adorable girl's hold helpless in her grasp. She fidgeted but she couldn't wiggle out of her hold. Agil began to laugh and Selina couldn't help but cover her mouth at the adorable look of Arcadia holding Hex, and the miserable look Hex had for being cuddled so closely. The cat was never one to really be comfortable being a 'pet' but it was hard to argue with affection. The cat didn't mind the hug-- she hated the talk of putting ribbons in her hair. "Selina... help me..." Hex meowed sadly.

    Agil then actually fell to the floor of his bar, laughing up a storm as he grabbed his stomach and fought for breath. The tables turned on Hex being miserable was too much for him, and naturally was not about to help. Selina fought to control her laughter too. In the end, Selina got a guess this girl was harmless to the cat. Still the idea of Hex in bows and cutesied up, was adorable and the fact the sarcastic cat was subjected to it was funny as hell.

    HOwever, the laughter tapered off at the menacing presence of the demons that appeared. It seemed, the darker stranger picked up on it and was the first to really address them, while Agil was unfortunately still recovering from the laughing fit. The demons looked to the stranger, then to the others in the room. "Pfft... this dump sure seems to let anyone in," a green demon with wings grunted as he brushed aside the first mage.

    The dark ominous grew as it was clear these demons had no intent to just chill and relax. They wanted to cause trouble-- and didn't care for humans. Selina soon faced them, though still in the attire of a geeky looking reporter. She didn't move as she stood before them.

    "This is my friend's establishment. I don't mind the company of demons. Hell they are the best partiers. Still, don't come starting a fight you cannot finish," Selina warned with a tilt of her glasses.

    The demons laughed, clearly not threatened by her appearance or deep warning. "Girl, we can do what we want. You seem to have a bit of a mouth on you to talk to us like that," the demon said but grinned. "THough, I could see you putting that pretty face to work for us, hm?" he said lewdly. THe other demons laughed, causing her to get angry.

    Hex gave a cat-like hiss from Arcadia's arms as she wanted to claw them up. Agil was slowly rising up-- and already she could sense it. "Boys, this bar is my baby. You cause trouble here, you face the penalty--"

    However, Agil was interrupted by Selina holding a hand up. "Agil, I know how you feel, but would you mind if handle this. If these boys want a dance, I might as well have some fun with them." she said, interrupting the man behind the bar.

    The truth was, Agil was a lot stronger than she was. Insanely. If any of her new aquaitances could sense his magic power, it would be insane. LIke ZZZ rank level magic insane. (:P) He could easily repel and throw them far out on their butts in a second. Still, Selina too took pride to call the Black Cat Lounge her haunt and wasn't about to let roudy thugs have their way in her friend's club.


    Dragon VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- Halloween job event participant - Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Wings of Winter
    Position : None
    Posts : 503
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : Nessa Cordelia Lux
    Experience : 1,572,642

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Second Skill: Ice Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Public Re: The Black Cat Lounge

    Post by SeaGlass 28th December 2018, 10:13 am

    Arcadia let Hex go as the demons proved they prolly weren't from Galena Island. Mindful of jarmkng Fairy Tail's reputation she readied herself, if things got really ugly. She ised her Refraction spell to cast a displaced image of herself a few steps removed from where she really stood.

    Little Arcadia was ready to help, but she also didn't want to mess things up if she could help ot. An elephant-sized juvenile ice dragon might cause more trouble by accident than a bunch of demons might create on purpose. "I'm sure we can all have more fun not messing up this nice man's bar."

    She stood ready to aid Selina and Hex, it only if looked like they really needed an extra hand. She doubted it would even need that, if the levels of magic power she felt from Agil were right.


    The Black Cat Lounge 3FQiytD

    **☆Arcadia's Theme (as discovered by Mura)☆**:

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    Public Re: The Black Cat Lounge

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 5th January 2019, 7:02 am

    Feitan licked his lips slowly as he looked at the demons. He nodded his head lightly “Oh yes, they will let just anyone in. After all, they let worthless demons like you in here. After all, you would be dead in the weakest of the Netherworlds that I visited.” He said with a knowing smirk. Even if not all demons came from the Netherworlds most of them had known about the planes of existence where Demons were first spawned and born from.

    Still, Feitan didn’t engage them, not physically anyway, for now he was just simply going to wait and watch what they did. If it became too much of a problem, then he would step in. Despite this not being his place, nor his responsibility to step in, but he hated demons, he hated most demons anyway and he would be sure to destroy as many of them as possible. Rather he wanted to destroy as many demons who were not a part of the Netherworlds that he had visited or the Overlords that he had been dealing with.

    He dismissed his flute and instead reached into his cloak and grabs a jar of Sardines from within it. He hates eating the stupid annoying fish, but he had to be ready. He slowly removed three of them from the jar and swallowed them down without a word of complaint or hesitation. It took him a minute, and they had already gone ahead and stepped their foot in it with the annoying lines they were saying. Perhaps he wouldn’t have to do anything after all, but he would be ready so instead he slipped the resealed jar into his cloak. He tugged on his cloak letting the handle of his blade peak out from behind his head “Oh if there is to be a dance, I would like to join in. This scum disgraces the name of Demons everywhere, and…” his aura flared as he held up his right hand biting it as hard as he could drawing the blood out of it as he did so.

    In an instant he was swarmed by bats, and his own blood being covered completely as his body changed and was manipulated. Soon enough Feitan was no more and instead stood the Tyrant Valvatorez in all of ‘his’ glory. He smiled with a great Vampiric smile and nodded his head “I will suffer none to trespass in MY lands. Which are whatever lands I happen to be standing it. I am the Tyrant Valvatorez, and you will either bow, or die!” he says letting his cape flap violently with the force of his thrust, and aura that he was flaring up. He wasn’t going to be ignored again, and he would dance.



    The Black Cat Lounge TwlZpF6
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    Public Re: The Black Cat Lounge

    Post by Temperance 6th January 2019, 10:54 am

    Selina was aware of her new 'friends' here. He was worried for the sake of the little girl, but there was some odd magic going on with her as she shifted positions and a chill was in the air. However, that didn't compare to the dark stranger near the corner of the club. The man stepped forward and further mocked the demons were even less scary than others in the underworld. Did he know about Inferno? Or even been there? Perhaps he was another hybrid like Agil was, but those were questions for later.

    The red demon, annoyed Feitan's words quickly stepped up and grabbed him by the colar of his shirt. "You little shit! We are no common demons from the first circle ya little-- "

    SLICT! The demon felt something stick into his back-- but hardly anything strong. Something like a knife thrown but it didn't penetrate his hard skin fully. He looked to find an odd playing card-- A tarot card in his shoulder.

    In the center of the room, Selina stood with her cards in hand-- having just thrown one into the demon's shoulder. "No one told you its rude to leave a lady wanting," she said in a sultry tone, waving her cards lightly to beckon the demon off Feitan. It was clear this Feitan was strong, but Selina liked to be greedy with her fights a little bit.

    However, her back was turned to the giant black skinned gargoyle demon as he charged with his talons to strike her. "No little glasses wearing bitch is gonna talk to us like that!" he said with a lustful snear. "I'll have you on your knees before me to work when Im done!"

    Selina glanced behind her and moved-- but it was too late as the demon slashed right at her. His claws sliced through her vest, jeans and top easily-- but just narrowly missing her skin. The shreads of clothing flew through the air, leaving her in a shameful show of undress-- till she was gone in the blink of an eye.

    The shreds of clothing soon vanished in glows of light as her glasses clattered to the ground, the last to fall.

    "Such naughty boys you are," a voice chimed from above. "I will have to give you a good spanking. "

    Almost like a bat, Selina was now on the ceiling-- the last glow of magic around her ending-- to reveal her in a new attire. But not just that, a look that was totally different.

    Her once 'reserved' appearance with the vest, jeans and glasses was an elegant front for her 'true' self, as she now appeared in a black witch's outfit with orange accents, long boots, an elegant top with her lower torso slightly exposed. Her black hair flowed freely now as she knelt on the ceiling-- just as easily as if it was the ground.

    Witch-walking, the power to defy gravity via one of her Tarot cards. It appeared, by the same power, she changed her appearance as well.

    "And by the way, that's WITCH to you!" she cheered and threw a barrage of cards out from her hands. They moved in waves, but the witch's aim was true as they struck all three demons, and some of the grounds around her-- but none of them hitting her new friends...

    ... or Agil's bar as the man was looking nervous to see any major collateral damage.

    Hex found a shady spot nearby under one of the booths, keeping her distance for now and her ears low in dislike of roudy fights.


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    Public Re: The Black Cat Lounge

    Post by SeaGlass 6th January 2019, 3:47 pm

    Arcadia sighed softly, the littlest slayer having hoped it wouldn't come to this. As a trained warrior of the ancient and lost kingdom of Dragnof. she hated violence. Technically, she had still only been in training, but necessity had pressed her into at least one battle of Dragnof's ongoing war. A war itself now lost to time. That was all she had needed to really drive home her foster mother's lessons of how last resort this all was.

    Thankfully the magic energy she sensed from Salina, the strange Feitan, and Agil seemed more than enough to deal with these demons. Her stronger spells and fighting style would not quite subtle enough to help without collateral property damage. And if she accidentally got that Feitan guy hurt, that could spell trouble for her guild's alliances. And she didn't want to accidently hurt Selina or Hex either.

    She simply vanished from sight, and retreated to the ceiling by crawling up the wall. Her bare feet and hands froze and unfroze to help her stick and move along. The little slayer tried not to giggle when Selina wound up on the ceiling too. Arcadia did have a few more subtle spells she cold use. She entered Dragon Force by will, though remaining unseen no one could see the physical changes it wrought in the little girl.

    Ice froze up around the feet of all the demons, rotting them all in place for about a minute before they might break free. Small, dark icy mists formed around each of the demons' heads too, obscuring all sight and dulling other senses too, making them all the easier targets.


    The Black Cat Lounge 3FQiytD

    **☆Arcadia's Theme (as discovered by Mura)☆**:

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    Public Re: The Black Cat Lounge

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 22nd January 2019, 9:10 am

    Feitan allowed himself to be grabbed considering he didn’t mind it, and it didn’t hinder him at all. The demon mentioning the circles however sent him to laugh a mad cackling sound that filled the air and rang off of the glass “Oh, the circles? Oh, how quaint, no, the true powerful demons are in the netherworlds, not the circles. Circle demons can’t even compare.” He said with his joy and mirth fully in place. He kept a hand on the sword that was behind his back however not wanting to lose it as he sometimes did when he transformed.

    Soon, he was free, and the other girl proved that she wasn’t just some silly creature wearing ridiculous glasses, and an even more ridiculous outfit. Then again, Feitan wasn’t much for judgement. His transformation finished and he stood there in all his power, a bit annoyed that the girl had taken his fun directly away, but he supposed that he would allow it to pass. He looked down to his left hand and formed a short sword made of blood. In his right hand he drew his iron crushing fang. The blade grew to its full powered size, the blade was as tall as Feitan was, and was nearly as wide as he was.

    Thankfully, the other wizard wherever she had gone to was helping them. The demons were trapped, and their heads were obscured. The one who had grabbed him was trapped like a fish in the barrel. Feitan didn’t waste any time and he shot forward stabbing both of the blades he had into the demon’s back out through his chest. Feitan leaned in and hissed into the Demon’s ear “When you get back to Hell, that pitiful shithole of demonic rejects. Tell them, the Tyrant Valvatorez sent you back after killing you like the rabid cur you are.” He pulled the short sword out of the demon’s chest only to stab it into the Demon’s throat, with his Iron Crushing Fang soon moving up to slice through the demon’s head taking the top half of it off as cleanly as if he was slicing through butter. The Tessaiga as Feitan had been informed to call it could cut through stone with ease, so this little demon would be less than nothing to the big blade.

    Just in case however Feitan quickly withdrew and stabbed into the demon’s body several more times before he stepped back and took Tessaiga down to cut the Demon off at the knees. He didn’t much care about that, but with the headless legless body on the ground he smirked licking his lips as he looked to the other two frozen in place demons “I only need one messenger.” He said with a sickening bloodthirsty madness creeping into his voice. He was starting to enjoy this, and it had truly been far too long for him since he had a proper fight, or properly killed anyone. He made his way over to the one on the left and did much the same procedure with this one. He stabbed the Demon in the back several times in a rapid-fire fashion before he stabbed into the demon’s back with Tessaiga aiming it downwards so that a lot of the demon’s insides would be spilling onto the floor. This time however Feitan took a step back cracking his neck before he started to use his enhanced speed to really lay the smack down on this last demon. The end he grabbed the demon’s head and gave it a savage jerking twist. He kept on twisting until with one movement pulling out Tessaiga and slashing this demon’s head off in a similar fashion.

    He stepped back crossing his arms in complete disdain glaring at the demon that was all that was left. There was nothing more contemptable than a weak demon, then again Feitan had gone out of his way throughout all of his travels to find the best demons to make contracts with. He looked to the rest of the room particularly at Agil with a raised brow “As the Tyrant I bestow upon you and yours the right to decide what happens to this last pitiful cretin. I am done with them, and with this fight. The one who dared to lay hands on me is dead.” He waited for the decision dropping the blade made of blood, but Tessaiga was in his hand ready to go.


    The Black Cat Lounge TwlZpF6
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    Public Re: The Black Cat Lounge

    Post by Temperance 23rd January 2019, 10:48 pm

    Selina's quick thinking got her out of the line of fire and the little girl was quick on her feet as well-- but before things got even fun, they were cut short by the dark and mysterious stranger as he literally went overkill by slaughtering a majority of the demons in swift movements. Even faster than Selina went.

    Selina had hoped to just teach the demons a lesson and chase them out. But nope, this guy went overkill with swift stabs of his blade, severing heads and stabbing clean through the chests. In fact only two of the 4 demons seemed semi-alive before he spilled their blood left and right. Any sane person to the place looked in shock and ran. THe one he left alive was now shitless with fear as he quivered, wounds covering his body. The clear fear of god was put into him.

    Selina-- or now AKA Temperance, looked up from the ceiling, hanging like a bat with Arcadia. A frown was on her face, as she saw the results. "Oh, this isn't good..." Selina commented, seeing the mess.

    Feitan would have to answer to Agil when this was all over... The big balding man's head already seemed to be littered with angry veins.

    "And here I thought we could dance, but this guy literally is cleaning up." Selina replied.

    It was then there was a snap of fingers. Agil conjured a magic circle-- and it appeared right below the last remaining demon. "WHat the hell did I say. No one causes shit in my bar." It was right then and there the demon fell thorugh the circle and vanished. An ejection spell-- one he used to send rude and violent guests out of the Black Cat Lounge. Because he commanded the magic space, he could easily shape stuff to his whim.

    Then his attention came back to Feitan. "And YOU. You made a bloody mess of my bar. A little roughhousing I could stand but you flat out moped the floor with those mother****ers. And you gotta pay for messing up my space." Feitan and Agil could very well duke it out-- the fact was not only was Agil almost half-demon, but he was on magic all his own. The sheer aura he radiated would make a Wizard Saint sweat bullets. However he snapped his fingers...

    ... and Feitan found his sword gone in place with a mop and bucket. "Clean this **** up," he simply demanded, gesturing to the blood and guts he spilled all over the floor and carpet area. This would no doubt make the guy sour.

    Selina flipped down to the floor with a gesture and landed gracefully. Hex softly came out from her hiding place behind a booth and saw the demons were gone. "Boy, this place is starting to slum with the bad company Agil." Hex replied.

    "Don't start with me cat. You're on my last nerve..." he warned, his tone now indeed darker.


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    Public Re: The Black Cat Lounge

    Post by FeitanKazeshini 2nd May 2019, 1:11 pm

    Feitan wasn’t surprised that the bald man who ran the establishment would have a way to eject people. He really ought to do it for demon scum like these dead men much sooner, but it wasn’t his place so he supposed that he couldn’t say much on the subject. However, when the man turned his attention to him, he looked at him not caring about his rage, he didn’t care about much of anything if truth be told. He was a wandering madman, lost, and without a way. He wasn’t a wizard Saint, and thus he didn’t flinch, nor fear as this creature radiated aura off of him.

    Looking around at the death he had wrought he supposed that he had made a bloody mess of the bar in question, but he didn’t mind that either. Presently, he saw his sword was gone and replaced with mop and bucket. He looked to the blood on the floor and then to the man smirking “You know, you could simply have asked me. There is no need to threaten. Besides, I would enjoy cleaning it up anyway.” He got down onto his hands and knees and with an eagerness that would almost be considered perverted he began to suck up the blood leaving the floor spotless where it was.

    He continued to do this for only a few minutes before he stood up, the floors, and traces of blood were gone, and his face was covered with it. Wiping his face with his cloak he held out the mop to Agil “I will have my sword back now.” He said his eyes swirls of madness showing that he was just as serious as Agil had been “Also, I would advise against letting such filth into your establishments. They tend to be messier when they leave than when they arrive.” He said with a chuckle.


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