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    Neko Ada and the Curse


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- S-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 631
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 960,162

    Neko Ada and the Curse Empty Neko Ada and the Curse

    Post by Zincarla 5th June 2018, 12:30 pm

    Job Info:

    Yona Hisamori had needed to go to the famed library in Oak Town. She was returning some books and picking up some new ones for her research on hallucinogenic plants. In an effort to try to continue bonding with people in the guild, Yona had asked around for a travelling companion. She couldn't find anyone to go with, most people were out on jobs or busy doing some other work. And once again there was Adalinda and her trusty purple exceed sitting in the dining area. It was easy convincing them to come along, she just offered to buy Ada some foreign liquor after they were done in the library.

    It wasn't as painful as she thought it might have been before. Yona enjoyed a pleasant conversation with Tamaria and Ada as they walked the cobblestone streets and into a local tavern. "Well, the more I learn and understand these plants, the more I can apply that knowledge to my own magic. I could really help people, help myself, if I am stronger. You know?" Yona carried a set of books in her arms, walking beside Ada and explaining herself. It was unusual for the young woman to be so casual and light, but she was relaxing around Ada more and more. "I know the library isn't that exciting for everyone so I appreciate you joining with me."

    She walked calmly, relaxed. It was nice to not be on a job and just get some down time. Maybe she would enjoy a drink too at this tavern. She glanced at the tavern's front door sign, a wood and paint piece of artwork, but it looked like it had been weathered over time. She had no idea what it actually said. Her green hair caught the wind behind her and rang the little tavern doorbell before Yona could even try to open the door. She chuckled a bit and looked up at the sky and then back to Ada.

    WC: 329


    Neko Ada and the Curse Imageedit-3-2741721522

    Zin's Color: color = #ff66cc

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 772
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : -
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Neko Ada and the Curse Empty Re: Neko Ada and the Curse

    Post by Lethe 5th June 2018, 4:44 pm

    There were two reasons why Adalinda accepted to go on and help Yona. One, free alcohol on her end, and two, because Tamaria had decided that Adalinda needed to play with others more. She complained the whole time though, finding the library to be rather boring, but she kept it down in the library itself. Tamaria had also wanted to go to the library to look up something as well. She wanted to learn how to handle transformation after finding out she could do it on their last job with Yona. While in the library, Tamaria found out she had the skill for transformation magic and was able to turn herself into a human like exceed. Adalinda had been rather impressed, and let Tamaria hold her sword for a moment to see how it felt in her hands. "I can help out better other than just running away now!" She was rather excited in her little childlike form. Adalinda couldn't even pass up the opportunity to smother her exceed with how adorable she was.

    As they walked to the bar, Adalinda chuckles a little to her. "Or you mean... the more you learn and understand those plants... the more you can poison people?" She couldn't help but snicker to her. She shakes her head and waved her hand. "It's no big deal. You offered compensation for me. And... Tammy wouldn't let me reject it." She mumbles. She crosses her arms behind her head as Tamaria was practicing transformation exercises from the book she read. She was really excited to be able to change into that of a human, or partial human. She still had her tail, ears, and wings thankfully.

    When Yona rang the doorbell to the tavern, Adalinda just gave her a look of 'what the hell?' She just opened the door and walked right in like it was nothing. The bartender was eyeing the girl as she walked in, but then he spotted Yona. He seemed to guess who rang the doorbell by their demeanors. She sat down at the bar, and looked over to Yona. "So are you buying me whatever I want? Or you have a drink in mind for me to taste? Hm?" She questions her green haired mage. Whichever the answer, Ada ends up with a picture of it, and she takes a big sip straight from the drink before she puts it in a glass. "This tastes great!" She laughs a bit. There were other people in the tavern. Some mages, some civilians. The atmosphere was actually rather calm as everyone seemed to enjoy themselves and the alcohol they possessed.

    Words: 437



    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Chimera's Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 195
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 20
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 225

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heat Hero
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    Third Skill:

    Neko Ada and the Curse Empty Re: Neko Ada and the Curse

    Post by Rhyolo 5th June 2018, 7:03 pm

    Rhyolo had woken up in his hotel room when the the sun's light assaulted his eyes when they had first opened for the day. as his eyes adjusted he sat up straight in his bed rubbing the crusts out of his eyes. Once his pupils had gotten used to the sudden light change he hen took in his surrondings and began to look around the hotel room. He saw a nice little wooden table next to his bed. on the table was a vase with a single flower inside. The flower was a golden crimson and looked beautiful. hen then looked toward the tiled bathroom door where he saw his clothes thrown on the floor next to the doorway. He then looked at the source of the light. The fire mage looked at the open window and saw that the yellow curtains were flapping in the wind. Rhyolo then got up out of his bed and sleepily walked over to the window and closed it. He then stretched his aching back by pushing it forward with both of his hands. Once his back was stretched with a few satisfactory pops, Rhyolo then let out a relieved sigh.
    He then thought aloud, "Why does my back hurt when I'm only 16. This doesn't make any sense. Either way it's life." Rhyolo then walks into the bathroom and proceeds to runs some hot water for a shower. As he waits for the water to warm up he goes ahead and puts the old dirty clothes in his bag after setting out the extra pair he had brought for himself. once the water was warm enough Rhyolo bathed himself and then proceeded to dry himself off after turning off the water in the shower. Rhyolo then put on his clothes.Instead of his usual Red hoodie and shorts, Rhyolo had put on a black sleeveless shirt with a red collars vest on top. He also wore long white pants. Rhyolo then put on his usual leather boots. the young mage then sat on the bed wondering what to do.
    Rhyolo then decided to go to a local tavern as he decided that there might be something interesting there. He might meet some one or some people who can change his life forever. But that was unlikely.  He continued to walk down the street as he then came across the tavern he was thinking about. He would then open the door and begin to look around as he took a seat by himself at a table.

    wc 421


    Battle theme 1:

    Battle theme 2:

    Rhyolo's Form

    Neko Ada and the Curse Rhyolo2

    Neko Ada and the Curse Br

    +5 spell slots

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- S-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 631
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 960,162

    Neko Ada and the Curse Empty Re: Neko Ada and the Curse

    Post by Zincarla 6th June 2018, 9:38 am

    Yona chuckled at the small cat and opened the door for the others. When Ada gave her an odd look she retorted quickly, "What? The wind rang it!" And then the three of them entered and took a seat. Yona sat on the edge seat of the bar and put her books up on the counter. "Yeah, whatever you want. Just one pitcher though.. I'm not rich, okay!" Distractedly, Yona had pulled up her bag and opened it. She worked for a few minutes, shifting what was inside of the bag around and then carefully put the new books inside of the bag. She considered defending herself against the poisoning comment, the rumors of Yona being behind the allergic reaction of Chef Benvolio were not uncommon, but Yona also didn't want to encourage such rumors by defending them; Yona did not reply to that statement in particular. Yona cinched the bag closed and tied a loose knot at the top before setting the bag back over her shoulders to rest upon her back. Ada was already downing whatever she had ordered and exclaiming about how good it tasted. Yona lifted her brows at her and shook her head, "Don't get too drunk. That stuff I hear is pretty powerful."

    At the sound of the doorbell ringing open once more, Yona glanced back to see what looked like a teenage boy entering. She stared at his white pants a moment, thinking to herself wearing white really was ridiculous but the kid was off to a good start if he were in her guild. She hadn't noticed the bartender bringing out a couple of tall glasses half full with dark liquid. Ada looked nose deep in drink so Yona asked the question, "I didn't order this, might you be mistaken?" The old bartender shook his head and gave her a friendly smile, "Ah no. A gentleman purchased this for you lovely ladies. It's on the house as far as I am concerned." Yona looked around and the elder pointed at the back of a man who was exiting the tavern. "Looks like he was just being the friendly sort. We try to welcome travelers to Oak Town."

    Yona sniffed and put up her nose, turning her attention back to the strange boy with white pants, her eyes focusing on the man just outside walking past the large tavern windows. Yona didn't like the look of him, plus why would she trust a man to buy her a drink if he was just going to leave. Men didn't do that, at least not to Yona. Buying her a drink was a regular thing with her exotic and beautiful face and green hair, but no man bought her a drink and didn't even stop by to make lude remarks and sensual suggestions. It was too weird. Yona spoke to Ada and Tamaria without looking, "I don't think we should drink these ones."

    WC: 817


    Neko Ada and the Curse Imageedit-3-2741721522

    Zin's Color: color = #ff66cc

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 772
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : -
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Neko Ada and the Curse Empty Re: Neko Ada and the Curse

    Post by Lethe 7th June 2018, 7:35 pm

    At Yona's exclamation that the 'wind rang the bell', Ada just snorts and rolls her eyes. She totally believed it. She excitedly ordered a pitcher of some alcohol she hadn't tasted before. She was thinking Yuudai could teach make it himself for her one of these days. When the other mage warned her to not get too drunk, Adalinda threw back her head and laughed. "Yeah right! Like this will get me drunk!" She snorts. "This is nothing compared to Yuudai's alcohol. It still tastes good though." She tells the other as she goes to take another sip. The wasn't drinking on an empty stomach, and she knew the alcohol content of this drink was high, but not too terribly high though. And since she was having only one pitcher, she figured it wouldn't do anything like Yuudai's alcohol had seven months ago? Eight? Jeez... it had been forever... her babies would be here soon.

    While she mused about her babies, Tamaria was sipping on fizzy water and looks back when someone enters the tavern. She didn't pay too much attention to the teen as he came in, taking a deep breath. She looks up as the bartender brings out the glasses, and blinks a bit. While Yona asked about the drinks, Adalinda had just set her glass down, and over to the drinks set before her and her companion. She grins at the mention that these drinks were 'on the house' meant that she could have another without Yona getting onto her since it wasn't her money. She had grabbed the drink and downed it just as Yona said they shouldn't drink the drinks, and blinks to her. "Uh..." She felt dizzy for a moment, then fell backwards off of her chair, dropping the glass, causing it to shatter all over the place. When Ada hit the ground, a black POOF was around her, and she suddenly had black cat ears, and tail. She blinks a bit and feels woozy. What happened? She didn't get drunk... she knew that... There must have been something in her drink... She slowly lifts her head up as she feels woozy still.

    "Ada..." Tammy says in a worrying voice. Adalinda slowly looks up in a concerned voice. "What...?" The rest of the bar was looking at her now, especially the bartender since she had broken a glass, but was startled by her appearance. Tamaria had quickly reached behind the bar and grabbed the first reflective thing she could, a large spoon, and shoved it in Adalinda's face. Ada let up a scream as she had cat ears. Her hands reach up and touch them to make sure they're real, and then screams again as the tail came around to 'attack' her. She pawed at it for a moment, then pauses. What was she doing?! Her face was that filled with horror as she looked up to Yona. "I can't feel iron..." She says quietly. That was one of her signature traits as the Iron Dragon Slayer, she could sense iron. She quickly tries to use any of her spells, but it was for naught as her magic seemed to be blocked. She was shaking as she was now scared. She couldn't be powerless! She couldn't! Tammy quickly jumps down off of the bench and grabs hold of Adalinda to hug her. "It's okay! It's okay! Calm down... We'll figure it out. Calm down..." She soothes her slayer while petting her head. Adalinda seemed to calm down and leaned into her cat as her head was petted just right to her.

    Words: 598
    Total: 1035



    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Chimera's Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 195
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 20
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 225

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heat Hero
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Neko Ada and the Curse Empty Re: Neko Ada and the Curse

    Post by Rhyolo 15th June 2018, 12:38 pm

    Rhyolo would have sat down all by himself at a table, an attendant coming over o him asking him if he wanted anything. Rhyolo would have thought about it for a moment before he finally decided to get something normal and told the bartender, "I think I'll go with a root beer." It seemed kind of immature and child like but he had a taste and a thirst for it at the moment. Once the bartender nodded in understanding he would nod back to the older man, flashing him a friendly smile, and thanking him. Once he would have walked away he would feel like someone was looking at him as he then looked and saw a girl who looked a bit older than him with green hair was looking at him. She sat with another woman He would have smiled and waved to her before the bartender had came back with his bottle of root beer. He would then again smile and not him a thanks before taking the bottle and taking a sip of the sweet carbonated vanilla soft drink. He would have closed his eyes and smiled, letting out a satisfactory sigh. He would then open his eyes as he then heard a commotion, and it was coming from the green haired's girl's table. The other girl would have fallen over an seemingly collapsed, possibly from drinking to much. He then instinctively got up and went over to them to see if they were ok. "Hey are you guys alri...?" He would then cut off noticing the other woman's cat ears, something that wasn't there last time he checked. "What happened here? Also, why does she have cat ears now? Because I know my memory isn't bad and last time i looked over here she didn't have those." He would then notice that there was another with them, an exceed. He hadn't actually seen one in person and found it a bit interesting. He would have guessed one of them was a dragon slayer, because the trend usually was that a dragon slayer had them as a companion for some reason, it was kind of their trade mark, right next to eating their own elements.



    Battle theme 1:

    Battle theme 2:

    Rhyolo's Form

    Neko Ada and the Curse Rhyolo2

    Neko Ada and the Curse Br

    +5 spell slots

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- S-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 631
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 960,162

    Neko Ada and the Curse Empty Re: Neko Ada and the Curse

    Post by Zincarla 15th June 2018, 6:02 pm

    Yona ran a hand through her short green hair as Ada fell from her seat. She stood up and looked down at Ada as cat ears appeared and she dramatically began to flail around. "Damn it, Ada, I warned you. And it could be worse than cat ears!" As her exceed tried to comfort her, Yona made a face. When Ada complained of not feeling her steel, she frowned even deeper. That was a serious problem indeed. She looked at the guy who had come over with concern and pointed at Ada where she sat on the floor.

    "Why are you just standing there, help her out would you!" Yona commanded, taking charge. She looked to Tamaria and then out the window. "I think I saw the guy who brought these drinks and I am going after him. Keep her safe, I will be right back!" And then Yona set off, dashing for the door, throwing it open, the door bell jingling again. The door closed on air, the mage's feet pounding the cobblestone ground as she rounded the corner looking around the road. Yona tried to recall on the way what the man looked like: bright purple cloak, and bright blue hair with black tips. Other than that, Yona had nothing; it was only glance through the window before he had vanished from sight. Yona shouted looking around, "Has anyone seen a man in a purple cloak?"

    Nobody replied. She ran through the square, grabbing each vendor in turn, a fruit vendor, a honey vendor, a seamstress and a tailor. "A purple cloak?" "Blue hair?" "Has anyone seen this man!?" All of her pursuits and shouting was met with silence until a kid in overalls pointed down a dirt road which led out of town. "I saw a guy like that. He went that way!" Yona tossed the kid a loose copper coin from her pocket as she raced past him and onto the dirt road. It forked into two after a couple minutes in and she groaned loudly in defeat. "Damn it!" She didn't see a thing. She saw plenty of tracks, by people, in both directions. There was no sign of a man in a purple cloak and no sign of any witnesses out here on the road. She was utterly out of luck and turned to go back to the tavern with sour expression.

    Ten, maybe fifteen minutes had passed by the time she returned, and upon spotting the others (if they had been still there), Yona would tell them, "I have a general direction but it's not good news. The guy went out of town and I don't know which route he took." She gave Ada a look of pure pity.

    WC: 1273


    Neko Ada and the Curse Imageedit-3-2741721522

    Zin's Color: color = #ff66cc

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Warrior Dragon
    Position : None
    Posts : 772
    Guild : Meliora Vitae
    Cosmic Coins : -
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 2,290,286

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Archive Magic
    Second Skill: Iron Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Neko Ada and the Curse Empty Re: Neko Ada and the Curse

    Post by Lethe 16th June 2018, 2:31 pm

    Adalinda pouts up to Yona as she was scolded. "You were too slow for the warning." She grumbles. Her ears had lowered as she pouted, showing how authentic they were. Enough to go with her emotions. Tamaria was behind Ada, trying to not snicker at her. She jumped a little when Yona yells to the other. She slowly gets to her feet, and hears a couple whistles as a few males in there were seeing one of their wet dreams come true. She shot them a menacing glare, and they instantly shut up. "I don't need any help!" Her arms were crossed over her shoulder as she puffs her cheeks at Yona. She didn't need protecting. She could do it herself. She wasn't a weak damsel in distress... Only once when her magic was toned down was she ever even remotely a damsel, even then, that hurt her pride. She glares over to the kid who had come over and put her a hand on her hip before she grabbed her original glass of alcohol from before.

    "Ada... are you sure you should be drinking already?" The slayer already took a huge swing of the drink and looks down to the cat. "Guess your alcohol tolerance is still the same... of course a pitcher does nothing to you..." The cat mutters. Ada looks out the window a bit, seemingly caught in a trans. The cat looks to the new guy, and nervously smiles. "Don't mind Adalinda. She's in a sour mood now... as you can see. She drank something someone ordered her... The girl who left, her name is Yona... Guess she's going to find the one responsible for this... and I'm Tamaria." She smiles to the guy. She hears the door open and close, and for a moment, Tamaria freezes. "She just walked out the door... didn't she...?" She questions without looking right then. She looks next to herself, then behind her to the bar. Adalinda wasn't near her... or in the building. She had gone off to chase a butterfly. "Oh no..." She grumbles as she quickly goes to the door. "Stay here to wait for Yona if she comes back before us! I'll be right back." Quickly, the exceed shifted to that of a neko herself, a short, purple haired and eyed neko with her matching ears and tail and a pair of angelic wings on her back. Even her attire was purple. Of course the neko enjoyed being so purple, and adorable all at the same time.

    Tamaria had ventured outside and saw Adalinda swatting at a bright pink and blue butterfly. The transformed exceed groans at her neko slayer, and takes a deep breath. This was going to be troublesome. She quickly runs after Adalinda and gets in front of her. "Here kitty kitty!" She figured that'd at least distract Adalinda enough for the moment. Of course it did, since Tammy's tail flicked from side to side. She then quickly scrambled up Adalinda and shooed off the butterfly. She glares down to Adalinda, who nervously smiled to her. "Get inside the tavern..." She pouts to the slayer, who's ears fell down as she carries the transformed exceed inside the tavern once again. She jumps out of her arms and had Adalinda sit in her seat again when Yona came back. The news she came baring, wasn't too good of news, to hers or Ada's ears.

    "I am going to be stuck like this forever!" She whines as she puts her head on the bar counter. Tamaria huffs. "Really? Are you nothing without your magic? Get a grip of yourself! You won't be like this forever. We'll get him back..." The exceed grabs Ada's shirt, and yanks her out of the seat to make her tumble on the ground again. A grin was on her face as she was stronger in this state than her exceed state. Adalinda growls at the cat before she stands up, dusting her pants off. "Lets go to where you lost the dude... Maybe we can find something." She looks over to the bar, curious of the other drink. Would she be able to notice this smell again? Is her sense of smell still enhanced since she was half cat? She takes the risk and sniffs it for a moment, memorizing the sense of smell like she would as her normal self. She then glances over to the other guy, raising an eyebrow about him being there.

    Words: 746
    Total: 1781




    Quality Badge Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Player 
    Lineage : Chimera's Blood
    Position : None
    Posts : 195
    Guild : Guildless
    Cosmic Coins : 20
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 22
    Experience : 225

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Heat Hero
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Neko Ada and the Curse Empty Re: Neko Ada and the Curse

    Post by Rhyolo 25th June 2018, 5:40 am

    Rhyolo would have been surprised by all of this mess happening at once. The girl known as Ada being turned into a neko. He would have then been shocked at the sudden yelling from the green haired Yona, who had ran out of the building, in hopes to help her friend go back to normal by finding the person who was responsible for causing this whole mess. He would have then looked to the exceed who had greeted him and explained what was happening and introduced herself and her companions to him. Rhyolo would have then saw a butterfly come in and take the newly transformed neko's attention. He would then be at a loss for words as he then watched her walk, or rather crawl, out of the establishment chasing the winged insect. He would have began to point silently and have his face look awkward with his mouth open as he was about to say something but she cut him off. He would nod at the question of her friend disappearing. He stood there and nodded as he watched the exceed manage to get her bigger slayer back in from the doorway of the pub. He would have been a bit surprised to see that her exceed then transformed into a neko herself. Hmm, Pretty interesting, I knew some exceed had more human like forms if they were lucky enough to master it, but becoming this human like, it is really something. He would then move away to make way for them to reenter the drinking place and watch them as Ada would take a seat at the bar with her exceed, tammy. He would then sit with them to help make sure ada would be fine. But then Yona had come back with news that didn't seem to be too encouraging for the slayer. She had managed to get some clue of where the wizard, scientist, maniac, or whatever he is was at. He sighed some feeling bad for Ada. He wanted to encourage her somehow but he wasn't good in situation like this. With people who had just lost a piece of themselves or their life. He would then look to her as she was then draggedo ut of her seat by the neko exceed. He couldn't help but grin a bit, but quickly wiped the smile off of his face so no one would notice. His eyes would then widen when she began so sniff the drink.Of course, her senses should still be with her. A plan would then begin to form in his head on how he could help her get her powers back, a grin back on his face. "I have a plan," he said, looking between all 3 of them, "but we don't have time to lose so let's go! We need to go to the place where you lost him." One thing he didn't like was someone who who messed with other people, and that really pissed him off. This guys had better hope he escaped already, otherwise he will get pummeled. Possibly by four people.

    wc 515
    Twc -1306


    Battle theme 1:

    Battle theme 2:

    Rhyolo's Form

    Neko Ada and the Curse Rhyolo2

    Neko Ada and the Curse Br

    +5 spell slots

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Neutral Guild Ace- S-Rank- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Character Application Approved!- Obtain A Lineage!- Summer Special Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Kohl's Plague
    Position : None
    Posts : 631
    Guild : Luminous Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 960,162

    Neko Ada and the Curse Empty Re: Neko Ada and the Curse

    Post by Zincarla 25th June 2018, 8:22 pm

    When Yona came back to Adalinda's dramatics she was thankful for Tamaria's interference. The woman had to get her head on straight. She was better than succumbing to this. Then again, the green haired mage had never to go without her magic. She looked down at Tamaria and was thankful then that it had been Adalinda, because at least Ada had Tam. Yona was patient with her, finding herself less annoyed while Ada got to her feet. While she was getting up, Yona reached into her pocket and took a few photographs of Adalinda as a neko, some looked darn right adorable: Ada and Tam together, Ada with a look of determination, and a look where she was caught raising an eyebrow and holding a drink. Yona wasn't sure what she would do with the photos but it might come in handy to bribe Ada in the future. Yona waved the bartender over as Rhyolo spoke of having a plan.

    It was Yona's turn then to raise an eyebrow. She wasn't sure how he had helped after she had run out and wasn't completely opposed to his continued aid. "Dump those drinks right out, they were tampered with," Yona told the barman and then she gave the white haired kid a smile. He wasn't too much younger than the nineteen year old surely was, but his attitude was far more youthful in a way. "Let's go then. Between her sniffer and your plan, more heads and more hands will help in finding this guy. I'm Yona, so you'll have to give your name on the way. And have you ever even been in a fight, cloud-head?" She asked him as she headed for the door. Once they were outside, she would walk briskly, heading directly towards where she had found the fork in the road outside of the main part of town. Yona's green eyes glanced to Ada with a smirk, watching her twitchy little ears and she slid a whisper over to the woman, "Maybe that will stop you from drinking?"

    WC: 1644


    Neko Ada and the Curse Imageedit-3-2741721522

    Zin's Color: color = #ff66cc

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    Neko Ada and the Curse Empty Re: Neko Ada and the Curse

    Post by Lethe 29th June 2018, 2:13 pm

    Adalinda is quickly following after Yona. She hadn't noticed that the plant mage had snuck photos of her earlier, but Tamaria seemed to had noticed something, and had grinned to her. Adalinda looked to the white haired kid, and couldn't help but snicker. Yona's comment of 'cloud head' seemed right. His hair kind of reminded her of so. "So kid! What's your plan?" Adalinda grumbles as she shakes her head. She was having trouble concentrating, and was starting to get rather sleepy already. She quickly whips her head around and Tamaria had to grab Ada's hand and yank her with her. "No boxes! They were crushed! You can't sit in them!" She cries out at her. Adalinda pouts a bit and had quickly followed after Yona again.

    When they had made it to the fork in the road, Adalinda's ears twitched a bit, trying to hear for others. She then stuck her nose up and sniffed the air a bit. Her sense of smell wasn't as great as before, but she could still smell something. When her friend asked her if she'd stop drinking because of this, Adalinda just snorts and rolls her eyes. "Everyone wishes... I need alcohol to function... Else I can't focus..." Tamaria sighs as she nods slowly. It was the truth. She's seen Ada dry of alcohol before, and she wasn't too fun really. Tamaria had to give her some alcohol to keep her sane.

    "You smell anything Ada?" The exceed questions the dragon slayer as she stands next to her. Ada nods slowly as she points to their right. "I smell something coming from that way. Smells just like the drink... but different... sweeter?" She shakes her head and then starts jogging that way a little. She looks back to the others, and raises an eyebrow. "C'mon! I don't want to lose his scent." She tells them before she turns around again. A growl in the forest next to where Ada was, caused her to let up a scream and jump away from the trees, falling on her butt. Her ears were perked higher than before, or seemed to be, as she looked around for the source of the growl. As soon as she glanced into the forest, the head of a dog poked out of the bushes, and he was slowly creeping towards her. "St-stay back!" She says as she scrambles to her feet, hauling ass away from the creature.

    Tamaria lets up a groan as she slaps a hand to her face, and looks towards Yona and the other guy. "She's near exactly like a normal cat..." As she said that, the dog started to chase after the slayer. "She smells like a cat guys... so the dog's gonna chase after her..." She groans and starts to jog after the neko girl, rather unhappily at that too. She normally had to keep an eye on Adalinda, but this was more than normal to her, so it was already taking a lot out of her just to chase after her like so. "Can there be nothing else we have to encounter with Ada?" She asks aloud, more to some invisible person than to the other two people.

    Words: 533
    Total: 2314


    Last edited by Adalinda on 17th July 2018, 8:46 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : added in total WC)



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    Neko Ada and the Curse Empty Re: Neko Ada and the Curse

    Post by Rhyolo 12th July 2018, 6:24 pm

    Rhyolo would have ran out the door and followed Ada, Yona, and the purple exceed, Tamaria. He would have nodded to Yona as she introduced herself properly, which really wasn't necessary for the green haired girl since Tammy had taken care of that a while ago. He then frowned at the nick name they had given him, cloud head. He would guess it was because of his white hair. He would sigh as they young fire elemental began to shake it off. Sure he was used to being the butt of a joke every now and again but the hair thing was new and still pretty weird to him. Yona would have then asked him if he had ever been in a fight before. The answer was fairly easy, yes he had. He would then think back to the job before where he had done the dark guilds' dirty work and taken care of some scumbags messing around with their reputations. Sure, it may have technically been a dark job but he had taken out some killers and thugs, and gained even more battle experience from killing them. He would then turn to Yona and nod to answer her question. "Why, yes I have, quite recently actually."
    He would then turn his attention to the newly turned neko girl, Ada, as she asked what exactly his plan was. He would smile and chuckle a bit as the four of them continued along at their fast pace. He was about to tell her when suddenly her attention was gripped by some old cardboard boxes. her focus would have to be regained by tammy. Man is that dragon slayer lucky to have tammy. She would have been toast if not for her. He would continue to follow Ada down the path. He would then see tracks in the dirt of the beaten path that began to look really fresh, as if they had just been made minutes ago. "You all stay put! He can't be far! I got him!" He would then yell out as he would make a fire ball in his had, then throwing it in front of him. The ball of fire would then flatten out into a portal of fire looking like it would lead to hell. Rhyolo then focused as he would run through the portal, appearing right behind the wizard in the purple cloak, about 600 meters ahead of them in the forest. "I got you now!" The young pyro would reach his hand out toward his target, clenching his fist releasing fire from his hand. The fire then turns into a magic circle and sends the rings of fire to them trapping the foolish wizard in two rings of fire, one at his arms and the other at his legs. Rhyolo would then quickly grab the mage and begin to run while carrying him back to Ada and Yona while he was still bound. "I got him! Hurry up before the bindings disappear!"

    Spells used and stats:


    Battle theme 1:

    Battle theme 2:

    Rhyolo's Form

    Neko Ada and the Curse Rhyolo2

    Neko Ada and the Curse Br

    +5 spell slots

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    Neko Ada and the Curse Empty Re: Neko Ada and the Curse

    Post by Zincarla 13th July 2018, 7:42 am

    Yona watched after Ada sniffed the air and thought to herself how handy it was to have a woman that could smell so well. Not a gift she would personally want, but a smart thing to have in an ally for sure. Yona watched a medium sized dog with short black and white fur leap out of the forest and begin to chase Adalinda. She had to let out a little laugh at the woman's expense but it was clear that the female would need some aid. Yona let Tammy go chase after her job partner and opened her bag. She pulled out a bag of jerky she had been saving for her next hike and then she looked around. A random birch tree was near to the road and so Yona touched it, walking through the tree and out of a shrub directly behind the dog which was after Ada.

    Once out behind Ada she waved the jerky in the air to get the dogs attention. When that didn't work, Yona hurled the jerky at the dog. The piece of dry meat bounced off the dogs back but he stopped, sniffed, and devoured. Yona threw a second piece and again the dog ate it. Luckily she had fully distracted the dog, continuing to throw pieces of jerky at the canine, one tiny salty bite after another. "I think I have got the dog taken care of for now. You okay Ada?" She tossed another piece of jerky and then with all her strength she ran and threw the bag of the rest of the meat into the forest. The dog would have to run back and spend time trying to get at the last few morsels. Yona had no idea what Rhyolo had been up to, lifting her head to see an opened portal, a wizard in firey chains, and the young man carrying him.

    "What the hell is going on now? Damn it, Cloud? A portal?" Yona shook her own head and then cast another spell. As soon as the wizard and Rhyolo were back on her side. Yona grabbed the wizard by his shoulders and pulled him away from Rhyolo, shaking him hard, "Where's the antidote you freak?" The wizard laughed nervously, "Whattt? What antidote? Oh... oh my such beautiful ears," He said suddenly, looking towards Ada. "I would very much like to just... touch them a little bit..." Yona slapped him across the face. "I am not patient enough for this! Just give it up or I'll kill you for attacking a guild mage." The spellcaster was clearly not very experienced and just as obviously a ridiculous wizard with a strange fetish for neko people... or cats. With Yona's prodding he replied that the antidote was in the bag tied to his hip, a magical bar of chocolate inside would undo what had been changed. As much as she wished she had paid more attention and knew how the kid got the wizard so fast, Yona had to admit the kid was more efficient than she had believed. She leaned to Tammy, "He could even be guild material, don't you think?"

    WC: 1644+525= 2169


    Neko Ada and the Curse Imageedit-3-2741721522

    Zin's Color: color = #ff66cc

    Alt Account- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Dragon Slayer- Neutral Guild Ace- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- EXP Grinder- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Limited Edition- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Taskmaster- Halloween job event participant - Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Summer Special Participant- Player 
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    Neko Ada and the Curse Empty Re: Neko Ada and the Curse

    Post by Lethe 17th July 2018, 9:05 pm

    Adalinda was relieved when Yona had gotten rid of the dog. She had decided to lay herself on the ground and groaned in relief as she lay there. She closed her eyes as Tamaria sat next to her and petted her head. Ada slowly sat herself up and looks at Yona quietly with a pout. She felt like she was really pitiful right then with how she was, and Tammy didn't seem like she was going to stop petting her head. She huffs as she slowly starts to stand up when Rhyolo came back to them from a portal. "What in the world...?" She mutters as Tamaria blinks in awe. Adalinda sniffed the air and pointed to the guy. "He smells like the scent!" She cries out, till he starts complimenting her ears and whatnot. A growl escaped her lips as she stood up and picks herself up off of the ground. "Yona! We don't kill people without a just cause..." Adalinda growled without looking at the green haired mage. She snatched the chocolate and bit into it shuttering as it didn't taste as sweet as it smelled. "It tastes like crap..." She noticed something hanging out of his pocket and grabs it, plucking it out and stuffing it in her own pocket. She knew it was jewels, and she'd have to share with the other two, but for now, she'd hold onto it.

    She felt herself get a little weak for a moment, before her eyes glare back at the man. There was another poof, and her ears and tail suddenly disappeared, before her eyes looked like they were ready to kill despite what she just told Yona. She quickly grabbed the guys arms, iron manacles suddenly wrapping around his wrists before she yanked him to her with a rather unamused grin on her face. "You are now in trouble... You have messed with a member of the West Fiore Trading Company. You understand your sins?" She says, that smile never leaving her face. In fact... to Tammy, that smile seemed a bit too creepy the longer it stayed on her slayers face, but at least she no longer had the neko parts to her, and the fact that the iron came back at her beck and call meant everything to the slayer.

    The man was suddenly able to feel the feeling of how much Ada wanted to kill him herself with how she gripped his arm and continued to smile like so. "We'll take you into town and have a Rune Knight take care of you. You're really not worth our time." Tamaria snickers as Adalinda started to drag the guy away. She then paused, looked back and raised an eyebrow at Rhyolo. Tammy looks to Yona, having heard her question, and was sure Ada heard too with her dragon senses, and simply smirked. "You're dragging the poor kid into trouble..." She says. Adalinda snickers and continues to hold their captive. "Ey! You! Come here!" She called out to the white haired kid, but she actually didn't wait and grabbed him by his bicep. "You're coming with us too!" She grins as she winks. Tamaria groans. "Ada... remember the last time you dragged someone along with us to the guild...?" The exceed questioned, but the dragon slayer seemed to ignore the pleads as she was already walking ahead, dragging both the mage they were just working with and their captive back into town like it was nothing. Tamaria let up a groan as she quickly ran after them. Adalinda had turned the guy in to a Rune Knight, before she split the goodies she took from him to the other two, smirking as they each got ten thousand jewels. And this was before she grabbed Rhyolo's arm again and begun dragging him to the boats, despite her motion sickness for transportation. "You're in for a ride..." Tamaria sighs to Rhyolo as she sits on a barrel aboard the ship.

    Words: 661
    Total: 2975


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