Fairy Tail RP

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    Haiku Contest Participant- Player 
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    Posts : 152
    Guild : Silver Wolf
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    Experience : 1,831

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    First Skill: Book of Legends
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    Post by Morrigan 26th March 2018, 5:06 am

    The world was quiet. The snow it trickles with the grace of feathers. Haley felt stupid as she laid in the snow, blood leaking from her stump of an arm. It would grow back, slowly, but there is no way she could go back. Haley could not move her right leg, nor her left arm. It was, a weird feeling. Haley knew they would grow back, but the absence scared her. Haley could still remember how it happened, she wanted to forget it, but she could not.

    It was just another mission, assigned to her by the Black Rose. The Stigma Caporegime was put on this solo. They were waiting for a word. Haley could not remember what it was. Suddenly she remembered, her bird Twitter was waiting by the bar. Haley sighed, she should have gotten her ready to send a message back. Well that is one reason for her stupidity out her mind.

    So Haley recalled, it stung her brain like a knife. The shapeshifter approached her target, but one idiotic lackey jumped into the target, pushed her out of the way, and instead killed the lackey in the process. The target was sharp, and sent her flying. Haley remembered it was not just two or 3 meters, she was sent through the roof and right out of the place. Haley then saw the target flashed, with Haley's own knives, taunting her before stabbing her leg and arm, deep and kicked them right through her, cutting her limbs off like it was butter and down towards the forest. Haley guessed she thought the drop would kill her. Lucky her it did not.

    The girl closed her eyes, she was losing a lot of blood. Haley could feel the color drain, it was an odd experience. Haley knew it was not the appropriate reaction, but everyone has their own reaction. Time seemed to pass slowly. If fate meant her to die here, then so be it. Haley breathed slowly, she felt tired and worn. Perhaps it was death slowly clinging around her soul and getting ready to take it. Father always said things that belong to the earth return to it one day, perhaps today was the day.



    Lineage : Victor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 349
    Guild : Silver Woof
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 7,640

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Memory-Make
    Second Skill: Deep Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Third Skill: Antique Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)

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    Post by Yuvon 26th March 2018, 2:10 pm

    Cold… yes, it was cold! However, it was easy to lock that thought out of his mind as he ignored the stinging, skin-crawling cold. If one let himself drown in his thoughts, he would be able to overcome any such obstacle… heat, famine, dry, for a good amount of time, one would make it out as the survivor. His mask provided his face with enough cover from the snow, anyway, so he could keep thinking… think, Yuvon, think… where could it be? The words of a settlement out in the outskirts that reached his ears from afar, it was supposedly hiding around here. He was holding a book, actually, taking his time writing down codes that could help him characterize this place later on. He had to store the knowledge in a book like this one, just in case if he had to bring it down to someone. It would be a pain to hear him talk ahead of himself and say words before his mind even thought about it…

    Oh. Yes! He found it! The second he saw the hot steam, his legs craved for a rest as he almost kneeled down in the snow. Approaching the place rather rapidly, he was soon met with a surprising companion - an obstacle on top of the heavy snow that almost covered all vision - none other than a wolf. It would approach him hostilely at first, watching as Yuvon’s face remained unmoving as it didn’t turn during the long journey. Circling around him, the wolf awaited its fellows to arrive as well, but something was odd about this individual…

    One of them initiated the first strike, only to realize that Yuvon didn’t phase the direct bite on his left arm. In fact, in the eyes of the other wolves, it looked as if he was playing around with it as the wolf had tried to bite his arm off, finding itself in an awkward position. “Hah! Don’t you have a strong and healthy force in your jaws..!” he complimented the confused wolf, “But your teeth aren’t as sharp as I expected… perhaps you’ve lacked prey to hone them with? Make sure to sharpen your fangs as they’re critical for a good kill on a delicious deer or boar, you can’t ditch them like that…”

    The reason for the wolves’ presence was something else, though… it wasn’t Yuvon that was their target at first. If he hadn’t noticed it soon, they could’ve begun the feast on the barely living person laying on the cold ground nearby. He could smell the blood from miles away… and as such, he hurried over to her body and scared the predators off with a loud stomp. The stomp would cause a good amount of snow to rise up and lash out towards them, whilst he made sure to have them under his sight as he looked at the injured lady. Not a single word was spoken to her before he began ripping off cloth from his garments, covering her wounds as quickly as possible, making sure that the blood would stop flowing out. She would need time to recover, but during that break, he had something that could ‘highlight’ hermuscles to numb the pain a little. From his pocket, he would pick out some strong berries - by the first look at her, she didn’t appear to be in the mood to eat, but for goodness sake - and he sent those berries straight into her mouth.

    He took a look further… they were close to the guild hall. Hopefully, he could aid her towards the warmer areas, in which he picked her up by the shoulder and lifted her along. Those berries had always worked on him - he had many experiences with them, and his experiences were absolute to him - and dear heavens, they would work again…



    Haiku Contest Participant- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 152
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,831

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    First Skill: Book of Legends
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    Post by Morrigan 3rd April 2018, 1:05 am

    Haley heard snow being shifted and moved. At first it was one, then two, then three then four. Haley wanted to open her eyes to see, but her lids felt heavy. Slowly these movements begin to surround her, then again every sound seems to do that for now. Then she heard much heavier steps, odd. Perhaps it was a hunter with his dogs, a bear with cubs, or worse a wolf and their alpha. Haley could hear talking, perhaps she is saved, or someone saw an opportunity to take advantage of her. Whatever it is Haley would just have to give up to it.

    Then a loud thump. Haley wanted to move, but her body felt cold and stiff. It could be danger and she could not escape any of it. Haley resigned to it, as she felt clothe around her wounds, or rather what could be covered up. Clothe, it was an odd thing. That meant someone probably tore their clothes to help her. Everything was a blur and it was all heavy. However the next thing she clearly noticed, an object of sorts slotted into her mouth. Haley felt a bit better, though they had quite the strength in taste. Haley sighed softly, looks like Fate is delaying her death for now. Haley could feel arms around her shoulder and behind her knees. Haley wanted to roll her eyes, this is embarrassing.



    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 276
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,356

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    Post by Yuudai 7th April 2018, 4:45 pm

    From behind Haley and Yukon a sound came that caused the wolves to disperse upon hearing it. From behind the two mages came a piercing howl that did not come from one of the wolves around them. The crunching of snow was heard as a very large were hybrid appeard behind the two on his way to the guild. The moment he could see them his nine tails moved curiously behind him as his purple eyes glanced from the two and saw the injuried girl.

    Huh I was wondering why the wolves were out and about right now. No wonder they smelled a potential meal.”he said as he got closer and it was soon revealed that he was huge compared to them standing at 10 ft tall and his muzzle crinkled a bit before he looked at the man in front of him.”come on grab her and help her up Ill take you to the guild” he mentioned as he moved past the two and waited before he would lead them farther towards the guild hall.


    Rest[Open] GSvDExK

    Lineage : Victor's Descent
    Position : None
    Posts : 349
    Guild : Silver Woof
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 7,640

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Memory-Make
    Second Skill: Deep Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)
    Third Skill: Antique Dragon Slayer (2nd Gen)

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    Post by Yuvon 10th April 2018, 10:24 am

    During a cold temperature like this one, the chances of surviving the wild with such injuries - most of which Yuvon felt unaware of such as potential cases of fever, cold, muscle contractions - were low. However, during his duty as a human and helping out the poor lady, he could smell it very clearly… her blood leaked magic power to a certain, limited extent. He could assume that she was no mere human without inhuman powers, but that she was, most likely, a practitioner of magic. That was when his curiosity began boiling up as he wanted to know what type of magic that she used, if it was through her hands or through a weapon, what affinity, how she used it, if others used the same magic-

    As his mind literally sprinted out in a brainstorm during his search for the right direction - no smell of blood could help him find the ‘Mystic Guild’ as he didn’t hold any knowledge of its actual name yet. However, he was more than eager to find out sooner or later and thus add information to Apocrypha. However, his brain had to process something more surprising than the previous thoughts; you see, he didn’t exactly expect the wolves to reappear. Although, when he turned his head around to try and take a look, what he faced was no mere wolf - by the Gods of Ishval - it was a colossal beast at first sight. Its howl warned/reminded everyone nearby of its presence, and its nine tails swung independently across the contour of its furred body.

    “… By Ishval, you’re no ordinary werewolf,” were Yuvon’s first words towards this rather blessed being who was able to talk their language and reveal quite some reasonable hints to its identity. More than that, its blood… even Yuvon could smell it, and it didn’t even appear to bleed! Rather, maybe he shouldn’t even refer to this alpha as ‘it’ but rather as ‘he’ as it had a manly tone to its voice along with its level of intelligence being much higher than that of a bloody wolf. “… Oh,” he let out surprisingly, realizing that this fella knew the location of the guild, “Y-You have my thanks for the kind aid, my furred friend! Come on, maiden, you’ll make it soon enough…” With that said, he picked up a little speed and proceeded to follow the male creature to wherever the guild would be…

    Unless if this one was in a relationship with the other wolves and planned to eat the two of them… nah, that sounded ridiculous! Haha!



    Lineage : Power of Apocalypse
    Position : None
    Posts : 276
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,356

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    Post by Yuudai 12th April 2018, 10:15 am

    Yuudai just blinked as Yuvon looked at him and commented that he was no ordinary werewolf and the hybrid had to resist rolling his eyes at the obvious comment.” you are correct but a word of advice keep your hands from my tails grabbing a foxes tail is a good way to get cursed”" he warned before he lead them further inland towards the guild hall. However at one poin the stopped as a large tree had blocked the path and he grunted before he shook his head.” really so lazy they couldn’t unblock the path “ he grunted before he moved up to the large downed tree.

    Yuudai grabbed the tree with one hand while he held the other one out and curved black metal claws formed on his fingers before with one hand the werewolf lifted the tree up with little effort and with his other clawed hand he delivered a swift slash upwards the reduced the trees to pieces as it fell away from the three of them.” alright roads clear lets keep going” he said before he sniffed the air as they walked and he saw the guild was in sight after a few more minutes of walking. As they got up to the entrance Yuudai slid the door open and he then motioned for them to enter.”guests first also I am known as Yuudai “ he said introducing himself at the end.


    Rest[Open] GSvDExK

    Haiku Contest Participant- Player 
    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 152
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 1,831

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    First Skill: Book of Legends
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    Post by Morrigan 18th April 2018, 6:48 am

    Haley's eyes fluttered. The mage does not know whether it is the fact she is losing consciousness slowly from blood loss, or the fact she feels like there is more going around her than she thinks. The sounds were more pronounced however, yet she could not distinguish anything. It was quiet yet loud at the same time. Haley raised the only arm left against her head, she feels a strong headache and then, she blacks out.


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:25 pm