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    Of Cats and Bones

    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1594
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 30
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,631,235

    Of Cats and Bones Empty Of Cats and Bones

    Post by Leila Vergious 17th November 2017, 2:40 pm

    Word Count:
    1,102 / 10,000

    @Samira Nassar

    Active take-over:

    Leila Vergious Guildless A-Rank

    Panic. That was a pretty decent word that could be used to describe a man running back from the woods with a strange looking stone in his hands. He was near a camp which was also his goal. As such, it only took a few more seconds before he finally crossed the border beyond which he knew that he would be perfectly safe and fell to his knees, breathing heavily. It was probably today that he found out just how tiring running for your life could be. And yet, it didn’t look like anything was actually following behind him. In any case, more of the camp members started gathering around him. And from this crowd, a smaller white-haired figure would make her way to the man. Taking the stone from him, she would squeeze it and her eyes turned crimson red from the ocean blue for the next few seconds. Standing perfectly still, everyone around would observe the girl in anticipation, as if something was supposed to happen any second. But her eyes only turned back to their original color as she narrowed her gaze. Squeezing the stone even tighter, she would suddenly wave her hand to the side and start yelling out orders, every man and woman present quickly running about the camp and preparing. What she held in her hand was a vision stone, something that allowed for recording of an image through magic and then showing it to another by projecting the scene right into their eyes. And what Leila saw might have been quite the issue.

    A few days later, all legal and neutral guilds of Fiore would be visited by a man in a red hooded jacket who apparently looked rather irritated and was saturated with magical power. An SS-ranked mage without a doubt. But he had no more business with any of the guilds than to put a contract on their job board like any other person who wished to hire a mage. Disappearing without any words and only annoyed grunts, he certainly left an impression that lured many mages to the newly posted job. It was asking for an S-ranked mage to arrive at the Wakusei Portals. The objective of their mission - escort with a possibility of extreme and unknown danger. Rather vague as far as jobs normally go. Which is why many instantly turned away and left. Especially since there were not that many S-ranked mages to begin with. It was a point at which person starts becoming a living legend in the world. Of course, they would have many different and more urgent sounding problems than helping escort someone on a job that sounded as shady as this. But the reward did probably sound rather alluring to some. A powerful artifact that could be used for offensive purposes or sold to a merchant for high profit. The Floating Continent had no shortage of riches for a treasure hunter like Leila, so she thankfully had no problem saving something for rewards if she ever needed to hire more muscle like right now.

    Whoever would actually take on this job would then have to travel to the famed portals to other worlds. At one of them, a designated person was already waiting. An average human male dressed in a similar style to how one would expect a bandit to look like. But without any actual weapons or the attitude required for such livelihood. He was already on a lookout for a powerful looking magic. And someone with enough power to be classed as S-rank was probably hard to miss too. So once they would arrive, he would greet them and confirm that they were indeed here for the job, followed by making sure that they were of an appropriate rank, standing within a guild and so on. It might have been somewhat time-wasting and annoying for both parties, but Leila grew rather cautious after Ikuchi showed up in her Camp and decided to ruin her little expedition to the west, the one that kinda ended up in her own death. One tended to become a little bit more careful after experiencing that. Once everything was in order, the man would walk up to the side of the portal and slot something into its frame, making the veil of magic change into a rainbow-colored mess with an image of many different floating pieces of land on the other side. The mage in question would be then invited in. A transportation to a different world… it was probably a good mood setter for this job.

    On the other side was The landing. A circular stone structure in the ground that was the other end of the teleportation gate. Straight from there it was between two rocks, a narrow path that would squeeze just about one person at a time. Not the most comfortable way of reaching a place, but it was the only option. And on the other end of it, a vast camp of many tents and structures currently under construction. People running like crazy with boxes and sacks in their hands. And if the mage had good eyes, they could probably also spot another group putting up defensive wooden walls on the outskirts of this place, trying to secure it in a rather makeshift way. From the midst of these people, a young female with white hair and animal body parts emerged and waved at the new arrival, not even really looking at them as she tried to observe the entirety of the camp at once to ensure nothing bad was happening. A rather difficult thing to do for someone with only one pair of eyes.

    Greetings! You’re here to answer our call about escorting someone, yes? Welcome to the- Miss Nassar?!

    Finally lying her eyes on the green-haired female, Leila realized who it was. Someone she had met a while ago in Bosco during that dangerous mission about celestial beings. They had not spoken all that much back then, but she still remembered her fellow Celestial mage. Trying to compose herself a little bit more in front of someone she already knew, the Eden’s Caretaker would cough out into her fist and narrow her body before speaking out once more.

    I might look somewhat different, but it’s Leila Vergious. We’ve met in Bosco a few weeks back, along with Kaori. Perhaps you still remember?

    Unsure, she waited for the reply before they would even move on to explain what was happening here. It was quite reassuring to the girl that she had found someone who she already knew was at least decently trust-worthy.

    Leila's appearance:

    Non-template version:


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1695
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Of Cats and Bones Empty Re: Of Cats and Bones

    Post by Samira Nassar 18th November 2017, 1:42 pm

    It had started off as a rather uneventful day within the guild halls of Lamia Scale. Members went about their business within the castle building, and even a certain guild ace and summoner could find time to relax and not be disturbed. In the library she was during the time of the red hooded visitor, and so she had missed the encounter entirely. There was some information she needed to find that may have been hidden somewhere in the many books that had been collected, but as of then there had been no such luck. Meanwhile, a black cat with golden accessories upon her fur sat high and mighty on a table within the large area that guild members could gather for company or form groups to take on jobs. One could categorize her as a spirit normally, but within that form she was no such thing. It drained little of her energy and as such she could remain in the normal world for as long as she desired. Some of the members had attempted to pet her, resulting in them having their manners corrected with a swipe of clawed paws or a hiss. She was only observing, not there to be treated like a domesticated pet. One brave member had set their eyes on her and slowly approached to dare try their own shot at touching her fur. The cat glared and prepared to strike.

    The game was interrupted as a strong magical aura filled the air. A red hooded man had entered the room, causing everyone to stop what they were doing to stare curiously. People moved out of his way as he made his way over to the job board and posted a contract upon it. Then he began to leave with no words said to anyone. The cat's ears twitched and her wide green eyes followed his movements. The power levels he contained radiated through the air to a point that she could feel it clearly. It was much more powerful than her summoner's and made her fur stand on end. He was then gone, forever remaining a mystery. "Hmmm." The cat then turned back to the job board and nearly fell off her perch on the table after seeing nearly everyone in the room had swarmed it in order to look at the job posting of the mysterious man. Curious herself, she jumped from the table and made her way through the crowd to see what the fuss was about. Through the legs of mages she squeezed through until she had made it to the front. From there she raised her head and looked up, ears twitching as she was much too short to see the postings. "Mortal," she said to one of the mages beside her that had been reading over the job contracts to get his attention. "What sort of job has been left here?" For one of that power to leave a job it had to be quite a complex and difficult mission. It was highly unlikely currently anyone in the room could complete it. Further evidence of that were the mages that were walking away with faces of either disappointment or disbelief.

    The boy the cat had asked looked down at the cat, recognizing her as a pet of sorts or something that belonged to one of the guild Aces, and looked back up at the job contract. "It looks like an escort mission, but the details are pretty darn vague. Just a warning of extreme danger really. Not that it matters for most of us since it's asking for an S rank wizard anyway."

    "Just S?" The cat inquired, wondering why a powerful being as the one that left the contract could not have done the job himself if that were the case. Well, it mattered not she supposed. It was a job of appropriate rank for her own mage who needed to get out and do something rather than make the library her second home. "Hand me the contract, Mortal. I desire it." The boy ripped the job ad from the board and knelt down for the cat to bite down on it. "Uh, yeah sure. I think the other higher members are busy anyway. I haven't seen them around lately." It was true. The cat had yet to see any of them either aside from the her summoner's friend. Now that the piece of paper had been claimed, the cat took off through the guild halls until she had reached the library. It didn't take long to find the green haired woman that she would call her summoner. All she had to do was follow the trail of books that eventually led to a gigantic pile in the middle. Clearly her hunt wasn't going so well. The cat sweatdropped for a moment as she looked at the sight before hopping on a nearby table and dropping the letter on its surface beside her. "Ahem!" She tried to get Samira's attention in a simple manner to no avail. "Samira..." Further she was ignored as the mage stood there and turned the page of a book she was holding rather than looking at her. Poof into her humanoid spirit form she went just before grabbing one of the books and tossing it at her summoner's head. "Samira!" The book met its target and smacked right against Samira's head, getting her attention and nearly knocking her over. "What on-" Her sentence came to a stop as she turned to view her attacker while rubbing the spot where the book had hit. A sigh escaped her as she noticed the spirit. "What is it?"

    The feline spirit held up the job contract for her to look at. "A rather mysterious person left this vague request on your guild's job board. I think you should take it. You need to get out more. You've been cooped up in here ever sense certain events." The reply she obtained was more or less in the form of "no, thanks. Now scidaddle." The spirit frowned further and then flipped the contract around to read it over, jumping right down to the rewards section. "It says you will receive an artifact of some sorts as your reward." Near instantly Samira's throughts on the matter did a 180 as she dropped the book she was reading and snatched the job request from the spirit's hand. "Time to do a job!" If anything could get her butt moving it was mentioning artifacts, powerful relics, or ruins.

    Sometime later, the summoner had gathered what belongings she needed before setting out for the Wakusei Portals. It had not been the first time she had been to them. Months ago she had used them to visit a few phoenix shrines on connected planets that would then lead to events that had gotten to the point where she was currently. Honestly, she wanted to be as far away from them as possible and not be reminded of what took place there. Still she was determined to complete whatever the mystery escort job was and claim her artifact. All she had to do was not think about the past and remain in the present.

    Samira was alone when she approached the Wakusei Portals. Anhur had been left behind to help watch over the guild while she was away, and the cat spirit had returned to the celestial realm. She also saw no reason to summon a spirit prematurely. As she approached, her green eyes took notice of someone standing near one of the portals. He was dressed suspiciously, but he had no weapons on him that she could see. Conclusion: likely harmless. She had been greeted, which led to further conclusions and theories that he was on the lookout for whoever had taken the job. Samira had been asked a series of questions to confirm her status and power, all of which she answered with no issue. Her guild mark upon her shoulder had been shown, her status as an Ace of Lamia Scale had been told, and any further evidence he needed had been given. As close as she was with Kaori, she was unaware of the events that had transpired to cause such a security check. Once the man had been satisfied, he inserted something into a slot within the portal, turning it into a colorful mess that also showed many floating pieces of land on the other side. Excitement filled the celestial mage as she would get to see a new world she did not know about, as well as relief in knowing she would not be re-visiting the ones she had already been to that would bring forth painful memories.

    Through the portal she went with no hesitation or caution, and on the other side she found herself on some sort of stone platform. The large crystal in its center was noted as well as the rest of it, and a few quick pictures with her iLac had been taken before proceeding through the cramped and narrow path forward. Before it would have been quite the problem squeezing through such a tight space, but she had gotten over such fears long ago. On the other side of the passage revealed actual civilization. Tents were set up all over, construction was taking place, and many people were going around doing whatever they needed to accomplish. More quick pictures were taken just before a certain white haired female came forward. Samira had not noticed her at first due to being distracted, but as the words of the other reached her ears she brought down the iLac and blinked. Had they met before? The animal-like woman seemed familiar and had even knew her name. More blinks followed as the other explained. That was Leila? She looked...different. Well, somewhat. There were some similarities. The physical differences could have been from her magic, but the black clothing was most certainly something that stood out.

    Not wanting to be rude and stand there like a gawking fool,  Samira smiled. "Oh, Leila! Yes, I do remember. I am glad to see you are doing well," she said kindly. It was a true statement rather than some false pleasantry. After what had happened to Leila while in Bosco Samira had been concerned about her recovery. They had talked very little and as such knew very little about each other. She had no real way of knowing what the other celestial mage truly was and that what had happened to her had caused minimal side effects to her physically. The fact she got absorbed by the Celestial King clone told her that the other was not entirely human, but that was about as far as it went. "I apologize for not trying to make contact with you sooner to check on your status, but I ended up having to deal with something that put me in a recovery bed. Once I was recovered, I had heard your name listed as a Wizard Saint so I thought it would have been pointless to do so. Congratulations on that by the way." Now not only did Samira know two celestial wizards that held Zodiac keys, both of them had earned the Saint title as well. It stung her pride a little to have neither herself, but in the end she was happy for the both of them. Being classified as a Saint was something she herself never desired, and having a Zodiac spirit was just something that was not in her destiny as far as she was aware.

    Samira then looked around once more to take in the scenery of the camp. "It appears you have been busy. What exactly is this place?" Assuming that was answered and explained the summoner would then move onto the matters concerning the job. She would remove the job contract from her pocket and skim it over a bit before asking, "The job contract mentions an escort of some sort, but is rather vague on the rest of the details. Would you mind explaining further?"

    (Word Count: 2010)


    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Child of Eden
    Posts : 1594
    Guild : Silver Wolf
    Cosmic Coins : 30
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 27
    Experience : 3,631,235

    Of Cats and Bones Empty Re: Of Cats and Bones

    Post by Leila Vergious 23rd November 2017, 5:27 am

    Word Count:
    2,337 / 10,000

    @Samira Nassar

    Active take-over:

    Leila Vergious Guildless A-Rank

    As the girl noticed Samira holding her iLac and using it to presumably take pictures of this place, which was rather rare and actually the first time she had seen someone use that device ever since she got it herself, she would scratch the back of her head and smile while looking a little bit worried. As one could easily guess, there was a reason for the security at the gate to be so tight. Taking pictures and then releasing them into the wild was something that had the potential of making it necessary to make that security even greater than it was right now. But in any case, Leila was glad that she was still remembered by this lady. Since they have only met once prior to today, she was a little bit worried that maybe she was forgotten. Though it was probably kinda hard to forget the events that took place in Bosco. And what happened to her. Just being reminded of it kinda dampened her mood, the fact she was completely useless during the fight. It was one of the two reasons why her temporary alliance with Kaori fell into pieces well before it was supposed two. The other one being her falling out with Ikuchi. The other summoner also apologized for not trying to make contact with the Eden’s caretaker, to which she started waving her hands in the air as a gesture that it was just fine. She had never expected that someone else would try to contact her. And even if they did, it would probably be quite difficult with how much she traveled.

    It’s fine, it’s fine~. You were in Bosco along with your friend and guildmate, right? I was just someone extra in there to help out the best I was able to. You needn’t bother yourself with the support characters! Though I hope to be of more use today then of how much I was back then.” She would say it all with a big smile plastered on her face. Her nature was a carefree one, most assuredly so. Leila didn’t want to create any conflict, nor be rude to others or make them feel uncomfortable. So she always took everything easy or at least tried to. “And thank you. It was super unexpected, the Council just kinda chose me to be one. Probably because I always worked very closely with them. That aside, I noticed you using your iLac before. You won’t get any reception in this world, but I will allow you to take pictures and records. But only if you can promise me that you will use them only for yourself and won’t spread them to the wide public. We already have our share of problems here and it would not help if someone was to set their eyes on us and try to raid this place.” Hopefully, her acquaintance would understand this. There was no shortage of baddies out there and they all had to be as careful as they could possibly be.

    And with that out of the way, it was time to start explaining. Leila would beckon her to follow as she started walking through the camp. There was someone they had to meet and she was able to explain everything on the way. “Allow me to officially welcome you to the Floating Continent. It’s a world I discovered by chance and as far as we’re aware, no humans were here before us. A land in the skies above an endless sea with no clear bottom. But as long as you don’t fall over the edge, you’ll be just fine! Now, to the job… I hope Midou didn’t cause any trouble?” She was referring to the man in a red hoodie who placed the contract in Lamia Scale’s Guildhall. A member of this camp and the one who was ordered to spread the news. “He can be a handful, but his loyalty is strong. So I’m glad that he did accomplish this task just fine. There is indeed an escort we’ll be performing. While I said that no humans were to this place before I discovered it, there was something else. Species native to this place that evolved from… well, whatever they evolved from and eventually gained intelligence. They are the natives here and we’re invading. When we learned of their presence, we figured out it was best to establish a peace that would allow us to continue exploring this land without having to fight them.

    This land was not hers, nor anyone else’s. What was driving Leila forward was the curiosity and want to travel this new land. But she didn’t want that to be at the expense of other creatures that were here for far longer than she has. She was not here to conquer the land, just explore it. And possibly take few of its hidden riches while she was at it. After all, she was a treasure hunter still. They would reach the end of the camp where an unusual figure was already standing. The upper body of a woman, but lower body of a snake, or something akin to it. Dressed in a white dress, almost resembling a bride ready to be wed at any moment and a strange mask with a symbol of an eye covering her actual sight. And while it wasn’t particularly strong, there was a magical energy coming from her. She was a mage of some kind and another member of the core team that was running this entire camp. As if sensing them, she would turn toward the approaching due and brush through her magenta-colored hair with one of her hands while smiling warmly, almost alluringly. A basilisk. That is what she was. A species partly human and partly beast with inherited magical powers that could turn people into stone if they were to look into their eyes. Something that explained the mask, at least if Samira knew of them beforehand.


    Meet Seraph, our communicator mage and a friend of mine. She is the one we’ll be escorting. This is Samira Nassar, she will be helping us on our mission.” At Leila’s words, Seraph would chuckle and her body slithered a little bit closer. Hopefully, the celestial mage also wasn’t scared of such creatures. “Good day, miss Nassar. My full name is Seraph Alterra. It is a pleasure to meet you.” Letting the two to face one another, the Eden’s caretaker stepped aside and allowed them to do their introductions if they wanted to something anything more. “Seraph’s magic allows for communication over long distances and translation. She is capable of even decoding an unknown language and translating it common tongue in real time. Now you can see the link, right? Her magic is not suitable for combat at all, so we have to escort her to the natives and ensure her safety. Now, the details of this job were vague for a reason… we don’t know what to expect. Anything could attack us on the way. And the negotiations could very well fail as well, making the natives attack us instead of accepting peace. I’m sorry to ask you to work with so many unknowns, but I can’t provide anything better. Will you still help us, please? Midou is powerful enough to help as well,
    but... his magic is... not very environment-friendly. And his temper is also... just... please!

    Non-template version:


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
    Position : Goddess of Humility
    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1695
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Of Cats and Bones Empty Re: Of Cats and Bones

    Post by Samira Nassar 24th November 2017, 2:30 pm

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

    Muse: 10/10
    Magic Power: 100%
    Health Points: 100%
    Post Word Count: 1719
    Thread Word Count: 3729

    Of Cats and Bones V6JIcYH       Of Cats and Bones WOyJ6my       Of Cats and Bones JOeaZ9l       Of Cats and Bones W1bEUgL       Of Cats and Bones MrksPDy
    The other celestial mage had accepted the apology, but many of the words had caused Samira to raise a brow curiously. She found it strange to be told not to bother herself with someone that was classified more as an extra and support character. Perhaps if she was still the same person as she was when she was the lowest rank of mage imaginable she would have accepted that outlook. She really only cared for herself, and the outcomes and fates of others were judged based on what they did to get to that point. There would have been no care or remorse. It was just the end of a domino effect that had to be accepted. That line of thinking had changed somewhat to a point where she did care, at least as far as allies went. Although she did have a habit of also keeping enemies alive when others around her would have rather seen them dead. It often flip flopped depending on the situation that even she was confused on how she felt about eliminating others. Regardless, Samira had considered Leila to be an ally that day in Bosco and was far more than some sacrificial support character. The green haired girl had remembered clearly how the other had put up a barrier wall to protect her from the cloned version of the celestial king, and how she also had summoned one of her spirits to aid in the defense. She had done what she could without much thought to her own well being as well as her spirit's as far as Samira could tell. That deserved a little more than simply not caring as if she didn't exist and did not contribute at all that day. However, not wanting to argue about such things, Samira said nothing of it further. There was really no reason to judging by the smile Leila had on her face. She had accepted what had happened with no ill thoughts. One could only hope it wasn't a constant thought process though. It seemed...unhealthy.

    "Oh," Samira said while looking at the iLac she held as Leila mentioned it. She blinked rather innocently before feeling quite embarrassed for being so naive as to think taking pictures would have been all right. That sort of thing should have been asked first before assuming, especially given the security check just to get in. Seeing a new world got the better of her common sense it seemed. Luckily, rather than smash the device to terminate the existence of the evidence, Leila was actually going to allow her to keep taking the pictures. On a condition, of course. "I understand. Any information I gather here will be for personal use only. I should have asked first. Apologies." The researcher blood within her was strong, and she may have failed to mention that even if the iLac was banned she would have resorted to using a notebook to write as well as draw everything. If that had been banned...well hopefully she had one heck of a good memory to store everything until she had returned to her room within the guild hall of Lamia Scale. With a small smile, Samira put her iLac away for the moment, as well as the job request, and proceeded to follow the white haired woman through the camp.

    Samira listened to the short explanation of the floating mass of land and even let out a small chuckle about going over the edge. Avoid the edge to keep from falling into an endless sea. Got it. At the mention of someone called Midou, Samira's eyes looked up as she went through her mind to try and remember knowing someone called that. Nope. Nothing. As far as she could tell maybe it was the name of the security man. 'She may be referring to that strange man that left the job contract on the board of your guild. He was a rather mysterious and almost unfriendly character, so he fits the profile of someone that would warrant concern. Aside from gaining the attention of everyone in the room just by existing, he was harmless enough though,' the voice of the cat spirit that had seen the red hooded man spoke within Samira's mind. The woman gave an acknowledging nod before fixing her gaze back on Leila as they walked. "If you mean the one that left the job contract, I did not see him personally. One of my spirits did, and she says that he caused no issues with those within the room. If you meant the one guarding the portal and asked me questions, he was no trouble either."

    'No trouble she says! I think being bombarded by questions as if you're a criminal counts as being a troublemaker. I thought he was going to ask for blood samples next while also interviewing us to make sure we're mentally stable!'
    'I guess we should be glad he didn't. We would pretty much all fail.' There was general agreement among the current spirits of the mind space. None of them were exactly totally normal.

    Samira kept smiling, although it twitched as she heard the spirit comments. A part of her had to accept that what they said was indeed fact. She then ignored anything else they said so she could focus completely on the rest of what was being said regarding the surrounding land. Leila's point of view was something she respected. It was a land that had already belonged to some other intelligent species, and as such it was appropriate to establish peace rather than attempt to conquer it. If it could be done successfully that is. She gave a nod in reply, but in her mind she wondered how hostile the creatures were and if they had caused any problems prior. As she was about to ask, the two had reached the end of the camp where a rare creature was located. The upper half was that of a woman, and the lower was serpent-like. She knew of similar creatures such as the one that was a fellow guildmate that she had yet to meet herself, as well as one of her spirits taking on the same form. Although, she knew them as Lamia, but with the mask she could conclude the one standing there was the sort that was from stories and possibly could turn people to stone. So long as the mask stayed on, she wasn't afraid of the snake woman, not even as she slithered her way closer for introductions. Then again, Samira would be lying to herself if she said she wasn't slightly curious as to how that sort of magic worked and what it felt like to be stone. Sometimes her thoughts and curiosity went into strange places, and yes, it would most certainly be the cause of many problems in her life.

    "Nice to meet you, Seraph. It is actually the first time I have seen one of your kind face to face. I have a spirit of similar nature, but she wears no mask. I assume you are more related to the ones that can use their eyes to turn things into stone?" As she reached the end of her question, the green haired woman reached down to bring out her iLac once again. She held it up, ready to take a quick shot, but stopped herself. It would be rather rude to take pictures without asking once again, wouldn't it. "Do you mind if I take a quick picture for my records? I can draw if that is preferred, although it is slower." Honestly she had no idea how Seraph would react to the lacrima technology which was why the drawing method was suggested. Then again the creature may not want any visuals of her to be done entirely. Something that would be greatly disappointing for a certain summoner, but would be respected... until she got home and used what memory she had of the basilisk to draw a picture anyway.

    If Seraph had allowed a picture to be taken with the iLac, Samira would take a few quick shots before putting the device away. If she didn't, the device would still be put away, although clear disappointment would be spread across her face. If the drawing method was preferred, well that would have to wait for a little while longer due to the time it would take. Leila further explained details, resulting in the reveal that it was Seraph that they would be escorting in order to communicate with the natives. It sounded like a pretty linear and easy mission on paper. The vagueness was what else was living on the land that may cause trouble. Now she could see why higher ranked mages were requested. There was also likely little information about the natives themselves. Well, she had been through vague and terrible plenty of times before and came back alive. What was one more to the counter? She had a mini spirit army at her disposal with tons of tricks and versatility, and Leila was powerful as well. With the two of them the escort would hopefully be a simple task provided they remained cautious.

    Samira had to stifle laughter when the other woman mentioned the one called Midou once again. He was that bad to work with, was he? No doubt someone with such destructive magic and a big temper was the least suitable person for such a mission. It would be almost cruel to walk away while imagining the results of letting him go instead. "Do not worry," Samira replied after taking a breath to force her laughter away. "I have done missions that were more vague and on the spot than this. There is more information in the one you are giving me than some of my past ones combined. I see no reason to turn the job down. Besides, it is not everyday that I get the chance to see a new place such as this. To turn down the opportunity to see more of it would be out of character for me. I do not suppose you know anything about the natives other than their existence by chance? You mentioned learning of their presence but never said if there were any real encounters with them."

    Template by ○Kaori

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    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Of Cats and Bones Empty Re: Of Cats and Bones

    Post by Leila Vergious 25th November 2017, 2:18 pm

    Word Count:
    3,351 / 10,000

    @Samira Nassar

    Active take-over:

    Leila Vergious Guildless A-Rank

    Leila scratched the back of her head and laughed nervously when she heard Samira mention that Midou had delivered the request no problem. Knowing him, she almost expected there to be some problems but had no one else who could get around the different guilds as fast as him. It appeared that they all got lucky, the people present here and bystanders in the guild when he was around alike. “Ahaha, that’s good… I was really worried that someone would try to get in his way because of his attitude. But I’m glad no one was reduced to nothing more than ashes and cinders, that is very good.” She really needed to find a better messenger before someone would get hurt. But that was an ordeal for a different time it seemed. Seraph, on the other hand, seemed much more relaxed even as she noticed the summoner in front of her pull something out of her attire. With the mask, she was unable to see anything at all. But she was still very much aware of what was happening around her and recognized that something was going on. Though when Samira asked if she could take few photos, the basilisk beamed with a light blush. “Take a picture? Of me?! Oh my, dear! Yes, please go ahead! Take as many as you need to! Oh, but I’m not taking my mask off even for someone as lovely as you, we don’t want to go through the ordeal of turning you back into proper human form, fufu~.

    Confirming the other girl’s worry, Seraph would also go ahead and start posing for the photos. Something surely not exactly necessary, but the girl liked her attention. People were usually staring at her with the opposite emotions to those that the green-haired girl had inside of her, so being adorned like this was a breath of fresh air. Of course, everyone in the camp here accepted her just fine. But that was very few people to what one would encounter at any street in any major city of Earthland. Non-humans were generally pretty accepted throughout the land, but the problem was her outer appearance. Especially the mask. To some, it would surely be rather scary looking. Not to mention that bridal style of dressing. She always looked like this. Her large body also took up much more space than any regular human and even most monster-like species that were still humanoid. It was the struggle of those not completely human alright. Leila fell into that category herself, but her appearance was close enough to be perfectly accepted by others. Not to mention her high status as a mage and Wizard Saint. In certain corners of the world, she was actually seen as a real hero who was making a real difference and saving others simply because it was right and not for the profit of it. Something that was her goal, really. But now was not the time to think about that.

    It was time to think about what was going on here. Samira actually accepted the offer to accompany them on their journey, which made Leila extremely happy. Wiping out the tiny tears that she had in the corners of her eyes, she would smile at her comrade and nod. “Thank you greatly. Trust me that I truly appreciate this. Saying that it is difficult to find good allies in my current state is an understatement. It might sound complicated or just plain stupid, but that’s how it is. There are things I want to do, for my own selfish sake. But I can’t do them alone. So since you asked, allow me to fill you on everything that we know about these natives. I'm certain that you’ve at least heard of exceeds? Smaller cat-like creatures capable of flight and speech, they originated in a different world to Earthland called Edolas and usually can be found in a company of slayers. Though they have been seen playing the role of a companion to mages with more regular types of magic as well. We’ve confirmed that what we’re dealing with here are not exceeds, but they are quite similar. At least in their looks. Magic is naturally present in their bodies, but we’ve not seen them use any spells at all so far. They are fairly small in their size and use simple weaponry, mainly spears and shields. They have also been seen hunting for both meat and fruits around the Island.

    Pausing for a moment, Leila would shoot a look at Seraph to see if she was ready before resuming her surge of information. “We did not engage with them directly yet. But I am convinced that they already know of us as well. I suppose neither of the parties was confident enough to make the first move until today.” But one of them had to do so if they wished to avoid conflict down the line. And so this contract was put in place with hopes of establishing peace. The sooner they would try to do this, the better. But they had to be prepared as much as possible in order to increase the chance of success to it’s absolutely highest point. If they would somehow aggravate these cat-folk, then it would make everything harder and possibly even force them out of this land entirely. Something that would surely be of a great shame. And honestly, the girl was tired of failing… she wanted something to finally go in her favor for once. And she was determined to do everything in her power to make that actually happen. Looking at Samira with a serious expression, she would finally ask. “Are you ready to head out then? If there is any preparation you need to finish them, do so now. I’d like to head out as soon as possible.” Because once she would get an okay from everyone, they would be on their way. And it would be a while for them to get back, as there would be little space for a break on the path.

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    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    Of Cats and Bones Empty Re: Of Cats and Bones

    Post by Samira Nassar 27th November 2017, 11:17 am

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

    Muse: 10/10
    Magic Power: 100%
    Health Points: 100%
    Post Word Count: 1269
    Thread Word Count: 4998

    Of Cats and Bones V6JIcYH       Of Cats and Bones WOyJ6my       Of Cats and Bones JOeaZ9l       Of Cats and Bones W1bEUgL       Of Cats and Bones MrksPDy
    Samira blinked a few times as Leila wiped the tears of joy from the corners of her eyes, surprised that her agreeing to help on the mission would cause such a reaction. The other woman greatly appreciated the help, and had even mentioned it was difficult to find good allies. There were plenty of powerful mages within Fiore alone, that much Samira knew, but she also could understand that many of them may prove to be of the unreliable variety or just not very trustworthy. She did not have much experience with testing out various strangers in order to consider them allies. Most of the people she was acquainted with were those from her guild or were related somehow to them. They gained a sort of automatic trust. Of course, now that she thought about it, when they were in Bosco Samira recalled Leila mentioning being allied with the guild Golden Phoenix. Were there really no members there the other mage could turn to or consider as an ally? A line of curious questioning that would have to be saved for later if time allowed. For that moment, Samira remained silent as she listened to the explanation regarding the natives.

    A nod was given when asked if she knew of exceeds. Samira knew of them, although had never seen one for herself in person. The one slayer she had met did not own one strangely enough, but did have an oversized turtle. That...probably didn't really count. From the rest of the explanation, the natives seemed harmless, at least so far. Why they possessed magic but did not use it was an interesting question. Perhaps it was more of a support type like that of Exceeds and very minor. Basic weaponry would be a non-issue for the pair to handle as well, especially if they were tiny. Assuming the peace talk went awry and the natives attacked, of course. Another nod was given, acknowledging that the natives may already of the existence of Leila, her allies, and the camp itself. All the more reason to form some kind of relationship before they assumed their land was being taken over. The question of whether she was prepared or not came, signaling that it was her last chance to make preparations before departing on the mission to escort Seraph to the main area the natives lived.

    A collection of pictures on her iLac, including many poses given by Seraph: check. Her spirit keys: check. Her small but overly stuffed bag that somehow did not break apart at the seams: check. Healthy life signs: check. She was pretty much good to go. "Oh, one moment and then I will be ready," Samira stated as a thought suddenly came to her. With any luck, it would be a rather easy mission with absolutely nothing happening along the way. Her luck was very poor though. Something always happened. She preferred summoning her spirits when she needed them, not before. There was also the fact some of them were just destructive and if she had summoned them Leila may as well have had Midou tag along. Destroying the environment would be quite bad indeed if the natives cared about the land.

    So, with that in mind, that meant she needed a weapon just in case they ran into anything that could do more than slowly walk towards them. Her chakrams and dagger were in her bag, but she thought she could use the opportunity to make use of a bow for once for more practice. She had been taught the basics by a good ally, yet she knew very well that her practice alone was in the range of minimal. Too many events, so little time to squeeze it in. There was one small issue; she had no bow. "Do any of you happen to have a bow lying around?" Samira asked her spirits vocally, fully aware that it looked like she was either talking to herself or someone invisible. Habit.

    'Don't use them.'
    'Obviously not!'
    'I don't even use weapons.
    'I have one!'
    'I am pretty sure she did not mean the one that is classified as a hair accessory.
    'Oh, nevermind then!'
    'I have bow. You take from armory.'

    The celestial summoner had been sighing with each version of "no" that she heard within her mind. So many spirits and not one of them had such a basic weapon she had thought was common. It was with great relief that one spoke up and claimed she had one. All Samira had to do was access that particular spirit's armory. It was a simple thing to do since it worked like summoning, sort of. The key belonging to the spirit was unhooked from the keychain along her hip and as she held it out in front of her, she turned the key, as if unlocking a locked invisible door. A small icy blue colored portal then appeared, chilling the air around it. The spirit that armory belonged to was one of winter and ice and so the cold air did not surprise Samira at all even though it was the first time accessing her armory. Reaching inside the small swirly collection of magic, Samira felt her hands collide with something solid. She grabbed onto it firmly and pulled it out, revealing it to be a basic bow with no magical properties attached. Now that she had the weapon, all she needed was the ammunition for it. Samira reached inside once more but her face quickly turned into one of confusion when nothing was there. A bow was slightly useless without the arrows.

    "Skadi, where are the arrows?"
    'You ask for bow. You fail to mention arrows.'

    The reply only made Samira facepalm. Honestly! As if the spirit knew her summoner's frustrations and current thoughts of how silly she was for expecting anything more out of the winter spirit she did, a quiver of arrows shot out of the portal and smacked against Samira's chest. The wind was momentarily taken out of her upon collision, and the arrows scattered everywhere on the ground due to failing to actually catch it. At least she got what she wanted. Quickly composing herself, Samira knelt down and started to pick up the arrows on the ground and placed them back into the quiver before taking the straps of her bag off her shoulders and replacing it with the strap of the arrow container. Standing fully, the bag was then placed inside the small celestial portal before disappearing. She doubted she would need anything that was in it, and if she did it was easy to reclaim it.

    "This is just a precaution in case we run into anything along the way," Samira said as she turned towards Leila, assuming she had been there and watched that entire scene play out. "I prefer saving my magic energy for when I really need it, so I would rather not summon spirits prematurely. I also have no intention on drawing the weapon on the natives unless they become hostile. You have little reason to worry where that is concerned." Samira wanted the peace talk to be successful much like Leila did. She really wasn't one for attacking and killing those that belonged to the land. It was their home, and the pair of mages were the invaders. That was understood fully. Now they just had to hope things went as planned.

    With the reassurance that she wasn't going to go crazy with the weapon, Samira smiled and tilted her head innocently to the side. "I am ready! Shall we depart then?"

    Template by ○Kaori

    Normal Version:


    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Of Cats and Bones Empty Re: Of Cats and Bones

    Post by Leila Vergious 28th November 2017, 11:39 am

    Word Count:
    4,762 / 10,000

    @Samira Nassar

    Active take-over:

    Leila Vergious Guildless A-Rank

    At first, it appeared that Samira was perfectly ready and prepared for the three of them to depart and start their little journey toward the home of the cant people. Though that was only at first, as she quickly paused and suddenly asked for a little bit of time to get ready. Naturally, Leila wanted her to be as prepared as possible for anything that could happen along the way as well as at their destination. With an affirmative nod, she would look around to see if everything was running smoothly. She expected her partner to maybe run off somewhere to do her preparations, maybe ask where the toilet was… but she actually remained in place and instead asked another question. Perhaps it was supposed to be quite obvious, but at first, the Eden’s Caretaker had thought that her question about a bow was directed at her and Seraph, since they were the ones nearby. “Oh, um… I’m sure there is at least one back over at the… um…?” Looking over her shoulder, she would point at one of the tents which held a good amount of basic weaponry. But the way Samira was acting, it suddenly became obvious that she wasn’t actually talking to Leila, nor was she asking for a bow that could be possibly present in the camp. Now, she talked to her spirits and asked one of them for such weapon and if she could borrow it. Well, that probably worked just as well as asking those in the camp if they had one.

    Regular people would probably still be rather confused, but Leila was a summoning mage herself. Since they were both celestial wizards, they were probably able to understand one another a little bit better than most, even if they didn’t know one another all too well yet. Realizing what was happening, the silver-haired maiden would just chuckle and observe the entire scene happening in front of her happily. It was strangely comforting to know that others had voices in their head as well. Made her seem a little bit less insane in comparison. But oh well, being crazy probably haven’t meant something negative in the context of this world anyway! And as the arrows suddenly shot out and scattered all around the ground, she would scratch the back of her head and kneel down as well, helping Samira gather them all. She wasn’t about to just stand there and watch it all go down if she could help at least a little bit. That’d be just cruel. And Seraph was a bit of an exception from that because she wouldn’t be able to see all the arrows on the ground anyway. Once they were done, the green-haired girl announced that she was now ready and they could all head out. “Alright. I don’t want to jump to any conclusions, but you look pretty human-ish? Me and Seraph both have a little bit more powerful senses thanks to our traits. So if anything starts heading our way, we’ll let you know!

    Giving her some comfort information that it would be very difficult for them to get ambushed even by wild predators, Leila would start marching toward a fork in the road just outside of the camp. Seraph slithered right next to her and Samira was free to assume any position in their little formation she thought most appropriate. In front of them was one way to the left that seemed to lead into a jungle of sorts and a way to the right that started going up instead. Without really saying anything, Leila would start walking to the right and hoping they would all follow her. This whole place was still somewhat confusing, but at least she managed to memorize the main paths and where they would get her. After a short incline, they would find themselves on top of the smaller mountains, an open path leading them toward the center of this specific floating Island. And while the view on both sides was quite amazing, the one on the right was outright breathtaking. At least to some anyway. For at the moment, they were fairly close to the edge of the Island and the view of an endless sea could only be broken by the horizon ahead. Leila had seen it many times before already, but she low-key hoped that Samira would like it as well. They were on an important mission here, and that could get quite stressful for some people.
    So the girl wanted to give her more than just bad memories of how they had to be careful and everything. Something pleasant, something more than just those pictures in her iLac. An actual experience of seeing the beauty of this world with her own eyes. But it was up to the green-haired girl to enjoy this. Leila would stop walking if Samira would too, but they would slowly inch closer toward their goal. Thankfully, nothing seemed to be going wrong on the way there either, which was a plus. There was an occasional rustle of nearby bushes as perhaps few wolves tried to stalk them, but nothing actually attacked them. The local fauna was starting to learn that the humanoid creatures were not ones they wanted to toy with recklessly. Eventually, the road would start taking them back down again and slowly start disappearing into a smaller forest. And once through it, a number of structures would be revealed in the distance. Wooden spikes forming barriers and blockades protected tents that looked a little like the ones in the camp but mostly made out of natural resources from this place rather than leather and fabric. It was a fairly small village. And just beyond it seemed to be a beach to some body of water present on this Island. With their small feet, many creatures hidden in colorful ponchos were moving around in this place. There were also many standing guard with shields and spears at the ready.
    Well, we made it here. Now the hard part I suppose. Seraph will have to go first, but we need to be ready to move in front of her if anything happens. Or me, rather. My body is pretty sturdy. I trust you can provide support if anything goes down, Samira?” Smiling at her companion, she would tap Seraph’s shoulder who nodded. In her usual snake-like manner, she would move out from the bushes and trees to head toward the village as she moved her hands in front of her. A small golden orb of magical energy started forming between her two palms, one made out of many strange symbols that only she could understand. The moment she was spotted by the cat-folk, they would jump up and down as they bore their shields high and the spears aimed directly at the approaching individuals. During all this, they would all start making many odd cat-like sounds that meant absolutely nothing to Leila and probably Samira as well. “They are mostly screaming at us to stop where we are and state our business. Alright, here goes…
    Fear not, friends! We do not come with any intentions of harming you. Please, allow us to state our business and discuss them with you in peace!
    As her magic became active, her words would sound much more powerful and slightly distorted as her tongue was instantly translated into those confusing cat noises.

    It was clearly something they did not expect, as they stopped making any and all sounds, only looking at each other in disbelief. From behind the walls, a single powerful and yet soothing cat screech sounded and at its command, the guards would point their spears at the skies once more, stepping to the side. “Looks like it worked?” “Their leader spoke from behind the door. Seems like they want to speak to us? As long as we don’t cause any trouble the moment we’re in that is.” And so they were free to enter the village for now. Beyond the wooden gate were both small and large tents in fairly large numbers with the cat people all around, most of them looking at these invaders rather curiously. They were pretty adorable, that much had to be handed to them. And while they would stay a good distance from them for now, the trio was pretty free to look around during their way to toward the main shack that housed the leader of this tribe.

    Non-template version:


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

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    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
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    Posts : 1695
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    Cosmic Coins : 485
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    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
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    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Of Cats and Bones Empty Re: Of Cats and Bones

    Post by Samira Nassar 1st December 2017, 9:33 am

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

    Muse: 10/10
    Magic Power: 100%
    Health Points: 100%
    Post Word Count: 1756
    Thread Word Count: 6754

    Of Cats and Bones V6JIcYH       Of Cats and Bones WOyJ6my       Of Cats and Bones JOeaZ9l       Of Cats and Bones W1bEUgL       Of Cats and Bones MrksPDy
    "Fully human, yes," Samira had replied with a nod of her head after being observed as such. Her senses were that of a typical average human at best. While there were plenty of humans around that had more heightened awareness with training, hers was lacking. It was comforting to know that there was not one, but two, in the trio that were capable of sensing anything dangerous and thus preventing any ambushes. Not everything had to be so wild and chaotic like many of her other missions. Now that it seemed everyone was prepared, it was time to set off and head towards the main village of the natives. As Leila took the lead, Seraph had taken a spot next to the other mage. Samira followed but kept towards the back in case anything were to come from behind.

    It wasn't long before they had come to a fork. Samira looked curiously over towards the path that went left where it entered a jungle of sorts. That particular path called to her interests and more adventurous side, but it was not to be. With minor disappointment coursing its way through her, she looked away from the mysterious jungle path and followed as the other two took the path on the right. As much as she had been disappointed by not having a jungle adventure where some sort of ruins would be found, the path on the right had proven its worth as well. After a short incline, Samira noticed they were on a path that led through mountains of a smaller size. While on the path, she was able to see quite a breathtaking view on both sides. Her green eyes widened and jaw dropped in awe at the sights. She had seen many beautiful things on the other planets the Wakusei Portals were connected to, but the newest sight took the prize of being the best one. "Amazing!" The summoner thought out loud as she stopped her steps and looked towards the endless sea. Her researcher blood was going haywire with excitement. The sights had activated her wanting to know more about the continent and the secrets it held. There was the possibility of learning so much! It would have to be kept to herself, of course, due to the words of Leila spoken earlier, but that was a non-issue. It was something she had to know herself, not the entire world. Maybe. Well, that was a detail that could be sorted out later. She was only there to help with a mission and could be kicked out at anytime. It was probably best if she did not take advantage, such as slowing things down by stopping to look at every little thing. Oh, how she wanted to take a few notes, but she stupidly had left her notebook in her bag, which was floating off in the celestial world somewhere. Stupid, stupid, stupid! Samira facepalmed. For now, simple iLac snapshots would have to do. Perhaps, if the mission went well and according to plan, she could ask Leila if she could come back at some point in order to see more of the continent and take notes. Surely she could even help with some other things as a form of payment for access. The iLac was put away once more and Samira had turned to see that both Leila and Seraph had stopped moving forward to wait on her. "I am sorry," Samira told her current comrades with an embarrassed smile. "I will try and remain focused."

    The small team pressed on with nothing really threatening taking place. Samira had lifted her bow and aimed at a few rustling bushes, but nothing came from them. It seemed the smaller predators around were on the cautious side rather than violent. That was good. So far things were going much more smoothly than any mission she had ever done. Well higher ranked mission anyway. There were plenty of easy going delivery jobs way back in the day. Samira became calm and less cautious as they went downward and even began to go through a small forest. The job requesting someone to help in the escort was starting to prove unnecessary. Although, only one part of the mission was nearly done. There was still talking to the natives and then heading back. She was on the positive side though. What could possibly go wrong?

    Her spirits naturally wouldn't let her get too comfortable. As they all silently walked, one took the opportunity to appear out of nowhere. A doll size spirit wearing what appeared to be purple robes and a horned hood appeared on Samira's shoulder. The only facial feature that could be seen were the green glowing eyes that, at that moment, were shaped like arrow tips and pointing upwards as he was munching on some cookies that were in a small bag he held. Samira blinked at his appearance, but gave nothing more as a sign that she was surprised. Her gaze shifted back to what was ahead of her. "What are you doing?"

    The spirit continued his munching of delicious cookies for a few seconds more before his eyes shifted to be normal green circles. "You're a rude one," he commented but soon sensed Samira was not really thrilled with the statement. "I can sense the dead, you know, and see their souls. Not really sure how far away those two can sense them, but I thought I should warn you. The dead are not always playful." The spirit turned his small bag upside down and shook it as he spoke, revealing no more cookies, much to his disappointment.

    "The dead?" Samira repeated with an arched eyebrow. "I assume you mean they are actually undead if they supposedly pose some sort of danger."

    "Same thing. The danger they may become is just a guess. They're still a bit farther away. For them to exist though someone had to have raised them unless the land is just cursed. That's the problem with unknown lands, you never know until it's too late. Maybe the natives will know more if you can establish whatever peace treaty you are doing." With that said, the spirit poofed into dark purple particles. Samira took the warning and kept it in her mind to be alert. She said nothing to do the other two due to not wanting to worry them over what may be nothing. It was also possible they heard the conversation anyway due to their heightened senses even though both summoner and spirit had spoken quietly and were in the back.

    Finally, the trio had made it to a small village of sorts that had been made by the cat-like natives from natural resources. That came as no surprise. Samira got closer to her two companions now that they had reached their destination. "Of course. Support is what I do best," Samira replied with a small smile before allowing her expression to turn more serious. She had many spirits at her disposal that could handle situations in a non-violent manner, but if that wasn't enough she had to make sure to call it and switch to be more offensive if required. Although, watching the small cat folk bouncing up and down with their small shields and spears was enough to make her sigh in order to prevent herself from laughing. A representative of a monster hunting guild and she was having to be cautious around creatures she probably could have kicked like a sports ball. It was rather humorous in its own way.

    Seraph had accomplished her task so far rather easily. Samira couldn't understand a word of the cat screeching, but thanks to the magic of the basilisk woman some form of communication was present, and they were all allowed inside. "So far the mission is going according to plan with great success," she stated in a tone that had a hint of surprise in it. Missions that went awry very quickly had become normal for her. The current one where everything was going according to plan with no fighting whatsoever? That...was that even possible? Huh. A few blinks of bewilderment later and Samira began to follow the other two inside the village of cuties.

    All around the trio were curious small cat villagers. They kept their distance for the most part, but it was hard not to notice more and more entering the scene. As much as she wanted to take a few pictures of them, Samira fought against the urge to do so. Maybe when they left she could do that. At the moment, it was inappropriate to bring an unknown item out that the natives did not understand. They could take it as a form of attack. The main shack of the village was visible and was clearly the largest dwelling in the village. The trio made their way to it without interruption, but as they reached the building the two guards in front of the building formed an X shape with their spears, preventing them from going forward.

    A what appeared to be older cat villager walked from a tent that was beside the chief's. She wore a poncho like the rest, but also wore some sort of shamanic beads and had a magical aura around her that was more significant than the others. The older cat villager was likely their most experienced magic user, although what magic they used was still hard to say. She made some cat noises towards the guards and motioned towards Leila and Seraph to enter. The small spear blockade was lifted as the spears stood upright once more and the guards stepped aside. They felt safe enough to allow entry into the chief's tent. Samira though...there was something the older cat mystic did not like. The girl herself seemed fine, but there was something else mixing with her aura that the native could sense and thought to be dangerous. She shook her head as she pointed to the green haired summoner and made more cat noises. Entry denied.

    Samira blinked as she looked down at the actions of the newly appeared older native. Interesting and somewhat puzzling. "It appears that I am going to have to remain out here," Samira said with a slight shrug of her shoulders and looking up at her two companions. "I should not be required for this part anyway. Only Seraph and yourself should be enough. If anything goes wrong, I will take care of what happens out here. Good luck."

    Template by ○Kaori

    Normal Version:


    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Of Cats and Bones Empty Re: Of Cats and Bones

    Post by Leila Vergious 1st December 2017, 3:24 pm

    Word Count:
    6,740 / 10,000

    @Samira Nassar

    Active take-over:

    Leila Vergious Guildless A-Rank

    Leila did notice that something behind her changed, an additional magical energy came into the world rather suddenly. It did make her look over her shoulder as they walked, but that was about it. She spotted the spirit sitting on Samira’s shoulder and simply smiled, disregarding it all and starting to pay attention to what was in front of her again. She had a spirit like that too, a young dragon girl named Yuki. Sometimes, she would just appear and play the role of a companion to the Eden’s Caretaker for seemingly to reason at all. Perhaps out of her own loneliness, or maybe after sensing that her summoner could use the presence of someone she could trust. So it was but a natural assumption that just about every summoner that treated their spirits well had one such creature. And from what she saw back in Bosco, the green-haired witch was most certainly on good terms with her spirits. There was really a no good reason to interrupt the two. And considering the distance they stayed back, it also made Leila interpret it as if they maybe wanted some privacy before they reached the village. She gave it to them and caught nothing but distant noise from their conversation. Though she herself felt it… something little bit off. But far too faint to be of any actual concern right now. After all, they had a completely different mission they had to focus on right now. Once peace would be established, then they could go hunting for strange energies all they wanted.

    Samira also wasn’t the only one who dearly wanted to explore the inside of this native village, along with the natives themselves. Leila was greatly interested in their anatomy and if they were perhaps somehow related to exceeds after all. But all that obviously had to wait till they would be on friendly terms rather than the neutral ground that could break into just about anything. Seraph kept the magical ball of energy between her palms active, so she understood at least most of the words that were uttered around them. Though there were little too many for her to just recite it all in real time. The main gist of things was that the two members of the great party were to go inside and meet the Elder while the one who was helping them was to remain outside. Leila wasn’t about to fight that decision of whoever this older cat woman was, though she did look over her shoulder and tossed an apologetic expression at Samira, hoping that she would not be too bummed about the result of things. She was clearly showing her interest in all this but had less access than the rest of their diplomatic party, it didn’t seem fair. Not much they could have done right now though. First would go the Eden’s caretaker, having to bend her body forward a little to not hit the top frame of the door with her head. Seraph did the same, though instead of bending forward, she just moved her snake part to lower the human one.

    Elder’s Tent

    The inside was obviously small, something that could have been judged from the outer look of the building. Though still much larger than most living spaces here it seemed. What made it truly packed was a large amount of different furniture and trinkets scattered all about, leaving only a small hallway of space toward a bigger wooden chair. There sat a much older looking male cat with a white and gray fur, a long staff resting by the side of his throne. Two more guards were on the inside by the entrance, as well as a very unusual cat person. While looking exactly the same as the rest of his kind, he was huge! Actually way bigger than Leila and Seraph in size, the creature would easily be over 2 meters tall and held a solid iron mace in its hand. Most likely the tribe’s finest warrior, or something along those lines. It was honestly little difficult to focus on one single thing, as there was just so much to observe here. Especially the number of magical trinkets that would be hanging from the ceiling, similar to dream catchers, and statues along with blankets and fabrics stacked erratically in baskets all around. Shelves packed with parchments and blueprints, some wooden staffs and much more. Though the Elder solved the problem by beckoning the two visitors, wanting them to come closer.

    With a nod and careful step, they would make their way to about half-way before they stopped and bowed. Well, Leila did. Seraph had to experience a slight tug on her outfit from her companion before she would realize that she was standing in front of authority and had to express politeness and respect. The orb between her palms suddenly expanded and covered the entire room. It was to make sure that everyone present would understand everything that was said. Though it alarmed the guards and the big guy, the Elder quickly moved his hand in a gesture that nothing was happening and they could remain calm. He clearly knew what sort of magic was at play here and did not fear it in the slightest. Whether that was because he was foolish or because he was experienced was unknown. And finally, he opened his small mouth, revealing all the sharp teeth inside as he spoke. “The tall ones cometh… were ye send by Asteroth? Speak your words in the tongue of truth!” Despite being a cat, his voice sounded rough and very mature. A true Elder one could say. Or perhaps that was just the effect of Seraph’s magic. Narrowing from their bows, the two girls would look at each other in slight confusion. The name uttered meant nothing to them and if that was a good or bad thing, they had no idea. But as he asked, they did not have any intentions of lying to the old cat.

    We do not know anyone by that name, sir. We come from our own will as members and Representatives of the Pack that activated a warp gate leading to this land. We are humans and non-humans walking hand in hand and all we desire is to see the beauty of this world. As such, we come here to ask you for a treaty of peace, a promise of harmony that will surely aid us both.” Trying to present her ideals and goals as best as she could, Leila even used a proper body language while speaking her mind. She was never all that good with formal chats, so she hoped her message got across clearly without having any unfortunate or undesired side effects. The elder cat moved his paw to his chin and stroked it several times, looking to the side and clearly thinking about something while leaving the two girls with a bated breath. “So it is… the prophecy spoke of ye, strangers! Those who shall come through the gate of time and worlds shall be faced with the wrath of Asteroth. To free this land from his domination. Mysterio, our world… it would be but beginning for this terror. But ye… to face him and to defeat him, you can. So says the prophecy.” Now, this was something they did not expect. Prophecy? Fight? Suddenly, the meeting was interrupted by a dark green mist seeping in through the closed doors.

    Catheim Village

    Since Samira wasn’t exactly allowed inside, she had to endure the continued stares of the villagers surrounding her pretty much from all the sides. Not to mention the guards that were at the ready if she were to suddenly turn hostile, along with archers that had bows and arrows at ready. They might have been small and cute, but in such numbers, they were probably a considerable force to face. However, the Catheim were hardly what anyone should be worried about right now. Something was coming and right now, just about everyone could feel it. The horde of villagers started to slowly grow thin as a number of them headed back to their homes and all the armed poncho-wearing cats quickly started returning to their regular posts. The weather was perfectly clear until now, just a warmly shining sun with little to no clouds that would have the potential of covering it. However, as if a dangerous storm was coming, pitch-black and gray clouds swiftly moved in from the far north, the portion of Floating Continent that no one from the camp had a chance of exploring yet. Not only that, the view of a giant lake right next to the village turned pale as well. The water almost black in its color and the air suddenly feeling heavy. It was not long before a strange green fog started raising from the ground. It did not smell like anything, nor did it feel like anything. It was just… unsettling.

    Many of the guards quickly started meowing at each other, their words still very likely meaning nothing to the summoner. It was noisy before, but now it was even worse. Until it wasn’t. All of the noise suddenly ceased to be. And the slowly darkening world turned into shades of blue. Literally everything froze including the natives, flags that were dancing in the winds and even flames of a nearby bonfire. The entire world became ‘stuck’ in a single moment with the exception of Samira who appeared to be unaffected. And despite there not being any additional magical energy, a boy’s voice suddenly sounded from top of the Elder’s hut. “Oh, oh, oh?!! Don’t tell me… is it truly possible… did my Queen bring someone other than the black mutt along to help her? Aahaha, that’s amazing! I had thought she was completely and utterly useless without her. But here I am, witness to how much my Queen grew while I wasn’t looking. Ahaha~” It was a young boy, no older than 15 years old from the general shape of his body. But upon closer inspection, he was nothing short of a demon. A strange staff in his hand and blood pouring out of his covered eyes, along with a grin from one ear to another that would break apart a regular man’s face for good.  Not to mention a very unnatural feeling that came along with him.


    Now, I’m sure you must be wondering… who is this handsome boy? Well, dear Miss Samira Nassar, that’s a secret~. I’m one of Leila’s spirits. Or at least that’s what I told her at the start, ahaha~. We’re very good friends, you see? At such good terms that I even canceled the deal where I was supposed to get her soul and torment it forever! And because we’re such good friends, I’ve come to, uh… fix! Yes, fix few mistakes she had made. But I see you two will be a little busy in a moment, so I’ll leave it for later. Toodles~” And with that, not really providing any real explanation to anything, he vanish. And along with him gone, the world return back to motion where everything quickly started growing darker. A sudden green lightning formed in the black clouds and hit the body of water near them, creating a sort of a black portal from which a stone monolith rose into the air. And while it floated there, a dark magic filled the area as reanimated skeletons suddenly started raising from the ground all around the village. Ones that resembled humans but with sharp vampire-like teeth as a bonus. It seemed that Samira was finally getting another one of those missions where everything goes wrong in a split of a second. Kicking the door open, Leila rushed outside to her side too. “What’s happening?! There was this sudden rush of magic and… oh… oooh!

    Non-template version:


    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

    Celestial Avatar

    Celestial Avatar

    Main Account- Mythical VIP Status- God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Mythical- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Demon Slayer- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- Z-Rank- Y-Rank- X-Rank- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Wanderer- EXP Grinder- Jewel Grinder- Job Creator- Working Together- Forever Solo- Christian Minecraft Server- I Have Friends...- Teaming Up!- Limited Edition- Hired Help- Idolize- Unknown Powerhouse- Unknown Legend- The Completionist- Achiever- Expert Achiever- Over Achiever- Buddy Buddy- Obligatory Beach Episode- Sticking Around- Loyal to the Bone- Solo Artist- Taskmaster- Collector- Halloween Social- Halloween job event participant - Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Christmas Event Winner- X-Mas Event Participant- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Motor City Rush- Hero- Summer Special Tier 5- Summer Special Tier 4- Summer Special Tier 3- Summer Special Tier 2- Summer Special Tier 1- Summer Special Donor- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Summoner of Divinities
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    Faction : Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 1695
    Guild : Lamia Scale (Ace)
    Cosmic Coins : 485
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    Experience : 10,188,889

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Celestial Avatar Summoning
    Second Skill: Celestial Avatar
    Third Skill: Avatar Aspect

    Of Cats and Bones Empty Re: Of Cats and Bones

    Post by Samira Nassar 3rd December 2017, 1:15 pm

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

    Muse: 10/10
    Magic Power: 100%
    Health Points: 100%
    Post Word Count: 1895
    Thread Word Count: 8649

    Of Cats and Bones V6JIcYH       Of Cats and Bones WOyJ6my       Of Cats and Bones JOeaZ9l       Of Cats and Bones W1bEUgL       Of Cats and Bones MrksPDy
    Inside the tent her two companions went. She had noticed the apologetic expression Leila had given her as she walked inside, to which Samira just smiled. It was disappointing to not see the chief of the village and maybe get some reference pictures, but there was always next time as far as she knew. Samira turned her back towards the entrance of the chief hut and remained outside. The older mystic cat creature stared up at the summoner with her small arms crossed over her chest. A scowl was on her face, but really it was hard for anyone other than another creature of its species. Seeming satisfied that the girl would stay put and not endanger the chief, she nodded and went back to her own hut. "So far, so good," Samira told herself out loud somewhat quietly. A smile continued to be forced on as the stares became quite numerous in number. Curious spectators and armed guards stood still, waiting for any movement. Blink blink went the summoner. Blink blink went the cat creature audience. Blink blink. Blink blink. Okay, she would admit now that things were getting a little more awkward as time went. The girl sweatdropped and even her normally patient self was hoping Leila and Seraph finished their peace meeting quickly.

    Just as when the awkwardness was beginning to become too much for Samira to handle, a different feeling starting to form inside her. An anxious and unsettling feeling. A warning of sorts that even she as a human could sense. Something was coming and it was not of the friendly variety. The Catheim began to scatter to their homes or to their watch posts, as if they too had sensed an approaching presence that required caution. Her eyes glanced up to see a coming storm from some other part of the continent. Next the water of a nearby lake had changed to a more tainted one, and then a green fog began to lift from the ground all around the village. Parts of the green fog had touched parts of the summoner, but as far as she could tell it was harmless. It did not have the smell or feeling of anything toxic. However, as she moved her hand through a cluster of it that had rose near her face she was still not all too sure what it was. One of her summons had a similar green fog; a result of his magic of decay. The current one did not feel like that at all. Many of the cat creatures began meowing, none of which Samira could understand completely, but she assumed they were disturbed and were in a state of panic. Then it suddenly became quiet. All at once with absolutely no warning. The area that had begun to darken from the grey clouds up above turned into an odd shade of blue as well. Samira turned around repeatedly and looked all around. Everything had been stopped. Nothing moved or even breathed. A sort of time stop. It was very similar to another one of her spirits. An effect that was normally beneficial and simple had turned into one that made her unsure of what was going on even more. She couldn't even sense any magic being used. Why had she not been affected as well? When the statement of she would take care of anything out there was made she meant something normal like rampaging cat people. A complete time stop was a bit more serious.

    Samira had made the thought of entering the chief hut regardless of being denied access. The elder mystic was probably frozen in time as well, and she wondered if those inside the hut were also affected. A couple of steps she took towards the door before a male voice was heard from above the hut. Verdant colored eyes widened at hearing someone other than herself unaffected by the mysterious time freeze. Queen though? What black mutt? More and more questions. Samira took a few steps back so she could fix her gaze upon the boy standing on the chief's hut. Or, at least what she thought had been a boy when first hearing him. What she actually saw was more of a disturbing nightmare. If the grin was not enough to send the most normal person running then the constant blood pouring from the eyes would have done the trick. She didn't like the looks of him or the feeling he gave off. He certainly could not have been any ally. Samira took hold of her bow and loaded up an arrow while aiming in his direction. What he was was unknown, and it was uncertain if such a simple weapon would do damage to such a being. Still she held it there no matter how threatening or laughable it was.

    Samira's mouth opened to ask who he was, but he had already been ahead of her on that. An eyebrow arched as she wondered how he knew her name, but at least that confusion settled when he reveled himself to be one of Leila's spirits. That made sense since he slightly reminded her of the crazy one the other woman had summoned back in Bosco. It was creepy and sickening. How Leila had control of such spirits was beyond her. Was her only normal spirit Libra? The next set of words only brought about more confusion. He wasn't one of her spirits after all. He was more like a demon that had attempted to collect a soul. For what reason did he release Leila's though? What did he intend on fixing exactly and how so? With a being like him she doubted it would be very pleasant. That considered him a threat. "What? Wait, we are not done!" She released her hold on the arrow to fire it at him, but it was too late. He was gone, and the arrow had hit absolutely nothing as the world returned back on its true course in time.

    The area grew darker still as the black clouds above kept swirling. Soon a bright flash of green erupted from the skies, causing Samira to have to look away and cover her eyes. A bolt of lightning it had been and it had struck the surface of the nearby lake. From it a black portal appeared that summoned forth a stone monolith that rose high into the air. Dark magic could be felt and soon the village was surrounded by walking and very dangerous looking skeletons of...something that was probably part human once. The fangs gave away they were anything but. Then again, they were walking skeletons. Was right then really the time to wonder what species they were once upon a time?

    Samira stared up at the monolith first and then on the skeletons that had the village set as their targets. So much for a peaceful mission. The girl almost had the desire to swear; an action she never did for she did not like using such words. "Leila!" Samira shouted while looking behind her towards the tent. The other celestial mage did not need any calls to come out, however. By her words and the door bursting it was apparent she was already well aware something had gone way more wrong than they had imagined. Well, sort of. Samira had been warned of possible undead, but those were far away. How was she to know some monolith would show up and make more of them? "We seem to have an unexpected issue," Samira said rather calmly despite the current scenario. She loaded up another arrow and shot at the large target up above them. Rather than do any sort of damage or be repelled back by some form of barrier, the arrow disintegrated entirely. With her little test done and seeing as a bow was completely useless against the undead, she dropped it and went for her keys. "I advise we do not waste our efforts attacking with normal weaponry," she commented while watching some of the Catheim that remained to guard the village shoot up at the monolith and undead with their own bows and arrows and had just as much success as she did. Their chance of success against the skeletons was also minimal. “Open, gate of the Avatar, Goddess of Wisdom! Athena!” Holding the key before her as she called upon the spirit, a portal opened and bright pink particles came from it as it took the shape of a woman spirit wielding a shield. The incarnation of the true goddes, but rather than a more offensive war-like role she was a spirit focused on defense and protection; something the many villagers needed before their home got taken over by the undead. "As you wish, my summoner," the spirit said, knowing what Samira wanted done without having been told due to the mind link she had with all of her spirits. The shield had been tossed into the center of the village where it floated in midair vertically. A pulse of magical energy emitted from the defensive weapon and soon a barrier erupted and spread all around the village. Any enemies that had entered were pushed outside.

    "It will buy some time for now, but I am afraid the barrier has its limits," Samira told Leila with a small sigh as she watched the army of skeletons already attacking the barrier. A pink symbol appeared on everyone around the spirit as she had become linked with them. "Any injuries you acquire will be transferred to me. This goes for the villagers and your basilisk friend as well. Do be careful regardless," Athena told the other celestial summoner with a small bow of her head. She wouldn't last forever so she could only hope the pair of mages did not act too reckless as they handled the horde of undead.

    As for the offensive spirit of choice, Amaterasu had been called upon. She was a spirit of light and one Samira thought would have been the best one to use offensively against such dark creatures. The bright light of the spirit's summon portal did nothing to effect the eyeless skeletons, but her sword was more than a match for quite a few as she exited the village and began her attacks against them. Unfortunately, the piles of bones did not remain as such for long. The monolith pulsed and a small wave of magic released and helped in reforming the defeated undead. The spirit had not expected it and nearly got ambushed by the group. They were quite fast and for some reason desired to bite into her regardless of her being spirit rather than being made of mortal flesh. A couple had been cut down as a third nearly succeeded in its attempted to jump at her and latch on with the pointed teeth. She evaded by stepping to the side and shoving the creature forward as it passed. It then got cut down, but as she turned around she narrowed her brown eyes and forced herself to retreat back into the village. There were too many and they were not dying. "Samira, as amusing as these creatures are, we need an alternate strategy." The next most obvious target was the monolith itself. How they were going to manage that was still up in the air.

    Template by ○Kaori

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    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Of Cats and Bones Empty Re: Of Cats and Bones

    Post by Leila Vergious 3rd December 2017, 3:31 pm

    Word Count:
    9,002 / 10,000

    @Samira Nassar

    Active take-over:

    Leila Vergious Guildless A-Rank

    Yes, the floating black monolith with many strange symbols and dark necromancy magic literally pulsating from it along with an army of undead skeletons could most certainly be considered as an unexpected issue. In fact, this was even beyond anything that Leila imagined they could face today. She even planned for the seemingly worst case scenario where the Catheim would attack them and gain the upper hand. But an army of skeleton warriors was truly something unexpected to the silver-haired maiden. And while she was trying to process all that new information presented to her, Seraph would poke her head out from the hut behind them as well. She still had her mask on, so there was no way she could see what was really happening here. But she sure as the day could sense it all. The entire area now reeked of dark magic creeping into every corner of the village and the forest that surrounded it. “Well, this certainly looks like trouble, doesn’t it? Aah, I’m in such luck, having a reliable escort to protect me on a day like this. Good luck~” Clearly not wanting to get involved at all, she would hide back inside and that was most likely the last they would see of her until the battle was over. While completely expected due to her lack of combat abilities, the way she said those words still managed to irk the Eden’s Caretaker a bit who narrowed her gaze at the skeletons she would soon have to face at a much closer distance.

    Even normal weaponry can be effective against this type of enemy if used correctly, but I agree that it will be much less effective than magic and blessed weaponry. Thankfully…” Extending her right hand to the side, a blue discus suddenly appeared behind the female and illuminated the nearby area in a mysterious azure blue hue. Suddenly breaking apart into many different uneven parts, they would travel in front of Leila and reassemble once again only to send out a burst of celestial energy forth. To a celestial summoner like Samira, it might have looked similar to a celestial dress. A veil of celestial magic layered itself atop Leila’s physical form and imbued her with a new power that would strengthen both her and the weapon she summoned. Yes, her summoning magic surely wasn’t anywhere near the scale of Samira’s, but the girl used more than just her keys as part of that magic. She had several celestial tools that were almost part of her body. It all made sense if one were to know what Leila really was. Because it most certainly wasn’t human. In any case, the assembled discuss started rotating at a much rapid rate and moved over to floating just next to its owner’s elbow. And with her stance, she was ready to dash forward and start cutting her foes apart. While it was no holy magic, celestial energy had the properties of altering the reality itself in order to open gates.

    Leila’s weapon:

    And something like that could very well be enough to ensure that the skeleton’s are affected to the point where they could not come back. But before she could actually engage in combat, another figure leaped out of the Elder’s hut. It was the huge Catheim she noticed before, one who stood much taller than both  Leila and Samira or any of their summons. A positive reinforcement that wasn’t afraid of the incoming threat as much as the rest of the cat-folk. And with his trusty mace in hand, he would charge right at the skeletons, smashing one into the ground with enough force to turn its skull into dust and have the rest of its bones crack restlessly. Despite them being nothing more than a pile of some creature’s remains, that display of power still somehow managed to look rather gruesome to Leila. But even as her companion took the bow and tested it out on the monolith only for it to send out a wave of energy that started reanimating already fallen enemies, the crushed one stayed down. That was at least one ray of hope they had in the middle of it all. It also made the girl notice something that she started focusing on, approaching the destroyed undead as the large Catheim started swinging his weapon to all sides, forcing the rest of the army to back away temporarily. This at least gave the Caretaker enough time to properly examine the pile of bones left behind and the magic coursing through it.

    I knew there was something weird about these… this type of necromancy is…” Her train of thought was quickly interrupted by a sword headed straight at her in an attempt the split her own skull open like a gory piñata. From her elbow, the discus moved right in front of the weapon and its rotating motion managed to force the iron blade to slide to a side, creating an easy opening for Leila put gently put her hand onto the skeleton’s ribs as they suddenly started turning green. “All life returns to Earth eventually. And the undead are much closer than anyone else to that. Unfortunately for you, ‘Earth’ is my magic.” Hopping away, several vines and roots would quickly start forming on the skeleton and slowly rip him into pieces. And as those pieces fell to the ground, they would start quickly decomposing and return to the grass and dirt, hopefully never to return as they became one with nature. “Didn’t need a holy weapon after all. Wasn’t sure this would work, but the gamble paid off.” Saying those words to no one but herself, she would quickly start retreating back into the village along with the giant Catheim as the barrier from one of Samira’s spirits started forming to protect them all. It wouldn’t be very nice to get stuck outside because of it.

    She returned to Samira’s side and looked at her with a determined expression. “I took a closer look at one of them and discovered something. This is not a normal type of necromancy. Usually, a mage would try to return into a body a soul that was inside of it while the body was alive. But these are different. It seems the mage in question created completely new souls instead. Putting them into dead bodies, he was able to make them move again… I suppose it’s almost more puppetry magic than actual necromancy when you think about it. At least we don’t have to feel bad about fighting them, the souls present in these dead bodies feel no torment. We can go all out!” Of course, there was already a good chance that the green-haired female was already going all out from the very start. After all, she summoned two powerful spirits that were doing a good job holding the enemy forces back. Turning toward the one that was creating the barrier, Leila smiled and started shouting back at her words. “If your barrier has only so much it can take, then all we have to do is reinforce it, right? Give me a second!” With a reply like that, the female pulled out a key that Samira was already familiar with. A beautiful, golden one.

    I call you forth, you who passes judgment on the stars, you who holds both black and white in your hands and assuring balance amidst them all.
    Heavenly Scales - Libra!

    Answering the call right away was one of Leila’s more powerful spirits, one of the mighty Zodiacs. A golden gate opened up right in front of the summoner as the beautiful ebony-skinned female moved out, already holding her katana firmly in hand and ready to enter the fray. However, her main role would be more supportive rather than offensive. “Give them my all?” “Every last drop of it!” A simple exchange between the two girls made them both smirk with confidence as the golden spirit flew into the air without any wings to carry her, quickly taking a spot next to Athena. “I hope you don’t mind my presence, dear?” She would ask her fellow spirit with a friendly tone as she extended her empty hand forward and in that very moment, all of the undead outside the barrier started being pushed back. The spirit’s magic was gravity. She was able to freely manipulate it and direct it. In this case, it was not too hard to make it much harder for the enemy to reach their destination. Not to mention, that was only the start of the Spirit's power. With the katana in hand, she would start swinging wildly in the air, each attack causing a wave of condensed gravity to shoot out beyond the barrier and create explosions of air that pushed and ripped apart large groups of enemies.

    Though just how Samira observed herself, the horde seemed to be almost endless. They probably really had to start focusing on the monolith and destroy it first, as that appeared to be the source of the dark magic and what was feeding all of those moving bones. Biting her lip nervously, Leila turned toward Samira again. “I can try to unleash my strongest attack on it, but… well, if you have any abilities or spirits that could create additional mass, that would help greatly. Any extra disposable land will help!” And with that, the girl started to channel her magical energy in much greater amounts. However, they were all soon interrupted in a rather rude manner. What they faced until now were mindless bones sloppily put together. But there were few among them that were more than just that. Clad in dark cloaks and with dark jewels adorning their bleached bones, there were also undead mages. Skeletons just like the rest, but the moment they raised their staffs, the whole situation got much worse. A black and purple mist started forming around them, opening a warp gate that started instantly transporting groups of skeletons directly inside the village and inside the barrier where they could move freely and attack.

    Thankfully, the Catheim themselves were more than willing to defend their homes when it came down to it. Especially the big guy who didn’t want to move out after the barrier was erected. But now that the enemies moved to him, he could start crushing them with his mace once more. He even grabbed several with his bare paws and started tossing them about like they were projectiles meant to be used this way. And his bravery in the face of these overwhelming numbers inspired the normal guards as well! While their weapons might have not been much, they also had numbers and coordination on their side. As they would move in groups of three, two cats would always use the spears to force the skeleton down as the third jumped on top of it and started flailing until the enemy stopped moving. Even the archers were accurate enough to hit the skulls of the transported enemies, at least slowing them down if not downing them. Though of course, the skeletons kept on coming back unless they were completely crushed and just destroyed in some manner. The real problem were still the skeleton mages who were staying outside the barrier and in the back behind the main forces. Their dark arts would start creating black ethereal swords in the air, slashing away at everything that would move as well as forming orbs of black mass that would slowly expand and then explode into a wave of energy that made everything around decay.

    It was not a pleasant situation by any means, but if nothing else, they were at least not outright losing to the enemies. And Leila started to be ready to unleash her combination attack in an attempt to destroy the monolith. Of course, she had no idea if it would actually be enough to break it into pieces judging by the barrier that protected it. So all other attacks from Samira and her summons were appreciated in order to weaken it first, as well as her request from before. The more mass she could use from around here, the better. Of course, worst case scenario she could rip apart the forest around them. But just how she mentioned before they even started walking out of the camp, she was hoping for allies that would be a little bit more environmentally friendly than her powerful friend in a red hoodie who was easily capable of burning this entire place to the ground in mere seconds. And taking a chunk of this land for her attack would make Leila not all that different to what she desired to avoid. She would do it if necessary but hoped that there was a better alternative. At least her own magic could create some extra land that could be used before it all too. Libra was in the same mindset of preparing. Leila’s ultimate victory card was not something she could ever do alone. It was a combination attack of herself and several of her spirits. With a combined strength of them all and her own magical energy, many spectacular feats were possible. And it was all a very clear sign of the powerful bonds this summoner had with her spirits. And they were not hesitant to show that power to anyone if they were forced to. After all, they did it a number of times in the past already. And it was a sight to behold each of those times alright!

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    Samira Nassar
    Samira Nassar

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    Of Cats and Bones Empty Re: Of Cats and Bones

    Post by Samira Nassar 7th December 2017, 2:10 am

    "Mages come in all shapes and sizes. Where one may falter at something, another may excel."

    Muse: 10/10
    Magic Power: ???%
    Health Points: 100%
    Post Word Count: 1767
    Thread Word Count: 10416

    Of Cats and Bones V6JIcYH       Of Cats and Bones WOyJ6my       Of Cats and Bones JOeaZ9l       Of Cats and Bones W1bEUgL       Of Cats and Bones MrksPDy
    Samira had stayed back while the more experienced fighters left the safety of the village and began to fight the resurrected horde of undead. She had watched her spirit, Amaterasu, fight but had little success in keeping the beings down as some magic from the floating structure reassembled them. Leila had summoned some sort of round weapon that was filled with celestial energy that leaked even onto its wielder. It felt powerful, and was a weapon she had never seen before. Then again, if it came from the celestial realm then it made sense in a way. If she had more experience with magic weapons then she might have been able to use something similar herself. Maybe. Eh, probably not. The front lines were not her place. It was slightly surprising and odd that the other mage was not using her take over magic, but rather some different sort of magic. Roots and vines had entangled around one that had attempted to cut her down, and the broken bones that were ripped off from the full skeletal body began to decompose. It was a magic that seemed to work far better than her spirit's light attributed type. Even more surprising than that was the large Catheim that exited out of the hut and started to attack the undead invaders with his mace. Not so much that he was defending his village or that he was brave enough to do so and succeed, but for the fact that he was...big. Taller than anyone currently present in the village, herself included. How that was possible when the rest were so small was a question that would go unanswered for the time being, if not forever.

    As the chief of the village and Leila returned, Samira crossed her arms over her chest as she glared up at the monolith above. The only one left outside of the village was her spirit and she too had come back. An alternate was needed indeed. Her gaze softened as it came back down and fixated on the other mage that was speaking. The information she had found out just by examining what remained of the creatures that had been taken out was impressive. Although, a tilt of the head and a rather confused expression appeared on her face as a bodily response when Leila had mentioned them going all out and not feeling bad about it. That was not exactly something that had crossed her mind. At all. Perhaps it should have. A lesson to be learned in case she actually did one day run into trapped souls that required aid in reaching the afterlife rather than just eliminating them. Before it had been mentioned, Samira just saw them as a problem and an enemy that needed to be dealt with quickly before it got out of hand. Another sign that she had spent too much time with other influencing people that she knew. That was happening more and more often she had come to realize, and it didn't always end up as a good thing in her eyes after seeing the consequences. Thankfully, there was nothing to regret in the current case. "You have a strange way of looking at our predicament. I wonder what we would have done if the reverse of your analysis was true." There wasn't exactly much time to play nice. The barrier around them beginning to crack under the pressure of multiple attacks against it was proof of that.

    Coming up with a solution to the barrier issue, Leila had pulled out a golden key that Samira had seen the last time they had met. It was the key that had belonged to the Zodiac spirit known as Libra. Last time Samira had seen her she had taken a more defensive role, and judging by the words of the other summoner, Libra would be used once more in such a way. A small smile was given as Leila and Libra interacted, however short it may have been. Both were confident and prepared to get through the fight alive and well.

    Athena had remained unmoving since making her placement of the barrier. She focused what power she had to keep it up even if the enemies outside it were numerous. A stronger but friendly presence could be felt and broke her concentration slightly as she turned her head to see Libra. As a spirit, she knew the power hierarchy and recognized the Zodiac for what she was. Not just as a celestial spirit at the top of the pyramid, but as a powerful ally. "Your aid would be appreciated, my friend," the guardian spirit said kindly and returned to focusing on keeping the barrier up. She was not a spirit full of pride, and knew well to accept help when it was offered and needed. As Libra used her abilities to push many of the skeletal abominations away from the barrier, Athena was allowed to relax a bit and take a breath. Truthfully, she was worried it would go down before much progress had been made in eliminating the enemy. More time had been bought thanks to Libra, however, and even more so as the Zodiac had even destroyed many of them. There was no need to lose their heads and panic just yet.

    Scratch that. Things had begun to get worse just as they fixed the barrier problem. Undead mages had decided to join in and make things more chaotic for them. The minor warriors were transported through the barrier, making it almost useless if it wasn't for the fact there were still some outside it. "Extra disposable land?" Samira repeated quite calmly even though the battle around her just got ten times worse. She had spirits for freezing time, putting swarms of enemies to sleep, spirits that could stop the violent tendencies within enemies, attacking spirits, healing spirits, supportive spirits, she even had one that could summon booze whenever he desired for some reason. A spirit for nearly all situations and scenarios...except for the request just asked of her. A spirit that could generate masses of land was not within her arsenal. The earth spirit known Geb was essentially a giant land mass, but Samira was not about to summon him just so Leila could take pieces of him for her attacks. The other mage would just have to make do with what was around. "I am sorry to say that I cannot act on the request for extra land." Unfortunate, but it was how it had to be.

    The village had become more of a battlefield as the Catheim had started to grow more bold and fight the intruders with everything they had. Now Samira just had to do the same while Leila did what she needed to do to take the monolith down for good. "Ama!" Amaterasu had been busy in helping keeping the enemies away from nearby villagers as well as Athena until she heard her name. The light spirit stopped and turned towards Samira before giving a nod and acknowledging the mind process her summoner currently had. They would do their part in weakening the structure as well. Amaterasu turned so she was facing in the direction of the monolith. She raised her blade and held it so it was vertical and in front of her face. It began to glow a bright white, and with its added effect a larger light within the sky had appeared and broken through the darkness of the black skies.  A pillar of light came down upon the area, disintegrating the skeletal abominations that were within the village and hopefully doing some damage to the corrupted monolith itself. She knew very well the defeat of the small army would not last long as she could already feel the magic working to bring forth more.

    With two spirits already out, and her desire not to risk summoning a third due to past events that transpired before the taking of the mission, Samira was left with having to make use of the power of one for herself. It cut back on her going all out, but she hoped it was enough so that Leila could finish the structure off with whatever attack she planned to do. A different key was taken once more. It belonged to one of her newer spirits and was actually the one she had mentioned when first speaking with Seraph; the spirit that took the form of a Lamia. She was on the same tier of power as Amaterasu offensively, and one that had more focused powers rather than a type that destroyed everything around it. There was only one target that Samira desired to strike, and she intended to hit it.

    The key belonging to Nu Wa glowed in her hand as the magic link was established, and with the completion of it her attire had changed. Her normal clothes and accessories had been switched out for a red and white flowing and delicate red dress. The sleeves were much too wide and long, covering her hands entirely, and an annoying thin shawl was wrapped around her arms to match the red hairclips that were in her hair. It was the only effect of the ability she really disapproved of. Changing the attire was one thing, but to have such inappropriate outfits for combat was slightly upsetting. As far as she knew the outfits changed according to whatever ancient culture the stories of her spirits came from. The concept was still ridiculous. Who would wear such a thing into battle? Inner annoyance aside, colorful crystals appeared next to Samira and floated in the air at torso height. She moved her empty hand so the arm it was connected to was pointed up at the monolith. A magic energy coursed through her as the crystals disappeared from their position beside her and reappeared in front of her hand. They glowed and began to connect with each other, locking in place to form a larger crystal. The fused crystals glowed brighter as more power surged within them. Once the pinnacle of power had been reached, a large colorful beam filled with several elements was unleashed from the crystal and struck the monolith. It cracked and made a sort of loud groaning noise. Still it remained, however. Hopefully it all would come to an end once Leila made her ultimate move, or else Samira was going to have to unleash more destructive spirits to give the monolith more of a pounding. That course of action was not one she really wanted to have to resort to.

    Template by ○Kaori

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    Last edited by Samira Nassar on 13th March 2020, 12:06 am; edited 3 times in total


    Leila Vergious
    Leila Vergious

    Eden's Rose

    Eden's Rose

    Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Zodiac Key- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Fan Art Contest Participant- Haiku Contest Participant- Lineage Making Contest Participant- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Tertiary Magic- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- 2nd Place Event/Contest Winner- Advertisement Achievement Badge- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Of Cats and Bones Empty Re: Of Cats and Bones

    Post by Leila Vergious 7th December 2017, 8:31 am

    Word Count:
    10,504 / 10,000

    @Samira Nassar

    Active take-over:
    Dragon / None

    Leila Vergious Guildless A-Rank

    Even in the middle of an important battle, Leila took the time to stop for a second and look at her companion, showing an expressive and warm smile at her question. “Is it really so strange? Well, I don’t plan to change it regardless. I don’t wish to harm anyone who does not deserve it and I don’t want to take a life of anyone who could grow to be a better individual. If we were faced with a normal necromancy, then I would just do my very best to free the imprisoned souls and give them their deserved peace!” She said it so confidently that no one could possibly question her resolve to stand by those words. A Wizard Saint who had never truly killed anyone, yet went through countless perils and still emerged not only alive but also victorious. Was such resolve truly rare? Maybe. Maybe not. Leila didn’t really know. She just had her own way of looking at this world, just like everyone else. And she would stand by her words, her actions defining her as a person. Perhaps it was all just because of who she was, a creature not of this world but one from the Void between dimensions. She grew to love Earthland more than anything. And as such, she wanted only the best for the world and those in it. Eventually, that way of thinking became completely normal to her and started being applied no matter where the girl actually was. The Caretaker simply just wished for everyone to be happy and acted upon that wish.

    And yet, she still possessed at least some power that could be used to harm and destroy. One that she would be showcasing just in a bit. Samira, unfortunately, wasn’t able to really provide any extra juice for her combination attack, but that was fine. It just meant that she would have to focus a little bit more and perhaps call forth an extra spirit of her own. One that had the potential of being quite troublesome, but hopefully would not be. As soon as she had the luxury of not being engaged in direct combat, she would crouch and start focusing. That was a signal for Libra as well, for she was the key component in all this. Slowly, Leila’s body would start changing. Samira wondered why the girl didn’t use her take-over forms. That was because she no longer wanted to be just tossing them around unless she had to. Now was that time, as the girl gained several dragon-like traits and her magical energy started rapidly increasing. Not only that, she would also start quietly chanting.

    Flowers in the Garden bloom, I seek your aid. You who grew my world out of a single seed, descent and be by my side once again, you who is me, me who is you.
    Goddess of the Gardens of Eden - Aurora!

    Take-over & Aurora:

    With that, yet another light would appear in the darkened skies as a ball of white started quickly descending to the ground. And once it would hit, a spirit emerged from it. One with brown hair, also possessing fox-like features similar to the basic form of her summoner. Though in addition to that, she also had several pairs of wings and a very holy aura to it all. That was Aurora, the mightiest of Leila’s spirits. And even much more than just her summon, the two of them were one. Two pieces of one soul, their situation was a rather complex one. In any case, the goddess would use her wings to take place next to Libra without any words, realizing that saying anything right now would only interrupt her summoner’s concentration. As everyone around was fighting, a dragon skull made out of purple crystals started forming behind Leila and slowly started gathering magical energy. With the formation of summoned spirits and the skull appearing, perhaps some people around already started realizing what exactly the girl wanted to do. And as the attack finally became ready, she would open her eyes and fixate them on the monolith, staring directly at the crack now adorning its surface. That was now a weak point, a place they had to focus all their power on!

    Two-way deadlock: Planetary collapse, go!” All around the Caretaker, many tall trees started growing. That was her magic, the power to control nature and summon nature already present in her world, Eden. At the same time, Libra flew off like a bullet and with her sword clashed into the monolith. An action that had little to no effect visible. But there was an invisible one. By touching the object, the spirit was able to use her magic and transform the black stone into a center of a gravitational field. “Everyone, please hold on to something as much as you can!” And with the spirit’s warning, it began. A powerful force started drawing everything to the monolith and trees around the village slowly started being torn out of the ground. Loose rocks becoming bullets and the trees and other nature that Leila summoned only being added to it. Aurora, who was part of Leila, had the same magic as well. Three different magical circles appeared behind her as stones and trees started appearing out of them. Only seconds later, the entire construct of dark magic was encased in a layer of dirt and stone, slowly getting packed together by the gravity’s force. And as each second went by, the sphere in the skies started growing and growing until it was around 80 meters in diameter. Little small to be actually called ‘planet’, but still a giant ball floating in the air and crushing whatever was at its core.

    Seeing this, transformed Leila used her wings to take into the skies along with the skull and aimed it at the ball. She remembered exactly where the crack was and aimed right at it, the crystal skull starting to gather magical energy into a focused gem inside of the maw. And suddenly, it fired a thin laser that easily pierced the newly formed planet and went straight through it. And in the process, the entire floating construction started falling apart. A sudden explosion from the core tore the packed ground apart, a green tint to the entire spectacle. It was certainly a colossal attack and pieces of the planet started crashing all around the village. Thankfully, all of it would become part of nature with some time again. The transformation quickly started to wear off as the Eden’s caretaker fell to the ground and her spirits vanished right away. Landing fairly smoothly, she looked at the slowly fading cloud from the explosion and sighed with satisfaction. “Alright, looks like we managed to destroy it with that…” Indeed, the monolith was nowhere to be found. And the skeletons started falling apart one after another as the entire area reclaimed its regular visage rather than one engulfed in darkness. But as the Sun started shining through the slowly dissipating clouds, something happened. A pure white barrier was suddenly erected all around Leila, but it didn’t feel like magic at all. It just… didn’t feel like anything.

    As impressive as always, my Queen. I am truly sorry to crash the party, but now that the cats are safe, I’m afraid I will have to take you away for a bit. You are my Queen and your power is what will set me free. But you went down the wrong way… Dreamland is waiting, dear. I’m sorry.” Suddenly appearing right in front of her was the demonic boy from before. But the world was not frozen. Only the barrier that could not be pierced by any attack. His hand rested on Leila’s chest before she could even move and something akin to a giant clock suddenly appeared right behind her back. Though perhaps it looked more like a magic circle with a single giant clock hand. Moving an hour with each click, it quickly started ticking down as the boy instantly vanished again. “Unknown?! What did you… what did you do? Wait, come back!” But there was no time left for anything. Regardless of if Samira tried to interfere or not, the clock hand returned back to the position of 12 and with a loud sound of a bell ringing, the entire world would be engulfed in a white light. Suddenly, Samira flew back out of the Wakusei portal and probably land on the ground rather harshly. All her spirits were forcefully returned back to their realm and she would probably notice that the gate was completely turned off. No way to return back to the Floating Continent. Even the man who activated it for her before was gone. Though there was a small box next to her, containing a random artifact that was promised her as the reward. The only question left was what happened to Leila and everyone else in that world after the boy’s clock finished its countdown.

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      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:22 pm