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    If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job


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    If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job Empty If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job

    Post by Fluffy 23rd May 2017, 10:44 pm

    691 words of 2500. 
    Smiting sinners was something that was very subjective but Fluffy had yet to realize this in her life. In the young feline's mind? It was ghost, spirits, yoakai, sprites demons and devils who were utterly evil and needed to be vanquished. When she had been human the girl had very little idea of the sin humans could commit against one another. Instead of facing the evil one human could perform against another, she blamed everything on anything outside her own species, on things she called monsters. Now that she had been turned into one of those monsters the female really did not know what to do with her fragile life. if it had been any of her allies turned she would have killed them without a second thought but now that it was her she could not follow her own idea, especially since they could have killed her and chose to let her live as she now was. Still Fluffy could not understand why her former team-mates had allowed her to go on living as the very thing she hated most! She was no longer who they had once known, so why had they not killed her to preserve the memory of her, she had even eaten one of them, why had they let her live. 

    Most of her reverie of thought was caused by the slight disturb she endured when Choaris decided it was a good idea for the two of them to travel to his "Disturbance in the force of earth land" by jumping through his world, teleporting basically. Never before had the feline seen so much damn blood, so many skulls, she had walked through the kill fields of demons, and she hadn't seen anything like this man's personal realm. Perhaps she had found something she should not actually run with? Yet Fluffy realized she had few choices because she could not procure food for herself so she needed to stand by him at the moment since he seemed to be the only reliable source of food she could find that did not instantly want to end her life as well. 

    He had said he felt a distance in the force of earth land...

    Fluffy was not so sure she believed in her food source anymore at the moment because when they came out of his gruesome realm it seemed as if they were standing in a Cathedral dedicated to peace. Was he going to kill all these people for not worshipping war?! She could count nearly 100 people in the room with them! "Please tell me you don't need to pray before you kill someone, I mean you're a god." she was torn part of her wanted that to be the case, most of her wanted that to be the case. However, she was disturbed by the part of her that was becoming excited by the impending sense of death she felt over the area. Fluffy knew food would be available soon, but she just couldn't believe all these people had sinned.

    The feline stood up from the place she had been laying wrapped around his neck, arching her back and yawning, her canines gleaming as she did this. Chaoris would likely also feel her paws 'massaging' his shoulders as she instinctually kneaded slightly almost as if waking from a nap "Sorry" she apologized slightly for the chance she may have pricked him with the claws she was not used to having before she walked across his shoulder's jumping from him to the tile floor, quickly gaining her bearing and glancing up at the self-proclaimed god once more, waiting for his move. Fluffy did not want to act rashly because she knew most people in the room were more powerful than she was considering she had yet to truly discover the extent of her transformation. At the current moment, she was unaware of the new powers that had come with her transformation. of course by the end of this it was doubtful she'd still be unaware of her ability to control hellfire, the flickering of an alter boys flame becoming a pinch stronger for a single moment.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★

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    If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job Empty Re: If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job

    Post by Khorne 10th June 2017, 8:58 pm

    The animal-like being would be brought through his realm to get them to the place he had planned to fight next. The comfort of the rivers of blood, the skulls piled high, and his brazen throne that faced the battlefields of demons that fought one another in endless battle were things he wished he could stay with forever. However, the God of Blood's work was never fully done. The being with him seemed startled by what they saw; as if they could not really fathom that such a place could exist. A simple smile would be on his face as the unarmored man walked through his own realm with purpose. A few minutes inside was all they needed before a dark rift opened up for them to walk back out, the creature upon his shoulder seemed to be surprised that they would come out into a cathedral of peace rather than somewhere else. The place was full, though Chaoris knew exactly why he was here this day. It was not that they worshiped only peace, it was that they denounced that war and killing as concepts. Pacifism and their ignorance that a God ruled over the concepts they declared to be nothing but human ideas would be their downfall. The group all looked at the man that had suddenly appeared from a dark right, looking at him in silence as they realized the two of them were not one of their own. The creature on his shoulder would speak, a semi-rhetorical question leaving her mouth as if she hoped he need not pray before fighting.

    "A God need not pray to himself to do the work that they are meant for. I need not pray, nor give thanks, nor ask another's permission for anything I do that falls under my power. These people are sinners, as you will soon see, and will be slain by the God that now stands among them. Understand that, Nyx, and you will understand the importance we hold in the realm of mortals." While in his realm he had gleaned her name, though that was all he had gotten in that moment of time. He had not cared for her past, or anything else she did, as it was simply enough to know what she did of her own admission. There would not be much time for talk after this, as two priests would walk quickly up to the two and begin talking degradingly at them.

    "You whom have come into the God of Peace's holy place! Begone from here! You are not welcome here!"

    "A demon like yourself must leave at once! Begone!"

    Chaoris would laugh loudly in their faces. They claimed him to be a demon? Ha! What a pitiful excuse to mock him! "You pitiful creatures. I am the God of Blood! You that claims that war, fighting, and death are concepts of the human mind are lies told to you by your own kind! I shall grant you forgiveness if you repent!"

    The two priests would frown deeply, one reaching into his robes to reveal a holy symbol of their god as the other threw what was supposed to be an anti-demon elixir into his face. A roar would leave the God's lips at the transgression they had committed against him out of spite. It would not take long for his two weapons to appear in his hands even as the two priests would jump back and call the church to arms.

    "Hypocrites! Heretics! You that claim only piece, and that war is a lie, would call to arms your brethren to fight the God of Blood, Skulls, and War! Let it be known this day that you have all been judged! The sentence death, and your souls sent to where they belong!"

    The two priests would quickly leave to the back of the church as cultists, altar boys, and nuns flooded into the large cathedral to come and try to stop the duo that was against them. What a pity that they had no chance to deal with the God of battle himself. Nyx was free to do as she wished, the creature jumping down from his shoulder as his weapons appeared in his hands, as he began the slaughter that would cover this building in blood. The group would try to surround them and take them by force, that was for sure, and it was a fools plan to think it would work. Three of the cultists of this heretical church would charge him at the same time, his two fabled weapons slicing two in hald even as he let out an inhumanly strong kick into the chest of the third. A loud crunch could be heard to all around as his chest caved in, crushing the organs inside, before he fell to the ground with the two that were now four. An altar boy, armed with a lit candle on a bronze holder, would attempt to swing the flaming improvised weapon at him only to find out that the action would result in his swift death to a chainsaw on the front of the gun he held in his left hand. After the chainsaw cleaved through he would fire off the thirty rounds in the weapon into the crowd, twenty five cultists and a nun would fall to the fire even as the rest tried to get to him through their own fallen. A laugh would leave his lips at their failed attempts at combat even as he slowly became enraptured in the fight he was now in. Soon this place would be cleansed, and then he could move on to another thing that was required of him.

    The dead:



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    If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job Empty Re: If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job

    Post by Fluffy 13th July 2017, 11:21 am

    1,278 of 2,500 words
    The feline stopped cold suddenly, hearing the Blood God call her 'Nyx' when she had not even introduced herself by the alias she had begun using after being transformed into a Kasha. How did he know that?! Even when she was human she had not interacted with very many people, her name was not some wide spread thing, but somehow he knew that she was called Nyx by birth. These days however, she went by Fluffy because Nyx had been who she was when she had been human and the girl did not want to corrupt the identity as she wanted to one day return to being Nyx instead of a monster. Nyx decided she had to correct him on her name, but she didn't quiet get the chance to do right away, because his mentioning her name also triggered a secondary event.

    "Would you look at that, the latent physic those ghost hunter's were keeping with them is an inhuman now, bet they abandon you pretty quickly girlie." it was the priest's who spoke, however they did not look visually familiar and her physic abilities had not worked since her transformation so she could not sense how they knew who she was. However the people here clearly knew her, and that was a problem! She could not let word of her transformation get out, the thought causing her to transform into her larger form which she had not used before now, a deep snarl coming from her mouth. "If you know me, I've taken you down once and I can do it again, but this time you'll stay dead monster's!" her tongue slipped slightly as she lunged forward at one of them taking him by surprise as she had been very passive when she traveled with the ghost hunters.

    With her new fire abilities? It really did not take long at all in order to down one of the priests and damage several other people who attacked her, burns now a common injury around the room thought she seemed to primarily fight using her body as oppose to actual flame attacks, close combat appeared to be one of her skills. "Also, Blood God, I go by Fluffy." which was actually a lot sillier and less threatening, less fitting than her birth-name of Nyx, the female glancing over at him once as she stood on the body of someone she had taken down. "So don't call me Nyx in front of other people, alright? Can I at least ask that much respect, I would really prefer 'Nyx' not be public thrown around knowledge."  she spoke once more, huffing slightly but mostly being curt in the way she spoke, leaping over the blood god to tackle someone who had come up behind him, ramming that person into one of the pews.

    "Also watch the priests, they may be capable of possession considering they recognized my name and the group I used to go around with never let anything we faced live they have to be spirits that managed to sneak by and possessed another body." not that he likely needed the warning, he didn't seem stupid but she said it none the less. Even if she didn't like the idea of killing innocent people? Considering he was feeding her and she had reason to doubt the innocence of those within the church, she had even begun going after people who were not the priests. Maybe this man was a bad influence? Nah he was providing her with food.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★

    Position : None
    Posts : 248
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    Age : 1136

    If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job Empty Re: If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job

    Post by Khorne 16th August 2017, 5:41 pm

    Another five cultists would simply fall to the ground in a hail of bullets as they tried to get closer to the God of Blood. A blood lusting roar would leave his lips just before Nyx would speak up with the few things she had to say. The first was to tell him that she preferred to go by the name of 'Fluffy.' A strange name to wish to be called, a descriptor word that told more about one's fur rather than their name or an honorific. "I will honor your request, Fluffy. Respect is earned, and I trust you will keep earning it with each passing day." His deep voice startled some of the cultists as he yelled the words, the rage inside of him from the battle coming out in each syllable that left his lips. These words would startle the swathe of ten cultists before him long enough for him to cleave through a few of them with the chainsaw on the end of his gun, the teeth of the weapon searing through them like a hot knife through butter. The butter was deep red, however, and caused the nuns in the back that were splashed with it to scream and wail at the death of those they taught.

    "I know that they are spirits, ones that lie and deceive! They will not survive this day!" This phrase seemed to be even angrier sounding than the one he had just delivered beforehand, an impressive anger level for sure, as he shot the rest of his magazine into the two nuns and three altar boys that tried to block the bullets with their own bodies. The dead were beginning to pile up in the chapel of this place of supposed peace, a lie that these spirits had caused all of these people to fall into the trap of. It was too late for their redemption, not after what they had started here. Soon, however, people would hear about this day and this religion of peace would be no more. His demonically possessed sword, Blood Fang, would swing in front of him and let loose a crescent of blood that would move through a large batch of cultists, killing all of the rest that were still standing, before it cleaved through one of the priests that had shown up to help in the fight. It was clear that the entirety of the church's congregation was in this fight, and the church would have a member population of zero once it was all over.

    The dead:



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    If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job Empty Re: If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job

    Post by Fluffy 17th August 2017, 1:41 pm

    1,650 of 2,500 words
    What was with all the screaming and roaring she could him just fine without it, honestly it was harder to hear the male the louder he got! Of course, she was still adjusting to the feline body so that could easily explain it, easily he might think she could not hear over the victims and distance or something. Still, the shouting was subtly annoying in this small way she did not permit to show on her face, just an internal thought, the moment in an anime when the protagonist internally asks if the person next to them has to yell so much and nothing ever comes of it. Like every other classic scene, nothing would come out of her wondering why he shouted, it was simply this thought that had passed by her head, simple and easy. Responding to his comment of honoring her request, that was unnecessary so she would not say anything expect nod her head slightly as she slashed out at another altar boy, three of them thinking it was funny to try cornering her. Backing any wild animal into a corner? Was quite the horrible idea and that was what she was now, one of the wild beasts of the world, according to them and according to their masters. If she was going to be treated like a monster, right now, just for this day she would act like one! Fluffy lunged and sunk her fangs into the neck of one of them, killing him swiftly not causing any unrequired pain. Clearly, if she ever blossomed into some murderer, she would be a quick and efficient one, not some sadist, would have no desire to take her time, just get it done and get out.

    "Them not surviving sounds good." the feline spoke up as she darted over to his side after freeing herself from the three altar boys by leaving their corpses behind. While she did not feel good about completing the murders she had just preformed? Fluffy also shockingly did not feel guilt over it, they had been trying to take her life it was her or them and she simply would rather it be them. Actually, that might have given her some slight adrenaline high!


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★

    Position : None
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    If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job Empty Re: If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job

    Post by Khorne 20th August 2017, 9:25 pm

    A slash of his blood sword would end the life another of the nuns even as he heard 'Fluffy' mention that them not surviving sounded like a good thing. Good? It was the ONLY thing that would be happening today. He would not judge her for the phrasing, it was clear that she did not think in the same way as a god would anyhow. From out of the corner of his vision he saw the female creature slay three of the altar boys, a good show to watch and remember in the future, even as he began to chainsaw his way through two more of the altar boys even as his sword would cut another nun in half from head to toe. The spatter of blood was ignored. He did not relish in it like some madman. Shedding of blood on his own was not a guilty pleasure, it was a natural right. He enjoyed the fighting, the killing, the bloodshed was just a part of that. He enjoyed the shedding of blood, not the feel of blood upon him. If that were the case he would be no different than a simpleton serial killer that simply wanted to feel, taste, and see blood after cutting something open.

    One altar boy could be seen trying to run, the bullets that hit his back being the punishment for the sin of cowardice. Soon the rest of the priests would have to come to him. They knew they would not be able to run, he would find them now that he had seen what they are; spirits that lied and spread false truths. "Come forth you cowardly spirits! Fight me and maybe I will spare those that have fallen for your trickery and lies! Or hide and watch everything you have worked towards keep dying as they fight for their beliefs that you have placed upon them." Another batch of altar boys, two this time, would try to run as well. These would be run through with a sword, being smaller in stature and slower in speed than the God of Blood, Battle, Bones, and War. None of the priests would show themselves, which was sad for him as he really was hoping they would show themselves and prove Chaoris wrong in his judgement of them. So be it! If they all died, they would die at his and Fluffy's hands! Well, tooth and claw for his current companion at least. The last of the altar boys, at least as far as he knew, would finally fall by his sword before he looked over the room to see what all was left. All he saw was four nuns, maybe half of what had entered the room at the beginning of this fight, and three priests that were standing behind them. They all looked scared, which brought a smile to his face, and he pointed both his weapons at the group. You, those that have sinned against me. Prepare for your deaths!"

    The Dead:



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    If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job Empty Re: If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job

    Post by Fluffy 1st September 2017, 10:44 pm

    2,073 od 2,500 words.

    Fluffy was not the cold blood killer that Chaoris was, no blood or god or war like he was, at least not yet. Right now, every movement the feline made had slight shows of hesitation, things that showed she was a virgin to this art, unused to taking the life of another she deemed human. Ending monsters? Was no big deal for the female, if she deemed them as non-humans who threatened mortals. However for the moment mentally the thought of ending a human life was a completely different ball game for the kasha. At the moment she was just teething in the field of business called murder, some supernaturals may already consider the girl a killer, but she didn't view herself as one, she still had morals unsuited to a beast, but one day that would change if she kept on the same path she was on now.

    Combating against humans which were what she had once been? Was more interesting than other fights she had taken part in, exorcising demons was different, they didn't scream like this, did not spew blood the way humans did. While everything bleeds? The blood of humans was just different, it was so vivid and they shed so much of it at once from the smallest wound. Nyx suddenly fell into a rhythm, well a sort of rhythm the same melody she had played with the supernatural hunting group she once traveled with, allowing Chaoris to fully take on the priests by cutting between him and the remaining nuns. She might not be a killer, but she had started this fight with the blood god and she would finish it with him, she did not abandon her comrades so for at least right now she had to convince herself to be a killer!

    "Your opponent is me not him, eyes here." the nuns had crossed and holy water, backing up as she bared her fangs and lunged forward, further separating them from the priests and giving Choaris more room to go ape shit on the priests. "You'll have to forgive me, but I can't let you spread the corrupted word of this place after they fall, so you have to go with them." she had found a way to justify these killings to herself, entirely getting rid of the influence of these evil spirits from the world. Still, four against one was a fight she had not often partaken in before, so this would be challenging even if she would manage to bring them down somehow.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★

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    If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job Empty Re: If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job

    Post by Khorne 7th September 2017, 6:57 pm

    So it seemed that Fluffy was really getting into the fight! That was good, and it now allowed him to focus fully on the three 'priests' that were now walking towards him.

    "Begone demon! You are ruining the church of peace with your acts of violence! Have you not done enough by killing our people? Do you wish to kill off something that would bring peace to this world? Where will you stop!?" The priest's words were an attempt to spare their lives even as all three drew out weapons in the form of whips before all three began to walk towards him.

    "You three are no more human than the one I have already slain! You are demons tricking these people into sin! You are no better than the dirt beneath my feet and will find yourselves in eternal torture for the sins you have committed this day!" The deep voice was one that sounded almost regal as he charged at the group of three that would prove that all resistance was futile. Chaoris would clear one of them down with a swing that was almost beautiful to watch as it cut them in twain from head to toe. The other two would charge him immediately after, boy would this be a one-sided fight!




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    If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job Empty Re: If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job

    Post by Fluffy 23rd September 2017, 6:57 pm

    2,512 of 2,500 words

    She quickly managed to force her mind to forget that her new victims had begged for their lives, spoken of having children or what not. If she remembered that? She wouldn't be able to get up tomorrow, so she let herself forget without any argument. Some would say she had guts, others may call her a coward for allowing her brain to pretty much delete the memories leading up to the corpse with a snapped neck within her large jaws. Nyx called it surviving, right now her brain could only take so much and it was still mucking through her transformation, she very well could not deal with much more on top of that. Even if the innocent girl she had once been was shedding, the feline still needed time and her own space to find out what the eventual truth was.

    'Accusing him of violence and drawing weapon's, you three got some nerve or no balls." the female had finished her slaughter but took a seat in one of the few remaining pews to watch Chaoris finish off his targets. Fluffy was helpful but she wasn't suicidal enough to get between the self-proclaimed god and his target even as an aid. Laying down she started watching him, wanting to obverse how he chose to kill the priests because she needed to improve her own fighting skills anyways. "Why do they think charging head-on will still work?" so many in the church had already proven running was really the only way to avoid the male's blade. However, she suspected if one truly ran from the fight, Chaoris would hunt them down and murder them slowly.

    This had been an interesting day if one was to draw a conclusion from current event's that had transpired, certainly not the way she had expected to spend her day when it started simply as searching for something to eat. Fluffy had not been counting on such thing's, but she certainly wasn't objecting to the additional food this provided for her, padding forward beginning to sink her fang's into one of the deceased corpses. Right now she passed it off as the circle of life, but Chaoris might suspect there was more to her since he had dragged her through his realm thus perhaps finding thing's she didn't consciously admit to herself. Denial was strong within the female, but she actually did quite enjoy the adrenaline of what they had done, though she simply pushed it towards the rush of partly having her life threatened by others. No way did she like the blood literally pooled around her paws, nope that was never going to be it.


     Nyx LuxEquipmentPrimarySecondaryTetariy
    If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job Nyxsig
    ★  You Created Me, Something I Would Have Never Seen.  ★

    Position : None
    Posts : 248
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    Age : 1136

    If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job Empty Re: If There's No Body, No Crime Was Committed;; Choaris And Fluffy;; Job

    Post by Khorne 16th November 2017, 2:36 am

    The two priests that were left really had no understanding that they were up against a god. These 'holy' men were fighting the God that ruled over fighting on a large scale. What did they think to accomplish by challenging him to a fight while mocking who he really was? Sin was sin, and they were showing themselves to be quite the avid sinners with how they were treating him. The two both continued to call him a demon as they ran at him, both swinging downward with their weapons at the armored man who simply let them hit him with the attacks. The blood that spewed forth from his shoulders, where they had sliced down to the bone, was fully under his control as it went from his wounds and splashed into the pores of their face as well as onto their weapons. The weapons would bend and break under the pressure he placed upon them with his holy blood while they both suddenly clutched at their faces as they quickly bloated into hideous images of their original looks. "A curse of pain and misery for but a second. What you call a demon is THE God of Blood, Battle, Honor, and Skulls. You have mocked my name, made yourselves heretics, and I hereby take your lives so that your souls may find the eternal torture that you have earned yourselves." With that Chaoris Orneis would swing with both of his weapons to take off both of their heads at the same time, the heads rolling off in random directions with how hard he swung into them.

    A brief look around the chapel would show it was completely covered in blood, there was no way that anyone would ever get it clean. A simple movement of his hand would show the bloody skull image that he had used since even before he was a god, when he was a frail minded boy that only wished had was a deity. The crimson skull would tell all who arrived here that the God of Blood had arrived and done his holy deeds, and now that he was finished here it was time to move on. "Come...Fluffy. Our work here is done, though please bare in mind not to torture. There is no honor in it, and my realm deals with honorable combat by all means possible. Mistakes can be made, but try not to sin before a god when you are a sin eater. I do not wish to be here when a paradox fully occurs." With that said the God of Blood would open up a portal to his realm and wait for the feline being to find a place in him before he stepped through to where she needed to be released until their next reunion. That day would be soon he felt, very soon.



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