Fairy Tail RP

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    Dark Breaker [Angels & Demons Job | Yazuki]

    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2590
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Dark Breaker [Angels & Demons Job | Yazuki] Empty Dark Breaker [Angels & Demons Job | Yazuki]

    Post by Mura Kensho 8th May 2017, 10:19 am

    Job Info:
    Hm, that priest sure is taking his time… he wasn’t all that dignified to the holy life back then, Mura thought as he strived across a street in a slow speed. He was thinking of Yazuki, practically the holiest of devils out there, if his magic defined his race. Thunder Devil Slayer Magic… it’s different from Hana’s Dragon slayer Magic. He began imagining the times back at Phoenix Mountains where the air and everything else grew cold and froze by pure might with Hana’s Ice Dragon Spells. It’s also different from Hera’s and Takumi's Dragon Slayer Magic…, he kept thinking, seeing memories of large waves of terrible heatwaves destroy buildings of Magnolia like nothing, whilst afterimages of Takumi's thunder roaring across demonic plains popped out before his view. “… I haven’t seen Taizen’s Dragon Slayer Magic yet,” he mumbled out loud. When Zirconis heard that, he couldn’t but huff a little. “You practically have the power of a true dragon, Mura, don’t yearn for copycats like them,” he spoke to the shaman. That comment made Mura chuckle a little, though. “You really are a jealous type, aren’t you..?” The dragon suddenly huffed while turning his face away. Mura could see that Dragon Slayers were a hard topic for him, in which he refrained from speaking more about it. … If Dragon Slayer is against dragons, then Devil Slayer must be… oh! That suits his priest-like attitude! Mura was getting a hang of it, Devil Slayer Magic; the magic that slays demons. It was surely an interesting magic to have, but Mura had only witnessed a fraction of it. He should be able to witness way more of this impressive magic of Yazuki’s now that the invite had been sent.


    A clock hit Mura’s head. That was how every day started, that damn clock. Mura had got used to it, though, and hurried off the bed. After brushing teeth, he ate breakfast with Kyuken and Zirconis as the two ghosts conversed:

    That was quite a shock… with Taizen and Alex showing up.”
    “Sure tell.”
    “I mean, I know that Alex is older than Mura and all, but… well, their child sure was cute~”
    “I keep being surrounded by these darn Dragon Slayers, it sickens me…”
    “Are you jealous that they can harness the power of a dragon?”
    “W-What!? Are you an imbecile?! I am a Dragon myself, for crying out loud! I’m above them!”

    Mura couldn’t but scratch his head by the conversation’s turn of events. He enjoyed his rice while Kyuken spoke out with Zirconis, looking out at the window. “It’s been a while since Yazuki helped us out at the cave,” he mumbled. Back then, he and Hana had fought out a lot of power to go through the cave, only having their curiosity fuel them with energy. It could’ve been a hell if Yazuki didn’t show up, supporting with his magic and helping them defeat the Guardian and Mage. His hair was way longer back then, now that he thought about it; that reminded him of his time. It was time to go and meet the Exorcist Mage once again. “I’m leaving..!” Mura spoke as he grabbed Harusame and Futsunomitama no Tsurugi. “O-Oi! I’m coming with you..!” the samurai ghost came replying just as fast, but was cut off by an approaching dragon ghost. Zirconis’ eyes were filled with flames of emotion, eager to go out and burn mana. “Let me accompany Mura myself…” the dragon asked.

    After another discussion with Kyuken, it ended so that Mura was accompanied by the dragon ghost alone. They were out in the streets in the outskirts of Magnolia where the breeze was soft, grass flying and signs of harmony overcoming the view. It was a good place to assure one’s soul full peace, especially at that time of the day. He could feel it, peace… it was pleasant. He loved it. “… So, what does the job paper say?” the dragon ghost asked. Mura had taken a quick stop back at the guild, checking the job board for any recent jobs that needed to be completed; it was a simple job that would most likely give time for Mura to learn more about Yazuki. He was Takumi’s twin, and Takumi was too a user of Lost Magic… everything seemed to have a pattern. He was merely holding the job paper on his hand, waiting for the priest to show up, but the future held even greater events for the young shaman…

    WC: 752/8000


    Yazuki Yoshino
    Yazuki Yoshino

    God VIP Status- Dragon VIP Status- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Demon Slayer- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Backed by Prophecy
    Position : None
    Posts : 336
    Guild : Black Rose
    Cosmic Coins : 3
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: 3rd Gen Thunder Demon Slayer
    Second Skill: LOCKED
    Third Skill:

    Dark Breaker [Angels & Demons Job | Yazuki] Empty Re: Dark Breaker [Angels & Demons Job | Yazuki]

    Post by Yazuki Yoshino 22nd May 2017, 8:31 pm

    Yazuki woke up to the flapping of wings in his little cave in Mysterious Canyon. While he still hadn't met the demon who had cursed him yet again, it still had not been a full year. He yearned to face him again, but he knew now that the world had a better plan for him and that the demon was not meant to kill him. Back when he was "cursed", he was actually given the greatest blessing of all: his holy lightning. The holy infusion is the only thing he could judge as being what caused the soul that he now had to come to him when he was on Death's Doorstep. The gash still remained in front of his face and his soul was now more of an aura, soul particles constantly cascading down as they constantly replenished and his soul was constantly being partially expelled. He opened his eyes when he heard Miva talking and complaining."Really wish you were less popular sometimes. Even this Mura guy knows you. THERE IS A NOTE HERE! READ IT! ITS A JOB WITH A 'FRIEND'! And this time I am coming with so I will meet you there!"

    Yazuki laughed a little bit as he heard her speak and rolled over and went back to sleep for a few hours. A dream came to him where he was holding Frey, laying in Miva's bed once again. Their bodies were pressed tight as they continued to kiss and the blankets were pulled over her naked form as she lay on top of him... He woke up realizing he had yet to see the note that was brought to him. He lazily rolled out of bed and went over to get some water and grab a piece of jerky from his jar on the shelf on the wall. He walked over to read the note that had been received.

    Dear Yazuki,
    Last time you left in a hurry and I was wondering why you left as such, but I figured that this job I found might be something we could both look into. It's something about Angels and Demons,
    and with you being a demon slayer, maybe this could be something you are interested in? It would be great if you could attend! Miva said you should not have a problem with it, so i will wait for you.

    Yazuki stood there for a minute trying to figure out what Miva had signed him up for. He looked around at his gear as he stood there in just his boxers for the moment. A frown crossed his face as he went outside for a small walk to the tarn. He took a towel with him as he felt the rain crawl down his form as he walked. He hadn't seen Mura since the cave, it was true, but he usually got requests from others in need, even the Council. This was one of the first requests and he wasn't sure how to really deal with this. He smiled a bit, the smile replacing his grimace as he realized he might have the chance to make a lifelong friend here. Before in the cave was all business, this time it was all for fun and nothing about the business. It was to get to know someone on a job that might interest him. His smile broadened as he reached the tarn.

    He took off his boxers and turned around, squatting and then lowering himself into the water. The water was cold this morning, he thought as the goosebumps covered his body. He waited for a few moments as the water finally started to feel a bit warmer. He began to scrub himself down with the sponge he kept nearby with the soap that Miva had purchased for him. The soap smelled of lavender and lilac, smells that he was starting to grow accustomed to. He rinsed off and submerged his whole body, wetting his hair. He then proceeded to lather up his hair as he started scrubbing his scalp. He submerged himself once gain to rinse his hair, taking the bucket and filling it with water as he did so. He began to make his way to the edge of the water, splashing the water over his hair once more. He picked up his towel and began to dry off, first his hair, then the rest of his body. He grabbed his boxers and began walking back to the cave, nothing on. If someone happened to be travelling down it, he would simply turn into a bolt of lightning and arrive back at his cave, because today he just felt lazy. Some days, it happens to the best of us, but this was due to the lack of him seeing Frey. Since the night he passed out, he hadn't seen her but once. She kept her distance, and he missed her deeply. He knew it was her now, but still did not understand why she stayed away so long.

    He arrived back at his cave and prepared his gear, putting it on slowly but surely. He was ready for almost anything, he thought, but he did want to see her once more. He began to think back to who had actually taken his virginity though, little did he know that Marceline was his second. He thought she was his first, and still was fairly unaware of Frey or the baby growing inside of her. Marceline was another face he had not seen for a long time. While she was the only one who would withstand the test of time with him, he knew she had her own life, and tried not to intervene too often. While he missed her as well, something was different about Frey. Something that he could not understand, as he had not been truly serious with anyone before.

    He put his robes on, straightening them out as he went, followed by the shoulder plates that he loved to wear as they were a gift from Raijin. Next came his dharma, another gift from his father figure. He grabbed his gloves that he got from the drunken smith who was now dead, but this was his last masterpiece. Shock and Awe, earth and lightning based gloves, were a powerful pair, and had some unique abilities that only the pairing could have created. He put on his necklace underneath of that and made sure everything was straight and ready and presentable. He wanted to look his best as always. All other gear and items he normally brought with were grabbed, as he prepared to leave. He went outside and began to concentrate as hard as he could. A bolt of lightning from the rainstorm struck him, and he took off through the sky to meet with Mura. He traveled at the speed of lightning, a speed so fast that he landed with a thunderclap in front of what felt to be Mura's presence. He stood in front of him, but a few meters away as Mura had been walking.

    "Long time no see my friend!"

    1184 WC


    Dark Breaker [Angels & Demons Job | Yazuki] CF9ovLk
    Props to Marshy

    Dark Breaker [Angels & Demons Job | Yazuki] Asmpgx10
    Mura Kensho
    Mura Kensho

    The Ghost Slayer

    The Ghost Slayer

    Regular VIP Status- VIP- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Neutral Guild Ace- Dark Guild Ace- S-Rank- A-Rank- Halloween Social - Haiku Contest Participant- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Hero- Summer Special Participant- Player 
    Lineage : Pluto's Oathbreaker
    Position : God of Mettle
    Partner : Mythica
    Faction : The Luminous Covenant
    Posts : 2590
    Guild : Fairy Tail (GM)
    Cosmic Coins : 155
    Dungeon Tokens : 21
    Age : 25
    Experience : 10,355

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Spirit Completion Magic
    Second Skill: Onmyōdō
    Third Skill: Second Origin

    Dark Breaker [Angels & Demons Job | Yazuki] Empty Re: Dark Breaker [Angels & Demons Job | Yazuki]

    Post by Mura Kensho 24th May 2017, 11:44 am

    “Hmh… slayers are overrated,” Mura suddenly mumbled out a bit too loud. It was loud enough for Zirconis to hear, in which the dragon spirit turned its spirit ball form towards the shaman. Its face was a little twisted in curiosity of his choice of words, in which it applied with a question: “… What exactly did you mean?” Mura slowly turned his face towards the dragon ghost, his hair bristling gently in the spring wind. Memories backed up his next words: “Mhm… I’ve met three kinds of Slayers until now. I read about the magic back at the library, remember?” At Magnolia, he was supposedly going to read about his magic, or at least the history of Midi that would hint to some knowledge about his magic. It ended up that he began reading about many other types of Magic, and before he knew it, he suddenly looked like Sorano when she was reading. It sent a huge thrill down his spine when that came to mind, in which he quickly switched books in order to forget that weird feeling of seeing someone being you… it wasn’t that he disliked or disrespected Sorano in any single way, but please, she would prefer to avoid looking like him as well. She would understand the awkward feeling…

    He randomly crossed a book about General Lost Magic. With that title, it mentioned a few… actually, it mentioned only two types or paths of this realm; magic meant to slay a certain being, Celestial Keys and no more. You would properly have been wondering why Mura said the previous words earlier, but given by the countless pages and notes that he read, this one path of Lost Magic was extremely respected and valued to supremacy. Either was he getting interested at Lost Magic, or he was just jealous that his Spirit Magic wasn’t listed; it was one of those things.

    Books alone couldn’t fascinate him enough about a topic; first off, he had to see it with his very eyes himself before further interest showed up. He had been witness to three kinds of Slayer Magic already, as mentioned earlier, and now that he was going to have a mission with Yazuki, he began thinking of his twin brother, Takumi. The Lightning Dragon Slayer was doing well in the guild, but Mura never cared to question him about his relationship to his absent brother. Oh well, it didn’t mind him at all, so why should he? “… Mura,” the dragon ghost strongly spoke up, “The job? What does it state?” Mura quickly moved his gaze down to the job paper, reading it up for the dragon: “*cough*… Whoever receives this request, I need help. My husband lost his medics in a theft when heading back home, and those medics are very valuable and important for his job. He decided to go back to the forest and collect them manually, but I can’t stand to let him go out into the wild on his own. Please, accompany him, safeguard him as he gets the medical ingredients again. I’ll make sure to reward you big when the job is done. Lou.”

    “Hmh… wait, what, is that is?” the dragon ghost asked out, “Was that literally it?” Mura chuckled a little by the dragon’s comment; of course, that was it. He knew that Zirconis would react like this; the job contained less to zero insane boss battling. And now, Zirconis had been eager to release some stress and magic power like a wild animal. “Hihihi… I’m sorry for not telling you earlier-“ Mura spoke to try and excuse to him, but something caught his attention as he was talking on the way. His face was moved up as the clouds began to gather. “… Hm, it’s about to rain,” he commented the phenomenon. Nimbus clouds were gathering and collecting large amounts of particles to generate and create a positive pole and a negative pole. Now, Mura found it as some random, natural occurrence, but what he didn’t realize until the magic signature popped up was that it wasn’t the forces of nature alone. It was the forces of man. A single man that descended from the sky in a completely white lightning bolt. Mura felt a little awkward now that he just saw it as some random change of weather, but then again, his job partner stood right in front of him; Yazuki, the Lightning Devil Slayer.

    “Long time no see, indeed,” Mura commented, “… Man, you grow an inch a day or something.” Now that he thought about it, everyone began growing in this time of the year, while he found himself at the same height as earlier. Zirconis nodded towards the Devil Slayer, while Mura pulled up the job paper. “So, are you ready? I chose an easy-“ His words were suddenly cut off in the middle by another magic signature; curiously, he passed Yazuki and laid a hand on the priest’s left shoulder plate. His eyes were still focused to the position behind Yazuki, a direction where a very weird phenomenon found place. “… Hey, you see that too, right?” the shaman asked. There was a clear rift in the air, a rift that looked like that on a wall. It emitted light, as if a lamp was attached to the other side. The shaman feared not, though, and began approaching the rift with at least a little caution; he feared not, but he wasn’t dumb. Now, the rift began emitting more and more light as he approached it, while voices suddenly overwhelmed him. During the scene, he began hearing the same words being repeated: ‘Fallen’, ‘He is from The Fallen’, ‘A human... no, two humans are approaching the Aetherworld’ and ‘The Fallen had begot a mortal woman! Another one is even worse, I sense demonic danger..!’ Mura was too confused by the voices, combined with the sudden gravitational pull that attracted the two mages. Despite the intimidating way of pulling them towards it with a force that exceeded even that of an A-Ranked mage, something felt odd when they approached it. “H-Hey, what is that thing..?!” Mura spoke out to Yazuki, “Can you see what’s on the other side, Yazuki..?”

    WC: 1038



      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 7:01 pm