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    Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan]


    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 1035
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,243,068

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan] Empty Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan]

    Post by DOPPO 17th June 2016, 12:12 pm

    Blood splattered on the walls, distant screams of women and children, the flakes of burning wood cackling into the air, savage like battle cries and only a bright and glorious moon present to guide their bloody ways. That was perhaps the earliest memory that Isaac had of his early twenties, mass murdering, bringing genocide to lively villages that had been alive more than the villagers' ages combined, satisfaction found in one sided pleasures, torture. Back then, that sort of lifestyle wasn't so uncommon. But though plenty common, not at all painless.

    He could remember slicing the children that he played with and guided in an orphanage, alongside a nice old lady who he slayed as well. All being beaten, killed, enslaved, amongst other things. Some may say that you grow immune to the pain and disgust of murder, but that would only apply to those who were born with cold, unforgiving blood. Of which, no matter how hard he tried to adapt, his warm heart would melt the iciness of the blood away.

    This was some but centuries ago, but he couldn't help but grimly reminisce over his sinful actions. He could never go a day without questioning whether enjoying life's simplest pleasures should or should not be given to him, for he had slayed so many before they got the opportunity to even taste the air of oceans, or walk on their own two legs, or maybe even get to explore. He felt as if someone as punishable as he would not be able to enjoy the life he has been given knowing what he's done.

    But he didn't have much of a goal, or an idea of how to repay for his crimes. He sought death, but that was a silly option. He saw it as an easy way out of his sins, and he, a man of honor and truth, would not take exit so easily.

    So, he came to the conclusion to lead, guide, and help other for his career as both wizard and Rune Knight. And so, he will. He does not expect the job to be easy, and may even sacrifice his life in order to achieve such a protection if need be, but he would always be ready for that. Despite what greed or selfishness he may be fed.

    On that note, Isaac's eyes had fluttered open, revealing his golden-yellow eyes, which would only gaze at the ceiling unmoving. "..." And said nothing, indeed.

    Sighing, he raised himself from the pillow and upper half of the mattress, running his fingers through his short hair, then taking that same hand and looking at it. He wasn't the same as he was a few centuries ago, and no day passed without him grimly irking over it. Though, at this period of time he had grown used to the physical changes.

    His legs had flipped over on the edge of the bed, ripping the thin sheets off of his body with no regard for how he left his bed. If anything, he felt groggy this morning, and genuinely preferred not to work, but he was appointed to tag along in a patrol with other Rune Knight peers in rather idle towns.

    Standing up from the bed with an irritable expression, he twisted and turned his body in order to make an effort to stretch, which worked out perfectly as he proceeded to his wardrobe to commence his morning procedure. His mahogany doors to the wardrobe swung open swiftly, revealing a long green coat, brown pants, knee-high boots, a tan scarf, and a red fez hat. Along with a mask, considering his face is usually obscured by a white mask. He had plenty of other dos as well, but this one was most appropriate for missions requiring travel or a some sort of hike, under the assumption that they would be traveling in the first place.

    Quickly and efficiently, he reached into the wardrobe and proceeded to dress himself appropriately, soon afterwards he head downstairs without truly bestowing attention to his bed or tidiness of his room and how he left it, and figured that he would come back to do all of that in the evening.

    On that note, he walked down the stairs and over to his kitchen. This particular home was in Hargeon Town, and in fact owned several homes in different towns and places. This certainly came in handy when he needed to station in different areas of Fiore, how likely that was.

    Regarding the kitchen, it was tidier than every other room in his home. - Why? Well, that question was simple. He never used it. He couldn't cook, whatsoever. It wasn't so tidy and untouched-like because he cleaned it a lot, but because none of it's facilities were ever used, hence only being cleaned when the natural hindrances would collect in them. He'd always eat out or buy something for breakfast, and although hungry, he'd pick something up on the way to the mission destination.

    Isaac simply turned toward the direction of the kitchen, simply staring. I should probably learn how to fix my own meals, it'll save a lot of money... He spoke to himself thoughtfully, not exactly pleased with the expenses paid when purchasing a meal so simple that even a child could make it.

    In fact, when he was living with his parents and younger siblings, he could cook skillfully, and would sometimes prepare meals for the family as a whole, especially for his younger sister, who's whereabouts are currently unknown to him, though desperately wishing to retrieve such information.

    But it had appeared that such skills had faded in time, harsh winters and scorching summers had passed where cooking skills were futile in his cult, seeing as they found their own means to dining, which was a sickening fact in of itself. Not particularly something Isaac found pleasure in remembering, for it still haunted him in his dreams and slumber. Preferably why he avoided meat.

    Regardless, Isaac proceeded towards the door of his home, snatching the key to said home on his way out the door, opening it with a swift pull and locking it from behind, attaching the loose key to his belt. With the subtle sound of his key dangling with every movement, it beckoned a sense of nostalgia as he looked up and gazed at his home. No matter how many residences he owned, not one ever seemed to recreate the true feeling of home, but it had appeared that he had bared the burden of the memory of a happy family in the Kingdom of Sin, centuries ago.

    Or was it perhaps the loneliness and guilt he felt for rendering unable to save and rescue his son and now deceased wife. At the time, the age was one of murder, anarchy, and depression. So it was expected for his wife to be murdered upon exposure to such terrible qualities, and for his son to be taken by the hands of a stranger. But the guilt of failing to be a reliable partner and parent was a burden and guilt that would follow him until death, if not after death as well.

    He sighed, turning around and proceeding down to the cobblestone roads. And what awaited him at the bottom of the steps surprised him. A young, diminutive man with a cheerful expression softly humming with his arms crossed behind his back, tapping his foot giddily. Isaac recognized the uniform he was wearing, and realized that he would happen to be affiliated with delivering messages to Rune Knights. Of course, he wasn't exactly sure why he was there. Everything that he had to do today was composed into a letter formally written by those who assign Rune Knight jobs, so he was forced to assume that it was all he needed to know. Of course, things change all the time, and he'd rather not question why the man was here, and just confront him.

    On that note, Isaac made it to the last step and stood just beside the patient man, who then turned to him with a smile from ear to ear. "Good morning, Mister Anicetus! My name is Yoshiro Garner, and I come to you with some updates and changes." He leaned in, a rather questionable looking his eyes as Isaac raised a brow and nodded.

    "Updates and... changes?" He paused on that last note, feeling a bit uncomfortable with the unhealthy amount of giddiness the man expressed.

    "Why, yes! I know you were supposed to patrol a town with a group of men from the Rune Knights today,"


    "But instead, you've been ordered to investigate unusual magical activity in Oak Town with the possible company of other wizards, from any guild. However, please cooperate with them despite their alignments or relations with you or your profession. Details include for you to find it's source and to stabilize it as soon as possible. We wouldn't want innocent citizens to get hurt, would we?"

    "Well, yes. But this is so sudden, do I need anything to prepare?" Isaac asked a bit disappointed, but it wasn't like he gained or lost anything from the sudden change in plans, but it was certainly something differing from the usual patrol.

    At that, Yoshiro had looked at Isaac from shoe to head, several times actually. It wasn't like Isaac minded, but he certainly did push a boundary or two...

    "Looks to me that you seem all ready for any job, really. Nothing a Rune Knight shouldn't be prepared for. - Anyway! Here's payment for any traveling expenses you may need to in order to get there," And like that, the rather short man handed him a light bag of jewels, and estimated the amount of about ten thousand in it's insides, which seemed a bit much to pay for the trip to the town just right over the one they were in.

    "Oh, that's quite alright, I can pay for my own trans--"Reluctantly, Isaac offered the bag back to the man, but had seemed to be ignored.

    "and on that note, please report in when you've completed the task! Good day." He bowed and skipped off, Isaac simply stood there with a icy expression, holding the bag and stood as still as a statue before looking down to examine it. "That wasn't really necessary, but I'll put it to use anyway.."

    It was ten thousand jewels, and could afford a rather handsome amount of food for breakfast, or at least on the way over to Oak Town. Now, Hargeon Town was special, indeed. In fact, in the recent years, it had been told that a large, hideous sea monster had invaded these ports, turning the town into bits and pieces, and are currently rebuilding the town. Most of it had appeared in the works, but sufficient to get by. Of course, the residence he had been renting over in this town was one of the newer ones, and did not cease to please.

    There wasn’t a lot of wealthy people here, and the people who were didn’t have much more to show than any other person or commoner. Which completely defeats the image of corruption of money and wealth. But, Isaac had always been courteous with those type of subjects, never having a signs displaying a superiority-inferiority complex, though to a small degree, he did have one.

    However, the complex mainly showed in terms with a guild topic, as such with illegal wizards, organizations, and guilds. He had saw himself above basic crimes, but that was about it. In Isaac’s head, he didn’t believe in a ‘good’ or a ‘bad, a ‘Light’ or an ‘Evil’, this falsity that had been implemented into the minds of mankind, or these kingdoms, rather.

    And on that note, Isaac hadn’t been to too many nations either, Sin was perhaps the only one he had been to, seeing as it was his home and birthplace from child, to adolescence to young adult, unfortunately, many events had taken place since then. Many events that would probably sit with the brunette for the rest of his life. Events that would strike him so grimly upon the reminiscence of his two sons, of which their whereabouts still went unknown to him.

    The remorse of his first son were absolutely heart wrenching to the young, brunette man. Only but a few centuries ago had he met a young woman, only a few years younger than him at the time, who happened to be the daughter and head huntress of the village his mentor, the leader of the village, had resided in. Now, at the time, Isaac had been travelling all across Sin, visiting several villages and even staying as far as helping run an orphanage, which had been conveniently placed in the same village adjacent to the one he met this young lady. This village had been one of hunters and warriors, just the reason Isaac had sought them out. Isaac did not recognize himself as a wizard, for in that period of time he had no magical capabilities. So he headed forth to that very village to be trained under the hand and eye of the village leader, Raskan. He wasn’t particularly a talkative guy, but wasn’t remote to communication either. He was aged, or middle aged, rather, in his late forties or early fifties, the identification wasn’t so clear to him after so much time had passed. Regardless, Isaac and Raskan spent several days and nights together, training and forming a bond. Eventually, when Isaac had acquired basic skills of a warrior (After several months work…) he had been sent to spar with his daughter, who went by the name of Setta. Now, back then, Isaac wasn’t nearly as jaded as he was now, which speaks for itself.

    Raskan would leave the two to spar day after day under his supervision, and eventually, Setta and Isaac began to spar without the order of Raskan; purely for fun. Strange how bonds can form in battle, stranger still how close those bonds could mend to a person’s heart.

    Eventually, the two would spend many nights together, talking, and just relaxing outside. Now, Setta at first was quite the cold and cruel fellow. She bestowed no and no sympathy for every time Isaac had been hopelessly beaten into the dirt by her. In fact, when they first met, she saw fighting someone as mediocre as Isaac as an insult. Of course, Isaac being the young man he was back then, did not get along with Setta very well. They were more or less passive aggressive with one another, if they were thrown into a full blown argument.

    Setta, feeling superior to Isaac, made no efforts to aid him in his struggle in combat. However, Isaac thought differently. He had trained vigorously to defeat Setta, a determination fueled more by a irritating rivalry rather than other ambitions, like self defense and basic combat abilities.

    Eventually, or so it appeared, Setta had noticed his efforts and had decided to challenge him, and with a burning determination and smug confidence, Isaac had won. At this point in time, Raskan had settled with Isaac being the superior warrior and had cancelled his supervision of his spars. However, Setta did not settle for a defeat, and the two went at it for months, unconsciously honing their skills with every battle.

    Months had passed, and the two had grown out of their foe-like rivalry, and had connected through combat, learning about each other more and more, and beginning to open up to one another every now and then. Setta, proven to be as sweet as honey and easily embarrassed, was much softer and sweet on the inside rather than her shell out the exterior. And Isaac, deeming himself a kind, generous and reliable young man, always looking out for others out of habit from being the eldest of his siblings, and though they were all growing up now, the caring, elderly brother nature never seemed to fade away.

    Isaac smiled softly to the faint memory, but he could clearly remember something as simple as the silliest things they did together.

    He remembered that they they went out to pick fruit and berries for the village festival that night, in fact.

    “Do you need help?” He would turn to face Setta, who would be trying to reach for an apple on the branch of a tree, from her tippy toes.

    “No. I can get it by myself, thank you.” Setta would reply, rather pridefully, though obviously struggling with getting it. She wasn’t the tallest person, but Isaac supposed that women were naturally five feet and six inches and under naturally, Setta only stood around five foot four, while the other huntresses would be at least five feet and six inches. Of course, though the code back then being strict on size, Setta had become the leader of huntresses with remarkable perseverance and determination, and her skills did not cease to impress.

    “Are you sure… I mean, you look like you--”

    “I said that I can get it myself, you fat boar!” Setta’s face would flush a faint pink while her brows furrowed in irritation, she was surely a confident person. Isaac would simply stand there with both had hooked on the basket, which held twice as many apples than her basket, which wa
    s almost halfway full. Frankly, he was shocked that she got so many in the first place, a lot of these trees were very statuous and large. The shorter ones were towards the center of the forest, or so he remembered it.

    Setta began to reach and leap for the apple, coming a little closer every time to the branch which would bare juicy fruit and berries. It was little things like these that proved how impressive the young woman was amongst the others. It was every day you came across a person who could jump so close to a tree branch from a tree of average size. Isaac, who would appear lost in the awe of the moment, smiled.

    “I think there are better ways to get apples, Setta.” He would place his woven basket with scattered apples filling it onto the ground, and reach for his pocket.

    “Oh.. where is it-- ?” Isaac was cut off mid sentence when Setta would run over to him with a smirk, reaching for his pants.

    “For a fat boar, I guess even you can have a brain bigger than a peanut, huh?” Setta had ‘complimented’ him as she reached for his dagger, thinking that Isaac was about to propose that she’d use it, which was completely untrue. He was going to offer her some rocks that she could use to hit the apples off the tree… which was clearly misunderstood. Or rather, she was just impulsive.

    Isaac would widen his eyes and shake his arms in front of his, disagreeing with her vehemently. “No, no, Setta. I wasn’t trying to give you the dagger, I was trying to gi-- !!”

    “Hyah!” Setta would launch the dagger to the apple, hitting it directly in it’s center before it fell just right into her palm while dagger would fall onto the ground as hell. She looked back to him and smirked haughtily, “See? It was a good idea, you fat boar.”

    Isaac would roll his eyes and sigh, smiling gently. “Yeah, well, if you keep getting apples that way, then your village is gonna have questions.”

    “Why do you think that?” Setta puffed out her cheeks and raised a brow as Isaac would proceed to pick up the now moist dagger, wiping it with the hem of his shirt.

    “Well, the fruit will have a bunch of holes in them. However,” Isaac tossed the dagger to Setta, the hilt facing her hands, “it was certainly more efficient that what you were doing before that. So here.”

    Setta clumsily had dropped the apple trying to catch the dagger without cutting herself, which she didn’t, but the apple had now been on the dirt-covered grounds.

    “Go get some more, and this time, aim for the stem of the apple. I don’t want to be held accountable for your reckless apple picking.” Isaac chuckled, leaning down to pick up his basket and go off to get more apples.

    Setta had twitching eyebrows and a red flushed face at this point, watching him walk off with her flustered expression. “I will get twice as many apples than you will get by sundown!” She spoke in a rather provocative tone, issuing a challenge.

    And it was because of that particular comment that he stopped mid-turn and glared back to her with the same challenging, smug look. “Knowing my skills and basic understanding that apples should not have holes in them prove that I will reign superior in this trial!”

    Setta’s eyebrow had twitched in irritation to his confidence, though certainly not going to back down. “You’re just a fat boar! So it’s obvious that I will win!”

    “Ooohoho… you’re on, you brat!” Isaac had then rushed to the nearest trees which held the most fruit, climbing up the trees and snatching the apples in pairs of two and three. While Setta on the other hand had been sometimes-accurately and sometimes-poorly launching the dagger to the apples, and you could see an assortment of a mixture of pierced apples and perfectly-picked ones, but at sundown, it was a draw, however, Setta’s apples had poorer quality than his, and happened to bicker about it all the way back to the village, which they both endeavoured in festivities. Nevertheless, the two had fun, even if these silly competitions happened every other day, if not every day.

    Isaac, who had been lost in thought at the staircase, snapped back to reality before sighing. ...Well, it was just a memory. He thought to himself, as suddenly the thought of his family came to mind. Ah, yes, his family. A Father, a Mother, and several siblings. He had written in his journal about it, and had remembered word from word. Little segments describing his experiences, which was stored away in his desk inside his home. He had read it so many times, and would sometimes repeat it in his head, just to make sure he’d never ever forget any moment that he had written.

    Segments that went as follows:

    “I will start by saying this: My childhood was not at all depressing or notably tragic, but happy and fruitful. I was the firstborn son and child to a working King and loving Queen, both being my parents.

    My Father, at the time, was a man of honor and bound by work. Call him a workaholic, but if anything, he did his job well. He was stoic, and disciplined, and I happened to take on his nature in my later days. But in my childlike essence, I was merely a quiet, curious boy who loved to play with my parents. My Father, Aldrick, and Mother, Eleonore, pampered me quite a lot. Spoiling me with seconds of my favorite foods and telling me secrets of the kingdom. But it wasn't long before my first sister was born, Hannelore.

    My Mother, at the time, kind and endearing. Sweet and accepting. The ideal, guiding mother. Many villagers in the kingdom had idolized her or glorified her to be some sort of goddess sent to guide them, so with her fame, we practically inherited that. But she did live up to her expectations, seeming to always to make the right decisions and pushing others in the wisest direction. She did not fail to please, but also had disciplines of her own.

    Now, both of our parents had spoiled us, for at the time we were all they had. I was six and she was four, and we were a duo of uncovering secrets of the castle and kingdom; which really only was finding secret rooms and seeing who could last the longest in the dark wineries of the castle cellars. At the time, I hadn't exactly developed an elder brother persona just yet. I just happened to be older, and to say the least, more timid than my little sister, Hannelore.

    Hannelore was a curious, adventurous child who would stop at nothing to get what she wanted. When she was she was just grasping the language, she would demand anything that sparkled. Oh, but she wasn't as brave. She'd scream at the slightest suspicion of bugs or worms or dogs. At those times, I was her 'knight in shining armor', but in reality, I really just covered her eyes and guided her away (Seeing as I wasn't fond of bugs myself...), plucked or shooed the things away reluctantly, or simply ignored her entirely. She was such a fussy child, and was only a little shorter than me, but would still demand I hold her or spoon feed her, no matter how old she was at the time. I would gladly accept her commands, seeing as I babied her more than my parents did.

    Now, my Mother had always worried over us both. Seeing as Hannelore would be the one to lead us into dirt or trouble, and I'd always be the one to lead us out of it. She'd say things to Hannelore, like "Don't wander into the cellars alone, my little princess!" and tell me things like "Look after your sister, Isaac! She's all you've got!". But sometimes, those lectures would switch, but I managed to develop that big-brother persona after so many lectures, and became more or a guardian than a playmate after several tens of these lectures. If not hundreds.

    In any case, we were a trouble making duo (That was more or less strictly on Hannelore....), and eventually developed elder-sibling personas after we discovered our Mother's next pregnancy.

    Late Childhood (10-12, Birth of Achim)

    Not much had changed, really. Hannelore was learning to grow out of her fussy nature and I was already indulging in other studies, becoming an ideal older brother persona. At the time, I was ten years old, Hannelore being eight, and Achim, our newest younger brother, being six. Hannelore didn't change, really. She still ran about the castle grounds, seeking adventure and danger and even going as far as pranking other with mischeivous acts such as putting worms into jars and leaving them under someone's pillow (She was slowly growing out of her fear of small creatures), which, she was lectured for over and over again... by Mother. And I continued to watch over her and discipline her, already adopting my disciplined nature and responsibilities as a sibling and first in line to royal duties.

    Achim was the quietest of us all. He always was by Mother's side and never left it. He was clumsy, and often had people do things for hi, no matter how reluctant he was for them to do so, which contributed to the fact he had trouble advocating for things he was clearly not okay with. My relationship with him was close, to a degree. I was one of his tutors, and had a fair part in teaching him how to read and to interpret language, since I happened to be the bookworm, education-addicted, wise sibling out of the trio. Which was to be expected, I was given private lessons and special tasks at an early age, around when I was eight, and had skills that naturally came to me.

    If anything, I was idolized by Achim, in my perspective. To say the least, he always tried to force himself to have an aptitude in things I had in. Things like, how fast I could read and write, or my observational skills (In fact, he had to follow his finger to read and was easily distracted), and tried to be adventurous and danger-seeking like Hannelore, but always ended up getting hurt or frustrated. But we still loved him all the same, and though Hannelore urged him to take it easy, she would always make him jealous over all of the things she had bragged of doing (Like... slaying a bear... which awfully just looked like a horse... she exaggerated a lot). I happened to be the one who would bring logic and realistic scenarios and would continue to become the ideal, elder brother they both looked up to as a guardian and as a sibling.

    My relationship was Achim was along the borders of teacher-student than brother and brother, but it ended up with us being relatively close with one another. I taught him things I learned in my lessons, but he wasn't quite old enough to understand it or be taught it by an official tutor. But it was nice to express that knowledge with a blood brother. He never grew out of his shy and timid nature, at the time. And we never really grew closer than brothers should. Father had become busier with each child, but would always spend time with us as he was given the chances. I, myself, slowly began to lose interest in my Father's treatment towards me and my siblings. Our conversations slowly became more professional and short. Our relationship was starting to take a turn.

    Early Adolescence (14-16, Birth of Marceline)

    We weren't surprised when we heard that our Mother was pregnant again, well, at least I wasn't. Hannelore continued to make devious plans for her sibling, but slowly grew into an elder-sister figure, despite how long it took.

    Achim was thrilled to hear that he would be an older brother, and it was cute to see him try to take care of our mother during her late pregnancy. He had been 'Mommy's little helper' for each and every month during our Mother's pregnancy. I, of course, helped as well. I had most of the responsibilities, on both sides of my parents. Thing like taking care of particular duties my Father simply could not make the time for, or completely watch over my Mother in the early morning and late at night when the others were unable. It was exhausting, to an extent, but I never complained.

    But in the late hours, I would chat with my Mother about the child and our lives. She was perhaps the only person in my family that I could see eye to eye with. Or rather, someone I could actually be parented to. She was rest my head on her chest and sing me lullabies, like a baby, while gently stroking her ever growing belly. She was strong, at heart. And I envied that sort of nature. If I recall, we'd always have chipper conversations, and I could always tell her what was on my mind. And it was through these conversations that I devoted myself to the child in her belly, without bias.

    "You are my eldest and precious son, Isaac. And though you may have the most responsibility as your Father's firstborn son and as the eldest out of your siblings, you are still a child, and will forever be my child. We are having another family member. - A girl, and her name will be Marceline. I want you to watch over her. And treat her with the kindness that fills your heart... for I will not always be here for them, your Father and I both. Watch over my little Marceline, and watch over your other siblings too. Hannelore, Achim... each of them. They do not yet understand the responsibility of how an older sibling should act, especially little Hannelore. She's quite the haughty one, is she not? And little Achim, he tries so hard to be like you two. Soon he will realize that he himself must cherish the person he was born with. Himself." He would always look to me and smile, smile so graciously and peer out of her bedroom window with longing eyes. As if, lost in the beauty of the kingdom below her. She resembled something along the lines of a caged dove. It was beautiful, yet tragic.

    "I know that as my Father's son, and as my younger sibling's elder brother, that it is my duty to watch over my blood and these villages. I promise that I will watch over Marceline as both friend and brother. She will never have to be alone, dear Mother. I will always and forever be your child, and so shall you be my Mother forever and until the ends of time itself." I would reassure her with the same lost smile, but filled with kindness and embrace.

    It was soon after tens and tens of chats that Marceline was born, and the beauty she was. Long, raven black hair and crimson red eyes, pale skin and sharp eyes. She was quite fair. And I kept my promise, for a great part of her childhood, I had watched over her. I had did a fair share of teaching her, and cooking for her when Mother couldn't (And considering Hannelore's cooking is a gruesome death....). I would take outside the castle and explore, and have her meet the villagers. I would play with her and stay with her most of the time. I saw it as a happy and chipper time of my life, like most of the births of my siblings.

    However, Hannelore and Achim tried to get their fair share of bonding time as well. But, their definitions of bonding escalated. Hannelore would lead them into cellars and into obviously-suspicious areas of the castle and kingdom and one of the sisters always got hurt. This had caused me to tell Achim to go with them whenever they went of 'adventures'.

    But Achim never helped either. He was still hopelessly clumsy and always managed to cause problems for the group altogether.

    However, Achim and Marceline never had much brother-sister time individually. Achim, at this point, was being privately tutored and busying himself with other matters. Which, more than often, was him addressing issues he makes for himself. But when they did spend time together, I reckoned that it was enjoyable, to say the least. I never really observed them when they did. Except Hannelore, she needed to be watched regardless.

    But despite their natures, Hannelore and Achim had transitioned into proper elder siblings figures, and though the two had bickered a lot, they had each went out of their way to guide and amuse Marceline. I, of course, usually had the final say in things, but I was still more of the 'Silent and Stoic' character amongst the siblings. I could not recall a dreadful time in this childhood. Achim had become one of intellect and open-minded, while Hannelore had found herself becoming exceptionally... well adjusted. By that, I mean that she always had good judgement. She always guided others down the right path and had a good sense of just, but she was always foul mouthed. And even though she was right, more than often, she would follow it with a 'Told you so!' or 'Of course I was right.' remark. She was still very haughty and prideful but we couldn't complain.

    Marceline, of course, had been growing into a lovely young woman. Throughout her lifetime, my Father and Mother had always barraged her in love, while I had been growing into more professional and stricter routines and schedules, usually given by my Father. It was as if our relationship had been degraded into one of boss-and-employee. I, per say, didn't mind this sort of treatment, seeing as it was a birthright and a responsibility that only I could rightfully take on, but it was also a pity that I was slowly growing out of the love my Father had constantly bestowed upon my siblings.

    This was the childhood that my Father and I had started to disconnect from our loving relationship, and into more of a do this and do that sort of thing. However, my Mother and I had still remained close and stable.

    I could say that Marceline and I had the closest relationship amongst the family, in my eyes. We had always spent time together, and even if it was just sitting somewhere and peeling an orange, it was still memorable.

    But all good things must meet their ends, as always. Marceline had come down with an illness, one that was incurable. We didn't know what was wrong with her, but her symptoms had made her disgustingly uncomfortable. Doctors from many lands had came in her aid, but there was nothing they could do. We weren't certain if it was fatal or not, or if it was more around the lines of severe allergies, but all we could do is mourn.

    However, I could not. As sad as I was, I couldn't be the weaker one here, and always treated her the same, despite her illness. I would peel fruits for her, and do simple tasks for her, and sneak her out of the castle when she wasn't allowed. I loved her so much, and I feared that I was hurt the most to hear that she was ill. And that she was suffering.

    But, I continued to watch over her and my siblings, but despite the illness, we all had happy childhoods.

    Late Adolescence (17-20, Birth of Leni & Katerina)

    Oh boy... where to begin with these two?

    My Mother had just given birth to to twin sisters, Katerina and Leni, who were both troublemakers to their respective limits….”

    There was much more to these little segments, not all about his childhood:

    During My Travels...

    I was an adult, and had been residing in near and far villages from all across the lands. I had many memories of these villages and the villagers within it. Some were groups of hunters and huntresses, some were villages of farmers, some were towns and gatherers. And from a vast and diverse amount of villages, I had collected skills and knowledge.

    I was more of a wanderer than anything, and would always come back to a particular village where this elderly lady, who ran an orphanage, would let me stay in her home. Her name was Rosaline, but the kids would always call her Mama Rosa, or Auntie Rosa. It was more particularly found in different age groups that determined what the kids called her.

    But, I found a home in that village. A second family. At first, I didn't dare interact with the children, I felt as if a outside like I should not be associated with them. So like my younger self, I would watch, and I would wonder. Eventually, the kids themselves managed to just force me into playing with them. I initially did it out of politeness, who was I to reject a child's request of play? Soon, I grew close to them. All of them.

    "Mister Anicetus! You came back today! Play with me and Marx!" Some would ask me.

    Some would ask "Teach me how to read, Isaac!" or "Teach me how to cook, Isaac!". I remember their smiling faces, eager for learning. None of them were educated in anything. Some of them didn't even have names. So I named them myself. I was like... an older brother.

    It was in those moments that I remember that I remember how truly selfish and pitiful I was. They were not just children I watched over, but people I used as comfort to recover from my little sister's death. If anything, they were my happy place. But I felt no shame in it. In such a use. I still cared for them.

    Rosaline was quiet, she had long, grey-white ragged hair that was tied up into a bun. She would always sit on the porch to the orphanage and sway back and forth of her rocking chair, weaving things like quilts and children's clothing. If I was not teaching these kids, or playing with them, I would be on that porch with her, drinking tea that she had taught me to make. She didn't speak at all, and sometimes I was convinced it was due to a disability. In all honesty, her eyes did fail on her. She was blind, but she only gave me one worded answers when I spoke to her. I didn't mind it at the time, I figured she was just a quiet old woman. But... even so, she taught me many things. About bonds, and relationships. If I remember correctly, she would speak to me softly, in a hoarse voice.

    "Little Isaac, why don't you play with the children? They're quite fond of you, ever since you arrived here at the village." She would ask me.

    "It's a nice, cool morning, Rosaline... I prefer to use my own time for my own things during hours like these." I would reply, but then she'd say things like this...

    "Just how grass and bark should not be ignored in surviving the woods, children are only children until they are gone." And then she'd go silent again.

    At the time... I didn't really understand what she meant, I just silently nodded and went back to my own business. But it was through these little riddles that we became so close. She taught me how to knit, how to care for children's needs, how to cook, and many skills that could be useful for caring for children and other people in general. I wasn't sure if I'd really ever need these skills…..”

    Many more little notes he had written would litter his mind, but he had focused on getting to Oak Town for the time being. And just like that, Isaac had taken the train to to the town, greeted by salty waters’ air and the gentle waves of the people. Isaac couldn’t help but feel welcomed by the town, and headed straight for the site-of-investigation, which happened to be a heavily wooded area, of which the townspeople would retrieve their lumber from.

    True, Isaac did sense magical irregularity within these woods, but had decided to cease his further investigation until his partner had arrived. ”I suppose I’ll wait here…” He spoke softly as he leaned against the shaft of a tree with crossed arms, at the scene of the magical irregularity.

    WC: 7045
    Notes: 17 out of 40 Posts complete, (33 Posts remaining)


    Mark Baxter
    Mark Baxter

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    Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan] Empty Re: Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan]

    Post by Mark Baxter 23rd June 2016, 7:11 pm

    Brennan was right in the middle of a forest, he wasn't sure which, he just knew it was a forest. There were pine trees twenty times bigger than Brennan surrounding him on all sides, with smaller trees littering the remainder of the forest. He was on his way to Oak Town, the prominent Ace of Fairy Tail had been invited to investigate strangely magical activity in Oak Town with a Rune Knight Officer. Brennan simply could not refuse, after all, he'd only been told the magical activity was 'strange',
    no one had bothered to elaborate on what kind of magical activity it was, Brennan's curiosity had gotten the better phim. Besides, he'd never worked with a Rune Knight before, and it could be good for the reputation of his guild. Every so often, he'd hear the pitter patter of an animal scuttling through the brush, but for the most part, the Ace of Fairy Tail was entirely alone. Very much unlike the ocean, forests put the young man at ease, it bothered him immensely knowing that if he accidentally lost control of his magic for even a millisecond, he would cause a raging fire that simply could not be put out.

    Brennan despised his magic, Solar Flare, sure, it was powerful, but even the smallest of sparks couldn't be put out once it was created, technically Brennan could put out his own fire, but he hadn't had enough training to put out larger fires, such as the one he would surely create if he accidentally set fire to a tree. There had been a time several years ago when Brennan was not afraid of destroying the forest… He'd been the pupil of a kind, beautiful woman with powers beyond mortal comprehension. When he was ten years old, eleven years ago, Brennan Skyllon had been the pupil of a God. Technically it was six years ago, thanks to time mumbo jumbo, if one took into account Brennan's age when deciding at what time he became a God Slayer, it was eleven years ago, but if you instead took into account the actual passage of time in Earthland, then it was only six years. It was all incredibly confusing… even Brennan himself didn't understand it. He'd just been walking around Magnolia Town one day when BAM! A random portal opened up and swallowed him, but strangely enough, it was as though the portal was only targeting Brennan, it didn't suck up anything else, just Brennan. It seemed totally random, but Brennan couldn't help but wonder if there was, perhaps, some sort of rhyme or reason behind the whole event.

    And that was not even the strangest part, not by a long shot. There were several weirder parts, but the one Brennan found he absolute weirdest was that the portal had teleported him to an alternate dimension, a dimension where the flow of time was entirely weirder than Earthland. And it wasn't an 'alternate' dimension, because as far as Brennan was aware, no one in Earthland had an equivalent in that dimension, everyone was their own separate person. Another weird part was the fact that the Ethernano in that dimension was different from the Ethernano in Earthland. It was, as Brennan had dubbed it, Solar Ethernano. It was imbued with some kind of fiery energy, but Brennan's body hadn't realized it at the time, so his body absorbed the Ethernano as though it was normal. That was a really bad move on the part of his anatomy. The Solar Ethernano had reacted badly with Brennan's body, which wasn't used to that type of Ethernano. Minutes after Brennan arrived in the alternate dimension, he passed out, entirely unsure why. Brennan would have died if it was not for Dario. Dario was his hero, he was the only other person whose body had reacted with the Solar Ethernano, and luckily, he had found Brennan. According to Dario, the Solar Ethernano reaction was irreversible, and Brennan would have to use the same suppressors Dario used. At the time, he didn't understand why, but soon after Brennan put on the suppressors Dario created for him, the reaction worsened even more. Without the suppressors, Brennan was a sentient blob of fire. Over the course of five years, Dario trained Brennan, teaching him how to use his newfound… powers to his advantage. Five years wasn't nearly enough, Brennan would have very much liked to spend five more years training with Dario, but after five years, a portal opened up and sent Brennan back to Earthland… where only one single second had passed. It angered Brennan that he never even had a chance to thank Dario, so he was hellbent on finding a way to go back to the place he began to call "The Solar Dimension", hopefully to spend time training with Dario. But at the very least, he would get a chance to say goodbye.

    Brennan spent every single second of his free time trying to find two things: a way back to the Solar Dimension to thank Dario and train with him, and a way to reverse the reaction that had happened to his body because of the Solar Ethernano, he just wanted to be normal again, he wanted to be the Earth God Slayer he had been all those years ago… he didn't want to be the being living the cursed existence he currently lived. He didn't care how powerful Solar Flare made him, he truly didn't not care, all he cared about was once again becoming the Earth God Slayer he had once been… He had been powerful enough back then. He had no need for being a sentient fire blob… It was a hassle more than anything else. He could never take off the metallic gloves that surrounded his hands… Well, he could, but outside of combat it was utterly useless and generally lead to much more destruction than Brennan had been intending. Especially if he was in a wooded area, like the forest where he was right now.

    Reminiscing on his past had suddenly reminded Brennan of a paradox Dario had once told him when they were taking a break from training, he called it the Boat Paradox, though Brennan was sure the paradox had a better name, especially when discussed among scientists.

    The paradox went something like this, "You own a boat. It's a reliable boat, made of oak wood, that coat had never let you down, not once. But your awesome boat is getting old… A few of the planks are beginning to rot. But like I said, it's an awesome boat, so you get some new planks to replace the rotting ones, instead of buying an entirely new boat." Dario's speech had it's own flair… he loved the word "awesome", and he loved over explaining, half of the information he gave Brennan wasn't even necessary for the paradox's main idea to come across. That was the beginning of the paradox, but there was much more to Dario's 'Boat Paradox'. "So you replace the rotting planks with the new ones, but for some reason, you put away the rotting ones in a shed, instead of throwing them away. Don't ask me why, let's just say it's sentimental gunk or something like that, okay? Throughout the years, more and more planks begin to rot, and you replace them with new planks. Every rotting plank you throw into the shed with the rest because you're a sentimental weirdo. Eventually, you've replaced every single plank in the boat with a new one, so you effectively have a rotting boat in your shed. One day, one of your friends, who is proficient in, I dunno, let's call it 'MAGICAL ROT DISPELLING MAGIC', offers to return every single rotting plank in your shed to it's peak condition. Since you are a sentimental sap, you agree instantly, and your friend uses their awesomely magical rot magic to remove the stuff from your wood. Your friend then goes home to take a nap because apparently rot magic uses a lot of energy, and you decide to rebuild the entire boat in your shed because you have no life whatsoever. It's actually kind of sad. Anyhow, after weeks of work, finally finish building the boat, and instead of realizing that you have no life and going to do something with real people, you begin to reminisce on a question. Seriously, if I were in this paradox, I would slap the protagonist and tell him to get a damn life." Dario was always one to milk his jokes way too much, but the way he told them, they were always funny, no matter how many times he repeated them. He was also one to make short explanations long by packing the with jokes… The "Boat Paradox" could easily be told in a minute, but not the way Dario talked. Brennan blanked on the rest of the paradox for a second, and just walked through the woods, but eventually it popped back into his head, "This is the question you ask yourself; 'Alright… Now I have two boats, but, which one is MY boat?!' You're asking yourself this because the 1st boat, the one with the new planks, is the boat you've always had, even after you switched every single one of it's planks with new ones… So it can't possibly be your original boat, right? The 2nd boat, the one with the old planks, on the other hand, has every single one of the planks from your original boat… But you just built it, so it can't possibly be your original boat, right? So you just sit there for three months, thinking about which one is your boat, and you eventually die of hunger. The end." That was Dario's explanation of the paradox, and while it was loaded with jokes, it still captured the idea of the paradox, which had grown to become Brennan's favorite.

    Dario's explanation of the paradox was very unique, but he also had a very unique opinion as to what the answer to the paradox was. Brennan could remember the words exactly, "I think that instead of reminiscing on which boat is his original boat, the protagonist of this paradox should just get up and dance. Why should he dance? Because he has two boats how, he can brag to all of his friends that he has two awesome boats, or he can sell one of them and make some cash. You get what I'm saying? This guy was way overthinking the whole thing." That short monologue was a perfect description of Dario's personality, laid back and straight to the point. He didn't care for thinking too seriously, he just went with whatever solution was first to pop in his head, without thinking about risk versus reward. Brennan had been the opposite of that when he first met Dario, but five years of exposure to few people other than Dario, Brennan had sort of absorbed part of the man's personality… Throughout the five years when he had been in the Solar Dimension, Brennan had slowly become more reckless and irresponsible. He wasn't any less intelligent now though, so his own opinion of the boat paradox varies greatly from Dario's.

    One of the boats had slowly become better in a way, with old planks being replaced with newer,
    better ones that made the ship more reliable. The old planks, the inferior ones, were locked away, cursed to do nothing for all of eternity. But when the inferior planks were brought to the same condition as the superior ones, both of the boats are, effectively, the exact same boat. Through slowly modifying a boat throughout time, and storing the old parts, you have created something new, but when the old parts are brought to the same condition as the new ones, you have effectively succeeded in cloning the boat. Why? Because you have two boats that are identical in every way sitting right next to each other. The solution to Dario's Boat Paradox was rather simple actually, in Brennan's opinion, they are both your original boat. However, that could only be applied with the way Dario told the paradox, if the old wood was restored to become new again. If the wood was not restored, and you instead had one superior boat and one inferior boat… then the answer was much more complex. You could still get by with saying both are your original boat, but in truth it was not quite that simple, in Brennan's opinion. Each boat is the original boat in it's own way, because in the mind of the owner, the new boat is the original, since it's the boat they've been using their whole lives. That point of view was not wrong, but there was more to it than that… At least that's what Brennan thought. The old boat is physically the original boat, because each and every bit of it, right down to each individual quark, was what used to be your boat. Though your brain may tell you that the new boat is the original, it is only the original emotionally, it's originality is a construct your brain has created. So, in summation, the old boat is physically the original, but the new boat is the original, according to how your brain processes the information in it's surroundings. Of course, this was all just Brennan's opinion, so he could be completely wrong… It felt like the right answer though, but someone else could have an entirely different opinion than his. Other opinions could range anywhere from, 'It's obvious, you idiot, the old boat is the original one, the new boat is just that, new, why are we even discussinge this?' All the way to 'The new boat is the original, after all, it's the boat you've always had with you, and if you've always had it with you, that automatically makes it the original boat.' Other opinions could be anywhere in between, too. But in Brennan's opinion, he was right, and everyone else was wrong in this respect. As arrogant and condescending that sounded, it was truly how Brennan felt about Dario's Boat Paradox.

    It was then that it struck him… Brennan's own condition embodied Dario's Boat Paradox in a way.He was the new boat, but in his case, there was no old boat, the old boat was gone, it no longer existed. The new boat was his current form of existence, his sentient fire blob of a body. The old boat was who… no, what he had been before the Solar Dimension, he'd been an actual, living, human being. His human form was the old boat, when he'd had blue hair and had actually been tall. His sentient fire blob form, completed with untamable brown hair and annoying short stature, was the new boat, magically superior in every way, but… extremely different. It was impossible to know if Brennan was the same person, he didn't even have the same brain, hell, he technically didn't even have a brain… He only gained one when he was using Dario's limiters. Was he… even Brennan anymore? Or was he just some sentient fire blob with the memories of someone who didn't even exist anymore? Or was he still the same Brennan, just a little different on the outside? He has no way of knowing what the Solar Ethernano had done to him, so he stopped thinking about it.

    Soon, Brennan realized he was approaching Oak Town… He could see it just outside the edge of the forest, so Brennan broke into a jog, quickly arriving into Oak Town, barely breaking a sweat. He wiped off what little sweat had accumulated on his forehead and looked around, when he saw a train station. There was a train station?! Brennan flopped face first into the ground in frustration, sobbing angrily. He sobbed on the ground for a sew minutes as people stared at him, and stood up slowly, letting out one last loud sob before he tried to recall where he was supposed to meet the Rune Knight Officer. He remembered something about a forest… The forest where people gathered their lumber? Brennan glanced around and quickly noticed a group of people dragging large axes towards a densely wooded area. That must be the place… Brennan thought to himself with a shrug, pacing towards the wooded area. Before entering, he pointed both palms at the sky and releasing a gigantic burst of flame into the sky, a precaution, just in case Brennan accidentally lost control of Solar Flare while in the forest.

    Upon stepping in, he he could immediately sense the irregular magic activity, but it would be rude to start investigating without his partner. He glanced around awkwardly, and almost immediately noticed a person leaning against a tree, without an axe. He approached the man with a broad smile and a brisk wave, but all of a sudden, a spark lit in Brennan's palm and he couldn't put it out. Shit, shit, shit! He thought to himself, closing his palm and dashing out of the forest. He ran into a clearing at absolute top speed, the flame in his hand spreading to the rest of his body. By the time he reached a clearing, his entire body was engulfed in flame. He exploded into the air and hovered there as the flames burned brightly. After a few minutes of hovering in the air engulfed in flames, before they finally extinguished themselves, and he fell to the ground, leaving a small crater behind him as he stood up and walked back to the wooded forest. As soon as he reached the man, he smiled once again, and waved, identically to last time, "Hey there, my name is Brennan! I'm an Ace of Fairy Tail, and was sent here to investigate strange magical activity with a Rune Knigjt Officer. You're the Officer I am to investigate with, am I correct?" He asked, still smiling widely.


    Words: 3000/8000


    Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan] 1zya1cx

    Coeval Titanic

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    Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan] Empty Re: Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan]

    Post by DOPPO 15th July 2016, 2:00 pm

    Isaac was practically dozing off at this point. He hadn’t been waiting a long time for his partner to arrive at the scene, but with recent nightmares and night terrors, he may as well be classified as sleep deprived. It was not his intention to doze off so lazily like so, but the moment he closed his eyes, it felt as if his body drifted off into another world, ensconced in the sweet sensation of slumber, and the feeling of abandoning this world in order to slowly fall into a world so sweetly embracing him. Perhaps he was thinking too much about it, but instead of his nightmares or uncomfortable imagery shaking him awake, the friendly yet unfamiliar voice that greeted him had pushed him back to reality… reluctantly, anyway.

    Isaac’s heavy, olive hued eyelids fluttered open in a dash as he was greeted, his head swiftly jerking back up and softly pushed himself off the tree in order to catch a full look at his alleged partner. The young man pledged to be the Ace of Fairy Tail, of which Isaac did not doubt, of course, but he was short and seemed to be rather jumpy. Or perhaps it was because of the startling wake up call he had received from the stranger. In any case, he was shocked regardless, but instead of snapping about it, he smiled and took a step closer to the young man.

    With one arm outstretched and openly welcoming a handshake, Isaac smiled weakly and nodded. ”Isaac Izana Anicetus, officer of the Rune Knights and public servant. I am under the assumption that you too will be accompanying me in this investigation. Under that note, a pleasure to meet an ace of Fairy Tail. I suppose even reckless wizards have their best.” He smiled and chuckled, trying to make some conversation. Although he himself was not the best socializer or people person, in fact, he was very introverted. Though it never truly affected his job or job performance. If anything, it helped. It made people get straight to the point and allowed him to be a hard target to distract. ”With that said and done, let us continue with the investigation at hand, shall we? Though, I wasn’t expecting them to send their ace… perhaps the matter is more intense than I take it to be. Strange. Anyway, I assume that you are ready to depart?” He would lean back as they completed the handshake and proceeded into the woods, towards the source of irregularity.



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    Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan] Empty Re: Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan]

    Post by NPC 15th July 2016, 2:00 pm

    The member 'Isaac' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan] WeakMonster
    Mark Baxter
    Mark Baxter

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    Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan] Empty Re: Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan]

    Post by Mark Baxter 15th July 2016, 3:36 pm

    Brennan's partner seemed to be half-asleep when he arrived… He wasn't aware he had taken so long to arrive at the scene… Oops. He'd gotten here as fast as he could, actually, that wasn't true, he could've flown, if he wanted to, but that was much to destructive to be safe. The Rune Knight Officer jerked awake and after seeming rather surprised for a short while, he smiled back at Brennan. This man would be interesting to work with, though Brennan was a little worried, what if this man was narcoleptic? He had, after all, fallen asleep while waiting for Brennan. A narcoleptic job partner would be bad, if he randomly fell asleep in combat, then Brennan would have himself and a random sleeping man to worry about… 'Nonsense.' He thought to himself, there was no way someone could become a Rune Knight Officer if they were narcoleptic, it was like a newborn becoming an Ace of Fairy Tail.

    The man introduced himself as Isaac Anicetus, and then made a comment about how even reckless mages had their bests. At first, the comment made Brennan a litttle angry, and so his brows furrowed involuntarily, the way they always did when he was angry. Soon, though, Brennan realized Isaac was correct, it was rare that he himself, one of Fairy Tail's best, got through a job without creating a crater. So he just laughed and nodded at the comment, "How right you are! We're a clumsy bunch, aren't we? I myself personally can't remember the last time I got through a job without at the very least creating a moderately sized crater…" He laughed again, and grinned a sparkling grin. Isaac suggested the pair continue the investigation at hand, and Brennan nodded, he felt no need to talk, since it was a rather simple question. Then Isaac began to talk as though he was talking to himself, Brennan wasn't sure if it was directed at him or not, but he felt inclined to reply to the man. He was saying something about his he didn't except Fairy Tail to send their Ace, and how the matter might be more intense than he originally thought. After hearing this, Brennan realized a charismatic personality wasn't going to help with this man, he'd have to switch to introvert mode. "I myself was very sparsely informed about the situation, and the fact that they'd call in an Ace for something as simple as investigating magical power was interesting to me… It piqued my interest. So here I am, now, enough rambling, let's start investigating." With a nod, more to himself than to Isaac, Brennan began to investigate.

    He'd barely even looked away from Isaac when a gaping crack in the air appeared in front of him… It seemed to lead to a different world, one filled with light, and a humming sound from within the crack told Brennan to go inside… And he followed the crack's instructions, not even bothering to talk to Isaac. Once Brennan switched to introvert mode, social interaction was practically nil. As soon as he stepped inside, he was greeted with… Angels? It was a rather stunning sight. But alas, Brennan did not have the pleasure of observing this sight for long, because as soon as Isaac stepped in, a winged women appeared, staring down the pair. "I'm Brennan, and this is Isaac." The Ace of Fairy Tail started simply, "It doesn't matter to me what your names are, you demons!" The woman growled, and Brennan blinked awkwardly, opening his mouth to speak. "Silence!" She cried, jamming the weapon she was carrying into the ground. "To prove to me that you are not demons, you will have to survive six rounds in our colloseum!" That logic seemed a bit flawed to Brennan, but before he could object, the pair was standing in the middle of a colloseum, with spectators dilently staring them down, and two angels carrying shield a few yards in front of them. Brennan waved at them, "Hi."

    The Angels did not have the courtesy to reply to Brennan, for Angels, some of the Holiest beings in existence, they certainly were very rude. Instead of greeting Brennan like he did to them, the duo just dashed towards him, their wings carrying them towards Brennan at impressive speeds. Brennan just shook his head, they could have avoided this if they had just been polite. Brennan snapped the fingers on his left hand, and suddenly a cube made entirely out of fire materialized around him, the Angels, too far into their attack to stop, rammed into the walls of flame a full force, allowing Brennan to grab one with each hand, and begin to spin. The walls of fire disappeared as Brennan spun, and eventually he spun so fast that he and the Angels were just a blur. Once he decided they were going fast rnough, Brennan released both of his hands, and the poop-shoveler Angels went rocketing towards the Colloseum walls. They smashed into parallel walls, their shovels going flying and clattering to the ground in the process. The Angels, immortal as they were, would not die, which was why Brennan had been more brutal than he normally would've been, but they could tell they were defeated. They dislodged themselves from the walls and flew away at top speed, "One wave down, five more to go!" Brennan announced, more to himself and Isaac than to the spectators, who were no longer silent, "GO TO HELL, YOU DEMONS!" They screamed, long with some other types of phrases similar to that. Brennan just shook his head and waited for their next enemies to arrive.


    Word Count: 3943/7000


    Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan] 1zya1cx

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    Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan] Empty Re: Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan]

    Post by NPC 15th July 2016, 3:36 pm

    The member 'Brennan' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

    'Monster Dice' :
    Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan] NormalMonster Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan] WeakMonster

    Coeval Titanic

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    Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan] Empty Re: Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan]

    Post by DOPPO 16th July 2016, 4:53 pm

    Probably one of the most quick and swift entrances the middle aged man had ever encountered, before his golden eyes could realize, he was forced into a heaven-like Colosseum. His eyes grazed over the hundreds (Possibly even thousands?!) of alleged viewers of the whole scene, and the majority of them were not pleased with the contestants, the loyal Rune Knight and the Ace of the Fairies. At the thought, Isaac couldn't help but sigh and shake his head in disappointment.

    It's like if you don't have large, feathery wings and aren't wearing all white and gold, you're something demonic or hellish... He couldn't help but pinch the bridge of his nose at the sheer fact.  Well, it's apart of the job... If anything, these thoughts proved Isaac to see these turn of events to more of a hassle than a challenge. Though he sensed an immense amount of magical power, greater than his own, and even his partner's (Or so he could tell), and did not dare to take the situation and lighter than what he was faced with.

    On that note, the two were presented with perhaps the most odorous of their challengers, angelic beings (About a foot taller than the two) readied and armed with large, poop covered shovels. Frankly, he wasn't surprised by the angels, but by the shovels. And not even the poop on the shovels, the process the poor beings must go through on a regular basis. And for angels, it made him wonder about their hygiene. Do these people just poop wherever they want to? What do they even eat to cause them to poop so much? Even if they do poop wherever they damn well please, where do they put their shoveled poop shovels? Do they have some sort of dump? And if they have a dump dedicated to poop, why doesn't every one of these people just poop in there? That's just the smarter way to poop.

    Before Isaac knew it, he was standing there overthinking the entire concept behind these poop shovellers, and realizing how disgusting this environment was, no matter how clean it looked! He knew that these angels just went up and will shit everywhere! HE KNEW THAT THIS PLACE WAS NOT AS CLEAN AS IT LOOKED!

    Isaac shuddered in disgust and discomfort, almost too distracted to realize that the battle had commenced. But, as his golden eyes raised to the scene, he realized that his partner had already engaged. It wasn't as impressive as he expected it to be, but it was still above mediocre.

    Brennan had full on chucked the poor poop shovellers into the walls of their battlegrounds, leaving them immobile (And probably left crippled... poor guys. Now they're poopy and crippled.)

    Isaac sighed at the thought, again... but then realized that there was more to come. At first, the opponent's power was nothing near formidable, it was mediocre at best, and somewhat above rubbish, but he dared to underestimate the power he was facing with, and took the upcoming challengers with a grain of salt. After Brennan's display, Isaac had no doubt in his own power to overcome the incoming presences.

    Three new opponents, two more poop shovellers and one more menacing foe. A large, stocky angel with a hooded face would present herself to his gaze, accompanying her was a large and piercing longsword with a rather sturdy-looking shield. She certainly did meet the saying 'Guardian Angel' appearance.

    The two, much smaller poop shovellers glared at the middle aged man with looks of hatred, gritting their teeth together in a lust for bloodshed of their alleged demon. The warrior-looking angel, on the other hand, had a much more stoic expression but still had the same, dark hatred for the two 'demons' as the much more lower-classed angelic beings had for them. Which, he couldn't blame them. They probably had shitty lives before they even arrived.

    Isaac sighed and wrapped both arms behind his back, raising both brows to the incoming fighters. "I'm afraid for a civilization baring so much hatred for demons can never hope to truly understand the world if they are afraid to understand what is in it. Though your cause and just for imprisoning us here are noble and farfetched, I'm afraid that we must make this a quick and swift investigation."

    "SILENCE, heathen! Taste the metals of the heavens!" Cried out the female warrior, she and her colleagues gliding across the stadium grounds at swift speeds with their wings, their weapons readied for battle.

    Isaac sighed again, fingers beginning to press up against each other, as if he was getting ready to snap his fingers. "Realize that no matter how large your world may seem, it was always be small and consist of knowledge passed down my ignorant saints. If you are so afraid to see the darkest in the world, you can never truly be our definition of 'heavenly'. Accept he world for what it is and perhaps see demons for things other than creatures deserving nothing but a cold, bloody death."

    "I SAID SILENCE! Meet your fate, DEMON!"

    Isaac took one step back and frowned, furrowing his brows and quietly snapped his fingers. "....ReQuip: Betties..!" And just like that, large, bulky bladed and machined tonfas with built in shotgun functions attached to his  arms, and revealed them from behind his back.

    The warrior and lunged and thrusted to his side first, her sword aiming to pierce the heart. Isaac grunted as the distance between them had quickly shortened, and she had attempted to strike. From anyone's angle, one may see Isaac being struck, but truthfully, with the tonfa going through her chest, she had remained pierced and heavily wounded, like some sort of giant bullet hole had made way through her.

    Her body hanged on the blade, blood beginning to drip from her chin. "D-DEMON FILTH! --- Guaah!!" Isaac huffed and continued to thrust his blade into the same wound several times, in the same wound. Three times, approximately. Isaac shook his head and slowly removed the blade from the wound, and unraveled her hood to reveal pale, fair skin, blue eyes and long blonde locks, but her eyes baring nothing more than hatred and pain. Isaac smiled and stroked her hair, watching the life fade from her eyes. "Please rest in peace. You were brave to come here today, I'm positive that in another life, you will meet a peace." With that, his hand fell to her neck, and squeezed. Squeezing harder and harder until her neck caved in and crushed, blood pouring from it.

    Her eyes rolled back into her head and finally, her body fell limp and lifeless, the poop shovellers watched him, astonished, frightful yet full of hatred. Isaac simply sighed again, and tossed her body away, behind him, leaving her to bleed, dead.

    "You monster! You killed Lady Elise!" One would preach before the two would lung forward with their wings spread, open, graceful, and wide.

    Isaac glared, taking both shotgun tonfas and aiming them directly at the charging angels. "Please understand." That was the only words that came out of his mouth before he released three shotgun bullets at both angels, busting holes into their wings, causing them to come crashing down, roll and tumble past him in a bitter pain.

    "GYAAH!" They would cry out in pain before rolling over to glare at Isaac, attempting to stand up.

    "Monster... MONSTER!"

    Isaac walked up to them, a sympathetic, lost look in his eyes, but stoic and silent. "You've done well. Please forgive our intrusion." He grunted, slashing the two across the chest with the swift strike of both blades.


    Isaac shook his head and turned back to face Brennan, pausing for a moment before flicking the small streams of blood from his arm. "I don't think we'll be here for a long time, sir."

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    Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan] Empty Re: Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan]

    Post by NPC 16th July 2016, 4:53 pm

    The member 'Isaac' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan] Empty Re: Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan]

    Post by Mark Baxter 17th July 2016, 2:26 am

    No sooner had Brennan defeated his poop-shoveling Angels (which he actually felt kind of bad about, considering how poor their lives probably were), than two more had shown up… But this time, a woman with a longsword and shield was with them. She seemed to fit Brennan's description of a Guardian Angel quite well. It was rather ironic, they'd be facing a Guardien Angel, instead of being guarded by one. Isaac been to talk about how closed-minded the Angels were, and Brennan agreed. For a species that was supposedly Holy and created to protect humans, they were quick to assume that the intruders were demons, it was as though the possibility that they were human beings hadn't even crossed through their minds. It was actually a little bit pathetic. The Guardian Angel, however, did not seem to agree, she just told Isaac to shut up, but he did not oblige, he just kept on rambling. Though Brennan could see benefit in interrupting him, he decided to let Isaac have his way, it would be good to see what he could do. The Angel just told him to shut up again, and charged at the man as he Requiped a pair of strange tonfas.

    Interesting, Isaac was a Requip user. Brennan hadn't seen much of that kind of magic, so he kept quiet, observing Isaac and the Angel intently. Combat ensued quickly, and ended incredibly abruptly. Isaac struck the woman in the stomach as she attempted to slash at him, and jabbed her in the same hole three times before stopping. 'Overkill.' Brennan thought to himself, shaking his head. The woman would surely die, and that was an unthinkable thing for a Rune Knight Officer to do… But Brennan sad nothing. Then Isaac did something creepy. He stroked the woman's blonde locks as she died, saying something that Brennan didn't quite catch. Then it got creepier. Stabbing the woman multiple times was not enough for Isaac, he had to grab her neck and crush it until blood began to pour out. Any chance of survival was gone, this woman was surely dead as a rock. Brennan was disgusted, but his face remained indifferent, his face did not betray his true feelings at all, no one would know that he thought Isaac was crazy. In fact, he even smiled a bit, most of the Angels probably thought he supported the man's wretched actions.

    The two Angels who clutched shovels coated with poop were even more stunned than Brennan… They screamed something about 'Lady Elise', and with a pang of guilt (even though he had done nothing wrong), Brennan realized the woman had had a name, a life… Isaac had been wrong to kill her. Isaac didn't seem to realize this though, for he only muttered something about understanding as he riddled the Angel's wings with bullets, and as they lay helpless on the floor, unable to fight, he killed them. For no reason. Brennan held back a scowl, keeping his face indifferent, but he was disgusted on the inside, what this man, this Rune Knight had done, it was unacceptable. He had only asked the Angels to forgive them for their intrusion before brutally murdering them… Isaac said something about not being there for too long, and Brennan nodded, "Right…" There was a distant, hollow quality to his voice, as if he was in a trance. But Brennan shook his head quickly and snapped out of it, they needed to get out of here, he could talk to Isaac about what he'd done later.

    It was a good thing that Brennan had stopped sulking quickly, because no sooner had Isaac killed the three Angels that had presumably been Wave Two than more of them appeared. It was time for Wave Three. This time, they were faced with four Angels, and all of them carried longswords and shields, they were all Guardian Angels. Brennan tried not to think about the fact that they all looked different, that they all had lives, because while he did not intend to kill them, no one should have to suffer as much as he would make them suffer. "Please…" Brennan said, his force betraying none of the anguish he felt."Sont make me hurt you…"


    Brennan sighed as he stepped his right foot back and put up his fists in a fighting position… All of this could be avoided if the stupid Angels would just communicate with them, but no, the newcomers were demons, and that was that. Two of the Angels rocketed towards Brennan at decent speeds, so they were attacking in sub-waves. It was a decent tactic for wearing him down, but it would do them no good, they had as good as lost this fight already. Brennan shook his head as his body burst into flames-- the flames of Forever Burn. Before the Angels could reach him, Brennan grabbed the edge of his left glove and ripped it off, the flames intensified. The way he was right now, the effectiveness of Brennan's next spell would be increased by 2.75x. When the pair of Angels was about 5 feet away from him, Brennan tapped a foot onto the ground, the aura surrounding Brennan weakened, and in the blink of an eye, there were two inch-long petals made of fire lodged into each Angel, one in each shoulder. Blossoming Flame. The pain was surely unbearable, after all, the Angels collapsed onto the ground and their weapons clattered away from them. They were screaming, that meant that they weren't dead.

    The two Angel who were left were stunned that Brennan had knocked out their friends in one blow, "YOU MONSTER!" They flew at him, the second part of the sub-wave. Had they learned nothing? Brennan had knocked out their two friends in one blow, he'd likely do the same to them…

    He shook his head, putting a hand to each side. The flames surrounding Brennan's body flickered as two balls of flame exploded into existence in his hands. Dual Burn. When the Angels were less than a foot away from him, Brennan put his hands up, a ball of flame catching each Angel directly in the stomach. They screamed as a hole burned in their clothing, revealing serious burns. The Angel's shields clattered to the ground and they were dazed, but they refused to drop their swords. Didn't matter to Brennan though, he'd use the daze to his advantage. He gripped the hands where the shields had once been and began to spin rapidly, letting the Angels go as he reached top speeds. A dejavu from round one, these Angels also smashed into the walls, their weapons clattering onto the ground. Soon after smashing into the ground, they realized the were way out of their league, and flew away as fast as their injured wings would allow. The Angels who had been struck in the shoulders did the same, not eager to die today. Now, there were Isaac's three bodies and a whole bunch of weapons cluttering the floor. "Alright, another wave down. Wonder how many we got left… Sir." Brennan awkwardly tacked the 'sir' onto the end, as Isaac had used it, but he was too used to formality.


    Word Count: 5,151/7,000
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    Last edited by Brennan on 17th July 2016, 2:27 am; edited 1 time in total


    Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan] 1zya1cx

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    Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan] Empty Re: Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan]

    Post by NPC 17th July 2016, 2:26 am

    The member 'Brennan' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan] Empty Re: Angels and Demons?! [Job/Isaac; Brennan]

    Post by DOPPO 15th September 2016, 4:08 pm

    His deed was done, but the battle not yet over. While the two wizards would make their way through the waves of angelic enemies, the middle aged, olive skinned Rune Knight Officer couldn't help but ponder over the fact of how dangerous and mysterious Earthland could be. To think that this little crack in magic presence could easily swallow up civilians and children, accusing them of hellish, demonic creatures and swallowing them whole in their fury. The thought was sickening, as he grew more frustrated with how narrow minded people can be, within mortality and immortality alike. It seemed like they were all the same.

    Four brave Angelic warriors had lunged to him at full force, all countered by Isaac one at a time and struck down after four hits to each of their chests, dead bodies piling up like sawdust. But then arrived who seemed to be the leader of these ignorant heathens. Gabriel, as the crowd would cheer, anyway. She had glided down to the ground and floated just feet above the ground with the fiercest expression he has seen yet. "Warriors of hell! You have fought bravely, for a demon. But you have breathed your last breath, and will be struck down by my sword! Face me, cowardly beasts! And I shall send you back to whence you came!" She shouted.

    Isaac simply grunted and sighed, "Aye, Lady Gabriel. What you say is both true, but a fib all at once. I deem myself to be man, but I can believe that humanity is as close to demons as an immortal and mortal can get. So I praise you, but shake my head solemnly at the same time." He sighed as he quickly riddled her wings with the remaining six bullets in his guns combined, bullet holes scattered over her glorious feathers. - With a grunt, she ran over to him with a vicious look in her eyes, the two engaging in battle of metallic flesh against flesh. Yet their heartbeats as slow and calm as anyone else's. All of the blades pressed against each other before Isaac and managed to remove just one tonfa from the clash, lunging it into the angel's gut, pushing her back just enough to make her flinch for a moment, thrusting at her again before striking her four times to the chest, leaving her dead on the ground. But she spoke harshly, with a brutal tone in her voice.

    "I-I... see... you have proven yourself to be worthy, man. Go forth now, from whence you came... Earthland." The crowd fell silent as their leader had fallen dead at that point, the two partners teleported back to where they found the crack with the last of her power, and bid their farewells.


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 10:46 pm