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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)


    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Decayuss 23rd November 2015, 4:42 pm

    Words: 568
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    A high pitched whistle escaped the pouted lips of the Nephalem as he lay on his bed. With his arms folded behind his head, and his eyes looking straight up at the ceiling, he crossed one of his ankles over the other. There was silence, mostly, in the small room he had temporarily rented out for himself at an inn within Clover Town. Once again his endless wanderings had brought him to a city where he decided to stop by. Only this time instead of sleeping within the branches of a tree, he figured that he deserved a bit of a break and spent a little bit of his near-million jewels for just a single night. One night never hurt, and it never will right now.

    Within a few moments of his solitary silence, there was a knock on his door. His head jerking towards it, a small frown developed across his face as he scooted across his bed and slipped his feet into his combat boots. "Coming..." he said sourly, not really appreciating the interruption of his moment of reflection and serenity. Opening the door, he saw nothing right in front of him, but looking down he saw a letter that was folded up. "Oh no..." he muttered to himself as he bent down to pick it up. Closing the door behind him, he swiftly tore open the letter and took a view at what was inside of it. His eyes took a quick gander at the letter, only skimming through it for the most part. He suspected whom it was from, and he was absolutely right. An irritated sigh escaped him as he plopped himself back down on his bed, rubbing his eyes. "Damn council again. How the hell do they know where I am? And why do they keep--Whatever."

    Shifting himself over to the small desk that lay beside his bed, Deniel opened up the drawer and pulled out a piece of paper along with a pen, writing with his neat but also distinguishable handwriting.

    Dear Sabertooth,

    Unfortunately the Magic Council has once again contacted me in an attempt to get me do another task for them. Ever since pledging myself to follow them they've been on and on about this with me; however, since I said I would follow their commands, I am forced to do this. Though I do not have much doubt that I am capable of completing this task on my own, I suppose it would not hurt to bring along one of you with me. Keep in mind that if you do so, I can guarantee your survival, but I cannot guarantee that you will not be harmed. If any of you lively bastards are interested, meet me at...

    Specifying the location of the Job to be inside Fiore, he was very detailed about it. He even went as far as to giving the exact coordinates with latitude and longitude, something that the Magic Council did for him. Sealing up the letter and sending it on his way, Deniel gathered up his things. The only belonging that remained near his bed was a very long, ragged, and torn black cloak that when put on, would cover his entire body from his shoulders down to a little bit beneath his knees. And if he put his hood on, further would be covered. "I got a bad feelin' about this. But whatever..."
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Deacy2
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Fair 24th November 2015, 10:28 am

    Job Info:

    labor omnia vincit
    Dead again. How boring,” Lynn spoke, virile tone muffled by the ionic teeth whitener she had in her mouth as she gave the screen a death glare. Mocking laughter echoed off the speakers positioned on the sides of the large TV set. Dropping the controller on the beanbag her butt was (almost) planted on, she jumped to her feet, patting the cookie crumbs off her grid-patterned shorts and reaching over for the remote. “Enough for today,” she mumbled, pressing the power button on the remote, causing the screen to fade to black with the default power off tune. The Sabertooth guild was as lively as always; the noise from the guildhall audible way up from the summoner’s chamber. None of the guild members minded the Saber bedlam though, Lynn included.

    Stretching out every single limb attached to her body, the crimson-haired sorceress hopped towards the basin, grabbing her toothbrush and paste before beginning to freshen up herself. Seven on the clock - no plans for the day. No jobs, no meetings, none. The thought of a rest day put a full-toothed grin on her face. Lynn exited the attached bathroom and changed into her daily outfit, feeling the scar on her left eye as she stared at her reflection in the full body mirror nailed to the gray wall. With a swift movement, she had switched off her lights and was out of her room in black leather ankle boots, bouncing down the enormous stairway that led her to the bar.

    Downstairs...Lynn didn’t even know where to begin. It was a disaster with endless laughter and everything flying everywhere, but she managed to make her way towards the bar and actually sit on one of the stools before ordering something for herself. She thought the bartender would be deaf by now, but he must be one blessed being. He could still take orders and converse naturally with everyone. He must have grown immune to the noise.

    A few moments later, one of the security guards came over to her to deliver something - a letter, bowed in respect and left. One perfectly sculptured eyebrow raised, Lynn unfolded the piece of paper, scanning it. Oh god. A job request! From someone she had never met or even heard of. It wasn’t necessarily for her to accept, but for anyone in the guild. Lynn raised her emerald orbs to check the situation of her guildmates. None of them seemed to be in the mood to accept a job request. Finishing her drink and hopping off the barstool, Lynn snatched the letter, folding it and tucking it into her breastplate (which isn’t really a plate) as she strode through the double doors at the entrance of the guild.

    Outside, it was a beautiful day...a beautiful day not for a job request. With a snap of her fingers, Lynn’s guardian and pet - Zlatan - arrived, lowering its body for her to climb on. Informing him of her destination accurately, the Saber mounted the winged lion, grabbing hold of the soft fur on his mane as he took off into the empyreal blue.
    WORDS: 0517 - POST COUNT: 2 - TAGS: @Deca



    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Decayuss 24th November 2015, 11:53 am

    Words: 551
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Hurrying his way downstairs to the first floor of the inn, he made sure to inform them that he was finished with the room, and paid what was due. The irony is that he had not even stayed a night; just three hours or so. Even then he was feeling generous, so he paid for the full night. Bursting the door open and walking outside into Clover Town, the cloaked black figure seemingly vanished. In any other scenario he would have simply walked away and walked to his destination, taking only a few hours given his immeasurable walking pace that he often not bothered to ever calculate; however, in this situation, he was in quite a hurry. From rooftop to rooftop of Clover Town the mysterious jet black cloaked figure vanished from one and appeared right on top of the other, and in a matter of seconds he was out of town. Once on solid ground and no longer on top of buildings, he unfolded both of his arms and threw back the cloak so that it opened up and revealed his clothed body underneath. Taking off almost like a rocket in a swift sprint, one that caused his cloak to swoosh right behind him due to the wind gathering up right around him. There was only one other time that he had gone to a job location this fast--even faster actually--and he only did it to ones that were truly interested in him.

    Not long after engaging his wild sprint did he cease it completely. The wind around him died down, his hair that had been flowing with the wind quickly returned to its initial position, though slightly off. And the ragged black cloak once again fell down with gravity and draped itself over Deniel's body, keeping most of his concealed. Not surprisingly the hood atop his head was blown off along with the wind during the journey to his destination, but he made no effort to place the cowl back atop his head. Looking from left to right momentarily, a mere shrug was made by Deniel as he started to walk in the same direction that he had been running. His reason for ceasing his running was not to save energy--as he had plenty of it left--but to give the person whom had taken his invitation some time to arrive. He wasn't completely sure whether or not they would accept it, but he figured that perhaps it wouldn't take long. If they weren't here by...whatever time he decided on, then he would merely move on. "Huh...can't believe something like this is happening." He was a few hundred meters away from the designated destination, and as he took slow footsteps towards it, thoughts flooded through his mind. Various questions including where this had come from and why, if anyone from Sabertooth would show up, how he would cease it, and it would go on and on and on.

    Ceasing his thoughts by stopping in his tracks and exhaling a deep sigh, he gave his head a quick shake and reassured himself: "Just don't think of it right now. You've got this." Any minute now his partner--if he was going to have one--should arrive. Or any hour. He did not much care. He just wasn't going to wait forever.
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Deacy2
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Fair 24th November 2015, 7:08 pm

    labor omnia vincit
    It took not more than thirty minutes for the two to reach a few meters from the destined location. Dismounting the winged lion, Lynn observed her surroundings checking for threats - none. Patting Zlatan on his head for his assistance with travel, the summoner relaxed herself on her feet, taking small-spaced steps towards the actual spot she was to meet her job partner and letting the environment. As expected, she could see the frame of a man - possibly her partner - at a distance, standing still, probably awaiting her arrival. She approached him nonchalantly, delicate fingers laced behind her back. Zlatan remained at the landing spot, watching over his owner from there.

    Are you the one who sent a job request to Sabertooth?” she questioned, head slightly tilting to her left as she did so. Giving him no time to respond to her inquiry, the Sabertooth mage brought her hands in front of her to fold them across her chest, continuing to speak. “If you are, then I am going to let you know a few things. I am not very excited about this job and want it to be over as much as you do. I assumed you wanted to finish it fast from what you wrote in the letter. More importantly, this is my first job as a ‘B’ ranked mage. It better go smoothly,” Lynn informed the stranger, convinced by the pulses of magic being released from his body that he is the mage she would be working with to accomplish this task. “My name is Lynn, by the way.

    The redhead nodded as if allowing the man to speak, that is if he had not spoken between her lines. He seemed like a potent man, an ambiance of power and confidence radiating from him. Lynn was confident, too, but that alone could not come to match the vibe he was giving off. She remembered in the letter what he wrote: that he could guarantee the survival of his partner. If he was capable of stating such a thing, she could automatically assume he was no ordinary mage. They were currently at the opening of a forest, faint animal noises from inside filling the otherwise calm atmosphere. Lynn had no clue what they were supposed to do in the job as the letter did not include a single bit of information about it.

    And do enlighten me about the job. I don’t know anything about it,” she let him know.
    WORDS: 0411 - POST COUNT: 4 - TAGS: @Deca



    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Decayuss 25th November 2015, 11:54 am

    Words: 775
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    The wait time wasn't long, it seemed, for already someone was approaching her in regards to the job. She looked quite fit enough to survive this job, considering the difficulty that he estimated it to be. What he was a little bit annoyed by was the way that she introduced herself, and her apparent lack of desire to be there. His red irises looked off to the right in confusion, and then took a glance to the left. "Well if you didn't wanna' come...you didn't have to show." He scratched the back of his head, and then only shrugged. "I'm Deniel. Come on." He beckoned her to follow him in the direction that he was initially traveling. Their destination wasn't far, although it was probably unusual since the location seemed to be literally in the middle of no where; there were almost roads or anything. No travel paths, no nearby towns, not a single soul in sight aside from the two of them. "The council classifies this as an A rank job. Don't know why the Hell they asked me to send it when they've probably got plenty of other puppets...but I don't care. A job is a job. And you'll see once we get there."

    And he was certain that she would, and it would probably be much easier to explain with the physical object in front of her. If it was a physical object, anyway. It was not far, only about a hundred meters or so, and right there in front of him there seemed to be a...tear or some sort within the air. As if the air itself had some kind of tear with it, glowing with a mysterious white energy in the middle of no where, it was a rift. Deniel took a few steps closer to it, and a small smirk developed across his features with the right side of his face. "So...they were right after all." Standing off to the side of the rift, one could see that it was seemingly non existent when viewed from the right or left side of it; it was as if it were a two dimensional...rip. "This, my friend, is the job. A dimensional rift. Something that transcends reality and breaks the bonds of space and time. Cheesy, I know, but to put simply: this leads from our realm to another." He stood at the side of the rift as he presented it to her, and upon finishing his little explanation he looked back towards it. The sight of this rift seemed to fill him with a sensation of delight, one that preyed upon one of his deepest curiosities: worlds beyond Fiore. "If you're still keen to follow me, you may enter."

    Slipping both of his fingers on either side of the rift, and then ripping it open as if it were a piece of cloth, Deniel made the hole big enough for him to enter, before seemingly dropping inside of it. The journey down was a brief one, but it felt as if he were falling through nothingness at first, with his entire background and environment being nothing but blackness, almost as if it were void of all light except for him. The short lived drop came to a stop when a light hit him, similar to the light at the end of the tunnel, and then he came to a landing.

    Inside was a world filled with endless light, a clear sky, and a cloudy ground, it seemed. Deniel himself landed right on his back, and though the fall was painless, the very sudden transition from one place to the next did hurt his head quite a bit. Thus, with his shut eyes, he failed to notice at first that him and his partner were surrounded the moment they entered. Upon opening his eyes he could see winged human figures, each of them having some kind of armor or another, wielding spears or bladed staves that were pointed right at them. Directly in front of them was one whose wings were whiter than all of the surrounding angles combined, along with a second set just below the first. Her staff was sharpened at both ends, and was kept the closest to the two "invaders". Though her face could not be seen underneath the golden helmet she wore, the long blonde hair that stuck out the back and the feminine figure standing before him gave away the fact that she was a female. Not really expecting visitors, it seemed the only logical explanation for her was the fact that they were invaders.

    "Take them to the Colosseum."
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Deacy2
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    Experience : 3,050

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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Fair 6th December 2015, 8:58 pm

    labor omnia vincit
    A frown etched upon her scarred (otherwise beautiful) features, Lynn followed close behind Deniel. “Hey, I’m here because it’s my duty, not that I’m so excited about it or anything,” she told him, flipping crimson locks behind her as she strode to keep up with the man’s pace. He had a pretty muscular and athletic build due to her observation so far. Her partner began to explain about the mission, talking about how it is classified by the council. “Yes, and my very first A-rank, by the way, ” she added, just in case he didn’t catch the information the first time he told him. She didn’t quite understand the bit about puppets and the council. Inferring what Deniel had said, he had addressed himself as one. A puppet. Was she a puppet too? Couldn’t be. Lynn nodded at his final statement and stopped in her tracks when he did. He seemed to have locked eyes on something that she couldn’t see yet.

    Deniel looked like he hit jackpot. The look on his face showed accomplishment, but Lynn didn’t know what it was…until she finally caught sight of the crack in the air in front of her. There it was! As Deniel explained the situation and their discovery to her, Lynn stared at the gateway in awe, thinking about all the possible places it could take her to. She was in her own world for five seconds before being snapped out of it by her partner’s voice, telling her to enter if she was still keen on following him. “Of course! ” she exclaimed, watching as Deniel widened the slit and dropped himself through the opening. Lynn turned back as though she was going to see her resting pet she had left miles away. “Come on, Leon! An adventure awaits! ” she called, both through oral and telepathic communication. The winged beast arrived by her side in no time as she mounted him midflight, commanding him to fly straight into the gateway – which he did.

    A dizzying feeling struck both the giant cat and the human, making them fall rather than fly peacefully as they were. It felt as though they were being vacuumed towards something through the seemingly bottomless tunnel of dark nothingness. Lynn clung to Zlatan, holding on to his golden furs as they descended to the spot next to Deniel who seemed to be…surrounded at the moment. “Owww, fucking headache, ” Lynn mumbled softly in pain while holding her head with both hands. She was in a back to back position with Deniel, a blurry vision of winged people clearing up by the second until she could see very clearly the beings that surrounded her and her partner. She had fallen atop Zlatan, thankfully, otherwise the descent would have been incredibly painful – most likely breaking some bones in the process as well. Zlatan seemed to have problems seeing clearly as well, because as soon as his visions cleared, he began to roar out of panic, causing Lynn to panic as well. She grabbed hold of his mane, making ‘shhh’ noises in an attempt to tame him.

    Take them to the Colosseum, ” a feminine voice Lynn had given her back to ordered as soon as Zlatan was calm, now a horde of winged humans(?) escorting them towards the ‘Colosseum’.

    Demanding, ” Lynn noted verbally as she followed their lead aside Deniel.
    WORDS: 0558 - POST COUNT: 6 - TAGS: @Deca

    Last edited by Lynn on 30th December 2015, 1:49 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : code broke ><)



    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

    Moderator- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Rising Star- Guild Master- Legal Guild Ace- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Rich- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- X-Mas Event Participant- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    First Skill: Nephalem Take Over
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Decayuss 10th December 2015, 6:03 pm

    Words: 578
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Shaking away the painful feeling that garnered within his head, Deniel stood up with a frown on his face. He looked straight at the womanly figure who--despite her armor--was still shorter than the figure of Deniel. Two of her guards lowered their weapons and went at Deniel's sides to seize his arms, which he decided to conform to else he would cause unnecessary trouble. "Colosseum, huh? What  the Hell do I look like to you?" His hands were placed behind his back and cuffed together with bounds held together by Magic rather than metal, so breaking them would be a much more arduous task. Now he was already starting to regret fighting back, but maybe things wouldn't be so bad. "An intruder. You are no angel." Deniel, with absolutely no subtlety, rolled his eyes in response and shook his head. "Gimme' five seconds out of these cuffs and I can prove you otherwise." Instantly Deniel found the tip of her spear pointed right at his throat, and just one single push would cut it wide open. "You may attempt to prove me otherwise in the Colosseum. Is that understood?" Deniel, still having seen not many surprises or serious threats, only shrugged: "Sure." She lowered her spear, reluctantly, and ordered the guards to not only take away Deniel, but the girl accompanying her. "And bring the beast, too. See how it fares with them."

    "Well, isn't this fancy." The journey to the Colosseum was not long, for after the way had been cleared Deniel found that Lynn and himself landed very close to it; probably why they were discovered so swiftly. After the short walk, they entered the enormous circular building from the bottom floor, and from a side entrance. The interior was decorated with designs of great battles and events, heroes, legends, and monsters, all along the walls; and it seemed as though no face or thing had been repeated, perhaps the entire way around. The bottom level of the Colosseum was very dark, only lit with torches along the way, though the armor of the group of angles did reflect plenty of the light emitting from their armor that they had all worn. After entering the Colosseum, the female leader of them went off in a different direction, leaving Deniel and Lynn to be escorted by the group of other warriors. Perhaps then he could have attempted to break out--and maybe even get away with it--but he was starting to love this game. He was in the mood to play along.

    At some point they were lead into a room, and whether or not it was part of the circular underground level was beyond Deniel, since he couldn't care either way. In this room were two exits: one that they entered from, and the other that seemed to venture straight into the circle, obviously leading into the arena. Though the one that lead to the arena was completely sealed off, and so was the one that they came from as soon as they entered.

    "When they are ready for you, that exit will open. You are to enter, and if you do not, we will force you to." Deniel only laughed once they left the two of them alone, and sat down in a corner. Sadly, their hands were still bound behind their backs, so movement wasn't all that much possible. "Didn't even have the decency to remove the cuffs. Whatever. So...I dunno'. Tell me about yourself?"
    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Deacy2
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    Lineage : Monkey King's Descent
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    Cosmic Coins : 2
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    Experience : 3,050

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    First Skill: Heavenly Body Magic
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Fair 30th December 2015, 4:19 am

    labor omnia vincit
    Apparently these strange beings weren't as friendly as they would seem to be. Her partner and the woman holding a spear had a hostile conversation, the lady telling him he could prove to be innocent in the 'Colosseum', wherever that was. A few miles later, they reached the structure, a circular building, like those old-fashioned ones she had seen before in old movies and such. They were obviously in a different realm. Everything looked otherworldly and every being she spotted had very exotic appearances. Lynn didn't want to waste any time and so refrained from speaking to any of the creatures surrounding them. She mentally commanded Zlatan to stay put and follow them, which he did unwillingly. The way they treated him made him want to roar and behead them with his teeth and claw. Only Lynn's command was stopping him. He was literally THIS close, which means, extremely close.

    “Well, isn’t this fancy,” Deniel commented on the structure, to which Lynn absentmindedly nodded. It was pretty fancy for somewhere the angels seemed to be taking them for execution. Everything inside the building reminded her of Fismuth, but Lynn couldn’t remember it as Fismuth. Instead, she remembered it as her place of origin, something that the very recent and unfortunate event had made her forget almost entirely, only allowing her to recall certain parts of it at certain times. Lynn was not that interested in her origins anymore, or trying to fix the puzzles that her mind was giving her. So she continued to follow the winged beings into the Colosseum.

    Once they were inside what looked like an area, one of them gave them some instructions, telling them that when ‘they’ are ready for them, the exit will open, and when that happened, Deniel and Lynn were supposed to enter. Lynn shrugged, murmuring, “Fine.” She didn’t mind what they had to do, actually. If it was part of the job, then so be it. Deniel laughed, which Lynn had expected to happen. Then, he sat down, which Lynn copied the action of, and asked her to tell him about herself. She didn’t even know where to start, but said something anyway. She hoped whatever was going to be ‘ready’ would take more time, because she did want to know some things about her job partner too before they started killing whatever.

    Lynn from Sabertooth, um…B-rank on the road to A-rank, and I’m a summoner. I mean that’s my magic. I was not originally human, by the way. So there are probably a lot of things I don’t know yet about the human world. Though I have been in Sabertooth for quite a while now to witness the leave of one guildmaster for the ascension of a good friend of mine from her position of a guild Ace to replace the previous GM. So what’s your magic and tell me about yourself too?” she asked not knowing what else to tell about herself.
    WORDS: 0493 - POST COUNT: 8 - TAGS: @Deca



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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Decayuss 11th January 2016, 5:37 pm

    Words: 404
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Sabertooth's previous Guild Master...he remembered her very well. Raven, though he couldn't really remember her last name either, as he usually addressed her along the lines of "Miss Raven". The only memory he had of her was quite a pleasant one at first, but very shortly turned gruesome with the pessimistic thought of betrayal that he carried with him as a grudge. As much as he told himself that it wasn't, everything pointed in that direction. He was a little more familiar with Sabertooth's previous Guild Master than their current one, as with their current one he only knew her name. For the time being. Needless to say he was also quite curious about her Magic, which she only classified as "summoning" and didn't elaborate on. Summoning what? The inquiry of the thought occurred to him but he didn't say it aloud; certainly he would figure it out sooner or later. That being said, he also concluded that perhaps he would leave his little description of Magic off on a much more vague note with his justification of it going to be that she would find out the truth sooner or later.

    That being said, it was now his turn to return the same that she had asked of him; a little bit about himself as a person. Being honest with himself, he really didn't know where he should start. That he was a Nephalem? A previous Guild Master? Currently a Wizard Saint? That his sword she had yet to see was a miraculously powerful creature trapped within that piece of metal? He hardly even know where to start. "Well..." he began with a sigh coming off of the vowel sound, just to give himself at least another second or two to ponder his thoughts, "Deniel. A Guildless Mage...previously Eclipse Soul's Guild Master before resigning and leaving. Now I'm a Wizard Saint working for morals and money. Magic? Uhhh...I guess the closest classification is Take Over. You'll see more when we get out on that field." After completing his little explanation, he found comfort in lying down on the floor with his cuffed hands right over his lap, heavily bothered by them with the fact that he was uncomfortable with any sort of restriction. Though this was by far not his first time in a prison or cell. "Speaking of which, any idea what we'll find out there? Excited for it? Enthralled? ...Scared? Hahah."
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Fair 2nd February 2016, 3:02 pm

    labor omnia vincit
    Lynn could not help but wonder why an ex guildmaster was going on an A rank job with someone of a lower rank, especially a stranger. If her knowledge of the mage world was of use, he had to be at least SS-ranked. She did not ask him, though. She did not plan on doing it later either. Asking a mage their rank was like asking humans their age or their monthly allowance. What Deniel said later clarified that he was of a very high rank among the mages. A Wizard Saint. Lynn had not even planned on aiming that far yet, seeing how she was a mere B rank among the bunch. “Take Over is a pretty cool magic,” Lynn added, positioning her legs so she sat like a guru. In all honesty, the summoner had expected him to have some exotic magic like one of those lost magics. He looked like someone who would use a magic like Arc of Time, for some reason. Narrowing her eyes as she pictured Deniel making things change states and shit made her burst out in a fit of hysterics. “I’m sorry, I was just imagining something,” she said in between large intakes of breath. “I’m sorry,” she said again, this time with a serious expression on her face so that Deniel doesn’t ask what she was just thinking about.

    Oh, I’m not the least bit excited. This job, to be completely honest, is boring as hell. Where is the action? Why are we sitting here doing nothing...wasting time?” she sighed. “I’ve never sat in an empty arena with my hands cuffed waiting for something I don’t know to happen.” Licking her lips, Lynn shook her head so the hair in her eyes moved aside. “How about you? Since you’re a pretty experienced mage, you must find this boring, too, right? Unless you really like taking jobs and this kind of suspense excites you.” The redhead shrugged her shoulders, now stretching out her legs in front of her. From this action, Deniel could notice that she was getting restless. She had just folded her legs in, and now she had stretched them out, and it was only a matter of time before she stood up and started strolling around. “Are you sure this is not a trap? What if they left us to rot here?” Lynn was actually making up stupid, silly questions in her head because she didn’t have anything better to do at the moment. This was a waste of time. She felt like groaning but didn’t want to look immature to Deniel, and so refrained from doing so. Deniel better have something interesting to say. Otherwise Lynn was going to die of boredom.
    WORDS: 0455 - POST COUNT: 10 - TAGS: @Deca

    Last edited by Lynn on 27th February 2016, 1:48 pm; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : color coding)



    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Decayuss 6th February 2016, 11:12 am

    Words: 1510
    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    He was curious about her sudden spatter of hysterics to the say the least. Had he said something that she found humorous? Did she just think about something that she remembered was funny? Or did something weird pop up inside of her mind from something that he said? Before he had the chance to inquire what exactly had found her humor, she apologized about it, and he figured she would insist it was nothing if he did question it. Now aside from her short-lived moments of laughter, she came clean that so far the job had been completely boring to her. And for the most part, he had to agree--although he was certain things would spice themselves up sooner or later. Falling into this realm of "Paradise", being captured, and forced into a cell...none of it really excited him or added a thrill, the one thing he searched for in job. And right now, being "captured" wasn't necessarily the most entertaining bit of the job. Reaching both of his arms up to his head so he could scratch it with one finger, a bit of a sigh escaped his lips before speaking. "Yeah...nothin' too fun so far. I've had a lot better adventures than this. Killing enormous beasts, saving towns and villages, traveling to different countries...fighting angels certainly isn't going to be new to me."

    Certainly he hadn't eliminated the option of their current predicament being a trap, but it wasn't the highest one that he considered. He had a feeling that the angels--despite quite treacherous--would keep their word that they would be needed soon. There was one thing that he was placing his bets on: that on the other side of these hallways was an arena, and she and him were about to fight in it gladiator style. At least that was the imaginative image that had been created in his head, and more often than not people found themselves disappointed between reality and imagination. Admittedly he had begun to ponder more and more if this was a trap. Ultimately he stood up with another sigh from him, this one sounding a little more irritated than the last. "Well, they're takin' a little too long, then. Guess I'll have to for--" As he begun to speak, the bottom part of his body--starting from his feet and going up--had started to become covered in a bright blue glow of Magic. Though before it could get passed his knees, the other entrance to their cell, the one that lead to the arena, opened up. Ceasing his actions, he looked upon the other side to see the two guards that had brought them in approaching.

    "Go now. Your time has come." The angel pointed its weapon straight towards them, and then guided it to the second exit that had opened up for them. From it came the light of outside, the gust of wind, and the murmur of a crowd. Scoffing that he was pretty much being herded like a sheep, but obeying merely because he just wanted his fill of action already, Deniel walked for the arena. As they were about halfway through the hallway, the door leading to their cell shut itself, and the cuffs that bound them had their power zapped out, thus freeing both of their hands. The very first thing Deniel did was stretch them out and away from each other--gloriously happy that he was able to do so. Rolling each of his shoulders back and fourth, cracking his neck using his hands, stretching his arms across...any kind of stretch he could think of he performed.

    Getting out of shackles always gave him a sense of freedom beyond imagination.

    Entering the arena, Deniel and Lynn found themselves in an enormous circular platform with engravings of certain artistic battles within its metal and stone. Surrounding them from all directions were rows and rows of angelic beings, each of them desperate to see a thrilling battle that would chill them, excite them, and put them on the edges of their seats. There seemed to be thousands of them in total, and upon entering both Lynn and Deniel were greeted with cheers and chants, demanding blood and gore. Still stretching, and this time having both of his arms behind his back, Deniel curiously observed the surroundings. "Huh. For angels they're quite violent. Guess I shouldn't talk, though." High up in the audience, in a location that had specifically been built for her, the angel that had "captured" Deniel and Lynn seemed to have her own booth complete with a throne. Seeing her didn't necessarily put Deniel in the best of moods, though he did keep his temper. Behind them, the entrance to the arena sealed shut, and they were trapped until permitted to exit.

    The one up in her booth stood up and walked over to its edge, speaking loudly over the crowd that hushed itself shortly after her words. Her voice was both commanding and powerful. "You!" She pointed down to them, and in a bit of confusion Deniel tilted his head to the side. He pointed to himself, then to Lynn, and permitted a shrug. Ignoring the stupidity of the intruder, she continued. "You have trespassed on our lands, and outsiders must not be trusted! Therefore...you must prove yourselves! Survive in the arena, and then we shall let you free! Now, get rea--"

    "Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

    Deniel rudely interrupted her both by walking forward, and speaking over her. He had the advantage of his voice echoing through the arena, and he wasn't afraid to yell and shout. Shortly after her little speech was cut off, he had entered the center of the arena while he looked all around. After his brief glance at his surroundings, he had begun to channel the Full Body Take Over he was interrupted from using at the very beginning. Moments of silence passed, until Deniel's body had become outlined in an ominous dark blue glow. The air around him had become of the same color, the surroundings of the arena reflecting the strong light in the center. In one blink of his eyes Deniel retained the red color in his irises, and in another they suddenly turned sky blue. As they did so, bright blue Magic Power that even emitted a couple of sparkles and shines began to creep its way up Deniel's body. It surrounded each and every limb, though it was transparent so one could still see through the blue light what lay underneath. "Witness..." his voice was a whisper, yet could be heard through each and every being in the arena. "The power..." The blue Magic succeeded in covering every inch of his body, from head to toe. And as a flash of blinding blue light flared straight from his location, his voice rose up from the whisper and echoed far beyond the arena itself. "The White Angel!"

    Once the blinding light dissipated, standing in the place of Deniel was a suit of shining white plated armor. At least that's what it appeared to be--for he was on the inside. Golden lenses were placed over his eyes, black gaps of lighter armor offered for more flexibility in his limbs. And upon his back was a pair of "synthetic wings"; they were angelic wings, but not made of feathers. Rather it was a metal bar with blue Magic Energy, known as Holy Energy coming out of it in triangular shapes. There were gasps and murmurs among the crowd, but the female up in the booth appeared to be insulted. "Angel!? You are no angel! You possess synthetic wings! You have no feathers! No halo! No crown! And your armor covers your whole body! I wonder what true monster lies underneath...!"

    Extending his armored arm, which now had a claw-like gauntlet on its fingertips, the White Angel taunted her with a gesture of moving his finger back and fourth. "Then come and get me..." Responding by returning to her throne, the female angel waved her hand in a bit of a temper: "Soldiers, eliminate them!" From across Deniel and Lynn--whom he sadly had not been paying attention to this point--another arena entrance opened up. What came fourth were three angelic warriors, each of them wielding swords, and covered in armor for the most part; the difference between them and Deniel is that the White Angel showed absolutely no skin. However, for them, when the third one entered the arena, the White Angel drew one of the two katanas that had been at its side, unsheathing the blade and unleashing two swift strikes at the third and final one. In spite of the distance between them, the attacks were plenty enough to cut the poor soul in have right down his center, gone in only a second. The White Angel was underwhelmed, but the crowd was shocked. Two strikes is all it took.

    "Hmph!" Sheathing the blade and turning his back on the opponents, the White Angel beckoned Lynn to them. "You can take them both on. They serve no challenge to me."
    Notes: Sorry for its length. Just wanted to give you a lot to reply to...

    Fight two normal monsters, yay!
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Deacy2
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Fair 23rd April 2016, 3:00 pm

    Sizzle sizzle.

    The world around Lynn began to swirl, a thousand shades of blue spiraling in front of her curious eyes that unknowingly transformed into sparkling crimson orbs, squinting at the sight. Was this the angels’ doing? Lynn turned to see what exactly was going on around her when she caught an unfamiliar reflection of herself, causing her to gasp with shock as she held her own face, sharp manicured fingernails sinking into the milky tender skin, almost piercing it. “What is this?” a whisper of a question escaped through her thick red lips. Just as it had begun, the change ended rather quickly. She was back in the real world, Deniel to her side and the angel creatures present as well. They were now an arena with every seat filled with winged spectators, cheering for them, it seemed. Deniel didn’t seem to have noticed she had left the current dimension for a moment, since he kept talking about how he thought they were a bit violent for angels.

    That’s true,” she agreed, her voice coming out softer than usual, which made her eyes bulge out in shock as she immediately cupped her mouth, turning to face Deniel, then averting her gaze back to the demanding spectators. A loud thud sounded behind them and when Lynn spun to check the source of the sound, she realised that they were now trapped. Without permission from the angel queen or whatever, it seemed it was impossible to escape the place, armed guards with ailerons almost everywhere. Producing a sigh, the Ice Dragon Slayer (from the future) removed her hand from her mouth, raising her head to meet the gaze of the angel queen. This was how she decided to nickname her. The angel queen wasn’t done making Deniel feel like crap. And afterwards, she announced:

    This is the amphitheater of the future. You are now what you will become in a year or so. I hope you can adapt,” with a smug smirk. However, the smirk was gone pretty soon. She had ordered for her warriors to take on Deniel and Lynn. Rolling her eyes, the irritated Saber stepped forward, her next footfall creating a sheet of ice on the ground. “Ice Dragon Slayer, we will see what you can do,” the angel queen said, nodding towards Lynn.

    Me!?” Lynn shrieked in awe, pointing to herself. This was so not going according to planned. She then began calling for her summons, which apparently didn’t happen to work. “This is so not happening,” she muttered.

    A moment later an angel warrior landed at her feet, blood everywhere. Deniel had killed it and there were two more, who apparently were offered to Lynn to kill by her job partner as they proved no challenge to him. With an eyebrow raised, the dynamic sorceress twirled on one feet, the other stretched out, kicking one in the stomach with a chilling touch as it fell to the ground while she charged towards the remaining warrior, ending its life with a few punches in his vital areas.

    12/40 ; 510/400



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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Decayuss 8th May 2016, 4:10 pm

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    The White Angel remained in place for the remainder of the fight, which disappointingly was not that long afterwards. Its armored arms were crossed over its chest, and there seemed to be no motion coming from him due to the fact that all of his breathing and blinking were suppressed underneath his armor. Something that struck him as peculiar and a little bit in awe was what happened in between the start of the fight, and them entering the arena. His partner no longer looked like herself...quite significantly different actually. His blue eyes underneath the golden lenses of his helmet narrowed themselves, seeing that the red haired partner was replaced by one with blue hair, and an outfit that didn't really leave much to the imagination. The shoulders of the White Angel shrugged themselves up and down just for a moment, his way of saying 'oh well'. The fight itself didn't last particularly long, which made him question if these were angels or impostors. There's no way mom was that much stronger than all of these warriors... he said to himself in his mind. It wasn't anything against his mother, he just always figured angels were fearless, fierce warriors that were able to wield their blades and weapons in battle to push forward to any victory regardless of the odds. And all he saw now were a group of pathetic novices.

    Stepping forward to join his partner at her side, the White Angel uncrossed his arms and stared up at the female one. "You can't mean to tell me that's all you have." If it was, well....needless to say he would be heavily underwhelmed. "Of course not!" She replied almost immediately, giving a snap of her fingers. The gates to the other end of the arena opened up in front of Deniel and his partner, and he awaited whatever was next. "See how you fair against these two guardians."

    She's already giving away what they are... Now he was really disappointed. So much so he felt like just charging right up to her throne and killing her on the spot, but he kept his temper and eagerness in check, merely waiting for what came next. Out of the darkness and into the light of the other side of the arena came two angels, larger than the ones before, and in heavier armor. Both of them carried swords composed of pure light, and shields that went along with them. The fact that there were only two hinted to the White Angel that they might be an even bigger challenge...but only time would tell on this point. "You get one, I get the other I guess..."
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Deacy2
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Fair 3rd June 2016, 11:43 am

    After finishing off the two angel warriors, Lynn looked up at the woman who sat in some sort of chair that looked like it was made for important people. The Sabertooth mage had an emotionless expression on her face as she watched the woman talk to Deniel. He had wanted to know if the angel warriors were all that she had to offer, which she immediately responded by telling them to see how they would fare against the next batch of angel creatures she would release to fight them which were called ‘guardians’. Lynn almost rolled her eyes. Such angels, very heaven, much holy.

    You get one, I get the other I guess…” Deniel said, to which Lynn nodded.

    I don’t know what her plan is but this is wasting so much time,” she told him, eyes widening at how her voice was slowly changing as she spoke. What in the world was going on? Why did the angel woman transform her into someone she wasn’t? Maybe she was testing her? But nothing happened to Deniel. Maybe...the angel woman had a thing against human girls. That was probably it. Maybe because she was uglier compared to Lynn, or so Lynn would like to think.

    Lynn wanted to speak to the woman and tell her how this was all such a waste of time seeing how Deniel and Lynn both handled their enemies with ease. It was possible that their enemies might get stronger every time the gates opened. It could be like one of the videogames that Lynn played where they would meet normal enemies, then the difficulty would go up, until they met the boss - which Lynn presumed was the angel woman giving orders from her high chair or whatever it was called. The ‘guardians’ approached them, fighting stances and all that. Lynn wondered if she might ever need to use her magic. She had a completely new magic though as of now and she had no idea how she was going to use it so hopefully she wouldn’t have to use it now.

    This doesn’t look like much of a challenge to me. I bet it’s like a fly in your way am I right?” she asked Deniel before charging straight for one of the guardians. She might as well finish this one off quickly. There was no time to waste. Her videogame was waiting for her back in her chamber.

    14/40 ; 404/400



    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Decayuss 8th June 2016, 3:10 pm

    Words: 473
    "A wanderer isn't always lost.'
    Lynn wasn't wrong in the fact that this would all just be something Deniel could do with relative ease. He was willing to be that, to some degree, he could challenge each and every angel in the arena's audience, behind the walls, and anywhere and still be able to get out alive. His partner was very eager to get on with the fight, to which Deniel had only approached it quite calmly and casually. Lynn charged in, and he walked forward. As a way of making his fight perhaps just a little bit more entertaining, Deniel had decided that he should just take a small risk, or merely fool around and see where it got him. Normally he would go right into a battle with breakneck speed with two swords drawn, and some blood being spilled quite soon. This time, though, he only drew one blade. And not only that, but he held it in an improper way. Both of his blades were katanas, and should be used as such, but the stance the White Angel positioned himself to be in, and the way he held his sword, was more for that of a rapier. His posture was straight, and both of his feet were close together. He held one armored arm behind his back, fingers clenched into a fist. The other one was forward with his blade in hand, pointed at his opponent.

    "Let's see where this gets me." A rapier wasn't something that he was used to, though he was capable of using, and using a katana like a rapier was just out of the question. His movements were a little bit clunky, and in fact quite ridiculous in the way he held his blade and swung it to parry or block, but it still worked for some reason. Against an actual worthy opponent, Deniel knew he would never even dare to attempt this. For the fight against these so-called 'guardians', though, he knew he had some room to fool around. So he parried, he blocked, he switched his position around, but he made no move to take the offensive, particularly because he knew that if he did, he would switch to his regular sword style by default and perhaps end the battle quickly. So he stuck to a more defensive style just to draw out the fight a little bit longer. His footwork moved swiftly from left to right, right to left, right twice, and much more. The hand behind his back, though oftentimes twitching from a natural reflex to draw another sword and try to give a cut, stayed where it was in a balled fist behind his back. And the hand holding the blade worked it clumsily, and very inefficiently, though despite that... Deniel was not hit a single time. The White Angel was just messing around.
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Deacy2
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Fair 12th June 2016, 1:03 pm

    Of course it was a fly in Deniel’s way, he was even toying with it! At first glance, she was shocked at what he was doing. It looked like he just lost all his abilities in combat. But in a few seconds, she realised he was just playing, which made her eyelids droop in a manner as if she was saying, ‘Really?’ Then she turned to her opponent, who was now staring at her as if she was an alien. “What are you looking at, weirdo?” she asked. Lynn did not take much time preparing to fight. The guardian was holding a sword that could blind someone, and a shield of the same light. She could see her reflection on the armament, although it wasn’t too clear. Lynn is a very agile fighter, she knows what her opponent is thinking, too, as she had been doing this for more than the amount of time you could imagine that someone could be existent. “You really are a weirdo,” she said, shaking her head once at the guardian who seemed to be mute. It didn’t reply to her question. He held the sword like he was about to chop some meat, which made Lynn almost laugh out loud if it wasn’t for the seriousness of the situation. She wondered ‘Is this a joke?

    It definitely wasn’t a joke when the guardian initiated the attack by thrashing at her, which she evaded quite easily even though the blade was an inch from cutting her body in half before she crouched so low you’d think she wouldn’t have the energy to spring back to her feet, but that wasn’t what she did. Once she was crouched, she’d stretch out a foot and drag it across from the guardian’s right foot, making him lose his balance as she would hit the hand he held the sword with, with the back of her left hand, making it release the weapon which fell into Lynn’s own hands. Grabbing it firmly, she would get back on her feet in no time, kicking the guardian straight in the stomach so it felt down. It wasn’t badly hurt from the kick though, thanks to the light shield. It almost annoyed Lynn because she put some energy into the kick and it didn’t make her opponent spit blood. Lynn took a leap backwards to make space between herself and the guardian.

    16/40 ; 400/400



    The Nephilim

    The Nephilim

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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Decayuss 14th June 2016, 11:15 pm

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    "You know... it's been years..." With Deniel's small speech, he had to interrupt himself to block and parry the next attack of the guardian by stepping back in his stance, and positioning his sword in a very awkward manner that still managed to get the job done. "Since I've used a rapier." He explained, though his guardian opponent seemed to be very silent about it all, and in spite of knowing that he was being fooled with, fought on and on and on. "Hmmm... about seven years, I'd say." As Deniel parried the next set of incoming attacks, and for once he actually sent a swing in, he thought back to his days with a rapier. The attack that he sent against the angel was similar to one of a rapier, with his foot extended, his attack having fluidity and grace, and it was a swift horizontal slash. Naturally his opponent had managed to block it, though the only part about it all was that Deniel's attack was done with a katana, and not an actual rapier. The first time that he had used one was years ago, in Bellum's Private Institution. There he was taught by criminals numerous methods of combat, and among them he was taught how to use various kinds of swords: rapiers, katanas, short swords, long swords, broadswords, and daggers. It was obvious which one of them he favored.

    Mixing a sword and another sword's style was something he had a feeling he would never do, but it was quite fun. Sometimes when he blocked or parried an attack, he would laugh out loud and give his sparring partner a bit of a compliment. "Nice one!" He would say before the next swing came, and he would position his blade and body to block the attack with a very swift and fluid motion, "Almost got me!" He would say then, though obviously it wasn't even that much of a close hit. Above all, there were some close calls, and his blocks did seem to be very VERY unorthodox, especially in the eyes of a master swordsman like himself. Though in spite of it all, one thing remained true: he was not hit once. Not a single time. He began to contemplate whether it was time for him to just drop the act and finish off his opponent in just a few moments, but at the same time, he figured he could have as much fun as he wanted. He decided to himself that he would finish his fight just a few moments after Lynn finished her's. Which meant this fight could go on for... he didn't know how long. And he didn't much care. He was having fun, his own sense of fun, and the one that didn't require his body undergoing the process he dubbed 'a thrill'.
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Deacy2
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Fair 19th June 2016, 12:25 pm

    What Deniel was doing was definitely toying with the enemy. Lynn thought it was fun and all but why was he wasting time like that? Precious time they could use for something else? Or maybe not. Maybe he was toying the enemy for a reason, like pissing of the angel queen, which Lynn would gladly like to help but now was not the time since she was facing an asshole of a guardian angel who would not just give up even though it knew there was no chance of winning her. Lynn rolled her eyes as she parried his attacks now that he had created another word of light and was attacking her with all he could and it was definitely not working. As she parried, her mind travelled elsewhere. What if she was actually an Ice Dragon Slayer like the angel queen said? Then maybe she could use some of that sweet magic that she had never thought she would ever get here? Well, she was a summoner, and that was not exactly the same type of magic, so what if she did stupid things that would cause even more trouble for herself instead of helping? No...that was a bad idea. She should just stick to what she could do right now and that was sword fighting for now and if she needed, she could always use her fists and feet. It was not as though she could only depend on her magic, or her guardian, who at this point was not allowed to help her. He was strained in chains outside the arena, since the angel queen did not allow him to follow.

    Are you a fucking noob or do you just not know how to fight with a sword?” she asked her opponent. “Here, you hold it like this,” she said, demonstrating how to hold a sword. She was a professional because this was all she did back in Fismuth, fight and fight and fight more. She was trained by the most talented master of all in martial arts, Gaius, then later by a much rougher trainer who had only one mentee in his life. He was only requested to train her because he was a professional without claim. He never claimed himself one nor did he consider himself as something like that. He just did what he needed to and pretty much just did whatever he wanted really, but that was enough to convince the masters that it was good enough for him to become Lynn’s mentor, but that was a story of when her name was ‘Tane’, her hair was brown, and she liked to wear a red uniform. The one thing that she did not want in this life as a human was to remember all that, which is why after what happened with Ganymede - her mentor who trained her to become one bulletproof tough cookie, she wished for all those memories to be shut out completely, like stored in a space where she could not reach in the depths of memories in the back of her mind. Thankfully, until this day, she would not remember a single thing from that part of her existence. It might as well be considered history. “And you attack like this,” Lynn said, lurching forward with the sword positioned as if she was going to cut the angel in half, but slow enough so he could parry. She might as well teach this dude how to hold a sword and fight with it before she killed it, or maybe even let it give up so it could do a better job with sword fighting next time it had to fight anyways, if the angel queen was forgiving enough to not kill him afterwards for losing to Lynn.

    If anything, Lynn was a Mentor Slayer. She killed her own mentor, who was not a dragon, nor a demon, nor a devil, nor a god...not even a deity! A mentor of hers, a normal citizen of the realm of Fismuth who just had proficiency in martial arts. But, now that she thought about it...he did kill a dragon in his lifetime, like long before he actually came to her to mentor her anyways, but that was a historical event in Fismuth. Maybe that was how he earned the title Dragon? And maybe, just maybe that was how she became the ‘Dragon Slayer’ that the angel queen is saying she becomes later in her future because this theater was supposed to be the theater that showed what happened in the future of those within. However, Deniel seemed like he was going to remain this way forever, because there was not a bit of change, save maybe some facial hair that he would probably just go ahead and shave later which means technically there was no change at all. Lynn’s head was now filled with all these thoughts that did not even have a single thing to do with what was happening at present, but it seemed that the guardian she was fighting was noob enough to send her out of reality and where she was thinking of all sorts of things but the fight that was happening now. Lynn then realised it was about time she killed off this guardian angel so they could move on with the job, otherwise it was not going to end ever. She hoped that Deniel stopped playing too. It would be good for them to move on to whatever the angel queen had in mind for them so that they could be quick about this job. “And you kill like this,” she said, warning the angel who frantically parried her and tried his best to defend himself but her attacks penetrated his useless protection and got him in the heart. “Sorry if you thought I was going to teach you a lesson or two. I would have if I had the time, but I guess not,” she said, dropping the sword and turning to Deniel with the blank expression she had on for a while now.





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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Decayuss 19th June 2016, 12:43 pm

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    Though eventually, this fun would merely hollow out and wither away. In the end, all he was doing was messing around, and sooner or later the instincts of his years built in of combat had started to ignite themselves more and more. Sooner or later he wouldn't be able to resist the burning sensation that combat would bring him. Even a second or so of fighting this opponent would prove to be much more of an entertainment for him than just merely toying with him about it all every step of the way. At some point in the fight, Deniel's stance had involuntarily changed itself from one common of a rapier. His body no longer stood pointed in one direction, and his hand had no longer been behind his back. Instead, he stood facing forward, with one foot planted in front of the other, and his blade was held with two hands instead of one. And rather than the blow come from some kind of awkward angle that would never work, he raised his blade up high and let it come crashing down on to his opponent. The sound of metal grinding against metal and screeching could be heard all throughout the arena, as the white katana blade pierced right through the thick armor that the angel wore, and split it in half right down the center.

    The one that was left standing had been the White Angel, his armor had not a single scratch on him, while his opponent had been quite literally hacked in half, with two parts of his body separated apart from each other a few centimeters. One of the unique things that Deniel found about these guardians though, was that they shed no blood. As a matter of a fact, there was absolutely nothing underneath those suits of armor. No skin, no bodies, nothing. Just an empty suit. The eyes of the White Angel--more specifically the golden lenses that were donned upon the helmet--narrowed themselves as he slightly kicked one of the bits of armor. "How peculiar..." he whispered to himself, and then looked up towards the one that had arranged this arena for them. The so-called "Angel Queen", which he had his doubts on. There was no way that this woman was a queen of angels... not even close to it. Deniel's own mother surpassed her and every other angel in this arena in all areas, and could probably take them on at once. In fact, that gave him an idea. If his mother could take on each and every one of these angels, then... "Quite ironic, if you ask me," he began, clenching his hand around the katana's hilt a little bit tighter as he pointed it right up at the so-called 'angel queen'.

    "I possess synthetic wings, yet you all call me a fake. A fraud. Not a true angel. Yet with these two, their suits of armor is empty. Mine is not. Furthermore..." the White Angel's other hand reached for the other katana that rest at his waist, sheathed inside of its scabbard. He grabbed on to its hilt with a hand covered in black armor, and slowly drew the blade out of its resting position. "I can show that my strength as an angel far surpasses any of yours. If you think synthetic wings makes me weaker or inferior in any way, shape or, form, then... he had fully drawn the other katana right out from the scabbard, and then pointed the two of them in opposite directions. They were on either side of his body, each of them pointed to one side of the arena. "Come at me. All of you! I challenge each and every angel standing in this arena or its audience. If you truly believe I am some kind of inferior, let me prove you otherwise!" Heeding the call and challenge of the angel with synthetic wings, the ones in the audience took arms up against him, and each drew their weapons. They knew not all of them could fit in the arena at the same time, so some stayed up above in the risers, while other flew right down below to deal with the one that dared consider himself an equal.

    There was work to be done right away, and the White Angel wasted no time and spared no expense at dealing with them. Momentarily he crossed his twin blades over each other, and then began. His first step was to leap right behind himself, avoiding the attack of an angel to his backside, and jumping over him at the same time. One of his blades went right into the angel's back, as the other one deflected a blow coming straight for the White Angel. With the blade dug inside of the angel's armor, the White Angel pressed his feet against it, and propelled himself off of it and right into the sky. He would have nothing less than an aerial battle with angels. A unique opportunity, in his opinion. In spite of his wings being 'synthetic' according to the angels, they seemed to work perfectly fine at keeping him airborne, especially considering the thick armor that he wore on all of his body. Luckily he had two blades instead of one, and they each worked to protect him at all sides of his body. In addition to that, it was as if the White Angel could see things in all directions, and sense them coming straight for him as well, and he could. Quite literally.

    When a blade came at him from behind, he knew exactly where it was coming from, and moved one of his two katanas to both block it, and initiate a counter attack. One thing that helped him with dealing with all of the numbers was that each and every attack by the White Angel conjured what was known as a Rune Sabre; there were bits and pieces of excess Holy Energy arcing right off of the blows that Vita and Mors made, whether or not they hit or missed. These bits of Holy Energy gathered themselves up at one location near the White Angel's shoulders, morphed themselves into a blade, and after a brief delay, fired themselves at any enemy the White Angel directed it to. One would might imagine that someone would be overloaded and stressed with the amount of enemies coming at them, having to worry about blocking and counter attacking, and the Rune Sabres all at once. And that was exactly the point. This was the thrill that Deniel needed, and the numbers game certainly did help him achieve it. One by one every few seconds or so, the body of an angel would fall out of the sky, only to have another one replace it just seconds later as they came from the arena stands.

    Unlike the previous fight where Deniel had been toying with his opponent, this one where his blades danced around his body, clashed with armor and blades alike, and seemed to be blurs all throughout, the White Angel was still hit several times. Impaled by a spear, cut by a sword, the armor did suffer some damage, and there had also been some bleeding on his part as well. Though in spite of that, he kept on doing what he had been doing before, and used his swordsmanship skills do all of the work.
    Notes: 8,648/16,000
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Deacy2
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Fair 19th June 2016, 2:18 pm

    So when Lynn was just thinking that Deniel should stop toying with the stupid little guardian who could barely do anything to him, he stopped, removing his hand from behind him and firmly holding the sword now, and with a quick strike, the armor that held the guardian together was split in half, with nothing inside. Lynn’s eyes widened in shock at the sight of this and when she turned to to look back at the guardian she had killed and realised the same. The armor was still there, damaged and all but what should have been there inside was gone now. But when she turned back, she was a little too late to stop what was about to happen. Mr. Nephalem had done his talking to the angel queen and gone ahead and invited the entire audience to come and fight him so that they could prove that he - the one with the ‘fake’ wings - was lesser than the rest of them. Honestly, Lynn believed that Deniel could totally take out the entire arena, including the angel queen herself, so she knew he was playing, still. And now he was going to wipe out the entire audience first before he took on the angel queen. The angel queen, on the other hand, looked like someone pissed on her face and was standing up with her fists curled tightly beside her. She looked really mean now. And now that that was the case, she was going to go all out now, cheering for her kind to take out that...whatever it was that they called Deniel now. Lynn scoffed at the hatred that they had for him because he was not entirely an angel like that. If Lynn was still from Fismuth, these angels would be worshipping her like they should be. Lynn was not familiar with how they served her however, as she was no longer Tane or a Prestigious and if she went back to Fismuth today, no one would recognize her, not even Gaius. Well, maybe Gaius, because he was the castle’s magician and he could find out who she was with the snap of his fingers.

    Lynn, as Tane, was a ‘Prestigious’ back in Fismuth. And the angels? They were her workers. They were called the workers and they worked for the Prestigious, and pretty much anyone who enslaved them, not with money, not with chains, but with loyalty. Every angel worker when they came of age would have to pledge loyalty to a certain someone with power enough to have them work for them. Among those, Tane was of the highest ranks, the Prestigious ones. But on Earthland it was a different story. Whatever she was back in Fismuth did not apply for anything here. Sure she was insanely talented in martial arts and sword fighting and pretty much all sorts of fighting, but that was not enough to convince the humans that she was good enough to be considered an important person, not that she was trying to convince them anyway. She did not need to. But of course she accepted the rules of the human world and he would begin little, and continue her way up the ladder until she was accepted as someone important. Now she was on the ladder, and she was almost there, which meant that she was going to become something equivalent to a Prestigious like in Fismuth, but now on Earth. The Ice Dragon Slayer had yet to know that the equivalent to a Prestigious here was a ‘God of Ishval’ and as of now, she was with one.

    Oh shit…” she muttered as almost half of the audience came down into the arena to accept his challenge. Deniel looked like he was happy about this. It looked like this was what he wanted in the first place! Lynn on the other hand was no high ranking wizard. She could barely do anything right now but since her partner had gone ahead and done something so reckless, she had no choice but to help him, even though of course, he could handle all of these shits easy peasy. Now that she was all hyped up, she would grab one of the swords that just fell from someone’s hand and slid to her feet. It seemed nobody paid much attention to her since she was not the one who challenged their entire kind, but if she did appear like someone who was helping the one who did, they might fight her, and so she raised the sword and lashed out, going crazy with the light enforced sword that she used to cut the angels’ bodies in half. These did not have armor on and when she slashed at them and the sword went through, they would just disappear in a flash of light. Lynn stopped for a moment, holding the sword and staring at the magical thing that just happened,  but then went back to fighting since getting distracted at this point could get herself killed. Now everyone know whose side she was on and they began to attack her as well. She hoped she had another sword like Deniel but now that there was a horde of them around her it was hard for her to find another sword. ‘Damn it,’ she thought, looking around frantically. Maybe she might just defend herself until she found another sword where she could do both defend and attack with ease. Two swords, even though they were not as powerful as the ones Deniel was using, was better than using a single one and having to do everything with it.

    Fuck you,” she muttered as she cut another angel in half, then another, then another. If she was in Fismuth, she would be enslaved herself for fighting with an angel worker. Because if she did that, it meant that she was low enough to go to their standards and fight with them. She had never had a problem with the angel workers. The ones that served her were loyal and nice, never showing such a vile nature like the ones that they were fighting now. Deniel was definitely having fun, and so was Lynn but if she was still the Prestigious that she used to be, she would be considered unworthy of the title she bore, and even be considered something lower than the angel workers. She did not want that. She did not want anything like that to happen, well when she was in Fismuth anyway. Because now, she did not feel anything, any form of guilt, after killing so many of them. The angel queen was so angry that Lynn saw her cheering for her kind with a raised  fist as she yelled continuously, different things she did not exactly understand as maybe they had a different language to communicate among themselves. Or maybe they already had it and they were using the common tongue to speak to Deniel and Lynn. When she was Tane, she used a different language as well, not even one that common Fismuthians spoke in. But a separate language made especially for the Prestigious and those trusted people within the castle. It was for the safety of the Prestigious ones and so that their plans could not be heard and plotted against. But of course there was always someone trying to ruin everything and so they would have to regularly change the tongue, forming a new language almost every year. And this was how she had photographic memory.

    Remembering all the words in the vocabulary of one language was difficult. Imagine knowing that of thousands. That was roughly the amount of languages Lynn had to learn and remember as a Prestigious in her life as one, and that was only for half of the lifetime she was a Prestigious. If she had not gone down to Earth or asked for a human life so that she could be with the new family she joined, Sabertooth, she would have a thousand more to learn and remember, and go back to her monotonous life as a Prestigious. The only thing that ever brought entertainment to her was the occasional humor that Gaius made whenever they met at the long table. And it was all just a memory, one that she would never remember, ever. There was no way they could resurface and Lynn didn’t know that, for she didn’t know the existence of this memory in her own mind.


    Last edited by Lynn on 19th June 2016, 9:50 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : word count error)



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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Decayuss 19th June 2016, 4:35 pm

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    The sound that primarily engulfed the sky was one of metal clanging together against other metal, or grinding right against each other in hopes of gaining enough of an advantage as to split each other in half. The metal that found much more success than the others were the katanas known as Vita and Mors, in possession of the White Angel. The cuts that Deniel had made on each angel as he gained the advantage and the opportunity were not quite deep--though they would be strong enough to completely severe a limb--particularly because of the fact that he had very little time in between each cut. The moment that his blade passed right through his foe's armor, it needed to find some kind of exit path that would guide it to blocking the next strike that came for it just in the nick of time, as to save the White Angel from any kind of blow that might prove dangerous. Occasionally he did miss his chance and opportunity, though that was rare, so there was not to say that his performance in the sky was absolutely flawless.

    A blow came to strike him from behind, so he maneuvered one of his katana blades to swing right backwards, cutting one of the angels in the process, to block the attack coming in straight for him, and at the same time, he slashed twice at a target he found an opening in front of him, conjuring four Rune Sabres. Two of them fired at a second target just behind him, the one that he parried the swords with, and their damage was enough to stagger him so that the White Angel may use his sword to deliver a cut, and then quickly move his two blades to deflect the attacks of yet another target. Thus far Deniel had not used a single spell of his arsenal of numerous ones, for he wanted to see just how much he would be able to accomplish with just his blades and his reflexes alone. And the answer to that was quite a lot. Though he wasn't flawless as he had hoped he would be, he certainly was not taking any kind of significant damage. Eventually, however, he would grow impatient with just the growing numbers of warriors, and had finally decided to use a spell, one that would disperse them and perhaps single them out just enough so that he may start using some spells for more flashy finishers.

    After parrying two separate attacks, the White Angel suddenly brought his blades in closer to his body, and held them horizontally so that the hilts of the blades were only centimeters apart from each other. In just a single moment, he manifest enough Magic Power to conjure a burst--a burst of Holy Energy. A burst that spread out for a few dozen meters or so. Just enough to create an area to cover all of the angels that surrounded him, they were each knocked out of the way, some of them right out of the sky. This gave Deniel the breathing room that he needed to just take in one deep breath, and begin his assault on them, that would be a little more flashy than just sitting there waiting for his death. Of course his death would never come, but he found this method to just be all the more satisfying. "Let's get started, shall we?" The White Angel's helmet possessed no mouth, but right underneath it, a smirk spread itself across the lips of the flesh. And the golden lenses flared in a bright light, as the blue eyes of the White Angel underneath the helmet flashed for just a moment, activating its Oversoul.

    The angel blink right from its spot, fast enough to catch one of the angels mid-flight enough for a cut. When the White Angel delivered the blow, something went right through the body of the angel that he did so on; a crescent slash. A blue one, composed of Holy Energy, about twenty meters in length. It traveled right through the body of the angel, and the angle that the White Angel composed from it was exact enough to hit three separate targets on its way down before phasing out of existence. While the crescent slash had traveled its way down to meet its target, the angel blinked once more and performed another cut on a different angel, yielding a similar result. It hadn't been in a fashion that landed him as many targets as last one manifested, but it was still enough to where he hit more than one target. Once more he blinked, and the same result, and then another time, and then another time.

    There were six blinks and six crescent slashes in total, the maximum amount of cuts that the spell would allow, but the amount of blinks that he could perform were nearly infinite. Actually... they were infinite. So long as he met certain conditions. And right now, he was. He paused for a moment in mid-air, as the angels that flew out from the force of the earlier blow made by his Holy Burst to finish their flight. The White Angel only needed a moment or so to think of his next move before initiating it. He tossed one of his katanas right into the air, the blade spinning around several times as it traveled right up to the sky, and would eventually come down. With his blade temporarily out of his hand, the White Angel jerked that same hand forward and reached out with his palm, as if he had been reaching for something close to him. As he made that motion, an enormous projection composed of Holy Energy had performed the same motion, almost like a second larger limb copying the action from the first. And then he yanked this hand backwards as it had caught on to angels, bringing them close enough so that he could initiate his next attack.

    Holding his hand up to the sky, the White Angel caught the blade that came down from the sky. Lowering the blade while also spinning his body, the White Angel performed a pirouette while also raising his blade straight up for the sky once more--except this time he didn't throw it. A small core of Holy Energy was created, and the blade shooting up into the sky suddenly ignited that core, causing it to fire up as a pillar of Holy Energy straight into the sky. This pillar then detonated into another pillar, and so on and so fourth, traveling as a line that seemed to be like geysers composed of Holy Energy, and the angels caught in the middle of it suffered enough damage to knock their bodies unconscious and send them toppling to the ground. Shining Wave had also caught in another angel or two as part of collateral damage, which hadn't been Deniel's intention, but it worked all the better for him. "Not bad." He commented as he witnessed the Shining Wave come to a close, and the Holy Energy that surrounded his blades dissipate into the wind like a fire extinguishing. He still had plenty of work to do in regards to the rest of the angels, but he was satisfied with his progress so far.
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Deacy2
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Fair 19th June 2016, 11:49 pm

    Lynn stole a glance at the angel workers’ queen as she usually would after killing ten or so angel workers, to see how pissed she was now, as she was losing more and more of her kind every moment. The ‘Ice Dragon Slayer’ was glad that they were raging her. Maybe she would then completely go insane and do something reckless enough to have their job ended by her. Much less work? She had even forgotten how exactly the job was supposed to end. In fact, she could not even remember why they were here in the first place, and the objective of the job. What was their purpose here? To fight like animals in the arena for the angels’ satisfaction? If so, this would madly piss off Lynn as Tane, and Gaius - Gaius would have gone crazy with rage. For the angel workers’ satisfaction? A Prestigious? Pfft. Not a chance. Not even the angel workers’ had to fight for the Prestigious ones’ satisfaction back in Fismuth. What kind of angel workers were these? Well obviously, they were not from Fismuth and they did not understand the laws. Wherever they were from probably had a different set of laws that Lynn was not at all familiar with. They most likely did not have the Prestigious above them. These were probably the angels in exile...or worse. They were the ones that ran away. The ones that were banned from the heavens, and the ones who now seek a twisted form of freedom; twisted like their minds were. Shaking her head in dismay, the Ice Dragon Slayer parried one last attack and cut another angel worker in half. There was no time to waste. She must act now, or continue killing off a thousand or so more angel workers and she was not here to do that.

    She was here for a job. And the angel workers’ queen seemed like a potential target to make hostage, well more like...the only target. The rest were angel workers and that meant they had very little value compared to who they considered their queen, correct? The blue haired woman parried her way to the edge of the arena, sticking up to the wall and avoiding everyone she could and even cheering for the angel workers’ to kill that ‘fake’ man. Of course it was a bit unnatural that female angel workers’ fought, but everyone was driven by rage that no one cared if you were a female or a male anymore. As long as you were defending the pride of their kind, the angel workers’ did not mind. And now the angel workers’ queen. She was mad pissed, alright. She was punching the air, shouting cheers for her kind, and even holding her dress at one point, like she was about to tear it apart and come down to kill Deniel herself. This was funny to Lynn, so she strained herself from laughing out loud. She did not want to stand out and get herself killing now, because she was not paying much attention to fighting. Instead, she was looking at the angel workers’ queen. How was she exactly going to take her hostage? Then, without another thought, she jumped, clinging onto a railing at the inside of the arena and jumped again, as high as she could and rolled into the audience chairs. She peered through the ivory chairs made of something she did not know, and noticed that the angel workers’ queen did not notice her at all, which was understandable as she was consumed by fury at this very moment.

    Moving on, Lynn wondered how she was going to get rid of those two guards standing beside her. They could obviously fight, which was why they were at her side, and not among the crowd that was swarming on Deniel, so this might be a challenge. More important, she did not know if the angel workers’ queen was able to do anything in combat. If she could, it was going to be more troublesome. Maybe she could trap her first, take out the two angel workers’ protecting her and then take her hostage. That was probably the best idea that she had for now, and with the angel workers’ queen raging like that, this was going to be easy. Lynn ran as she crouched so that they would not catch sight of her in the audience. She ran along a step, then jumped so she was up another step. The angel workers’ queen was on the highest step, which was the sixth step. It was not going to be easy not getting noticed as she kept jumping with her incredibly long blue hair flying everywhere. Yeah, no. She might have to jump now up till the fifth step and then jump the last step when she was near them so she could use the element of surprise when she still had it. Now she was just jumping, until she reached the fifth step, and then she crouched low, peering through the seats to check again, and it seemed the angel workers’ queen might have noticed her, now looking around as if she had been distracted. Lynn swore under her breath, but it was not long before she went back to punching the air and going crazy again. With a sign, Lynn ran along the step, making sure she made as few noises as she could.

    Once she was right under the angel workers’ queen, she stopped hearing the loud cheers she was producing for her kind. “Who goes there?!” she roared in question, letting Lynn know that she knew she was there, which the Sabertooth wizard answered by jumping upwards and dropping a kick in her stomach, before encasing her in a cocoon of ice, then looking at the ones guarding her, who now had raised their arms as if they were ready for a fight. With a smug smirk, Lynn shook her head as if she was saying ‘I would not do that if I were you’. She would have said it actually, if she had the time, but not now. She did not have a second to waste. The angel workers’ queen groaned and grunted and yelled all forms of curses as Lynn battled the two guardians. Maybe it was her constraint that stopped her from fighting, but she did not do a single thing to her. Maybe because she was raging? Or maybe Lynn’s doubts were wrong. She probably did not know how to fight. Or so Lynn thought. But now the guards. They were good with their spears and shield, but Lynn was better. And she was only using a sword made out of light that she stole from the angel workers’. She had dropped the other that she picked up before because she did not want to be hindered or seen. Soon, the angel guards’ fell at her feet, well more like their armors fell to their feet and the angel workers’ queen was all to herself now, so she walked towards her, dropping the spear that she stole from the guard and only held the sword that she originally had. She then stood behind the constrained woman with wings and held the sword to her throat. “YIELD, ANGELS. OR IT WILL BE YOUR FAULT THE QUEEN IS DEAD,” she yelled over the noises of the battle down below. She hoped it worked.




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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Decayuss 20th June 2016, 1:00 pm

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    The White Angel had begun thinking up of his next move to do on the angels, and by that time, most of them had recovered from the earlier spell, or were getting ready to. In a way he let his guard down, as he just stood there in the air, motionless with his sword tapping against one of his shoulders as a way to distract himself while thinking. As he was doing so, feeling a little bit absent minded, one of the angels saw this as an opportunity to just sneak up behind him and deliver a powerful blow. Fortunately for the White Angel, he reacted just in time by merely blinking out of the danger that came from the attack, behind the aggressor, and sliced his wings with both blades, one for each. As if the wings weren't enough for him, he also proceeded to deliver a swift stomp on him to send him straight for the ground"Begone!" Now that he had a few brief moments of peace and quiet to himself, at least until the next angel had attacked him, he gave a few pondering thoughts as to what he should--or could--do next. There was a unique opportunity here with so many opponents, and he wanted to perform some kind of attack in which he hadn't necessarily used before. Or maybe could make one up on the spot.

    While thinking, he was once again attacked by an angel, to which he just blinked right out of harm's way at the very last second, but this time he hadn't bothered executing any kind of counter attack. Even when the next one had come against him, and he blinked once more to get a few meters away, and continue his thought process. The more angels that showed up, the more Deniel had to blink away to safety and avoid their attacks, though in spite of their increasing numbers, none of them were able to hit Deniel once. He could have chosen to attack each and every one of them like he had done the one earlier every time that they went in for an attack, but chose not to for the sake of keeping as many of them capable of combat for his next attack alive as possible. Once again he wanted to make a point, a point that thus far they had a very hard time of comprehending. That no matter what they did, they would never defeat Deniel; synthetic wings was something that did not make him inferior in any way possible. Thus far he might even go to the lengths to say he was superior to all kinds of angels with his wings, and that it was some kind of new way of creating angels. The wings did not have to be made of feathers, they could be very easily composed of some kind of Magic Power, that way it would be much less vulnerable to physical harm.

    Suddenly an idea came right to his mind, one very similar to the attack that he had done before. The previous Burst that he gave to the angels was one of a weaker spell, a little bit less powerful, but it did get the job done right. And while he was blinking repeatedly, he noticed that the angels were still numerous, but still hadn't changed their tactics all that much. Which meant that another burst spell would be an appropriate one to use in this case. The first thing that had come to his mind was utilizing The Light of Dawn, a very powerful S class spell, and one that would certainly be able to not only defeat most of these angels, but cover enough area to get all of them as well. The White Angel, for a moment, was about to use the Light of Dawn, just before another, even better idea had come to his mind. A spell that he had known the existence of, but never used--at least up until now. Glorious Burst. A combination of the Light of Dawn and the B ranked burst spell that he performed earlier, if he just poured an appropriate amount of Magic Power within it.

    Just before he had initiated Glorious Burst, he had also taken into account the range that it covered, and just how far he was from the arena. Glorious Burst was a powerful spell, and could cause a lot of needless destruction if it collided with terrain or structures. And given just how low he actually was, part of the arena would be destroyed, and the last thing he wanted to make himself look like was a barbarian. As a result, he needed to take this battle up to the skies just a little bit more. So while he was doing his blinking and dodging sequence of events, each time he blinked, he brought himself upwards a little bit just a few meters, so that the angels would be forced to follow him in his path. Each and every blink that he performed was one that sent him further up into the sky. And from a ground perspective, it looked as though a giant swarm of bugs or flying objects were moving very slowly but steadily up towards the sky, as the figures of the angels became smaller and smaller to those who would be seeing them at a ground view point. That moment made him think of his current job partner, Lynn, who he hadn't even seen for the past few minutes. Though he assumed that she was probably fine somewhere.

    Now that he was high enough into the sky to use his spell, Deniel had finally initiated it. Flowing through his body was generated Take Over Energy, and by sacrificing that energy up to his armor, he was now able to cast the burst spell that he had done earlier without waiting for it to regain its energy back inside of his body. While initiating Glorious Burst, the armor of the White Angel had started to glow; already it had its own glowing effect with the sun's rays reflecting right off of it, but the glow that it emitted at that moment was an unnatural one, and gave the white armor a new definition of white. The shine on it was almost unbearable to see at first, and it only got worse and worse. Eventually the armor of the White Angel became so bright, the angels could no longer bear to look at him, and had to shield their eyes. Even the wings on the White Angel had begun to glow as well, adding a blue color to the bright shining light of the White Angel. "Heaven's Judgment..." he began. He sheathed both of his blades right back in their scabbards, and held his arms so that the elbows were bent at a ninety degree angle, with his palms facing upwards and open. "GLORIOUS BURST!"

    Suddenly there was a flash of blue light, an enormous one that covered up well over a hundred meters in the sky. All of the angels had been consumed by the light of Holy Energy, and the arena below was given a very bright blue glow. After moments it dissipated, and Deniel was already right back down in the arena stands, with his foot on top of one of the angel's bodies, as he stared up at Lynn in the stands upon hearing what she had to say. "Say what now?"

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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Deacy2
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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Fair 20th June 2016, 2:25 pm

    Lynn could see that Deniel was having all the fun in the word all to himself, but this was not the time anymore, it was not the time to be fighting anymore since she had got the angel workers’ queen as her hostage and that was all she need. Apparently the angel workers’ queen did not have any super awesome amazing wonderful nuking techniques to use on Lynn or her partner right now. So Lynn was the one with the super awesome amazing wonderful spells and techniques who could do awful things to the woman at the moment but restrained from doing so since she was using her as hostage and things would not go as planned if she just tore the angel workers’ queen to pieces right in front of them. This could enrage them further, which she did not want if this job was to end. What if they started to tear Deniel apart? No, that will not happen. Plus she was pretty sure he could handle him enough to not get himself torn into pieces. The angel workers’ queen struggled and made grunting noises like she was feeling constrained, which she was, by the tightness of Lynn’s ice cocoon. Mostly something like this was used for healing purposes not to trap someone in it. But now that she was not planning on healing the queen of the angel workers’ she did not add that effect. The angels stood dumbfounded as they could no longer see the guards that protected their queen, a false queen.

    DO YOU YIELD?” Lynn roared, catching everyone’s attention, then putting the sword closer to the woman’s throat. The angel workers’ all looked up now, moving closer to the edge of the arena she was at. Then, Lynn would yell again, “DROP YOUR WEAPONS!” Which they followed, each and every single one of the stupid little angel workers letting go of their fighting objects that now fell to the floor of the arena making loud metallic noises that rang in her ears. The ‘queen’ had nothing to say, she just watched as her kind gave up one by one. What an inspiring leader, thought the Saber. If it was not for her sneaky abilities, the angel workers would never have found out what kind of a leader this queen truly was. Well the angel worker woman they crowned queen anyway. How reliable she was now, looking at all of them with pleading eyes, as if she expected them to come and save her. Lynn was not sure if she should point the sword tip at the woman’s skin as that only made the others explode into a ball of light and she did not want that to happen again, well not right now anyways. Maybe if she finally let them go, she would do it. But that was mean, especially since they were dealing with ‘angels’. Lynn watched as they all dropped their weapons and neared the edge of the arena. She wondered why they did not fly and swarm her because that could definitely get her killed if they used their numbers on her.

    Looks like your friends aren’t so brave. Just like yourself. What a pathetic queen you are to them. As pathetic as your wings. What can they do now? Now that you are trapped within my cocoon,” she taunted the angel workers’ leader. It felt good to do that, since she had been taunting them the whole time. Lynn looked back at the group of angel workers’ who now kneeled and pleaded for mercy as if they were beggars now, imploring with oh so sorrowful looks on their pathetic faces. They were pathetic, just like their leader, and because their leader is pathetic, so are they. Lynn smirked. “TELL YOUR ‘QUEEN’ OR WHATEVER TO RELEASE ME AND MY FRIEND, AND I WILL HAVE MERCY ON YOU ALL,” Lynn announced, giving Deniel a look. They were going home soon, and Zlatan probably heard them, wreaking havoc in the area where he was chained down by steel links that were incredibly strong, but broken to bits by the strength of the mighty lion who was enraged by the situation that was going on in the arena. But it was soon to be over. The lion flew straight towards where her mistress and friend was, shooting up into the sky above and twirling before releasing a deafening roar. He was there to pretty much intimidate the ones below, including the queen of the angel workers.

    The queen then opened her mouth to say something as her kind was pleading for her to let them go. “Louder,” Lynn prompted, pointing the sword closer at the angel workers’ queen. The woman muttered something under her breath, which Lynn herself could not even hear. “LOUDER, YOU USELESS WHORE,” she said in anger. This caused the other angel workers’ to gasp in horror of what she called their queen by. Then the angel workers’ queen roared an announcement that she would let them go, back to where they came from. Back to Earthland. Lynn let go of her hair that she had apparently been holding onto. Now that they were finally released from the angel workers’ realm that they had created. It was probably the exile realm. “Goodbye,” Lynn said, deciding to actually show mercy instead of cutting the angel workers’ queen in half. Then, she dropped the sword, keeping the cocoon there, still, but it would melt and disappear as soon as she left this realm because this was not her true form anyways. It was supposedly the form of her future self. And Ice Dragon Slayer. It had a ring to it, but for now she was just a summoner, who actually could not summon anything as of the moment. The three of them, Deniel, Lynn and Zlatan, would then slowly fade away like light in the evening, moving out of the realm and back to the point where they entered a portal on Earthland. From there, they would go back home.




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    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Empty Re: Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn)

    Post by Decayuss 20th June 2016, 3:10 pm

    "A wanderer isn't always lost."
    "She's quite the hot-headed one." The White Angel released his grip from the angel that he had it on previously, though he couldn't help but just kick him aside. All of the fighting that he had done ceased for the moment, as all eyes were on Lynn and what she was going to do next. He sheathed both of his blades, Vita and Mors, right back inside of their scabbards, and crossed his arms right across his chest. Taking the angel queen hostage? A bold move, but one that was easily accomplished given how chaotic he made things go in just a swift move. None of the angels he battled had died, fortunately, and it was just so that they wouldn't fight anymore, at least for a few minutes. For that was all the time Deniel needed. Some were still left in a fighting condition, but none of them made any moves on Deniel or Lynn with their queen held hostage. If his partner negotiated this right, then the two of them could finally go back to Earthland. It was quite funny, though; throughout the course of the job, he paid her very little attention, and oftentimes completely forgot where she was exactly. Though this time around, she had the attention of him and everyone else.

    Her vulgar attitude and taunting ways of negotiating had also scared him for a few moments, making him contemplate whether or not these angels would actually give in. He noted to himself that this would be the first and only time she did all of the talking... if she came across the wrong person with that kind of mouth, then nothing good would come of it. In fact, if he talked to him that way, then... there wouldn't be much mercy on his end. While she worked her 'magic' he decided to take a look around, see the faces on everyone, catch a glimpse at what they might be thinking, and if anyone was attempting to make any kind of wrong move. Given how they had all given up so easily, and so did she, then perhaps they really did care about her. At least that trait of angels were present in these ones. Compassion. They seemed to lack any kind of strength, and were quite reckless to assume anything--in fact the whole 'fake wings' thing was still bothering him--but above all they still did hold compassion for their leader. Regardless of how weak she was. Perhaps to them she was strong. Either way, the only hopes that Deniel had right now is that her recklessness would work out for the better, and that he would be allowed to go back to Earthland already. He was sick of this place as it was... discrimination against one of their kind for his type of wings. Seemed as though angels had that kind of attitude as well.

    What's next? he thought to himself as the lenses in his eyes narrowed themselves for a brief moment, going along with his eye motions underneath. I'm not welcome among demons because my horns are a part of a helmet? Hah. The mere thought of it made his skin crawl, due to the fact that even among Angels he was not accepted, and would most likely not be accepted with Demons either. So where did he belong? Humans, ironically, were the most tolerant race he had met so far. And perhaps that was a teaching that he could share with other species. In spite of what they think of humans, they are, in the end, the most tolerant. There are some radical ones, indeed, but a human with a true sense of rational and thinking would be one that didn't judge so quickly or discriminate so harshly. Hm. I do wonder just how true this is... he found himself trailing off in his thoughts yet again, so much so that he almost failed to notice that Lynn's negotiation tactics had actually worked.

    He stared down at his own armor, and found it being transparent, fading away from the existence of this angelic world. For a second he thought that he was dying, or something along those lines, but no. He was just being sent back to Earthland. He closed his eyes underneath his helmet, and the golden lenses of it sealed themselves shut as well. "Finally," he said out loud. "We're going back home, Nidhogg." There were still some angels closest to Deniel, and upon hearing the world "Nidhogg", their gaze immediately shifted to the figure that was almost completely out of their world. And in just a few moments, was completely gone as if he ceased to exist. Where Deniel once stood, there was nothing there anymore. The White Angel with fake, synthetic wings, was gone from their world. Perhaps forever.

    Right back on Earthland, Deniel hadn't gone unconscious at all. He found himself standing near where he and Lynn had first met, and where the gateway was. He looked around, and found that it was gone entirely. "That's good," he said with a breath of relief. That meant that they had done their job, and now it was time for them to depart. "It's good to be back," a mysterious voice had said. The voice belonged to that of Deniel's blades--which was split in half, but only one of them spoke. Nidhogg was his name, though the current form he took was Vita and Mors. "You said it..." Deniel spoke, nodding. Momentarily he looked around himself and found his job partner. "Catch you later." That's all he said, and that's all he had to say. Right now, the only thing he could think of, was getting back to Talonia so he could just lay down in a bed at the inn, and just take the next day off. What he had gone through was something not out of his level of skill, or anything close along those lines. He just found going between worlds a little bit exhausting, and how long and boring it was made him tired in addition to that.

    The White Angel ascended right for the sky, taking off in flight. The vagabond didn't really have a home that he could return to, or a Guild as a matter of a fact. It was just he, himself, and ... himself once more. He was all by himself, and that's all there was to it. Though in spite of that, he found places to live once in a while by just dropping by at inns, taverns, or hotels depending on where he was and how tired he had become in his journey. Most of it was done through walking and not flying, even though one was much more efficient than the other. He did this because flying disconnected him from the world below. It really did make him feel free from time to time, but walking accomplished so many better things than just flying over everything and missing out on so many people and opportunities. Now, though, he was only flying because he just wanted to get back to his room as fast as possible. The one that he resided in was within Talonia, a place that was known to harbor many Guildless mages, and was somewhere that they were all welcomed.

    He never imagined himself in a place like that, but it wasn't all that bad. The people weren't nice, but they did have a lot of spunk and character, and could be enjoyable company once you got to know them. It wasn't the cleanest place, but it was quite realistic in its environment. And it was a place where, above all else, he just felt free. The only responsibility he had was just take care of himself and survive. Eat and sleep. It sounded boring, but he was free of troubles and doubts that way. He contemplated all of this on his way back. And once he arrived at Talonia, he flew right inside of a window he had left open for him to go back inside, and landed within his room. Immediately he deactivated the White Angel Take Over, a brief flash of blue light covering the room before it all completely faded away and dissipated. He was standing there now, back in his black clothing, his black hair, and red eyes. No armor... just his clothes. Removing some of them so that he could loosen up just a little bit more, he then collapsed right on his bed, closed his eyes, and gave himself a very deep, long sleep.

    template by Sammy @ Adox 2.0


    Angels and Demons! (Decayuss/Lynn) Deacy2
    Take Over Forms:

    Character Sheet

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 6:23 pm