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    Fox for a day! (solo job)


    Fox for a day! (solo job) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fox for a day! (solo job)

    Post by Guest 10th October 2016, 1:32 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    Fox for a day!

    (Solo Job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 276

    It was another set of teenagers, oh no. If these teenagers were also flirtatious it could be big trouble, especially with the camera spammers around. “Oh no…” The female sighed softly, she wasn’t looking forward to this as she walked over to the kids who seemed to do absolutely nothing but flirt constantly with her from the get go.

    “Did you die recently? Cause girl, you look like an angel to me.”

    “Are you made out of grapes? Because you are fine as wine!”

    “You’re so cute it’s distracting.”

    All these pickup lines started to annoy Summer so much that she had to eye them sternly so she can get them their order. The camera crew were obviously not making it better for her as they took pictures of her in different angles. “Welcome! What can I get you on this fine evening?”

    “Fox on a place please!”

    “I am here to take orders, not to get harassed. What would you like this evening?”

    The boys didn’t expect to be spoken back to like that and instantly got to making their orders, once that was done. Summer went back to where Laysha was stationed to see the boys from earlier were paying so she waved them goodbye and bowed down as they exited, the two friends with the camera did nothing but take photos of that, Summer could only sigh. The order soon came to the counter and Summer quickly took the order to the two buddies.

    “Can you just sit on the table please??” Summer sighed and sat on the table as she was instructed to whilst they took a photo of the fireworks expert.

    Extra notes; Post 12 (to keep me informed)


    Fox for a day! (solo job) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fox for a day! (solo job)

    Post by Guest 10th October 2016, 1:47 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    Fox for a day!

    (Solo Job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 274

    Luckily, the camera people suddenly got down to eating their grub, dang, they ate quickly. Summer was amazed. Even she wouldn’t be able to eat that fast and she usually eats quickly regardless. Suddenly, Summer was called as the other order was done and she had to get that to the teenagers that Summer sternly told them to stop harassing her. Summer merely nodded and ran to grab her order. The cat and the dog waitresses were already finishing up and decided to help Summer with the order. They all took a plate and a drink to them each and the friends who had the camera took photos of the three walking side by side. The fox, the cat and the dog. Summer felt good about that. It reminded her of when she had to pose for sorcerers magazine.

    “Cheers, pretty ladies!” one exclaimed as they all got down to their meal. The camera crew seemed to be done aswell and they instantly went over to the till where they took photos of Laysha and they payed before leaving the cafe. Summer seems to have calmed down by now and Laysha seemed to be happy about that.

    “Almost… over…” Summer whined slightly as the manager came in and seen the three waitresses doing well, he seemed really happy at the work today. He didn’t even expect Laysha, Summer’s pet, to willingly take over the till duties. Of course Summer was busy getting changed to not see Laysha perform the deed of taking over in the first place. But Laysha managed to watch over Summer successfully and kept her as calm as she possibly could.

    Extra notes; Post 13 (to keep me informed)


    Fox for a day! (solo job) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fox for a day! (solo job)

    Post by Guest 10th October 2016, 2:00 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    Fox for a day!

    (Solo Job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 265

    Summer looked at the time once more, it was almost over. Thank goodness, she just had to wait for the flirters to finish up and then Summer can thank the others for helping her and so they can clean everything up. The maids cleaned up after her plates wise because Summer was so busy with the orders. All in all she has served quite a few people today and she couldn’t be any more happier then that.

    The moment the boys payed and left, Summer instantly took the plates while the manager walked over to the fireworks expert as she sorted out the dishes and patted her shoulder.

    “Proud of you, you know.”

    “Huh!?” Summer jumped out of her skin, but she turned around to look at the manager and smiled softly. “Thanks, I just wanted to do my best.” She admitted. She was surprised at one thing however. She was surprised that despite everything, she kept her cool. She hates rude people, and all the teenagers and the camera friends were so annoying, the little kids kind of were too, and there was a lot of them. Summer was just happy that it was all put into bed and that she can go back to the guild with Laysha and tell Elyx everything. He would be sure to be proud of the little spark.

    “Never seen someone pull so many faces while trying to keep their cool! BAHAHAHA!” He let out a hearty laugh and she could only giggle. It was a time to release her stress now, not to let it go overboard.

    Extra notes; Post 14 (to keep me informed)


    Fox for a day! (solo job) - Page 2 Empty Re: Fox for a day! (solo job)

    Post by Guest 10th October 2016, 2:33 pm

    Summer Guiyang

    Fox for a day!

    (Solo Job)

    @tag, WORD COUNT: 271

    Laysha flew over to her master and her smiles proven it all, today was an excellent day and night, well it was for her because she found it much easier to cope then Summer did. Summer had to cope with flirts and kiddies without parents while Laysha just took in the orders for the cooks and helped in everything she possibly could without getting in the way (to an extent, the kids that almost didn’t pay was a special case)

    ”Please, accept my thanks. You can keep the waitress outfit, it really suits you and I don’t think I can see anyone else wearing it to be honest.” He admitted with a hearty smile.

    “Time for closing up and for you to report back to your guild. Just make sure to be safe on the way home.” He cautioned her before exiting the room.

    Summer did what she was suggested, she cleaned up a bit before going into the changing rooms and getting changed back into her normal outfit. She was so happy to be back into her outfit. No fox tail pulling or camera shots or anything of the sort, she felt a whole lot lighter also which was always a good sign.

    Now that everything was put to bed, Summer placed her costume in a carrier bag and left the changing room and took the journey to get back to the guild. Laysha followed behind. The girl was very excited, she wanted to tell everyone what happened today, even though it stressed her out. It might help her on the way to make plenty of stories to tell others.

    Extra notes; Post 15 (to keep me informed)


      Current date/time is 9th October 2024, 5:51 am