Fairy Tail RP

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    Assassination contract: Mrs. Cooper [Solo Job]


    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 32
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Necromancy - 4th Book Of Death - Attrition
    Second Skill: /
    Third Skill:

    Assassination contract: Mrs. Cooper [Solo Job] Empty Assassination contract: Mrs. Cooper [Solo Job]

    Post by Ragnarik 14th May 2016, 7:48 am

    The sun was shining the skies were clear and the birds chirping their merry songs. Children ran The sun was shining the skies were clear and the birds chirping their merry songs. Children ran about the town with innocent joy in their faces while the adults scurried around to pack up their stands full f cotton candy and toys. The Oak Town Gardening Contest was coming to an end. A painfully dreadful day in Ragnarik's opinion, only made worse by the fact that he was in no mood to deviate from his original plans. Searching for ancient Necromancer relics is no easy feat and by far not the cheapest hobby. So now he was here, desperately trying to scratch together funds for his next expedition into the occult. At least I have a source of income, he thought to himself as he trotted through the dark alleys of the town. A glance around the area and he could say one thing for certain - he was lost and hadn't the faintest clue who its that he was supposed to kill, never mind where to find them. Thinking back he realized that asking about details might have been wiser. A deep sigh sounded from under his bone mask. There was no way around the dreaded task at hand - he had to talk to these people...and be nice about it.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 32
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Necromancy - 4th Book Of Death - Attrition
    Second Skill: /
    Third Skill:

    Assassination contract: Mrs. Cooper [Solo Job] Empty Re: Assassination contract: Mrs. Cooper [Solo Job]

    Post by Ragnarik 14th May 2016, 8:02 am

    On second thought being dressed the way he was probably wasn't the best way to stay inconspicuous when asking around for information. But it was already too late for that as he stepped out of a dark alley and into the open busy street. Ragnarik was amazed. No one seemed to have noticed him. Everyone just continued on with their merry times, ignoring the strange looking outsider. Even as he walked down the road and with the faint smell of rotting flesh in the air didn't seem to turn any heads. Were these people truly so naive as to trust any stranger? The answer was yes, they weren't just naive but also the most gullible inhabitants on earth. "Pardon me Mam, but I am looking for a certain Mrs. Cooper? could you tell me where I can find her?" he asked an old lady selling fruits with the friendliest voice he could muster; though his friendly voice was still no more than a slightly less creepy smokey whisper. "Oh sure!" answered the lady in a jolly tone "Just go down the road to Aleesi's Toy Store, take a right and head all the way down. It's the last house on the left. Hard to miss with such a beautiful front yard." Ragnarik thanked her hastily for the information, but before he could turn away the lady asked: "Why are you looking for her? Did something happen?" The necromancer was caught off guard, with no excuse on hand. As he struggled to find an answer, a ball of black smoke gathered in his hand.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 32
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Necromancy - 4th Book Of Death - Attrition
    Second Skill: /
    Third Skill:

    Assassination contract: Mrs. Cooper [Solo Job] Empty Re: Assassination contract: Mrs. Cooper [Solo Job]

    Post by Ragnarik 14th May 2016, 8:22 am

    "Oh you're one of those nice young mages!" the old lady exclaimed with glee as she saw the thing materialise in Ragnarik's hand "Well why didn't you just say so? Our town love you folks!" The black shroud in his hand slowly faded away as he exhaled in relief. "Ah, yes...well...I, um, I'm here to congratulate her! Yes, I am here to congratulate her on winning the contest." he hadn't the slightest idea what kind of competition it even was "My guild sent me to give her a special prize! But no one else must know. It's a secret prize. If anyone finds out she won't get it. So please don't tell anyone, ok?"
    The old lady pulled her index finger and thumb across her smiling mouth, gesturing her promise to stay silent. These people are idiots...I should just relieve them of their burden now he thought to himself disdainfully. But just as he reached for his scythe a guard patrol walked around a corner, halting his plans for the time. With haste he walked along the path he was told, not saying goodbye to the old lady or thanking her for her help. It was time to bring this horrid day to an end.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 32
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Necromancy - 4th Book Of Death - Attrition
    Second Skill: /
    Third Skill:

    Assassination contract: Mrs. Cooper [Solo Job] Empty Re: Assassination contract: Mrs. Cooper [Solo Job]

    Post by Ragnarik 14th May 2016, 8:44 am

    Ragnarik's shoulders slumped as he stood before Mrs. Cooper's house. The place was packed with people and some of them were even town guards. While he contemplated whether it was worth the trouble to just slaughter the lot of them a young man in his twenties approached him. "Hey there stranger! You lookin' for someone?" he asked in a typical friendly, never-left-my-hometown tone. The dark mage slowly turned his head toward him, staring at him silently through his mask. With a shrug the man decided to retreat to the party when he received no answer. It seems that fate is being specially cruel to me today Ragnarik thought to himself Surrounded by Imbeciles and unable to do my job. One disturbance after another. I should just gut every last one of them. I should string each one up by their insides and- A tap on his left shoulder interrupted his train f thought...not that it was going anywhere though. It was a woman in her late forties, smiling kindly with a plate of brownies in one hand. "Hey there. Would you mind coming with me for a sec? You seem like a capable young man and I really need some help." Ragnarik tilted his head to the left, wondering if he should start the massacre with her. But before he could form any coherent thought the woman pulled him away by his robe towards an isolated little corner on the road.



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 32
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Necromancy - 4th Book Of Death - Attrition
    Second Skill: /
    Third Skill:

    Assassination contract: Mrs. Cooper [Solo Job] Empty Re: Assassination contract: Mrs. Cooper [Solo Job]

    Post by Ragnarik 14th May 2016, 10:38 am

    "What do you think you're doing out here?" she whispered angrily "I know I didn't specify how you should get rid of her, but don't just stand there out in the open like that. What if you get caught? What then? It's a miracle I'm the only one who recognised you!" At this point Ragnarik was already dangerously close to bursting. The whole day just one big package of pure miserable annoyance. "So you're Ms. Coldflower" he grumbled "I recogmend you be as silent as you can be. I have my own way of doing things and right now the only thing keeping me from tearing your head off as well is the reward money." Ms. Coldflower stared at the dark mage with wide open eyes, as though petrified by fear. She was prepared to encounter someone vile, but not a man as bloodthirsty as him. The hairs on her body stood up as sh felt the cold, malicious intent behind mask gazing at her intently. Without saying a word, or risking her own life any further, she turned away slowly before rushing off into what Ragnarik assumed to be her own home. "Now then..." he mumbled "Now we wait."



    1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 32
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Necromancy - 4th Book Of Death - Attrition
    Second Skill: /
    Third Skill:

    Assassination contract: Mrs. Cooper [Solo Job] Empty Re: Assassination contract: Mrs. Cooper [Solo Job]

    Post by Ragnarik 14th May 2016, 12:52 pm

    The full moon hung bright in the cloudless sky. Not a single soul wandered the streets not a single sound echoed between the buildings. Only Ragnarik, basking in the pale moon light, stood in front of Ms. Cooper's house. Steadily he headed for the front door, his eagerness for bloodshed tingling his spine. I swear, if the front door's unlocked then this'll be too easy he thought to himself. With a firm grip he turned the doorknob slowly. To his surprise the door really was unlocked. Such a nice naive little neighborhood. After tonight they won't ever feel so safe again. With a wide grin under his mask he pushed open the door. The floor creaked with every slow step he took through the main hallway and up the stairs. Like a hunter the mage tracked its prey with utmost focus; which in this case wasn't very illusive. It's loud snoring could be heard throughout the house.

    Before the window stood a dark figure, a scythe held by it's side, towering over the sleeping Ms. Cooper. He slowly bent over so as their eyes would meet and with his one free hand he firmly covered her nose and mouth. As she was torn out of her slumber from suffocation the first thing she saw were the glowing green eyes of her assailant. Ragnarik raised his scythe, ready to strike the final blow, as he was suddenly interrupted by a sharp pain in his back. It was a man, about the same age as Ms. cooper, dressed in a night gown. He was shaking and his expression was one of both fear and shock. A chuckle escaped his control as he found these people's feeble attempt amusing. In a single swift motion he turned to the man, bringing his scythe down onto his mortal flesh. And like that the old man fell to the ground, a deep gushing slash across his body. All the while Ms Cooper sat in her bed without a word, petrified by fear and horror. "We're gonna have some fun tonight Ms. Cooper...Tell me. Do you like the color red?"

    Ms. Coldflower awoke to sound of her bedroom door crashing open with ragnarik almost skupping through with glee. In the faint moon light she could see he was dripping wet, but dared not question from what. "Well that was refreshing!" the dark mage said gleefully, his mood visably improved "Now then. Where can I find the money?" Ms. Coldflower pointed at a satchel on a small nightstand, her lips could do nothing but quiver. And with that Ragnarik left the room, satchel in hand. The frightened woman sighed in relief, not aware of the skeletal beings rising behind her.


      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 11:10 pm