Fairy Tail RP

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    Assassination Contract: Ms. Cooper


    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
    Position : None
    Posts : 915
    Guild : ѕαναgє ѕкυℓℓ
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1549.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: кєи иσ тѕυкαιтє [剣の使い手] – ωιєℓ∂єя σf ѕωσя∂ѕ
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     Assassination Contract: Ms. Cooper  Empty Assassination Contract: Ms. Cooper

    Post by Annora 2nd August 2016, 6:38 am

    Job Description:


    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ YOᑌ ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ TᕼE OᑎE YOᑌ ᔕEE,
    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ I ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ IᑎᔕIᗪE Oᖴ ᗰE.

     Assassination Contract: Ms. Cooper  EhHiEpZ

     Assassination Contract: Ms. Cooper  QUzgcgK
    ᗩᑎᑎOᖇᗩ ᗪᗩᒪTOᑎ ᗯIEᒪᗪEᖇ Oᖴ ᔕᗯOᖇᗪᔕ ᗷᗩᑎK  TᕼEᗰE

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
    Position : None
    Posts : 915
    Guild : ѕαναgє ѕкυℓℓ
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1549.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: кєи иσ тѕυкαιтє [剣の使い手] – ωιєℓ∂єя σf ѕωσя∂ѕ
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

     Assassination Contract: Ms. Cooper  Empty Re: Assassination Contract: Ms. Cooper

    Post by Annora 6th August 2016, 10:11 am

    The sinister winds flew across the skies of the historical Oak town, as if interpreting the arrival of something unfortunate. The crimson haired female stood there, hidden within the shadows, with her covered shoulders and exposed waist touching the untidy brick wall as she leaned against it, one foot resting flat on the surface of the bricks. Her pale eyelids remained closed as the gentle gusts of wind that blew into the alley gently shook strands of red hair that danced before her shut eyes, unable to hide the vertical scar that stretched across her left eye.

    Her ears captured the sounds of benevolent chatter among the group of women who stood there, under the beaming sunshine with their bright clothes and elegant auras. It was truly disgusting. She heard them laugh and gossip while congratulating the middle aged brunette as she stood above the glistening grass with a proud smile decorating her ivory shaded face.

    The crimson headed female let out a small scoff at the sounds of their happiness as she hauled her eyelids, revealing the emerald irises that hid underneath. It wasn't difficult to figure out that the woman being congratulated was the one called 'Ms. Cooper', the one she had to kill. She raised her right hand, opening it to reveal the crumbled piece of paper. Unfolding the paper, she once again let her emerald hues glaze upon the writing in black stating the fact that Cooper was to be killed, no matter what.

    Her ears caught the commotion of footsteps, which ever so increased as if they were nearing her but her emerald gaze did not falter from the sheet. With a sigh, she raised her gaze to see a blonde woman standing before her. Towering over the woman, she saw the look of disdain swirling within her eyes that glistened with hatred. "You must be the dark mage. I assume you already know what to do" She raised her hand, extending her index figure to point towards the brunette, "That's Andrea Cooper. You need to kill her. I don't know or care how, just do it. Wait for her to leave the crowd because we're having an after party of the competition that happened two days ago. If you kill her in front of everyone, it'll cause an havoc."

    Annora stared at the woman with a blank expression adorning her pale face as the woman continued to mutter a list of hateful words towards the brunette. "Jealousy is a disgusting thing. Then again, disgusting things do suit disgusting people." She stated as the blonde, Miss Coldflower's face morphed into one of shock, "H-how dare you?" Coldflower retorted with her fists curled as she shook with anger, causing Annora to heave a sigh, "You petty foul creatures really don't have anything better to do, do you?" With that, she sauntered away as she had spotted Cooper walking away from the crowd, leaving behind the raged blonde whose face rather annoyed the dark mage.

    She strode, letting the light breeze assault her as it whipped through her long hair, keeping her gaze fixated on her target. The commotion of her brown boots colliding against the damp grass which extended to the concrete floor was drowned within the clamor caused the ladies, but still slowly increased as she distanced herself from the gathering. Her steps halted once she noticed the woman ahead of her stop. Cooper turned, staring at the dark mage in confusion that was rather evident on her face. "I'm sorry, but this place is strictly for those who participated in the Oak Town Garden competition."

    A smile crawled onto Annora's face as she let out a small, humorous chuckle, "That's a shame. But I'm not here to party with you." Cooper, or better known as Andrea's eyebrows furrowed as she dwelled deeper into confusion. Annora, opened her hand as it hung down to her thighs and the brunette watched as a crimson sword appeared out of thin air into her grasp. The dark mage raised the sword, unsheathing it with her other hand and watched as Andrea's expression morphed into fear and realization. This was, to Annora, the best part of killing; the expression of those foul creatures moments before their death. The fear that enhanced their ugly faces brought such satisfaction to the crimson headed female.

    "N-no. P-please don't. P-please." She begged with the same fear lacing in her voice, the same fear that was evident on her face. Annora gave her a small smile, "If you want to live, you should beg for your life. That's how it works." And so she did. Andrea sat down on her knees, with tears staining her face as she joined her hand together and begged, "Please let me live. I beg you." Annora stared down at the woman, "Well, this is quite a sight to see. Such a shame that I won't be looking at it for long."

    Raising her arm, she grasped the crimson hilt tighter. As she was about to make the final blow, the part that brings her most satisfaction, she was stopped. "Stop." A look of disdain crossed her features as she lowered her hand and turned her head to see the blonde woman standing next to her, with her arms crossed. She paid no heed to the dark mage an stared at the brunette who sat on her knees staring at the two women before her with tears glistening in her eyes.

    "You thought you could take my place and live to talk about it? You were wrong. You'll die today and you'll die miserably." She said with humor laced in her voice. "Kill her." The blonde ordered Annora which brought a ruthless smile onto the dark mage's lips. With a swift slash, she watched the blood ooze out of Andrea's neck as her body fell backwards, lifelessly colliding with the untidy floor which was layered with dust but now that layered drowned within the beautiful crimson color of the liquid.

    A laugh echoed, cutting through the silence and it belonged to the blonde woman, Miss Coldflower. "You talk more than you should, but at least you do the job." She said towards Annora. The crimson headed female let out a chuckle, "I do like to kill, especially those who annoy me." Her smile left her face immediately as she turned towards Coldflower. "Your friend here-" She slightly bobbed her head towards the dead body, "-already left the world. It's time for you to leave too."

    Fear. That's what was seen, "W-wait." With that last word, her head was sliced and she fell with a loud thud, joining the woman she wanted dead. Her emerald hues gazed upon the puddle of blood that slowly expanded before her, closing in on the dark brown boots that adorned her feet. With such grace, she swung her hand, letting the crimson liquid fall off the silver blade of which's handle she gripped onto. Swiftly sheathing the sword, she provided it no glimpse as it disappeared into thin air, leaving behind nothing but the two feminine lifeless bodies that it had cut up. Without a second glance, she turned around and sauntered under the gleaming rays of the sun with a satisfied smile enlightling her pale face and a bronze pouch that hung from her hand, letting out the tumult of clanking as the money within now belonged to her; the money that she took from the dead.
    TAG: Solo WORDS: 1242/1200 NOTES: #1
    MEL @ WW


    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ YOᑌ ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ TᕼE OᑎE YOᑌ ᔕEE,
    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ I ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ IᑎᔕIᗪE Oᖴ ᗰE.

     Assassination Contract: Ms. Cooper  EhHiEpZ

     Assassination Contract: Ms. Cooper  QUzgcgK
    ᗩᑎᑎOᖇᗩ ᗪᗩᒪTOᑎ ᗯIEᒪᗪEᖇ Oᖴ ᔕᗯOᖇᗪᔕ ᗷᗩᑎK  TᕼEᗰE

      Current date/time is 26th July 2024, 11:03 pm