Fairy Tail RP

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    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK)


    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 1035
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,243,068

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: - - -
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    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Empty Knights & Fairies (FT/RK)

    Post by DOPPO 17th April 2016, 3:50 pm

    (First few posts will be short and sweet, just the Rune Knights arriving to the Fairy Tail Guilde entrance. After the intro, we'll expand from there.)

    It was the early evening of a Spring day, and the streets were filled with the loud chatter of residents of Magnolia Town, bars were packed with druken sailors and the bathhouses filled with people of diverse appearances coming to relax after a long, hard, backbreaking day of working, whether it be the work of a wizard or running a sweets' shop, either paid the bills. But there were a particular group of people roaming these streets tonight, and it was the Rune Knights. It was a rather large patrol team, and none of them, to his knowledge, gathered together for a 'patrol' without an occasion.

    Amongst this group, walked Isaac Anicetus. A B-class ReQuip wizard who had been working nonstop ever since he aligned himself with the law. Stoic, hardworking, and merciless when it comes to enforcing the justice in his acts. According to what he has seen, there weren't many notable Rune Knights of his power that found themselves actively doing their job, and the thought pestered him like a fly for several days. He eventually ended up doing most of the simple jobs himself, not that it was hard. It could just get tiring at times.

    But, today was a special occasion. The group had been headed for the Fairy Tail Guild Hall, with intentions of briefly stationing there for the evening to freshen up and gain information. For the time being, Isaac walked in silence, leading the group to the gates serving as the entrance to the guild. And within long moments, they arrived at the front. "We're here. Please prepare yourself accordingly to the people we may meet. As a reminder, we are only here to rehabilitate our stamina, amongst other things... until then, do not arm yourselves unless necessary."


    Velvet Skydancer
    Velvet Skydancer

    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 155
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 3,300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky Dragon's Dance of Life
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    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Empty Re: Knights & Fairies (FT/RK)

    Post by Velvet Skydancer 17th April 2016, 4:13 pm

    Among the small squadron that had been picked for this assignment was one particular new recruit whose eyes were wide in awe. Since coming to Fiore from Minstrel, Rosaline had been determined and desperate to get out into the field and see what this flourishing country of magic truly looked like. Sure she'd heard stories - Fiore had a lot of history to it, some of it being rather recent that had still managed to reshape it once again - but nothing compared to seeing the sights and towns with her own eyes. The myriad of people walking around Magnolia Town for example was something that couldn't be explained through words alone.

    "Ah la vache! Is it always so busy in this country?" she asked aloud somewhat unintentionally, but still expecting an answer nonetheless. She and the company around her were struggling to weave through the crowds of people around them, yet this didn't deter the young Rune Knight in the slightest. In fact the buzz was proving to be infectious, filling her with a renewed sense of curiosity. Sure she'd seen streets like this in Minstrel. But in Minstrel there were always Musketeers around, and things just seemed much more regimented. It was in their genes afterall. But here it felt so much more...free? Perhaps that wasn't the best word, but it was certainly viable given the comparison.

    Rosaline snapped back to reality immediately as a voice cut through the hubbub of the masses. It was Isaac, a Knight who'd taken charge of this group despite him only recently joining the forces himself. Rosaline noted his authoritative tone and nodded in response to his orders. Unfortunately she only understood half of the sentence and soon lost herself in new thoughts of what the remaining words meant. Do not 'arm'? she questioned as she looked down at her arms and gave them a little wiggle. Then I shall not move them. With that, the young lady looked up at the building before her and returned to taking in the differences in architecture compared to that which she was used to. This was proving to be quite the informative assignment, much to her delight!

    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Empty Re: Knights & Fairies (FT/RK)

    Post by Guest 19th April 2016, 5:05 pm

    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) 9d517609989d9ca3f81c66ad8bc602ff
    Kanix had been sitting at one of the wooden tables of Fairy Tail's guild hall, like she normally did, when an image flashed through her head. It was a few people walking to the doors of the guild hall, certainly ones with a posture of regalia and a means of business. She had a slight feeling of why they were there, but she couldn't entirely put her finger on the words at the time. Instead, she turned back to the image, looking it over as it danced around in her head and fueled her imagination with information. At the head of the group was a stoic, brown-haired man, having a composure of authority and a look of discern and determination on his face. A frown appeared on her face at the sight of him, she couldn't see his intentions or why he was coming to the guild, she just had a feeling. The woman stood to her feet and grabbed her staff, using it as a means of feeling her way around the maze of the guild.

    Her feet thumped lightly against the ground, but the sound couldn't be heard above the chatter of the guild, unless they had hearing of a slayer. She whacked her staff several times into the heels and feet of other people, simply because they had gotten in her way. Eventually, she came to the doors of the guild hall and felt around for the metallic handle of the doors to pull them open. Once she had a grasp on them, the woman yanked them open, which created a loud groaning sound and grabbed everyone's attention. As people turned their heads and looked to the two Rune Knights standing at the gates of Fairy Tail, Kanix merely smiled at them. That single, oceanic-blue eye stared at the two of them, why the eyeless socket loomed with an ominous effect because of its eerie emptiness. Kanix never thought once that the socket would bother others, so she never really thought to cover up its emptiness.

    "I was expecting for you to come," she answered brightly, moving to the side a little and beckoning with her hand for them to come in. "Is this all that you bring with you? Her? Or do you have more patrolmen with you that I should be expecting of? I apologize if I'm not observant, as you can tell, I can't see my very best, my eyes happen to be elsewhere that I don't know where he currently is." This, she was referencing Heero and how he had a tendency to give her sight when she didn't really want or need it. In fact, she preferred it that he described things to her, but she knew how he liked to be flashy and a show-off. Hell if he was around right now, she'd simply connect her vision to him to see through his eyes, but that wasn't possible as of yet. "What can I do to help you two?" The question stood out as being the first of genuine questions that she would ask.

    In that moment, the shamaness would bow so lowly toward the Rune Knights that it was certain she would fall over. However, as she straightened herself back up, it was apparent that she had a gracefulness to her in order to keep that said balance. "I apologize for my obliviousness, please, take a seat anywhere in the guild hall, get yourself a drink, so on and so forth. Help yourself to getting acquainted with everyone; I'm not the guild master here, but he will be around eventually. Until then, enjoy yourselves."

    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
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    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Empty Re: Knights & Fairies (FT/RK)

    Post by Haru-senpai 19th April 2016, 5:41 pm

    The Fairy Tail guild was absolute jam packed on a beautiful Spring Day like this. Beer mugs clanked against one another, spilling in the air. As girls leaned on walls talking amongst one another. Arm wrestling matches galore, stories being told, wizards returning from grand jobs, some S-Ranked with items of wonder or heads of monstrous beasts slammed onto a table for all to see.

    Sitting on the stage, Heero looked out against the Guild Hall, smiling contently to himself as he saw a group of young kids, recognizing one of them as a wizard of Fairy Tail. He watched him show off to his friends from Magnolia, most of them probably regular humans visiting their friends after hearing he'd been accepted at Fairy Tail.

    "Takes you back huh?" Rose said as she stood next to Heero on the stage as usual. He would blink a few times, and blush, remembering his first day as a Fairy Tail wizard. Nodding solemnly, he didn't answer her only continued to smile to himself as he looked down out of happiness.

    As the doors to the Guild were flung open for the hundredth time in ten minutes, no one batted an eye until someone yelled.

    "COPS!" as a mad scramble in the Guild ensued, people running and crashing into one another. Some stashing some very illegal contraband at the sight of the Rune Knights. As the scramble continued just as Kanix had greeted the Rune Knigths at the gate; the rest of Isaac's battallion arrived.

    The second they stepped foot in Fairy Tail, regardless of their orders. All they saw was boobs, ass, and more ass barely clad in anything as girls wore what they want.

    Within a split second; there were Rune Knights divided all around the crowd of Fairy Tail, sitting at tables with girls who pinched their cheeks and hugged them from behind and the sides; chests up against them. Women did love men in uniform. And it seemed the women of Fairy Tail were about halfway as smitten as the male Rune Knights themselves. The younger men of the Rune Knights soaked it up, the older ones, probably married still enjoyed themselves; a few even slipped their rings off after realizing how jam packed with hot chicks this place was.

    Heero absolutely died laughing and sparkling at the sight before him as Rose slapped him in the back of the neck; and nodded toward the entrance, where Isaac and a young woman clad in armor with a large spear was seen; both of them Rune Knights from the official symbols they'd carry here and there. Sighing as he rubbed the back of his neck; he made his way through the crowd of Fairy Tail wizards, normal humans requesting jobs and visiting, and Rune Knights, now having a good time.

    "Hey! Clean that kitchen out! Make sure these guys eat good! Nachos and wings sound alright to start?!" Heero yelled as he approached Isaac, Kanix and Rosaline's position.

    With a loud "oooooooooooooooooi!" the Rune Knights raised the mugs they'd been given by Fairy Tail waitresses already as food began to roll out from the kitchens carried by several hot Mirajane's.

    As he stopped in front of the three of them, he would smile at Kanix with a loving smile that one gave their mother, sister, or grandmother everyday; but the look didn't last long as Heero turned and raised an eyebrow at Isaac. The first time they'd made eye contact.

    "So....your men seem pleased? After you eat you leave?" his voice was slightly serious, as he partially treated them like this to keep good relations between the Council and Fairy Tail going; although the hatred between the two afformented was at a boiling point. Perhaps this visit was a good thing. "Or are you guys actually here to enjoy yourselves....is that allowed? Do Rune Knights do that?"

    Heero being a smart ass would look to Kanix, grinning as he said the last bit.

    "Only kidding......welcome to Fairy Tail. Heero Reyold....God of Ishval, 5th Master of Fairy Tail." he would extend a hand to Isaac, and after shaking it; he would turn to the woman and make eye contact with her.

    For some reason, he felt extremely uneasy around this woman. As her armor was clearly fashioned like Dragons, and her spear, was a type of spear Heero knew was used to kill his brethren. As a human who used the magic of Dragons, he felt a kin to them. And although he was called a Dragon Slayer, he was in fact raised by them. He even could turn into a giant Dragon now he'd grown so powerful. After staring her down intensely, without even moving his mouth; he'd look away from Rosaline.

    "You are?"


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    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Rose


    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 1035
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,243,068

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Empty Re: Knights & Fairies (FT/RK)

    Post by DOPPO 19th April 2016, 6:19 pm

    There at the entrance to the Fairy Tail guild hall, the doors flung upon with a mighty whip as the chatter and odor of alcohol escaped immediately. His fellow Knights had proceeded to be dragged away by the women of the Fairies, some going as far as lying about their own relationships. It was both silly and shameful, but he did not dare offer any divided attention to these activities. But it was moments after these doors flung open and his men had dived into the madness that an one eyed woman had approached his remaining patrol. Within her grip was a large staff, which, he dare not mess with seeming as it was just as good for whacking as it was for guiding.

    His eyes ascended back to their fixed gaze to her face, dipping his head in greeting. "Charming. Me and my fellow Rune Knight here are only here to speak with two particular people. As you may or may not have noticed, the rest of my men around lounging in your guild quarters. Please do as you please with them, this behavior was not appropriate and any consequence you bestow upon them is well deserved." He sighed, closing his eyes and lightly shaking his head. Isaac was not impressed with how things went so far. He came here for official business and none of these... activities were enticing his tastes. Perhaps he was the only one who took his job seriously. But that did not matter to him. He had an almost personal obligation to get to the bottom of why he was here, though shunning those feelings away, for it may have effected his judgement and words.

    But it was after he shunned those feelings away that a blue haired young man approached him and the one eyed woman. His expression did not change from it's apathetic, harsh look. It would almost appear as if he was glaring at him, but it was simply sharp eyes and an unforgiving blank expression. "Do not confuse me with my patrol, I ask of you. I do not gorge myself with your foods... nor do I joke. My name is Isaac Izana Anicetus, you may call me by Isaac. Well... you can call me whatever you damn please if you don't value anything of yours. My business here strictly for you and Kanix Laspor. You and Kanix are suspected to have relations with illegal wizards and guilds. We find it a requirement you answer our questions."

    He spoke sternly, no sense of humor present in his tone. Truly, he did not mean any harm, but it was difficult to express that. "Mind you, we bring only intentions of peace and goodwill and will shun any aggression we may potentially bestow. Please cooperate with this inquiry." He couldn't help but force a smile to lighten the mood. He felt that things could only get better or worse from this point and moving forward.



    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
    Lineage : Monkey King's Descendant
    Position : None
    Posts : 3216
    Guild : Fairy Tail
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 12
    Mentor : Igneel, & Noheme the Fox
    Experience : 11,106.25

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Fire Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: Dragon Force
    Third Skill:

    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Empty Re: Knights & Fairies (FT/RK)

    Post by Haru-senpai 20th April 2016, 1:44 am

    As Isaac continued to break down the situation at hand, the camera would switch to Rose's point of view. She currently was flying downard onto a table near Heero and Kanix' location. As she landed, the Exceed would look up at the man swishing her tail back and forth.

    "We both know that Rune Knight law doesn't permit that...you'd need proof that we have relations with illegal wizards and guilds. Not to mention you'd need to make sure that we weren't in the middle of some plan to bring a few wizards up out of the dark ways of necromancy or something else..." Rose put one paw on her hip and smartly raised another slightly. "Sounds to me it's more like your superiors, or maybe just your unit...or maybe just you...want information that Fairy Tail has." the cat was smart, almost to smart. She knew every protocol in the book.

    The connections that Heero and Fairy Tail knew, even about past events. Or secrets of magic. Were legion, but Fairy Tail was a guild of magical secrets. Any information about dark wizards or old wizards who'd already been taken care of shouldn't matter that much.

    "Well Commander Anticetus. Sorry to disappoint you, but the only relation I've had with dark wizards or guilds is---the relation to the distance between my foot and their asses." Heero made a side swiping motion with his foot, uncrossing his arms as he talked. "Even the council knows that." Heero's eyes would narrow at Isaac. Who probably knew that Heero was the wizard who could level mountains ranges and kingdoms within a moment if he so chose too, even fly through the galaxy and cosmos at his own will. He wouldn't take his eyes off of Isaac. "Rose is right....This visit isn't even sanctioned by the Council is it....." Heero would raise an eyebrow, as he realized that Isaac and his personal unit were looking for info, doing their Job. Like Rune Knights should.

    Over the awkward silence between them, the background and ambient noise kicked in.

    As he looked around and saw the damned cops having a good time amongst them, Heero couldn't help but to bite the bullet and try too at least give him another chance; due to him being exactly one second away from removing them all from the premises just by warping them all in a blast of lightning miles back to Era.

    "Well, what is it you want to know? For some reason, I think you and your unit are special...not like the other Rune Knights yea?" Heero would extend a fistbump to Isaac, a ritual of brotherhood. As he pounded his fist, he would shake Isaac's hand properly as gentleman, being about the same height and build. Isaac being a bit taller and bulkier but not much. "I'll answer three questions, and I assume Kanix can do the same?"

    Even though this probably was just Isaac digging for his own personal Unit, he hoped anything they told Isaac would be kept by his unit and his unit alone, not the entire Council. Heero knew a ton of secrets about the Dark Guilds, dating back to even their foundings. Some things he'd probably keep to himself. Unless he was asked in a way that made him trust Isaac even more.

    Rose would swish her tail at Isaac with her arms crossed, but her tail would stop moving as the Exceed raised an eyebrow.

    "Well, you get three questions from both of them, so start talking. If you weren't so damn handsome I'd have chopped ya long ago~" Rose flirted as Heero shot her a look. The Exceed was nearly, if not as powerful as Heero himself and classed as H-Rank, perhaps an even more skilled swordsman than one that had ever walked Earthland, as she was from Edolas like all Exceeds. She would look Isaac up and down, inspecting the woman in the dragon-like armor, and giving her a huge smile, blushing a bit and waving. Rose had a certain respect for girl warriors, or feminine heroines who risked it all at times. She had no idea that her name, and this young lady's name; were nearly identical as they hadn't been nitroduced yet.


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    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Rose

    Velvet Skydancer
    Velvet Skydancer

    Lineage : Rage of the Soul Torn
    Position : None
    Posts : 155
    Guild : Sabertooth
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 3,300

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Sky Dragon's Dance of Life
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    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Empty Re: Knights & Fairies (FT/RK)

    Post by Velvet Skydancer 20th April 2016, 3:00 am

    "Sacré bleu!"

    The sheer sight of the ladies in this guild was enough to make Rosaline flush bright red. She couldn't tell if it was a lack of shame or a lack of fear that allowed them to dress so scantily - assuming some of the outfits could be classed as being 'dressed' at all. For the briefest of moments she completely lost her composure, looking away before immediately looking back in a somehow more shocked fashion than her initial reaction as all of the men within the Rune Knight's little group had bolted into the guild without a care in the world. So this is what the men of Fiore like... she thought to herself before shaking her head. It was only then that her thoughts turned back to what was happening just feet in front of her.

    In the short time she'd been distracted a young man had approached her and her commanding officer. His blue hair and the flowing scarf behind him were striking of course, but it wasn't that which gripped her attention. Hell, nothing would bleach her mind of all the girls she'd just seen within this guildhall. No, it was his aura that caught her attention the most. While he walked like a typical young man would be expected to, it was the way he held himself and the power that exuded from him that caught her attention.

    She allowed the man and his strange cat creature to speak to Isaac without her interruption for a short time - even when Heero came across as somewhat threatening. She knew better than to lash out at the first sign of aggression, no matter how much she really didn't want to be here now. It was only once the Guildmaster of Fairy Tail mentioned that the council didn't sanction this visit that Rosaline finally spoke up. "Excusez-moi Monsieur Reyold..." Her accent immediately caught the attention of some of the male population of the Fairy Tail guild, and she could hear whispers mentioning her being from Minstrel - among other things - quite clearly. She closed her eyes and sighed before opening them again, a certain fire in them that even Isaac couldn't have seen coming. "...you are correct. We are not here on Council orders, nor are we here for your...how do you...OH! your hos-pi-tal-it-ee, as nice as it is that you have welcomed our men with open arms." She made a point of mentioning how only the men had bolted in, and how she and Isaac had remained stalwart within the doorway. "The Council do not act. They hide like cowards. This land - Fiore - once flourished while kept in check by them. Mais, acts such as the one we are investigating are now left unchecked. Désolé, you are right. We act outside of the Council's orders, but only to ensure the safety of Fiore's citizens."

    Her words were as concise as she could make them given she was still learning some of the language and it was difficult not to leak some of her own language into the sentences. But while her words may have been somewhat difficult to understand in places, her tone remained unwavering. She looked to Isaac with confidence. It was true that the two hadn't spoken once since he'd asked her to travel here with him, but she could feel that same drive in him as she had. She returned her attention to Rose and Heero. "Je m'ap-....My name is Rosaline Magnolia. Désolés...I am sorry for speaking out of turn."

    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

    Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- A-Rank- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Join A Faction!- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Aspect of Terra
    Position : None
    Posts : 1035
    Guild : Rune Knights
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Mentor : N/A
    Experience : 2,243,068

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: [Second Generation] Ice Dragon Slayer Magic
    Second Skill: - - -
    Third Skill:

    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Empty Re: Knights & Fairies (FT/RK)

    Post by DOPPO 20th April 2016, 5:50 am

    Isaac listened attentively to Heero's words, as well as his... exceed's? He hadn't seen one before, really. More than likely because he had never met someone or a slayer who had one. But he should've expected as much, Fairy Tail was a diverse group of people who are here for one cause, and though he respected that, he feared that they knew things that only they knew. Things that would be crucial for a faction as critical as the Rune Knights. But, whether they were critical or not was indeed a subjective matter. Some saw them as scum who only abuse the name of the law for personal authority and shame it. Some saw them as idols, even. Some dare not even speak their names. This particular group of people were controversial amongst the minds of Fiore, but no title he was given was a title he took pride in.

    He knew Heero was powerful. Twice as powerful as he. No, three times as powerful as he. Maybe more. And he didn't need that aura to know that. So he dare not speak out of line and ruin his golden opportunity to proceed with his plans, but there were many questions to ask but few to pick.

    But it was in the middle of these thoughts that Heero had fist bumped him, and frankly, Isaac was not so used to such buddy-buddy interaction, seeing as his only family was an illegal wizard who was associated with groupings he did not know of, and he did not dare go out of his way to make friends. More of a side effect for being introverted and socially awkward...

    He cleared throat and his mind of all of the thinking prior to the fist bump, and looked at Heero in the eye, knowing that he was on thin ice at the moment. "Anything said here will only stay within Rosaline and I's ears. We are bound to secrecy if you so choose to keep your word private. On that note... very well, I shall proceed with the questions. When and where was the last time and place you directly confronted an illegal group or wizard?" He spoke sternly, with no fetching tone to his voice. And frankly, he was forced to ignore the low-key flirting of the exceed, tempted to blush out of embarrassment.

    But, Rosaline was right. The council did not do anything about anything such as dark guilds and wizards who roamed free, as they spoke. No, it was the guilds and the other wizards who ceased their actions. And it sickened him. That a group so idolized and 'important' as the Magic Council would only slip out of their cushioned chairs and put down their expensive glasses filled with rich beverages only after something detrimental happened. They made no effort to cease it ahead of time. Or to prevent the dangers that were inevitably going to come.

    It was a shame that he took an order for such procrastinators. Such heathens. But... it only motivated him to work his way up in the ranks and to become a member of the Magic Council. Yes, that was his goal.

    And that goal's gears would start turning here.

    "Allow me to empathize. My goal, after you answer my questions, is to pursue these groups directly with the aid of guilds who wish to seek such justice with their own eyes. I wish not to vanquish their cause. I completely respect anyone or anything who is willing to fight or do something for a cause they believe is necessary for the greater good of their own. But none of which aligns with many of my morals, nor does it align with others'. . . so I wish to cease it. I see you and your friends as anything but my enemy, but this information will get the Rune Knights closer to regulating these injustices with greater knowledge..." Isaac began to grind his teeth in both shame and anger, but hoping that his expression did not darken to any aggression that he hasn't already express, "The Rune Knights are a group of 'police' who are seen as anything but bringers of justice and goodwill. My own ambition is to actively work to promote my own status to one of high authority so I may bring change into how this faction is run. May that status be Magic Council or a higher rank within the Rune Knights. Please feel no threat or aggression from any of these questions, again."

    And frankly, that was the first time he had ever expressed his ambition to people.



    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Empty Re: Knights & Fairies (FT/RK)

    Post by Guest 20th April 2016, 7:43 am

    Between all of the conversing, Kanix had simply stood there, garbed in her natural Nirvit outfit of deerskin and otherwise. She intently listened to the conversation going on, but had no real interesting of answering anything that pertained to herself. What disturbed her the most was that Isaac wanted to know if they had any dark guild relations as of recently. By dark guild relations, did he mean any sort of interact with the dark guilds and if so, should she rat out Basilisk Fang. As he Rune Knights and Heero with Rose continued to talk among each other, the shamaness had remained eerily quiet. Not a single word had left her lips as her mind was reduce to simple thoughts and procedures of the coming interrogation. With what means did these two soldier have that allowed them to so easily demand the information that they wanted?

    No, this was not allowed. . . no. . . no. . . she wouldn't allow them to press so much. It was uncalled for. It was heinous. . . It was heathenish.

    By now, Kanix's head had lowered slightly, enough that it appeared that she was staring at the ground if not for her blind eye. Her missing one had now been hidden by the waterfall of black hair spilled over her shoulder and presenting itself as silk. The grip on her staff had become white-knuckled at the thought of those bastards that had made her life a living hell. She gritted her teeth in anger, but was aware enough to make sure that all signs of aggression and hurt were not in view. Standing there, she looked nothing more than like a statue, listening intently to the disgusting words of Isaac Anicetus. Eventually, the native looked up from the ground and back to the two Rune Knights, though she still spoke no words. Why did they want to know this stuff? More specifically, what was it that Isaac was looking for from the two of them specifically.

    "Yes, I have relations to dark guilds," Kanix Laspor answered, her voice hardened like stone and waiting for Isaac to question her farther. "No, I have no been planning anything against the legal guilds; my status as a dark mage has long since been revoked from me. If you're going to stand here and accuse of such wild accusations, then I advise that you turn around and leave this instance. Because while I'm a legal mage, that doesn't mean I don't still have the heart of a dark mage and willing to kill you if no one else does. I don't like being questioned about this shit. I don't like being forced to relive my goddamn past for the sake of giving your useless information." Her voice had risen an octave now, getting close to simply beating Isaac to a pulp if Heero would have allowed her to. Unfortunately, she knew the protocols of legal mages and no matter how much she wanted to see Isaac head dismembered from his body, it wouldn't happen.

    Her hand ached to swing her staff over the head of the Rune Knight, the white-knuckled grip burning her hand. "Tell me the very reason why you have come here to question us off of orders of the Magic Council and I will so gladly answer your questions. But as of right now, if the Magic Council is not involved and has no way of using this said information, I will not answer any longer." Kanix stopped her little rant for a moment and stared calmly at Isaac, as if she was seeing him for he first time. No, she couldn't see him, but the aura that radiated off him was telling her things that no one knew, not even the man's closest friend. "Are you here because of relative? What are they to you. . . How are you two connected. . ." She was no longer talking to him, but rather mumbling to herself. "You want information on a family member, is that correct? The one who's connected to all of Fiore's dark mages in some way?"

    Kanix smirked and cocked an eyebrow at the mage, though quickly pointed her staff in the direction of Roseline. The sharp edges of the horns on her staff would press against the armor of the woman, threateningly to get her to shut up.

    OOC: Slightly rushed, apologies.
    Ultra Magnus
    Ultra Magnus

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    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Empty Re: Knights & Fairies (FT/RK)

    Post by Ultra Magnus 20th April 2016, 11:10 pm

    "Fuck Monday. Or whatever day this is."

    The camera would pan over to a messily made bed, with one corner not covered with sheets, the dingy-looking mattress shown for all to see. Under the blanket was a figure sprawled all over the place. One of his arms was under his pillow, a leg hanging off the edge, which for some reason, still had a shoe on it. At the end of the bed was an ottoman, but you wouldn't know it was there considering all the clothes that were on it. Don't even make me go into detail about how the ottoman itself was full of clothes; That can wait for another day.

    Across the bed was a medium-sized flat-screen television, about thirty-seven inches in length. Covering half of it was a pair of jeans. It sat comfortably on a table, with what seemed to be the latest gaming console under it, along with two controllers. Next to said console was an average alarm clock, probably bought at a swap meet or something. Without warning, that clock would release an earsplittingly loud noise, to the tune of what seemed to be Aerosmith, if we were talking rock bands here.


    Ultra really didn't want to get up and slam that clock like he did every other day, but he knew that if he didn't, it would just keep going and going until he mustered up enough strength to do the deed. Which honestly sucked, because he really hated hearing that song in the morning. He tried his hardest to muffle out the music by covering his head in his sheets, but it did absolutely nothing by his standards.

    Alright, I might as well, Ultra thought as he rolled himself off the bed, even that being quite the struggle, and sauntered over to the clock, slamming his fist on the top of it. The music stopped immediately as he slid his hand off the black plastic device. Ultra would then go over to his dresser, and pick up the solid white iLac phone that was charging elegantly.

    The lacrima looked more like a cellular phone than anything. If I had to guess, I would say it looked like the Apple iPhone 5C. That's at least what Ultra's looked like. He would press the button, only to see that he didn't have any new notifications from the night before. The man would sigh, before sliding the phone back onto the table, leaving his bedroom for the moment.

    As he found his way to the bathroom to clean himself up, he found himself realizing new things about his apartment.

    "Damn, I live in a really small place," Ultra would mutter to himself before reaching his destination. As he walked in, he took in his surroundings, just as he did before. His bathroom wasn't exactly the fanciest of places, and probably merited a good scrubbing that he was frankly too lazy to do. As he took his toothbrush to brush his teeth, he noticed that the bags under his eyes were actually clearing up, and that he was getting back a bit of his youthful essence. The water he splashed into his face seemed to do wonders for reinforcing that theory, as Ultra began feeling increasingly better.

    "This must be some damn good miracle water," he would say before realizing that he should probably be getting to the guild hall now. As he walked out of the door, he took his keys, put on his sweats, and got that one missing shoe.

    Calling Ultra's apartment building "dirty" would be quite the understatement. Though, one can't really complain that they decided to live in the worst part of the otherwise happy city of Magnolia. Think of it as something right out of a Compton street.

    It wasn't that long of a walk to Fairy Tail, and it proved to be even shorter when Ultra managed to hitch himself a ride in some chariot. Once he got to the gleaming guild hall, he didn't hesitate to come inside and find it at its usual rowdiness.

    Wait, wait, wait, hold up. No it wasn't. Not to mention there were some Rune Knights talking with the guildmaster over there.

    Oh hell no, Ultra thought to himself. He would make to quickly walk past the people, and walk through a door down into the second basement level. Completely ignoring the pool, he would go over to one of the rocks, and carefully lift it up, revealing exactly 985,000 jewels worth of marijuana buried under it in Ziploc bags. Ultra would then hurriedly take the bags, stuff them in any pockets he had. Walking nonchalantly out of the guild pool, he would make his way to the first floor, where the library was located.

    "Shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit, shit!" Ultra would yell to himself as he slid over to a corner where there was a granite floor. He would use his fingernails to lift one of the tiles out of the floor, revealing stacks of paper jewels, totaling about 1.2 million. He didn't use precision in dropping the drugs into the hole, until it was filled to the brim. After that, he would take the tile, and replace it over the hole.

    Now came the matter of acting as if nothing happened.



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    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Empty Re: Knights & Fairies (FT/RK)

    Post by Haru-senpai 21st April 2016, 2:43 pm

    The conversation was pretty pleasant to be honest, as Rosaline spoke; Heero would look over her. Her fierceness, it was attractive and it made him miss Alyia even more than he did every second that went by without her being there. Though he'd never admit it. Blushing at her french accent a bit, he would raise an eyebrow. Realizing she was from Minstrel.

    "That may be true.....but I'd still like to know the exact reason...." he said to Rosaline, glancing at her once as he did. As Isaac spoke, he realized that he did in fact have a good soul; and was working toward something greater, like Heero himself. However, he seemed to be consumed with passion towards this goal, which could be both good and bad. Only time would tell. "Well it is true that the Council has taken a more hands off approach to things as of late....the Rune Knights only show up when it's time to clean up the bodies, they used to make sure the bodies didn't pile up....." he thought of how the Rune Knights under Count Sparrow, the last Chairman. Upheld justice and vigilance, always patrolling every town, and nodding their hats at citizens like good ol boys, like Sheriff's were supposed too. "Since Lucien Sparrow stepped down.....it's like they stopped caring about their duties, but then again, this could just be a setup."

    As if by fate, Kanix seemed to echo his last sentiments; talking with vigor and passion as she questioned their right to even be here off of Council orders. Even going so far as to threaten the guys life. Which caused Heero to smirk a little bit. As she held no fear toward the law, something that was almost required of every Fairy Tail wizard.

    "Family?" Heero asked, wanting to know more about the subject that Kanix breached on, before inhaling and exhaling. "That is a very open ended question...as Fairy Tail wizards we encounter Dark Wizards, and deal with Dark Wizards more than any other legal Guild most likely....not to mention the Jobs our wizards go on."

    He would talk as Kanix pointing her staff at the chest of Rosa had everyone on end, even the Rune Knights in the crowd moved some of the girls off of their arms and rejoined Rosa and Isaac, flanking them with at least fifty, and a dozen more spread about the crowd. As tensions began to rise, noise began to leave.

    "The last time I had an encounter with any Dark Guild of importance, was a year ago. Two Ex-Fairy Tail wizards, Rita Stebern, and Daiki. Joined a Dark Guild known as Basilisk Fang, I'm sure you've heard of it. Rita actually managed to take over the Guild from the inside, and goes by Famine now; acting as it's Guildmaster." Heero would rub a hand on his chin. "Although rumor has it that Daiki has left the Guild...or had a falling out with Rita of some sort." she would look to Kanix, referring to her recent encounters with Daiki. Although he wouldn't say everything he knew to a bunch of cops. Although he was beginning to trust Isaac more and more by looking at him.

    "Although, the Council or Rune Knights hasn't helped Fiore with shit as of late...and it would be satisfying to watch Kanix blast Rosa through a window right now...." Heero would lower Kanix' staff with a single finger. "It would be better if we avoided that........" as Heero said this, he noticed Magnus walk past everyone in the Guild, whistling and acting suspicious. Heero knew he had a huge stash of Miracle Weed down below stashed near the Guild Pool, as he would comically sweatdrop as Magnus continued downstairs without even engaging. "....." he didn't say anything, since Heero would sometimes smoke with Magnus when he felt he needed too.

    "OK! Everyone calm down!" Rose would say, waving her paws up and down. "Look............we know a lot about every Dark Guild. What could it hurt to share?" Rose would swish her tail. "Well, Heero already told you about Basilisk Fang, they were about to murder Kanix, splash her blood against the wall like she was worthless...Heero stepped in and saw more in her than just whatever she was....Basilisk Fang does have a Dragon Slayer with them, named Sol. He used Poison." Rose would then pat a paw on her face and look up thinking. "Savage Skull has been pretty much destroyed.......I'm not sure if they are still bouncing back from everything they've been through. Their first Guildmaster was killed by Heero, their second Lord Frederik is now acting master of Sabertooth....make of that what you will." she would shrug.

    "Nice name by the way." she would say, looking to Rosa and winking. Rose would then fly up and land on Kanix' shoulder. "Come on now Kanix, let's find out what they can do for us shall we?" Rose said in a bid to calm Kanix down. Since Kanix and Rose were close, like sisters Kanix would understand that now the tables had turned; and before as a Basilisk Fang wizard; hell would freeze over before the Rune Knights themselves were pulling favors for her. Now, however, as a famous Fairy Tail wizard; which she now was as most Fairy Tail wizards were...she could flip the script on the Rune Knights. "So, what exactly do we get out of telling you any of this?" Rose would say, raising an eyebrow.

    A cold shoulder, or a nothing would result in the end of trust between Fairy Tail and the Rune Knights. Heero would remain silent making a 'well?' face with his arms crossed. For some reason his eyes would settle on Rosa again, although this time he looked less aggressive or apprehensive, and more like his normal self.


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    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Empty Re: Knights & Fairies (FT/RK)

    Post by DOPPO 21st April 2016, 6:28 pm


    Isaac stood there in silence. Some of what he was hearing was no new news to him, just simple notes. But no, what was truly notable were these names he had not heard of before. Sol, Famine, Daiki, Lord Frederick. Only one of them was one he could have any chance of reaching. It was quite frustrating, but his patience got the better of him and sighed. "I see..." He mumbled under his breath with a soft, disappointed tone, "I apologize for the pressure, Lady Kanix. I would never go as far as to accuse you of resorting back to immoral acts when aligned with such a light-seeking guild. But... to answer your question,"

    He chuckled, "the Magic Council would not use this information to act, even if they had it. It is a sickening truth. But in our case, I'll be damned before I see bodies pile up when I knew I had the capacity to prevent such horrific events. Would you not do the same? I know not of your past, nor of your troubles, but I know of the dangers of this world. It is within my belief that I am within power of greater magicks. That I can create change, and genuine balance. The information you give me is not useless. No word that rolls off your tongue is useless. If you think like that, you'll never know how the smallest voice can make the sharpest noise to others, Lady Kanix." He cracked a smile, a genuine fuzziness rupturing within his heart.

    Yes, he truly believed that he was powerful. Both mind and soul. Body and heart. "A river cuts through stone not because of power, but because of persistence. As stubborn as I render, I ask that you aid us in our quest for our own belief for peace. You ask us what you would want in return for such aid, I tell you, I will fulfill any reasonable offer you give me in exchange for information. There is no other reason that I am here."

    Isaac felt as if he were blabbering nonsense again. And as self-conscious as he may be, he decided not to mind it this time. It was truly something he felt essential to be expressed, if they were expecting it to get personal. But it was soon after those words that he felt embarrassed, and intimidated by both Kanix and Heero. More or less provoked by Kanix, to say the least.

    "I apologize. Perhaps that was out of line and context. But I hope that it empathized on my being here." He sighed and fixed his gaze onto Rose, then Kanix, then Heero. Isaac crossed his arms and pressed it against his chest, grunting under his breath. "This did not start off on the right foot. Now this is going just swimmingly." Clicking his tongue with a disappointment, and pinched the bridge of his nose in order to maintain patience. This almost felt like a 'good cop, bad cop' scenario. But he couldn't make many distinctions.

    [Omg, I so sowwy for the shitty post. ;.; ]



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    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Empty Re: Knights & Fairies (FT/RK)

    Post by Aura 23rd April 2016, 3:44 pm

    This could've been a regular mission, like any other, just with a slightly larger group than average. Oh, who was she kidding? A battalion of roughly 50 people had been about 25 times the size of her own largest party, and she didn't like it one bit. Yet she found it odd that of all things, these people were the one's she slowly but steadily grew attached to. Their presence altogether wasn't half as terrifying as that of a single stranger, which meant a lot to the young steel mage. If it were with them, she wouldn't have minded. She wouldn't mind. Hell, if anything this could've even turned out to be fun! But no. Dear god, no. Ageha had to get lost; lost in thoughts at first, then lost in physical form, and in the end lost altogether as she dawdled between the people she thought to be her own. It'd only been that one moment in which she'd bumped into the one in front of her that she'd realized having strayed from her pack. And not strayed just a little bit of them for once. If only that, luck would've been on her side today. Alas for her, luck seemed to have a growing discontentment towards her whenever she roamed this particular town, and had her ending up somewhere in the middle of nowhere, in a street even the most seasoned tourists would call greatly overcrowded. It was near nightfall, and yet these streets were so jammed that it seemed some people even crawled over one another's heads in order to pass through the menacing crowd. Call it Crowdsurfing 2.0 if you wish, to her this was pure horror. Her worst nightmare incarnated.

    So she resumed doing that very same thing that got her in this mess; staring at the ground and refraining from making any eye contact whatsoever whilst trying to get out of the dazzling sea of people she found herself in. She struggled. Not because she lacked strength to create a way through the many limbs and torsos, seeing as Ageha had the bad habit of just smacking people unto the ground by merely bumping into them. No, what caused her to struggle was the inability to cope with this amount of chattering, busybodies and all other ruckus involved. She'd never liked them, and never would either. Nearly drowning within this sea of men, Ageha felt a strong grip tightening around her upper arm, and was soon enough pulled towards the side of the streets, away from the hustle and bustle. She gazed upon her savior, only to frown as she realized this man was no familiar to her; too tall, too bulky and too hairy for any person she knew. The man however did know her; her performance back at the Midnite Cruiser had been marvellous, and he had become a great admirer of the Little Fury. She questioned the nickname, but found it fitting in a certain way and thus let it slide, whilst asking the man about what had happened after she'd left with Mashyuu. While being brought up-to-date by the gentle ruffian, they walked down some forsaken alleys and shortcuts, gradually moving closer to the guild she was supposed to be.

    By the time Fairy Tail came into view, the silver-haired maiden had taken it upon herself to not set foot in Magnolia again for the few next months, seeing as the rumours of the events at the Midnite Cruiser had run far, and most irritatingly, very deep. The wanna-be underworld admired the uncommon strength, while the actual Magnolian underworld was most-likely planning this and that against her and her dragonslayer companion Mashyuu as payback. Maybe she should visit him once this was over? If only to pass the man the same warning she had received. Big Rick, as the broad ruffian was called, gave her a small flask of see-through liquid as a parting gift, telling her that she'd better drink it now it still had the right taste. Like any true admirer, Ageha popped the cork off the small flask and stirred the liquid within, its spicy strong scent sweeping past her nostrils as if but a gentle caress. Nodding approvingly, Ageha raised the miniature bottle to her lips and drank it all in one go, savouring the aftertaste with full enjoyment. Yes, this was the right one alright. Whiskey of a good year, strong flavours that lingered endlessly and made one relive that moment anew.

    She gave the man a content pat on the shoulder, unaware that her mental limitations on her strength had been forfeited the moment she scented the alcohol's smell. Ageha left the man to be with his sore shoulder and confidently marched towards Fairy Tail's guildhall, the alcohol rushing through her veins at a threatening pace. By the time she'd arrived the level of drunkenness had crossed the boundaries of being tipsy, allowing her to jabber once every now and then. She'd yet to realize what had taken place within the halls of Fairy Tail, and only noticed how one of the doors was opened, vaguely discerning Rune Knight armour on those positioned within the door's opening. Face cracking into a sillied smile and cheeks shaded in a red, Ageha drew closer and found no better than to open the closed remaining door as part of her entree. Her hand leaned against the door's wooden surface for a moment, then put her full weight against it as she came in, shouting an somewhat apologetic excuse at the commanding officer.

    "ALLL CLEAAAAR CAPTAIN, SORRY FOR BEING LATE AND STUFF! WON'T HAPPEN AGAIN, If I DO, THIS DOOR MAY BREAK ALTOGETHE---euh..." At this moment Ageha had all but expected the door to give away, unsettled by sudden force the young mage had put against it the wooden piece of furniture's hinges had given in and torn themselves from their doorpost, now slamming into the ground with a deafening bang. The steel mage merely stared at the fallen object before her, whilst some of her colleagues tried to maintain their composure. Said colleagues however lost it when her reaction echoed through the suddenly silenced guild hall, Ageha feeling how all eyes briefly shifted her way. "AH CRAP."


    And be she but Small,
    she is Fierce

    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) GWsGXSQ

    .:} The Road of Desire |Fire Dragon Slayer | Kenna Terrynhain {:.
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    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Empty Re: Knights & Fairies (FT/RK)

    Post by Guest 23rd April 2016, 6:07 pm

    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) 9d517609989d9ca3f81c66ad8bc602ff
    Kanix felt her staff being lowered by Heero, in which she complied and pulled it back, setting it next to her with her grip relaxed. He was correct, a fight was not something that was needed right now, especially a fight between a Fairy Tail member and a Rune Knights member. It would give them a bad reputation and put them on the hot spot for the Magic Council; she had to keep her emotions in check. The shamaness breathed in deeply, counting to ten, then returned her attention back to Isaac as Heero, Rosalina, Rose, and he conversed. As the squad spoke to each other, the woman would reach a hand out toward Heero's arm and try to grasp hold of it momentarily. If he allowed for her to do such a thing, Kanix would be able to connect her vision to his in order to see the others around her. Once the vision had been given to her, if Heero so chose to let her see through his eyes, she'd look to Isaac with her own.

    Her eyes darted over him a few times as she took in what he looked like and how strange his appearance happened to be. She scrunched her eyebrows and tried to withhold a laugh at how absurd his outfit looked to the young Nirvit. However, she must have looked just as strange with her Nirvit garb going on; the bone necklace used as a shirt, the thin buckskin breechcloth tied around her waist. . . Those moccasin shoes on her feet. . . she was definitely someone who stood out in the crowd with how fan-serviced she was. Not to mention the orange markings over her face and body, which equated to her ability to change into the Morrigan. Kanix did manage to keep herself from laughing though and the expression on her face had changed from distorted and natural. Now that she was able to see who were all in front of her and around her, she had calmed down rather quickly.

    All right. . . she'd comply now.

    "A year or so ago. . . I don't remember exactly how long now, I used to be a dark mage from the guild, known as Basilisk Fang. Heero already told you my story and how I came to reside within this guild rather than sticking with my former home. What he hasn't told you is that yes, I have had some recent interactions with a certain few members of that guild. One of those members used to be Ai, I say used to because Ai is no longer a part of Basilisk Fang. Anyway, Ai is my elder sister; I found that out shortly after I found out I was pregnant with my son, Ahote. The information about my pregnancy leads into this: Sol, the Poison Dragon Slayer of Basilisk Fang, had encountered me during that time. We fought and that's how I lost my eye. . ." She paused in her speech to point a finger at the hole in her face, where her right eye had once been.

    "My son was taken by Basilisk Fang and I have not seen him for weeks," Kanix added after dropping her hand to her side. "That has been the last happening between that guild and myself; I've been trying to keep my distance from them. The other dark guilds? I could care less in what they are doing, as long as they don't harm me in any way, shape, or form."

    Her face had turned from a relax expression to one as hard as stone as she stared at Isaac from her place next to Heero. She looked back to Rose at this point and gave a sigh, hoping that what she did would satisfy the pretty exceed. "I acted incorrectly, so it is my fault; I want to apologize for the abrasiveness of my nature when it comes to dark guilds. I haven't had the greatest of pasts with them and right now, I'm not all too keen with a few of those dark mages."

    Ultra Magnus
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    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Empty Re: Knights & Fairies (FT/RK)

    Post by Ultra Magnus 26th April 2016, 11:56 am

    Ultra honestly thought it stupid how somebody could be arrested for simply possessing drugs on their person. It was probably the bias caused by his own "recreational" use, but it was a ridiculous rule nonetheless. If people wanted to snort white powder and kill themselves doing it, then leave them to their own devices. Surely enough, the Council would think otherwise, instead sending their men in to capture anybody who even tried to do such a thing. And there may or may not be some particular Rune Knights who are straight-up glory hounds.

    If one didn't know any better, they would say that Ultra was talking like a dark mage right now, but that's besides the point.

    He had marijuana, and large quantities of it, and they would at least give him forty years in the penitentiary for just having it, he was sure of it. He was almost certain that he put it in a place where nobody would ever find it, but even that was not guaranteed. Probably the hardest part about all of this is trying to figure out how to play it cool like he wasn't totally doing something illegal.

    Hold on, that was easy as hell, considering Ultra's nature.

    He would walk back up into the main area, basically where Heero and the others were. If Ultra's calculations were correct, only he and the guildmaster knew about said hidden weed stash, and only the both of them would be smoking it anytime soon. As long as nobody knew, or anybody who did knew didn't decide to be a douchebag and snitch, it'd be all good.

    Ultra stayed hidden in the doorpane leading to the main place, taking careful precision in making sure that nobody saw him. He would then smack himself a few times and plaster a wide smile on his face, as though he actually had something to be happy about.

    But he didn't have that luxury. At least, not today. It'd be smart if Ultra would stop worrying and bitching over things that probably aren't even going to happen though. Those Rune Knights weren't going to find his stash anytime soon.

    Taking a deep breath, Ultra would come into view, the same ear-to-ear grin on his face, before noticing something: The atmosphere had a more dark and serious tone to it. Whatever they were talking about, chances was that it wasn't something to be happy about. Taking that as a chance, he let down his fake happy-go-lucky look, and adopted a simple poker face, as he took to a standing position on the left o the guildmaster.



    Coeval Titanic

    Coeval Titanic

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    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Empty Re: Knights & Fairies (FT/RK)

    Post by DOPPO 30th April 2016, 8:06 am

    Isaac was more or less surprised by the information given to him by Kanix, who seemed more tame now. He figured that with these thoughts came a lot of regrets and stress, and also assumed that it was his fault for bringing such a touchy subject up. But nevertheless, it was something that was critical to the searching of these dark guilds. But these interactions were recent, and inferred that they were speaking nothing but the truth seeing as they would have no reason to lie from here on out.

    But it was shortly after she ceased her speaking that no one else but Ageha had busted the door off of it's hinges with an 'Oopsy daisy!' sort of remark. She was obviously drunk, and though he had a good idea on how she managed to get into that state, he was astonished on how nonchalantly she broke the door and how easily she made it happen. But after the realization, a comical barrage of red veins of anger had covered Isaac's face. "...I'm sorry about her. We'll replace your door." He frowned apologetically, and dipped his head in respect, while shooting a 'You're dead meat.' glare. Frankly, he didn't joke around much.

    But after raising his head and giving a reluctant smile and sighed, "That's Ageha, for your information. More than often, she'll be intoxicated with a variety of alcoholic beverages. Please pay no mind to her. But as for you, Lady Kanix, I am sorry to here about your misfortunes in such a repetitive pattern. As for your son, my humblest apologies to hear such news. I more or less am familiar with the pain of becoming disconnected with a loved one..." He grumbled, not exactly comfortable with the topic, "But thank you for the information. It has been quite beneficial. If there is anything we could do to help you in return, we will gladly act accordingly."

    He bowed to the three, or rather, four people that the Rune Knights had stood in front of. A new wizard had appeared next to Heero with such relaxation, though it seemed forced to a extent. "Who might you be, sir?" Isaac darted his eyes over to the blonde, frowning.



    Moderator- Regular VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Of Ishgar- Ten Wizard Saint Member- Guild Master- Demon Slayer- Dragon Slayer- H-Rank- S-Rank- A-Rank- Veteran Level 5- Veteran Level 4- Veteran Level 3- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Magic Application Approved!- Obtain A Secondary Magic!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- 1st Place Event/Contest Winner- Hero- 1 Year Anniversary- Player 
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    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Empty Re: Knights & Fairies (FT/RK)

    Post by Haru-senpai 3rd May 2016, 5:09 pm

    Everyone else seemed to calm down for the most part, as the Rune Knights went back to flirting amongst the crowd, leaving Isaac's side once they understood the situation. Heero would cross his arms, and look from Rosa to Rose. Smiling a bit.

    "Well if we're all gonna be friends now, then all that was for nothing. Ain't it funny that people gotta act tough when they first meet someone...even I do it, I guess it's just human nature." he kept his arms crossed still, as Magnus suddenly returned to their sides. Heero gave him a look with both eyebrows raised that asked one question only 'is it safe?' as Magnus would take up a position next to him.

    A wizard with amazing potential, should he ever get serious about the Jobs he was on. Heero smiled at him, still unmoving from his usual arms crossed standing position.

    "Magnus, meet Isaac. He's with the Rune Knights...although I'm sure you've gathered thaaaaat much." Heero said a brotherly tone in his voice as he spoke without even looking at Magnus since they were cool with one another like that. "Isaac here is looking to chop some Dark wizards, figured since we've been knee deep in the action we could point him in the right direction."

    Heero would nod to Isaac, crossing him and giving him an elbow playfully. But before he could bro it up with Isaac anymore, an extremely drunk chick busted down the door. Shattering it into splinters. Somewhere in the Guild, someone did a 'tally mark' for door number 4,000+ being broken. The front door of Fairy Tail was perhaps the most abused door on the entire planet of Earthland..and that was saying something.

    "No worries...someone actually rode a flaming Unicorn through it once....no seriously...those exist in Seven." Heero said without looking at Isaac, a sweatdrop over his head.

    "If only he was joking..." Rose said, knowing this to be true. "So, Isaac you any good with that blade of yours?" Rose said, one hand on her hip and standing on a table to be at closer height to everyone else. Her tail swishing with curiosity as she herself was a master swordsman. H-Class in fact, even Heero was afraid of her. She was itching to get Isaac alone so they could have a chivalrous conversation and actually laugh at people with less manners than them.

    "Rose you can't be thinking of challenging a Rune Knight...." Heero said looking to her with a sweatdrop. As she looked to him, a sparkle in her eye. Showing the Fairy Tail Guild Crest on her left arm, she would nod.

    "Maybe some other time...." Rose knew that Isaac would have to be something else to be able to even stand a chance against her, since the moment his blades met hers if his were magically summoned they would be dispelled and he would likely be cut or wounded very badly. She wondered if he used a magical or non-magical weapon. Some other day perhaps.

    For now, Rose would open her white wings and fly to Magnus' shoulder, landing on it and swishing her tail as her wings disappeared.

    "Hey, Heero, Magnus' hair smells better than yours." she said, sniffing it. Flying over to Isaac, she would sniff his as well. "Him too." as she said this, Heero would get a pissed off mark over his head as a few people laughed and snickered charmingly in the background.


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    Knights & Fairies (FT/RK) Rose

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