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    Cutting to the Chase...

    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Azurius Tade 8th April 2016, 2:11 am

    t was a rather sunny day when Blade has learned that his newfound master, Azurius, was planning to purchase a boat and he wanted to get his master a new tea set as a... boat... warming gift. Money wasn't an issue for Blade or his master, since both of them can just up and make pure gold at will. His black hair bounced with each step he happily made while brandishing a pure white cup adorned with golden accents, a cup made specifically for his master by a master artisan. The tea set he carried in a box was being cushioned by magic energy that prevented it from shattering no matter what hell you subjected the box to. Perhaps he should have been more focused about where he was walking, and less on the shining cup in his hand or he would have noticed the woman he bumped into as he turned the corner. The cup flew from his hand and he quickly reached out, grabbing and trying to catch the cup, having it bounce a few times as he frantically tried to keep it from hitting the ground. He caught it in both hands, letting out a sigh and reaching down to put it in the box he dropped. It had clicked in his mind that he'd bumped into someone and he picked up the box before turning to her. "I'm so sorry miss, I was distracted and didn't notice you walking there." he sounded honestly sorry for it, and made sure to keep his eyes locked on hers instead of looking at her chest like other men would do.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

    <div align="center"><div style="width:400px;"><table><tbody><tr><td><div style="width:400px;float:left;"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/mGnD6MY.jpg?1"style="max-width:100%;"></div></td></tr><tr><td><div style="background-color:#000000;padding:10px;font:11px georgia;color:#ffffff;text-align:justify;"><div style="height:20px;width:20px;background-color:#cc0000;padding:10px 5px 0px 5px;margin:0px 6px 3px 0px;float:left;color:#f8f8f8;text-align:center;">[size=18]I[/size]</div>[size=13]t

    [/size]<div style="padding:15px;"><div style="width:80px;background-color:#cc0000;padding:5px;font:8px georgia;color:#f8f8f8;text-align:center;text-transform:uppercase;margin-right:5px;margin-bottom:5px;margin-left:30px;float:left;">[size=13]WORDS[/size]</div><div style="width:180px;background-color:#cc0000;padding:5px;font:8px georgia;color:#f8f8f8;text-align:center;text-transform:uppercase;margin-right:5px;margin-bottom:5px;float:left;">[size=13]TAG[/size]</div>
    </div></div></td></tr></tbody></table><div style="width:400px;text-align:center;font:10px georgia;">credit to <a href="http://adoxographyv2.boards.net/user/15">nat</a> of adoxography and <a href="http://gangnam-style.proboards.com/user/4292">gangnam style</a>.</div></div></div>

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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Xazinay 9th April 2016, 7:15 pm

    The spectacle entertained her for a moment, but alas a moment was all she could spare. After all there existed far more tantalizing targets presented during the kafuffle. To be fair her interest had been sparked as he walked by the café, the shop’s cache of casual snackware quite respectable if she did say so herself…a cup having disappeared already. The one he’d been casually admiring before bumping into some silly woman hugging the turn as much as he had flew into the air and with bated breath watched as the man juggled it frantically before finally the cup settled into his palm. A sigh of relief escaped Xazinay at that moment, glad to see such a nicely crafted specimen not meet the harsh and unforgiving ground in that moment.

    This man couldn’t be trusted with a nice cup, let alone a set she suspected he held in the box as the cup became quickly stashed inside.

    Leaving a tip on the table the woman casually began to walk towards them as if ready to walk by. The closer she came the harder it was to ignore the strange female’s batting of eyes at the tall gentleman, clearly infatuated with the man’s appearance. Perfect. The unknown female started trying to strike up a conversation with him, mentioning that it was “no problem” and “her fault as well” and such things. It wouldn’t be long now before she suggested that perhaps they grab a drink or something at one of the various cafes and restaurants lining this street as Xazinay continued her course to casually walk right by them.

    At least up until she was behind him and then lightly tapped the box, sending it to the Grand Library. However to avoid raising suspicion – and hoping the female might prove a worthy distraction to the male as they sometimes did – she continued walking without a missed beat to her step.


    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Azurius Tade 10th April 2016, 9:25 pm

    lade had sensed her coming... he heard her footsteps as the other woman was tripping over her own words trying to say everything was fine. He also noticed when his box had vanished and he said "Please excuse me" "Oh um, wait an I at least get-" Azurius had turned around with a determined expression while materializing a crimson and golden spear and began shooting off after the only person who could have taken his master's gift. "- your... num...ber..." the woman said with her voice getting softer as Blade was off like a rocket out of hell. It wasn't long before Blade had caught up to her, a woman in a black dress with rather strange adornments. A sword would materialize with the tip between her eyes, and soon, an entire wall would form in a cylindrical shape around her and Blade. Behind her blade was holding his two spears with the golden one pointed at the woman, and the crimson one ready to intercept any projectile she may have hidden to send his way. It was the advantage of Lancer Class servants that they could deflect any and all projectiles, which made distanced fighting a bit more fair for the melee class spirit. His eyes narrowed on her, having sensed the magic she used earlier he was absolutely sure she was the thief. The swords spun mid air as they continued pointing at her, each would angle itself to match where she stepped. "Turn slowly thief, and return my master's box." he said with a stern voice, his dark brown eyes burning with passion for his stolen property.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Xazinay 12th April 2016, 2:42 am

    ’Ah….what a shame.’ She made it maybe a few feet before he was upon her, the poor and defenseless girl dressed in black being harangued by this fellow. After all without the horns or wings present she looked innocent enough, bookish even thanks to her glasses that provided the barest of barriers between her and the manifested sword. Naturally she stopped cold, not so stupid as to waste a reincarnation at the drop of a hat, never mind breaking a nice set of frames – she really did like this pair since they went so nicely with her eyes. Shortly thereafter she became surrounded by blades, the determination somewhat impressive even if the theme left her with a small huff – preferring that over the yawn that threatened to rise up.

    Orders…she had half a mind to plunge herself upon his blades.

    Nothing more than a spurt of rebelliousness, the desire to demonstrate her unwillingness to respond to his wishes and whims as someone not even remotely related to one of her masters. The urge proved curious, something she might discuss with Aurora later though….she might call her something funny like “tsundere” or…or, well admittedly Xazinay forgot a lot of the terms, but there probably existed something to define that brief moment in the girl’s vocabulary. Slowly but surely however she turned, the slightest bit curious as her blank expression turned towards him. Acidic green eyes slowly roamed over him, the man a little less incompetent seeming than before with how quickly he determined her little…habbit. A weakness perhaps now that she thought about it, but honestly the man had the nerve to almost drop the thing of beauty, the mere recollection causing the slightest downturn of her eyebrows and fractional narrowing of the eyes as her gaze became a little more pointed. However Xazinay wasn’t one for grandiose displays, but he seemed observant enough if he’d caught on to her inspired theft.

    ”Very well,” she acquiesced, her tone even and light as the box reappeared in her hands, ”a shame…it’s a nice looking parcel.” His hands appeared a little…full though, eyes lazily drifting to the two spears before she slowly kneeled to place it on the ground, giving it a light nudge with her hand to push the thing towards him. ”If that is all, may I go?” Again her voice remained even, uncaring that she’d essentially given him the box back. The contents however….would remain elsewhere, but he’d asked explicitly for the box and to his credit it was a nice box. He could have it though: she merely wanted the contents. Briefly she wondered how the other pieces might look before cutting the passing musing off: no need to get excited this second. All good things could wait.


    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Azurius Tade 12th April 2016, 8:33 pm

    lade had watched the package return and be gently kicked over. Upon her asking if she was allowed to leave, the wall of swords all pointed upwards before flicking themselves as though they were each being held by a samurai. Once they were flicked, the blades all burst into a flurry of silver particles that floated to the skies while fading out of reality. The two spears he had disappeared and he nodded that she could be on her way. Blade then picked up the box, the weight was the same due to the box being magic by nature, making it weightless even if an elephant was inside. He turned around, having forgotten this fact, and began walking in the direction he had come from.

    It was ten minutes before Blade nearly bumped into the same woman from earlier. He paused before it would happen, the woman had looked at the box. "I see you got your stuff back." Blade had nodded, feeling pretty happy that it wasn't that difficult. "Did you make sure to check it?" The proverbial sweat bubble was across his temple and slowly falling as he realized... he did not. Blade slowly opened the box to notice it was in fact full! The contents were magical! It was as though she had replaced it with wonders beyond gold! It was the most necessary thing in life, by which you couldn't possibly live without! The box was filled with... AIR! YES! GLORIOUS AIR! Blade's face turned sour as he tossed the box to the woman, spinning on the tip of his feet while materializing the two spears and charging after the woman again. He had found her rather quickly, materializing a broad sword mid air and launching it in her direction. If she would dodge, the blade would explode upon impacting the ground for nine feet. If she wouldn't dodge, her dress would be impaled and the sword with keep the dress pinned into the ground.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Xazinay 16th April 2016, 11:49 pm

    That was…surprisingly simple. While anyone might hope the person accepted the action at face value it intrigued her that the man merely took the box and left her to her own devices. No capture? No turning into authorities? Not even opening the box to ensure the goods that once filled it remained inside? He merely trusted that she held no way of emptying the contents. ’Fascinating…’ She truly wished more people functioned like him, then life would be a little more pleasant and easy.

    On her way again, the man all but dropped from her mind, thoughts wandering to when Aurora might wish to take up another job and what it might involve this time as well as what the rest of her nice, new tea set might look like. Perhaps she should return to the Grand Library and scope out her prize?

    Xazinay’s ever so brilliant idea came a tad too late, though in her defense there’d been a nice plate in an antique window shop occupying her attention for the past two minutes or so as she contemplated purchasing it or simply sending it on its way to its new home. She’d ducked into the shop and whisked it away as the owner was rather preoccupied with something and made a few feet’s journey from the entryway when something stopped her. Very rudely a blade pierced her dress, pinning her to the ground…somewhat, at least if she didn’t care to tear the garment.

    A small frown knit her brow as she turned her head and body, careful not to needlessly rip her black dress and pit the look on the guilty party. Never mind that her mildly peeved look could hardly compare to his, she continued to fix the small glare as if she held all the right in the world to do so, ”That was rather rude: do you make a habit of harming other folks’ property? I’m rather fond of this dress I’ll have you know.” Despite her anger the woman’s voice remained gentle and almost placid save the slight annoyed tint to her tone. Nothing overly emotional came out, though she attempted to pluck the sword half-heartedly, already sure she couldn’t, and alas to no avail the thing refused to release its Excalibur impression. And yet she made no move to vanish or simply tear the dress – flashing people hardly a concern when she wore leggings underneath anyways.


    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Azurius Tade 20th April 2016, 1:25 am

    lade had materialized thousands of weapons this time, filling every last visible spot while still allowing slivers of light to filter through, making the area striped with light and shadows. His golden eyes glowed with anger, his voice coming out in a severely unhappy tone. "You've got two options... Option one, give back everything you stole from my master. Option two, d- GAAAHAHHH!!!!" the floor fell from under them both, a strange power blocking all forms of magic and leaving the two to fall to their deaths. Blade felt his magic being shut off, figuring the same had happened to the thief's magic he angled himself in a way that would cause him to drift near her. His eyes were rather stern, him not wanting to protect her, but his master would have issues with him if Blade were to just let her die. Then again... he'd have issues if he'd killed her too. Blade reached out, grabbing her dress and pulling himself in, shifting his weight to angle his back just in time to slam into the ground and create a nice crater. His arms unfolded to release the woman, a slightly high pitched groan being let out. A few seconds later, he said with a rather pained tone "I don't suppose... this is your doing?"

    Blade knew it couldn't be Xazinay's handiwork, considering as this place shut off all magic, and whatever Xazinay's magic was, the magic resonance from this place was different. He slowly got up, noticing how the walls glowed bright enough to let them see the desolate, rocky world around them and all its glory. Right down the the last human skull... Blade walked near the thief, his tone rather harsh "Alright thief... looks like we're stuck together." he let out a sigh, softening his stance to a less homicidal position. "For now we should work together and get out. I can't teleport in this place, so that option's dead in the water... I don't have a name, my master hasn't given me one yet. For now you can call me Blade, and what can I call you? I'd rather not call my temporary partner 'thief' all day long." If Xazinay would walk away, Blade would be only a few steps behind her. If she ran, Blade would be running behind her, showing no signs of her speed being an issue.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Xazinay 20th April 2016, 3:17 am

    This time the man made a veritable cage with his impressive weaponry collection, though Xazinay’s expression barely flickered from her minor annoyance. If anything she appeared far too casual compared to most, but such had simply been her way for a fair while to the point she couldn’t quite recall anything else. Briefly though she found herself distracted by his even more impressive display of anger, thinking that this could’ve made for an excellent scene in a novel or the very vision he granted something for one of those movies, or at least a TV show. ’It would be lovely to see this matched by an actor…’ Alas any further thoughts from her or outbursts from him found themselves horribly interrupted with the sudden breaking up of the ground beneath their feet. ’Odd, a hollow place beneath this town? I suppose his sword must’ve created too much damage in the ground…hmm…’

    Free-falling was a curious sensation, one that left Xazinay with an oddly careless feeling. Sure she enjoyed flying and could’ve released her wings, but something existed in this moment that let her experience a moment of freedom from everything. The cool kiss of air rushing by, the gentle pull of gravity as for those few seconds – or minutes depending on one’s height in relation to the ground – one didn’t have to experience the minor fatigue of feet against ground. She’d long supposed it must be the same wistfulness humans experience as they watched a bird soar through the air.

    Resignation filled her, the woman simply accepting that she would likely hit the ground with enough force to eventually send her back to the Grand Library for healing. “Death” wasn’t permitted so easily for a familiar like her, the Ancients’ whimsical nature deciding to put her in charge of one of their treasures after they’d had their fun warping her being. They couldn’t have someone with such important duties putter out so easily, and this wouldn’t be the first time she experienced the pains of it…but at least she could simply “not be” for perhaps a minute.

    Just as her eyes closed they opened halfway to stare curiously at the man as he oddly pulled her to him and angled them so he’d receive the brunt of the impact instead. Dazed, she slowly pushed against the ground and tilted her head down at him, curious behind his reasons and the silly question he asked. ’I suppose it would’ve been an okay way to make one’s escape, but if so then surely he’d have been the only one falling to begin with…what a silly fellow.’ Regardless she’d stand up and move away to allow the man his space to get up, a bit curious about where they’d fallen as she wouldn’t dignify the stupid question with an answer.

    ’I appreciate the decorator’s choice in lighting…I wonder if this is natural or caused by something else?’ Unfortunately aside for one skeletal fellow there wasn’t much to look at, attention returning to her accuser with a half-heartedness to it. He sounded so opposed to being together and yet seemed to resign himself to the “inevitable” of partnership, deciding for himself they should exchange names as well as work together. ’I suppose I could simply anger him and see if he casts one of those blades upon me…but if he can’t teleport than I suppose he can’t summon either. Though he could still snap my neck should I need it, he doesn’t appear weak at least.’

    Standing in silence for a moment after his request she merely blinked at him, expressionless before sighing and readjusting her glasses. ”Well, technically we’re not stuck together you merely wish to cooperate. The option to split up lies there,” though she sincerely doubted he would, the man apparently determined to retrieve the box’s contents now since the box wasn’t satisfactory, ”by your naming logic…I suppose you could either stick to ‘thief’ or use some article upon my person to craft a moniker such as ‘Glasses’ or ‘Dress’ if you so liked.” Would there be any worth in offering a proper name? It was something she’d have to ponder even as she mentally admitted she might not respond to any of his names…but the lack of conversational recipients might prod her to do so – at least unless or until he started talking to the rocks around them.

    ’I wonder why his master hasn’t named him yet…careless? Too new of a creation? Hasn’t read a name suggestion book yet? I suppose it’d be pitiable if his master simply didn’t care enough to award a proper one…at least my masters cared enough.’


    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Azurius Tade 23rd April 2016, 1:37 am

    is expression changed to a small hit of sadness at a very small fraction of what she had said... 'by your naming logic...' it reminded him of how he'd gotten his name... "Ronin... failure... murderer..." he mumbled under his breath, a tear fell down one of his cheeks as he turned it away so his temporary partner wouldn't see it. He took in a deep breath and let it out just as quickly, restoring his stoic expression and closing off his mind to memories of past masters. "I'll call you sugar then... " one of his eyes turned to lock in on her with a type of sarcastic sense "... cause you are just so sweet..." his voice was sarcastic on top of unhappy.

    Blade walked over to his spears, one stuck in the ground vertically the other lay flat. He ripped the vertical one straight out effortlessly and then slid his foot under the other and lifted it straight up, sending the spear airborne and into his opened palm. The two spears were spun and immediately turned to smoke before vanishing entirely. He then walked back to Xazinay, keeping a strong appearance while doing so. Just as he was at her side, something that sounded extremely similar to thunder sounded off in the distance sending a massive chill up Blade's spine and making him go rigid for a few seconds. Since he wasn't alone, Blade wasn't so terribly effected by one of his major fears but it was noticeable that he was still effected by it. "W- well... L-let's go sugar..." his voice was rather uncomfortable, and his poker face had the consistency of alphabet soup... Blade would neither take the lead, nor walk behind Xazinay. Despite how uncomfortable he seemed, Blade would walk alongside her and making sure they were on equal footing for the most part. If he was more than a half of Xazinay's steps ahead of her, he would slow down. If he was more than half Xazinay's steps behind, he would speed up slightly to catch up.

    "Yo sugar... why is it that tea set was so important you stole it? Why steal the one from the store?" Blade asked calmly. His voice was genuinely curious, as much as he knew the average man wouldn't take that much interest in something as simple as stealing tea sets. If she paid attention to any aspect of Blade, she'd notice that this bit of conversation would serve not only to distract him from his fears, but it would also aid in forming a bond that might prove more beneficial to her in the long run.


    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.


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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Xazinay 23rd April 2016, 2:03 am

    Blade’s initial discomfort of her words escaped Xazinay, her head turning with a slightly raised eyebrow at his choice. ”I suppose if you season me just right I might be, but I cannot confirm nor deny if I am or am not in my current state…but if that’s what you choose so be it,” she spoke matter-of-factly, seemingly missing the sarcastic tone entirely and taking him at face value.

    Observing the man gathering his spears she started walking down the one open path to them, quite confident he’d catch up easily – after all he didn’t seem determined to let her out of his sight. Without a reason to hurry she saw little point in running anyways, just as confident that she could keep the tea set despite his threats unless he could somehow gain entry to the library where she reassured herself the man would still have to actually find it amidst the myriad of rooms and hallways. The place amounted to a labyrinth that only she held absolute capability to navigate it, though Xazinay wouldn’t doubt that perhaps some form of magic could permit others to do the same this man…seemed too bumbly to be able to hone in on the cute little set.

    ’Odd…what’s caused his words to fumble?’ The dark haired woman wasn’t so cold as to simply attribute it to his earlier mishaps and easy persuasions. The sound of thunder intrigued her, causing a moment’s pause, ”Shame, it sounds like we’ll be missing the storm.” The murmurs were merely thoughts that slipped out, though admittedly she preferred being behind a window to watch than stuck in them physically. Maybe the sound excited him too?

    He fell so easily into step with her that Xazinay zoned out and forgot he was even there not from trying to ignore him, but from merely accepting his presence as fact for the moment. It was like finding quiet solitude with someone at another table in a café and yet exchanging no words with them. However Blade saw fit to nix that idea, the question catching her attention. Oh. He’d noticed her theft of the plate too. How embarrassing. A small blush dusted her cheeks as she looked away for a moment, though one could easily believe it a trick of the eyes as the color quickly faded and she answered in her usual, factual tone of voice, ”Because I saw a cute tea cup almost collide with the unforgiving ground, all because of a person treated it so carelessly as to almost let it fall in the first place. Granted you recovered and saved it in the end, but you still put it in such peril in the first place that I decided it would live better under my ownership than in yours. As for the plate…I enjoyed its simple yet clean cut design and since it went so unwanted that the owner had to place it into the window in hopes of someone coming along and taking it…I did. Now it may live out a better life amongst its kind and see occasional use by me as well as proper care.” For now it was as close as she’d get to declare her love for something, even if merely patterned dishware.

    The entire time Xazinay’s eyes remained transfixed ahead of them, speaking of plates and cups as though people – and yet with more feeling than if she’d actually been speaking of people even if it remained subdued by her nature. Even now the desire to simply get back to the library to enjoy some of the exquisite dishware she’d collected hounded at her, gnawing at her insides, yet her pace remained unchanged because she held all the time in the world to do such. Finally those brilliant gemstone eyes turned to lock onto his, ”Why is it so important that you retrieve it? Will it live a better existence in the hands of your master than it will in mine?”

    Absentmindedly she steered them towards the right side path when their road forked, and they were almost through the entryway when a loud belch sounded from the left side. Two seconds later fire erupted from it, a small and deep voice saying the equivalent of “excuse me” in an ancient tongue.


    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Azurius Tade 23rd April 2016, 3:15 am

    ime came for Blade to explain his reasoning for wanting the tea set so badly. But first, they would face a blazing inferno being fired from the mouth of a tunnel that Xazinay was seeming to want to not go down. Blade however wasn't so easily deterred and was quick to grab Xazinay by the hand and pull her with him, not wanting to be alone in this sort of place... or be alone at all really... Azure had expected something along the lines of a pseudo dragon or something old by how ancient the language was, but instead came across a rather large beast. Looking up, Blade saw the massive thing and waited to see if it would respond, though all he got was it looking back at him. "Excuse me, might I ask if you're a friend or foe?" Blade asked without a single shred of fear in his voice. The creature made it quite clear that it was of no threat to the two, but also showed Blade it was stuck when it tried fidgeting. "I know a man who will be able to free you, but my comrade and I must escape this place first. I leave you with my word I will return for you, as well as this weapon, that is part of my treasury and is quite important to me." the creature made it clear that it was placing its hopes in him keeping his promise, and with that he would walk back to the other path. Had Xazinay tried to claim the blade, she would instantly find that the weapon didn't respond to her at all. As to why the weapon was able to be summoned where no magic was allowed, the blade was practically a part of Blade himself, so it didn't require magic to call it forth.

    "You asked why that tea set was important to me... I had those made as a gift to my new master. As for how well he would care for them, I've seen my master cry simply because he found out someone had bent the edge of a single page of a book in his guild's library. Afterwards, he went on an extremely long man hunt and found the one who did it. His reasoning for making that person work two weeks straight, day and night to reorganize a rather small portion of the guild's library was that it's a crime to desecrate knowledge..." Looking around he'd noticed a fork in the road again, and would go with whichever route Xazinay had decided on. "My master is a very meticulous man, preferring to keep all things gifted to him in flawless condition or in better condition than when he got it, if he's able to do so... And so you know... had I dropped that cup, I would have killed myself. Not that I expect anyone to understand my desire to serve my master as best as I can and even better, especially not you." Blade's voice was rather serious on the bit about killing himself, and rather cold when he said he didn't expect Xazinay to know anything about loyalty.


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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Xazinay 23rd April 2016, 3:47 am

    Almost like a doll she bent to his will, hand locked down by his she followed without a word – though somewhat glad they escaped incineration as she wasn’t fond of being burnt. Though in retrospect it would’ve been an easy enough way to leave the cave she simply didn’t want to deal with wounds instead of outright death. As they came upon the stuck beast, the poor old thing having wedged itself quite snuggly into place though acted placid enough to be almost friendly. Perhaps it was more bored than anything, Xazinay deciding she’d rather die and return to the library than be stuck, wedged someplace with nothing to do. ’Then again I suppose I wouldn’t need to die, simply return to the realm…’ Perhaps she’d been thinking about death too much lately? Though she continued to worry about her masters beneath the surface, the woman surmising that might be the cause of it all.

    The fact he promised to come back here intrigued her, the blank woman watching as he seemed almost adamant about it. Enough to leave a weapon at any rate. Unlike the tea set she held no inkling to attempt taking the sword: it held no appeal. Besides she wondered if it might not be the same blade responsible for the tear in the side of her dress currently. ’All the more reason to leave it down here.’

    Finally they returned to the open path, the woman somehow knowing something else occupied the other, and he explained the reason behind the set’s very existence. It was a very odd conflict inside now, the woman able to understand his longing to give it to his master even as she really didn’t want to part with it. It was her’s now technically as far as Xazinay cared. It was in her possession at least so it thereby made her the owner. But he obviously cared about this master who went so far as to take care of books exceptionally well – though why he didn’t simply lop the person’s head off she couldn’t understand – and wanted to offer a gift. Her mind went in circles between the two as he paused a bit at the next fork in the road and this time she nudged him towards the left side.

    Though more curious: why hadn’t he let go of her hand yet?

    Without a reason to really take back ownership of it though she allowed him to keep ahold of it as he talked, explaining how meticulous the man cared for his belongings. She supposed it would do well in his care, though she was still loathed to return it as well, mentally adamant about it being her’s now…Mentally she applauded his willingness to kill himself over the possible mishap, a servant obviously willing to receive punishment for his wrongdoings. It’d be a few seconds before she spoke, digesting this information, ”Perhaps you are not so loathsome as I once believed if you would go so far for a mistake against your master. I do not know if killing yourself is the equivalent of whipping a human servant or it is the same as sentencing them to death, but I can feel the honesty of your statement so I’m left to surmise it matters not the permanency of it so much as the action. I’ve seen those who claim loyalty and yet find reason to run or save themselves rather than face the consequences. After all if it is the master’s wish to see us torn asunder, who are we to question it?”

    Who would she be to deny the Ancients’ decision to do away with her? It was their right, and if they chose to replace her then so be it. She would cease to exist or be forced to wander without purpose, but as long as they chose it then Xazinay would live with that decision without the flicker of an eye. If she failed to protect the accumulation of their knowledge then she surmised death would be the easiest of punishments to receive. However until such time she’d protect the place with every fiber of her being as it was her charged duty to do such.


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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Azurius Tade 23rd April 2016, 6:06 pm

    lade was caught by that last thing she said... it was a rhetorical question, that much he knew so he didn't think to answer it. The two of them entered a small room in the tunnel system that had a pond in the corner. Blade, having forgotten to release Xazinay's hand, stopped and as a result, tugged on her arm. He looked down into the water, noting the glowing plant life at the very bottom and lining the sides. Fish swam around inside, the edges of their dorsal and tail fins had a bioluminescent quality to them that released several colors. Some had a green glow, some had white, blue, or pink... all of their glows slowly transitioned to another. The room made Blade feel tired and relaxed... "I think we should use this place to take a break. There's only two ways to get in, one of them being the way we just came from, so it's easily defendable." Blade began pulling Xazinay down to the ground, inviting her to sit and he would set a couple feet away from her and finally release her hand. "Sorry... This place made me forget I was holding your hand." his tone implied that he was being true, instead of trying to be cheeky. Xazinay was pretty, but Blade had never once tried to be devious when it came to women, or at least, not phresh... there were times he had to lie and trick... and kill women for his master's purposes, but he'd never once, not even under orders, tried to take advantage of a woman.

    After several moments, Blade began to speak, not enjoying the silence. "You said 'we'... as though you and I are similar... if you're alright with it, are you a servant as well?"  


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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Xazinay 23rd April 2016, 6:38 pm

    Not a word about their still joined hands – or rather more his holding her’s hostage – left her lips even as he forced her to bend over and observe the pond. The fish were enjoyable admittedly with their constant color-swapping, the light relaxing and a little dazing to watch. ’Hmm I wonder if I could make a pond outside the library to take care of…though I suppose it might ultimately be unnecessary.’ While she was permitted to add to the library – ordered almost – the Ancients had always been more interested in the accumulation of knowledge. It was why a small part of her feared if they returned they might destroy her dishware collection but…that was also their choice and she wouldn’t say a word about it. A pond of fish might simply end the same way if the fish didn’t intrigue them enough to continue living.

    It’d be something to debate for the next while.

    The fact he seemed ready to rest already piqued her curiosity, not feeling particularly tired, yet she held no reason to refuse. What might come after them might’ve been an interesting question to pose considering the only thing they’d come across thus far couldn’t move more than an inch one way or the other. She chose to simply leave it, sitting down as he silently ordered her to whether he meant to or not, Xazinay curling her legs underneath her and splaying the skirt out to act like a blanket over her legs. Finally he apologized for the forgetful manner, though it sounded silly to her ears, ”Its fine. If I’d required the hand I would’ve taken it back.” She’d felt no need to resist, though if something more interesting occurred like the creature getting a bit testy with them then things might’ve been different.

    Finally a bit of peace reigned until he saw reason to break it, inquiring about her earlier statement. It’d sort of slipped out in the moment thanks to her train of thought, the woman considering how much to say this time before speaking, ”Yes I am. I serve multiple masters so I won’t waste your time trying to describe each one’s habits as you so kindly described your’s in answer to my earlier question, but I do have an idea of what it means to serve another. I know what it’s like to strive to not only meet their expectations, but to go beyond and to accept my deserved repercussions when I fail to do so. I will not be so egotistical as to assume we are one hundred percent the same as there are too many unknown factors to question it…but to a degree we are similar in that respect.” If only because he’d answered her question so thoroughly before she went further beyond “yes I am” – deciding some equivalent exchange was in order. Given the nature of her masters however she really wouldn’t speak further about them, not to a stranger who could very well be an unknown enemy even if he might’ve been someone who crossed paths with one amicably. She had to protect them first and foremost despite her desires to find them.

    Xazinay would internally admit to a small jealousy that he seemed to know where his master was however, the anxious side of her rising up as she again smoothed out her dress. There was no need to rush so she’d simply wait until he was ready to move onwards.


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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Azurius Tade 25th April 2016, 9:27 pm

    yawn escaped Blade's mouth and he looked at Xazinay with tired eyes. Not even a second later, Blade tipped himself in her direction and flopped his head square on her lap. While most would find this to be rather strange, many choosing to immediately turn red instead of just accept it, Blade saw no issue with this sort of activity. For him, using someone else as a pillow was the same as using a pillow as a pillow so long as it wasn't his master. Had it been his master then Blade would sooner lean on the wall to rest, since using his master as in inanimate object could yield some unsavory results. "I'm sorry if I seem a bit weak for being tired but I was walking for a few days to get here... didn't need my master knowing about his surprise. Gonna take a little nap..." his voice faded out while laying on Xazinay's lap, his hand found its way to resting in front him, as though she honestly was a pillow.


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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Xazinay 27th April 2016, 8:52 pm

    Vision dazing over as she became lost in thought the cloud popped as something fell solidly on her lap. Attention returned quickly enough to reality as she stared down at the brazen fellow blatantly using her lap for a pillow. ’Normally people ask for permission for such things or show some form of shame in such an act with a stranger, let alone friends at times.’ ”Very well,” she answered, folding her hands closer to her person to avoid disturbing him. Locked in place it left the woman with little else to do than let her mind wander before succumbing to sleep as well.

    Staring down at him though the woman experienced a small spark of jealousy, the man obviously knowing where his master was while working to surprise him. With him conked out and unable to question her, Xazinay permitted a small wave of worry to course through her, still unsure what happened to all her masters. It’d been so long since any of them returned to the library even for a brief period, usually doing so to drop off research or findings during their travels. Yet it’d been so long since a soul wandered into the library at all that she’d finally ventured forth to try and track down one of them and ensure her masters lived.

    ’If they choose to punish me for leaving then so be it’ she’d decided, ’I can care for the library even as I search for them. It would feel wrong to simply leave them be when they might be in trouble…’ She could only ponder what their personal familiars might be doing, knowing that some kept more than others. Taking comfort in the proactive approach she’d taken the dark haired woman promised herself that she’d find them as her mind finally drifted off.


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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Azurius Tade 30th April 2016, 2:25 pm

    f Xazinay would choose to not fight the experience, she would suddenly find herself in a field of wheat. The golden sea gently swaying as a breeze passed, cooling the air slightly as she moved forwards. If she were to look down, she would notice a body that was not hers, but rather, a males body judging by the contours that was dressed in what seemed to be commoner's rags. A simple brown pair of pants, shoes, and a white shirt that was tucked in and bound at the waist by a black string in place of a proper belt.

    Around her hand, a warm feeling would be felt as it ran through the wheat. Her eyes would turn up, looking at a small, modest house in the middle of the field... and suddenly, it was all on fire. A wave of flames spread out from the hand touching the wheat, rapidly making its way to the house and engulfing it, continuing to the rest of the field. The sound of a female screaming was heard, but the word was muffled out and inaudible.

    The air was calm for no reason, the room was dark but words could be spoken. "(muffled out sound) I accept you into my home under the pretense that you serve my family, and serve them well. I'm assigning you to safeguard my daughter, and fulfill all of the tasks she assigns you. Do you accept?" the voice was arrogant, pompous and obviously belonging to a noble. The world would slowly open up from the darkness, the gaze shifting upwards as 'her' head lifted and the male voice came out. "I am the humble servant of her ladyship (muffled out), and will not fail to do all which she asks of me. My life has no value my lord, so there will be no hesitance to act as cannon fodder while she continues to live. If her ladyship should perish, I will as well." Had Xazinay cared to remember the voice, she would recognize it to be Blade's.

    The room they were in was oriental style with paper walls, lanterns, and ornate decorations all around. Several guards were in the room with strange weapons, the blade of a katana mounted on a spear's pole; a Naginata as it was called. "Good." the other male voice replied, followed by "The ladies will show you to your sleeping quarters. Please do tell me if it's not to your liking, you'll wake before sunrise, my daughter is an early riser so be clean and be respectful." His vision never rose up to see the face of the voice, it would be rude to gaze upon it after all.

    The scene faded out, fading back in to reveal a lavish room that was far superior to anything the tiny house in the farm land could had possibly contained. A kimono and hakama was hanging on a peg on the wall. It was obviously freshly made, dark blue with a black trim. Feeling it would reveal it to be silk. "Please be sure to get some rest, her ladyship is quite energetic." a female voice called, turning, a woman would be seen with no face sitting on her knees slowly closing the door to a crease. "Also, if it's of any consolation to you... I offer my condolences... for your wife and son." the sound of the door tapping shut was heard as the world went black again.

    A warm feeling around his body, bent at his waist before trailing up behind him. It had a fairly good hold on him, and whatever it was attached to was pressing against him. Slowly the world gained color, only for him to open his eyes and look down at a field of shining, silken black hair. It turned upwards revealing fair skin accompanied by a pair of bright, caring, kind hazel eyes and a large smile. "Are you (muffled out)?" she asked, her voice brimming with excitement. The world moved up and down as he nodded. The smile grew larger, her eyes seeming to grow larger and a joyous energy erupted from her. "That's awesome! I'm (muffled out), daddy told me you're my personal servant!"

    The blankets flew up and Xazinay would find herself looking at the floor, the feeling of wood pressing against her forehead would be very prominent. "I offer my deepest apologies my master! I was told to awake befor-" "-It's midnight." the voice interrupted. The gaze shifted up to see it was pitch black outside. Laughter was heard from the padded bed on the floor as the girl let off and outburst. "You should see the look on your face!" Looking around, it was seen that he was still in his room, but he still couldn't fathom why she was in bed with him. "I- I'm terribly sorry my master. If I performed anything undignified I shall accept-" "UGGH! Cut it with that 'my master' garbage! My name's (muffled out) so address me by it!" "Of course my m- umm... (muffled out)." "Good! Also you didn't do anything worth punishing for so get back over here!"

    Several seconds passed before the girl gave an impatient look. "Fine, if you won't keep me warm then I'll just have to do this...!" hands would be seen flying into the air as a head was flopped down on his lap attached to a body wrapped up in a blanket which did not belong to her. "I want you to rub my hair and hum until I fall asleep." she sounded a bit bratty, but a smile still found its way to his face. The world would fade once more as the feeling of silk, and a gentle hum was produced.

    If Xazinay would reject the experience, then she would only see Blade sleeping soundly on her lap.


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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Xazinay 8th May 2016, 5:23 am

    When was the last time she dreamt? Slumber generally came without visions, only the pure and comforting blankness one experienced before awakening. Blocking out any visions became a necessity so long ago the woman honestly forgot why, finding little reason to “dream” or find why she no longer did. Rather than fight it she gave in willingly, assessing the body to not be her’s, but some odd manifestation within this world as she watched the house alight and someone scream from inside. ’What is this supposed to symbolize?’ Surely there existed some meaning this? Though…she’d heard that dreams could reach into the truly bizarre, but so often they held some faint connection to life?

    Passively she observed things, this dream character sporting predetermined lines outside her control. The voice failed to match any of her masters yet this role coincided with the one she’d received in life. ’Hmm…is this supposed to connect somehow to my situation? Is this inspired by my desire to find any of my masters?’ Something sounded odd in the voice of her “character” – masculine to be expected, but familiar. It took a few moments for her to discern her current companion’s voice slipped into her dreams, never mind the oddity of dreaming itself. Why would she dream about him? Why fabricate all of this?

    More than anything she wanted a closer look at the garments hanging on the wall, unable to do so as the visions continued on their route and leading to a comical scene. ’Reminds me of a scene from a novel…I can’t remember if she lived or died horribly in that one…I may have seen this multiple times with multiple paths thereafter…’ So many ways she could imagine it to end, yet Xazinay felt confident it hadn’t ended well for one reason or another. Life for the rich could be wonderful and fraught with danger at the same time.

    As her dream hand began to caress the hair and a gentle tune left her lips the dream started fading away and reality seeped back into place. Mimicking the dream her hand appeared to be stroking Blade’s hair gently, the woman noting its softness. She continued to perform it for a few minutes, offering him a little more reprieve before trying to rouse him. After all she wanted to regain feeling in her leg and they still needed to escape. Surely by now the storm passed as well so they wouldn’t be drenched by the time they escaped this cavern…or at least she hoped it wouldn’t be too long. ’Then again, it’s not like I’m in a rush to get somewhere either.’ Without any decent leads her path would currently remain aimless and winding.

    ”Come along now, it’s time to wake up. You have a master to return to and I’m sure he’ll wonder at some point where you’ve gotten off too,” her voice remained low, not wanting to harshly awaken him even if the option to shove him into the pond existed. Instead she gently shook his shoulder as she spoke to him, head hovering over his to watch if he stirred or not, bright green eyes awaiting golden orbs.


    Azurius Tade
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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Azurius Tade 16th May 2016, 2:59 am

    he feeling of something on his head was becoming clearer, the dream world fading out as the hand passed through his black locks some more. He felt his shoulder being shaken, accompanied by hearing something said softly that he assumed was 'Sugar' as he now knew her by, trying to wake him up. He heard the last part of it, and pieced together the rest on his own to figure her telling him nap time was over.

    Turning his head and lifting himself straight up, Blade opened his eyes to be met with a forest canopy... a sea of green that made him stop in his tracks for fear of crashing into it. He lowered himself for a moment, waiting for Xazinay to move her head so he didn't accidentally headbutt her, or she didn't purposefully headbutt him as impossible to avoid as the latter would be. Blade then straightened himself up proper, grabbing his head while letting his brain stop hurting. It felt as though he had someone inside his head, but knew Azurius wasn't around so it was impossible.

    Blade was quick to get over himself, while the minor stinging persisted he could ignore it for some time, and got up. He walked over to Xazinay extending his hand in an attempt to try and be nice to her for a change. "You have a thorough apology for my tearing your garment, as well as my acknowledgement that it's a very fine dress. If you'd allow it, I'd like to have you and my master meet. His magic is able to repair it without the need of stitching. It'd look as if it was never damaged to begin with." he said calmly, his offer was a sort of olive branch if Xazinay, who's name he didn't know yet, would accept it as such.

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.


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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Xazinay 21st May 2016, 6:14 am

    Pulling away, finally a spot of feeling came back into her legs as the man sat up. Oddly though it felt a little cruel to force him back to the waking world, the slight bit of a guilt a curious sensation. Rather than dwell on it too long the woman waved it away and instead focused on regaining further feeling in her legs as she uncurled them. Standing up, she started dusting herself a bit before hands paused against her dress, staring at the hand as a surprising apology met her ears. Briefly she considered her options in this situation, playing out the possible scenarios in her mind.

    Ultimately nothing stretched too far into “favorable/unfavorable” so she accepted the hand, ”Very well, you are forgiven. It’s no real matter, was merely a nuisance at the time.” Of course the greater nuisance was how quick he’d been to track her down after belatedly figuring it out – holding no knowledge that it in fact hadn’t been him to figure it out at all. His concern for a mere garment intrigued her, no…that wasn’t quite right. Perhaps it…amused her? Somehow the sentiment sounded more correct.

    ”It is but a dress, but if you insist then I have no reason not to accept.” Why did they have to meet? Was there some reason he wished for them to come into contact? After all she could’ve simply handed him the dress and offer to meet elsewhere, but she supposed if the man wanted to offer a favor on behalf of his master it’d be proper for the person to meet her or else it’d be insulting. ’Though I couldn’t fathom asking anything of an Ancient for someone else…their whims run too rampant to predict the outcome.’ No, the raven-haired woman readily admitted that if she ever felt an ounce of gratitude that inspired a favor or an intent to make amends, it would be through her power rather than her masters’ – even once she found one of them.

    Intending to view the fish again her eyes caught sight of an opening through a thin layer of some sort of ivy dangling over it. ’Was that there before?’ Had the fish been so enthralling or maybe she’d been more tired than initially perceived? Regardless it provided them a new route, one not blocked by a wedged in creature, though a small part of her felt sure there’d been another entrance…but the smooth walls surrounding them seemed to say otherwise.


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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Azurius Tade 26th May 2016, 3:16 am

    lade was somewhat confused, seeing as she'd made such a big deal of the dress before, but was being nonchalant about it now he wasn't sure what to feel for tearing it. However he had already offered to have it repaired, and while he didn't like asking Azurius for favors of any kind, he would know that his master found honor in fixing what was broken. His attention was quickly turned to a spot on the wall that Xazinay seemed to be focusing on. He walked over and lowered his head while standing behind her, pressing his cheek to hers while staring in the same direction she was, his eyes narrowing as they focused. It was there that he saw a small hole, and upon seeing it took a step away to give Xazinay her space once more. He continued walking to pick up the spears he had leaned against the wall and gave the crimson one a twirl before landing it tip forward in his hand and tossing it with great force, so hard that it slammed into the wall on the other side of the pond and stuck in the wall.

    He took a few steps back before charging, using the other spear to vault himself to the end of the one stuck in the wall. It wiggled slightly, but didn't come loose. He then moved the vines aside with one hand while holding the wall with the other to prevent himself from falling from the inch thick foot hold that was the spear's pole. Finding a hole, Blade went in to check if it was safe, finding there was a portion that went straight up with light filtering through. Blade walked back out and tossed his other spear to Xazinay so she could use it to vault herself over. "When you get in, remember to grab my other spear." he said before going back into the hole to give her some room to work with.

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.


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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Xazinay 30th May 2016, 11:58 pm

    Why the man tapped their cheeks together she couldn’t fathom, though he hardly cared for personal space she’d noticed. If Blade held any sense of shame he wouldn’t have plopped his head quite so readily into her lap earlier after all, though his quickly formed familiarity intrigued him. Most people respected some sense of distance so keeping them away proved easily even as most became turned off by her personality she gathered. Soon enough he moved away much to her inner relief. Contact with others felt so strange and confusing that the girl didn’t wish to waste precious time on it even if time wasn’t much of a factor – merely a contradiction she couldn’t seem to explain.

    Even without magic the man proved resourceful, lodging one spear into the wall near the entrance to create a sort of platform. For reasons beyond her understanding he chucked it back at her, the girl unsuspecting he intended for her to perform the same feat. Not one for spear throwing or shot put generally the girl picked up the spear, blank eyes taking in the details as she became accustomed to its weight…and then chucked it. Admittedly Xazinay forgot to account for his potential position beyond the ivy, merely aiming to get the thing through, but she figured he could avoid it as the thought occurred a few steps into the pond. Using the breast stroke finally the quiet raven-haired mage reached the other side, managing to yank out the other spear from the wall before entering the vines.

    ”Here you are,” Xazinay offered, voice as bland as her expression, extending the spear to him. She acted for all the world she didn’t drip water continuously, dress acting glued to her figure until he took the proffered spear. Then and only then she squeezed some of the water from the skirt of her dress, tossing the lilly pad sitting on her head like a Frisbee past the wall of ivy. Shoes squelched a little, but nothing she couldn’t ignore as she moved to traverse the new hallway. ’What caused it to manifest though? I’m almost certain it wasn’t there when we arrived in that room earlier. So what created it? Is someone manipulating this area, or is it some sort of built in function like the inability to use magic?’


    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Azurius Tade 2nd June 2016, 5:36 am

    lushing slightly at the sight, Blade averted his eyes to avoid further study of Xazinay's figure as the clothes hugged her every curve. While it was only for an instant that he saw it, Blade had already remembered every detail without fail and was forcing himself to betray his second brain and wipe the memory from his subconscious. Grabbing at the weapon while looking away, the first two small flicks of his wrist yielded no sensation, with the third attempt touching his fingers to the pole and grabbing it quickly but taking it from her gently. "Th-thanks." he said while turning the rest of his body, his voice containing a hint of being flustered.

    Ahead was a stairwell made of stones that lead to a sunlit exit. Blade shielded his eyes as he stepped into the bright rays, feeling their warmth hit his body and the fresh air fill his nostrils. The world getting clearer for him to see, he noticed they were on the outskirts of town, overlooking a road that lead towards Hargeon with train tracks in the far distance. He pulled out a small object, rectangular in shape and shining cyan, lifting it to his mouth. "Blade to the H.S. Salvation." he said calmly. A feminine voice replied "Salutations Blade. You dropped off the grid for a while, are you well?" "I'm fine, would you mind picking me and one more up?" Blade glanced over to Xazinay and then turned his eyes away while simultaneously trying to keep his mushroom from growing. "And bring something for a female to wear..." he added to his request.

    A ship appeared coming from the sky, not representing the kind you see on the ocean, but the type you'd see in science fiction. The cargo bay door located on the bottom of the ship would line up with the ground and open up, giving them access to enter. However, when the door had fully opened, it showed a man with golden eyes staring at them. A black trench coat over his body, unkempt black hair and a stubble that showed he wasn't the kind to shave daily would be a general description of his attire. Blade turned white as though he'd seen a ghost or ten thousand at the sight of Azurius. "Yo." Azurius said with a casual tone. "M-m-m-ma- ma-" "So that's what the spare clothes was for..." Azurius said while looking at Xazinay. "I heard there's a buncha fish in the sea being used as a term to pick up ladies, but I guess you just gave it new definition. So, where'd you fish out the cutie?" "M-Master!" Blade had turned crimson, his feral looking eyes narrowing. "Lighten up, I was only messin' with you."

    Blade let out a sigh, letting his mind try to settle. "Please forgive me my lord, but I owe her a new dress." he said humbly, bowing his head to Azure. The man looked at Xazinay, who's name he didn't know but could easily find out if he cared and followed the damp dress down to a tear at the bottom. "Guess you do." "There's also a creature inside this tunnel system trapped in place my lord. I left an item with it that may be used to find it." "I'll send a team in. You there, I am Azurius. You can call me Azure if ya like, come on in we'll get ya in some dry clothes." he said to the female in the dress with a strong, but not overbearing tone.

    If Xazinay would choose to accept the offer, she would be presented with a white kimono to wear while Azurius was tending to her dress The kimono was made of silk, and came with a red sash that complimented it well. If she would choose to use it, then Azure would be able to take the dress to a separate room to work on it. Otherwise he would simply have to sew it while she was wearing it, which would be much more lengthy. The inside of the ship was a mix of luxury and technology. There was an area that was made purely for relaxation, but there was screens on the walls with several diagnostics systems running that only an engineer would be able to understand. It would be obvious that the ship was designed for comfort as well as functionality.

    If Xazinay would decline the offer, Azurius would ask if she was sure. If she would turn the offer down a second time, Azure would give no resistance and let her be on her way. Blade would enter the ship with his master.

    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.


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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Xazinay 16th June 2016, 5:50 am

    Why did he suddenly act so…incompetent? Not moments before he’d deftly tossed his spear to provide a foothold and yet now the man couldn’t bear to gaze in her direction long enough to retrieve the thing just as nimbly? Perhaps the wet form of her dress left her an awful sight to see, or it brought up awful memories…or maybe he really disliked water? The man avoided it with his pole vaulting earlier so she moved it a bit closer to where his swinging hand wobbled in the air and finally he nabbed the precious spear. Task accomplished he further avoided her person and gave her half a mind to try and ring part of the dress out on him, or at least hit him with a few flying drops of water from the skirt…but she refrained. That would be too wild and carefree of her.

    Heat trickled ever so slightly into her skin as they finally found their exit to this silly place, the water from the pond remaining cool overall, but she could feel a bit in her hands and head. With some of the water rung out along their journey she hoped it might dry soon, though the woman doubted it’d be for some time. Still, regaining some sensation in her hands felt nice as her companion radioed a ship. She’d turned away from him, keener on soaking up some of the pleasant rays, eyes closing as she enjoyed that rare moment of peace and missed the second comment of his entirely.

    Wind picked up, sending chills back down her spine as it proceeded to block the sun and causing her vivid green eyes to reopen. ’All good things must come to an end, no?’ A rather curious man greeted them, the very image of a harried and overworked detective in her mind – perhaps a slight embellishment on her part, but Xazinay would no doubt use him as a mental picture for the next detective novel she read. ’And yet…’ Eyes turning to Blade, she watched as color drained from him, the man’s casual nature an interesting contrast to the man’s apparent panic. Figuring out who he was came easy.


    The man’s joke passed over her, not reacting as the two acted more like friends from the Master’s side. Odd as it may have looked, Xazinay curtsied with her damp dress, ”It is a pleasure to meet the master of Blade. You may call me Xazinay, or Xazi if you prefer.” She pronounced it with a “sh” sound instead of “x” and offered the nickname as well as he’d done in kind, uncaring that now Blade would know her name as well.

    Contrary to what her cave companion’s likely impression of her, Xazinay accepted the temporary garment rather than put up a fight or stink over it. She saw little reason to get in the man’s way, unaware that there might’ve been a slight pleasure in denying Blade…though it stemmed in part from the man’s constant attacks on her person for very silly reasons (in her mind). ’Still…’ Staring into the mirror she couldn’t help thinking that white probably wasn’t her color, so unused to seeing it compared to the usually dark outfits and how it starkly contrasted against her hair that Xazinay felt rather odd. It wasn’t bad, just strange. Leaving the changing room she wasn’t quite sure what to do with herself in this strange environment, watching screens with words and data that made little sense to someone of her occupation. The passing of clouds proved more interesting, green eyes watching as they passed a flock of geese, unsure if she should try sitting in this outfit or what customs came with the garment.


    Azurius Tade
    Azurius Tade

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    Cutting to the Chase... Empty Re: Cutting to the Chase...

    Post by Azurius Tade 16th June 2016, 10:11 am

    lade waited with Azurius out on the sun-deck of the ship, an area with wood flooring that was exposed to the world where passengers could go to to escape the technological hub that was the interior of the H.S. Salvation. "So... got yourself-" "Master, there is no being I place before you. The concept of someone replacing you in my heart is inconceivable." "... -sigh- You're no fun." their conversation went on, naturally Azurius trying to just make light of the situation. A youthful looking character appeared on the sundeck wearing blue stockings, a white miniskirt, and a blue sweater. Her blue eyes seeming to glow, but still failing to have any 'creep factor' that anyone could detect. "Captain, our guest has finished changing into the attire she was provided. Do you wish her be lead here?" Azurius looked to Enomoto saying calmly "Yes please, thanks Ene."

    Cutting to the Chase... ZdsNsXC

    The AI vanished in a pixelated effect, reappearing inside the ship in front Xazinay. "Excuse me miss Xazinay." she said while providing a light bow, and pronouncing the name properly to boot. "The Captain and Blade are up on the sundeck and wish to have an audience." She stepped aside, gesturing to a single line on the floor that had a blue dot on it. "If you would follow the floor lights, I would be more than elated to guide you to them." She would says before vanishing in the same pixel effect she appeared with. The dot would lead Xazinay through a large room with many crew members working at various consoles, each seeming to be completely engulfed in their work. The gentle hums of computers, along with some minor chatter between workers would be the loudest things she would hear, and if she focused in on any conversation, she would find that no one in the room was speaking of her. She might take it as a good thing that these people didn't find her strange at all, or she might take it as insulting that they didn't even notice her entering... At the end of her small journey up several stairs, and through some halls to go up another set of stairs, Xazinay would find herself at at a door with sunlight filtering through.

    "So you wanna let me know what went down in that place?" Azurius asked Blade, who immediately turned red with embarrassment. "Nothing happened betw-" "That's not what I meant." Azurius's tone was less playful, but not quite condescending... "Oh. My magic was cut off entirely, even if it weren't I wouldn't have left." "Why's that?" "I found myself unwilling to part with that woman out of concern for her well being. I felt a duty to ensure she got out as well." "Yeah... that sounds like you." "Master..." "It's a good thing. You've got a sense of honor about you, that honor might get you killed by never abandon it." "You have my word-" "Our guest is here."

    As soon as Xazinay would open the door (assuming she went this route), she would see a very well polished bloodwood deck with enough room to have a small gathering with a dance in the center. Tabled and chairs lined the outer rim, and on the far end Xazinay would see Azurius and Blade standing up to meet her halfway, or all the way if she didn't move at all. However, when Blade saw her in the kimono, a river of crimson erupted from his nose as the force of the gods gave him the ultimate uppercut, making him fly backwards and let the river arc with him. He slammed on the ground with no blood on him at all aside from a bit under his nose. His eyes, normally golden and very feral looking, were completely white and his crimson face lingered. Azure looked at the man apathetically and said with a bored tone "Pussy."

    He didn't bother picking Blade off the ground, only walking over to Xazinay and giving her a western style bow, placing and arm over his stomach and bowing, before meeting her eyes with his glowing, golden eyes. "If you had any question on how you look... looks like Blade approves. He'll be up again in a few minutes. Your dress is currently drying, but once it finishes my crew can have it repaired almost flawlessly in a few minutes." Azurius turned around and gesture for her to follow while walking back towards the table where he would pull out a chair for Xazinay. "Please, have a seat." he would say politely. Enomoto would appear near them "Would you or your guest like something to eat or drink?" "I'll take the usual, once blade gets off his ass he'll probably just ask for some tea." Azurius would turn his gaze towards Xazinay "Xaz?" he would ask, pronouncing the new nickname properly as 'sh' and not 'x' as she had done when she boarded. Obviously, he would be waiting for her order.

    Once the orders were finished, Ene would completely vanish, this time the effect would be a series of lines, like the ones that normally symbolize teleportation or something in videogames. "When we get your dress back, is there anywhere you'd like to be taken? My vessel is known in all parts of this world so almost all ports are safe for me to touch down in. I can also have Ene set us down in a city, or other location if you'd like. That is, unless you'd like to hang out with-" the sound of groaning interrupted Azurius's hospitality. "Oh hey, sleeping not-beauty finally woke up. You good nose-bleed guy?" "uuggghhhh...." the disoriented grumble came from the man on the floor as he began getting up.

    Blade's hand touched the arm rest of the chair he was originally sitting in and began pulling himself up. Assuming Xazinay was sitting with Azurius, his face would find itself remarkably close to her own, to which he would quickly fly backwards and press his back against the railing, meanwhile Azurius pulled out a cigar and began smoking it, amazingly it produced no scent at all... Blade looked at Xazinay in her kimono and instantly turned around while placing his hand under his nose to stop the blood he knew was trying to creep out. "SugarYoulookbeautifulinthat, pleasexcusemeIhavetotakecareofanallergy." he blurted out sheepishly before turning back around and quickly walking across the deck. "buuullshiiiit...." Azurius said under his breath with an amused tone. "As I was saying, if you'd-" The sound of clattering plates interrupted Azure yet again as he saw Blade clumsily dodging a woman coming in with the beverages and some small snack cakes on a tray cart. "-sigh- If you'd like to stay on the ship Ene can show you around. Since you're blade's friend, you're welcome on my vessels at anytime. Now... why did Blade called you 'Sugar'?"

    Cutting to the Chase... 0QJ6vUp

    The cart stopped next to Azurius and Xazinay with a girl that had rather strange, animalesque features dressed in a maid's outfit giving them both a bow. Her voice was extremely soft and sweet sounding, stereotypical of every unearthly innocent girl. "Your drinks... ummm, I- I know you didn't ask for any, but I also made you some sweets." Her cheeks were rosy, and her voice was so unbearably sweet that even the baddest of bad guys would feel like an absolute dick for not opening a door for her, even though doing that was a dead practice anyways... "Thank you, please, sit with us." he sad while gesturing to the now vacant seat. The girl's soft, green hues seemed to light up a bit, a relieved smile appearing on her face. "Y-yes sir." she said happily, the sheer amount of joy would make even the most depressed person feel the warmth behind it. She sat in the chair, placing her hands in her lap, her legs closed, her back straight... had Azurius not gotten used to how innocent Claire was he likely would have still been telling her to relax. She didn't reach for the tea set to pour herself anything, she simply sat with a light smile on her face, her tail gently waving to show she truly was happy...

    Under the circumstance Xazinay would decide to not grant Azurius and Blade the audience, Enomoto would let her know that she'll be happy to show her any aspect of the ship she desired, and answer questions so long as she had the clearance to answer them.
    credit to nat of adoxography and gangnam style.

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