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    Bully the bully

    Casey Nightwind
    Casey Nightwind

    Lineage : None
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    Posts : 138
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 75

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    First Skill: Flowing Light
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    Bully the bully Empty Bully the bully

    Post by Casey Nightwind 2nd April 2016, 8:04 pm

    Casey looked up at the sky he had no need to cover his eyes for a thick layer of clouds blocked out the sun. "Looks like rain." He thought as he walked in to Magnolia. A few rain drops hit his face as he walked through the city. One could smell the storm fast approaching. Casey sighed. "It's defiantly going to rain." He shuddered. "I guess I'd better find an inn."
    The rain started coming down harder and Casey ran to some trees for some cover. "D*** It's really coming down." He said pulling his hoodie closer to his body. He sat down huddled under the tree and tried to stay dry but to no avail. A little ways off a small boy limped home soaked from the rain. Casey saw the boy but didn't pay much attention  to him. The boy took a few more steps and then collapsed. Casey caught this out of the corner of his eye and rushed over to the boy. After making sure he was alive Casey ran to the nearest building.
    Casey Nightwind
    Casey Nightwind

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 138
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Age : 26
    Experience : 75

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    First Skill: Flowing Light
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    Bully the bully Empty Re: Bully the bully

    Post by Casey Nightwind 6th April 2016, 7:07 pm

    The nearest building happened to be a shop, rain pored down the shop's windows as Casey carried the boy inside. After a brief explanation the shopkeeper brought some blankets and some  heating lacrima. Casey thanked the man and paid for the supplies.
    Casey sat by the boy until he came to, as the boy looked around Casey explained what happened. "So I collapsed in the park and you brought me here?" The boy asked from his voice Casey new the kid had at least caught a cold. "Yes and may I ask as to why you were out in the rain it looks like you were beat up pretty bad." He noted the all the bruises on the boy's face. "Well." The boy began taking his time like it was hard for him to speak. "You see after school There's this kid that bullies me today he wanted my launch but I had already eaten so after school he beat me up. I have some Jewels saved up and was going to pay a wizard to help but." Casey stood up fists clenched. 'Don't worry about that kid just tell me were the school is."
    Casey Nightwind
    Casey Nightwind

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 138
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flowing Light
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    Bully the bully Empty Re: Bully the bully

    Post by Casey Nightwind 10th April 2016, 5:36 pm

    After the boy had warmed up and had been dried Casey walked him home. The rain had stopped for the moment but the sky looked like it could still drench the city below. As they walk the boy looked up at Casey his eyes sagging from exhaustion. "Sir are you really going to make the bully stop bulling me?" Casey bent down and looked into the boy's eyes. "I promises he won't bully you any more got it?" The boys face brightened a bit. "Thank you sir." The boy stopped in front of a house. "This is my house thank you for walking me home." "No problem." Casey smiled as the boy turned to open the door but then stopped and turned to Casey. "Please don't hurt the bully I wouldn't want someone hurt because of me." Casey smiled at the boy's incense. "I promise."

    The storm continued later that night rain beat against the window of the room Casey had rented. "Man is it ever going to stop raining I've had enough water to last a life time today." Casey looks out the window lightning flashes across the sky shedding light on the city outside. Wind ripped through the trees rain pored down rushing into the sewers. Casey sighed. "I'm never getting to sleep tonight."
    Casey Nightwind
    Casey Nightwind

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 138
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flowing Light
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    Bully the bully Empty Re: Bully the bully

    Post by Casey Nightwind 16th April 2016, 4:31 pm

    Casey awoke to sunlight seeping into his room through the curtains. "Well the storm must be over, wish the dumb thing would have let me sleep decent."  Casey stretched his arms and yawned. "Well I suppose I need to find something to do before school gets out." Casey's stomach rumbled. "But first food."
     Breakfast proved to be a delicious, a buffet of fruit with bacon and eggs and a side of waffles. Casey Walked out of the inn feeling much better then when he had woken up. The storm had left branches and leaves laying around the streets but the air felt cleaner then it did the day before.
      Casey wondered the city for a few hours looking for possible jobs. The day went by and soon Casey realized he should head to the school before the kids were let out. He sat at a bench near the school and read the weeks issue of Sorcerer weekly as a cover. About half way through the magazine He realized some thing horrible. "Crap I never got a description of the bully from the kid, how am I suppose to find the right person?" His question was cut short when the school bell rang. Casey looked around as the children walked out, the boy he promised to help would be home sick after getting drenched. Casey noticed a boy picking on another kid. "Thank goodness he's not making it hard to figure out he's a bully." Casey followed the bully at a distance until he left the kid and turned down an ally way. He made sure no one was looking before following the bully into the ally.
    Casey Nightwind
    Casey Nightwind

    Lineage : None
    Position : None
    Posts : 138
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Age : 26
    Experience : 75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Flowing Light
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    Bully the bully Empty Re: Bully the bully

    Post by Casey Nightwind 1st May 2016, 8:37 pm

    Casey stopped as he entered the ally way the bully had walked into a dead end. A few trash bags sat outside the couple doors extruding from the walls. The Bully who looked like he was thirteen or so stood at the end of the ally with his arms crossed. He stared at Casey his face looked as menacing as a boys face could look. "So you've been following me around sense I left from school what do you want." Casey continued to walk towards him as he answered. "I've heard a lot about you kid and I'm not happy." He cracked his knuckles then clenched them into fists. "I'm here to teach you a lesson." The Bully stood perfectly still his eyes fixed on Casey. "I wouldn't do anything you might regret. My Dad's a powerful wizard." Casey walked up to him and with one arem lifted him up over his head by his shirt. "What do I care if your dad's a wizard? It makes no difference to me who your parents are. A magic circle appeared on his spare hand and light flowed out and formed a sphere. "Your going to stop bullying the kids at your school or I'll just have to test my magic.  The Bully laughed.c"Your just like the guild wizards my Dad deals with they're all so weak to actually fight. There's nothing you can do it would be illegal for you to hit me and you know it." The Bully kicked Casey in the chest which didn't do anything physical but a change defiantly accorded. The light in Casey's hand dissipated his hand that held the Bully tightened its grip and one had looked closely at his eyes the could have a fire blazing behind them. With the light gone the Bully smiled. "See just set me down and I won't get you killed." Casey threw him as hard as he could against the wall and rushed up and grabbed him by his collar his face murderous. "Shut up." He said as magic energy gathered into Casey's other clenched hand as he got ready to kill the Bully. Casey looked into the Bully's eyes fear seamed to radiate from them. In he mind Casey went back to the night his parents had been murdered. "Stop!" A voice in his mind told him at the last minute he moved his arm enough that the beam of light he had cast missed the Bully by an inch. Casey let go of the Bully and fell to his knees. The Bully ran tears streaming down face out of the ally. "Your becoming just like them the guild that killed your parents. How could you, you promised."  The sun set into the horizon as Casey made his way back to the inn shaken and dead to the world.

    Magic used::

    Word count: 472
    Total word count: Over the minimum words required to lazy to tally it up.

      Current date/time is 21st October 2024, 5:11 pm