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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!




    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
    Cosmic Coins : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 27th January 2016, 3:55 pm

    Job details:

    Rocky's stone earth legs pitter pattered down the earth road just behind a set of dark blue jeans and black boot covered feet. As the dog like Earth Elemental glanced up at it's charge Mashyuu the dim sunlight crept over and hit the pair, casting a warm glow on them. Mashyuu ran his hand through his spiked brown hair then slipped his red and black leather gloves on his hands. He moved his fingers around in the fingerless gloves and caused the leather to crack just a bit. He snapped his fingers and Rocky sped up to meet Mashyuu at his left flank. The blue eyed Wizard took a deep breath of clean air and pointed up ahead to the terrible ancient ruins...

    The last time Mashyuu had visited this location he was attacked by a massive zombie like creature with Emilia at his side. Had it not been for her, Mashyuu was sure he would have nearly died. He was supposed to meet a Wizard from a different guild here before entering a large tower at the ruins though Mashyuu really didn't know what the Wizard looked like. The Earth Dragon Slayer stood outside the tower, it's massive wooden doors had bands of iron holding them in place. He furrowed his brows until they creased while he examined the building. From what he could tell it would take hours to actually walk around the tower and it seemed to run some two hundred feet high. The insane thing was that the pair of Wizards were supposed to go deeper into the tower, deep below the ground floor. "This looks fun right?" Mashyuu asked Rocky.

    Mashyuu smoothed out his mothers brown jacket and zipped it up to just under his neck then turned around to see a figure getting closer. "That must be the guy." Rocky yelped out at the approaching figure while Mashyuu waved the figure over. He leaned back easily against the stone tower with a grin on his face while he waited for his fellow Wizard.

    WC: 338

    Last edited by Mashyuu on 1st February 2016, 12:41 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 210
    Guild : Laughing Coffin
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 575

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Solar Flare:Shining Eclipse
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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 27th January 2016, 4:41 pm

    OOC: (I wanted to bring my pet in but it hasn't been approved yet v.v If it gets approved before the job is finished, can I still bring her in? Like she comes swooping in out of nowhere lol)

    Sebastian, a mage from the neutral guild, Laughing Coffin was walking down a stone like path in the Ancient Ruins. He was wearing a black short sleeved shirt with black jeans and his usual brown combat boots with two golden hoops on each wrist, containing his true form and magic. He didn't have on his typical jacket this time not because the temperature was good out, but because of his so called "pet" vulture, trying to chew the poor boy's face off, wrecking his jacket in the process as well as giving the wizard some scratches on his face. "Geez, if she didn't want to come, all she had to do was shake her head." the white haired boy sighed as he continued walking.

    This is Sebastian's first time going to the legendary Ancient Ruins and sadly, it wasn't for a vacation or to find any ancient daggers. Instead, he was on another job for his guild, but this time, he was told to be getting a partner for this journey. This would be the second time he would be going on a job with another mage who is also from a legal guild. The first was with Sorano of Fairy Tail, who the white haired boy has a thing for, but due to some "complications" in the job, he failed to impress her, getting on her bad side even. The Solar mage quickly shook his head, he couldn't let this stuff get to him now since he has a job to focus on. He would have to figure out how to earn her trust back another day.

    "Woah." the fourteen year old boy said as he stopped for a moment to see the tower from a distance, it was really huge which caused the boy to sigh, having a feeling that it would take a while to walk around this place. As Sebastian got closer to the tower, he saw a figure with what appeared to be a dog like creature made of earth standing by it. Could that be Sebastian's partner for this job? "U-uh, hello...Mashyuu of Sabertooth right?" the timid boy said with a bow before standing back up. "I am Sebastian Skyllon of Laughing Coffin." he said with a brief smile as he brought up the front part of his left hand, revealing his dark red Laughing Coffin tattoo. Why the Council wanted the aid of a guild that wasn't even in their control was beyond the white haired mage, but he didn't question it. He just wanted to get the job done so that he could figure out a way to earn his crushes trust back.

    Word Length: 442


    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! MSCcge0
                                 Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
    Cosmic Coins : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 27th January 2016, 6:21 pm

    As the younger boy approached and gave a bow, Mashyuu had to hold back a small chuckle. Instead he walked up to the kid who dressed in a fashion that was almost identical to Mashyuu, and offered the younger Wizard his hand. "Yep, that's me. Earth Dragon Slayer Mashyuu. It's good to meet you Sebastian... Hey do you have a brother named Brennan? I did a job with him a while back." Mashyuu explained then nodded to the doors just a little ways behind him. "So this is the place I guess. I was looking at the door just a few moments ago and it's the only thing on the outside of the tower that isn't covered in dirt and dust. That means that the treasure hunters in question are ahead of us." Mashyuu took a few steps to the door then stopped. "Oh yeah. This is Rocky, my Earth Elemental."

    Mashyuu placed his hands on the large wooden doors and shoved as hard as he could, letting his strength force the doors open and in. Light was already in the large room before the Wizards. The semi circular room had three flaming torches along each curved wall, leading to a hallway. The room itself looked to be roughly thirty feet in radius and the ceiling went up about ten feet. The floors of the room made of a solid stone were a light shade of grey in color and seemed to slope down just a bit. Glancing over his shoulder at Sebastian, Mashyuu took in all the details of the boy then sniffed the air to familiarize himself with Sebastian's scent... Just in case they got lost. "You got a bird or something?" Mashyuu asked while stepping into the room and headed for the hall.

    As Mashyuu walked down the narrow hall with Rocky at his side, he asked Sebastian about himself to help pass the time while his ears and nose worked to detect anything that was off in the Wizard Saint's temple. "What kind of Magic do you use? It might help to know in case we have to fight. And lets be honest we are going to have to fight. Also do you know anything about this place aside from it being the Wizard Saint's old temple?"

    WC: 380
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 210
    Guild : Laughing Coffin
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 575

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Solar Flare:Shining Eclipse
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    Third Skill:

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 27th January 2016, 7:31 pm

    Sebastian held his hand out, hesitating a little before grabbing the dragon slayer's hand and shaking it. "Dragon Slayer?" the boy's eyes widened as he never met a dragon slayer before or any slayer for that matter. Sebastian nodded as a response to his partner's question about his older brother. This wasn't the first time someone asked him this. It seemed as everyone knew about Brennan except for Sebastian himself who is pretty much still trying to process that he had an older brother.

    The neutral mage looked at the door as Mashyuu explained how it was the only thing not covered in dirt or dust, meaning that the hunters have already found their way in causing the quiet boy to nod and face the dragon slayer as he took a few steps back. "Nice to meet you, Rocky." Sebastan said with a small grin as he tried to crouch over and pet the elemental. The boy stood back up as his partner began to open the door, about to go over to help him only to see that he already had it open. Sebastian gazed upon the three flames in the room then the hallway, it was certainly a sight to behold, certainly a place fit for wizard saints. Perhaps there might be some ancient daggers lying around. The boy had his hand on his chin as he thought of the possibilities.

    He was snapped out of his thoughts from the Sabertooth mage's question about his bird. "O-oh, right." Sebastian stuttered a little, rubbing the claw marks on his face. "She is not very...friendly." the solar mage said with a bit of annoyed tone, flashing back to his brief skirmish with the vulture. He just wanted to swoop in on the large bird, but ended up being almost eaten alive again. Sebastian held up both of his arms, showing Mashyuu the four hoops on his arms as a response to his question. "I use Solar Flare Magic. It's like fire magic, but a lot more complicated. Even I don't fully understand the magic, other then that it made me even less human than I already was." the boy said with a sigh before shaking his head. "I know nothing about this place. This is my first time here....hopefully there will be some rare daggers here." Sebastian said, mumbling the last part about the daggers to himself before looking down to the ground as he walked, not really good with making eye contact and socializing.

    "S-so...were you given a lacrima or did...did a dragon teach you?" Sebastian asked, not making eye contact, but was really curious about dragon slayers and dragons.

    Word Length: 441


    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! MSCcge0
                                 Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
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    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 27th January 2016, 8:13 pm

    "Yeah, or at least I was last time I checked." Mashyuu joked while releasing Sebastian's hand... When the white haired boy greeted Rocky, the dog lightly barked and ran around the boy before rejoining Mashyuu. As Sebastian explained his bird Mashyuu cracked a slight grin at the boys misfortune. For one reason or another Mashyuu thought the idea of a Wizard getting hurt by a bird was funny. Mashyuu stopped at a stone door and motioned for Sebastian to help with pushing it open before answering his question. "I was taught. Not long ago actually... Learned the magic in a matter of weeks. I was already an earth Wizard so when I met the Dragon she was a little more than willing to help. Besides I made sure her treasure was safe since she couldn't get to it." Mashyuu explained. "But that solar magic seems interesting. I'm looking forward to seeing it in action." He wondered if it would be anything like the other fire slayers magic in Sabertooth. He had seen the Fire Dragon and Fire God Slayer in action and both were more than impressive.

    As the door started to creek open Mashyuu grabbed Sebastian's arm and stopped him from pushing. The brown haired man's slited eyes narrowed and his head nodded to the door. Softly he whispered while placing a single clawed finger to his lips. "...There are three men in the next room. I couldn't smell them before because the door was shut air tight. You any good at sneaking around or should we go straight for the kill? I'll follow your lead." Mashyuu asked...

    Mashyuu stepped aside so Sebastian could slip into the next room first and Mashyuu would follow behind to make sure that the young man remained safe. The next room was wide if not just a little narrow. It held a passage that had a spiral staircase running down to the bottom floors of the temple. Three men stood guard, all watching the door intently. The moment the door opened the men prepared to attack whatever came through.

    WC: 341
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 210
    Guild : Laughing Coffin
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 575

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Solar Flare:Shining Eclipse
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    Third Skill:

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 27th January 2016, 9:02 pm

    "A...real dragon?" Sebastian asked, looking towards his partner with the look of amazement in his eyes. He was told that dragons were extinct and that the only way to achieve Dragon Slayer magic was through lacrima, but meeting an actual First Generation Dragon Slayer was certainly hard to describe at this point. But, what if this Mashyuu guy was lying about it? Well there was no time to think about that, there was a job to be done.

    As the stone door slowly opened from the two mage's push, the Sabertooth mage suddenly grabbed the boy's hand to stop him causing Sebastian to look up at him, noticing that he was peeking through the opening. The brown haired man then turned back to Sebastian and informed him that there were three guys on the other side before asking the neutral mage if he were any good at sneaking around. The last time Sebastian tried sneaking around, he fell right into the middle of a mob. Just thinking about it caused the boy to cringe. He looked up to Mashyuu and nodded. "Lets kill them." the boy whispered to his partner, forgetting that he was talking to a legal mage which most likely wasn't a good idea.

    Sebastian suddenly slid into the other room as if he were in a baseball game, alerting the three guys. The neutral mage dug his fingers into the ground the best he could to stop himself from sliding. "Hey! What the hell is a kid doing here!?" one of them yelled. "Eh, who cares how he got on. Just kill him and dump the body somewhere, he's just a kid." another one said, gesturing to his buddy to do the job. Sebastian laid on the ground in the same position he was when he slid in as the guy approached him, waiting for him to get closer. When he was close enough, Sebastian quickly leg swept the guy and stood over top of him stretching his right arm out, facing the guy's face with his palm open and his other hand clenching his wrist as the hoops on his wrists began glowing orange. "Fire Bolt!" the boy said as fire engulfed his palm before shooting out a burst of pink mixed with orange fire as if it were a bolt of lightning, point blank.

    "That kid's a freaking mage!" one of the remaining two guys yelled before they both began to charge towards him.

    Word Length: 411


    Signature Spell:


    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! MSCcge0
                                 Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
    Cosmic Coins : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 27th January 2016, 9:41 pm

    Mashyuu glared at the neutral Wizard who suggested that the Wizards kill the guards. "No killing." Mashyuu ordered. While he had fought along side many Wizards who had no issue with killing, Mashyuu didn't want to kill anyone who really didn't need it. But Mashyuu could agree to cracking some skulls and taking some thugs out. Sebastian rushed into the room and fired off a bolt of super heated magic like it was a bolt of lightning while on the ground, causing one man to hit the ground but not take him out. The other two rushed Sebastian to try and kill the young white haired Wizard before he could react.

    Mashyuu shoved the door open and jumped into the room, landing just in front of Sebastian so that the boy could get up. Rocky looped around the Earth Wizard while he pulled his right arm back. It crackled with Magical energy that seemingly looped around his arm until he extended his right arm forward with his palm out. "Thunder Flash!" He shouted. The jacket his mother had died wearing caused a bolt of lighting to lance out and strike the Two Wizards straight through the chest before hitting the staircase behind them. While the blast harmed them it didn't bring the two down. In the same time the other thug had recovered from Sebastian's initial strike and was on the move for the young man once again.

    "Watch your flank!" Mashyuu ordered while Rocky ran around to the stairs to make sure that nothing came up to attack them. Mashyuu curled his fingers and brought them up while the two men came within a meter of the Earth Dragon Slayer. A grin crossed Mashyuu's fanged face and he slashed his downwards. A series of shockwaves rocketed out and struck the two thugs. "Earth Dragon's Talons!" He shouted as the shockwaves hit the men, knocking them out cold.

    WC: 318
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 210
    Guild : Laughing Coffin
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 575

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Solar Flare:Shining Eclipse
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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 27th January 2016, 10:17 pm

    The neutral mage glanced at the two other guys who were coming at him. Suddenly, the Earth Dragon Slayer jumped in front of the boy, giving him enough time to get back on his feet. He watched as his partner shot out a burst of lighting towards the two attackers, causing Sebastian to tilt his head since he was led to believe that he was an Earth Dragon Slayer. Before he could ask Mashyuu, the guy Sebastian attacked got up, his face obviously burnt with and enraged expression.

    The guy began throwing punches at the white haired boy, only for them to not connect as the neutral mage constantly bobbed and weaved out of the way. Sebastian then threw two punches at the guy as well before clenching his cheeks with his hands followed by a knee to the face, giving the guy a bloody nose. Sebastian twitched a little at the sight of the blood, knowing full well what it does to him if he sees a lot of blood. Suddenly, a punch was thrown his way, impacting his cheek before he could give in to his "urge" and quickly slid behind the guy. Two of his hoops then flew from his wrists, causing Sebastian's eyes to turn orange and his hands engulfed in flames.

    The two hoops stretched out by two feet with them flying from the opposite sides of each other around the guy. The middle of the hoops began to glow fiery orange as Sebastian glared at the guy. Shining Eclipse Style: Flaming Ember Bullets! Sebastian yelled as a barrage of miniature flames began bombarding the guy until he finally fell unconscious with tiny burn marks all over his body. Sebastian could've did much worse, but wanted to respect his partner's wish. After that was done, the hoops went back to his wrists causing his body to return to normal just in time to see the Sabertooth mage strike the other two out.

    Word Length: 328


    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! MSCcge0
                                 Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
    Cosmic Coins : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 27th January 2016, 10:55 pm

    Mashyuu finished off the two men then turned to face Sebastian. "Good job... And thanks for not killing that guy. So... daggers huh? What's with the need for those?" Mashyuu asked while pointing to his ears. "I have great hearing. Actually since I trained with the Earth Dragon I have developed my senses to be much stronger." He mused mostly to himself. Never before had he even thought about the idea that since he developed his Dragon Slayer magic his physical prowess had improved along with his magic. Strength, speed, senses all grew stronger. He shrugged his shoulders and motioned for Sebastian to follow down the flight of stairs.

    Mashyuu crept down the stairs, the case was made of wood, unlike the rest of the tower thus far. The Earth Wizard was surprised when he saw that inside the walls of the stairwell were small orbs that seemed to glow a dim light to guide the way down the stairs. Once at the foot of the stairs Mashyuu, Sebastian and Rocky found themselves in a long hall that had a door some hundred feet away from the Wizards. "This room is trapped. I'd put all the jewels I have on it. But I wonder how the others got past this room without leaving a trace? Maybe they went up the stairs instead of down and we are actually beating them to the treasure?" The Earth Wizard questioned himself.

    Carefully Mashyuu took a step forward and winced, expecting the room to expend some sort of poison or some sort of trap. When nothing happened Mashyuu let a sigh of relief fall from his lungs. "Eh. Maybe I'm wrong after all." He joked. What he didn't know was that had he taken another step forward the walls would have collapsed in on themselves, crushing everyone in the room.

    WC: 306
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 210
    Guild : Laughing Coffin
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 575

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Solar Flare:Shining Eclipse
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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 27th January 2016, 11:20 pm

    Sebastian rubs the back of his head, grinning a little at the question. "Let's just say I work a lot better with daggers. So you heard me, huh?" Sebastian asked, as his partner talked about his enhanced senses that he got from being a Dragon Slayer. "Wow, I heard stories of Slayers having enhanced senses, but I never thought they would be that good." the neutral mage said, praising his partner as he followed him down the flight of stairs.

    The neutral mage poked at the glowing orbs on the walls like any curious youth would do, each touch feeling cold to the boy. Sebastian knew that he was on a job, but he couldn't help but think of this as a game, exploring a lost temple for treasure thinking that this may be how Treasure Hunting Guilds feel like. The white haired mage stopped walking and began jumping down each step with a smile on his face, his inner child peeking out basically even though he was in his teens until the two found themselves in a long hallway with a door that was about a few hundred feet away. Sebastian nodded at Mashyuu, agreeing with him about this room most likely being a trap.

    Sebastian held his breathe as his partner took a brave step into the hall, preparing for the worse, but nothing happened causing them both to sigh in relief. Even though the Earth Dragon Slayer seemed convince that this hall was trap free, Sebastian was still suspicious. He made a soft "Hmm" sound before walking back up the stairs to grab one of the orbs on the wall. He came back down and walked to where Mashyuu was standing and gently rolled the orb down the floor. As soon as it got past the two mages, the whole area began shaking as the walls began to crumble, collapsing in on themselves. Sebastian then tilted his head a little in discomfort about what had just happened and looked towards his partner, wondering how he must be feeling since he was inches away from getting crushed.

    Word Length: 350


    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! MSCcge0
                                 Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
    Solar Flare: Shining Eclipse
    Sebastian's Bank



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Posts : 2084
    Cosmic Coins : 0

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: Earth God Slayer
    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
    Third Skill:

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 28th January 2016, 12:04 am

    Even though Mashyuu could hear Sebastian walking away he didn't realize what the boy was doing until it was to late. Mashyuu couldn't run that fast but he had to do something. The walls moved much faster than the Earth Slayer could have ever imagined. He took a deep breath and hated himself for casting another spell so fast but if he didn't he would be dead. "Earth Swim!" Mashyuu shouted as a wave of stone shot up and surrounded Mashyuu before he was sucked into the ground and launched towards the door. The walls slammed shut around Mashyuu, making it seem as if the Earth Wizard was crushed by the closing walls. The Wizard shot up behind the door and pulled it open, causing the walls to be pulled back into place.

    The Earth Wizard looked out towards Sebastian and the broken and no longer glowing orb. "I don't know what triggers the trap! Obviously the floor is sensitive to pressure but I don't know if opening the door will keep the walls from closing again. Can you fly or something?" Mashyuu asked and looked at Rocky with a worried glance. How was he going to get the dog over towards him. It was possible that Mashyuu would have to leave Rocky. "Can you throw Rocky to me!? He isn't as heavy as he looks!" Mashyuu shouted and waited for a moment. Rocky jumped up to try and land in Sebastian's arms. Mashyuu waited silently while waiting to see what Sebastian did.

    What he didn't know was that the room behind him was a small camp site for the other treasure hunters and some of them were sleeping in tents. Mashyuu had awoken the men with all his shouting and they were slowly waking up. Slowly the tent flaps opened up and men stepped out of the tents, all taking aim at Mashyuu.

    WC: 312
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

    Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Rainbow- Player 
    Lineage : Glory of the Slayer
    Position : None
    Posts : 210
    Guild : Laughing Coffin
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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 28th January 2016, 2:06 pm

    Sebastian's eyes widened when he saw what looked like the walls crumbling onto Mashyuu. Did he just murder his partner? What was he going to tell Laughing Coffin? What was he going to tell Sabertooth? What if an all out guild war started out because of his mistakes? Or worse, he could end up in prison."Mashyuu!?" The boy yelled from a distance as he looked down to Rocky with a worried look on his face.

    Suddenly, the walls began to fix themselves back up, causing Sebastian to look back up to see his the dragon slayer on the other side, holding the door open. The white haired boy looked at his partner who was looking at the crush orb that was rolled on the ground which caused Sebastian to get nervous. "No, I cannot fly! I could've if I had my vulture." Sebastian yelled the first part while mumbling the other part to himself. He then looked at the slayer's companion who he wanted him to throw towards him to get him to the other side. Sebastian nodded and quickly picked up the elemental who was surprisingly light just like Mashyuu said. He then ran through the long hallway. Then when he got almost halfway through, he threw the elemental towards his partner, hoping that he will be alright.

    The white haired boy continued to run, appearing to not get tired as he found himself about thirty feet from the door, noticing some figure approaching the dragon slayer from behind. "Hey! Look out!" Sebastian yelled as he continued to running, holding his right arm back as if he was about to throw a punch."Fire Fist!" Suddenly that hand becomes engulfed in flames until a huge arm and fist made of fire came shooting out as he stopped running, throwing his arm out like he was throwing a punch, sending the large flaming fists towards the people behind Mashyuu, hopefully hitting them.

    Word Length: 322



    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! MSCcge0
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    Seborabastiano <3:


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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 29th January 2016, 12:22 am

    Great not only could Sebastian not fly but apparently he had settled on risking setting off the trap again but with Rocky in hand. He hadn't even given Mashyuu the chance to call out that the Earth Wizard could help get the pair across the room. The Dragon Slayer's blue eyes went wide with terror when Sebastian scooped up Rocky and started off down the hall. "Ah shit!" He cringed as Rocky went flying through the air. Rocky twisted and turned as it was sent rocketing towards Mashyuu and started to bark when it saw the figures leaving the tents behind Mashyuu. At the same time Sebastian shouted out at the Earth Slayer to look out.

    Five men came out of the tents carrying pistols and cannons strapped to their backs. Mashyuu twisted his head in confusion as Rocky landed in Mashyuu's arms and took a deep breath of air. The Earth Elemental fired a stream of stones at a man raising his gun for Mashyuu's head, blinding the man for a moment while harming him as well. At that same time a flaming fist launched out from Sebastian's hand towards the Earth Wizard. Mashyuu ducked out of the way and twisted while letting Rocky down. The man who had a gun aimed at Mashyuu's head was hit with fire and fell back. The other four men all took shots at the Earth Slayer. Swiftly Mashyuu spun behind the door frame, just barely avoiding the stream of bullets as they hit the wall behind Mashyuu.
    Mashyuu took a look back at Sebastian and was glad to see the walls hand't closed on him. It seemed the door being opened was the trigger. Mashyuu motioned for Sebastian to take cover on the other side of the door and glanced over at the young man. "...Hey, can you disarm anyone? If not this might get rough. These guys are fast on the draw. But we have to take em down." Mashyuu shouted over the sound of gunfire while small chips of stone broke from the wall. Mashyuu looked down at the ground between the pair where he shot up from the ground. The earth had been moved around and left small rocks. Mashyuu opened his palm towards the loose rocks and called out. "Stone Blast!" Rocks launched out towards the five men and pelted them all with a heavy stream of stones.

    Foes HP.:

    WC: 400
    Rexfa Dax Xanar
    Rexfa Dax Xanar

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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Rexfa Dax Xanar 29th January 2016, 4:10 pm

    The neutral mage sighed in relief, not just because Rocky was reunited with Mashyuuu without any problems, but also that he didn't get crushed by recklessly running into the hall without any real confirmation that the door being kept open was keeping the trap from activating again. Now, there was the matter of the five enemies behind the dragon slayer. One of them was struck by the boy's Fire Fist which was good and they were all hit by some attack by his partner's pet, which was even better but also made Sebastian sigh a little, wishing that his vulture was here right now.

    Sebastian quickly ran and ducked behind the other side of the door at his partner's request. The white haired mage glanced back to the legal mage, listening to his question before placing a hand under his chin to think. "A way to disarm them?" Sebastian repeated before turning to look at the opening of the door, being bombarded with shots. "I don't think I could disarm them, but perhaps I can do something else." Sebastian said as he looked at Mashyuu before looking towards the opening.

    One of the hoops flew off of Sebastian's left arm, causing the boy's eyes to turn fiery orange again. The hoop then flew out to the opening and stretched out by two inches. The hoop turned from golden to fiery orange as well while any of the bullets that managed to hit the hoop burned and made the sound of metal slamming against metal. The timid boy closed his eyes, he had never tried controlling his hoops without being able to see where his targets were, but he had no choice because of the bombardment of gunfire. Suddenly, fire engulfed the center of the hoop as another fiery arm came shooting out of the hoop. This time, it wasn't being led by a fist, rather an open hand. The fiery arm curved before quickly turning to the left, in a slapping motion while Sebastian whispered, "Flaming Slap." cringing a little from saying that still a bit uncomfortable about the name, hoping that his partner hadn't heard him.

    Word Length: 358


    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! MSCcge0
                                 Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! DuKRt8V
    Seborabastiano <3:


    Sebastian Skyllon
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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 1st February 2016, 12:40 pm

    Mashyuu pinched the bridge of his nose in annoyance while Sebastian explained that he couldn't disarm the gunmen. But he looked up happily when Sebastian said he had an idea anyway. The ring on the young Wizards wrist floated into the room and some fire spell went off in the room. A crackle of fire licked across the room and men howled in sudden pain while Sebastian used a fire slap spell to harm the men who had been shooting at Wizards. There was a long silence in the room and Mashyuu started to peek his head around the door frame and a bullet whizzed by Mashyuu's head. Quickly he pulled his face back behind the door frame and rolled his eyes. "These guys sure are tough..." Mashyuu whispered under his breath. It was then that Mashyuu got an idea. He could actually disarm the men and never enter the room so long as he could keep his magical energy flowing. He reached deep inside of his soul and released the demons in his soul. From the darkness of his shadow, a small creature popped up with sharp teeth and claws. "Master, what is it you desire?" It asked with glee in it's high pitched voice. Mashyuu rolled his head towards the room gunfire was coming from and spoke in a whisper. "Get in there and take their guns." The monster vanished in a plume of smoke and appeared in the room with the gunmen, standing on one man's shoulders. Swiftly it reached down and grabbed a gun, then vanished again. The gun fell at Mashyuu's feet then another and another until all five men were without guns. Mashyuu grinned at the act of his Dark One until he heard something hit the ground hard next to him. Mashyuu looked over at Sebastian and frowned before going wide eyed. "Shit. He passed out." Mashyuu had to get these guys out of the way swiftly. He rounded the corner with Rocky and charged into the room, slamming his fist into one man's jaw as hard as he could. The strike was slow but very effective as when he attacked, Rocky did the same and dropped the man to his back hard...

    Foes HP.:

    WC: 352

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Guest 1st February 2016, 1:30 pm

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Tumblr12
    A noxious, green gas floated into the room with the gunmen and Mashyuu, wrapping itself around every opponent that touched it. It would weave around their hands and contaminate what little air that they had to breathe in, ultimately suffocating them. Whatever the opponents had been doing previously, they would stop to cover their mouths from the gaseous smell. Kanix would follow after the cloud of poison, entering the room with only the small tapping of her staff on the ground as evidence. She smiled at the suffocating enemies, sweeping around them, through the green cloud like it didn't bother her.

    "Now, boys... what did I say in attacking those who aren't as strong as you?" the mage mocked them before taking a step back. A tap of her staff and the pernicious cloud would move up and out like a blast, effecting those who were not within the epicenter.

    The blind mage summoned a Nature Guardian thereafter, and a beast made of water would appear from the air. "Why don't you go help that poor boy, hm?" Kanix would speak to the little water wolf, pointing her staff in the direction of Mashyuu. However, the guardian didn't necessarily obey what the woman wanted, but instead attacked one of the men on its own. It would chop down on the arm of a gunman, before it would disappear and reappear just behind the man again. Where now, it would launch itself at the gunman's back, who barely had time to fend the beast off, then it would attack again. With one of the men now busy, one dead, Kanix would focus her attention on the remaining two treasure hunters.

    Darting from her place, the blind mage would launch herself at one of the men and whack him over the head with her staff. She would then dart around him again and thwack him, but the man blocked off her attack and pushed her back. Her sightless gaze would narrow at him, and she would charge him for a third time, aiming her staff to his ribs.

    Foes' HP:



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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 1st February 2016, 11:09 pm

    Mashyuu wasn't sure what had happened but a gas flooded into the room with tents the Earth Wizard had been fighting in and the attractive voice of a woman filled his sharp ears. He twisted his head to look at the striking figure and his mouth almost went slack with shock. He fought the urge to ogle for now and snarled at her instead. "Hey babe! I don't know who you think you're talking about but these guys aren't stronger than me!" Not much bothered Mashyuu but having someone call him weak after all he had been through was one of those things. Deciding not to bother with fighting with a Wizard who was helping him Mashyuu turned his attention back to the men that he had been fighting.

    "Rock Gauntlets." He shouted and the ground under Mashyuu became loose and formed around his forearms and fists creating a tight set of gauntlets to attack with. Mashyuu spun around in a wide arch and delivered a solid backhand to each gunmen around him while Rocky grew a set of spikes and slammed up into one gunmen hard. From the doorway a series of loud shouts rang out and the Dark One was seen holding a pair of guns and shooting at the same target Mashyuu and Rocky had both hit. Without missing a beat Mashyuu jumped up and drove his knee into the hunter that had just been shot in the legs before slamming his stone gauntlets down into the mans chest, knocking him out in the process.

    At the same time that a man fell, Mashyu heard the familiar sound of a staff slamming into flesh and bone. He looked over while ducking a punch to see the woman who looked blind fighting a man by herself. He had to admit it was good to see someone else getting into a fist fight while he was here. Deciding it best to help out while she drove her staff into the man's gut, Mashyuu rolled forward and sprang up. "Shoryuken!" He shouted while landing a solid blow with his gauntlets into the man's face before landing firmly on the ground.

    Foes HP.:

    WC: 358

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Guest 2nd February 2016, 2:55 pm

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Tumblr12
    As Kanix's staff cracked into the ribs of the gunman, Mashyuu interrupted her little battle and faceplanted the man in the ground with a fist. She withdrew her staff back to her side, staring down at the dead gunman before turning away from both her "ally" and deceased opponent. Hopping off back to her Nature Guardian, the mage would focus on the creature and its opponent that it had locked in its jaw. The woman would launch into the fight along side her creature, dealing damage to the gunman with her staff. It was a little dance that occurred between her pet, their opponent, and herself, twisting and weaving together as each dodged and attacked. Despite being blind, the mage had proven herself to be a formidable foe against the gunmen; tantalizing and exciting. Her bare feet carried her step by step around her opponent's attacks, with only a few physical blows actually hitting her.

    Catching her opponent by the shoulder, the blind mage would flip him around to face her, and before he could react, smash her staff over his head. Stunned, the gunman stumbled backward, and she darted forward, taking careful steps until her staff connected with him again and again. Then she would feint away, letting her pet do the rest of the work, while she turned her attention to the next gunman. She stood on her toes as she faced him, staff clasped behind her back as she smiled innocently at her opponent. As she would do so, the mage whipped out her staff and a lightning bolt zapped from the tip of it and struck the man in the head. When the guy was stunned by the lightning bolt, she darted around and jabbed in the back with the end of her staff. The sharp edge would slip through the man's stomach, creating a hole as she ripped it back out from his body.

    Foes' HP:



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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 2nd February 2016, 3:22 pm

    Not even time for a swift quip or exchange between two Wizards? Mashyuu didn't complain though instead he watched how the woman moved and danced around the men she engaged with in combat. The Earth Wizard was enthralled with how she used her staff, conjured ally and a bolt of lighting before she suddenly placed a hole into one of the gunmen. Would the man even live? Mashyuu wasn't sure but he didn't want to be outdone by some newcomer either. His eyes narrowed and brow furrowed with renewed vigor. "Come on Rocky, Dark One. Lets take that last guy out before it's to late!' Mashyuu ordered and rushed the man that hadn't been engaged in combat yet.

    Swiftly Mashyuu ran to the men that The woman and the water spirit had been fighting. Two gunshots rang out and the man that the wolf spirit was engaged with stumbled back while clutching his heart before falling dead with a pair of gunshot wounds. The longer that the Dark One was out, the stronger Mashyuu's urge to kill became. Instead of helping the beauty with her foe Mashyuu vanished in a puff of dark smoke and appeared at the side of the last gunmen who had started to go and help his allies. Mashyuu grinned and drove his stone covered fist into the man's solar plexus. The sudden sharp pain rocketed through the man's body but not for long as Mashyuu continued by pulling his right arm back while golden sparks crackled through his body. The jacket that covered his arms and back started to glow with magical power until Mashyuu grasped the gunman's face. "Lightning Flash!" A bolt of electricity came from Mashyuu's hand and coursed through the body of the gunman until Rocky drove itself into the man, sending him sprawling backwards into a wall that stood near the tent he had come from.

    WC: 325

    Foes HP:

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Guest 2nd February 2016, 5:55 pm

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Tumblr12
    As the man the wolf was fighting died, it charged off to help Kanix with her current opponent, but this was the last it would help. It jumped onto the gunman and bite down onto his neck, when it did so, the creature burst into droplets of water. Kanix let out a huff of air at how the spirit decided to leave so abruptly, but didn't hesitate in impaling the man with the horns of the ram's head on her staff. They gauged into the stomach of the man, then were ripped out by the former dark mage, spilling blood across the ground. She would slide around the gunman, darting quickly, so that he could not keep his full focus on where she was. Not that she was entirely fast, but with what little she wore, she was able to move around without hindrance.

    Slamming her staff into his ribs for a third time, she broke a few, hooked the ram horns into his side, and tore them out. The man screamed out in pain, in which Kanix would whirl around and strike him again, impaling him with her staff's end. She would stand back shortly after and slam her staff into the ground, which would tremble like it made a large impact. What was really happening was a door rose from the ground up, dust falling from its rafters as it settled down. Then the doors would swing open, blazing fire bursting out from it, and a demon charged from the depths of hell. It screeched a horrible sound as it launched itself at her opponent, tackling the gunman down and tearing a limb off. Whereas Kanix would loop around the man and impale him through his chest, just barely missing where his heart was. Only to dance around to the front of him, while the demon tore his other arm off, and she impaled him through the heart.

    She hummed a little to herself and hopped over to where Mashyuu was, opening her mouth to speak, "you shall be judged!" Kanix giggled and pointed her staff first at Mashyuu, then to the man he was fighting, and a large gavel was summoned overhead. The gavel came slamming down onto the body of the gunman, and her demon came charging toward them as well. Where this demon would slash at the opponent and slice him up a great deal, only for chains from the door to grab it and drag it back down into Hell. The mage would stare at where she thought Mashyuu was, then with a quick jab of her staff, impale the gunman with the end of it.

    "What? Don't want to be one up by a woman?" she teased him.

    Foes' HP:



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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 3rd February 2016, 2:59 pm

    Faster than Mashyuu could have expected, Kanix had taken down the last remaining men, even if the woman indeed killed them. The Dark One stumbled up to Mashyuu and glanced over it's shoulder, sticking it's tongue out at Kanix then handed the pistols to Mashyuu. "You hold these master. I like them." Mashyuu took the weapons with a bit of hesitance then placed the safety on and slipped them into his pockets just before the Dark One vanished and Mashyuu's rock gauntlets fell from his arms in a pile of rock and dust. The blue eyed Slayer raised a brow when he was able to get a good look at her then swallowed hard. She was blind it looked like. How did she fight that well, like she knew who was who. After clearing his throat Mashyuu spoke. "Ha, my Guild Master is a woman. If I was worried about that then I wouldn't be in Sabertooth. I just didn't want you to get hurt on my account. I'm Mashyuu, and you are?" He asked after explaining himself. In all honesty he really didn't care who was helping him so long as he had the help. The Earth Wizard doubted he could deal with all the thugs in this temple without the extra hand.

    Carefully Mashyuu walked past Kanix and out of the room, grabbing Sebastian by the arms and dragged the boy into the room with the thugs. Then Mashyuu set about gathering all the men both alive and dead and tied them up with their own shirts so that they were all forced to lay with their arms and legs tied behind their backs. "Well now that that is dealt with, did the Magic council send you? Either way I have to keep going down deeper. You are more than welcome to come." Mashyuu offered and gently took the woman's hand to lead her to the next door.

    WC: 317

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Guest 3rd February 2016, 9:57 pm

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Tumblr12

    "Didn't your mother ever tell you that it's not nice to stare?" Kanix snapped at Mashyuu, certain he was staring at her blind and scarred eyes.

    She didn't necessarily like it when people looked at her eyes, no matter how pretty they happened to claim they were. It was just something she didn't enjoy them doing, as she felt they were judging her for the way she looked now. Though his next sentence would only make her scoff and flick her hair over her shoulder, beginning to walk away. As far as she was concerned, he was acting as if he didn't want to be one up by a woman more than he had been trying to protect her.

    "I may be blind, but I can certainly hold my own," the shaman would state in a matter-of-factual voice to the Sabertooth mage. As if she couldn't have gotten cockier, the woman tripped ungracefully over her own feet, stumbling a bit before catching her balance.

    Surely, Mashyuu had not seen her mess up, as he was busy pulling Sebastian into the room and doing other things. Kanix would stand there though, casually leaning against the wall while he worked away, playing off her mess up.

    "No, I don't even know what the Magic Council is," she would answer Mashyuu's question that he had asked her. "I just happened to be down here on my own and ran across you, who looked like you could use a little bit of help. Maybe I was trying to be nice, so sorry for choosing to help you out if you didn't want the help to begin with."

    Her blind eyes would narrow at the Sabertooth mage momentarily, but she allowed for him to take her hand and lead her away. "Well, I suppose I'll come along, but it's only because I think that you need a bit of help doing this kind of job."



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 3rd February 2016, 10:20 pm

    Mashyuu smirked at Kanix, he liked the way she snapped at him. This woman wasn't someone who let anyone walk on her and it was refreshing to see. "I'm sorry... I didn't mean to stare. I was just wondering how you moved so fluidly. It's like you are aware of your surroundings without any sense of sight. How did you avoid the tent?" Mashyuu asked while blushing from her jab at him. As the pair walked through a small wooden door and down a sloping hall Mashyuu continued to explain the Magic council to Kanix. "The Magic council are the ones who help issue jobs to the legal guilds in Fiore. From what I understand they govern the magic users. I haven't met anyone but they say that this place is where the first Wizard Saints were buried. So you stumbled into a treasure trove. They are offering a treasure from the vault and money to whoever helps clears this out....and you're right. I do need help with this." Mashyuu admitted. As the pair strode down the narrow and sloping hall Mashyuu felt his foot sink on a pressure plate and he swallowed while swearing. "Shit." The hall started to shake before the ground under the trio of Mashyuu Kanix and Rocky fell out from under them. Mashyuu's head snapped up and fell some twenty feet before hitting a pool of water. "Are you alright?" Mashyuu asked while looking up at the hole the three fell through. He was spent on Magical energy. He needed to recharge for at least a bit. Sure he could change to a bolt of energy and get out of the water but he couldn't take Rocky and Kanix with him. Slowly he swam to the edge of a wall and felt around it to see if he could find a way to continue. "Why do people build temples like this with traps? This sucks. I hate water. It makes my spells less effective." The Earth Slayer muttered under his breath, even though his voice echoed in the small water filled chamber.

    WC: 348

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Guest 3rd February 2016, 10:38 pm

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Tumblr12
    "I've been blind for many years now... I don't exactly remember how I became blind, but that's what I am now," Kanix explained to him. "Over the years, your other senses gradually grow stronger, to make up for that one sense that you happened to lose. So, in those years, I've become well defined in figuring out where my opponents are when I face them. I also have precognition, which helps me with figuring out what my opponents next move will happen to be." Despite how horrible of an ability that may have sounded, she felt blessed being able to envision others actions. "Between my enhanced senses and my precognition, I'm nearly able to fight like I'm seeing, only I'm not." She shrugged her shoulders and followed the sound of Mashyuu's footsteps, but also listening for other things.

    The churning of gears caused Kanix to jerk back a bit, as if trying to warn the Sabertooth mage, but she was too late. They went falling into the dark pit of water below them, water splashing up around them as all three hit the surface. Kanix was on her knees, groaning some, though pushed herself to her feet and sifted through the water for her staff. She growled when she couldn't find it at first, but then her fingers brushed up against something wooden and she pulled her staff out.

    "I would say that they make them for this exact reason: to keep out any unwanted people who want to thieve the treasures," she answered him. Tapping along the walls with her staff, the legal mage would look for the switch that would, hopefully, open a door for them. When she couldn't, she would tap into her precognition, her cloudy eyes lighting up with a brilliant, white light. Through her mind, she would sift for what she was looking for, tossing image after image out of the way until she found it. "There!" Kanix would inform Mashyuu, swinging her staff toward the corner of the northern most wall of the pit.



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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 4th February 2016, 8:05 pm

    After A few moments Mashyuu realized he could stand in the water without having to worry about drowning. He pulled himself up and started to feel around the room while trying to find a ladder or any way out. "Pre cog huh? That seems like a handy skill. I can't be moved from attacks that and spells that push me back. But that's about the extent of things as far as I can tell." Mashyuu added. Somewhere deep down Mashyuu was a little more than envious of the fact that Kanix could see into the future. Mashyuu checked on Rocky who was shaking off the stunning effect of the sudden drop when Kanix swang her staff towards the northern corner of the walls. Mashyuu glanced at the corner then back at her. "Alright lets check it out." The Earth Dragon Slayer walked over to the wall and started to fee around the corner. Suddenly his hand pushed deep into the wall. A stone shifted and the room started to quake. "Uhhh be ready for something." Mashyuu warned while stepping back into the center of the room. Along the wall that he had pressed the button a series of stones slipped out of the wall and formed a stone ladder. "Can you climb a stone ladder?" Mashyuu asked and picked up Rocky. He hoisted Rocky under his arm and climbed up slowly. Using his powerful build to effectively jump from one rung of the ladder to the other, holding himself up with just one arm. At the top he placed Rocky on the edge of the hole and glanced down to make sure Kanix was fairing well. Up above Rocky pattered down the hall again until it came to a straight landing. Mashyuu came up behind the stone golem just a few moments later. Ahead of them stood a set of paths that led into what Mashyuu would call a maze. "Great..." The walls of the maze were made of stone and went up some thirty feet. One narrow path went to the left while the other went to the right. He rolled his eyes in annoyance then started for the left path, keeping his hand on the left wall.

    WC: 369

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