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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!


    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Guest 6th February 2016, 8:08 pm

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Tumblr12
    The rumble of the earth had Kanix standing behind Mashyuu, though hesitant of exactly latching onto him as a "damsel-in-distress." While she knew it was just a reaction of the button, she didn't necessarily like it when her balance was being disturbed. She wasn't able to "see" where she was going when the earth rumbled like this, disturbing the peace in the air. When the rumbling stopped and a stone ladder appeared, she would stand there while Mashyuu climbed up. In all honesty, she had never climbed things before, where it was using both her hands and feet to get anywhere. However, she would flip her staff over her back and place it in its holder, so that she didn't have to carry it in one hand. More efficient that way, especially when she would be needing to climb a ladder and had no room to hold it.

    "Well, I've climbed things, but never a ladder before," Kanix would respond to Mashyuu with a little distaste in her voice. Her hand would touch the cold stone, sending an exhilarating shiver down her spine before she grabbed the section above her and started climbing up. Unfortunately, the walls were slightly slippery from the water, and her feet were soaked as well, making it difficult. She would eventually reach the top and pull herself over it, standing beside Mashyuu as soon as he said "great."

    "What is it?" she asked him, following close behind, with her hand trailing the same wall has her partner's. "It can't be that bad, right?" A maze was beyond something that Kanix could imagine, and even then, she wouldn't be able to pinpoint things. If the maze moved on its own, changed any aspect of itself, her precognition would be rendered useless. "Where are we at?" the words would leave her lips, though she wasn't certain that Mashyuu knew where they were. The stone felt all the same to her, on her feet, on her hands, it was all smooth and hard, no difference anywhere.



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 6th February 2016, 11:13 pm

    "It's a maze... To someone who uses their eyes to get around this could prove to be a daunting challenge. You see, the walls are to high to see over and they are close together and go in various directions. It makes it easy to get lost in the over all sense of the room. But as it turns out all mazes can be solved by following the wall on the left. With any luck this maze won't magically change." Mashyuu explained to Kanix with a smile on his face. He liked her voice, but he wasn't about to tell her that. He was silent for a long while, smelling the air for anything that might be out of place. His ears twitched at the slightest of sounds but nothing seemed to be out of place. "Ah this is no good. I'm not really sure where we are. My magic isn't really designed to get out of mazes. But I have a friend who would be great at this stuff." The Earth Slayer was talking about Itori his Sacred Gaia teammate. Mashyuu's blue eyes darted around the enclosed spaces, smooth walls, smooth floors and a stale smell in the air. The entire situation had Mashyuu on edge.

    Gently Mashyuu reached back with his right hand and took Kanix's hand. "I'm sorry but I don't want to lose you. So try to hang on to me, just for a bit." Mashyuu continued through the paths of the maze until the two arrived at a large square chamber. Mashyuu stopped dead in his tracks at what he saw. A massive monster stood in the center of the room, it's large grey arms were each the size of Mashyuu and it's legs were hunched but powerful. It didn't seem to have a neck but held sharp, diamond like teeth. It's eyes were red and intimidating to stare at. At that moment Mashyuu envied Kanix for not being able to see the thing though he was sure she could smell the monster. Mashyuu placed himself in front of Kanix and glanced down at Rocky. Rocky was already on the defensive and growling at the powerful monster in front of them. Under the monsters legs was a large circle of magical runes. "We hit the center of the room. It has a guard." Mashyuu explained while preparing for a fight.

    WC: 392

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Guest 6th February 2016, 11:45 pm

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Tumblr12
    A maze? They were inside of a maze? The one place that Kanix knew she wouldn't be able to find her way out of. Despite her inability to see, even that wouldn't help her at being able to decipher where she was within the maze. She stared off into space at that thought; the thought that even with her innate ability to see things in the future, there was no possible way to for this. Even if it didn't move, she didn't know what the maze looked like, how it was designed, or anything about it. This rendered her future vision useless in them getting out, so she had to trust that Mashyuu was right with what he said.

    The woman felt Mashyuu's hand grab her free one, and her step faltered at the sudden intention to keep herself. Naturally, she would've thought he would've ran off after a moment's heartbeat of figuring out who she was. She didn't think that he would actually care to keep her safe, whether he happened to know who she was or not. Then they stopped and she moved a little to see what he was staring at, but then realized she couldn't see it.

    "I doubt it's that strong," Kanix would state, though she wasn't sure of herself at all, and, in fact, sounded doubtful. She didn't know if she would be able to fight it either; her senses were all mixed up in this bland place. A shiver would run down her spine, and she would stay back from the creature guarding the pathway. "Maybe we should have gone down the right way; I feel like the left way was a completely wrong choice. But please, stay safe; my job is to make sure you make it back out alive, not myself..." With that being said, she'd cast her Savage Rage onto Mashyuu, giving him a higher chance at winning.

    Savage Rage:



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 7th February 2016, 12:29 am

    Mashyuu half chuckled at the Kanix as she explained that the thing didn't look tough. "No this is right. There are magical runes on the ground. Looks like they teleport others." Mashyuu explained. He was about to move in for the attack when Kanix cast a spell on the Earth Slayer. He felt his body tense up with extra power and the Slayer half chuckled at her. "Thanks...." his voice wavered when the massive monster fell to the floor with a gem sticking out of it's back. A strapping young man wearing a blue pin striped suit smoothed his platinum white hair back and smiled at the trio. "Welcome. My name is Crixus and I will be the one making sure that your lives end here. Sorry you had to come all this way for nothing." Swiftly the man extended his hands and started to cast a strange spell. Mashyuu rushed forward while Rocky moved to flank. "Kanix, your my eyes and ears!" He shouted. The moment the Wizard was in range he pulled his hand back and curled his fingers. "Earth Dragon's Talons!" He shouted and slashed at the caster in front of him. Mashyuu's strike pushed the man back and caused him to bleed just slightly from his shoulder. Crixus formed a bow and arrow of crystal then fired off a shot at the Earth Dragon Slayer. He tried to block but wasn't sure if that would do any good. Rocky had moved to the flanking position It inhaled a deep breath and fired, catching Crixus from behind with a stream of stones. The Hunter twitched in pain and snarled at the fact that he had been hit at all. Let alone twice. "I'm gonna rip your heads off!" the crystal mage shouted and whipped around to take aim at Rocky.

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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by NPC 7th February 2016, 12:29 am

    The member 'Mashyuu' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Block

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Guest 7th February 2016, 7:20 am

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Tumblr12
    His eyes and ears? But his senses were better functioning that Kanix could ever imagine hers would be! "Uh... Yes! Okay!" she would respond to Mashyuu, nodding her head, though staying where he had left her. She had already given him a boost in power, so he would be fine up until that buff wore off, then maybe she would intervene. Besides, he was a Dragon Slayer, he had far more power and strength than she could ever dream of having. Kanix would listen to the ongoing fight, trying to determine if maybe she should step in sooner than she thought.

    "Hey, asshole!" Kanix shouted to Crixus when he threatened to rip their heads off for having hit him twice. She would pull her staff from its place off her back and point it at the treasure hunter, threatening to use it.

    "What's this? The pretty, little lady wants a bit of attention from Crixus! Well, I'll give it to you!" the man replied. He would raise his arms up and create a warhammer from the crystals and charge her; unfortunately, she didn't know the best spell to counterattack.

    The emeralds in the eyes of the ram's head would light up, brightening significantly, until it started sparking. Her eyes, once an opalescent blue, where the brightest of the blues from the light that emitted from them. "Call of the Wild: Spirit of Lightning!" the woman shouted out as the electricity from the emeralds built up in strength. Soon from the gems, a bolt of lightning would fly toward Crixus, and if she was lucky enough, it would hit him. More so, if it paralyzed him, that would be better, but she first had to hope that the bolt would hit the man. At which, the mage would pull her staff back and power herself up with the Spirit of the Wolf, so she could move faster.

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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by NPC 7th February 2016, 7:20 am

    The member 'Kanix Laspor' has done the following action : Dice Rolls

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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Block



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 8th February 2016, 10:10 pm

    A blast of magical crystal arrows hit Mashyuu's arms just as he raised them to block the attack of Crixus. The Blast pushed Mashyuu back for the first time in his life. While he managed to block the strike and take no damage the Crystal Wizards attack indeed pushed Mashyuu backwards. Luckily for the Dragon Slayer, Rocky had taken Crixus by surprise and distracted the man enough for Mashyuu to recover and start his charge again. However before he could get into position to strike at the man Kanix let loose a blast of thunder that ripped into the man. The shock blew into Crixus and caused him to jolt back and fourth with sever pain before recovering and snarling at Mashyuu and Kanix. He twisted and fired at Kanix but missed just barely. The crystal arrow whipped past the beautiful woman's head and smashed into a wall causing the wall to become encased in crystal. Mashyuu raced forward and jumped up into the air some two meters away from Crixus. He came down with a clenched leather covered fist and punched out towards the man. Crixus waved a hand and caused a wall of pure ruby to materialize in front of him to block Mashyuu's strike. The Earth Slayer recovered with a back flip to land on the ground in a three point stance. His fangs jutted from his mouth while he activated a special Dragon Slayer spell. His left leg came up then slammed down hard. "Earth Dragon's Tremor Stomp!" He shouted as his foot came down and sent shock wave through the floor, making the floor crack and break apart to shatter the ruby wall and force stones to hit Crixus in the legs. The blast shook the floor hard and caused Crixus to stumble to a knee. Mashyuu raced through the now shattered wall and spun around, swinging a spinning back fist into the face of Crixus before he could manage to even get a spell off.

    Villain Status::

    WC: 332

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Guest 9th February 2016, 3:13 pm

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Tumblr12
    Crystal arrows whizzed past her face, shocking Kanix into going rigid, her blue eyes going wide and her heart racing from the attack. She had been lucky enough to avoid the attack, blinked her eyes, then regained her composure as Mashyuu landed a blow on Crixus... The earth trembled, causing the Fairy Tail mage to hold strong onto her staff, certain that she would die from the tremors. Sounds of the ruby wall cracking entered her ears, her head turning in the general direction that the noise was coming from. This man was really getting on her nerves. Why wouldn't he die already? Kanix gritted her teeth and raised her staff up. Pointing her staff at the man, her eyes would light up with the emeralds in the ram's head, then waved the staff in front of her. A dark mass would spill out from the nose of the skull, billowing to the ground and crawling toward the crystal-make mage.

    "You've gotten on my nerves, child. Do you know what happens to those who get on my nerves?" Kanix would ask their opponent rhetorically. The black mass would wrap around Crixus's body, weaving up to his head, where it would cover his mouth and be sucked into his body. "May the Curse of Anathema wrought illness upon your body," she warned him, pulling gher staff away and setting it back on the ground.

    Crixus would maniacally laugh and point a finger at the shamaness, not believing that she had just cursed her. "You think you can just curse me? Well think again, little lady!" he screamed out, creating a wave of crystal stalagmites to come rushing at Kanix. Fortunately, as Crixus did so, he would crumple down into a pained stance, clenching his head and screaming in pain.

    Kanix didn't move quick enough in time, and the final stalagmite would splinter into her body, then dissipate, leaving Kanix stumbling to weakly catch her balance. "Jewel hunter... like you... is undeserving to live," the woman coughed up blood as she spoke, wincing from the injury.



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 9th February 2016, 9:47 pm

    It seemed like the combined strikes between Mashyuu, Rocky and Kanix was too much for Crixus to manage on his own. So much so that the dark Wizard was hit with a terrible curse, one that dealt some strange damage that Mashyuu couldn't actually understand but something deep inside him chuckled and poked fun at the gem user. Then out of nowhere Crixus unleashed a spell that created terribly sharp gems to fall and strike in a line at Mashyuu and Kanix. The Earth Slayer was just to close to Crixus for the gems to actually fall on the blue eyed Wizard but Kanix seemed to take a good hit from the spell. Still Mashyuu used the chance to make a move. Since he was already so close Mashyuu kicked his knee up into the jaw of Crixus while Rocky shot up and grew a series of stone spikes on it's body, only to smash into the back of the Gem Wizard. The man nearly crumpled at the impact before scowling at the pair. His hands shot out towards both Mashyuu and Rocky before the Crystal Wizard unleashed a spell to surround himself in a clear crystal. The spell pushed both melee fighters backwards and away from Crixus for a moment. The gem shield started to crack then jutted out all around him. Mashyuu threw his left arm up at a sharp angel and a stone wall shot up out of the ground to block the blast, protecting both Mashyuu and Kanix from the blast. Mashyuu glanced over his shoulder at the beautiful woman to make sure she wasn't dead. It looked like she was still breathing and that was good. He didn't want to have two Wizards taken down on the same job. Mashyuu pointed to one of the stones that was on the ground at his feet from the tremor stomp he made. The stone floated up to his finger and Mashyuu rolled out from behind the stone wall. Rocky stood shaking in pain while the crystals fell from his body. "Rock Bullet!" He shouted and blasted the stone off his finger into the face of Crixus. "DAMN IT ALL!" Crixus shouted and formed a sword and shield of crystal to attack and defend against the next series of attacks the trio were sure to make. But instead of waiting the Wizard rushed at Mashyuu and swang with his sword arm right for Mashyuu's head. He ducked one strike and rolled backwards to avoid a booted kick. By the time he sprang back up on his feet Crixus was stabbing with a sharp crystal weapon. Mashyuu couldn't help but grin while bracing himself and opening his mouth. The blade seemed to go straight into Mashyuu from Kanix's point of view. Soon enough however the sound of chomping filled the room. Mashyuu swallowed hard and pulled his face away. "Crystal is just refined minerals. Thanks for the snack, it filled me up and helped my magic." Mashyuu commented and made a slashing motion with his clawed fingers. "Earth Dragon's Talons!" The swipe blasted Crixus back and caused the man to bleed from his chest deeply...

    Villain Status:

    WC: 529

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Guest 10th February 2016, 11:52 am

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Tumblr12
    Kanix would steady herself a bit more, wiping the blood from her face, and narrowing her opalescent, blue eyes. She intently listen to the battle ensuing between Mashyuu and Crixus, their steps darting around too quickly for her to follow well. Rumbles of the earth could be felt through her feet, signifying to the blind mage that spells were being summoned and used. Clashing of weapons and fists, of rocks and gemstone... then the audible crunching of what sounded like rocks being eaten. Taken aback by the strange sound, the woman's head would swivel in Mashyuu's direction, astonished he was eating the crystal. He rambled out to Crixus about how crystal was just refined minerals, and thanked him for powering him up. From this, Kanix deduced that Mashyuu was the Earth Dragon Slayer, not just some random earth mage.

    The woman would shake her head, pulling herself out of her concentration of whose magic was what. Stepping forward, she rushed at Crixus, her feet stopping her just a few inches from where he had been pushed back to. Kanix slammed her staff into the injured chest of the man, hooking the ram's horns into the ribs of the jewel hunter. "Let's see what your darkest fears are..." the Fairy Tail mage would speak aloud, twisting the horns ever so slightly. Crixus would wince from the immense pain she was causing from twisting the horns around in his wound. Her eyes lit up again, and the gems inside the ram's head caused imaginary bugs to come crawling out of the nostrils of the skull. They clambered up his body and to his head, where they scrambled into his ears and contaminated his mind.

    As the bugs dug around in his head and implanted nightmarish dreams, Crixus would become crippled with fear. He would grip at his eyes and pull at his hair, his mouth stuck in a silent screaming 'O' as he was trapped within a nightmare. Neither Kanix or Mashyuu would be affected by this, but the shamaness didn't know how long it would take for him to get out of that nightmare. She would bounce back on her feet, carrying herself away from Crixus, so that Mashyuu could handle the rest. Though as she did so, she would summon up a gavel above Crixus, and it would drop down on the man, disappearing once it hit.



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 10th February 2016, 3:19 pm

    Mashyuu was impressed, Kanix had managed to deal some strong damage to Crixus and somehow paralyzed him with fear. Or maybe it was pain, Mashyuu honestly couldn't tell based on the look on his face. It was to twisted to be sure. However he didn't have time to actually join in on the attack because just as Kanix moved back, a massive gavel appeared above the Wizards and dropped down. Mashyuu sparked and changed into a bolt of lightning then traveled to Kanix's side just as the Gavel fell down atop the stunned Crixus. Rocky had been just far enough away to avoid any harm from the massive creation. The Earth Slayer glanced over at Kanix with a confused glare. He couldn't understand what kind of magic she actually used. Curses, summoning wolves, forming bolts of energy and making giant gavels. Something wasn't adding up, but that talk would have to wait for later. "Rocky lets roll. Rock Gauntlets!" Mashyuu called out. From under the ground, pieces of stone jutted up and clasped around Mashyuu's arms, forming strong gauntlets of rock. His lip furled up and he took off as fast as he could while Rocky shot out at the stunned Crystal make Wizard. Mashyuu ran past the mans left at the same time Rocky shot past the mans right. At the same time Mashyuu sent a straight slam of his arm into the throat of Crixus, Rocky slammed both it's hind legs into the man's chest. Where Rocky kept running Mashyuu stopped while spinning on a single leg. His spin allowed Mashyuu the speed to deliver a single strong back fist that ended with a resounding crack against the Crystal make Wizards skull. "Earth Dragon's secret art: Colossus Crush!" Mashyuu shouted out and took a long moment to tense up his arms while bringing them in before slamming two open palms into the small of Crixus' back. The Earth Slayer had just made up the move and it really wasn't a secret art but Crixus and Kanix didn't need to know that. The stunned man was sent sailing off his feet and smashed hard into the wall behind Kanix. Mashyuu slumped down to a knee after the blast as stones fell from his body. He looked them over then back up to Kanix. "The circle over here must lead down. Just give me a few moments to eat some stones and catch my breath, that took a lot out of me." Mashyuu said while picking up the rocks from the ground that once formed many of his spells.

    Villain Status:

    WC: 432

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Guest 10th February 2016, 7:37 pm

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Tumblr12
    She could sense the confusion emitting off Mashyuu, likely over how her magic worked or what her magic even was. People did that. They didn't understand what her magic was or how she managed to have such diverse magical spells. Perhaps she would grace Mashyuu with the information later on, but right now was not the time to get all deep. Crixus was still alive, though quite severely injured, but she would stand back and let the Sabertooth mage take care of him. Kanix could feel wind rush past her as Rocky and his owner charged the fallen gemstone hunter, planning out their attack. At this point, she would wonder where her own pet was, or if maybe he was stuck outside the ruins because of his size. No sounds really gave away as to where Ancalagon was, so maybe he thought that he wouldn't be needed by her.

    Mashyuu said something to her, but she had been absorbed into her thoughts and didn't quite hear what he had said. The woman nodded though, so that he knew she at least acknowledged that he had said something to her. "Yeah, okay..." she would mumble after a moment's hesitation, listening for her own pet's beating of his wings. Then she would hear it, the heavy beats of something quite large making its way into the area they were in. Would he fit into this place? She didn't know. She could only hope that he would be able to squeeze himself in. She didn't know how big the place was.

    Anyway, she didn't mind if the bird could get in or not, she would be fine on her own without his electricity. If only he could shrink his size down though; it was unfortunate to have a pet that was as large as Acnologia.

    Finally, she focused back in on the here and now, her senses all honed in on what Mashyuu was doing with the rocks. "You... eat... rocks?" the mage inquired; however, she sounded quite baffled by the fact that he could do such a thing. There was a strange look on her face, but nothing that would make Mashyuu think she was disgusted by him. Mostly, she was confused on how he could eat the earth without getting sick or having it taste awfully weird. She didn't want to try that. "Doesn't it taste gross or bland?"



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 10th February 2016, 8:44 pm

    Mashyuu sat chomping down on stones for a long while, eating each stone until Kanix spoke up and asked him about the taste of the earth. He raised a brow and looked up at her while slowing his chews until he swallowed. The Earth Wizard looked at stones in his hands and pondered the question in silence for a moment. He honestly hadn't thought about it before. Even before becoming the Dragon Slayer of Earth Mashyuu had eaten dirt in order to simply survive. ".... I don't know how it is for other Slayers... Mostly because I've never bothered to ask. But at least for me... The Earth isn't bland or gross. Hell it isn't even grainy anymore. It used to be, back before I became a Slayer. Now, depending on the kind of stone I eat, the tastes ranges. I don't mind though. But I suppose one who isn't used to eating dirt would call the tastes bitter or bland." Mashyuu reasoned. His ears twitched at she sudden sound of beating wings and feathers. Mashyuu swiftly stood up and glared at the way they came from. "Come on.... we should keep moving." Mashyuu finished the stones in his hands, feeling refreshed and ready for another fight. Absently he grabbed Kanix's hand and walked her to the teleportation circle. Or at least what he thought it was. The circle itself was roughly ten feet in radius with magical symbols all around it. Mashyuu looked down and read each word carefully until the ground trembled under the trio of Mashyuu, Kanix and Rocky. The Earth Wizard's blue eyes lit up as the arcane symbols started glowing and the ground moved down. It turned out the three were on a magical elevator and Mashyuu instantly became sick. He dropped to his hands and knees and started to dry heave but never threw anything up. As the ground settled, the three were in a massive room, some two hundred feet going in any direction. The walls were lined with gold and shelves held treasures of all sorts. Looking at one wall was a man who had long blonde hair tied back in a ponytail. He wore earthen colored robes that resembled the sort of clothes an old school monk would wear. His jaw was square and covered with a light coat of blonde hair. Mashyuu looked up at Kanix and he touched her leg. "Keep him busy for a bit. I'm not feeling great, but we can't let this guy get away."

    WC: 422

    Boss HP::

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Guest 10th February 2016, 9:45 pm

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Tumblr12
    The magical energy that surrounded them was, to say the least, the strangest thing Kanix had felt before. As the ground rumbled and began to move, the woman would inch a little closer to Mashyuu, but he would collapse to the ground. She frowned at his reaction to the moving earth, certain that the man was overreacting with the earthen elevator. Even she wouldn't react that badly, but the sound of dry heaving would make her step back a little bit. Her eyebrows would scrunch together and she would wonder what the hell Mashyuu was doing when it wasn't that bad.

    "You know, it's all in your head," Kanix stated, raising her eyebrows and staring ahead as the elevator lowered. Eventually, it would stop in a very large room, and she could feel that it was quite the spacious place to begin with.

    However, she could sense a strong magic within the same room, and her heart fluttered at the thought of them being too strong. It was Mashyuu's touch on her leg that made Kanix freak out and aim a good kick to his head with her bare foot. She would tumble backward from the awkward kick, landing on her butt, and scuttling away from the slayer. "D-don't hurt me!" she whined out, raising a hand to block any other "attack" that Mashyuu would make toward her. Her noisiness would cause the blond-haired gemstone hunter to turn around and face the trio though, hands clasped behind his back.

    "Well, well, well... I didn't expect mages to make it this far," the man would speak up, interrupting the duo's little escapade. Kanix's head would whip toward the direction of the crystal-make mage, and she would scramble back to her feet.

    The mage would clap his hands together and shove them forward, creating a wave of crystals rushing toward the shamaness. As the immense amount of magical power came rushing at her, a piercing screech, familiar to the woman's ears, would enter the air. She would look around, and as the Acnologia-sized Thunderbird came thumping to the ground, the woman ran to him. Her pet would block the attack for her, and it would blink its eyes to shoot a bolt of thunderous lightning at Harper. Around the mage, a cage would appear, sparking and zapping if the man got too close to the bars of the cage. Kanix would point her staff at the man and blast her own bolt of lightning back at him, and he would scream in rage as it hit. However, he got too close to the cage and it zapped him again, but he would create a crystal lion in retaliation.

    As the lion came charging toward the shamaness, she would raise her staff up again and shout out, "Call of the Wild: A Door to Hell!" And from the ground, a door would raise up and crash open, the wild demonic creature running out from the depths to attack the lion.

    Boss's HP:



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 11th February 2016, 12:32 pm

    While Mashyuu's head hung low a pair of toes and a foot smashed into his face and the sick Wizard groaned from the sudden blow but nothing more. He released her leg while holding his abdomen and getting his barrings. The Blue eyed man started to look around even though his vision was blurred and swirling. The Man standing far away was already taunting the trio, his deep voice making Mashyuu's blood boil with anger. Suddenly the Wizard started to attack and Mashyhuu was helpless to do anything to stop it. He tried to stand up but faltered in his movements. Before he could do anything though a massive.... Massive thunder bird appeared and blocked the blow. Together Kanix and the animal presented a united front against the Crystal Make Wizard. The Earth Slayer managed to stand on wobbly legs and glance back at Kanix. "That's a big bird.." He whispered while nodding at the bird that was barely able to fly in the large room. Mashyuu spit on the ground and raced forward towards the man in the cage. Rocky launched itself into a dead sprint right along side it's master. The small animal was smart enough to know that it couldn't get into the cage so instead it took a deep breath and launched a stream of stones at the Crystal Make Wizard. Electricity crackled through Mashyuu's arm as he extended the right limb and called out. "Lightning Flash!" The bolt lanced out towards the Crystal Wizard. The blonde man created a blade of crystal to attempt and block the rock streak, but Mashyuu tapped into his blood line and snapped his fingers. The crystal blade he held shattered and fell to the ground useless. Both strikes smashed into the Blonde Wizard, forcing him back a few steps, but he managed to stop himself before landing against the electric cage.

    WC: 314

    Boss HP:

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Guest 11th February 2016, 1:11 pm

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Tumblr12
    Quickly, Kanix slid her hands along the side of the Thunderbird, until she touched the saddle that was attached to him. Grabbing hold of the horn, she would lift herself onto the saddle and tap the sides of the bird, causing him to take off. Now in the air, she would be able to make aerial attacks without much fear of being hit by the attacks of the mage. The Thunderbird would swoop around Harper, eyes intently watching the crystal-make mage while Kanix planned out an attack. Lightly tapping the back of the bird's neck, she would motion for him to lower himself, then point her staff at the man. "Call of the Wild: Infectious Cloud!" she shouted, and a green gas would spill out from the nostrils of the skull. It would leak down to the mage in the trap, filling up just the area of the cage within, suffocating the man with toxins.

    Ancalagon would swoop around the ones below for a third time, then in his talons, a bolt of lightning would appear. However, this bolt of lightning would look like a normal snake to the mage's eye, and the bird would let it loose. As the bolt crashed down on the enemy, he would quickly summon up another bolt of lightning and drop that one as well. He would do this ten more times on the captured mage, screeching when each of the bolts struck the man. Kanix would laugh on top of Ancalagon, excited that, with her bird here now, a lot more damage would be done.

    But don't forget the little demon rampaging down there, rushing into the cage to claw and snatch at the crystal-make enemy. Oh, but he would block, to the best of his ability, the demon's attack, until the cage started to shrink around him. He would press his sleeve against his nose to block out the noxious gas, but bits of it were still consumed by him. As the cage moved in, it would shrink to the point that the bars touched him and bolted lightning into him. Then above him, he would try to blast Kanix with a stream of crystal, striking into the exposed thigh of the shamaness. Kanix would let out a scream of pain and grip the area that had been inflicted with an injury, blood oozing out of the wound and over her hand.

    Boss's HP:



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 11th February 2016, 11:29 pm

    Kanix seemed to have things on lock, combined with her giant Thunderbird, the beautiful Wizard had the Blonde man against the ropes. The blonde man couldn't seem to catch a break from the onslaught of attacks. Mashyuu took the time to start eating at the ground under him. The Earth Slayer dropped down to his hands and knees and his face smashed into the floor. His mouth opened wide and he started to eat at the stone ground. Each bite filled his magical reserves until he was full. He looked up from his meal to see that Kanix had been struck by a spell the Crystal Make Wizard had cast. For whatever reason the man had kept his focus on the beauty. She only had to hold out for a few more moments while Mashyuu continued to eat and power up. He could never do this against a Wizard in a one on one fight. Mashyuu went back to eating the stones around him until there was a large hole in the floor under Mashyuu's face. Around the Wizard a light brown glow began to wash off the Wizard as he stood up. Scales sprouted on Mashyuu's flesh and his slited eyes started to glow with fury and his fangs extended out of his mouth while his fingers seemed to sprout claws and his body hunched over. Mashyuu felt a new energy surge though him. It was as if he could cast any spell and just keep going. The Earth Slayer could feel the magic artifacts in the chamber calling out to him and he couldn't help but look over at a small ring on a table. His attention went back to the Wizards fighting and he cracked a smile. "Rocky step aside." Mashyuu pulled up a pair of rock gauntlets from under him then the ground around him sprouted up and placed a shell around Mashyuu. He was sucked under ground and sprouted up in the shrinking cage next to the Crystal Make Wizard. The man went wide eyed from the shock of Mashyuu jumping into the fight. Mashyuu reached out with his open palms and boxed the Crystal Make Wizards ears, throwing the man off his balance. The man countered by slashing at Mashyuu's chest with a crystal dagger but the Earth Wizard reached his head down and caught the blade with his mouth, eating a portion of the blade. His left leg came up and slammed down again, knocking the Crystal Wizard off his feet and forcing him to fall upon a sharp stone. By the time he recovered Mashyuu was kicking the man in the throat with his strong booted foot.

    WC: 446

    Boss HP:

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by Guest 12th February 2016, 6:54 pm

    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Tumblr12
    In spite of her leg injury, the shamaness would guide her pet down to the shrinking cage, which had finally dispersed. When the bird had gotten close enough to the ground, she swung her leg over the side and slid off the saddle, landing on the ground next to Mashyuu. The scream of her demon pet roared into the air and she felt it rush past the two fighters and latch onto their enemy. Its teeth sunk into the arm of the crystal-make mage, and it would rip the arm of the man off and throw it to the side. It dug its claws into the man's stomach, but as it did so, the door from whence it had come from would rise from the ground and open up. A strong air would pull the demon to the ground and drag it back into the depths of Hell, screaming and fighting back. Kanix giggled at the misfortune of the demon, but soon turn her attention back to the severely injured man.

    Without hesitation, the woman would lift her staff to chest level, then ram the horns of the skull into the stomach of Harper. She twisted them as he screamed out in pain, then ripped them out from their home in his body, blood splattering to the ground. Kanix struck him again, this time in the leg where he had hit her, twisted the horns in the would, then tore them out. The immense power emitting from Mashyuu didn't terrify her, but it seemed to pump her up and get her riled. Flesh hung from the man's leg where she had torn the horns out, and past the pain, he tried to make a war axe from crystal. He lunged threw it at Kanix, wincing from his injuries, but she would dodge the axe by just an inch of her hair. Countering his attack, she would shove the bloodied horns into his chest and send a bolt of lightning coursing through his body.

    Harper started to convulse from the shock.

    Boss's HP:



    Developer/GFX Artist- Dragon VIP Status- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- God Slayer- Dragon Slayer- Legal Guild Ace- A-Rank- Rich- Magic Application Approved!- Get A Pet!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Join A Faction!- Grand Master [2000]- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
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    Second Skill: Light Dragon Slayer
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    Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters! - Page 2 Empty Re: Mashyuu and Kanix Laspor in: The Hunters!

    Post by redheadedstepchild 12th February 2016, 10:46 pm

    (OOC: I increased the damage since DF increases the damage Slayers spells do and your demon ripped his arm off.)

    Mashyuu was almost horrified by the way Kanix and the demon had acted. He wasn't mad at her, his energy kept him a bit more focused on the fight at hand. It was then that he noticed that all of his physical attacks had somehow weighed the man down. It must have been an effect from Mashyuu's Dragon Force. The Earth Slayer knew he had to finish the fight swiftly before things got out of hand. "Don't kill him!" Mashyuu shouted and took a half step back. With one arm the blonde man seemed to be in shock from the strange horn attack Kanix used. His fingers curled and his body called up a massive amount of magical power. From his left hand Mashyuu summoned up a demon, the shadow creature Sin snaked out of Mashyuu's palm and slid around Kanix, just barely brushing her body before rising up behind the convulsing treasure hunter. Mashyuu raised his hand and called out. "Earth Dragon's Talons!" He shouted out and the attack cut the Crystal Wizard's chest deeply. The shock wave that came with the strike knocked the blonde Wizard to his knees while Sin clamped down on the man's shoulder. Energy filtered out of the mans body and into Sin's before it shifted to heal Mashyuu's wounds. The Earth Slayer saw his opening and ran forward, his knee came up and caught the man's skull hard. Before the man could finish his fall Mashyuu slammed his stone covered fist into the man's shoulder just where Sin had finished biting down on. The man literally slid backwards in a seated position. While the blonde man was slipping backwards Mashyuu extended his palm and called out. "Stone Blast!" The spell launched out a steady stream of stones that pelted the Crystal Make Wizard in the chest, driving into the man's body. Two small stones floated up to Mashyuu's fingers and he aimed them at the one armed Wizard who was staring to get to his feet. Both stones rocketed out and smashed into the man's knees while Sin and Rocky both smashed into the man behind his back. The force of the strikes knocked the man out and forced him onto his face.

    Mashyuu felt the magic in his body fade away. The Earth Wizard's gauntlets crumbled off his hands and Sin sank back into Mashyuu's body. "Looks like were done here." Mashyuu walked over to a small shelf and took a ring from the shelf and looked at it carefully. This was the treasure he was going to claim as his reward. "The council said we can each take a treasure from here. If something is calling out to you now is your chance to take it." Mashyuu waited for a bit and looked the woman over. "Say what guild are you with?" Mashyuu asked. "Well Kanix... you saved me if you ever need anything don't be afraid to call on me. I'm happy to help." Together Mashyuu, Kanix and the rest of the crew collected the treasure hunters bodies and Sebastian and returned to the Magic council to collect their rewards and part ways.

    WC: 530

    Boss HP:

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