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    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job


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    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
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    Guild : ѕαναgє ѕкυℓℓ
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    Experience : 1549.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: кєи иσ тѕυкαιтє [剣の使い手] – ωιєℓ∂єя σf ѕωσя∂ѕ
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    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job Empty Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job

    Post by Annora 18th August 2015, 7:01 am

    Job Description:

    I feel lost

    Gazing upon the flying held by the pale painted hand, the owner of those blood shaded crimson opticals heaved a sigh. "Pathetic. Can't get rid of mice themselves." Clutching the sheet into a small ball, she threw it behind her as she walked through the streets of oak town. Happiness seemed to flutter around as people walked and laughed under the shining rays of the sun.

    This however, was something that disgusted the female. Her raven shaded hair whipped around as she walked, earning a few curious stares from bystanders; all probably wondering what a teenage girl was doing carrying a sword. She ignored them and and continued advancing towards her destination.

    Her flat combat boots rubbed against the rough surface of the streets until they came to a halt. She glanced upon the large house that stood tall in front of her. The place itself radiated a 'homey' atmosphere, one that the crimson eyed individual despised. Rather than doing what normal people would do; which happened to be knocking, the raven haired female raised her leg and kicked the door open before scanning around.

    Hurried footsteps echoed through the house as two pairs of feet ran down the stairs, "Who's there?" A males voice spoke. The female mage sighed, "Human. Can't believe I have to deal with them." She murttered, She looked at them with a blank expression, "I'm Annora. Here to get rid of mice."

    237/150 | @Raiza | 1/10
    inside myself.


    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ YOᑌ ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ TᕼE OᑎE YOᑌ ᔕEE,
    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ I ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ IᑎᔕIᗪE Oᖴ ᗰE.

    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job EhHiEpZ

    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job QUzgcgK
    ᗩᑎᑎOᖇᗩ ᗪᗩᒪTOᑎ ᗯIEᒪᗪEᖇ Oᖴ ᔕᗯOᖇᗪᔕ ᗷᗩᑎK  TᕼEᗰE

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
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    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 225,322.5

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    First Skill: The Reckoning
    Second Skill: Death's Game
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    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job Empty Re: Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job

    Post by Raiza 18th August 2015, 7:25 am

    "Catch the cat, kill the slime, all these mmos have the same damn quests just... re-written or a re-skinned version or another. So this one's slime is a mouse huh?" the individual sighed "six years since I was plummeted to this land, and only now have I started to decide to play the game more" twirling a strand of hair between his index and thumb "welp, time to get going", the youth stretched his arms out as he slid from the tree branch he was perched upon. Falling to the ground with a soft thud, his feet firmly planted, the male's gaze unwavered as he cracked a grin.

    "The job did detail a second participant..." he snorted, placing one foot in front of the other only to halt. "Though I know no one is an Ai.... they dont act like Ai...and I can sense they act as if they're a soul-ed creature, so wonder...why the jobs like this exist?"in truth Raiza had very little grasp on his reality, even if he spent what he knew the last six years just trying to learn and study it.

    Taking a firm grasp onto the holstered blade on his hip he sighed before heading towards his destination.Though as he arrived he was only able to bare witness to the last string of what a female was doing, Not having witnessed her kick the door in, though fairly certain that'd of been one hella after job conversation. Then again something told Raiza the door would not always stay there forever. Just... a thought. Though shrugging it away, he made his way towards the entrence catching the woman's name. "Wonder why they asked for two people to be signed up for this one..." he added to a gentle speech. "Names Raiza, I'm here for the job as well"

    words:303/150    posts: 1/10


    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job YdfXSKP

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
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    Posts : 915
    Guild : ѕαναgє ѕкυℓℓ
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1549.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: кєи иσ тѕυкαιтє [剣の使い手] – ωιєℓ∂єя σf ѕωσя∂ѕ
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    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job Empty Re: Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job

    Post by Annora 19th August 2015, 5:30 am

    I feel lost

    Her crimson gaze darted around the house until she sensed another presence right beside her. Not bothering to look to her side, she stood quietly as her ears captured the sound of the man, "So he'll be working with me." Resisting a sigh, she entered the house as the couple stared at her in astonishment, "Are you going to stay here the whole time?" She stated, with a slight hint of annoyance. She couldn't handle being near humans, even if they had done nothing to her. The couple looked at each other for a brief second before the female spoke up, "No, we'll be going out." She hesitated a little as she glanced at Raiza, Annora and then at the door, "Uh..well, I think it's time for us to go." With that they rushed out.

    Annora looked around and saw no signs of mice, well not yet. She was in fact ignoring the man whom she would have to work with before finally, out of curiosity shifting her gaze towards him. She took her time studying him, not really caring if he was creeped out by her stare. She noticed that, like herself, he too had crimson opticals and black hair although his height towered over hers.

    A small squeal caught her attention. Her head whipped to the side, facing the couch, which happened to be to her right. She slowly placed her hand onto the hilt of her red sword, drawing it with patience as her eyes tried to catch the figure of the small creature.  

    257/150 | @Raiza | 3/10
    inside myself.


    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ YOᑌ ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ TᕼE OᑎE YOᑌ ᔕEE,
    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ I ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ IᑎᔕIᗪE Oᖴ ᗰE.

    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job EhHiEpZ

    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job QUzgcgK
    ᗩᑎᑎOᖇᗩ ᗪᗩᒪTOᑎ ᗯIEᒪᗪEᖇ Oᖴ ᔕᗯOᖇᗪᔕ ᗷᗩᑎK  TᕼEᗰE

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
    Position : Sinner #5: Wrath
    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 225,322.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Reckoning
    Second Skill: Death's Game
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    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job Empty Re: Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job

    Post by Raiza 19th August 2015, 7:28 am

    An interesting turn of events as his black sclera with red crimson iris peered at the girl staring back at him. The only difference between their eyes was his 'eye whites' were pitch black. She had a venomous stare that oddly enough this youth understood all too well. 'This game sure has a way of throwing me curve balls, shes... different' Even as the couple left the house, the sound of the house was silent all except for an obvious squeel that was heard, but instead of luring with a trap, Raiza noticed the female drew her sword. "oh this'll be fun" Raiza would chime in, clenching his fingers around the red clothed hilt of his straight sword. Slowly unsheathing it, revealing it to be a worn out blade but yet still in fairly good enough shape to be used to kill if need be.

    Oddly enough, Raiza's lineage drew him towards bloodshed, and this was just a minor form of it. "A job like this, doesn't seem to suit either of us" he added to the prior statement after a bit of a pause. A snide grin on his face as a small rodent figure ran past the woman's feet from under the coach, and would be aiming to run under an end table.

    The rodent caught Raiza's attention, whom was actually waiting to see the woman's reaction as he fully extended his blade out of the sheath, rotating his wrist to let the blade's tip rest into the carpeted floor, easily digging into it just from the weight Raiza rested into it. "I suppose we can move the furniture first... ", though lets face it, that didn't sound nearly as fun as possibly just cutting through them to get to the damn mice.

    words: 295/150    posts: 2/10


    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job YdfXSKP

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
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    Posts : 915
    Guild : ѕαναgє ѕкυℓℓ
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1549.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: кєи иσ тѕυкαιтє [剣の使い手] – ωιєℓ∂єя σf ѕωσя∂ѕ
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    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job Empty Re: Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job

    Post by Annora 20th August 2015, 6:06 am

    I feel lost

    Sunlight seeped through the open windows of the house and lighted the small building. The pale hand clenched the sword hit as it was drawn out and she stood there, ready to kill; in this case, a mouse. She peeked at the man from the corner of her eyes, when he stated that a job like this doesn't suit them. He did have a point, but she refused to respond and continued glancing around on search for that small, disgusting and rather annoying creature.

    Her eye planted on it as it made it's way under the table. As Raiza suggest to move the furniture, the raven haired female simply emitted a sound which may not have been heard by her so-called-partner, but it sounded like a 'tch'. She raised her right hand up, raising the sword in the process as her opticals were fixated on the mouse.

    She slashed the sword down, attempting to wound the mouse, and managed to cut through the wooden table, slicing it in half. The small creature ran past them, "Oops." She said monotonously.

    175/150 | @Raiza | 5/10
    inside myself.


    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ YOᑌ ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ TᕼE OᑎE YOᑌ ᔕEE,
    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ I ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ IᑎᔕIᗪE Oᖴ ᗰE.

    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job EhHiEpZ

    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job QUzgcgK
    ᗩᑎᑎOᖇᗩ ᗪᗩᒪTOᑎ ᗯIEᒪᗪEᖇ Oᖴ ᔕᗯOᖇᗪᔕ ᗷᗩᑎK  TᕼEᗰE

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
    Position : Sinner #5: Wrath
    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 225,322.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Reckoning
    Second Skill: Death's Game
    Third Skill:

    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job Empty Re: Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job

    Post by Raiza 20th August 2015, 5:47 pm

    Raiza wrote:

    Right so this job wasn't going to pay off anything now just with that simple action, though Raiza didn't mind for some odd reason. His last job was hardly fun for his more chaotic freedom ways. Now before him stood a woman that oddly enough to him, made him chuckle as he watched the blade cleanly slice through the table.

    "Oh damn...you missed, whoops oh well if the owners truly valued it, they'd of moved it themselves" he retorted in a sarcastic fashion in such as way he was showing to the woman that her actions were not bad to him. Not the best but not bad either. In fact as he drew his sword out and fully extended it out to arms length, listening to the squeaks and chirps of the rodents.

    The instant he heard one himself, fixiated behind a TV stand, and the entertainment center. No doubt this would have been a different mouse since he didn't exactly pay attention to where the rodent that his partner missed. A slight chuckle as he tightly gripped the sword's hilt, waiting, studying and trying to figure out where to strike and how to strike, at least until the rodent seemed to squeak more but this time sounding like it was in the wall. "oh fun... walls" Raiza chimed before spinning on the ball of his right foot, thrusting his blade into the wall towards the squeaking sound, pulling the blade back afterwards revealing it was clean "Damn, no idea where they are in these walls"

    words: 256/150    posts: 3/10


    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job YdfXSKP

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
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    Posts : 915
    Guild : ѕαναgє ѕкυℓℓ
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1549.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: кєи иσ тѕυкαιтє [剣の使い手] – ωιєℓ∂єя σf ѕωσя∂ѕ
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job Empty Re: Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job

    Post by Annora 22nd August 2015, 9:37 am

    I feel lost

    Her crimson hues gazed amusingly as the man's actions. He didn't seem repulsed by her reckless actions but rather, did the exact same thing she had done, just that he had stabbed the simple beige wall that now was wounded thanks to his blade. Annora, for the first time since the start of this job, let a smirk slip onto he face, "My, my, stabbing the poor wall isn't fun enough." She raised the blade in her hand and once again, slashed it mid-air, this time, aiming towards the couch.

    The white stuffing pooled out through the cut but sadly, her sword was not able to pierce through the entire couch. She raised her leg and kicked with as much force as she could muster up. The couch flipped and fell forward, revealing two rodents that laid under it. As they attempted to move, the female flipped the sword in her hand, making the tip face towards the ground and launched it in.

    The blade pierced through the hairy creature as blood splattered on the brown carpet. The red liquid soaked into the material as the female retreated her blade, watching as it remained stained with blood, "Now that's how you get rid of pesky creature." She said staring at her kill. Her sentence contained a double meaning; one being about the mice, and the other being the way to kill people, whom she often refers to as 'creatures'.

    239/150 | @Raiza | 7/10
    inside myself.


    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ YOᑌ ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ TᕼE OᑎE YOᑌ ᔕEE,
    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ I ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ IᑎᔕIᗪE Oᖴ ᗰE.

    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job EhHiEpZ

    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job QUzgcgK
    ᗩᑎᑎOᖇᗩ ᗪᗩᒪTOᑎ ᗯIEᒪᗪEᖇ Oᖴ ᔕᗯOᖇᗪᔕ ᗷᗩᑎK  TᕼEᗰE

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
    Position : Sinner #5: Wrath
    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
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    Experience : 225,322.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Reckoning
    Second Skill: Death's Game
    Third Skill:

    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job Empty Re: Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job

    Post by Raiza 22nd August 2015, 9:54 am

    Damn shame, too bad Raiza didn't have any magic to be any form of impression to this one, they seemed to have fun, as she stabbed the one mouse, the other began to dart away. Shame, they almost had a chance, well they would if Raiza gave a damn, but frm the various kinds of work he picked up, truth be told, he was done caring. It mattered little as his blade grazed the furry carpeted floor, cutting a straight line before a twist of the blade at the last second would be used to drive momentum up to the creature's side, lifting them up a few feet before Raiza amplified his own speed just to drive his blade up higher then strike downwards on the floating mouse. A quick, laugh of an execution as he caused the small rodent to be sliced in half, mid air causing what little blood they had to spray a small rain of blood down onto the carpet, and partially on the wall. Too bad it wasn't any bigger such as a mugger or some pesky ass hole of a person that deserved it.

    The funny thing was, Raiza began to more than just smile, he truly enjoyed it. The blood shed of the poor helpless critter that was just a pest to the world. Was Raiza evil? No, he just had no tollerance and call it a pride thing, he enjoyed his company right now, and felt it could be a nice influence to his existence. Typical MMO's Raiza played before you never got to be the bad guy, typically they only allowed NPCs for that, but now this was sorta fun. Wonder how long it'd go, though something that caught his eye was the fact that maybe they'd not be paid for this. Oh well... to him, what'd it matter, this was fun. kill and wreck shit, and then maybe him and this woman could go do another job.

    "So, now that I've got your attention. Who are you really? cause theres no way this job suits you" the youth smoke, smiling a bit, revealing his sharpened demonic like teeth as his crimson gaze set upon her eyes.

    words: 367/150
    ooc: starting to realize... I'm guessing our posts both add up. I thought it was 10 for each of us. Seeing your posts tell me otherwise. lol disregard that I was counting posts at all.


    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job YdfXSKP

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
    Position : None
    Posts : 915
    Guild : ѕαναgє ѕкυℓℓ
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1549.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: кєи иσ тѕυкαιтє [剣の使い手] – ωιєℓ∂єя σf ѕωσя∂ѕ
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job Empty Re: Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job

    Post by Annora 24th August 2015, 9:59 am

    I feel lost

    The trick displayed by the midnight haired man was found to be impressive by Annora. Very rarely had she met people with the ability to enjoy the pleasures received in causing bloodshed; people like herself. The smile that played on his lips showed that he indeed enjoyed the sight of blood spilling onto the once spotless carpet and the crimson liquid staining the beige walls.

    She looked away from his as her ears perked up at a sound so small that it could only be caused by one creature; the pesky mouse. But her attention was diverted back to the man as he asked her a question. She debated for a while, a little surprised that someone wanted to know who she was.

    The raven haired woman was never one who gave out her identity; she liked to remain mysterious. For her, mystery was an alluring concept which interested her so much, that she too would like to become a mystery. Her crimson eyes gazed him in the eye, "Why do you want to know?"

    175/150 | @Raiza | 9/10
    inside myself.

    Note: Sorry for the late and short post. @ - @


    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ YOᑌ ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ TᕼE OᑎE YOᑌ ᔕEE,
    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ I ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ IᑎᔕIᗪE Oᖴ ᗰE.

    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job EhHiEpZ

    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job QUzgcgK
    ᗩᑎᑎOᖇᗩ ᗪᗩᒪTOᑎ ᗯIEᒪᗪEᖇ Oᖴ ᔕᗯOᖇᗪᔕ ᗷᗩᑎK  TᕼEᗰE

    The Red Player

    The Red Player

    Moderator- Developer/GFX Artist- Knight VIP Status- Regular VIP Status- VIP- Gain An Artifact- Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- 11 Sinner- Coming Storms- Dark Guild Ace- A-Rank- Richie Rich- Rich- Veteran Level 2- Veteran Level 1- Character History!- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Master [1000]- Senior [500]- Novice [250]- Player 
    Lineage : Descendant of the First Reaper
    Position : Sinner #5: Wrath
    Posts : 1116
    Guild : Savage Skull
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 225,322.5

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: The Reckoning
    Second Skill: Death's Game
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    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job Empty Re: Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job

    Post by Raiza 24th August 2015, 10:17 am

    At first, Raiza didn't even know if this woman wanted to ever respond, the silence grew longer than expected before he pivoted his body the moment he heard another squeak from the damn rodents within the house. Seriously, how many were there, and why were they flocking towards their dead kin? Odd, but Raiza had more pressing thoughts, like... why was he enjoying this so much? Perhaps his lineage pulled towards him to enjoy it. Though he wasn't true evil, he had his pride sure, he also liked power, but who didn't? Right...?

    Once hearing the woman's cold response, Raiza understood. They were more like how he was going to end up soon, at least if he continued down this path. Right now he was just a stupid sellsword, dark and legal meant nothing as so long there was pay and his freedom.

    "idle chat...but I understand" he spoke, truly this meant he understood that the woman before him had no reason to reveal whom they were. Why would someone whom what Raiza began to guess was not from a legal guild, so they were like him, nuetral or guildless... or perhaps from an illegal? Discarding that thought, as if she was...he'd no doubt be attacked by now, though then again why did he even care to ask in the first place? Perhaps hes just not used to others that dont shun away from him because of his looks.

    That was when the sounds of chit chatting could be heard not too far from the house. 'home already? damn...' he thought to himself, impaling a mouse with his sword as he caught it crossing by his path.

    "I've given up caring about this job. We wont be paid anyways, so they'll enter the house any second now, I'll follow your lead, since they're going to enter soon"


    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job YdfXSKP

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
    Lineage : Silver Chaotica
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    Posts : 915
    Guild : ѕαναgє ѕкυℓℓ
    Cosmic Coins : 0
    Dungeon Tokens : 0
    Experience : 1549.75

    Character Sheet
    First Skill: кєи иσ тѕυкαιтє [剣の使い手] – ωιєℓ∂єя σf ѕωσя∂ѕ
    Second Skill:
    Third Skill:

    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job Empty Re: Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job

    Post by Annora 24th August 2015, 10:41 am

    I feel lost

    She observed the sentences of the man as he called it 'idle chat'. She diverted her gaze back to the area where she had thought she heard a rodent. Much to her dismay, the man before her got the last kill as sounds of footsteps echoed through the wooden door of the house.

    She nodded as the man spoke, knowing what he meant. She sheathed the crimson blade as her eyes gazed over the chaos they had created. The couch was left laying on the ground with stuffing escaping its smooth layered surface. The wall has a few scars and a stab wound, courtesy of Raiza. The brown carpet was beautified with the crimson of blood and the long scars caused by blade. A ghost of a smirk played on her lips as the broken door that just covered the entry way was carefully put aside from the other side. Her eyes gazed at the horror evident on the couple's face. They looked around in terror at the sight of their own house which seemed to have had a renovation.

    She looked at the couple, "Like what you see?" A smirk played on her lips as she gazed upon the fuming couple, "Get out of my house!" the man shouted, a rather big mistake on his part. Her smirk fell as she looked him in the eye, slowly unsheathing the sword once again, 'I'd watch my tone if I were you, and I can't have you both rat me out to anyone." She slowly and tauntingly took a step forward towards the man who looked at her in horror and struggled to say something.

    Without a word, and wanting to get this over with, she raised her sword and slashed towards the man's neck, piercing through his skin as blood pooled out, embroiding the already stained carpet beneath their feet. His lifeless body fell, "Sorry I couldn't play with you. I was short of time." She looked at Raiza and decided to feed his confusion, "Killing them is essential or they can report us to the magic council. It won't make a difference to you, but to an illegal mage like me, it does. I can't afford to have some pesky knights on my trail." She gazed upon the woman, "You're next."

    382/150 | @Raiza | 11/10
    inside myself.


    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ YOᑌ ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ TᕼE OᑎE YOᑌ ᔕEE,
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    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job Empty Re: Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job

    Post by Raiza 24th August 2015, 11:00 am

    Having never sheathed his blade as the dark cold aura surrounded his body, a trailed thought as he thought of transforming into the decedent form, but the instanity that came with it, meant he'd lust for continuing blood there after, so to restraint himself he'd flick his wrist, sending the blood on the blade to the side. The nod of his head towards her, just the entire demeaner of the atmosphere had changed.

    'get out of my house' The voice rang out as Raiza stood by the side lines, watching the couple. He knew what was next just by Annora having unsheathed her blade. 'Murder' the word echo'd in his head, but this was nothing right? This was what he was destined to do right? Its a game... right? Though he knew the answer to the last one. There was a reason his memory was foggy, why he couldn't remember anything prior to his 16th year upon that date, upon the night of the tavern he talked to some shady figure telling him all was real, but play it like a game. He knew he didn't belong in this universe, yet...no he did. The lack of him even cringing at the sight of the man dropping limp to the floor. Raiza nodded, he already began to plan out various things.

    Not even a sigh, not even a bat of the eye after hearing Annora's words. "I told you I accepted this once before. Though I'm not an illegal mage 'yet' at least nor would I be considdered one due to evidence being destroyed. I guess I can be considdered more 'dark' now then" his voice trailed as he turned away towards the kitchen. "Make it quick, I'll set up" Various bangs could be heard as the gas line into the stove could be heard being ripped apart. A strange smell began to instantly fill the house, and fast.

    The sounds would stop as Raiza started to head back long after the words 'your next' had been spoken, Hopefully though Annora would be standing there with the woman dead by the time he came back.

    If the woman was killed by now, Raiza's gaze would turn to Annora.

    "So, you entrust me not to rat you out I hope? If you want, I'll give you the running start before this place is detonated to destroy the bodies or our 'magic traces'. It'd allow no evidence of our existence to be here but the explosion will alert everyone so someone illegal as you should high tail it out of here. I'm still legal in the magic counsel's eyes since i've never done anything good or bad yet. They'd see me as an 'observer' if they even caught me. That or we can run together if you'd like? Kill off any supposed witnesses"

    Finally sheathing his beaten up blade, one could tell he almost broke it trying to break the gas line and after he did, he began to scan the room. Beige walls typically meant smokers, and ahah! a lighter!. Perfect! Thats just what he needed.



    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job YdfXSKP

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    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job Empty Re: Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job

    Post by Annora 24th August 2015, 1:21 pm

    I feel lost

    A frown coated her features as she looked towards Raiza but ignored it, setting her blood lusted gaze on the woman present in the room. She stood close to the communication lacrima, an object which was used often in this generation for the purpose of communication, "I wouldn't do that if I were you." The woman's eyes widened as she slowly stepped back as Annora took another step forward. She raised the blade, "This is goodbye." And with one sideways slash, she watched as the tilted cut on her body became the door to the crimson liquid as it seeped out. With a loud 'thud', the dead woman fell.

    Annora's eyes darted back towards Raiza as she stared at the man, "Don't burn the house down. Burning it will bring immediate attention and I don't think that's a good idea." A small smirk played onto her lips, "And I think we should leave them a small surprise." Her faze darted back to the blood coated dead bodies.

    She slashed the sword, letting he blood fly off the blade before sheathing it again. Her feet guided her towards the broken door, "Are you coming or not?"

    195/150 | @Raiza | 13/10
    inside myself.


    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ YOᑌ ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ TᕼE OᑎE YOᑌ ᔕEE,
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    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job EhHiEpZ

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    The Red Player

    The Red Player

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    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job Empty Re: Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job

    Post by Raiza 24th August 2015, 1:36 pm

    making a sighing sound as he was told not to burn the house down. Obviously... that was the kind of point of them getting the hell out of there before he did it. Though various thoughts raced through his mind before nodding his head. The youth looked around the house before a gentle sigh once again escaped his lips. "booby trap it is then..." he chuckled, looking around for some way or some how to even do this. Damn... not like he exactly had a lot of options here but then he thought of something.

    "no witnesses, remember?" he spoke to his new partner, finding a mousetrap, obviously those were easy to locate in this house given the number of mice the two of them just dealt with. The next part was rigging a flint and steel kind of mechanic using the lighter's flint and a few other odds and ends. "okay, when this is tripped, many sparks will go off, the house will be flooded with gas by then so... Lets get the fuck outta here" , he chuckled, placing the trap with cheese near the body. The moment the body was moved or a mouse came near, which should be within the next hour at the most, the trap would spring, and thus... boom goes the house.

    Ushering himself out the door as he noded to his new partner "They'll get a surprise all right..." he smirked "One that'll take out that entire mouse problem, and foot prints, hand prints, oders... everything, we'll have been invisible."

    Though this was no doubt far from the last deed he'd be doing for sure. Though now he simply trailed behind the woman, pulling his robe up, but keeping his hood down for the most part, simply keeping his blade sheathed and a nice quick pace to prevent anyone to get any suspicion they would be moving away. Close eyes observed to make sure no one saw them leave the house.



    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job YdfXSKP

    Quality Badge Level 1- Quality Badge Level 2- Quality Badge Level 3- Magic Application Approved!- Character Application Approved!- Complete Your First Job!- Obtain A Lineage!- Join A Faction!- Player 
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    Character Sheet
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    Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job Empty Re: Mice vs Mage l Annora & Raiza l Job

    Post by Annora 24th August 2015, 2:05 pm

    I feel lost

    Her eyes stared ahead as she observed the presence move behind her. Coming out of that house, the female saw people going about with their normal lives; not knowing the horrors that took place inside the house. Before exiting, she heard the man's plan and didn't care what happened to the house as long as she got away. The last thing she needed or wanted was some pathetic rune knights on her trail.

    Walking in the middle of the crowd, no one noticed the sheathed sword that remained tied to her hip. The dirt black boots clicked as they rested onto the rough surface of the ground and lifted once again, to continue her movement. Her ears perked up at the sound of a 'click' which she was able to hear because of her rare species.

    The loud explosion followed but not once did she look back to see what had happened, she just walked at the same pace while people around screamed and ran.

    195/150 | @Raiza | 13/10
    inside myself.


    TᕼE ᗰOᑎᔕTEᖇ YOᑌ ᖇᑌᑎ ᖴᖇOᗰ Iᔕ TᕼE OᑎE YOᑌ ᔕEE,
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